NICE Gambia Training Centre - Intro To Word 2003
NICE Gambia Training Centre - Intro To Word 2003
NICE Gambia Training Centre - Intro To Word 2003
Vol. 1
By Sulayman Badjie
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Or alternatively, a shortcut can be created and placed on the desktop to start Word. From the windows desktop, double-click on the Microsoft Word icon.
Please write a profile about yourself and save the document as Your name Word basics
Task Pane
Status Bar
Title bar
The Title Bar appears at the top of the Word window, registering the title of the application and the document you are working on. If the Word window is not maximised, by positioning the mouse over the title bar and clicking and dragging, you can move the Word window to a new location on the screen.
The menu bar contains menus giving access to all the commands that can be carried out in Word. There are two methods for accessing menus and their options - the menu bar and the shortcut menu.
Menu Bar
The menu bar displays all options available within Word. You can access a menu by clicking its name with the left mouse button.
Shortcut menus
Shortcut menus can only be accessed when the mouse is positioned over a piece of text in the document, by clicking the right mouse button. The options that appear on the shortcut menus are context sensitive and may differ depending on what you have selected.
will appear listing options available. Click the required menu option.
Word has many different toolbars that can be displayed on the screen but the default toolbars are the Standard toolbar and the Formatting toolbar. The Standard toolbar contains buttons for commonly carried out operations such as opening a file, saving a file and copying information. The Formatting toolbar buttons are devoted to enhancing the appearance of text in a document.
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When you hover your mouse over any toolbar button, Word will display a description of what the button does.
To hide a toolbar:
Mouse Click the right mouse button anywhere over a displayed toolbar. The resulting menu will indicate the toolbars currently displayed. These are marked with a tick symbol. Click the toolbar you want to hide.
You can use the horizontal ruler to view and set paragraph indents, tab stops, page margins and column widths. In Print Preview and Print Layout view, Word also displays a vertical ruler you can use to adjust top and bottom page margins and row height in tables.
Status Bar
The status bar is a horizontal area in Word below the document window. It provides information about the current page and positioning of the cursor and additional contextual information.
Information on the Status bar reading from left to right tells you: The page you are currently positioned on The section you are currently positioned in The total number of pages The cursor position in relation to the top edge of your page The line position (horizontal) and the column position (vertical) of the cursor
The Scrollbars are located along the right and bottom of the document window. They enable you to move to another part of the document by dragging the box or clicking the arrows in the scroll bar.
Task Pane
A task pane is a window that collects commonly used actions in one place. The task pane enables you to quickly create or modify a file, perform a search or view the clipboard. It is a Web-style area that you can either dock along the right or left edge of the window or float anywhere on the screen. It displays information, commands and controls for choosing options. Like links on a Web page, the commands on a task pane are highlighted in blue text, they are underlined when you move the mouse pointer over them, and you run them with a single click.
A task pane is displayed automatically when you perform certain tasks, for example when you choose File, New commands from the menu bar to create a new document.