Patel Mehta 2013 Choice of Anti Hypertensive Agents in Diabetic Subjects
Patel Mehta 2013 Choice of Anti Hypertensive Agents in Diabetic Subjects
Patel Mehta 2013 Choice of Anti Hypertensive Agents in Diabetic Subjects
DVR10510.1177/1479164113485250Diabetes & Vascular Disease ResearchPatel and Mehta
Review Article
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research
Hypertension is an extremely common co-morbid condition in diabetes leading to acceleration in micro-vascular and
macro-vascular complications. The use of anti-hypertensives in diabetic patients should be considered in the context
of preventing the development of complications. Various factors contribute to the pathophysiology of diabetes in
hypertension. With the advancements in technology, the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms has
increased, and this can contribute in providing evidence for beneficial role of certain anti-hypertensives. Many clinical
trials have been carried out for use of diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers. The present review gives an overview of pathophysiological mechanisms of
hypertension and diabetes in addition to the details of clinical trials of anti-hypertensives in diabetic patients. This is an
attempt to provide some evidences for the clinicians, which may serve as a guide for use of anti-hypertensives in clinical
Anti-hypertensives, diabetes mellitus, pathophysiology, treatment algorithm
Diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension are two of the diabetes, reduction of diastolic BP to about 80 mmHg and
most common diseases, and the frequency of both diseases of systolic BP to about 130 mmHg is accompanied by a
increases with the advancing age.1 Hypertension is an further reduction in CV events or diabetes-related micro-
extremely common co-morbid condition in diabetes, affect- vascular complications, in comparison with patients with
ing approximately 20%–60% of patients with diabetes, less stringent BP control.10–14 Furthermore, in the UK
depending on obesity, ethnicity and age.2 Furthermore, the Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) epidemiological
usual finding in long-term survivors of diabetes is the study, each 10-mmHg reduction in mean systolic BP was
absence of hypertension.3 Hypertension leads to a two- to found to be associated with reductions in risk of 12% for
threefold increase in major cardiovascular (CV) events in any complication related to diabetes, 11% for myocardial
both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, hyper- infarction (MI) and 13% for micro-vascular complica-
tension may reflect the onset of diabetic nephropathy,4 tions.13 BP treatment versus placebo has been effective in
while in type 2 diabetes, hypertension is often present as a reducing complications of diabetes15,16 and has helped to
part of the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance, define the optimal level of BP control.11,13,17 An aggressive
including central obesity and dyslipidaemia.5 Hypertensive approach to the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in
diabetic patients are at increased risk of diabetes-specific patients with diabetes is required in order to substantially
complication including retinopathy and nephropathy.6 reduce the incidence of both macro-vascular and micro-
Despite the benefit of blood pressure (BP) lowering and vascular complications. The objective of the current review
glycaemic control, rates of detection and control of the con- is to give a brief account of the pathophysiological
ditions have been suboptimal. Since both DM and hyper-
tension are important risk factors for cardiovascular 1Department of Pharmacology, L. M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad,
diseases (CVDs),7,8 management of hypertension and DM Gujarat, India
is therefore essential for the reduction of CV events and 2Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University,
mechanisms underlying hypertension and diabetes and to In diabetic–hypertensive individuals, premature athero-
familiarize the readers with the choice of anti-hypertensives sclerosis probably contributes to premature ageing
in diabetic patients with reference to clinical trials being changes of the vasculature,28,29 which plays a key role in
carried out for the same. This is an attempt to provide some the relatively high prevalence of isolated systolic hyper-
evidences for the clinicians, which may serve as a guide for tension and decreased baroreceptor sensitivity in young
use of anti-hypertensives in clinical practice. diabetic individuals.30 The decreased baroreceptor sensi-
tivity is followed by the development of clinical neuro-
logical disease in young diabetic pateints.30 Decreased
Prevalence baroreceptor reflex sensitivity as well as altered cardiac
Approximately 50% of people with diabetes are hyperten- innervation may partially explain the marked variability
sive, and 35%–75% of complications of diabetes are of BP.28,30,31 These latter characteristics suggest prema-
thought to be due to hypertension.18,19 When hypertension ture ageing of the CV system in diabetic individuals with
coexists with diabetes, the risk of CVDs is increased by coexistent hypertension.27 In addition to premature vas-
75%, which further contributes to the overall morbidity cular ageing and its effect on vascular rigidity and resist-
and mortality of an already high-risk population.9,20 ance, other factors contribute to the pathophysiology of
Extensive epidemiological evidence indicates that dia- hypertension in diabetes (Figure 1). Moreover, sodium
betic individuals with hypertension have greatly increased retention, hyperglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia (Figure 2),
risks of CVD, renal insufficiency and diabetic retinopa- enhanced vascular smooth muscle contractility and
thy.6,21 In both the type 1 diabetic and non-diabetic popu- renin–angiotensin system are major pathological mecha-
lations, hypertension is underdiagnosed,22 and the timing nisms responsible for hypertension in diabetic patients
and presentation of hypertension differs between type 1 (Table 1).
and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, hypertension
develops after several years of the disease and usually
reflects the development of diabetic nephropathy ulti- Choice of anti-hypertensives
mately affecting ~30% of individuals with type 1 diabe- At the doses available for clinical use, most anti-hyperten-
tes.4,23 In type 2 diabetes, hypertension may be present at sives will produce a reduction in systolic or diastolic BP of
the time of diagnosis or even before the development of 5%–10% in patients with mild or moderate hypertension.2
hyperglycaemia.24 Approximately 20%–60% of patients Most patients require more than one agent to control BP.
with type 2 diabetes will develop hypertension, depending Several factors are important in selecting anti-hypertensive
on age, ethnicity and obesity. In some ethnic groups, dia- agents for use in hypertensive patients with diabetes.
betic nephropathy may be the primary determinant of
hypertension in type 2 diabetes. This has been documented
in Pima Indians.25 About 25%–47% of persons with Diuretics
hypertension have insulin resistance or impaired glucose
Thiazide diuretics
tolerance.26 Several confounding factors, present in type 2
diabetes, make the assessment of the prevalence of hyper- Thiazide diuretics are the first choice of agents in non-
tension attributable to diabetes difficult. Type 2 diabetic diabetic patients, but there has been a tendency to avoid
patients are older and have a greater degree of adiposity their use in patients with diabetes due to concerns over
than non-diabetic patients. The clustering of hyperten- adverse metabolic effects, despite evidence that these are
sion, glucose intolerance or frank type 2 diabetes, hyper- minimal when lower dose agents are used.32 Diuretics
lipidaemia, central obesity and insulin resistance has been reduce total body sodium through their natriuretic action
documented in several populations.5 Thus, increased BP and have also been shown to have vasodilatory effects.33
in these individuals may represent the ageing or obesity of Evidence from retrospective studies suggests increased
the population. However, after adjusting for age and CV mortality in diabetic patients receiving diuretics.34,35
weight, the prevalence of hypertension is still 1.5 times These studies were not randomized, and significant base-
higher in diabetic groups.24 The relationship between dia- line differences between patients receiving diuretics and
betic neuropathy and arterial hypertension is less clear. the patients not receiving them may have existed. In addi-
However, some epidemiological studies suggest that tion, these studies were based on data collected in the
hypertension may also be a contributory factor for this 1970s when high-dose diuretic treatment was the norm.2
condition.6 High-dose diuretics have detrimental effects on serum glu-
cose and HbA1c levels as well as on triglyceride and cho-
lesterol.19 However, low-dose diuretics are now more
Pathophysiology commonly prescribed and rarely cause clinically signifi-
Hypertension in diabetic individuals has certain charac- cant problems. Trials based on thiazide therapy, such as
teristics similar to hypertension in the elderly persons.27 Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program (SHEP),
Patel and Mehta 387
have shown a substantial benefit in hypertensive patients captopril-treated group and no difference in the primary
with diabetes.36 The Captopril Prevention Project (CAPPP) end point of combined MI, stroke and death from CV
trial showed a lower incidence of stroke in the convention- causes.37 The results of Antihypertensive and Lipid-
ally treated group (diuretics and beta blockers) than in the Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial
388 Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 10(5)
Mechanisms Effect
Sodium retention Increased plasma volume
Enhanced vascular smooth muscle contractility Exaggerated vasoconstrictor responses
Altered vascular smooth muscle cation transport
Increased vascular free intracellular calcium
Renin–angiotensin system Increased plasma inactive renin levels
Altered plasma renin activity
Hyperglycaemia Increased vascular rigidity
Direct toxic effect of glucose on endothelial cells
Hyperinsulinaemia Sodium reabsorption and retention
Attenuation of vascular smooth muscle calcium influx
Additionally, ACE inhibitors are not thought to affect glu- were also seen in the treatment group. BP was 12/5 mmHg
cose or lipid levels adversely. Although there are data dem- lower in the combination group and 5/3 mmHg lower in the
onstrating the efficacy of ACE inhibitors in lowering BP, perindopril group. This suggests that the effect seen may
there are as yet few data showing a reduction in CV mortal- have been attributable to BP-lowering rather than a specific
ity. Most of the available data are from the Heart Outcomes effect of the agent or class; however, it does provide hard
Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) study.64 This trial recruited outcome data for ACE inhibition in this context.
9541 patients aged over 55 years with a history of coronary
artery disease or diabetes and one or more other CV risk
factors. It examined ramipril against placebo with a com- Angiotensin receptor blockers
posite primary end point of MI, stroke and death from CV Fewer side effects is the major benefit of angiotensin
causes. In those randomized to ramipril, the incidence of receptor blockers (ARBs). With the exception of the
MI was reduced by 20%, stroke by 32% and death from CV Losartan Intervention for Endpoint reduction in hyperten-
causes by 26%. This was achieved with a mean BP reduc- sion (LIFE) study, scant CV morbidity and mortality data
tion of 3/2 mmHg in a population that was mainly normo- are available.70 This was a double-masked, randomized,
tensive. Importantly, in this context, 3577 of the patients in parallel-group trial comparing losartan and atenolol in
the HOPE study had diabetes. This subgroup was deliber- patients with hypertension and LVH, which showed a
ately recruited with the intention of having a cohort large 25% reduction in stroke, but not in MI, with losartan. A
enough to look at CV outcomes as well as the progression of difference in the rate of development of diabetes was also
diabetes. The results in the subgroup with diabetes were seen between the groups (four additional cases with aten-
similar to those in the overall study. The benefits observed olol per 1000 patient years). A pre-specified diabetes sub-
in association with active treatment in HOPE were calcu- group analysis was published at the same time.71 A total of
lated by the investigators to be around 3 times greater than 1195 patients with diabetes (both types 1 and 2) were ran-
those predicted from BP-related risk estimates (from the domized to receive atenolol or losartan and followed up
placebo group of HOPE and other studies). Therefore, they for a mean of 4.7 years. Additional therapy with hydro-
hypothesized that ACE inhibition confers benefits beyond chlorothiazide was added to achieve BPs of 146/79 (losar-
BP-lowering.65 However, a subsequent substudy, which tan) and 148/79 (atenolol). At the end of the trial, more
measured 24-h ambulatory BP, suggested that BP-lowering than 60% of participants were taking more than just the
was indeed the mechanism of end point reduction in patients study medication. The primary end point was a composite
randomized to ramipril. There were large differences in BP of CV mortality, stroke and MI and occurred in 103 (18%)
between patients taking placebo and those taking ramipril patients allocated to losartan and in 139 (23%) allocated
(especially at nighttime) compared to the small differences to atenolol, giving an adjusted hazard ratio of 0.76, p =
in office BP readings reported in the main study. Thus, 0.031. Confidence intervals were wide, and MI and stroke
BP-lowering may explain the benefits seen with rami- as individual end points were not significantly reduced,
pril.66,67 The UKPDS–Hypertension in Diabetic Study although there were significant reductions in CV (losartan
(UKPDS-HDS) showed similar beneficial effects of the 6%, atenolol 10%) and total mortality (losartan 11%, ate-
ACE inhibitor captopril and the β-blocker atenolol on diabe- nolol 17%). In the absence of other morbidity and mortal-
tes-related mortality and micro-vascular and CV complica- ity data from the ARB class, it is difficult to draw definitive
tions in patients with type 2 diabetes.13,66 Similarly, the conclusions from this trial, but it seems that losartan has
CAPPP trial compared captopril to conventional anti-hyper- advantages over atenolol for some patients at least. In the
tensive agents (diuretics and beta blockers) in 11,018 Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in
patients with hypertension of whom 572 also had diabetes. Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) study, which involved
The results showed no significant difference in the primary patients who had symptomatic heart failure and had been
end point of combined MI and stroke (whether fatal or not) hospitalized in the previous 6 months, candesartan, when
and other CV deaths.37 In the diabetic subgroup, fewer added to existing therapy with any ACE inhibitor used at
patients randomized to captopril reached the primary end variable doses (with less than half the patients receiving
point than those randomized to conventional therapy (rela- full doses), was superior to placebo in reducing death or
tive risk: 0.59, p = 0.018).68 Further information on the hospitalization for heart failure.72 Another study on
effects of ACE inhibition in stroke disease comes from the Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial (VALIANT)
PROGRESS (perindopril protection against recurrent established the non-inferiority of valsartan, as compared
stroke) study which examined perindopril-based treatment with captopril, in patients with left ventricular (LV) dys-
in hypertensive and normotensive patients with a history of function or heart failure after MI since the combination of
stroke disease.69 A significant reduction in recurrent stroke a full dose of captopril plus valsartan did not significantly
was seen in patients given a combination of indapamide and reduce the occurrence of the primary outcome.73
perindopril, although interestingly not in those on perindo- Telmisartan was equivalent to ramipril in patients with
pril alone. Benefits in terms of mortality and CV events vascular disease or high-risk diabetes and was associated
Patel and Mehta 391
with less angioedema.74 Telmisartan was well tolerated in LV remodelling in patients with essential hypertension,
patients unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors and modestly and the addition of spironolactone during candesartan
reduced the risk of the composite outcome of CV death, treatment is clinically efficacious in reducing the LVH,
MI or stroke.75 A meta-analysis of randomized controlled which has been already developed.83 Furthermore, Naruse
trials indicates that telmisartan provides a superior BP et al.84 have reported that endothelin-1 messenger RNA
control over ACE inhibitors (enalapril, ramipril and perin- (mRNA) expression increases after a longer period of
dopril) and has fewer drug-related adverse events and bet- candesartan administration in spontaneously hypertensive
ter tolerability in hypertensive patients.76 stroke prone rats but was decreased by co-administration
of spironolactone. Exploring further, the combination
therapy for long-term studies may be beneficial for hyper-
Combination therapy tensive diabetic patients.
Low-dose combination therapy may resolve some of the
dilemmas in hypertensive patients with diabetes, although
Newer agents
it is not without its problems. In UKPDS, after 9 years of
follow-up, 29% of patients in the ‘tight BP control’ group Aliskiren is an orally active renin inhibitor, which became
needed three or more therapies to meet target BP.13 In the first drug in its class to receive regulatory approval for
clinical practice, most hypertensive patients with diabetes the treatment of hypertension. Aliskiren inhibits the first
will not have their BP controlled on one therapy alone, rate-limiting step in the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
rendering the argument over the best single agent less rel- system (RAAS) cascade, the conversion of angiotensino-
evant. There has been some examination of the most gen to angiotensin I and thereby reducing synthesis of all
effective therapeutic combinations. Low-dose diuretics subsequent components of the cascade.85 Aliskiren Trial
are noted to augment the anti-hypertensive effects of other in Type 2 Diabetes Using Cardio-Renal Endpoints
major classes and therefore work well in combinations.77 (ALTITUDE), an international, randomized, double-
They may have a particular role in combination with drugs blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial, was initi-
that block the renin–angiotensin system. CCBs and ACE ated to determine the effect of aliskiren on CV and renal
inhibitors in combination may be beneficial as they have morbidity and mortality compared with placebo when
different mechanisms of decreasing BP and have been added to conventional treatment (including ACE inhibitor
shown to be effective together. In a small study, dual or ARB) in three categories of high-risk patients with type
blockade of the renin–angiotensin system using candesar- 2 diabetes. Initially, they aimed to randomize 8600
tan and lisinopril [the Candesartan and Lisinopril patients with a planned follow-up time of 48 months.86
Microalbuminuria (CALM) study] found that the combi- However, ALTITUDE trial was stopped prematurely in
nation of both agents reduced BP and urinary albumin lev- December 2011 on recommendation of the data monitor-
els to a greater extent than either medication alone.78 In ing committee after it found an increased occurrence of
general, combination therapy may help to improve com- side effects, and continuation of the study was deemed
pliance, as one drug may antagonize the adverse effects of ‘futile’. Patients in the aliskiren group experienced sig-
another.79 Fixed-dose combinations of many drugs are nificantly increased serum potassium of ≥6 mmol/L and
available and may be appropriate when the patient requires reported hypotension.87 It was further reported that the
more than one drug, the dosages in the product are appro- addition of aliskiren to standard therapy with renin–angi-
priate for the patient, and the costs are not greatly otensin system blockade in patients with type 2 diabetes
increased. A morbidity–mortality double-blind trial, who are at high risk for CV and renal events is not sup-
ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular disease: ported by these data and may even be harmful.88
PreterAx and DiamicroN MR Controlled Evaluation) Alagebrium (4,5-dimethylthiazolium) is a novel breaker
study in normotensive or hypertensive patients with type of cross-links in advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
2 diabetes, used a fixed-dose combination tablet contain- and has been studied mainly for its chronic effects on
ing perindopril and indapamide. Significant reductions in AGEs.89 A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group trial
the relative risk of death from CVD, total coronary events of assessment of safety and efficacy was initiated for
and total renal events were observed.80 Combination of an alagebrium in 2007.90 However, the study was terminated
ACE inhibitor and an ARB was used in Randomized early due to financial constraints.91 Thus, with new anti-
Evaluation of Strategies for Left Ventricular Dysfunction hypertensives coming into the market, there seems still a
(RESOLVD) pilot study, which depicted no sustained long way to go for use of the same in diabetes.
aldosterone reduction.81 In heart, the combination of vals-
artan and spironolactone has been shown to suppress car-
diac remodelling, such as myocyte hypertrophy and Treatment plan
perivascular fibrosis, in hypertensive rats.82 In another The choice of anti-hypertensives to be used in diabetic
study, candesartan treatment improves the early stage of patients should not only aim at controlling hypertension but
392 Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 10(5)
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