A Multilevel Inverter Approach Providing DC-Link Balancing, Ride-Through Enhancement, and Common-Mode Voltage Elimination
A Multilevel Inverter Approach Providing DC-Link Balancing, Ride-Through Enhancement, and Common-Mode Voltage Elimination
A Multilevel Inverter Approach Providing DC-Link Balancing, Ride-Through Enhancement, and Common-Mode Voltage Elimination
Fig. 4. Modified schematic of the NP voltage balancing circuit with
ride-through capabilities. A. Simulation Results of the Conventional PWM NPC VSI
The PSpice simulation results of the proposed MLI driving
performance. Furthermore, the size of the inductor and the a 10-hp load (460-V ac line input) are shown in Figs. 5–8 for
capacitor are determined by the voltage and current ripple, conventional SPWM NPC VSIs.
Fig. 8. Total dc-link voltage during a 40% single-phase sag, the differential
voltage of the two capacitors, the load current, and one of the controller inductor
current waveforms of the simulation with NP control in ride-through mode.
From Fig. 5, the dc-link capacitor voltage ripple is 4.8%. With Fig. 10. CMV waveform and the voltage waveform of one capacitor for the
proposed NP balancing scheme with CMV cancellation.
the proposed control techniques, the capacitor voltage ripple
is reduced to no more than 0.7% of the capacitor voltage as
shown in Fig. 6. Note that the capacitor voltage ripple (which B. Simulation Results With CMV Cancellation Implementation
is as large as the NP ripple) is controlled by the boost and buck Again, the modified PWM techniques used in this paper for
dc–dc converters. the cancellation of CMV in NPC inverters were presented and
The boost and buck converters operate in different intervals proven in [9]. The variation of the NP voltage with CMV-can-
in the proposed balancing scheme, as shown in Fig. 7. The cur- cellation SPWM is similar to that with conventional SPWM.
rent through is shown with the solid curve while The NP current variation is related to the output load and un-
is shown as the dashed curve. The maximum current of the con- balanced impedance variation.
verter’s switching device is decided by the converter inductance Fig. 9 shows the CMV of the conventional NPC inverter and
and the variation of the NP current. Note that is shown for the modified NPC inverter with CMV-cancellation SPWM. The
clarity. nonzero CMV during the modified SPWM operation is due to
Fig. 8 shows the voltage and current waveforms of the NP the variation in the NP voltage. The resulting load current under
voltage controller working in the ride-through mode. During CMV-cancellation SPWM is shown in Fig. 9. In addition, the
an example 40% single-phase voltage sag, the rectifier output capacitor voltage under CMV-cancellation SPWM is shown in
voltage is shown to be reduced to 520 . However, because Fig. 9.
the voltage of each capacitor is regulated to 310 V , the total The CMV and capacitor voltage with the proposed NP bal-
dc-link voltage is maintained at 620 V during the sag. Note ancing technique and CMV-cancellation SPWM is shown in
that the differential voltage of the two capacitors is . Fig. 10. Note the significant reduction in the CMV and capac-
Thus, the voltage variation about the NP voltage itor ripple with the proposed scheme. Fig. 11 shows the dc-link
is half of the varying magnitude shown in the second waveform voltage, the capacitor differential voltage, the load current, and
of Fig. 8. one controller inductor current in the ride-through and balancing
When the sag occurs, the boost and buck converters will both operation mode with CMV cancellation. Similar to the conven-
operate. The current waveform of one of the converter inductors tional SPWM, the NP voltage variation is half of the differential
is the fourth curve shown in Fig. 8. voltage of the two capacitors shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. Total dc-link voltage, the differential voltage of the two capacitors,
the load current, and one controller inductor current with NP control and CMV (2)
cancellation during ride-through.
The details of the filter design process are described in [13]. For
VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS simplicity, and .
A. Experimental System The reference NP voltage is obtained by . The
voltages across and are monitored and compared with the
An experimental prototype of the proposed three-level
reference NP voltage to obtain the voltage errors used to control
NPC inverter has been built and experimentally tested as an
the voltages across and . Note, a dead-band error voltage
adjustable-speed drive (ASD) for an induction motor load. The
of 5 V was set for the controllers.
prototype design is rated at 5 kVA to drive a 5-hp motor at a
The efficiency of the proposed additional circuit is high [12]
three-phase line voltage of 460 V, and employs insulated gate
because of the buck and boost topologies used. As detailed in
bipolar transistors (IGBTs). The MLI switching frequency is 5
[13], the efficiency of the buck converter is as follows:
kHz and the balancing circuit switching frequency is 10 kHz.
The fundamental output frequency can be varied from 6 to 60
Hz and the modulation index can be varied from 0.3 to 1.0.
The control signals for the inverter system are obtained using
a Texas Instruments TMS320F240 DSP. The TMS320F240 where is the output voltage, is the dc-bus voltage,
is a fixed-point 16-b low-cost DSP, incorporating a 20-MIPS is the switching device rise or fall time constant, and is the
processor designed specifically for motor drive applications. A switching period of the converter. From (3), the efficiency ap-
Tektronix TDS7104 Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope was used proaches 90%.
to capture all of the experimental waveforms. Again, while the proposed approach does add additional cir-
The buck and boost control loop designs are based on reg- cuitry and complexity to the MLI hardware, as detailed in Sec-
ular buck and boost controller design rules. The controllers are tions II and III, with the NP balanced, the necessary size of the
realized by software in the DSP controller. The sample rate for dc-bus capacitors can be reduced. The dc-link capacitance can
the two controllers is 10 ksamples/s. The neutral voltage ripple be calculated by [5]
frequency is the third harmonic of the output frequency. For the
maximum output frequency of 60 Hz, the maximum frequency (4)
of the NP voltage variation is 180 Hz. Considering the multi-
level inverter switching frequency of 5 kHz, the control band- where is the maximum current flow to or from the NP,
width was selected to be 900 Hz (five times the maximum fre- is the frequency of the NP voltage, and
quency of the NP voltage variation and close to one-fifth of is the maximum variation voltage of the NP. For example, for
the MLI switching frequency). This can supply a fast enough a 5-kVA 460-V 6.3-A inverter, Hz Hz ,
response for the NP voltage and prevent disturbance from the and V, the required dc-link capacitance is:
MLI switching frequency in the control loop. In order to sim- uF. With the NP balancing circuit, the dc-link capacitance
plify the design of the controller for the boost converter, it oper- can be reduced to approximately uF.
ates in discontinuous mode. This is guaranteed by setting the
maximum for the boost converter in the DSP code. The B. Experimental Results
compensator used in the control loop is “Type II” according to Fig. 12 shows the MLI line-to-line output voltage. The
feedback control theory and considering the effect of poles and dc-link voltage variation waveforms across are shown in
zeros in the loop. The poles’ and zeros’ positions are decided by Fig. 13, with and without the proposed NP balancing control.
the output inductor, capacitor and equivalent series resistance The peak-to-peak voltage variation is 30 V without NP
In this paper, a simple approach to balancing the dc-link
voltage has been presented, which provides enhanced
Fig. 13. DC-link voltage variation waveforms across C with and without the ride-through perform+ance and enables the MLI switching
proposed NP voltage balancing control. algorithm to be modified for CMV cancellation. Simulation
and experimental results with full DSP control verify the pro-
posed concepts. With the appropriate design of the balancing
controller, the NP voltage variation is shown to be significantly
reduced, while allowing enhanced ride-through performance
and CMV cancellation. The added features of NP balancing
and ride-through enhancement do come with additional com-
ponents, as detailed in Sections II and III, which increase the
cost and complexity of the MLI hardware, the extent of which
is dependent on the application.
Fig. 14. Motor shaft voltage with and without CMV-cancellation control.
The authors wish to thank the Toshiba International Indus-
trial Division, and Assistant Chief Engineer W. Gray, for the
generous hardware contributions to construct the experimental
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[9] H. Zhang, A. von Jouanne, S. Dai, A. Wallace, and F. Wang, “Mul-
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[12] J. F. Silva, A. Galhardo, and J. Palma, “High-efficiency ripple-free power Shaoan Dai (S’00) received the B.S. and M.S.
converter for nuclear magnetic resonance,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2000, degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology,
pp. 384–389. Harbin, China, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. He
[13] A. I. Pressman, Switching Power Supply Design, 2nd ed. New York: is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the
McGraw-Hill, 1998. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Oregon State University, Corvallis.
From 1990 to 1996, he was an Assistant Professor
and, from 1996 to 1999, he was an Associate
Annette von Jouanne (S’94–M’95–SM’00) Professor in the Department of Control Engineering,
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical Harbin Institute of Technology. His interests are
engineering with an emphasis in power systems focused on circuits design, power electronics,
from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, in adjustable-speed drives, and control engineering.
1990 and 1992, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering/power electronics from Texas
A&M University, College Station, in 1995.
While at Texas A&M University, she also
worked with the Toshiba International Industrial
Division and International Power Machines on joint
university/industry research. In 1995, she joined the Haoran Zhang (S’98–M’99) received the B.E.E.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oregon State University degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
(OSU), Corvallis, where she is currently an Associate Professor, working in 1985, the M.E.E. degree from the Institute
primarily on power electronic converters, power quality, adjustable-speed drive of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of
(ASD) ride-through, and investigating and mitigating the adverse effects of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 1988, and the Ph.D.
applying ASDs to ac motors. She is also the Co-Director of the Motor Systems degree in electrical engineering from Oregon State
Resource Facility (MSRF), an Electric Power Research Institute/OSU Center University, Corvallis, in 1998.
for power electronics, motors and drives research, and testing. From 1988 to 1995, he was an Assistant Professor
Dr. von Jouanne was the recipient of the 2000 IEEE Industry Applications in the Department of Control Engineering, Harbin In-
Society Outstanding Young Member Award, the IEEE Industry Applications stitute of Technology, Harbin, China. He is currently
Magazine Prize Paper Award, and the National Science Foundation CAREER an Integrated Circuit Design Engineer with Texas In-
Award. She also served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON struments Incorporated, Tucson, AZ, working on power management and high-
INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS during 1997–2001. She is a Registered Professional precision analog ICs. His areas of interest include power electronics, power and
Engineer in the State of Washington. analog integrated circuits, electric machines, and adjustable-speed drives.