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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S4, July 2019

Emerging Trends and Future Perspective of

Human Resource Reskilling in Higher
B. Suhasini, Dr. Santhosh Kumar N
 changes and could accelerate their business models using
Abstract: The emerging trends and the fast changing Technology cloud technology, redesigned the customer service delivery
across all fields demands for continuous learning and upgrading strategy with integration of digital social networking
the skills of human resources across the world, for sustaining the platforms for better reach of customers any time.
global completion and performing better in the global economies. The employee resources of any organization should be well
The employee resources of any organization should be well
oriented towards the upcoming technologies such as
oriented towards the upcoming technologies such as Artificial
Intelligence, Big data, Machine Learning, Communication Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Machine Learning,
Technologies etc relevant to their respective work operations and communication technologies etc relevant to their respective
should be prepared and facilitated to gain knowledge. work operations and should be prepared and facilitated to
Organization across all industry sectors should have a Strategy gain knowledge on such emerging technologies in the field of
and action plan put in place for facing such cultural changes and digitization and advanced automation systems that are
providing regular reskill training sessions among its human guiding and taking the world forward. With the increasing
resources for the benefit of employee and organization absorbing capability and acceptance of new emerging
development which in turn helps for effective customer systems by the manpower in the organizations, are helping
relationship management and services delivery.
the organizations to carry out the day to day business tasks
The Higher education institutions also required to focus
with less hassles. Organization across all industry sectors
strongly on reskilling their human resources in order to enhance
value proposition in programme delivery and building customer should have a Strategy and action plan put in place for facing
relationship with its various stakeholders such as faculty, such cultural changes and providing regular reskill training
students, industry experts etc with changing scenario of economic, sessions among its human resources for the benefit of
technological, and cultural environment. The article further employee and organization development which in turn helps
highlights the impact and usefulness of Reskilling various for effective customer relationship management and services
stakeholders with emerging technologies relevant to Higher delivery.
education making the youth competent to face the challenging In order to catch up with industry competition due to
future. changing scenario of economic, technological, and cultural
environment across the world, the Higher education
Index Terms: Reskilling, CRM, Higher education, Digital
institutions also required to focus strongly on reskilling the
Systems, Competency building.
human resources in the organization to enhance the value
proposition of the academic and business services delivery.
In the age of digitization and automation, building
The emerging trends and the fast changing Technology sustainable customer relationship with various stakeholders
across all fields demands for continuous learning and such as faculty, students, industry experts etc is always
upgrading the skills of human resources across the world, for a top priority for global educational institutions for
sustaining the global completion and performing better in the knowledge creation and industry exchange process. Higher
global economies. The industry sectors are getting reshaped education institutions being the source to produce young
day by day with evolution of new technologies like advanced minds with lot of creativity and entrepreneurial ideas, and act
robotics, Internet of Things. The smart algorithms and as knowledge hub for inducing the latest technologies
machines learning are more capable than the humans, the relevant to various industry sectors, plays a major role in
work load is being transformed drastically in manufacturing fulfilling the skill gap.
or agricultural sectors replacing the traditional methods. The The article further highlights the impact and usefulness of
business processes in the financial, healthcare sectors have Reskilling various stakeholders with emerging technologies
seen significant changes in the operations that are been relevant to Higher education for prospective future and
carried out both offshore and onsite with the use of advanced making the youth more competent to face world challenges
business intelligence and strong security tools. The with ease.
Hospitality and retailing also seen impact of technological

Revised Manuscript Received on July 05, 2019.

B. Suhasini, School of Management, SRM Institute of Science and What is Reskilling?
Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu. Reskilling is the process of
Dr. Santhosh Kumar N, School of Management, SRM Institute of educational training delivery
Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu. of traditional theoretical

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10670782S419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1067.0782S419 351 & Sciences Publication
Emerging Trends and Future Perspective of Human Resource Reskilling in Higher Education

concept added with applied learning methods suitable for should bring in the new learning style for providing the peer
industry needs with appropriate pricing and providing the to peer learning structure online. In many countries,
workforce the opportunity towards new career pathway. The Internet-based online instructional delivery is now the fastest
skill demanded by the workforce is being altered with growing in higher education. Massive Open Online Courses
demographic shift gap and technological innovation in most (MOOCs) technology platforms provided opportunity to
of the countries. The international organizations, industry faculty community across top universities to teach their
experts, academicians and corporate business leaders feel that advanced skill based courses to many number of students and
skill gap arising due to fourth industrial revolution need to be professionals. Integration of digital technology in research
tackled on top priority and invest in retraining the workforce collaboration and exchange of subject matters with industry
of all age groups as per the job requisition for desired experts will enhanced the research outcome of the faculty
organizational results. There should be right educational and community. The active participation by the faculty members
balanced training ecosystem providing the career prospects in various digital initiatives, social networking forum and
relevant to industry needs. This requires a great amount of contribution to various digital technology platforms helps in
team work and collaboration with multiple stakeholders, knowledge sharing. A system that is dynamically linked with
policy makers, global industry leaders to brainstorm and put students, faculty curriculum planners etc gives a different
in the policy and systems in place to meet the changing student learning experience than formal way of classroom
demand of the world. teaching.
According to Mckinsey Global Institute Report (2018) the Students – The technology became integral part of any
14% of world’s work force may have to change their learning environment. The demand for anytime and
respective job category with the emerging technologies of anywhere access to information among the student
digitization, automation and artificial intelligence etc that are constituents through various service touch points such
going to bring massive change in the work culture and learning platforms, application portals that provide access to
business operations by 2030. The survey conducted by the student community for their academic and administrative
Mckinsey reveals that 62% of executives across the globe transactions. The communication channels between student
strongly believe that the retraining and replacement of their services and faculty community are made more virtual and
workforce is needed by 2020 due to advancing automation instant than earlier days. The student’s progression in entire
student life cycle from prospect to admit to alumni involves
and digitization process and systems in work places. The
complex interaction through cutting edge technology at each
demand seems to be high in United States (64%) and Europe
stage. Particularly, students being technology-savvy, who are
(70%) than the rest of the world (Only 55%). 70% of
inclined towards more of self-learning these days, expect the
executives from the bigger companies across the globe self-driven learning platforms and communication channels
predict that more than a quarter of their workforce may get for their academic progress. They intend to choose the
affected in next five years with technological disruption. institutions that meet their area of interest on their own terms,
It is been observed by the Organization for Economic meeting their learning schedules. These are achieved only
Co-operation and Development (OECD), that many countries when the effective digital learning tools and sophisticated IT
fail to respond to the skills gap challenges due to factors such mobility infrastructure support systems are in place.
as quality of education and the cost incentives of Business Process Owner/Administrative Staff
incorporating automation. According to NASSCOM, In The administrators, particularly the Marketing team of
India, close to 40% of the country’s four million IT education institutions need to be reskilled with latest
workforce will need reskilling in the coming years to keep up technology platforms of CRM, social networking etc in
with the accelerating pace of technological developments in addition to communication and presentation skill. The world
areas such as automation, analytics and machine learning. As competition for education industry put forth the demand for
a solution, all the companies are increasingly looking forward acquiring the skill set and knowledge in terms of data science
for investing in retraining and reskilling existing human and business intelligence for knowing the pulse of
resource, as an urgent business priority to meet the potential prospective applicants or professionals of their educational
skill gap in order to face the technological challenges that are requirements.
critical for continuing the future business operations and The automation systems such as ERP/CRM intend to
introduce a true self-service system that empowers the
sustain the competition.
administrative team to carry out the administrative activities
Re-skilling Process in Higher education Faculty:
efficiently. This helps the administrative staff focusing on
Faculty and Academic experts should consider for bringing
more productive, rewarding, and customer satisfying
newer learning models, while planning and designing the
activities. This helps them to complete all business processes,
academic programmes or skill development programmes
such as making personal connections with students, faculty
relevant to industry professionals and students. The learning
and staff, external academic experts, maintain their
ecosystem should be blended with active and experiential
information from time to time, providing secured access to
learning methods with relevant modular contents for ease of
vital information as and when business transaction is needed.
understanding, absorption and practice. The blended learning
For colleges and universities, well-defined service touch
environment with well integrated digital communication
point processes integrated with electronic online payment
platforms will provides active participation and facilitate the
systems enhances the business digital services transactions
exchange of ideas through meaningful debate in online
and increases business revenue with the increased
discussion forums. The faculty should be well equipped and
enrollment, recruitment and
prepared to get adapted with new functionality of latest
technology of digital and social CRM platforms that are been
used in such blended learning environment. The faculty

Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10670782S419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1067.0782S419 352 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S4, July 2019

II. CONCLUSION 9. Sheila Kloefkorn, It's Time To Reskill The Marketing Workforce,
April 2018, Forbes
Re-skilling for effective Customer Relationship 10. Education at a Glance, 2018, OECD INDICATORS
Management in Higher Education
The CRM based digital learning platforms play a major
role in reskilling process by replacing the traditional methods
such as
 Physical classroom are transformed with virtual
interactive learning platforms driving towards
institutional continuous learning process.
 The text book and traditional examinations are now more
been handled with the use of cloud based computing,
mobile apps, advanced 3D systems providing access to
visually rich content and digital online examinations for
quicker assessments and learning progress
 Certification courses are enhanced and facilitated with
internationally recognized university Tie-ups and
delivering through MOOC courses that are customized
and made available relevant to industry needs with rich
experiential and virtual lab practices.
 Traditional Seminars and conferences are more
becoming as Techfest events, Gamification and
Hackathons bringing real time experience in colloquium

The academic institutions moving ahead with e-business

and e-learning technologies, as the driving forces using CRM
system for stronger and effective services delivery.
India has huge opportunity for fill up the skill gap with the
advantage of having world’s largest young population in the
country (As per UN Report 2014). NASSCOM believes the
IT industry’s current reskilling focus is on emerging
technologies like Big Data, Analytics, Cloud, IoT, Mobility,
and Design Thinking, while also investing in emerging skills
like Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing,
Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Robotic Process
Automation, and Cybersecurity. The education institutions
should identify right courses relevant to the industry by
incorporating the new age learning methodologies, digital
skilling platforms for future changes and enabling the
programme delivery more user friendly and making the youth
ready for catching up the competition and job opportunity
across the globe.

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Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10670782S419/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.B1067.0782S419 353 & Sciences Publication

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