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AIM January 2014 – Relation magazine of Stork


Using BIG DATA on the way to condition based maintenance

When gas demand is high, the PEAKSHAVER is ready

Adding value through SAFE OPERATIONS

Customer response makes the difference on CURTIS ISLAND,


Stork’s Innovative Solutions with Composite Wrap and

Radiographic Inspections
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AIM January 2014

AIM January 2013

BIG DATA: How can we make better use
of data analysis for asset optimisation
and asset integrity? We talk to Stork has been working here since the SEATOOTH, An innovative solution to The ITB enables change and
Leo van Dongen, professor of beginning of 2013 as main contractor an age old problem improvement, both in ourselves and in
Maintenance Engineering at the for both project-based and daytoday the organisation, so we can meet our
University of Twente. maintenance. customers’ needs and values.

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“We believe that creating a win-win The APLNG Project on Curtis Island off the coast programmes, innovations and technology enable
environment is achieved by working of North-East Australia, as well as on the Stork to constantly extend and optimise its range
closely together with our clients; one mainland.The specific challenges of providing of products and services. Composite Wrap is a
partner for life” services at multiple, widely separated locations. good example of how that works in practice.


5 East
KNOWLEDGE”. A Colombian delegation from Africa Pacific
Ecopetrol and Equión visits the GLT-PLUS Project Americas
in the Netherlands. Gas production in the
province of Groningen makes such a strong
impression that Stork MASA gets the order to do
the same for the Equión Energía project in

12-13 22
PERFORMANCE. Thanks to the focus on safety REDUCING DOWNTIME by fabricating and testing
through our REACH programme, the Stork team modules for use off the Shetland Isles (UK) in
on BP’s Mad Dog platform in the Gulf of Mexico Kuwait. How Stork’s radiographic specialists
have already worked more than 34,000 man- avoided production delays at Sullom Voe using
hours without any safety incidents. the innovative SafeRad technology.
ONE PARTNER Equión and Ecopetrol in Colombia choose Stork


AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

Arnold Steenbakker, CEO Stork Technical Services:
“We believe that creating a win-win environment
is achieved by working closely together”.

I am pleased to present to you the first maintain our competitiveness in the

edition of AIM 2014. market, we will continue to further
optimise our way of working to keep
The theme that we have chosen for up with the latest developments and
this issue is ‘ONE Partner for Life’. Stork respond to increasing market
believes that creating a win-win demands. This greatly benefits the
environment is achieved by working work we do in our growth regions:
closely together. In this issue of AIM Latin America, UK, Middle East and
we present you examples where Australia.
partnering with our customers
creates value; eg in Colombia we Safety continues to be our number Stork Technical Services has significantly strengthened its position on
introduced a new way of working one priority. You will read about the
contributing to the asset reliability activities and personal approach we
the South American market. It recently started work on a five-year
and in the Netherlands we work in an are taking through the targeted contract with Equión Energía, a joint venture between Ecopetrol and
alliance with multi-disciplinary teams safety REACH campaigns. We are on
to increase the efficiency. course with our goal of a 5%
Talisman, which produces 100,000 barrels of oil and 10 million m3 of gas
year-on-year improvement on lost per day. As main contractor Stork is responsible for maintenance,
I am proud to say we serve brands time and recordable frequency rates.
such as Shell, BP, Ecopetrol, Talisman,
running the energy plants and some operational aspects – in particular
Sabic, CB&I and BG. During my first Our strong market position, compressors – at a number of oilfields in Casanare, Colombia.
half year at Stork I have had the developed on a solid customer base,
pleasure to meet with several of our reputation and track record in HSSE
customers who shared their and our drive to respond to market Stork is responsible for asset management, which as well as
We are proud to present to you the updated appreciation for the value and developments are critical the regular plant maintenance also includes availability and
Stork logo. This new logo represents the dedication our employees add to their components to continue to build Quick wins reliability. Techniques like reliability engineering and analysis
Stork business being a maintenance partner business. It also became apparent Stork as a tier one maintenance Equión and Ecopetrol chose Stork MASA because of its local of production losses and failures form the basis for proposals
for the oil and gas industry. The new logo that our customers, large or small, provider. knowledge in combination with Stork’s global asset integrity to improve the maintenance processes and plant
will reflect the independency from Fokker work according to the highest expertise. performance. The ultimate goal is to optimise asset
which has been established since the standards and expect the same from I look forward to continue to work A visit to the GLT Plus site in Groningen, the centre of natural availability and the productivity of the Equión plants.
separation Stork Technical Services and their business partners, making this with our clients and all Stork gas production in the Netherlands, proved to be decisive.
Fokker Technologies last year. We will roll-out Stork’s number one priority. employees on current and future Equión was impressed by the innovative way in which this Benefits for the local community
this powerful new Stork logo as of 2014. projects. gasfield is operated and maintained, and found Stork the The majority of the 350-strong personnel have been
We have secured substantial work right partner to help it improve efficiency of the plants, recruited from the local community – a prime consideration
around the globe, from existing and Arnold Steenbakker minimise costs and raise safety standards. The main focus in for both Stork and Equión and Ecopetrol is that the
new customers. This work allows us to CEO, Stork Technical Services introducing this new working approach is on asset reliability community must clearly benefit from the joint activities. Not
transfer knowledge, to develop and rolling out Stork’s industry-leading LISTO (REACH) safety only in the form of employment and the local economy, but
innovations and to create a solid base programme. Stork is also implementing long-term planning equally in terms of knowledge transfer through the close
for further expansion. To continue this methods to enable it to do more with fewer personnel. These collaboration and learning from Stork’s international
improvement process and to spearheads are scheduled to be achieved by end-2013. professionals.
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AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014


Using data mining

on the way to
y following Twitter you can
already ‘see’ who’s going to win
an election. Google knows exactly
what we’re looking for, and can

Condition Based
even predict how a flu virus will
spread based on search results.
Supermarkets and webshops, too,
benefit from the predictive value of

patterns in people’s behaviour.
That means the data is there for the
taking, and the techniques for doing
that are already operational.
So why does the process industry
make so little use of ‘big data’?
Why is preventive maintenance still
Concrete results according to Van Dongen: “You have to improve
standard practice? And why is NedTrain has already found out exactly what step-by-step. Don’t confuse the organisation with
action still taken either too often or benefits Condition Based Maintenance can more ideas than they can handle, and make sure
deliver. In a pilot study, the technical status of a your action plans are in line with operational
too late? In other words, how can we number of trains was monitored in real time using reality. In our case, that means you have to know
data from onboard sensors. By better prediction what your workshop can do and you have to keep
make better use of data mining for of the right maintenance times and needs, and as that in mind. The knowledge is in the data, but it’s
asset optimisation and integrity a result better planning of the maintenance also in people. That’s why we use integrated
process, unplanned downtime was cut by 12% rolling stock teams, in which our engineers and
management? AIM asked and the repair times for two common fault types asset managers work together with the people
were reduced by as much as 35%. As well as these who have to get the job done on the shop floor.
Leo van Dongen, professor of concrete results, the pilot also produced a number Which means you need people who can think in
Maintenance Engineering at the of valuable learning points. The first is focus: to practical terms, and who can work with the
start with, we should aim for gains in the most statisticians in business intelligence to carry out
University of Twente and director of critical systems. For NedTrain, avoiding unplanned the right analyses and make the right choices. But
downtime is a key priority. that’s also a process of trial and error. So you have
NedTrain, the maintenance to expect some mistakes along the way. As a
organisation of NS, the Dutch Watch out for overkill company you have to accept that, and be
Especially when you’re using big data, it’s prepared to make the right capacities and skills
Railways. important to keep things simple and clear, available when they’re needed.” Leo van Dongen

t ow ner
cu s: Operatie kenn
Fo is
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AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

tra c t o r

Fo c u s : Co m

k e n n is
Dynamic maintenance planning
Of course you have to be prepared for the impact

that will have on your organisation. “For example


co n
all our technicians have an iPad for rapid access to

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li e
the data they need. And it’s a big challenge to get


the underlying logistics processes up to speed. nis cu


We already have the system for dynamic
ai n
maintenance planning, so now we also need to
carry it out dynamically.” In concrete terms, M Paul Casteleijn
NedTrain intends to set up a number of
strategically located technical centres that will be

ready for Condition Based Maintenance. Also vital
is the willingness to share data, both inside and
outside our own organisation. Van Dongen gives
a good example of what that means in practice. wheelsets that need it, and not on those that

“As a company you

After extensive downtime caused by flat spots on
wheels, it was decided to monitor the wheels
using Gotcha, a system developed by ProRail, the
don’t. This process avoids unnecessary downtime
of rolling stock.
Condition Based Maintenance
in the world of Stork
have to be prepared to government organisation responsible for the rail Sharing of data and interests
make the right network infrastructure. This system now measures Big data can often be found in data held by third
the status of each axle, so corrective action can be parties, especially when the purchase of new
capacities and skill
taken with the right degree of urgency on the equipment is involved. It’s often preferred not to
available when they’re share that information for reasons of competition,
needed.” Van Dongen points out. Which is why he warmly At Stork we’re convinced that big data offers tremendous maintenance and investments, on the basis of concrete data
advocates the Rhineland model, involving open opportunities to further improve the availability of assets about the integrity of your assets.” He believes the CAMPI
and transparent collaboration with suppliers. In and to reduce the total life-cycle costs. That requires project is in many ways innovative, especially because hardly
the most recent tenders for new trains, his system intensive cooperation with asset owners and manufacturers. any research has been done on the benefits of combining
engineers have direct contact with the Which is why we’re participating in CAMPI (Coordinated data and shared maintenance planning.
manufacturer’s technical staff. He regards this as Advanced Maintenance and Logistics planning for the
an extremely positive development. “It means, for Process Industries), a project run by Dinalog, the Dutch Paul Casteleijn, Principal Consultant at Stork and also
example, that maintainability can also be taken Institute for Advanced Logistics. In a consortium of eight involved in the World Class Maintenance and CAMPI
into account in the solution, and forms part of the companies, the universities of Eindhoven, Groningen and research projects, says Groningen Long Term is the
overall negotiations.” He believes this principle Tilburg and the Dutch Institute World Class Maintenance, proverbial exception that proves the rule. At the Groningen
should be followed much more often. “The we’re researching the pros and cons of Condition Based Support Centre, Stork has for years been working as
challenge is to work together with respect for Maintenance and its impact on logistics. Key themes are the construction and maintenance contractor in a single team
each other’s expertise, efforts and interests, and benefits of data sharing within and between companies, and with Jacobs Engineering and the OEMs Siemens and
always to put the performance of the equipment minimising stops by clustering the maintenance activities. Yokogawa, together with NAM, the asset owner and
first. That may mean slightly higher costs in the operator of the gas production clusters. “The main reason
tender stage, but that will be well worth while in Mathon Erps, Knowledge Manager at Stork, emphasises the why we do that is so we can use the huge amounts of
terms of the total life-cycle costs because you get importance of the interaction between science and industry: information generated by numerous sensors since the
a better product and a better maintenance “It’s all about how you can combine production, engineering renovation of the twenty clusters.”
process. The big question is who’s going to take and maintenance data to optimise your asset performance.
that role as the ‘vital link’.” There’s a clear need in practice for new maintenance “Using statistical methods, we’ve translated failure
strategies, because companies use their assets much more patterns into predictable models for process-critical
In the coming years Van Dongen sees plenty of dynamically than in the past. With gas turbines we installations, so we can take planned action in time
opportunities to make maintenance more sometimes see as many as twenty starts per month, instead to prevent unplanned stops. That saves an average
dynamic: “By using data mining we’ll be able to of just a few per year. Then you’re obviously going to find of 28 days of production per year.”
make big improvements in the availability and different fault patterns.” In Erps’ view, data mining can help
reliability of critical assets.” to define the right asset strategy. He refers to the urgent It’s a good example of co-creation, according to Casteleijn:
problem of assets: “A lot of process equipment is “What’s also unique is that we’ve really developed the
approaching end-of-life. But the question of course – present installations together. You can only do that if you
especially in today’s economic conditions – is where exactly exchange data openly. Which is something that we at Stork
is the limit? That’s also important for safety reasons. It’s a big are also ready to do in other projects.”
help if you can take well founded decisions about
When gas demand is high,
On the Maasvlakte industrial area in the Port of

Rotterdam is the Peakshaver owned by Gasunie, 11

the the Dutch natural gas infrastructure and which enables us to act quickly when necessary.
AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

We can respond much faster and more effectively
transportation company. This LNG plant has a because of the fixed agreements we’ve made.

is ready
That was the reason why we first set up this
Gasunie’s Peakshaver is used to safeguard energy supplies to the West of the capacity of 1.25 million m3 per hour, and serves system.”
Netherlands. This LNG plant ensures that ample gas supplies are available when needed,
especially at peak times when demand for energy is extra high. as a buffer for the natural gas grid. Innovative solutions
The Peakshaver is put on standby when the effective daily temperature in De Bilt Stork’s multidisciplinary strengths are also
– where the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) is based – falls to -2°C or lower.
The Peakshaver is vitally important for Dutch valuable in the projects. “We recently replaced a
number of drainage pumps and carried out some
natural gas supplies and for the country’s overhaul works on the tanks”, says Göttker.
economy as a whole. Stork Technical Services “When they have 40 or 50 maintenance
has been working here since the beginning of people working here on-site, you can see
that shutdowns like this are everyday
2013 as main contractor for both projectbased business for Stork.”

and day-to-day maintenance. We discuss how “As well as that, they think along with you on how
best to approach projects, how to work in a
that works in practice with Peter Göttker, smarter way, and how to cause as little
disturbance as possible to our operations.
coordinator of mechanical and civil works at For example today we’re laying a number of new
power cables, using Stork’s offshore rope access
Gasunie, and Nikki Schutte, who coordinates expertise. Before that, we always had to build full
scaffolding for a job like that. This new working
the on-site works for Stork. method really does save us a lot of time and

Fast response Excellent basis

Everything here is focused on being available on Operations and Stork make a good team, in
standby when the weather turns cold. The storage Göttker’s view. Although as far as he’s concerned
tanks are full from 1 November so the plant is it’s still a pilot, he’s sure it will form the basis for a
ready to supply gas when it’s needed to meet long-term partnership: “As the trust grows, we can
peak demand and if the pressure drops in the gas work together on optimising our asset integrity.
grid. That’s why major maintenance projects are And we don’t just measure the benefits of
always scheduled for spring and summer. working together in terms of money alone.
This limited period means there’s a varying need Performance and safety are just as important.
for technical personnel, which was an important We’re talking here about a location with a high
reason for Gasunie to increase the flexibility in its risk profile.” He appreciates Stork’s high level of
maintenance capacity. “Stork works closely involvement, and its sense of responsibility for
together with our own maintenance teams, and is the overall operation. “We’d both like to see even
ready to act when necessary”, explains Peter better use being made of this added value by
Göttker. “Not only on mechanical works, piping already involving Stork in the preparation and
and E&I, but also for cleaning and civil works.” project planning stage. That’s what we’re going to
That goes without saying, according to Nikki work on next.”
Schutte, because the aim is to proactively take
care of any possible problems for Gasunie. “We The Peakshaver is very important for energy
act as main contractor, and where necessary we supplies in the West of the Netherlands. Especially
bring in outside specialists. The big advantage is in cold periods, the plant makes sure businesses,
that we know the plant, the applicable industry, institutes and families have sufficient
regulations and – not least – each other.” Nikki is gas supplies, even at times of high peak demand.
based permanently on the Peakshaver location. “We’re working together here on a responsible
Göttker is pleased with the resulting direct lines task”, says Göttker: “There’s no sustainable future
of communication. “She’s our constant point of without a stable backbone, and the Peakshaver
contact, with a fixed core team of specialists, makes an important contribution to that”.
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AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

Stork strives to add value for clients by focusing on a safe working environment, on Case study - Safe operational delivery
every project. From Aberdeen to Azerbaijan, and Continental Europe to Colombia, Stork recently provided a multi-disciplined rope access qualified team to perform at height
we have partnered with operators for many years to deliver our integrated services conventional non-destructive testing utilising Ultrasonic Thickness and Shearwave inspections
with an unrivalled focus on safety. onboard Mad Dog for the Rig Replacement project involving a significant platform upgrade.
This work was successfully and safely executed over the course of several months and led to
This approach has helped Stork’s BP Mag Dog team to work more than 34,000 the award of additional workscopes including rigging and lifting, inspection and verification of
material quality and dimensional inspections, access solutions including scaffolding on the
manhours this year with ‘0’ lost time incidents. same project.

The scopes utilised rope access as the primary means of safe access and egress but now
Scope of work included rigging and lifting operations from the routine to non-routine and critical lifts. Stork
managed each step of the project developing task specific risk assessments as well as
In the Gulf of Mexico, USA, Stork has worked on BP’s deepwater Mad Dog asset since commissioning in 2005, managing the non-routine and critical lifts with detailed lift plans ensuring each step was
and now delivers key projects on all four assets - Mad Dog, Atlantis, Nakika and Thunderhorse. The scope of conducted utilising equipment that were certified and fit for purpose, and personnel
Stork’s work has evolved from mechanical and construction support to a wide range of maintenance and competent to conduct the tasks.
integrity services including :
The award of these additional tasks provided Stork with the opportunity to further
Conventional and specialist non-destructive testing demonstrate its high regard for safety which the company bring to the worksite. These
• Fabric maintenance coating applications and repairs projects were again successfully executed with no incidents or harm to the wider environment.
• Process piping installation and demolitions This led to the client providing order uplifts to maintain a full time multi-disciplined rope
• Lifting and rigging solutions access team to support the ongoing construction and upgrade project.
• Electrical & utility installations
• Bolting Services
• Confined space entry management and rescue services
• In-service Inspections “I am proud of the work that our guys are doing. “Our team has done an excellent job of utilising
This team has built a strong relationship with the both REACH and BP’s safety programme to ensure
client and truly contributes to the safety of the that a service is delivered with the utmost
Focus on safety entire platform. In addition to our safety culture, attention to safety and quality. At Stork, we say
they provide an array of quality maintenance ‘safety is our number 1 priority’ and we live and
Delivering and maintaining a safe work approach is critical and requires the focus of all involved in the solutions to our client. They are setting the breathe this in the Gulf of Mexico’’
planning and execution of workscopes. The entire Stork team across the BP assets take an active involvement standard for safety here at Stork and in the Gulf of
in ensuring safety is a priority by: Mexico”.
• Ensuring safety bulletins are posted throughout living quarters and other social areas. These are Martha Sandia, Vice President North-America & Javier Sepulveda, Supervisor for Stork
derived from REACH safety campaigns. Caribbean
• Hosting weekly town hall meetings for the whole platform, to clients and other contractors.
• Participating in safety meetings for the entire platform.
• At the end of each shift, the Stork supervisors do a Lessons Learned regarding all activities
completed by the company that day.
• Utilising the REACH safety tools including LMRA, rescue plans, toolbox talks and safety campaigns.
• Members of our Stork team have joined the platform’s safety committee team.

For more information visit

the REACH website:
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AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

Proactive approach wins prospects and recruits

Stork Technical Services is contributing to the Australia Pacific LNG

project by providing services on Curtis Island – off the coast of
Queensland in North-East Australia – as well as on the mainland.
Working at a number of widely separated locations brings with it some
specific challenges as Gary Lloyd, Stork’s Operations Manager for
engineering, construction and project management
Eastern Australia, explains.

Customer response
company Bechtel on the LNG trains and pipelines, and the
energy infrastructure company CB&I for the LNG storage

Customer-focused approach

makes the difference

Winning these contracts underlines the value of Stork’s
responsive, customer-focused approach. “Obviously price is Curtis Island
an important factor”, says Gary Lloyd,“ but that doesn’t mean Full range of maintenance services
the lowest bid always gets the work. Past experience and Looking further ahead, as the construction phase is
personal contacts make a big contribution, and that’s where completed the various locations will gradually shift to
we score at Stork.” long-term maintenance. There the emphasis will be on
maintaining asset performance and integrity, so production
“We’ve proved that we listen to our clients carefully and can continue with the absolute minimum of interruptions.
“Unlike other projects which usually have just one working “We can provide the full range of services from a single respond fast and flexibly to their needs, with the ability to That will bring a lot of new opportunities for Stork, Gary
location, APLNG is spread across seven different sites up to source with a single point of contact and responsibility. adapt quickly when necessary. That’s vital when you’re points out.
100 km apart in Eastern Australia. That means we have to That makes project management much easier and more working at remote locations, where you can’t just bring in
provide a remote site office and technical facilities at most of cost-effective for the customer.” extra people and equipment at a few hours’ notice “By then the customer will have a good idea of what we can
the locations. At present we’re still in the construction phase whenever they’re needed.” do based on our track record during the construction phase.
which will last up to another two to three years. Work on APLNG focuses on producing Coal Seam Gas (CSG) from coal One of the big advantages that we can offer then is our
these sites is now ramping-up, in the coming year there will deposits located typically between 200 and 1,000 metres ability to provide the full range of maintenance services, all
be dozens of new Stork employees added monthly. underground. After extraction, the gas is liquefied for ease of from a single source with a single point of contact and
transport and shipped to users – power stations, industry responsibility. And where our competitors in many cases
Good reputation helps recruitment and consumers – elsewhere in Australia and around the have to bring in specialists from outside, we have all those
There’s a lot of demand for skilled people in the heat world. The APLNG project is currently Australia’s largest services available virtually immediately in-house. That saves
treatment and NDT fields. Fortunately Stork has a good producer of CSG. As well as creating value through gas a lot of time and trouble, and makes project management
reputation in the Australian oil & gas industry, so people revenues, the project will also bring around 10,000 jobs to much easier and more cost-effective for the customer.”
have heard of us and know we’re a good company to work the Queensland region.
for. It’s also important to retain people once we’ve recruited
them, because of course all our competitors are trying to The main services provided by Stork on this project are heat
hire from the same basic pool of people. Our experience is treatment and non-destructive testing (NDT) to ensure
we can retain around 80 to 90% of all new recruits, which reliability of the assets concerned.
means they regard Stork as their preferred employer.” The main contractors for which Stork is working are the
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AIM January 2014

the turnaround. As part of the plant STORK@EVENTS In November Stork was present at the response to the industry concerns
drive train the turbines are an Stork has showcased its integrated ADIPEC exhibition in Abu Dhabi (UAE). about welding in an environment
essential part of the entire production integrity service offerings and We demonstrated multi-award where the source of ignition is a hazard
process. The turbine revision project industry-leading technologies on winning innovations, whilst and the need for light and strong pipe
was crucial for the client. Without many events. showcasing new technologies and connections with a small footprint.
turbines it is impossible to produce. providing live demonstrations such as
Stork’s pro-active safety attitude was Offshore Europe is still one of the the Snap Ring Joint; which is a
noticed by ExxonMobil. During the world’s premier events for the Oil &
turnaround no safety incidents Gas industry. This year saw another
occurred. Both the preparation and successful exhibition with 63,000
REACH ANNUAL SAFETY AWARDS execution phases of the turbine MAINTENANCE CONTRACT DUTCH people attending the four-day show
Celebrating outstanding performance revision project were outstanding. STREETCAR COMPANY from around the globe.Stork had a
throughout the year. This year’s Because of this the Stork team was The project for HTM (Public Tram very strong presence at the show. All
winners were announced at a formal awarded with the A-Award. Transport Company in The Hague, our objectives; lead generation,
awards dinner, attended by shortlisted Holland) consists of the revision of 56 customer retention, brand
candidates, colleagues, industry peers trams (type Alstom Regio Citadis. This strengthening and showcasing some
and clients. is a long-term project involving of our innovations such as the Hot Bolt
multiple business lines from Stork, Clamp and our Composite Wrap
The winners of the six categories including Rotating Equipment and Solutions were achieved.
were… E-machinery. The contract includes the
• Safety leadership: John O’Donnell, overhaul of 112 motor bogies and 112
Services Focal Point - UK trailer bogies of the companies’ tram
• Most promising individual: Mansour wagons. (A bogie is one of the wheel
Alrahmmany, Engineer - Saudi Arabia
• Best Safety Performance: Cerrejón
carriages underneath the tram)
Welding Contract Team - Colombia
• Incident Prevention: George
Hernandez, Foreman - USA
• Best Team of the Year: GLT+
Maintenance Team - The Netherlands
• Safety innovation: Scaffold Design
The new three year contract, with two
Team - UK, for the Inertia Reel Anchor one-year extension options, will see By winning multiple new orders Stork Technical Services is showing the success of its strategic focus on
Stork continuing to provide Subsea CB&I: CARTAGENA REFINERY the oil & gas industry. Stork has won major new projects from both new and existing customers,
Bolt Tensioning to Technip UK Ltd. EXPANSION PROJECT especially in its strategic growth regions of Latin America, the UK, the Middle East and Australia. Stork’s
Stork MASA in a consortium with order book continues to grow in the oil & gas industry, in which it operates globally. On the publication
Fraser Coull, Operations Support KENTZ and GMP has won in Colombia of its latest figures Stork announced that it would strengthen its focus on the oil & gas growth regions,
Director for Stork Technical Services, one of the most important projects for with the aim of generating sustained turnover growth. By winning a number of new orders for both
EXXONMOBIL’S A-AWARD FOR STORK said: “Working with Technip UK Ltd, Electrical and Instrumentation maintenance and new building projects in these regions, Stork is confirming that it has made the right
TURBO SERVICES our Subsea Bolting Tensioning services Installation with CB&I in the area strategic choice.
On September 16th the ExxonMobil will help ensure the safe and cost- known as ‘Block B at the Cartagena
A-Award ceremony took place. effective operations of its UK Business Refinery Expansion Project. In Latin America, in major projects for CB&I, Equión and E&I division of Stork South Netherlands has received an
The ceremony was organised to award Units”. Coull continued: “We have Ecopetrol, Stork is working on Operations and Maintenance order from Heerema Fabrication Group to provide E&I
contractors for excellent performance heavily invested in state-of-the-art Stork MASA has a lot of experience in contracts. Most of these projects have a contract duration of services for the Siemens Helwin-2 HVDC platform in the
on safety and execution. Stork Turbo equipment and are developing Colombia doing similar projects and several years, generating revenues of several hundred North Sea. The contract value of both these projects is
Services made a significant tailored training solutions for divers knows all details about this kind of million euro. around 20 million euro.
contribution to the latest 2013 and support personnel on bolted joint operations (among others; personnel
turnaround at the ExxonMobil Botlek- integrity. We are delighted that and communities management, local A number of orders have been gained in Australia, including In the UK, Stork has secured a number of contracts with
location . ExxonMobil was looking for a Technip has chosen to continue the suppliers. Kents wanted an ally with all an order from Bechtel for the ‘Australia Pacific LNG Project’. major international Operators, amounting to over 45 million
partner who was able to cover the strong relationship we have developed the local knowledge that they don´t Stork is already working as subcontractor on this project for euro. A range of workscopes are being delivered from
complete technical spectrum: Steam with them over the last 5 years. have because this is the first contract CB&I. Mechanical, HVACR, Integrity solutions to Fabric
Turbine, Turbo Compressors, Turbo they execute in this country and they Maintenance. Some of these contracts will provide clients
Machinery Controls, Pumps, Blowers or Stork has delivered a consistently high want to expand their business. In Continental Europe, Q8 has again awarded contracts for with a standalone service whilst others will deliver an
Auxiliary Systems. standard of service and looks forward They found in Stork- MASA their E&I and Automation works to Stork Belgium for its new integrated offering; utilising many of Stork’s in-house
Stork revised several turbines during to building on this in the future”. perfect partner. lubricating oil production unit in the Port of Antwerp. The capabilities
AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

Stork has
indeed got it
At Stork we are committed to continually developing our products and services
through innovation and technology. With development programmes and strong
relationships with key suppliers, Stork’s innovations improve the health, safety and
performance of the company, its operatives and client operations.

In September, Stork officially launched a range of • Stork PowerSleeve – a field-applied composite

composite wrap solutions designed to support and system that consists of fibreglass fabric and
facilitate asset life-extension programmes. high-performance epoxy, which results in a COMPOSITE WRAP
Stork’s composite wrap solutions are specifically powerful piping reinforcement product. Value added benefits:
designed to provide flexible, efficient and cost- The innovative composite solution is effective in a
effective repairs to piping and infrastructure variety of applications including leak repair, piping – No downtime – Corrosion resistant
components. Stork AquaWrap and Stork encapsulation, complex curved and irregular – Non-intrusion – Environmentally friendly
PowerSleeve can also be used to restore structures surfaces above and below the waterline. – Cost effective – Compatible with all piping
and vessels from internal and external wall loss. – No hot work – Conformable
– Faster than fabrication – Extensively tested
• Stork AquaWrap – a high-strength composite Please visit for more – Wide temperature range – No depressurisation
system used to halt and encapsulate external information on Stork’s Composite Wrap solutions. – Seamless repairs any length – Lightweight
corrosion and restore structural integrity in wet or – Less labour – Chemical resistant
underwater conditions. It is made in varying – Non-hazardous – Reduces need for skilled trades
lengths and widths to accommodate all pipe sizes – Time saving – Bespoke solutio
and wall thicknesses. It is non-toxic, easy to apply – Non-conductive
and is suitable for a variety of pipeline applications.
20 21
AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

Lower commissioning, repair and maintenance
costs by:•
– operating more efficiently, reducing wasted man hours in
early replacement and/or retrofit of sacrificial systems;
– providing improved data management leading to more
efficient inspection and repair campaigns;
– providing warnings of potential failures will be easier to
manage leading to fewer incidents as well as reducing the
environmental impact of operations; A sacrificial anode based CP system, does not eliminate
– reducing the number of subsea incidents such as leaks and corrosion but controls where it occurs. By electrically
spills (corrosion was recently cited as the likely cause of in an connecting an aluminium-based anode to steel in seawater,
incident in the North Sea; leading to €millions in remediation a galvanic cell is created and the corrosion occurs at the
costs, project delays and production lost); anode instead of the cathode (steel), where the corrosion
– providing critical data to allow the life of subsea systems to be does not damage the steel structure.
extended. Which will have direct cost benefits to companies
operating in the North Sea and worldwide; The benefits of utilising a CP system, usually in conjunction
– analysing against long term, operational, infrastructure with coatings, is that it maintains the integrity of the
changes or environmentally variable issues. immersed or buried structure and protects against the
natural occurrence of all forms of corrosion leading to a
reduction in damage to assets, unnecessary maintenance
Integrity management of ageing assets is crucial to and/or shutdowns.
provide operators with the assurance that their assets
can operate safely and efficiently at all times. Seatooth® CP
Earlier this year Seatooth® CP, an industry first innovative
Where exposed to salt water, whether immersed in seawater wireless communication CP monitoring system was
or buried, steel structures are typically coated to protect introduced. Stepping away from the traditional method of
them from corrosion. These coatings often breakdown over data collection for passive measuring of data through a

An innovative solution
time, be damaged during installation or service and in many remotely operated vehicle (ROV) or diver, this technology
instances, it may not be possible to reach all areas requiring allows each monitoring point (node) to collect many years’ of
protection. Additional measures need to be put in place to data rather than a single reading during every inspection cycle.
ensure integrity and protection from corrosion, such as a

to an age old problem

cathodic protection (CP) system. In conjunction with WFS Technologies, a global organisation
which delivers underwater wireless instrumentation and
Cathodic protection control solutions to the Offshore Oil & Gas and Renewables
The principle of CP was first described by Sir Humphrey Davy industries; Seatooth® CP has undergone rigorous research
in 1824 with the aim of polarising a structure as quickly as and development by both organisations. No other
possible to maintain its optimum protection. Today’s CP technology currently offers this capability or the potential to
systems have been developed to a point where they can gather data wirelessly in real time and therefore Seatooth®
As many offshore installations in the North Sea and further afield are reaching the end of
protect any type of steel based structure, and are of CP signals a significant advance in asset integrity
their intended design life, but still capable of production, operators are spending significant particular importance to the offshore energy industry to management.
capital expenditure to assure the integrity of their assets and extend their lifespan. support the integrity of installations, pipelines or vessels.
With the ageing infrastructure of assets and maximising
This along with other industry challenges outlined in the 2013 Oil & Gas UK annual report
Two types of CP systems are commonly used to stop or production across the globe maintaining asset integrity is an
highlights that since 2011, production has fallen by almost 30% and last year alone, prevent corrosion to structures; a sacrificial anode based issue which the oil and gas industry must tackle proactively.
assets were on average operating at 60% production efficiency compared with around 80% system and an impressed current (ICCP) system. A significant Stork have many innovative solutions available to enable
benefit of using a sacrificial system is that once fitted it assets to continue to operate in a safe environment whilst
just 7 years ago. Decreasing productivity, increased hydrocarbon releases combined with
requires little to no maintenance, while ICCP systems are reducing cost and risk, which can benefit the industry’s
production costs rising 4-fold over the decade, is causing many operators difficulties. extremely effective on vessels or for onshore applications. growing concern to an age old problem.
Innovative inspections
in Kuwait for Shetland 23

AIM January 2014

AIM January 2014

The Improvement Toolbox
Oilfield service company Petrofac called on Stork’s radiography
specialists to cut delays and downtime by speeding the delivery of
modules fabricated in Kuwait. The extensive radiography works
threatened to increase production time and affect productivity in
development of the Laggan Tormore gas processing plant at At Stork we combine ‘Thinking and Doing’. Adding value to the performance of our
Sullom Voe on the Shetland Isles (UK). clients and their assets. Above all, Stork is a company of people; with technical
Stork solved the problem with the innovative SafeRad technology. skilled experts who are working every day on technical solutions for our customers.
Positive surprise for the customer
But we also believe in change to improve!
SafeRad (Small Area For Exposure Radiography) allows
simultaneous operation of multiple units in a restricted area The major challenge faced in the ABJ Yard in Kuwait, where Our drive for improvement inspired us to create The Improvement Toolbox (ITB).
without the need for extensive evacuation. Normally, all the modules are fabricated, was to mobilise 12 SafeRad
personnel in the wide surrounding area have to be crews – requiring a total of 50 expats – in just 2 weeks’ time.
ITB helps us and our organisation to change, to improve, and satisfy our customer
evacuated to allow just two radiography technicians to But the Kuwait operations had full regional support from and their values. It helps us to lift Operational Excellence to a higher level.
work. With SafeRad, barriers are placed only 1 metre from Stork’s Operations Director for Integrity Solutions & Services,
the radioactive source so the works can be carried out safely Ashokan Neelakandan. “Talent wins games, but teamwork
Our dedicated ITB team brings expertise and a complete method.
without interrupting normal operations. That means work and intelligence win championships”, says Ashokan.
schedules can be maintained, avoiding downtime and “We mobilised the radiography crews, arranged the RPD WHAT DOES ITB OFFER made major improvements on site of a and involving the entire organisation,
associated loss of productivity. approvals together with the radiography source and Improvement Toolbox (ITB) is a large chemical company by improving letting them experience how easy and
darkroom, all within the required time – a positive surprise structured method, to define problems their administrative processes and fun it can be to improve. Guided by a
for the customer! And even though SafeRad is a bit more and solutions, implement standards work preparation; For example ‘Hands dedicated and experienced ITB lead,
expensive than the conventional technology, the time and monitor and improve the on Paper time’ increased with 8% by a functioning as the training wheels.
savings and avoidance of downtime on-site more than made performance of our services. ITB is a standardized work preparation Helping you to get your business in
the difference!” combination of the best of various process, working with fixed prices and shape and ready for continues
improvement methods. All methods a connection between the ERP system improvement in cooperation with
represent the added value we deliver of the customer and Stork”. Stork.
to our customers. For example; Hands Continues Improvement “Give a man a
on Tool Time (HOTT), Hands on Paper fish, you have fed him for today. Teach Do you want more info:
(HOP), various Lean principles, Six a man to fish, and you have fed him for Contact our business improvement
Sigma, Change Acceleration Process a lifetime.” Teach him to learn and he managers:
(CAP) and many more. shouldn’t eat fish all day…… Bart Geurts
([email protected]) of
Improvement Toolbox also provides a We do not believe in just us solving Marten Schmidt
large database of Best Practice your problem, we believe in training ([email protected])
Solutions and standards, all
operational and proven at our Stork
Phase Steps Results
The Improvement Toolbox is based • Assess playfield • Feeling with Business & Key Customers
Explore • Charter Project and Team • Identified main problem with ITB Local Team
upon 5 steps to identify and resolve • Go / No-go Decision • Agreement on main problem to resolve
the challenges that we encounter.
• Set Focus team • Main Problem split in focus areas with focus teams
It starts with the explore phase, where Focus • Zoom-in • Determine problems within focus areas
the main problem is determined. From • Set baseline • Make the focus problem measurable and determine size

which the focus areas are defined, the

• Analyze available data • feasibility of the target and set improvement gap
problem size and root causes are Determine • Find Root Cause • knowing what causes the focus problem
• Go / No-go Decision • Agreement on the causes to address
determined, to finally implement and
monitor the chosen solution(s). • Generate Solutions • A lot of possible solutions gathered
(see scheme) Implement • Select Solutions • Evaluate the possible solutions and select the best
• Excecute Solutions • Eliminate or minimalize the selected causes

Bart Geurts, Business improvement • Evaluate results and sustainability • Check sufficiency and sustainability of the solution
Monitor • Handover to business • End of project, solution is now “Business as usual”
Manager Zuid-Nederland: ”We have • After care • Check on sustainment and follow up by business

Stork has won several major industry awards for product innovations. Delivering significant
bottom-line benefits for our customers, Stork’s Hot Bolt Clamp, Composite Wrap Solutions,
Online Desanding, Specialist Caisson Inspection Services, Laser Cladding and Smart
Nozzle Scanner demonstrate our commitment to technology innovation and delivering our
expert service offering in the most efficient and safe manner.


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