Masters in Medical Science Fact Sheet 2022 2023

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Master’s in Medical Science


• Master of Medical Science with a major in: The overall course overview for the programme is:
Audiology, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Semester 1: Medical Science (7.5 credits), Evidence-based
Physiotherapy, Radiography, Speech and Language practice I (7.5 credits), Health and health promotion (7.5 cred-
Pathology or Reproductive, Perinatal and Sexual its), Qualitative research methodology (7.5 credits)
Health (Midwifery) Semester 2: Biostatistics (7.5 credits), Assessment and evalu-
• 2 years, full-time, 120 ECTS credits ation (7,5 credits), E-health and digital solutions (7,5 credits),
• Faculty of Medicine Elective course (7.5 credits)
• Lund Campus Semester 3: Evidence-based practice II (7.5 credits), Complex
• Application deadline: January 2022 interventions (7.5 credits), Leadership and innovation (7.5
• Programme start: August 2022 credits), Independent degree project (7.5 credits of 30)
Semester 4: Independent degree project (22.5 credits of 30),
PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Elective course (7.5 credits).
The Master’s Programme in Medical Science gives students
with a background in audiology, nursing, occupational therapy, CAREER PROSPECTS
physiotherapy, radiography, speech and language pathology You will be qualified to work independently and in leading
or reproductive, perinatal and sexual health (midwifery) the functions within research and development, both in a university
possibility to achieve a Master of Medical Science degree. context and in the public and private sectors. A completed Mas-
The programme is structured, with each course building ter’s programme can, if approved by a relevant authenticating
upon the previous one. Electives are available in the second body, be included as part of a PhD programme.
and fourth semester of the programme. All courses include
both classroom and online elements. The amount of class- ENTRY REQUIREMENTS AND HOW TO APPLY
room-based sessions varies from course to course ranging from
Entry requirements
a couple of sessions to weekly meetings. During your studies,
A Bachelor’s degree of 180 credits or equivalent within the
you will acquire the knowledge and skills required to work in a
fields of Audiology, Nursing, Occupational therapy, Physio-
global health care and research context, through student-cen-
therapy, Radiology nursing, Speech and language pathology or
tred teaching and learning activities in a research-intensive
Reproductive, perinatal and sexual health (midwifery). English
academic environment. All teachers are also active in research.
Level 6.


The courses in the programme provide a framework of theo- 1. Apply online:
ries and models specific for the course topic, from which the Go to Click on “Apply”
students can deepen their knowledge and skills related to their and follow the instructions for the online application at www.
own main field., the Swedish national application
website. Rank the chosen programmes in order of preference.

“My programme offered me a world of endless opportunities to

learn and develop physically, intellectually and socially.
My learning techniques and outcomes have greatly improved
after my interaction with intelligent coursemates from different
disciplines and professions all over the world. Evidence based
practice has become more meaningful and a way of life which
is worth choosing.”
Miriam Boateng Duah from Ghana
2. Submit your supporting documents: The Faculty encompasses 2 900 full-time undergraduate
• General supporting documents: Check what documents students enrolled in 8 degree programmes and stand-alone
you need to submit (i.e. official transcripts, degree diploma/ courses, as well as 1 000 postgraduate students and 2 000
proof of expected graduation, translations, proof of Eng- employees. Research spans across a broad area from basic
lish, passport) and how you need to submit them at www. experimental research to applied research, in order to answer questions related to clinical practice, the health sciences and
• Programme-specific supporting documents: When society.
applying for the MSc in Medical Science, you must also fill
in and submit your Medical Science Profile Portfolio with ABOUT LUND UNIVERSITY
your application. Instructions on how to fill in the Medical Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked
Science Portfolio and further information are available on among the world’s top 100 universities. The University has
the programme webpage. around 44 000 students and more than 8 000 staff based in
3. Pay the application fee (when applicable) Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts
to understand, explain and improve our world and the human
Selection criteria/additional info
The selection is based on academic qualifications and on the
Lund is considered one of the most popular study locations
Medical Science Profile Portfolio.
in Sweden. The University offers one of the broadest ranges of
programmes and courses in Scandinavia, based on cross-dis-
Tuition fees
ciplinary and cutting-edge research. The unique disciplinary
Tuition fee SEK 140 000 per year for non-EU/EEA citizens. See
range encourages boundary-crossing collaborations both with- for details on tuition fees.
in academia and with wider society, creating great conditions
for scientific breakthroughs and innovations. The University
has a distinct international profile, with partner universities in
The Faculty of Medicine is one of nine faculties at Lund Uni-
almost 70 countries.
versity and offers a wealth of research, postgraduate and ed-
Lund University has an annual turnover of more than EUR
ucational programmes in medicine, public health, biomedicine
880 million, of which two-thirds go to research in our nine
and health sciences, to name a few.
faculties, enabling us to offer one of the strongest and broadest
ranges of research in Scandinavia.

Programme webpage:
Lund University was founded in 1666 and is repeatedly ranked among the world’s
Programme Director:
top 100 universities. The University has around 44 000 students and more than
Agneta Malmgren Fänge 8 000 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. We are united in our efforts
agneta.malmgren_fange@ to understand, explain and improve our world and the human condition.
Learn more at
+46 (0)46 222 1972
Ask questions and follow news at
Admission and general ques-
[email protected]

Disclaimer: Changes may have been made since the printing of this fact sheet. Please see for any updates.

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