Ed D Syllabus Gs Educ 604

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Republic of the Philippines


Iba, Zambales


2nd Trimester A.Y. 2023-2024

VISION: The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall be a progressive learner-centered research university
recognized in the ASEAN Region in 2020.
MISSION: The President Ramon Magsaysay State University shall primarily provide instruction, undertake research and
extension and provide advanced studies and progressive leadership in agriculture, forestry, engineering
technology, education, arts, sciences, humanities, and other fields as may be relevant to the development of
the province.
GOALS The following are the goals of the College of Graduate Studies:
1. It shall provide quality instruction to attain excellence, responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness in
all of its programs.
2. It shall enhance the professional and social skills, and the critical thinking capabilities of students to
develop them into competent leaders of their careers and the community.
3. It shall develop and enhance the capabilities of its graduates to become globally competitive and
transformative educators and researchers.
OBJECTIVES OF THE 1. To prepare the students for various roles and responsibilities as educational leaders, policy makers, and researchers in
PROGRAM the public and private sectors.

1. Equip the students with scientific knowledge of management concepts and theories useful in formulating solutions to
problems associated with the management of the general education programs;
2. Enhance competencies in preparation for executive, managerial, or supervisory positions in the governance and
management of the general education programs;
3. Develop knowledge and skills in the field of education through research and extension; and
4. Strengthen the moral values of its graduates.

NON DISCRIMINATION The PRMSU values diversity and seeks talented students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds. The PRMSU does not
STATEMENT discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national, or ethnic origin,
citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected class status in the administration of its
admissions, financial aid, educational or athletic programs, or other University administered programs or in its employment
practices. Questions or complaints regarding this policy should be directed to the Vice President of Academic and Student
Affairs and Director of Student Affairs, PRMSU, Iba, Zambales


III. COURSE This course deals with the basic concepts, principles and procedures or methods of research.
VI. Class Schedule Saturday, 8:00-11:00 AM
VII. Consultation Saturday 11:00AM-12:00NN
VIII. Place of the
Course in the
COURSE OBJECTIVES Enabling Objectives
a) to distinguish the different approaches and designs and components of research;
b) to learn the principles in writing thesis proposal and reports.
c) To learn the principles of writing publishable articles.
Terminal Objectives
a) Discuss intelligently and comprehensively the principles in thesis writing.
b) Write and submit a research manuscript.
c) Transform and submit a copy of published article
Program Intended Learning
PRMSU Graduate Attributes Course Intended Learning (CILO)
Outcomes (PILO)
When one has fully completed the When on has fully completed the
PRMSU Graduate is expected to be an EXCELLENT:
ED D Program, he/she: Course, he/she:
LEADER 1. Strong network leader, who is Demonstrates and facilities Exhibits and pursues excellence in the
committed, morally upright, professional learning and leadership transmission of contents in modern
and responsible, and who in education. problems in education, essential to
proactively governs in the becoming effective professional in
specific field of specialization. education.
2. Visionary leader, who Pursues lifelong learning for personal Advocates continuous learning and
effectively manages and and professional growth through applies the new global developments
optimizes human capital varied experiential and field-based and practices crucial and relevant to
toward sustainable opportunities achieving the objectives of the course.
3. Strong and effective Demonstrate a deep understanding Communicates effectively in oral or
communicator, who has the of the theoretical and disciplinal written and in audio-visual form the
power to express foundations of education. contemporary issues, challenges and
himself/herself orally and in problems being faced by Asian
writing, and other appropriate Displays qualities of innovative countries.
modes of expression teacher who utilizes appropriate
materials in instruction. Selects, plans, prepares, develop and
use appropriate instructional materials,
Assesses and evaluates processes resources.
and outcomes of education using a
variety of tools and approaches. Utilizes conventional and alternative
modes of assessment of students’
COMMUNICATOR 4. Competitive and lifelong Integrates local and global Expresses insights on modern/current
learner, whose excellence in perspectives in teaching the problems and issues in education that
services towards local and discipline. reflects local and global perspectives.
global needs
Organizes communities towards self-
reliance and self-sufficiency.
INNOVATOR 5. Research-oriented individual, Contribute to the body of research in Conducts simple research and issue
who uses scientific process to education. analysis of selected contemporary
create knowledge necessary to problems and issues in education.
address varied societal needs Shows scholarship in research and
towards inclusive growth and further learning. Considers relativists perspective,
sustainable development appropriate research processes and
ethical considerations in analysis and
interpretation of research conducted on
contemporary problems in education.
6. Critical thinker and problem Organizes and implements relevant, Articulates comprehensive, objective
solver, who is steeped in interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and verified contemporary social,
research methods and utilizes and coherent programs. political, economic, cultural and
empirical; evidence and environmental problems of Asian
scientific approach to nations.
knowledge creation and
utilization through knowledge


Institutional Intended Learning Time Frame
Course Contents Specific Objectives
Outcomes (IILOs) (No. of Hours)
Leader (1,2) I. Major Types/Approaches in 3 hours
Communicator (3,4) Research  Define quantitative approach.
A. Quantitative Approach-  Give the advantages and
1. Advantages disadvantages of quantitative
2. Disadvantages research.
3. Characteristics
4. Data Gathering and
5. Example of an Article
 Define qualitative approach.
B. Qualitative Approach  Give example of qualitative
1. Characteristics research.
2. An example of a  Differentiate structured and
Qualitative Study semi-structured interviews.
3. Measurement issues of  Explain triangulation
qualitative study
4. Structured, semi-
structured, and open  Differentiate qualitative and
interviews quantitative approach
5. Triangulation  Enumerate the advantages and
6. Advantages and disadvantages of mixed
disadvantages methods.
7. Data gathering analysis
C. Difference between Qualitative
and Quantitative
D. Mixed Qualitative and
Quantitative Methods
ll. Types of Qualitative Research

a. phenomenological
b. ethnographic
c. grounded theory
d. historical
e. case study
f. action research
lll. Types of quantitative research
a. Descriptive
b. Correlational
c. Causal-Comparative/Quasi-Experimental
d. Experimental Research

Leader (1,2) II. The Research Process 9 hours

Communicator (3,4) A. Research Process Defined
Innovator (5,6) B. The Research Process Paradigm:  Define research process.
Problem Formulation -  Discuss the research process
Exploration - Designing the paradigm.
Instrument - Designing the  Discuss research variables,
Study - Sampling Resource and  Discuss hypothesis and be
Budget Allocation - Research able to give examples of
Proposal Preparation - Pilot hypothesis.
Testing and Validation - data
Collection - Analysis and
Implementation - research
Reporting and Publication
C. Variables
III. Theoretical Framework
A. Review of Related Literature  Define literature and literature
 Sources of literature and review.
studies  Identity sources of literature.
 Guidelines in collecting  Enumerated guidelines in
Leader (1,2) reviewing and writing collecting and literature review.
Communicator (3,4) related literature and 3 hours
Innovator (5,6) related studies
B. Theoretical Framework
C. Research Paradigm/Conceptual
D. Hypothesis
E. Definition of Terms
IV. Research Methodologies
A. Measurement, Reliability and  Differentiate reliability from
Leader (1,2)
Validity validity.
Communicator (3,4) 6 hours
B. data Gathering Techniques  Identity data gathering.
Innovator (5,6)
C. Research Designs  Discuss sampling techniques.
D. sampling Techniques
V. Writing Bibliography
a. Guidelines for the preparation of a
Communicator (3,4) b. Bibliography styles/patterns 1 hours
c. Types of bibliography
d. Basic principles of citation

Leader (1,2) VI. Data Analysis and use of Appropriate 2 hours

Communicator (3,4) Statistical Tools
A. Importance of Data Analysis
B. Types of Data Analysis
C. Data Analysis Procedure
D. Methods and Principles of
Statistical Analysis
Leader (1,2) VII. Presentation and Interpretation of
2 hours
Communicator (3,4) Data
VIII. Writing Publishable Article
a. Why publish
b. Attributes of a good article 3 hours
c. Journal search
d. Journal indexing
XII.Suggested Readings Calderon, J.F. and Gonzales, E.C. (1993). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Manila Great
and References: Books Trading.

Calmorin, L.P. and Calmorin, M.A. (2005). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. 1 st Edition.
(Reprint) Manila. Rex Book Store.

Chawla, Deepak & Sondhi, Neena(2011). Research Methodology: Concepts and cases, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd. Delhi

Neuman, W.L. (2008) Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, Pearson

Pawar, B.S. (2009) Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies, Response
Books, New Delhi

Rubin, Allen & Babbie, Earl (2009). Essential Research Methods for Social Work, Cengage Learning
Inc. USA

Sanchez, C.A. (1986). Methods and Techniques of Research, Manila Rex Book Store.

XIII. Teaching Learning Online Approach:

Approaches 1. Lecture and Discussion (on-line)
2. Individual/Group Presentations (on-line)
3. Open Forum (on-line)
4. Use of Multi-media
Software Platforms:
•Facebook Messenger App
•Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, Messenger Video-call
•Free LMS (Edmodo & Google Classroom)
Learning Preparation:
*Any form of Multimedia Presentations

XIV. Course Attendance, Quiz, Major Examinations, Written Activities, Report


XV. Grading System Period Midterm Final

Class Standing (Quizzes, Projects, Report, Recitation, etc.) 50% 50%
Major Examination (Written Exam Performance/Lab. Exam, if applicable) 50% 50%
Total = 100% 100%

XVI.Targets And 90% and above of the class obtaining at least passing rate of 75% and above
XVII. Course Etiquette Netiquette for Online Classroom:
During virtual classroom discussion, it is important to understand the rules of netiquette on how to interact with one
another online. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at (http://www.albion.com/netiquette/index.html
XIX.Consultation Hours Consultation via email, group chat or messenger anytime of the week, Monday to Friday including
Sundays if needed

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Instructor Chair, Ed. D Director, Graduate School

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