Pauta Mantenimiento RSG ADT - E - B30 - Pin 3 Rev 6 (1) - 2
Pauta Mantenimiento RSG ADT - E - B30 - Pin 3 Rev 6 (1) - 2
Pauta Mantenimiento RSG ADT - E - B30 - Pin 3 Rev 6 (1) - 2
Service Technician:
Machine PIN:
Fleet No:
1000 HOURS
2000 HOURS
4000 HOURS
As Required
The employees of Bell Equipment take pride in the Equipment we manufacture. With the Customer Service Centre
and Bell Equipment working together, we can continue to improve the quality of our products.
1 Engine
1.1 Drain water from the Primary Fuel Filter (Check cold , drain before starting engine ) X X X X X
1.2 Check Engine oil and Coolant levels. (On CDU in service mode) X X X X X
1.3 Check condition of Fan belt, including idler and tentioner pulleys & Bearings. X X X X
1.4 Change the Oil and filter - (Additional oil level check after first test drive) X (D) X X X
1.6 Adblue® / DEF / DEF Tank Breather Filter (Where applicable) X (C) X (C) X (O) X (O)
1.7 Change Adblue® / DEF / DEF Filter (Where applicable) Install with water based grease. X X X
1.8 Check and adjust the Engine Valve and Jacobs Brake clearances.(Refer to Service manual) X X X
1.9 Change the Primary Fuel Filter / Water Separator ( RACOR ) X (D) X X
1.10 Change Secondary Fuel Filter and clean prefilter screen.(Filter situated on the engine) X (D) X X
1.12 Change Both Air Cleaner Primary Filters X (G) X (G) X (G)
1.17 Change A/C Pulley Bearing and inspect Pulley Grooves for excessive wear X
1.18 Check DPF filter replace as required (Where applicable) (See service manual for details) X
2 Transmission - Allison
2.2 Check Transmission Oil level (On CDU as well, in service mode) X X X X X
2.5 Change the Transmission Oil - (Additional oil level check after first test drive) X (A)(N) X (A)(N)
3 Transfer Case
3.3 Change the Transfer Case Oil - (Additional oil level check after first test drive) X (N) X (N)
4.2 Hydraulic and Wet Disk Brake Cooling oil Reservoir Breathers X (C) X (O) X (O) X (O)
4.4 Check Visually - All Hydraulic Hoses for Leaks, Chaffing, Routing X X X X
4.7 Change Wet Disc Brake Cooling Oil - (Additional oil level check after first test drive) X (N) X (N)
4.10 Inspect Hydraulic, Emergency and WDB Suction Strainers - (clean if required) X
5.6 Check condition of all Axle Driveline Cross and Rollers (Replace as required) X X X X
5.7 Check the Oil level in the Axles and Final Drives X X X
5.8 Change all Axle and Final Drive Oils (Clean any debris off Drain Plug Magnets) X (N) X (N)
6 Cab, Pneumatics & Electrical
6.2 Check Operator Controls - SDC, SSM Functions, Bonnet Switch & HVAC functionionality X X X X
6.3 Check All Lights including beacon and indicators, reverse buzzer X X X X
6.4 Check Machine software version and update to latest revision. X (I) X (I) X (I) X (I)
6.6 Record and Delete Fault Codes found on CDU Fault Display Page X X X X
7 Lubrication
7.1 Check the Grease level in the Auto Greasing System (Where applicable) X X X X X
7.3 Grease all remaining greasable Lube Points, including Oscillation Joint X (E) X (E) X (E) X (E) X (E)
7.7 Carry out Oscillation Joint Maintenance Procedure X (M) X (M) X (M)
8 General
9 Tyres
C Inspect and Clean the breathers and clean around the area if required, replace if blocked.
G Very Dusty Conditions Could trigger the Air cleaner blocked warning light - Filters to be replaced should it trigger before suggested service interval.
I Update file to be created before going to site, and only to be done if current software is outdated.
J Coolant mixture to be checked seasonally. Coolant to be replaced according to sampling or minimum every 6 Years.
K Note ! Machines with remote transmission filters option installed can be serviced from under the bonnet. See Service manual for location.
Oil sampling as per the Bell Lube Check SIB 1015/2016 is recommended before any oils are drained for proactive maintenance. Sampling Mandatory for
Extended Wet driveline warranty applications. Ensure all component oil levels are rechecked after machines first test drive to confirm correct fill level.
O Replace Breather/Filter
Service Comments
Please refer to the latest Lubricants Brochure for recommended lubricants. All Specified part numbers are for 20L containers.
ENGINE ( Semi Synthetic 10W40 ) MB228.51 Approved oil Only. BN005546 SA / 910425 Euro
TRANSMISSION ( Syn ATF Ultra ) Allison TES 295 Approved oil only. BN005549
TRANSFER BOX (Kessler) ( Gear Oil Limited Slip 80W-90 ) API GL-5 BN005575
AXLE OIL ( Gear Oil Limited Slip 80W-90 ) ( EURO - Borate Axle oil ) API GL-5 BN005575 SA / BN005580 Euro
AXLE OIL ( SA PIN 3 WDB ) (Super gear oil) API GL-5 BN035704
BN005557*1 / BN005598**2
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ( Hydraulic Oil VHVI*1 , Hydraulic Oil VG68**2, ( VG 46 Euro )***3 VG 46 for use in Europe and USA.
GREASE - SUPER HEAVY DUTY ( Pins, Bushes, Auto greasing, etc.) BN005601 SA ( 18 kg )
15mg/Kg = 15ppM
500mg/Kg = 500ppM
*1 & **2 Either oil may be used but do not mix. (Drain completely and refill only.) Refer to latest Lubricants Brochure for usage - SA.