2013 Genome Architecture and Global Gene Regulation in Bacteria Making Progress Towards A Unified Model
2013 Genome Architecture and Global Gene Regulation in Bacteria Making Progress Towards A Unified Model
2013 Genome Architecture and Global Gene Regulation in Bacteria Making Progress Towards A Unified Model
between the Ter-binding protein MatP and segregation25. MatP also plays a part in the SlmA has an important role in coordi-
the ZapB component of the cell division formation of loops in the Ter macrodomain, nating chromosome positioning within the
apparatus24. by holding copies of the matS sequence dividing cell; it too has a distribution that
The DNA-binding protein MatP has a together and thus providing a degree of corresponds with the macrodomain struc-
special relationship with the Ter macro compaction to this macrodomain26,27. ture of the chromosome. It binds to a spe-
domain. In contrast to the widespread There is an interesting distribution of cific DNA sequence that is absent from the
distribution of SeqA (a negative regulator important cell cycle-associated DNA-binding Ter macrodomain and infrequently found
of replication initiation) owing to the pres- proteins among the macrodomains, including in the Left and Right domains. Thus, SlmA
ence of binding sites around much of the SeqA, the nucleoid occlusion protein SlmA is mainly located in the Ori macrodomain
chromosome, MatP binds to a sequence and MatP, and these proteins might con- and the flanking unstructured domains21,33.
motif (matS) that is found uniquely within tribute to macrodomain organization21. The MatP, SeqA and SlmA differ from the NAPs
Ter, a macrodomain from which SeqA intensively studied protein SeqA is involved in that they bind either exclusively inside
is excluded24. MatP has an important in the timing of chromosome replication (MatP) or exclusively outside (SeqA and
role in timing the separation of daughter initiation and binds to hemimethylated SlmA) the Ter macrodomain; most NAPs
chromosomes during cell division: it can 5′‑GATC‑3′ sites28–30. These sites are abundant do not display such strong macrodomain
hold two copies of the Ter macrodomain at oriC but are also found elsewhere on the specificity in their binding preferences13.
together, preventing premature chromosome chromosome, although not in Ter 21,31,32. This might imply that the NAPs are involved
in chromosome organization at a different
level to the macrodomain-specific proteins.
Glossary This conjecture is supported by several lines
of evidence that link at least some NAPs to
Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by H‑NS the maintenance of nucleoid structure at the
microarray (Histone-like, nucleoid-structuring protein). A nucleoid-
microdomain level. Also, MatP and SlmA have
(ChIP–chip). A method that allows the binding sites for a associated protein with a preference for binding to AT‑rich
specific protein to be identified throughout a genome DNA. H‑NS is expressed at all stages of growth, silences not (so far) been reported to influence global
in vivo. The protein of interest is crosslinked to DNA in the transcription of hundreds of genes and organizes gene expression, whereas many NAPs have.
living bacteria with formaldehyde, and the genomic DNA is nucleoid structure. Superimposed on its macrodomain
extracted and then sonicated to achieve a desired average
structure is the organization of the chromo-
DNA fragment length. An antibody specific for the protein HU
of interest (or for an epitope tag that has been attached A nucleoid-associated protein with a general DNA-binding some at the level of looped DNA micro
to the protein by genetic engineering) is used to precipitate and DNA-compacting activity. domains34. In the earliest studies of nucleoid
the protein–DNA complex. The crosslinks are then structure, the number and size of the looped
reversed, the released DNA is fluorescently tagged, and IHF domains were under- and overestimated,
its genomic location is identified using a DNA microarray. (Integration host factor). A paralogue of HU with
site-specific DNA-binding and DNA-bending activity.
respectively 35,36. Much more accurate esti-
Chromosome conformational capture mates were subsequently obtained using
(3C). A technique that identifies physical interactions Macrodomains genetic methods that allowed the impact of
between parts of the genome (specifically, interactions that Genetically defined large-scale chromosomal segments looped-domain breakage on DNA super-
would not be predictable from a survey of the DNA that are unlikely to undergo recombination with each
coiling to be measured around the chromo-
sequence alone). Macromolecules are chemically other because the resulting rearrangements are detrimental
crosslinked in living cells, and then the DNA is extracted, to the survival of the bacterium. The Escherichia coli some37. These data were combined with
digested with a restriction enzyme and subjected to chromosome has four macrodomains (Ori, Ter, Left and assessments of the influence of topological
intramolecular ligation. PCR is used to detect novel Right) and two so‑called non-structured regions (NS‑left barriers at microdomain boundaries on
junctions in the ligated DNA, which are predicted to arise and NS‑right).
site-specific recombination efficiency 38 and
from the close proximity of the now-joined sequences in
the folded nucleoid. A chromatin immunoprecipitation step Microdomain
also a systematic examination of looped
can be added to study novel interactions that depend on a A topologically independent 10–12 kb loop that coexists domains in electron microscopy images of
specific protein, such as a nucleoid-associated protein. with other microdomains within the macrodomain chromosomes released from lysed cells37.
superstructure of the Escherichia coli genome. There It now seems that the chromosome of
Chromosome conformational capture carbon copy are around 400 microdomain loops in the genome.
E. coli is divided into approximately 400
(5C). A chromosome conformational capture (3C) library is
first constructed, and then multiplex primers with universal Nucleoid-associated proteins looped microdomains, each with an aver-
primer extensions are annealed to the novel junctions in (NAPs). Low-molecular-mass, abundant DNA-binding age circumference of 10–12 kb37,38 (FIG. 1b).
the library and ligated together. The 3C junctions serve proteins that are thought to act as architectural Microdomains might be both transient and
as templates to guide the perfect ligation of the primers. components within the nucleoid and to modulate gene
predominantly a feature of chromosomes in
These can then be used in microarrays or subjected to expression. Escherichia coli has at least 12 distinct
high-throughput sequencing to identify the DNA forming NAPs.
exponentially growing bacteria38. Nucleoid
the junction. structure seems to be more diffuse in
Replichores slow-growing bacteria10.
Dps The two arms of the circular chromosome along Several lines of evidence from physical and
(DNA protection during starvation). A nucleoid-associated which bidirectional DNA replication occurs. The right
genetic studies indicate that NAPs, especially
protein that is expressed in stationary phase cultures (or (or clockwise) replichore and the left (or anticlockwise)
in cultures experiencing oxidative stress) and is thought to replichore each extend, in opposite directions, from H‑NS (histone-like, nucleoid-structuring
protect the DNA from damage. the origin of chromosome replication (oriC in Escherichia protein) and Fis (factor-for-inversion
coli) within the Ori macrodomain to the terminus of stimulation), play a part in forming the
Fis replication within the Ter macrodomain.
boundaries of microdomains, where they
(Factor-for-inversion stimulation). A nucleoid-associated
protein that is expressed in early exponential phase Topoisomerase
act as insulators, or domainins32. Further
cultures, organizes the local DNA topology and modulates An enzyme that alters the linking number of the DNA by support for H‑NS as a domainin has come
transcription. cutting, strand passage and religation. from super-resolution imaging combined
a b
Left (anticlockwise) replichore oriC Right (clockwise) replichore
Right (clockwise) replichore
hupA lacZYA
oriC hupB
Ori NS-right dif
gyrB Portion of left
seqA replichore
slmA oriC
dps oriC
Right lrp Helix (117 kb per turn)
rpoD mukBEF
Increasing compaction
rpoS topA Solenoid Plectoneme
10–12 microdomains (1.3 μm oriC
diameter) closed by H-NS
Left (anticlockwise) replichore
10–12 microdomains
closed by H-NS and oriC
negatively supercoiled oriC
Figure 1 | Organization of the Escherichia coli nucleoid. a | The circular replichore is illustrated as a solenoid and as a plectoneme, both of periodicity
chromosome is shown with its macrodomains19,21 indicated. The oriC locus is 117 kb. The DNA is next compacted by introducingNature10–12 microdomains
Reviews into
| Microbiology
the origin of chromosome replication, and dif is the site where the XerC and each of its 117 kb units. These microdomain circles (each of 10–12 kb) have a
XerD site-specific recombinases resolve chromosome dimers22. The direc- diameter of approximately 1.3 μm, giving the nucleoid a cross-section of
tions of DNA replication are shown by the black arrows, and these arrows about 2.6 μm. Supercoiling these small circles compacts them approximately
constitute the right (clockwise) and left (anticlockwise) replichores. The posi- twofold12. The nucleoid-associated protein H‑NS (histone-like, nucleoid-
tions of key genes that encode proteins named in the main text are indicated. structuring protein)4,13,32 is thought to have a core role within the two repli-
b | The chromosome is shown as a writhed structure (top), reflecting imaging chores, as it holds together the ends of the microdomain loops. crp, cyclic
data which suggest that it adopts a conformation of this type2,10,64, at least in AMP receptor protein gene; dps, DNA protection during starvation;
rapidly growing bacteria10. The thickness of this writhed DNA is indicative of fis, factor-for-inversion stimulation; hup, HU subunit gene; ihf, integration
the underlying layers of structure, as indicated below. A portion of the left host factor subunit; gyr, DNA gyrase subunit; topA, topoisomerase I.
with chromosome conformation capture (3C) sites along an H‑NS scaffold. How robust is itself a transcriptional repressor when it
technology 4. The 3C data show that H‑NS this structure is and to what extent its integ- binds at a promoter (either excluding RNA
has the ability to enhance the frequency rity alters with the growth conditions and polymerase from the promoter or trapping it
of colocalization of known H‑NS-binding the growth phase is currently unclear. The there)39,40 . It is interesting to note that StpA,
sites from different positions around the 3C data suggest some preference for intra- a closely related paralogue of H‑NS, does not
chromosome. The imaging data reveal that replichore contacts among H‑NS-binding form these large foci but is instead scattered
H‑NS forms, on average, two prominent foci sites, although there are also examples of throughout the nucleoid4. The significance of
within the nucleoid that are consistent with contacts across replichores. This could mean these differences in distribution is unknown,
the clustering of many microdomain bound- that the H‑NS‑dependent DNA contacts but they might reflect a preference on the
aries4 (FIG. 1b). The most straightforward introduce a degree of stochasticity into nucle- part of StpA for binding to RNA and/or its
interpretation of the imaging data is that oid architecture, perhaps generating variation preferential interaction with a portion of
H‑NS is involved in organizing the DNA in the gene expression patterns of individual the H‑NS population that is not involved in
in each of the two replichores, which align members of the genetically identical bacte- focus formation.
with the long axis of the E. coli cell, like the rial population. This is because H‑NS binds The negatively supercoiled nature of
H‑NS foci (FIG. 1b). It might do this by bring- DNA at AT-rich sites that are stochastically the chromosome itself represents an
ing together hundreds of H‑NS-binding distributed throughout the chromosome, and organizing influence, not least because it
Figure 2 | Nucleoid folding and gene regulation. A simple regulon con- as a solenoid (left) or as a plectoneme (right), the periodicity of these struc-
sisting of a regulatory gene and two structural operons, A and B, is illus- tures brings the three genes close together, facilitating
Nature Reviewscommunication
| Microbiology
trated in various conformations. a | When the chromosome is represented between the regulatory gene and its two target operons. Moreover, the
in a one‑dimensional, linear form, the three genetic loci are separated by products of the A and B operons are produced in close proximity, favouring
large distances in space. b | However, when the chromosome is reorganized their interaction.
contributes to DNA compaction12,41 (FIG. 1b). it would not be surprising if the need to NAPs as it does with conventional transcrip-
The bacterial type II topoisomerase DNA regulate transcription had the potential tion factors55. However, it is also possible
gyrase introduces negative supercoiling to influence nucleoid structure. that this widespread binding of the abundant
using the energy of ATP to drive the reac- Crp protein reflects the need for high-level
tion41–44. In addition, the movement of the Gene regulation then and now expression of those proteins that have geo-
polymerases involved in transcription and Early gene regulation studies involving graphically dispersed targets in the folded
DNA replication creates local domains of model bacterial systems (for example, the lac chromosome in the nucleoid.
negatively supercoiled and relaxed DNA operon in E. coli) strongly informed opinion Fluorescence in situ hybridization micro
as the polymerases unwind the duplex 41,45. about the likely mechanisms used to regu- scopy has been used to monitor the diffusion
DNA supercoiling affects transcription late the other genes in the cell50. Although a of labelled mRNA molecules expressed by
efficiency on several levels and so serves variety of mechanisms became apparent rea- the groESL operon and the crescentin (creS)
as a further integrating factor influencing sonably quickly, the scene was dominated by gene in Caulobacter crescentus and by the
gene expression and nucleoid structure41–47. the concepts of trans-acting protein-mediated lacZ gene in E. coli 3. This analysis showed
Transcription has been proposed as a repression or activation of transcription that mRNA translation occurs close to the
nucleoid-structuring principle in its own initiation, and the fact that regulatory genes DNA template. This discovery of de facto
right, on the basis of observations that genes were often located adjacent to the promot- compartmentalization in bacteria has
subject to high rates of transcription gather ers that their protein products controlled. important consequences for our view of
together to form foci48. Among the chromo Placing two or more structural genes in an the efficacy of trans-acting factors in gene
somal genes reported to form foci are the operon facilitates the regulation of these regulation, not least because it raises ques-
ribosomal RNA (rrn) operons, and the neighbouring genes by a single regulatory tions about the ability of geographically
promoters of these operons are controlled protein51. Work with the catabolite repressor dispersed genes to communicate with each
by NAPs, by negative supercoiling of the cyclic AMP receptor protein (Crp) showed other. Upregulating groESL expression by
DNA and by guanosine tetraphosphate, the that one regulatory protein can affect the heat shocking C. crescentus cells increases the
signalling molecule involved in the stringent expression of a multitude of genes or oper- dispersion of groESL mRNA, showing that
response16,48. However, how these rrn oper- ons and that these genes or operons can transcripts from highly expressed genes
ons are organized in the absence of high be located at many different chromosomal can migrate from the site of their synthesis.
transcription rates is unclear, so it might positions52,53 (FIG. 2). Insights of this type were In this context, it is interesting to note that a
be premature to conclude that high rates of central to our understanding of the molecu- correlation exists between the level of expres-
transcription per se create rrn foci. It has lar processes underlying the concept of the sion of a regulatory gene and the number of
also been reported that plasmids with a ‘regulon’, a collective of (usually geographi- genes that it controls56. Thus, one principle
constitutively active promoter gather at the cally dispersed) genes under the control of a driving gene co‑location in the nucleoid
cell pole, but in the absence of transcription, common regulatory factor 51. Crp is an abun- might be the need to bring regulatory genes
these plasmids remain randomly distrib- dant protein that binds to a vast number of within an effective range of their targets for
uted49. Although it must be noted that potential sites in the chromosome, far more physiologically meaningful regulation to
plasmids lie outside the nucleoid, this work than can be accounted for by binding to occur 57. (Perhaps small regulatory RNAs are
does suggest that transcription can lead to Crp-dependent promoters alone54. This more diffusible and thus provide a means
gene repositioning and has the potential has led to the interesting suggestion that of ‘regulation-at‑a‑distance’ that is more
to influence nucleoid structure. Perhaps Crp has at least as much in common with effective than protein-based mechanisms.)
It has been suggested that the periodic at the small and intermediate scales, where DNA topology
arrangements of genes along a solenoidal gene–gene communication might influence R SC R
(that is, helically wound) chromosome nucleoid architecture and vice versa.
provides a means of facilitating communica- The order of the genes along the E. coli
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than 100 bacterial genomes has identified two species separated from their common
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53. Magasanik, B. & Neidhardt, F. C. in Escherichia coli chromosome. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, ALL LINKS ARE ACTIVE IN THE ONLINE PDF
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