B.tech (Cse, Ai, Tcs DS, Ibm, I Nurture)
B.tech (Cse, Ai, Tcs DS, Ibm, I Nurture)
B.tech (Cse, Ai, Tcs DS, Ibm, I Nurture)
Engineering Physics
3. Classify Fresnel and Fraunhofer types of diffraction. Obtain intensity distribution in the 10
diffraction pattern due to a single slit. Also plot the intensity distribution. What is the
angular width of central maximum?
Explain Rayleigh‘s criterion of resolution. Deduce an expression for the resolving power of 10
a telescope.
4. Discuss the working of quarter and half wave plates. 10
Calculate the thickness of (i) a quarter wave plate, and (ii) a half wave plate. Given that:
What is Hall effect and Hall voltage? 10
A sample of silicon is doped with 1017 phosphorus atoms/cm3. What would you expect to
measure for its resistivity? What Hall voltage would you expect in a sample 100 thick if
-5 2
Ix= 1mA and Bz= 10 Wb/cm ?
Given that = 700 cm2/V-s.
5. Distinguish between Polarized andunpolarized light.Explain Brewster‘s law and examine 10
that if the angle of incidence of unpolarized light is equal to the polarizing angle, the
reflected and refracted rays are at right angles to each other.
Determine the polarizing angle for crown glass if refractive index for it is 1.52.
What are inertial and non-inertial frames of reference? Explain with suitable examples. 10
Obtain Galilean transformation equations and show that for v c, Lorentz transformations
reduce to them.
6. What are Newton‘s rings? For Newton‘s rings formed in reflected light show that the 10
diameters of bright rings are proportional to the square root of odd natural numbers. What
change is observed in the central spot for Newton‘s rings due to transmitted light?
Derive velocity addition theorem and make use of it to show that no signal can travel faster 10
than velocity of light.
B.Tech I (First)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:EAS113 Paper ID:09619113
Engineering Chemistry
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
2. What are the characteristics of municipal water? Describe how water is made suitable for 10
domestic use?
What are the major disadvantages of hard water when used for: 3+3+4=10
a) domestic purposes
b) industrial purposes
c) steam generation in boilers
3. How is the calorific value of a fuel determined by bomb calorimeter? Explain with the help 10
of a diagram.
Write notes on any two of the following: 5+5=10
a) Knocking and chemical structures.
b) What is meant by carbonization? How is carried out in a bee-hive
c) Pulverized coal
4. Explain boundary lubrication and extreme pressure lubrication. When are they done? 10
Write short notes on: 3+3+4=10
a) Different types of cement
b) Properties of lime relevant to its cementing property
c) ISI specification of cement
5. Give method of preparation and uses of polymers: 2.5x4=10
a) Nylon 6
b) PVC
c) Teflon
d) Terylene
Give methods of preparation and important uses of the following synthetic rubbers: 5+5=10
a) Buna S
b) Polyurethanes
6. Discuss the application of following spectroscopic techniques: 5+5=10
a) IR spectroscopic
b) UV spectroscopy
Discuss the principle and processes involved in determination of (i) biological and (ii) 5+5=10
chemical oxygen demands.
B.Tech I (First)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:EAS116 Paper ID:09619116
Engineering Mathematics - I
x y 2 dy 0 ?
1 2 2
Find the solution of differential equation (1 xy)dx
c) State Leibnitz theorem. 2
State Taylor‘s theorem for two variables about point (a,b). 2
d) State Dirichlet Theorem. 2
sin .cos d ?
6 4
Solve the differential equation 3x y 2 xy dx 2 x3 y 3 x 2 dy 0 ..
2 4 10
4. f y sin m sin 1 x , then prove that 10
(1 x 2 ) y n 2 (2n 1) xyn1 (n 2 m 2 ) y n 0 .
State and prove Euler‘s theorem for homogeneous function. 10
x y 2 z 2 dxdydz , where V is bounded by the region x = 0, y = 0 , z = 0 10
and x + y + z = a.
l 1 m 1 n 1
Evaluate the integral y z dxdydz , where x , y , z are all positive, but limited by 10
p q r
x y z
the condition 1 .
a b c
Engineering Chemistry
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
B.TechII (Second)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS201 Paper ID:09622221
Computer Basics & C Programming
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q1. Answer the following (limit your answer to 50 words): Marks
a) Define characteristics and application of computers. 2
Name any for input and output devices. 2
b) What is 4GL? Write advantages over third generation language. 2
Explain different types of software with example. 2
c) Write a note on FTP. 2
Demonstrate the usage of a switch statement with an example. 2
d) What are the 5 main components of an operating system? 2
Define Array. 2
e) Define string. How string is declared and initialized? 2
What is the difference between structures and unions used in C? 2
2. What is meant by a digital computer? Draw a schematic to show various functional units of a 10
digital computer.
a) Explain different data type used in C with their size in memory. 5+5=10
b) Explain different types of computers on the basis of size and power.
3. a) Define different type of operators used in C. 5+5=10
b) Write a C program to find the largest of three numbers using ternary operator.
Convert the following: 2x5=10
a) (0110110.1100)2=(?)8
b) (74.67)10 = (?)8
c) (AB.CD)16=(?)8
d) (1234.7)8 = (?)16
e) (334.43)8=(?)2
4. a) Write a C program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle? 5+5=10
b) Explain all three looping statement used in C with suitable example.
What is search engine? How do Search Engines Work? Explain its types also. 10
5. What are the differencesbetween GUI Interface and Textual Interface? 10
Write a program to read ten elements of an array and print sum of all elements. 10
6. a) What is function? Explain function call, function definition and function prototype with 5+5=10
b) What is preprocessor directive? Explain #define and #include preprocessor directives.
Write a program to swap two numbers using function with the concept of call by reference. 10
B.TechII (Second)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS212 Paper ID:09622214
Computer System & Programming in C++
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q1. Answer the following (limit your answer to 50 words): Marks
a) Differentiate between Algorithm and Flowchart. 2
Define structure chart. 2
b) What is gray code? 2
Why cache memory is needed in PC? Explain. 2
c) What is distributed operating system? Explain. 2
What is recursion? Explain. 2
d) What is pure virtual function? 2
What do you meant by identifier? 2
e) Explain function overloading. 2
Define abstract classes. 2
2. a) Differentiate between if and switch statement with proper syntax. 5+5=10
b) Write a program to swap the value of two variables without using third variable.
a) Write the differences among while, do-while and for statements. 5+5=10
b) Write a program to check the given number is palindrome or no.
3. a) What do you meant by translator? Explain all. 5+5=10
b) Convert the following:
i) (759)10=(?)8 ii) (273)8=(?)16
c) Draw a block diagram of a computer, mentioning all components. 5+5=10
d) Explain the difference between primary and secondary memory. Also mention name of
input, output and storage devices.
4. a) What do you meant by network topology? Explain all in detail. 5+5=10
b) Write a program to find out the addition two arrays (List). .
a) What is structure? How is it differentiating with class? Explain with example. 5+5=10
b) Explain functions of operating system.
5. a) Write a program to find out the addition of complex number using friend function. 5+5=10
b) Define constructor and destructor with proper syntax.
Explain different types of inheritance with example. 10
6. What is operator overloading? Explain it with suitable program. Which operators can not be 10
a) What is static binding? Write the differences between static and dynamic binding. 5+5=10
b) Write a program to create a file and store ten records. Read the same file and display all
B.Tech III (Third)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS305 Paper ID:09621328
3. State Knapsack Problem. Apply the algorithm for w=5 and the following given instanies using 10
Dynamic Programing approach –
Items Weight Value
1 4 10
2 3 20
3 2 15
4 5 25
Apply greedy method to find an optimal solution for the knapsack instances : 10
N =7, m = 5
(p1,p2,p3…….p7) = (8,5,12,7,6,15,3)
(w1,w2,w3……w7) = (2,3,5,7,1,4,10).
4. Determine the optimal sequence for the multiplication of P2x4, Q4x3, R3x2, S2x5matrices using 10
dynamic programming.
Find the longest common Subsequence: 10
X: A B C B D A B
Y: B D C A B A
5. Explain Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm for traversing with recursive implementation. 10
Explain the 8-Queen‘s problem using backtracking. Write the estimated cost for all possible 10
solution of 8- Queen‘s problem.
6. Let A= {7,2,4,17,1,11,6,8,15,10,20}. Draw a binomial Heap whose keys are elements of A.And 10
Insert a new element with key 5 into this Heap.
a) Give the methods for establishing Lower Bound. 5+5=10
b) Explain the term ―Approximation algorithm‖.
B.Tech V (Fifth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS510 Paper ID:09621515
Computer Network
Write a note on Pipelining Hazards. Explain in detail about RISC pipelining. 10
4. What are Characteristics of Vector Processing? Explain Multiple Vector Task 10
Explain and Differentiate in Detail Deterministic Scheduling Models. 10
5. Draw and Explain Multiple Processor Organization. What are Chip Microprocessors? 10
Explain Tightly and Loosely Coupled Multiprocessors?
Draw 16-bit Intel Microprocessor Architecture and Explain each block and register set. 10
6. Write a note on Subroutine. What are Advanced Subroutine Instructions? 10
What are different types of Addressing Modes? Give Example of each of them. Write an 10
assembly Language Program on Addition of two 8-bit numbers.
B.Tech V (Fifth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS512 Paper ID:09621513
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
4. What are the key issues we need to consider when dealing with nonmonotonic 10
reasoning system? Explain in detail.
Explain logic programming PROLOG in detail. 10
5. Express the following sentences as Semantics Net structure and conceptual 5+5=10
a) All those who code in c language are a programmer
b) Sam gave Mary a box of candy
Write in detail about augmented transition networks and explain case grammar theory. 10
6. Discuss in detail about Knowledge Acquisition. 10
Explain in detail about MYCIN. How would you distinguish MYCIN and DENDRAL? 10
B.Tech VI (Sixth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS603 Paper ID:09621668
Computer Graphics
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
2. Explain briefly the history of embedded system and write the pseudo code for the real time 10
operating system.
Using a block diagram explain how a real time system is implemented. Describe areal life 10
example of an RTOS control system.
3. How the interprocess communication takes place in real time operating system. Explain with 10
the case study of Maruti II real time operating system.
What is the task management in the real time operating system? Explain different techniques 10
to manage it.
4. How we perform non-preemptive uniprocessor real-time scheduling using the non- 10
preemptive RM and EDF scheduling algorithms?
What is the periodic and dynamic task in real time operating system? Explain with suitable 10
5. What are the Real Time Databases? Explain the advantages and uses of it for the real time 10
operating system.
How we perform Specification andVerification using Duration Calculus? Explain with 10
suitable example.
6. What are the different faults in real time operating system? Explain different techniques for 10
fault tolerance.
What are the different Issues in Real Time Software Design? Explain in brief.. 10
B.Tech VI (Sixth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS607 Paper ID:09621640
Soft Computing
Use Back Propagation algorithm to train the network. Show the step by step output
toInput, hidden, and output neurons as well as error. Use the Learning Coefficient
andMomentum Factors as 0.6 and 0.9 respectively.
Describe the role of similarity measures in the process of defuzzification. Give examples 10
of two different similarity measures.
6. With the help of a Block Diagram, explain the working of Fuzzy Controllers. Discuss any 10
real life application of Fuzzy controller in detail.
Differentiate between crisp and fuzzy set? Explain fuzzification and defuzzification in 10
crisp set.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS610 Paper ID:09622606
Suppose a group of 12 sales price records has been sorted as follows: 5, 10, 11, 13, 15, 35,
50, 55, 72, 92, 204, 215 Partition them into three bins by each of the following methods:
(a) equal-frequency (equidepth) partitioning (b) equal-width partitioning.
Explain Discretization and Concept hierarchy generation using suitable example. 5+5=10
3. 10
For the above mentioned table find the support and confidence for the following rules:
(Diaper, beer)-> Milk
Milk->(Diaper, beer)
Bread-> Milk.
Compare and contrast Relational Database from that of Transactional Database. Give 10
example to support your answer.
4. Explain Classification by Back propagation with Multilayer feedforward Neural Network 10
and Back propagation Algorithm.
What is clustering? Define Partitioning methods and Hierarchical Clustering. Also define 10
Outlier Analysis.
5. What are various Rprogramming Packages? Define dplyr and reshape2 packages and 10
where they can be used.
Define List and frames in R programming and differentiate them with suitable example. 10
6. Explain Data Warehouse and Differentiate between Database System and Data 10
Warehouse. Define Multi Dimensional Data Model.
Give differences between ROLAP, MOLAP and HOLAP. Also define 3 tier architecture 10
and data mart.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS612 Paper ID:09622608
Mobile Communication
Draw reference architecture in GPRS. 10
4. Draw and explain the architecture of WAP. 10
Explain IEEE 802.11 WLAN Standards. Discuss WLAN Applications. 10
5. Compare WCDMA and CDMA 2000. 10
Explain the Features, Specifications and Areas of Application for 3G. 10
6. Explain in detail about WLL and Bluetooth. 10
How Global Mobile Satellite System works? Also Discuss the Case studies of Iridium and 10
Global star systems.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS614 Paper ID:09622629
Explain Random Number Generation Algorithm in detail. 10
4. Using RSA algorithm, Find n, d if p=11, q=3, e=3. Encrypt ―HelloWorld‖ Message. 10
State the Chinese Remainder Theorem and find X for the given set of congruent equations 10
X≡2 mod 3, X≡3 mod 5 and X≡2 mod 7.
5. Define Secure Hash Algorithm. What are the requirements of secure hash functions?Explain 10
the advantages of Secure Hash Algorithm.
Describe signing and verification in Digital Signature Algorithm.Write and explain the 10
digital signature algorithm.
6. Give the structure of PGP message generation. Explain with a diagram. Write about the 10
usage of session keys, Public and Private keys in PGP.
Analyze the Cryptographic algorithms used in S/MIME and Explain S/MIME certification 10
B.Tech VII (Seventh)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS701 Paper ID:09621713
3. Define the terms Diffusion & Confusion. Differentiate between DES & Triple DES. 10
Explain any two techniques used for Random number generation. 10
4. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for p = 3, q=11, e=7, m=12. 10
What is the purpose and method of Primarily Miller Test? 10
2. Define software project management. Describe the software project management cycle in detail 10
with suitable diagrams.
What is stepwise project planning? Explain. 10
3. What do you mean by Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in context to software project and 10
product? Discuss with examples.
Explain in detail about Project Management Artifacts. 10
4. a) With the help of an example explain the procedure of CPM analysis. 5+5=
b) Write short note on improving software economics. 10
a) Explain in brief project control cycle with example. 5+5=10
b) Write the short note on Walkthroughs & Code Reviews.
5. a) ―Risk Management is the area that tries to ensure that the impact of risk on cost, quality 5+5=10
and schedule be minimum‖. Justify the statement with the help of an example.
b) Differentiate between known risk and predictable risks and explain what a risk driver is.
Write short notes on the following:
a) Role of SCM in SPM 5+5=10
b) Change management
6. What are various software measurement metrics? Explain any one of them in detail with 10
Write a short note on SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM). How does it differ from ISO9000? 10
B.Tech VII (Seventh)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS709 Paper ID:09621719
Cloud Computing
Write a short note on Scripting Languages. 2
d) How do you measure resource consumption in cloud environment? 2
Explain the hybrid cloud deployment model. 2
e) What is Business Continuity Management? 2
Define Fault Tolerance. 2
2. Write a program in python to calculate sum of all digits of a number, which are divisible by 3. 10
e.g. Suppose a number is 2349 then the sum of all digits of a number, which are divisible by 3, is
3+9= 12.
Write a program in python to print the mirror image of a given number. 10
Note:Suppose a number is 125, and then print the mirror image 521.
3. Write a program in python to split a string on vowels. 10
e.g. Suppose string is: ‘GFGaBste4oCS’ then split string will be ['GFG', 'Bst', '4', 'CS'] .
Define a list. Write a program in Python to find the sum of the elements in the list. 10
4. a) Define function. Write a function that takes number as a parameter & checks whether 5+5=10
the number is prime or not.
b) Explain the need of arguments in Python programming.
a) What do you meant by dictionary in Python? Explain with suitable example. 5+5=10
b) Differentiate between list and dictionary also..
5. Write a program in Python to Count the total number of vowels and digits used in the text file 10
Write a program to demonstrate the implementation of module in Python. Module may perform 10
the arithmetic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplications and division.
6. Explain try, catch, finally and throw statements in Python. 10
Demonstrate the concept of overriding with the help of suitable program in Python. 10
B.Tech VII (Seventh)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS715 Paper ID:09621715
Software Testing
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
2. Differentiate between white box and black box testing. Discuss the code coverage testing and 10
code complexity testing in detail.
a) Define the terms: 5+5=10
i) Error ii) Fault iii) Failure iv) defect v) Bug
b) What are the various challenges faced by the software-tester?
3. What do mean by Control Flow graphs? Explain how these graphs are proved to be useful while 10
performing Control Flow testing.
a) Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding error. Comment 5+5=10
on this statement..
b) What is Unit Testing? Explain how the Static Unit Testing differs from That of Dynamic
Unit Testing.
4. Explain the significance of boundary value analysis. What is the purpose of worst case testing? 10
Comment on functional and non-functional testing. Illustrate Data Flow Testing in detail. 10
5. What is system integration? Differentiate between top down and bottom up integration in detail. 10
a) Differentiate between scalability and reliability testing.
b) Differentiate between smoke testing and sanity testing in detail. 5+5=10
6. Differentiate between: 5+5=10
a) Software verification and validation
b) Software quality and reliability
a) Explain the McCall‘s Quality Factor and criteria for Software Quality Assurance. 5+5=10
b) What do you mean by Quality Metrics? Explain its role in deciding the quality of the
fully developed software.
B.Tech VIII (Eighth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS801 Paper ID:09622805
How do you handle missing values in data set? 2
What are outliers? 2
What is 3 tier architecture of data warehouse? 2
Describe in detail data mining functionalities & the different kinds of patterns that can 10
be mined.
. .
3. Discuss the single dimensional Boolean association rule mining for transaction 10
Find all frequent item sets for the given training set using Apriori algorithm. 10
What is Hierarchical clustering? With an example discuss dendogrem representation 10
for hierarchical clustering of data objects..
5. What are the different ways to read a data set in R? How to create and rename a 10
variable in R? What are the read and write methods available in R?
What is a dataframe? Create a dataframe with a=(1,2,3), b=(4,5,6), C=(7,8,9): 10
i) How do I select c(4,5,6)?
ii) How do I select 1?
iii) How do I select 5?
iv) What is df[,3]?
v) What is df[2,2]?
vi) What is df[1,]?
Discuss the various types of database schemes. 10
B.Tech VIII (Eighth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS805 Paper ID:08320614
Distributed System
Android Programming
Pattern Recognition
What do you mean by linearly separable classification problem? Give examples. 2
What do you mean by fussy decisions making? Also discuss the fuzzy classification 2
using suitable example.
Explain in brief Parzen Window. 2
2. Suppose we pick two cards at random from an ordinary 52-card deck. What is the 10
probability that the sum of the values of the two cards (where we count jacks, queens,
and kings as 10, and count aces as 1) is at least 4?
In a town it was estimated that 3% of people have a particular disease. A diagnosis 5+5=10
test was conducted for all the people, which yielded 8% false positive and 92% true
positive results. A person is found as positive after the test. What is the probability
that this person is truly having the disease?. .
3. Prove that a Bayes classifier is equivalent to a minimum distance classifier, assuming 10
that the feature vector is Gaussian.
Explain the Principle Component Analysis for dimension reduction. 10
4. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of the features, Explain the general principle of the 5+5=10
maximum likelihood estimation for the following cases:
a) Unknown mean and known covariance matrix
b) Unknown mean and unknown covariance matrix.
Define discriminant function. Assuming that the densities p(x/ωi) are multivariate 10
Gaussian distribution, derive the discriminant function for normal density, when
a) ∑i = σ2I b) ∑i = ∑ c) ∑i = arbitrary.
Discuss the nature of decision surface in each case.
5. Explain Hidden Markov model and its role in the classifier design. 5+5=10
Explain the Parzen window method for density estimation. 10
6. Apply K-means clustering algorithm on given data for K=3. Use C1(2), C2(16), 10
C3(38) as initial cluster centres.
Data : 2,4,6,3,31,12,15,16,38,35,14,21,23,25,30.
Differentiate between clustering and classification. Explain the criteria function for 10
B.Tech VIII (Eighth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS810 Paper ID:09622835
Neural Network
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q1. Answer the following (limit your answer to 50 words): Marks
a) Differentiate neural network with state space neural Networks. 2
Write about Linear adaptive filtering. 2
b) What is the use of Aggregation Function? 2
Why least mean square algorithm is used? 2
c) What is RBF Network? 2
What is Backpropagation? 2
d) What is SOM? 2
What is vector Quantization? 2
e) Explain the applications of genetic algorithm. 2
What is soft computing? 2
2. Explain the working principles of single input neuron, multiple inputs neuron and 10
neurons with ‗R‘ number of inputs.
Explain in Detail how weights are adjusted in the different types of Learning Law.(Both 10
supervised and Unsupervised).
3. Why activation function is used in artificial neuron? Explain different activation 10
What is perceptron? Write the differences between Single Layer Perceptron(SLP) and 10
Multilayer Perceptron(MLP).
4. How to improve the performance of back propagation learning algorithm through tree 10
parameters? Write about its convergence.
Write about the following with respect to RBF networks: 3+3+4=10
a) RBF networks design
b) RBF networks training
c) RBF networks with regularization theory.
5. With a neat sketch explain operation of Kohorens self-organizing feature map (SOM) 10
algorithm. And explain for what type of problems it is most suitable.
What do you mean by Weight Space in Feed-forward Neural Networks? 10
6. What are genetic algorithm? Explain the terms population, cross-over and mutation with 10
respect to GA.
Define fuzzy set theory. How fuzzy set are different from Crisp set? Explain with 10
examples. Explain fuzzy union and fuzzy intersection.
B.Tech VIII (Eighth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ECS811 Paper ID:09622814
2. The sales of a company (in million dollars) for each year are shown in the table 4+6=10
x (year) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
y (sales) 12 19 29 37 45
Operations Research
Machine I 5 9 4 7 8 6
Machine II 7 4 8 3 9 5
In a game matching coins with two players suppose A wins one unit of value whenthere are 10
two heads, wins nothing when there are two tails and losses ½ unit ofvalue when there are
one head and one tail. Determine the payoff matrix, the beststrategies for each player and
the value of game to A.
5. Determine a decision rule using the basic purchasing EOQ model for annual demandof 10
20,000 units, ordering cost of Rs.200 per order and carrying cost of 10% per year.The basic
price is Rs.8.00 per unit. This price is in effect of all orders of less than5000 units. Orders
for 5000 or more but less than 10000 units may be purchased forRs.7.50 per unit. Orders
for 10000 or more units may be purchased for Rs.7.25 perunit.
The annual requirement for a product is 3000 units. The ordering cost is Rs. 100 per order. 10
The cost per unit is Rs.10. The carrying cost per unit , per year is 30 percent of the unit
cost. i)Find the EOQ. By using better organizational methods, the ordering cost per order
can be brought down to Rs. 80 per order, but the same quantity as determined above ha to
be ordered. ii) If a new EOQ I found by using the ordering cost as Rs. 80, what would be
the further saving in cost.
6. Preceding Duration(Days) Draw the A project consists of 10
Activity Activities seven activities for which the
A -- 4 relevant data are given below:
B -- 7
C -- 6
D A,B 5
E A,B 7
F C,D,E 6
G C,D,E 5
Why PERT and CPM is useful for any project? Explain it with suitable example. 10
B.Tech V (Fifth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:EHM505 Paper ID:09621545
What are the major attitudinal barriers in maintaining a harmony between people, 10
planet and profit?
6. Elaborate the importance of Sustainable development as a strategy for holistic 10
Give few examples from various organisations that have gained competitive 10
advantage by adapting ecofriendly strategies and production systems.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:EHM613 Paper ID:09622649
As a manager describe different plans for removing discrimination at workplace. 10
What are the precautionary measures that you can take as a manager to solve 10
cybercrime and plagiarism issues at workplace?
Illustrate the strategy to maintain harmony in society and family. 10
5. Discover different ways to have mutual fulfillment among the four orders of the nature. 10
How will you solve to bring in harmony at all levels of existence? 10
6. Reframe different plans within your organization towards bringing in harmony in 10
professional ethics.
Plan out different things that you can do to have an ability to augment universal human 10
B.Tech VIII (Eighth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:FOE023 Paper ID:07522818
As an Exploratory Data Analyst how you will handle non numerical data in missing 10
Construct a Context Free Grammar(CFG) for possible sequences of if and elseinC. 10
3. What is a possible effect of malicious code and What is the difference between 10
malicious code and malware?
How does espionage and cracking take place? 10
4. Does The Company Articulate Its Risk Appetite And Define Risk Tolerances For Use In 10
Managing The Business?
What Are The Company‘s Top Risks, How Severe Is Their Impact And How Likely Are 10
They To Occur?
5. Explain the following terms: 5+5=10
a) VMwar
b) Rootkits
With the help of an example explain HTTP content rendering. 10
6. What types of data classifications do we need to know and how are they affected by 10
the type of data?
What are the types of authorization? AndHow do you implement authorization. 10
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:IAI601 Paper ID:09622647
Artificial Neural Networks
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Machine Learning
What is learning? What are the different types of machine learning? Explain with 10
example of each.
3. For the given data find the regression equation using the method of least squares. 10
Also find the regression coefficients:
X 4 4 5 6. 3
Y 2 5 3 2 3
What is parametric machinelearning method? Explain with example. 10
4. Suppose 10000 patients get tested for flu; out of them, 9000 are actuallyhealthy and 10
1000 are actually sick. For the sick people, a test was positivefor 620 and negative for
380. For the healthy people, the same test waspositive for 180 and negative for 8820.
Construct a confusion matrix for the data and compute the precision and recall for the
Consider the training data in the following table where Play is a class attribute. In the 10
table, the Humidity attribute has values ―L‖ (for low) or ―H‖ (for high), Sunny has
values ―Y‖ (for yes) or ―N‖ (for no), Wind has values ―S‖ (for strong) or ―W‖ (for
weak), and Play has values ―Yes‖ or ―No‖.
What is class label for the following day (Humidity=L, Sunny=N,Wind=W), according
to naïve Bayesian classification?
Explain the following: 5+5=10
a) ROC curve
b) F measures
Explain the Support Vector Machine(SVM) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) concept 10
used in machine learning.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:IAI604 Paper ID:09622635
Genetic Algorithms & Applications
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
these numbers: .
Explain the Terms Frequentist vs. Bayesian Inference with example. 10
6. Explain the Bayes‘ Rule and Diagnostic Testing with suitable example. 10
Write short notes on: 5+5=10
a) The Lisp programming language.
b) Basic functions and services in an expert system shell.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:IAI608 Paper ID:09622654
Recommender System
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
3. Explain k-means clustering. Use k-means algorithm and Euclidean distance to cluster the 10
following 10 examples into three clusters. Assume the initial clusters to be A, E and H.
Point X1 X2
A 3 3
B 8 5
C 4 4
D 2 4
E 7 7
F 5 8
G 3 5
H 4 8
I 6 9
J 9 6
Explain about theBayesian algorithm for finding frequent item sets with an example. 10
4. Explain the various methods for learning user profile. 10
Explain the role of user generated content in Recommendation process. 10
5. Explain about the Mining Multilevel Association rules with example. 10
Write short notes on: 5+5=10
a) Rating normalization
b) Similarity weight computation
6. Explain the word of context-aware and social tagging recommender systems and explain 10
the traditional recommender systems paradigm.
Write short notes on: 5+5=10
c) Context-Aware and Social Tagging RecommenderSystems.
d) Contextual pre filtering.
B.Tech VI (Sixth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:IAI609 Paper ID:09622643
Client & Server Side Scripting
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
2. Explain various HTML attributes, forms in detail. Give one example of basic HTML 10
document structure containing all the attributes of HTML.
How Internal and External Style sheets can be designed in HTML? Give one example each. 10
Prove that 13 + 23 + 33 + · · · + n3 = n2(n+1)2/4 by using induction. 10
3. Define a Hamilton path. Determine the following graph has a Hamilton circuit. 10
If R is partially ordered relation on a subset X and A is subset of X, show that R ∩ (A 10
X A)is a partial ordering relation on A.
4. Can we draw a planar graph with n=7 and e=12 such that each region is bounded by 10
exactly 3-edges?
Prove that a simple graph with n vertices must be connected if it has more than [(n- 10
1)(n-2)]/2 edges.
5. In how many ways can the letters in SANGAILAKKIYAM be arranged? In these 10
arrangements how many have all the A's together?
How many words can be obtained by arranging the letters of the word ‗UNIVERSAL‘ 10
in different ways? In how many of them
(i) E, R, S occur together.
(ii) No two of the letters E, R, S occur together.
6. You take an exam that contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Each question has 4 10
possible options. You know the answer to 10 questions, but you have no idea about the
other 10 questions so you choose answers randomly. Your score X on the exam is the
total number of correct answers. Find the PMF of X. What is P(X>15)?
The number of customers arriving at a grocery store is a Poisson random variable. On 10
average 1010 customers arrive per hour. Let XX be the number of customers arriving
from 10am10am to 11:30am11:30am. What is P(10<X≤15) ?
B.Tech III (Third)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ICS302 Paper ID:09621328
Data Structure Using C++
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
6. a) Let T be a binary search tree with 15 nodes. What are the minimum and 5+5=10
maximum possible heights of T? Explain with suitable diagram.
Note: The height of a tree with a single node is 0
b) What is the maximum height of any AVL tree with 77 nodes?
a) What do you meant by directed graph? Why do you use graphs in data 5+5=10
b) Represent a following graph using adjacency list: Also derive a Path Matrix
for the same.
B.Tech III (Third)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ICS303 Paper ID:09621331
6. What do you mean by virtual memory? Discuss how paging helps in implementing virtual 10
Define Cache memory. What are the uses of cache memory? Explain various mechanism of mapping 10
main memory addresses into cache memory addresses.
B.Tech III (Third)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ICS305 Paper ID:09621336
OOPS with Java
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
1. Answer the following (limit your answer to 50 words): Marks
a) What features of Java makes it platform independent and portable? 2
What are Bitwise operators? List all such operators. 2
b) Compare method overloading and method overriding. 2
Define class, method and object. 2
c) Demonstrate Nested try statements with an example. 2
List Java‘s Built-in Exception? Write the importance of finally block. 2
d) What is synchronization? Give its types. 2
Explain about the Thread Life Cycle. 2
e) How do you handle SQL exceptions? 2
What is Application Server? 2
2. a) What is Byte Code? Interpret the different states of Java Program execution? 5+5=10
b) Write a Java Program to print the Fibonacci series.
a) What is an array? Explain types of arrays in Java with example. 5+5=10
b) Write a Java program to read and display the array elements in
ascending order.
3. What is Inheritance, Explain different types of inheritance supported by Java with an example. 10
Define polymorphism and explain how dynamic binding is implemented in Java with an example 10
4. a) Give the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions. 5+5=10
b) Write a java program to create own exception for Negative Value
Exception if the user enter negative value.
a) Show the use of finally statements with examples. 5+5=10
b) Evaluate what happens when an exception is thrown by main method.
5. Describe how to create thread with an example. Write a program to explain thread priorities 10
Discuss various AWT containers with examples. Explain about the adapter class with an 10
6. Describe different types of JDBC drivers. Explain the random access file operations with a 10
suitable program.
Write a Java program to design a scientific calculator using AWT. What are different types of Event 10
listeners supported by Java?
B.Tech IV (Fourth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ICS401 Paper ID:09622420
Database Management System
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q1. Answer the following (limit your answer to 50 words): Marks
a) Differentiate between physical and logical data independence. 2
What are database languages in DBMS? 2
b) What are keys in a relational model? 2
What are basic data types available for attributes in SQL? 2
c) Define integrity constraint. Explain with an example. 2
What is difference between WHERE and HAVING clause? 2
d) Differentiate between BCNF and 3NF. 2
What are different anomalies associated with database? 2
e) What is the need for concurrency? 2
What do you mean by database recovery? 2
2. Explain ANSI-SPARC 3 level architecture of DBMS. Discuss the languages associated at 10
different levels. What are the different types of data independence involved at different levels?
What are the symbols used in E-R diagram? Construct an E-R diagram for a car insurance 10
company whose customers own one or more cars each. Each car has associated with it zero to
any number of recorded accidents? Also convert the E-R diagram into tables.
3. How does a tuple relational calculus differ from domain relational calculus? Discuss in detail. 10
What are the various operators used in Relational Algebra? Discuss each with an example. 10
4. What is Join? Discuss following types of Joins: 2.5x4=10
a) Equi Joins
b) Self Join
c) Cartesian Join
Discuss the concept of Trigger with a suitable example? Also differentiate between Views and 10
5. Explain Join Dependency with the help of an example. To which normal form does it 10
correspond? "Functional Dependencies and Multivalued Dependencies are special types of
Join Dependencies." Justify the statement.
Explain the terms lossless decomposition and dependency preserving decomposition. Consider 10
a relation R (A, B, C, D, E, F) with functional dependency set FD = {A —> BC, C —> A, D
E, F —> A, E —> D}. If R is decomposed into, R1 (A, C, D); R2 (B, C, D); R3 (E, F, D), then
check whether the decomposition, is both lossless and dependency preserving.
6. How do we recover from a transaction failure using "log"? Illustrate through an example. 10
What is two-phase locking and how does it guarantee serializability? 10
B.Tech IV (Fourth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code:ICS402 Paper ID:09622432
Python Programming
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Explain working with Raw Text. 2
d) Explainmultiprocessing in Python. 2
What is hashing trick? 2
e) What are Outliers in Data? 2
Explain EDA. 2
2. How can you use the Python Ecosystem forData Science? 10
What isScikit-learn? How to Implement machine learning using Scikit-learn? 10
3. Explain various data structures used in python with proper examples of each. 10
Demonstrate the use of Conditional and Loop Statements with appropriate examples. 10
4. How to removing duplicates and manipulating categorical variables in Python? 10
Explain the concept of Concatenating andTransforming Working withHTML Pages. 10
Computer Networks
6. What are the various Network Utilities? How can we exploit them? 10
Explain Basic Network Troubleshooting Model to identify the affected area in the network. 10
What are the probable causes of the problems that might occur?
B.Tech IV (Fourth)Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS404 Paper ID:09622421
Operating Systems
Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (2x5=10)
a) Explain the term Ethical hacking in brief.
b) What do you understand by Penetration testing?
c) What is session Hacking?
d) What is Network scanning?
e) Define Spyware.
f) Explain physical Security of Networking.
g) What is Email Hacking?
h) What is Trojan?
2. Explain system hacking? Differentiate between Black Box and White Box Techniques. (10)
Classify the categories of information security threat. Explain each category in detail? (10)
What are the different types of password attacks? Explain. (10)
4. What do you mean by physical security? Explain with suitable example. (10)
What are the different ways in which computer gets infected with virus? What are the techniques used for
infecting computers with viruses. (10)
Explain the phases of penetration techniques. (10)
What are the different types of firewalls? Explain in detail . (10)
Re-appear B.Tech IV (Fourth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS506 Paper ID: X9621506
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (2x5=10)
a) Explain business continuity in brief.
b) List some common causes of disaster.
c) Mention the objectives of business continuity planning.
d) List the steps involved in creating Business Continuity Plan.
e) How Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery team created?
f) Name the components of business recovery strategies.
g) How checklist test is conducted?
h) What is the purpose of doing checklist test?
2. Explain the sustain and protect phase of Emergency Action Plan. (10)
Explain the recover and resume phase of Emergency action Plan. (10)
3. Describe the method for carrying out business impact analysis. (10)
Give an overview of Business Continuity Plan. (10)
4. ―It is important to protect your data against the possibility of loss by having a well-rehearsed recovery
strategy in place. What are the issues that you should resolve when developing your data recovery strategy?
How resources are assigned and communication plan is prepared? (10)
Describe the process required for maintaining business continuity plan.
6. Select any business firm you have visited and identify the possible sources of risks in its business
continuity and suggest plan to mitigate them. (10)
Explain the need for creating awareness regarding requirement of BCP and training. (10)
Re-appear B.Tech V (Fifth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS507 Paper ID:X9621507
Employability Skills
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (2x5=10)
a) Differences between Group discussion and Debate
b) Web interview
c) Resume
d) Cover Letter
e) Professional presentation
f) Telephonic Interview
g) Panel discussion.
h) Personal Grooming.
2. Write the format of GD as used in national level recruitment boards, its rules, ambience and normal
practices. (10)
Define Group Discussions. What is the Importance of Group Discussions in preparing for job? (10)
3. Describe mannerism and etiquette in detail with focus on Professional etiquettes. (10)
Write detailed note on Technology Etiquette – Phone, Email and Social Media. (10)
4. Describe the steps in planning a presentation and delivering the presentation. (10)
What is the Nature of Oral Presentation? How a presentation is planned? (10)
5. Write a Cover letter for a job opening at an IT organization for the position of a System analyst. (10)
What is a Curriculum Vitae? What aspects are to be covered in curriculum vitae (10)
6. Give details about the preparatory steps for job interviews. (10)
Define interview. What are various types of interviews? Which is the most effective interview technique
and why? (10)
B.Tech VII (Seventh) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS701 Paper ID: 09621718
What is virtualization? 2
b) List any two cloud security challenges. 2
What is cloud trust protocol? 2
c) List the different levels of Migration. 2
What do you understand by Cloud Transparency? 2
d) What are the threats in cloud computing? 2
What is trust in cloud computing? 2
e) What is CCSK? 2
How do you ensure security between Hosts & Guests? 2
2. Design the architecture of PaaS and SaaS in cloud computing? Also, explain the different 10
categories of PaaS and SaaS with example.
Describe different types of hypervisors with example and block diagram. Also enlist the 10
3. Explain in detail about the risk from multi-tenancy with respect to various cloud 10
Explain in detail about the Cloud Computing security architecture using suitable block 10
4. Explain in detail about Transparency service model for data security in cloud computing. 10
Explain in detail about Privacy and Compliance aspects of cloud. 10
5. Explain Cloud Controls Matrix in detail. 10
Explain in detail about cloud security threats. 10
6. Explain Trusted Cloud Initiative architecture. 10
Explain Security as a Service (Secaas) model in detail. 10
B.Tech VII (Seventh) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS702 Paper ID: 09621716
Server Operating System- Linux
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
What are the differences between GSM and GPRS? What are the technical and procedural controls to 10
address Mobile?
3. What security features you should have in your mind when shopping for a wireless router? 10
How do I make my home WiFi more secure? What are the procedural controls to address 10
Wireless vulnerabilities?
4. What are the technical and procedural controls to address VOIP vulnerabilities, explain in details? 10
What is VOIP? What are the protocols and vulnerabilities for VOIP? 10
5. How does mobile phone forensics work? What can phone forensics find? 10
How long does mobile forensics take? How do you use phone forensic photography? 10
6. How do you extract data from a cell phone? State the steps by taking an example. 10
Explain the various tools & techniques used for data analysis.. 10
B.Tech VII (Seventh) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS704 Paper ID: 09621717
Introduction to Windows Azure
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions.
Gaining competitive advantage depends on management of people in the right manner. Do 10
you agree with the statement? Justify your answer with arguments.
3. Discuss the key features of a rational model of decision making. 10
Compare and contrast the planning practices of US and Japan. 10
4. Based on the given case study (Singapore General Hospital) answer either part A or part B. 10
Part A: How has Lawrence Lim focused his staff on providing best outcome, best
Part B:From whom do you think he encountered most resistance and why? 10
5. Based on the given case study (New Islington and Hackney Housing Association) answer 10
either part A or part B.
Part A:What are the customer pressures that the staff of the Association face.
Part B:How does the association try to deal with these pressures. 10
6. Define the term feedback control and global controlling. 10
What is the relevance of written communication in dealing with legal matters of an 10
B.Tech VII (Seventh) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS709 Paper ID: 09621735
2. Discuss the necessity of organization and it element. Explain the process of organization. 10
Describe the organization structure. Illustrate organization charts for two companies whose 10
department are product based and functional based.
3. Examine the different types of business ownership and its characteristics. Differentiate 10
between limited-liability companies and not-for-profit corporations.
Explain the public limited company. Differentiate between public limited and private limited 10
4. Explain the contribution of Henri Fayol in the practice of management and how this apply to 10
the modern organisaion.
Briefly explain application of the planning, organizing and staffing functions of 10
5. Explain the consumer behavior. Analyze the consumer buying process. 10
What do yu mean by Financial Management? What role is played by Financial Manager to 10
achieve the organizational objectives?
6. Define material management and it functions. Why material management important for 10
manufacturing organization?
What is inventory control? Plan the technique of inventory control for shopping mall. 10
B.Tech VIII (Eighth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS801 Paper ID: 09622819
2. Using the following true statements, locate the treasure hidden in the estate using logic 2x5=10
a) If the house next to a Casa Green lake, then the treasure is not in the kitchen.
b) If the tree in front yard is a mango tree, then the treasure is in the kitchen.
c) The house is next to a Casa Green lake.
d) The tree in the front yard is a mango tree or the treasure is placed behind the mirror
in the wall of the bed room.
e) If the tree in the backyard is an oak tree, then the treasure is in the drawing room.
a) State whether the argument given is valid or not. If it is valid, identify the tautology 5+5=10
on which it is based:
If you invest in the mutual fund, then you will get rich.
If you get rich, then you will be happy.
If you invest in the mutual fund, then you will be happy.
b) Show that the argument
is valid. .
3. a) The letters of the word are written in all possible orders and these 5+5=10
words are written out as in a dictionary. Find the rank of the word .
b) Using principle of mathematical induction prove that ( ) is
divisible by , where ∈ .
a) How many solutions are there to the equation , where 5+5=10
is a non negative integer such that
ii) ?
b) Show that the function * + * + ( ) is a
bijection, where is a set of real numbers.
4. a) Using Warshall‘s algorithm, find transitive closure of , if * + and 5+5=10
is the relation on described by
[ ]
b) Draw the Hasse diagram for is the set of all positive divisors of .
a) Consider the set , the set of ordered pairs of natural numbers. Let be the 5+5=10
relation in which is defined by ( ) ( ) Prove that
is an equivalence relation.
b) Prove that the relation if there exists an integer such that
and is denoted by , on the set of all positive integers is a partial order relation.
5. a) Prove that the set of matrices [ ] , where is a real number, 5+5=10
forms a group under multiplication.
b) Prove that , if is a subgroup of and ∈ .
a) Prove that the union of two subgroups of a group is a subgroup if and only if one 5+5=10
is contained in the other.
b) State and prove Lagrange‘s theorem. .
[ ]
b) How many errors can be detected by the encoding function defined by
( ) ( ).
Determine the encoding function and decode and by using 10
[ ]
B. Tech. VIII (Eighth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICS803 Paper ID: 08322616
Machine Learning
6. What are the five basic components of an automated system? Discuss in detail. 10
What is Agile PM methodology? What are the DevOps services that are available on IBM cloud? 10
B.Tech V (Fifth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: IBD514 Paper ID: 09621536
Hadoop Fundamentals
4. Explain the need of partitioner and combines in MapReduce for the word count 10
What is the role of shuffling & Sorting in MapReduce? Explain with example. 10
6. Compare and contrast SQL & NoSQL Databases. Write advantages of MangoDB over 10
What is HBase? Describe the HBase architecture. 10
B.Tech VI (Sixth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: IBD613 Paper ID: 09622625
Artificial Intelligence
5. Illustrate the pipelines in NLP? What does a NLP pipeline consists of? Explain in 10
What are the capabilities of IBM Watson Natural Language classifier. 10
6. Identify the factors that are driving force for the popularity of chatbots. List some 10
tools and services to create chatbots.
Illustrate the dialog in chatbot? How the nodes in a dialog are triggered? Discus in 10
Re-appear B.Tech V (Fifth) Semester Examination 2021-22
Course Code: ICM511 Paper ID:X9821511
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (2x5=10)
a) What is J2EE?
b) What is client and server.
c) Write application of object oriented deign.
d) What is Database?
e) Write five tools name used for Design and Coding.
f) Describe JVM.
g) Design any one JSP page.
h) Explain Package.
3. a) Write any two dynamic websites and discuss web Archive. (5)
b) What are the different development technology used JSP? (5)
a) Discuss the JSP specification and syntax with suitable example.
b) Explain Web Application Debugging in detail. (5)
4. a) How to create a Session and what are session state storage issues? (5)
b) Discuss the URL rewriting. (5)
a) How to design API? Discuss HTTP session. (5)
b) What is session management? Give suitable example. (5)
Spring Framework
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
c) What do you understand by the Spring IoC Container? Explain their types. 2
What is bean scope? 2
d) What is Annotation-based container configuration? 2
What does @Required annotation mean? 2
e) What is the difference between concern and cross-cutting concern in Spring AOP? 2
What Is A Proceedingjoinpoint? 2
3. What is the role of the Model interface in Spring MVC? Explain with example. 10
How to validate the user input in a particular sequence in Spring MVC? 10
4. Differentiate between Application Context and Bean Factory in Spring? Give an example of 10
Bean Factory implementation.
Explain Bean lifecycle in Spring framework. 10
5. What is the difference between @Resource, @Autowired and @Resource? 10
What is the use of @Configuration? What is the difference between @Component and 10
@Bean? When should you use @Bean?
6. What is Hibernate Framework? What are the benefits of using JPA framework in persistence 10
layer? What is the difference between Session Factory and Entity Manager?
Explain Hibernate Annotations vs JAP Annotations with suitable example. 10