Agyekum Multilevel
Agyekum Multilevel
Agyekum Multilevel
Background: Unmet need for contraception is highest in low-and middle-income countries. In Papua New Guinea,
about 26% of married women and 65% of unmarried sexually active women have an unmet need for contraception.
This study investigated the prevalence and correlates of unmet need for contraception among women in Papua New
Methods: Data for the study were extracted from the most recent 2016–18 Papua New Guinea Demographic and
Health Survey. We included 7950 women with complete data on all variables of interest. Multilevel logistic regression
analysis was conducted to examine the factors associated with unmet needs for contraception using four models.
Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to present the results of the regression
Results: We found that the overall unmet need for contraception was 32.2%. The odds of unmet needs for contra‑
ception was higher among cohabiting women [AOR = 1.25, 95% CI = 1.01, 1.56], women with 1–3 births [AOR = 1.57,
95% CI = 1.18, 2.08], and women with 4 or more births [AOR = 1.06, 95% CI = 1.13, 2.27]. Likewise, a higher probability
of unmet need was found among women whose partners decided on their healthcare as compared to those who
decided on their own healthcare [AOR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.066, 1.71]. With regards to wealth, the likelihood of unmet
contraceptive need decreased with an increase in wealth status. With region, it was found that women in the Mamose
region had greater likelihood of unmet contraceptive need compared to those in Southern region [AOR = 1.33, 95%
CI = 1.09, 1.63].
Conclusion: Our study contributes to the discussion on unmet need for contraception in the context of Papua New
Guinea. We found the overall prevalence of unmet need for contraception to be relatively high among women in
Papua New Guinea. Public health interventions aimed at addressing women’s contraception needs should be encour‑
aged so that women can make informed decisions about contraceptive use. These interventions should be imple‑
mented taking into consideration significant socio-demographic characteristics of women as identified in this study.
Keywords: Unmet need, Contraception, Prevalence, Maternal health, Papua New Guinea
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Population and Health, University of Cape Coast, Cape
Coast, Ghana
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Agyekum et al. Reproductive Health (2022) 19:113 Page 2 of 11
by 2030. In an attempt to recommend measures to policy 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49), educational level (no edu-
creators, this study seeks to investigate the prevalence cation, primary, secondary, higher), marital status (mar-
and correlates of unmet need for contraception among ried, cohabiting), current working status (yes, no), parity
women in PNG. (0, 1–3, 4 or more), frequency of watching television (not
at all, less than once a week, at least once a week), fre-
Methods quency of listening to radio (not at all, less than once a
Data source and study design week, at least once a week), frequency of reading news-
This study involved a secondary analysis of the 2016–18 paper or magazine (not at all, less than once a week, at
PNG DHS which was collected using a cross-sectional least once a week), heard of family planning from news-
study design. PNG DHS collects data from respondents paper or magazine in the last few months (yes, no), heard
on health and social indicators including contraceptive of family planning from radio in the last few months (yes,
use. The data was collected using a structured question- no), heard of family planning from television in the last
naire. PNG DHS employed a two-stage cluster sampling few months (yes, no), and person who usually decides
technique to recruit the respondents for the survey. on respondent’s health care (respondent alone, respond-
The first stage entailed the selection of 800 census units ent and partner, partner alone, someone else or other).
(CUs). This was accomplished by using a probability pro- DHS calculated the wealth index based on the ownership
portional to the size of the CU. The second stage involved of family assets, such as access to drinking water, kind
selecting 24 households from each cluster using random of toilet, type of cooking fuel, and possession of a televi-
sampling, resulting in a total of 19,200 households. The sion and refrigerator. A principal component analysis was
detailed study methodology can be found at https:// adopted for the creation of the wealth index. Based on ations/public ation-f r364-dhs- this, wealth index was divided into five categories based
final-reports.cfm. In this study, a total of 7950 women of on individual rankings: poorest, poorer, middle, richer,
reproductive age (15-49) with complete cases on varia- and richest. Sex of household head (male, female), place
bles of interest were included in the study. The PNG DHS of residence (urban, rural), and region (Southern, High-
dataset can be freely accessed at https://dhsprogram. lands, Momase, Islands) were the household/ community
com/data/dataset_admin/index.cfm. level variables used in the study.
presented using adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with their whereas women in the Southern region recorded the
respective 95% confidence intervals. We used Akaike’s lowest (28.3%). Finally, all the explanatory variables con-
Information Criterion (AIC) to analyze model fitness sidered in the analysis were significantly related with
and model comparability.The women’s sample weights unmet contraceptive need with the exception of age, cur-
(v005/1,000,000) were utilized to achieve unbiased esti- rent working status, parity, and sex of household head
mates. The Stata survey command ’svy’ was used to cor- (see Table 1).
rect for the data’s complex sampling structure in the Model III of Table 2 summarizes the multilevel analy-
chi-square and regression analyses as recommended by sis of factors associated with unmet need for contracep-
the DHS. tion among women in PNG. The analysis reveals higher
likelihood of unmet contraceptive need among cohabit-
ing women compared to those married [AOR = 1.25,
Ethical consideration 95% CI = 1.01, 1.56]. In terms of parity, women with 1–3
Ethical approval was not sought for this study since births [AOR = 1.57, 95% CI = 1.18, 2.08] and women
publicly available data was used. However, the 2016–18 with 4 or more births [AOR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.13, 2.27]
PNG DHS stated that the ICF Institutional Review Board showed greater probability of unmet contraceptive need
granted ethical clearance. Written informed consent was relative to women without births. A higher probability
obtained during data collection. In this study, we com- of unmet need was found among women whose part-
plied with the guidelines concerning the use of second- ners decided on their healthcare as compared to those
ary data for publication. Further information about the who decided on their own healthcare [AOR = 1.35, 95%
data and ethical standards can be assessed at http://goo. CI = 1.06, 1.71]. The likelihood of unmet contraceptive
gl/ny8T6X. need decreased with an increase in wealth status. Par-
ticularly, women in the richest wealth quintile had the
Results lowest unmet contraceptive need relative to those in
Socio‑demographic characteristics and prevalence
the poorest wealth quintile [AOR = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.43,
of unmet need for contraception
0.80]. With region, it was discovered that women in the
Table 1 provides the results of the distribution of unmet Mamose region had greater likelihood of unmet con-
need for contraception among women in PNG by the traceptive need compared to those in the Southern
explanatory variables. The overall prevalence of unmet region [AOR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.09, 1.63].
needs for contraception was 32.2%. A high prevalence
of unmet need for contraception (38.0%) was found Discussion
among women with no education. Unmet contraceptive The present study sought to examine the prevalence
need was prevalent among cohabiting women (37.9%). and factors associated with unmet need for contracep-
In terms of mass media, women who did not watch tel- tion among women in PNG. We found that the overall
evision at all (34.3%), those who did not listen to radio unmet need for contraception was 32.2%. The prevalence
at all (35.5%), and those who failed to read newspaper or observed in the present study is consistent with prior
magazine at all (34.9%) had higher proportion of unmet research in Burundi [20], Cameroon [21], Ghana [22]
contraceptive need. It was also revealed that women who and PNG [10]. However, the result is higher than what
did not hear of family planning from newspaper or maga- was found in several previous studies including 11.5%
zine in the last few months (33.1%), those who did not in Mexico [23], 16.2% in Ethiopia [24], 18% in Northern
hear of family planning from radio in the last few months Nigeria [25], 12.7% in Egypt [26] and 17% in Indonesia
(33.2%), and those who did not hear of planning from tel- [27].The significant prevalence of unmet contraceptive
evision in the last few months (32.8%) recorded higher needs in the current study relative to earlier studies could
prevalence of unmet contraceptive need. High propor- be attributed to the varied target group and sample size
tion of unmet need was also found among persons who in this and prior studies as well as socio-cultural norms
usually decided on respondent partner’s healthcare alone and gender inequity which prevent women in PNG from
(39.0%). With wealth index, the highest prevalence of accessing contraceptives [10, 28].
unmet contraceptive need was observed among women The study revealed that cohabiting women exhibited
in the poorest wealth quintile (41.3%), whereas the low- a higher likelihood of unmet contraceptive needs com-
est was observed among those in the richest wealth quin- pared to married women. This finding corroborates prior
tile (24.4%). High prevalence of unmet need was also studies in Nigeria [29], Mexico [23] and sub-Saharan
found among rural women (33.2%). In terms of place of Africa [17] where cohabiting women were more likely
residence, women in the Mamose region recorded the to have unmet contraceptive need than married women.
highest proportion of unmet contraceptive need (35.5%) One possible reason for higher odds among cohabiting
Agyekum et al. Reproductive Health (2022) 19:113 Page 5 of 11
Table 1 (continued)
Variable Weighted N Weighted % Unmet needs for contraception
No (%) 67.8% Yes (%) 32.2% P-value
women could be due to objection from partners [26, 30]. of children upsurges, peoples’ craving to have more chil-
Additionally, it could be that in most countries includ- dren decreases [41].
ing PNG, the need for childbearing is restricted during The present study found women whose partners
cohabitation relative to wedlock because of socio-cul- usually decided on their healthcare to be significantly
tural values about childbearing outside of marriage [31, associated with unmet need for contraception. That
32]. However, this finding contrast those of Klinzing [33] is, women whose partners had an ultimate decision on
in Hungary, who reported that married women had a their healthcare showed a greater probability of unmet
greater likelihood of unmet contraceptive need. contraceptive need compared to those who decided on
In this study, high unmet contraceptive need was real- their own healthcare. This finding is comparable with
ized among women with 1–3 children and those with other studies in Burundi [20] and Ghana [42] which
four or more children compared with women with- revealed that partners decisions towards their wives’
out children. Thus, the study found a positive associa- reproductive health such as denial of contraceptive
tion between parity and unmet need for contraception. use due to desire for children augmented the likeli-
This result is in line with prior studies conducted in hood of unmet contraceptive need for them. Partners
low-and middle-income countries [34], sub-Saharan are frequently wary of approving any contraceptive use
Africa [17], Nigeria [25], and Pakistan [7] which indi- for fear of losing their position as family heads and/or
cated that as the number of kids for a woman increase, implicitly pushing their women to be disloyal or pro-
so does her unmet contraceptive need. This could be miscuous [36]. In sub-Saharan Africa, men are usu-
attributed to strong patriarchal mores, a higher priority ally the ones who make decisions about their wives’
placed on male children than female children, and mostly healthcare due to sociocultural norms and a lack of
rural systems assuring economic or social stability cen- economic independence among women [21]. Males
tered on huge family sizes that demand women to bear should, therefore, be included in all phases of the sexual
numerous children [35, 36]. Prior studies conducted in and reproductive health program (SRHP) so that they
Burkina Faso [37, 38], Egypt [26], Ethiopia [18], Zambia may be educated to back their women in utilizing con-
[39], and India [40], however, showed a negative relation- traceptives and foster inter-spousal fertility discourse
ship between parity and unmet need for contraception. [42]. This finding is however, contrary to other Ethio-
The reason for this could be that as the overall number pian studies [24, 43], which found that women who
made decisions on their own health with practitioners
Agyekum et al. Reproductive Health (2022) 19:113 Page 7 of 11
Table 2 Fixed and random effect analysis of factors associated with unmet needs for contraception
Variable Model O Model I Model II Model III
AOR [95% CI] AOR [95% CI] AOR [95% CI]
Table 2 (continued)
Variable Model O Model I Model II Model III
AOR [95% CI] AOR [95% CI] AOR [95% CI]
showed a reduced likelihood of unmet contraceptive contemporary contraceptives than those from poorer
need. It is worth noting that different women have vari- families because they could afford both the direct and
ous health concerns and reproductive health goals, so indirect costs of contraceptive use [7].
making contraceptive decision on their own was prefer- Furthermore, women in this group are more likely to
able as making an informed decision was good for con- be informed about contraceptive use [15]. However, the
tinued use of the contraceptive method of their choice results of this research are inconsistent with other studies
[24]. in Ethiopia [24, 46] where they discovered that affluent
The current study also found wealth status to be women had higher odds of unmet contraceptive needs.
inversely associated with an unmet need for contra- This indicates that having a high wealth index does not
ception. Women in the richest wealth quintile were assure that your contraception needs will be addressed.
discovered to have the lowest likelihood of unmet con- The current study discovered that geographic location
traceptive need compared to their counterparts in the has a statistically significant relationship with unmet con-
poorest wealth quintile. This indicates that the odds of traceptive needs. This finding showed that there were
unmet need reduced with augmented in wealth status. A variations among various regions of PNG for unmet
similar relationship was found in prior studies conducted contraceptive need. The Mamose region recorded the
in different parts of the globe including Libya [44], Nige- highest rate of unmet contraceptive needs, indicating
ria [45], Pakistan [7], Ethiopia [24], PNG [10] and sub- healthcare gaps in the delivery of critical family planning
Saharan Africa [16]. One possible reason is that women services in one of the country’s most populous areas.
from wealthy families have more accessible contact with Compared with women staying in the Southern region,
Agyekum et al. Reproductive Health (2022) 19:113 Page 9 of 11
those in the Mamose region were found to have greater stages. Currently, the WHO [50] indicates that PNG
risk of unmet contraceptive need. This could be due to UHC index on family planning and reproductive health
geographic barricades and a broadly dispersed popula- in general is very low. In addition, from the WHO SDG
tion, which impedes the smooth delivery of reproduc- performance score care for the Asia Pacific region, PNG
tive health services [10] in the region where women have has attained only 7% as far as the need for family plan-
habitually had the maximum fertility levels, but now have ning is concerned. This finding is also a wakeup call to
a bigger need to use contraception to delay childbear- the government to step up their game on reproductive
ing [23]. It may also be challenging to deliver contracep- health services provision in PNG [51, 52].
tive services to address the unmet contraceptive need
due to sensitivities regarding sexual and reproductive Conclusions
health, cultural obstacles, and religious beliefs [10]. It is The overall prevalence of unmet need for contraception
worth mentioning that unmet contraceptive needs vary was found to be high in this study. This emphasizes the
by location due to societal differences and differences in necessity for the country’s contraception programs to
geographic and economic access to reproductive health be redesigned. This study also found some critical fac-
services for women [46, 47]. tors associated with unmet contraceptive needs among
Papua New Guinean women. Marital status, parity, the
Strengths and limitations person who normally decides on a respondent’s health-
One of the study’s strengths is the utilization of a nation- care, wealth status, and region all showed significant
ally representative dataset to examine the factors asso- association with unmet contraceptive need. We believe
ciated with unmet contraception needs among women that public health interventions aimed at addressing
in PNG. Also, in cross sectional studies, the use of large women’s contraception needs should be encouraged to
sample size is relatively important and this has helped to make informed decisions about contraception use. Con-
strengthen the validity and generalizability of the study traceptive services should be prioritized for cohabiting
findings. Furthermore, the results obtained using scien- women, women in the poorest wealth quintile, women
tific study standards and appropriate techniques perfectly with multiple children, and women in the country’s poor-
agree with past research findings. This study would help est regions. Further studies could explore the association
PNG allocate contraceptive resources more effectively by between women’s autonomy, gender-based violence and
indicating contraceptive needs. However, women may their association with contraception use in PNG.
give socially acceptable responses and may find it difficult
to recall past experiences, resulting in recall bias in the Abbreviations
study. AOR: Adjusted odds ratio; AIC: Akaike’s information criterion; CI: Confidence
interval; PSU: Primary sampling unit; ICC: Intra-class correlation; SDG: Sustain‑
able development goal; DHS: Demographic and Health Survey; PNG: Papua
New Guinea; PNGDHS: Papua New Guinea Demographic and Health Survey.
Policy implications
The significant level of unmet need for contraception Author contributions
necessitates immediate program retorts and interces- AS and BOA conceptualized the study. RGA performed the analysis. AA, KSA,
RGA, AS, BOA and TS contributed to the draft. All authors read and approved
sions from the health division to improve contraceptive the final manuscript.
availability and use for every woman in PNG. According
to previous studies, well-organized contraceptive service Funding
programs reduce unmet contraceptive needs directly
and indirectly [48, 49]. The PNG government should Availability of data and materials
strengthen inclusion of family planning services and con-
ration and partnership between public health services Consent for publication
and faith-based health services should be fostered even No consent is needed to publish this study.
more in order to improve access to a variety of contem-
Competing interests
porary contraceptive techniques at a low cost [10]. The The authors declare no competing interests.
findings of this study could help the PNG government
track progress toward UHC at the national and regional
Agyekum et al. Reproductive Health (2022) 19:113 Page 10 of 11
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Faculty of Health, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia. tracept. 2019;10:89.
20. Nzokirishaka A, Itua I. Determinants of unmet need for family planning
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