SKRIPSI - 210917026 - RISKI PRIA SAPUTRI - For Merge
SKRIPSI - 210917026 - RISKI PRIA SAPUTRI - For Merge
SKRIPSI - 210917026 - RISKI PRIA SAPUTRI - For Merge
NIM. 210917026
MAY 2021
SAPUTRI, RISKI PRIA, 2021, The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy
Using Moodle E-Learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of
SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo. Thesis, English Education Department, Tarbiyah
and Teachers Training Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies of Ponorogo.
Advisor Fenty Andriani, M.Pd.
Reading is a very crucial skill due to some reasons. Reading is one of the ways to make
people share information, ideas, opinions, or arguments on what they see, feel and think
and to express the information to good communication. Selecting an appropriate strategy
to improve a reading skill is important. English teacher in SMAN 1 Pulung
Ponorogo chooses Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching
reading during the Covid-19 pandemic. Self Directed Learning is a strategy to increase
knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and
brings about by his or her efforts using any method in any circumstances at any time. The
objectives of this thesis is to describe (1) the Implementation of Self Directed Learning
strategy using Moodle e-learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN
1 Pulung Ponorogo (2) Students’ Responses Toward Self Directed Learning strategy using
Moodle e-learning in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1 Pulung
This research employed a qualitative approach and the design was a descriptive study.
This study was conducted on the tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo. The
datas of this research are obtained through (1) observation (2) interview (3) documentation
(4) questionnaire. The researcher analyzes the data by (1) data reduction (2) data
display (3) conclusion and verification.
The findings show: (1) the English teacher implemented Self Directed learning
strategy using Moodle e-learning well. It was started by an activity where the teacher read
and understood the material about report text. Then, the teacher gave an interesting activity
to students such as making mind mapping, giving video, and having discussion with
friends. The learning process was fun and enjoyable. The students had self-discipline and
high curiosity to learn. From the quiz in the last meeting, students had a good score after
the teacher implemented this strategy. The teacher found that the implementation of Self
Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching reading was effective
because the students had good grades. (2) The students’ response was very positive. The
students were very active during the discussion. Besides, interviews and questionnaires
show this strategy can improve students’ reading skill. The students enjoyed learning,
improved their reading skills, and made them be more active and creative.
Overall, the researcher concluded that Self Directed Learning using Moodle E-learning
was applied positively for teaching reading in tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung
This chapter consists of a background of the study, research focus, research question,
research objectives, significances of the study, and the organization of the research.
Teaching English as a foreign language is not an easy task. Since English is a foreign
language for Indonesian students, it will surely cause some problems for them. Learning a
foreign language is different from learning a native language because the students’ environment
in achieving their first and foreign language are different. Teaching English in Indonesia is quite
challenging. Teachers are really in need of creative efforts to make the process of teaching-
learning effective and interesting. There are four skills in the English teaching and learning
process, which should be owned by beginners such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Whatever happens in class, owning those skills is very complicated because most students
Among the four English skills, reading is a very crucial skill due to some reasons. Reading
is one of the ways to make people share information, ideas, opinions, or arguments on what
they see, feel and think and to express the information to good communication. Therefore, the
teacher must design efficient teaching and learning activities to improve student’s skills in
reading. When students begin to read, they have several initial decisions to make, and they
usually make these decisions very quickly, almost unconsciously in most cases. For example,
when they pick up a newspaper, they usually read the front page with some combination of
search processing, general reading, and skimming. They read partly for information, but they
also read to finish the newspaper fairly rapidly, because few people try to read every line of a
newspaper. They may initially search the front page for a particular story that they expect to be
there. If the headlines cue them in the right way, they may check quickly for the length of the
article, and they may then read through several paragraphs for comprehension.
Recently, teaching reading has become more challenging due to the pandemic since the
beginning of 2020. Therefore, the Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim has changed the
learning system process from face to face to online. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, teaching
and learning are held online from home or distance learning. Indonesia and the world are being
tested for the arrival of a pandemic, which affects the education field. All student and teachers
are learning from home, which is suddenly done without any preparation at all. The
unpreparedness of all elements in education is a big obstacle too, the change in teaching and
learning from face-to-face or offline to online requires the readiness of all elements, starting
from the government, schools, teachers, students, and parents. It is admitted that the government
loosens the education assessment system according to emergencies as long as learning can be
continued without being burdened with competency attainment. Thus, many teachers use a
certain teaching strategy that can be used with the existing technology.
and learning process, especially reading, teacher uses Self Directed Learning strategy. Self
development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any
method in any circumstances at any time. Long stated that Self Directed Learning is a mental
process that is usually accompanied and supported by behavioral activities that included
Anchalee Suknaisith, “ The Result of Self-Directed Learning for Project Evaluation Skills of Undergraduate
Students,” Procedia, 4 ( December, 2016), 5
Self Directed Learner is the one who fulfills the following requirements. First, the one who
accepts responsibility for his or her learning and views problems as challenges, not obstacles.
Second, the one who is capable of self-discipline and has a high degree of curiosity. Third, the
one who has a strong desire to learn or change and is self-confident. Fourth, the one who can
use basic study skills, organize his time, set an appropriate pace of learning, and develop a plan
for completing work. Fifth, the one who enjoys learning and has a tendency to be goal-oriented.2
As the theory, the Self Directed learning strategy is indeed widely used in distance learning,
many factors have contributed to make students and teachers use distance learning. Many
research discusses that distance learning is also effective. Therefore, during this pandemic,
technology is an important part of the teaching and learning process. Before this pandemic,
perhaps most Indonesian schools had not used technology to its full potential, but with current
conditions, all school institutions must use technology without exception. In English teaching
and learning, technology is useful to support the learning process. In essence, e-learning is a
computer-based educational tool or system that enables students to learn anywhere and anytime.
Today, e-learning is mostly delivered through the internet, although in the past it was delivered
using a blend of computer-based methods like CD-ROM. E-learning offers the ability to share
material in all kinds of formats such as videos, slideshows, word documents, and PDFs.
Conducting webinars (live online classes) and communicating with teachers via chat and
message forums are also available options to users.Thus, teachers have looking to search for a
learning application to support and help students to understand their material, like a WhatsApp
Amrain Mahmud, “The Descriptive of Self-directed learner in speaking english,”, Al-lisan: journal bahasa (April
2017). 3
Epignologis LCC Digital E-book. “E-Learning Concept, Trend and Application”. (United State of America :
Eponologis LCC, 2014)
E-learning aims to support learning and teaching, transfer knowledge and skills through
the web and electronic machines. E-learning techniques provide various forms of electronic
tools and platforms, teaching and learning approaches, learning environments, etc. Current
learning, learning resource organization and standardization, and e-learning platforms and
where students acquire skills or knowledge with the help of teachers, learning to support tools,
The implementation of e-learning is not as easy as it seems. There are lots of factors that
determine the success of e-learning such as culture, technology infrastructure, and learning
materials. The condition of the society at a given place determines the success of e-learning
implementation. Different countries have unique cultures; therefore, they have different levels
of accepting distant learning. For an urban area like Jakarta, people are familiar with the
Moodle is one of the examples in e-learning. Moodle e-learning is used all over the world,
including in Indonesia. Moodle E-learning is used to support the online learning process during
the pandemic. In SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo, the main application for online learning is Moodle
e-learning which has been created to support student learning, from providing material to
Before using Self Directed Learning Strategy and Moodle e-learning as media, the teacher
only used Whatsapp to share the material and discussion. The teacher and the students felt that
Whatsapp wasn’t effective. It could be seen from attendant list and students’ responses in forum
Fan Yang, Zhenghong Dong, “Learning Path Construction in E-Learning”, (Singapore : Springer Business
Media.2017) page. 68
Sfenrianto, Ellen Tantrisna,dkk. “E-Learning Effectiveness Analysis in Developing Countries: East Nusa
Tenggara, Indonesia Perspective”.(Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.Vol. 7. 2018). Page 2
discussion. Many students couldn’t access the material. The learning process made students
bored and couldn’t improve their skill and knowledge. So, by using Self Directed Learning
Overall, considering the above background, the researcher is interested in describing the
implementation of Self directed learning strategy using Moodle E-Learning in teaching reading
in detail. Therefore, she conducted research entitled “The Implementation of Self Directed
B. Research Focus
C. Research Questions
1. How is the implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning
2. How are the students’ responses toward the implementation of Self Directed Learning
strategy using Moodle E-learning media in learning reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of
D. Research Objectives
1. To describe the implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning
2. To describe the students’ responses toward the implementation of Self Directed Learning
strategy using Moodle E-learning in learning reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science of SMAN 1
Pulung Ponorogo.
The finding of this research is expected to contribute both theoritically and practically:
1. Theoritical Significances
a. The result of the research can be used as an input in English teaching and learning
b. The result of the research can be used as a reference for others who want to conduct the
2. Practical Significances
English teachers are expected to know the implementation of Self Directed Learning
and the students’ responses toward the implementation of Self Directed Learning
strategy using Moodle E-learning in teaching reading, so they can evaluate and improve
The students know better than e-learning is one way to support the learning process.
Besides, students know about the effectiveness and implementation of Self Directed
The institution can get a better model of online learning appropriate strategy to
apply. The institutions can also evaluate and increase the implementation of strategy
and moodle teaching reading during the covid-19 pandemic. The institution certainly
wants the learning process to run well and effectively in any condition.
This research can be used as an additional reference when researching the teaching
Learning and student’s responses toward the implementation of Self Directed Learning
The organization of the thesis is to make the readers know and understand the
Chapter 1: Introduction.
This chapter confirms the background of the study, the research focus,
This chapter covers research design, researcher's role, research setting, data
in teaching reading.
analyzes the data. The common data are going to appear in this chapter
and vission Mission. Second, Spesific data here the researcher explains the
Chapter V: Discussion.
This chapter covers the research suggestion for further study to make better
In this section, the researcher confirms previous research which have ever been
The first previous study came from a thesis written by Ima Yuliana titled “The
Students of SMAN Colomadu in Academic Year 2017/2018”. This study is to find the
effectiveness of Moodle e-learning in teaching reading because the researcher found the
problem about teaching reading. From the observation from the teacher, teaching
reading is not an easy task for teachers. The difficulties were due to limited reading
strategies, and lack of consideration in applying the suitable strategy in the teaching
process, from the problem researcher use Moodle e-learning as media in teaching
reading and have a conclusion that Moodle e-learning media is effective to use in the
school, besides that the students feel interesting and not bored because use some video
too. The pre-test score of reading narrative text before got a treatment in the experiment
class that using Moodle as media at the first-grade students of SMAN Colomadu was
57,69. The pre-test score of reading narrative text in the control class that taught using
video before got treatment was 66,7. After the researcher gave some treatments both of
experiment class and control class the mean score of student were better than before.
The post-test score of reading narrative text in experiment class was 83,48 and the post-
Second, the previous study came from a journal written by Hijril Ismail titled “The
effect of moodle e-learning material on EFL reading comprehension”. This study focus
students. This research uses quantitative research with pretest and posttest EFL reading
semester to know the students’ initial comprehension, was composed of three reading
make a result that the e-learning Moodle material effective in improving students’
comprehension. 7
The last previous study is from Karoll Ramírez Castro’s thesis with the title
qualitative research, framed action research. This research focuses on the use of
reading strategies that fostered their vocabulary development. Besides, the study
opportunities for students to empower their language learning process, which in this
Ima Yuliana, “The effectiveness of Moodle E-learning as Media in Teaching Reading at the First Grade Students
of SMAN Colomadu in Academic Year 2017/2018”,(Thesis: IAIN Surakarta,2018).
Hijri ismail, “The Effect of Moodle E-learning Material on EFL Reading Comprehension”, Ijmuu, Vol 7 (October,
2020), 120.
when students used strategies when they reflected on their learning process, and linked
the texts with their lives, and consequently, they developed critical thinking. 8
This research has similarity and difference with the three previous studies above.
The similarity is the research focus on improving reading skill using Moodle e-
learning. The difference is the three previous studies focused on the implementation
because it also investigates a certain strategy used in Moodle e-learning which is called
B. Review of Literature
This part of the chapter will cover Reading, Teaching Reading, Self Directed
1. Reading
As can be seen that reading is one of the English skill. Reading skill is
a. Definition of Reading
Reading is a passive activity in which readers just move their eyes over the
printed page in linear order. It is interactive the reader brings his knowledge to
the text in front of him. The interactivity is triangular between the reader the
text and the message. The goal is specific to engage the thoughts, facts, and
Karoll Ramírez Castro, Moodle-Based Worksheets to Enhance Reading Comprehension, (Universidad Externado
de Colombia : Thesis). 2017
viewpoint, bias, etc. So, reading skills are important to learn before improving
understanding of comprehension.
language presuppose a student’s reading ability if only because it’s a book that
is the medium. Most formal tests use the written word as a stimulus for a test-
taker response, even oral interviews may require reading performance for
certain tasks. Reading, arguably the most essential skill for success in all
coordinating many abilities in a very complex and rapit set of processes taat
instruction in the post-primary grades, after readers have largely mastered word
b. Types of Reading
William Grabe and Fredickal.Stoller, Teaching Reading and Researching Reading. (New York: Pearson
Education Limited,2002), 23.
Snow Catherine, Reading for understanding, (Arlington: RAND EDUCATION 2002), 10
1) Perceptive
2) Selective
etc. Stimuli include sentence, brief paragraphs, and simple charts and
3) Interactive
psycholinguistic sense, interact with the text. Typical genres that lend
4) Extensive
and books that are usually read outside a classroom hour. The purposes of
According to Armbruster, Lehr and Osborn, there are some elements of reading,
such as follow:
1) Phonemic awareness
2) Phonics
Abbas Pourhosein Gilakjani, “How Can Students Improve Their Reading Comprehension Skill?,” Journal of
Studies in Education, Vol. 6, No. 2 (May, 2016), 230.
3) Vocabulary
4) Fluency
Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately and quickly. When fluent
5) Comprehension
Comprehension is the reason for reading. If readers can read the words
but do not understand what they are reading, they are not really reading. 13
d. Purpose of Reading
information and knowledge. Grabe and Stoller state the purpose of reading as
follow :
others. In reading to search, we typically scan the text for a specific piece
This purpose is to know the main idea of the text or passage the same
Jonathan Sarwono & Yudhy Purwanto, English for Academic Purpose: A Successful Way toLearn Scientific
English (Yogyakarta: Andi, 2013), 1.
some people just read a few pages to know the main ideas of newspaper.
a text.
require critical evaluation of the information being read so that the reader
can decide what information to integrate and how to integrate it for the
reader’s goal.
saved for last in this discussion for two reasons. First, it is the most basic
2. Teaching Reading
The teaching of reading is essential for preparing students with the basic
reading skills in order to be able to gain information and knowledge from reading
more effectively. Teaching reading by using reading strategy is more effective and
useful for students as it was tested and observed. The Australian Government’s
National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy Report also advocates early,
systematic, integrated and explicit teaching of reading as the most effective way of
process that should involve collaboration with school communities and parents and
improve student’s reading skill. It is needed to make the students easier to improve
their skill in reading.There are many strategies how to improve or teach reading. Haris
said in his article: “Strategies that can help students read more quickly and effectively
1) Previewing is reviewing titles, section headings, and photo caption to get a sense
William Grabe and Fredickal.Stoller, Teaching Reading and Researching Reading. (New York: Pearson
Education Limited,2002),20.
Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties and Disabilities, ( United State of America : Saskatchewan, 2004)
page. 59
content and vocabulary and check comprehension, using knowledge of the text
3) Guessing from context is using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the
text as clues to the meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to look them
1) Pre-reading Activities
Firstly, the teacher clarifies the purpose of reading to the students deal with
The teacher asks questions to motivate the readers and activate their
background knowledge.
The teacher shows only the title of the text (and photographs if available)
at this stage, and asks the students to predict the topic based on the previous
d) Skimming in Groups
ascertain the genre and field of the text. Discussion with peers and
theteacher at this stage might provide general information about the topic
and structure of the text, and the students might be able to predict further,
This activity shows the students how the text is structured to achieve its
genre. At this stage, the teacher guides the class in discussing the feature of
the text; the genre of the text (recount of an event in the newspaper article),
the social purpose (to inform readers about events which are considered
3) Post-reading Activities
understanding cohesion in the text, and investigating the text further. Reading
how the chains are used to make the text coherent. Showing how the teacher or
the readers who have higher proficiency complete the passage works as a model
of good reading strategies and assists the learners who have difficulties in
understanding of the content of the whole text and to monitor the understanding
false questions, alternative questions and WH-questions are provided for each
teacher checks their answers with the class to confirm their understanding of the
Charts are provided to the students to ask questions to his/her partner and
peers, the students are able to practice 28listening, speaking and writing, relate
personal experiences with the topic, and focus on their ideas before the final
discussion stage.
Discussing about the topic helps the readers to relate the theme of the text
Self Directed learning is a process in which individuals take the initiative, with
learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing
broaden and deepen it, to help students channel and refine it. This design has been
enhanced by a flood of recent discoveries about the brain. We have found that the
and talent or strengths affirm the great diversity in the ways people learn.
Cognitive psychology has also focused on the importance of learning how to learn,
that is, on developing the strategies that can be applied to any learning task. Such
portable skills prepare any learner for the ultimate challenge of lifelong learning. 16
Maurice Gibbos, The Self-Directed Learning Handbook, (Fransisco : Jossey Bass, 2012). Page 3
development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her efforts using
any method in any circumstances at any time. A student, for example, decides to
build and launch rockets that will rise one mile into the atmosphere. He inspires
others to join him. They go on the Internet, contact the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, consult with a science teacher, find a machine shop, build
worth exploring on both theoretical and practical grounds. Knowles describes self-
directed learning as “a process in which individuals take the initiative without the
consistent to this schedule, select most effective learning strategy, and self-
into their learning process, it would be rendered that these students actually
possess a high level of self-directed learning. Within this frame, the role of the
Maurice Gibbos, The Self-Directed Learning Handbook, (Fransisco : Jossey Bass, 2012). Page 10
Kathleen Smith, Teachers as Self-Directed Learners, ( Singapore : Springer. 2017) page. 96
Elsa Mentz, Self Directed Learning Research, ( Sourth Africa : AOSIS.2017) page. 104
a) Students are free to learn according self- learning style, to their learning
positive choices about how they will solve the problems faced daily.
e) Students have the freedom to choose materials that suit interests and
a) The dumb student will be even dumber and the smart student will get
c) There are some students who need advice from someone to choose a
material suited him or because the student in question does not know how
Self Directed Learning in Practice has Four-Step as the review of the literature
has shown, there are several key skills that learners can employ if they
successfully assume full control of the learning process. This section of the paper
concrete ideas for teachers wishing to help their students develop these skills. To
these skills, four phases of a self Directed learning cycle were identified and are
used as a basic framework. These have been developed and adapted to be:
a) Planning
In this stage, the procedure is: analyzing the needs of learners, institutions,
b) Implementing
The teacher promotes abilities that learners have, applies learning according
to the adoption of plans and Settings, adjustments that have been made, and
c) Monitoring
learners during other activities related to the main learning duty, and awareness
the study.
d) Evaluating
Maria Agustina Kleden, “Analysis of Sel-Directed Learning Upon Student of Mathematics Education Study
Program”, (Journal Education and Practice, Vol 6.2015)
pervasive influence in self directed learning, affecting both the decision to learn
(entering motivation) and the effort required to persist with learning once started
(task motivation). This affects the cognitive and metacognitive processes learners
use (self monitoring) and the amount of responsibility they take for constructing
meaning for themselves from their learning. It also affects the level of control they
take over their learning, their management of learning resources and support (self-
the stages or transitions learners may go through as they adjust to learning this way
and the roles teachers may take when self-directed learning is used in formal
education. Models cannot describe ‘reality’ or prescribe what will happen. They
are tentative representations of possibilities. These models offer some ideas that
A report text is a piece of text that presents information about a subject, a report
information given in a report text is very general information. According to Gerot and
Wignell, the social function of report text is to describe the way things are, with
According Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, the generic structure of report text
a. General Classification
General opening statement that introduce the subject of the report, it can include a
b. Description
one features of the subject and begins with a topic sentence, followed by detail
c. A conclusion
A conclusion that summarizes the information and signals the end of the report
(optional/not always). It just to make the text clearly in the end of the text and make
Gerot, L. And P. Wignell, Making Sense of Function Grammar, (Sydney : Antipodean Education Enterprises,
1994), 155
the readers comprehend the text tell about. In generally, the generic structure in a
Gerot and Wignell also gives explanation about the significant lexico grammatical
things : plants, public places, animals , people that will be discussed in general.
Relational processes is one type of process used to express a verb that can
described a participant’s state and can also be a member of the ownership cue.
For example : Plants cells have a cell wall and Tuesday was the deadline.
sentences in a grammatically valid way, such that the value of the compound
sentences produced depends only on that of the original sentences and on the
Tenses used in report text is simple present tense, because it tells about a
story is happening right now. The formula of present tense is S + V-1 + O. the
example of simple present tense are : They enjoy the sunset and She is in the
5) No temporal sequence
coordinate words in the same clause but in the report text temporal sequence is
not used. The example of temporal sequence are first, second, that, finally, next,
5. E-Learning
a. Definition of E-Learning
having a wide range of easiness for anyone, anywhere anytime. While using e-
skills through the Web and electronic machines. E-learning techniques provide
various forms of electronic tools and platforms, teaching and learning approaches,
students acquire skills or knowledge with the help of teachers, learning support
Fan Yang, Zhenghong Dong, “Learning Path Construction in E-Learning”, (Singapore: Springer Business
Media.2017), Page 21
b. Types of E-Learning
1) Traditional e-Learning
students from students; the teaching and learning carry out over the Internet or
adaptive learning technologies, which needs a team that has advanced skills,
learning system and requires course creator to create graphics, simulations, and
outcomes,etc. It will become a very huge work for teachers to design the
learning contents and the learning activities, and to provide with different
state, defining the learning outcomes, and also providing teaching strategies for
Arman. “The Impact of Using E-Learning on Students’ Learning Achievement in Basic Of English Grammar
Course At The First Semester English Education Department, Uin Alauddin Makassar”, ( Thesis : UIN Alaudin
learning environments.
the e-learning system. It aims to produce reliable Web services that can be
1) Advantages e-learning
H. Douglas Brown, “Principles of Language Teaching and Learning”, Pearson : United State of America.2007
2) Diadvantages E-Learning
distance learning will need to make sacrifices, at times, to get things done on
time. Distance learning, although affordable, may come with hidden costs (for
example extra shipping and handling costs). Distance learning does not offer
distance learning, a student has to wait for feedback until the instructor has
reviewed his or her work and responded to it. Compared with the traditional
6. Moodle E-learning
Growing up in the Australian outback in the late 1970s, Moodle's Founder and
Lead Developer Martin Dougiamas took lessons from the School of the Air, giving
Aulia Nabilah, “The Teachers’ Implementations of Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMPN 3
Bringin”.( E-thesis: IAIN Salatiga. 2020)
learning or what can be called e-learning. The use of Moodle e-learning can be done
anywhere, anytime and anyone who will access it. The use of Moodle e-learning is
requires us to learn from home. Besides, using Moodle e-learning as the main media
software course content management (CMS), which was introduced first bay
Martin Dougiamas, a scientist and educator, who spent most of his time developing
Moodle is available for free on the web. So anyone can download and install it. It
has been translated into over 100 language in the world including into Indonesian,
b. Excess Moodle
Sukari stated that there are several things that make Moodle different from
others, including :
William H Rice IV, Moodle E-learning Course Development, (Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2006). Page 92
journal, modules for quizzes, modules for workshops and surveys, and
1) Assignment
2) Chat
3) Forum
4) Quiz
Creswell, qualitative research is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning
involves emerging questions and procedures, data typically collected in the participant’s
setting, data analysis inductively building from particulars to general themes, and the
researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data. The final written report has a
flexible structure. Those who engage in this form of inquiry support a way of looking at
research that honors an inductive style, a focus on individual meaning, and the importance
of rendering the complexity of a situation.27 So, this research applied qualitative research
Descriptive research provides an “association between two variables” like income and
place of shopping, age, and preferences. Descriptive informs us about the proportions of
high and low-income customers in a particular territory. What descriptive research cannot
John W. Creswell. Research Design Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. (London: SAGE.
2010) Page. 1
descriptive study requires a clear specification of “Who, what, when, where, why, and
design by observed indirect location at school, observing the teacher and students in the
teaching-learning process, catching information from several interviewers within its real-
B. Researcher’s Role
The researcher’s role in this study is as the main instrument. Being an instruments of
this research, the researcher had to be an interviewer, an observer, and a collector to get the
data related to the implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle E-
C. Research Setting
In this research, the researcher has chosen SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo as the setting for
the study. It is located in Jl. Djayengrono, Pulung, Ponorogo. This school is famous for its
The researcher’s reasons behind choosing the school is to examine and describe the
reading during the covid-19 pandemic. The researcher has the reasons to choose this
school. First, this school is around the researcher’s environment so that it is easier to collect
the data during the pandemic. Second, the researcher wants to know the teaching-learning
process during the pandemic, especially about the implementation of Self Directed
Directorate of distance education, Research Methodology, (New Delhi : Excel books private limite.2012) page.3
Learning strategy in reading skill. Third, the researcher wants to know students’ responses
unorganised form. 29 Using primary data which are data collected for the spesific research
problem at hand, using procedures that fit the research problem best.30
The data sources in qualitative research gather the data from the supporting data
such as documents and other (audio, video, and photo) can be added. Then the researchers
review all of the data, make sense of it, and organize it into categories or themes that cut
across all of the data sources. In this research, the researcher observed the implementation
of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning and the students’ responses.
To strengthen the data, the researcher analyzed documents related to data and conducted a
face-to-face interview with students and the English teacher, the researcher also gave a
questionnaire to students.
In this research, the researcher used some techniques in collecting the data. It aims to
get valid information about the teaching-learning reading and activities which make the
students active. These are the techniques used to collect the data:
1. Observation
researcher gain information. In this activity, the researcher took fields note. The
cambridge advance, cambridge international as & a level information technology 9626 for Examination from
2017, Topic Support Guide, 2017, 5.
Joop J.Hox & Hennie R.Boeije, Data Collection, Primary vs Secondary, Encyclopedia of Social Measurement,
Vol.1, 2005, 593.
researcher observed the learning process, students’ responses the implementation of Self
By making field note, the researcher wrote everything happened during the teaching-
learning process at the beginning of observation done by the teacher and the students.
The researcher joined an online class, and accessed the Moodle E-learning and
Whatsapp group to observe the teaching-learning process. Besides, the researcher also
2. Interview
from another. Interview permit researchers to obtain important data they cannot acquire
from observation alone, through pairing observations and interviews provides a valuable
W Creswell said that interview is interaction face to face with participants, via
telephone interviews, or engages in a focus group. The interview can be categorid into
two categories, unstructured and generally open-ended questions that are few and
intended to elicit views and opinions from the participants. In this study, the researcher
interviewed English teacher and students in Tenth Grade 3 Science. The topics of
L.R.Gayr, Geoffrey E Mills, “ Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application”,(Pearson
Education : The United States of America).2012.Page.381
3. Documentation
The researcher used the documentation to data collection techniques, the kind of
learning media, syllabus, and lesson plan from the teacher. The third techniques of
collecting data is documentation. During the process of research, the researcher got the
documents at the research site such as school documents (history of the school, vision,
and mission, geographic conditions, teacher and students’ data), photos, video, etc.
According to Einser, this technique of collecting data which is taken from school
schedule, the school profile), recordings of interview both teacher and students, video
during the teaching-learning process and written sources (field note) that related to
4. Questionnaire
used questionnaire can be used to gather information about the performance of the
system being tested as a whole as well as specific information from a system component.
questions which are closed-ended or open-ended. The goal is to collect relevant data
from respondents which can then be used for a variety of purposes. When you give the
respondent the ability to give a longer answer, it can yield more insights because they
In this research, researcher used close ended question. Close ended questions are
defined as question types that ask respondents to choose from a distinct set of pre-
defined responses, such as “yes/no” or among set multiple choice questions. In a typical
scenario, closed-ended questions are used to gather quantitative or qualitative data from
their need to have explicit options for a respondents to select from. There are 20 question
to the students in in Tenth Grade 3 Science. In this study, the researcher prepared 20
Mattew B. Miles and Michael Huberman define that the data analysis consists of three
concurrent flows of activity, they are data reduction, data display and conclusion and
verification data.33
1. Data Reduction
and transforming the data which appear in field notes or transciption. It occurs
continously through the life of any qualitative oriented project. Also occuring as
researcher decided which conceptual framework, which cases, which research question
2. Data Display
conclutions written. The most frequent from display in qualitative data in the past has
been extended text. This study appears data that gets from written sources of teacher’s
This part is very verified as the analyst proceeds which may be as brief as a fleeting
second thought crossing the researcher’s analyst during writing, in a short excursion to
Mattew B. Miles and Michael Huberman, Qualitative Data Analysis Third Edition, 1994, 10.
The researcher chose triangulation to check the validity of the data. Triangulation
is a combination or combination of the various methods used to study phenomena that are
different perspectives. The basic idea that the phenomenon under study can be well
understood to obtain high-level truth though it's viewed from different angles. Viewing
angles varying obtained will allow a reliable level of truth. Therefore triangulation is the
viewpoints by reducing as much as possible the differences that occur at the time of data
theoretical triangulation. Furthermore, the researcher felt that the most appropriate
triangulation, researcher made it possible to strengthen the data results by comparing and
H. Research Procedures
1. Planning
This procedure includes arranging the research plan, choosing the institution such
as class and the teacher that, applying Self directed learning strategy and Moodle e-
the teacher, preparing instruments that support the researcher’s valid data.
David and Lamb, Clarice. “The Self Directed Learning. Managing the Learning Process”. (New York :
Cambridge University Press. 1996)
analyzed by the researcher. The researcher observed the teaching-learning process via
Moodle e-learning and Whatsapp Group. The researcher defined the observation into
three parts, First meeting, Second Meeting, and Third meeting. Questionnaire data were
3. Research report
Researcher’s writing in the form of thesis writing about the implementation of Self
Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning media in teaching reading in Tenth
The common data are going to appear in this chapter clearly. First, General data consists of the
background of SMAN 1 Pulung, location, and vision Mission. Second, Specific data explains the
findings of the implementation of Self Directed Learning and students’ responses toward the
implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle E-learning in learning reading in
tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo. This chapter is important because the
1. Background of school
SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo was established in 1986 which is located in Jl. Jayengrono
36, Pulung Merdiko, Ponorogo. SMAN 1 Pulung famous for Adiwiyata School, because
the school has many plants and some green parks in front of the class. SMAN 1 Pulung is
an adiwiyata school for the district and provincial levels. Besides, the condition of this
school is good. From the building aspects, there are many rooms with good quality, clean,
and then tidy. There are some facilities in the classroom: tables, chairs, whiteboards, board
Street : Djayengrono
Number : 36
Regency : Ponorogo
a. Vision
“The formation the Religious School, Pious, Creative, Innovative, Competitive and
Indicator :
7) Push the student creativity in academic and non-academic fields with a green
environment culture
14) Build the performance of school committees that support innovation in school
b. Mission
11) Build a school committee performance culture that promotes school development
Data about the implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-
learning in teaching reading in tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo were
three times in tenth grade 3 science, which has 34 students and Mrs. Putriani as English
Teacher in the class. The researcher observed the learning activity via Moodle e-learning
and whatsapp. But, although the students learned via online media, the teacher used
interesting media and strategy. The teacher in SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo used Self
a. First Meeting
The first observation was held on 16th March, 2020 in tenth grade 3 Science. In
the first meeting, the teacher taught report text using Self Directed Learning strategy.
The following are the steps in teaching reading report text by applying Self Directed
1. Planning
In planning activity the teacher did several steps covering : Analyzing the
First, the teacher analyzed her students’ need. The need for learners to plan
what and how they were going to learn. The teacher selected the material or
source based on students’ current skill. In this case, she selected some report
texts. These texts contained vocabulary needed by the students. The teaching
discussion if the students did not understand while reading the material.
19. Yet, education is demanding effective and efficient learning. In this case, the
is a strategy for teaching and media to support them. Therefore, to support the
learning process and make the effective learning, the English teacher also used
another media. The fact was clarified by Mrs. Putriani on the interview:
Second, the teacher analyzed current skills once learners had determined
which areas of the language they won't or needed to focus on. The next step was
to determine their current skill level. The teacher targeted reading skill because of
the situation and condition. In English teaching, the teacher wishes she could teach
four skills in English optimally. Yet, because of the problems like distance,
networking, etc, the teacher just focused on reading skills. For writing skills, the
teacher planned to give the task to write report text in the final exam.
Look at interview transcript number ,.//(Mrs.Putriani Mp3)
The teacher analyzed Setting goals. When learners were able to analyze
their situation and current skill level, they were then able to set priorities and
Once learners had analyzed their needs and set goals, they must also
choose appropriate learning resources. Such resources used by the teacher for
language learning were textbooks, dictionaries, internet sites. In this step, the
teacher also used Moodle e-learning and WhatsApp group due to distance
The teacher made a plan. Once the what and the how of the Self directed
learning had been decided upon, it was useful for learners to make some kind of
formal record of their plans. The lesson plan from the teachers included learning
activities, material, teaching strategies, and goals from the material. In this
material, the teacher focused on implementing the activity. The students did the
teachers’ instruction and did the activity alone or in a group without the teacher.
2. Implementing
After making the lesson plan, the teacher implemented the strategy. The first
activity was checking the students’ preparation to start the study. The teacher
following conversation.
to access Moodle e-learning. But, because not all the students had a good internet
connection, the class was open 24 hours or they could always access it anytime.
Usually, the teacher instructed how to access Moodle e-learning via a Whatsapp
group, and the students searched for a place that had a good connection.
This fact is known from the English teacher is clarification on the interview:
From students’ schedule to access the Moodle e-learning, the researcher had
the result that students have self-discipline and a degree of curiosity. The students
problem. Besides, if the students had a problem they attempted to complete the
problem by themselves. The students searched for a place that had a good
connection. It is shown that the students have a high degree of curiosity, which
Then, after the teacher made sure that all students had accessed the Moodle
e-learning, the teacher explained a new chapter. This chapter was about a Report
text. The teacher introduced the new chapter and instructed them to read and
understand the report text explanation in the students’ worksheet on pages 33 until
After instructing to read books, the teacher gave a task to find other references
on the internet, such as journals and articles related to the material provided. Every
student looked for it. The implementation of self directed learning strategy made
them organize their time and study well. The students already searched for many
references. Then, to add students’ knowledge, the teacher asked them to make a
instructions to attach the task to their bedroom. Students felt learning was very
fun. Besides, the teacher also gave an announcement if the assignment must be
The teacher : “Hello my students. Have you finished read and understand
the book?”
Students : “Yes Mrs, sure.”
The teacher : “Okay, if you have finished, we will going to the next
activity. Today you will search other references on the
internet related to report text material. Then, make an
interest mind mapping about report text.”
Students : “When we can submit Mrs?”
The teachers : “You must submit today, but before submitt, your
assignment must be attached in your room. Don’t forget to
make a creative design of mind mapping. Do you
Students : “Yes, I am. Thank you”
The teacher : “okay, have fun students. Thank you.”
Therefore, all of the students submitted their tasks on time. This habit also
shows that they have a high degree of curiosity to finish their task.
In English teaching, the teacher wishes she could teach four skills of English
optimally. Yet, because of the problems like distance, networking, etc, the teacher
just focused on reading skill. For writing skills, the teacher planned to give the
“From 4 skills in English, we can improved our reading skill during the
pandemic era. I think these are important skill. We as the teacher did not forget
the other 3 skills. But in this condition, reading skill are one of the skills that
can be easily given the material. Because from school, we can't give a task to
send the video of the conversation to improve speaking skill. This task is
Besides, the teacher also explained that in this teaching learning activity, she only
In the first meeting, the teacher only focused on the theory report text.
Including the definition and generic structure. She had three activities to make the
students understand the material: reading, searching for the other references and
b. Second Meeting
The second meeting was held on the 18th of March 2021. The teacher checked if
their students were able to accessed the Moodle e-learning. Moodle is considered to
be effective used, as stated by the teacher. The following is the conversation between
Look at interview transcript number ,.//(Mrs.Putriani Mp3)
In this meeting, the teacher gave a Youtube video, and asked students to search
other videos on Youtube and discussed with friends. She also gave the task in the
student’s worksheet. Videos were used to stimulate learning interest. The teacher
Second, the teacher asked students to search for another videos about report text.
Third, the students discussed with members of the group, the students shared the result
of the discussion in the Whatsapp group. Then, the teacher gave some tasks on pages
42 and 43 in daily assessment 3. The tasks were given to give students a deep
In group discussion activity, the researcher found that the students had self-
confidence to explore their ideas in group. Besides, the students could organize their
time to search videos, discuss with friends, share their opinions in Whatsapp group.
Overall, whatever learning strategies and media are being used is the initial goal of
effective learning. The effectiveness here may be defined as the ability of the students
to absorb the material, the ease of students’ learning, the activation of the students’
teaching activities and the students’ learning results usually measured by the values
c. Third Meeting
The last observation was held on 25th March 2021. In the last meeting, the teacher
gave instruction as usual. The teacher said “hello” to students, prayed and checked
The teacher prepared and controlled students to access Moodle e-learning as in the
following conversation.
Learning Strategy, in this meeting, the teacher gave six questions for quiz. From
the quiz, we could see the questions were about report text, all of the quiz must be
submitted on the same day. Before giving the quiz, the teacher asked the students 1
week ago to prepare the material and looked for a good connection. The following
are the questions of the quiz.. The following is an example of the quiz.
No Name Scores
1 ADKU 83
2 AT 75
3 AA 80
4 AY 100
5 AAT 90
6 CI 70
7 CPE 65
8 CA 85
9 DV 90
10 DNR 85
11 DAS 75
12 TS 90
13 EAS 70
14 FA 75
15 HAA -
16 IF 80
17 IR 95
18 IA 100
19 IN 85
20 MSY 65
21 NMA 90
22 NYA 80
23 OC 75
24 RA 85
25 SA 80
26 SA 75
27 KDR 100
28 MKI 95
29 MER 75
30 MAMTH 85
31 MDY 60
32 TV 60
33 TMS 85
34 YPS 100
Based on the result of the quiz, the researcher found the fact that the implementation
of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning is effective because the
From the table above, it could be summarized that the students are able to use their
basic study skills, set an appropriate pace of learning, and develop a plan for
completing work.
The implementation of Self directed learning and Moodle e-learning have several
problems at the beginning of its use the following step above is to resolve the problems
a) The teacher always remaided students to access the material in the Moodle e-
b) The teacher has monitored students’ activity and gave motivation to students.
c) The teacher gave interested learning process, so can made the learning process
doesn’t bored.
d) The teacher gave point to made students score is good, if the students active in her
Learning is sharing knowledge processes from the teacher and students. If the teacher
prepares material, learning strategies or methods, learning media, etc, the students also
should play a strong role to give some responses about the learning activity. From the
students’ responses, the teacher can evaluate the learning strategy, not only evaluating their
students’ worksheets.
There are several students’ responses toward the implementation of Self Directed
Learning strategy in teaching reading. The researcher got the data from questionnaire and
interview in tenth grade 3 science . In this study, the researcher prepared 20 questions as a
From the first question, it is found that Self Directed Learning strategy using
Moodle e-learning can improve students’ reading skills. From the students’
responses, 47% of students agree (16 students), 23,5% of students strongly agree
students). It means that most of the students feel that Self Directed Learning
she said:
“ We are allowed to searched many sources. Surely, we will try to find out
about new vocabulary, by passing the process we can improve reading
From the second question, it is found that Self Directed Learning strategy
using Moodle e-learning is useful in learning reading skill. From the students’
Look at interview transcript number ,.//(Kartika.Mp3)
Look at interview transcript number ,.//(Asyifa Mp3)
responses, 53% of students agree (18 students), 35% of students strongly agree (12
students), and 12% disagree (4 students). This fact is known from one of the student
“To increase knowledge, the most important road is reading. The reading
habit must be lived and become mandatory. SDL trains me to be independent
in understanding the text. So, this strategy is useful.”39
c. The Implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy Using Moodle E-
From the students’ responses, 35% of students very disagree (12 students),
30% students disagree (10 students), 29% agree (10 students), and 6% students
strongly agree (2 students). It means that most of the students feel that Self Directed
Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning doesn’t make the students bored.
In statement four, the result from the questionnaire indicates Self Directed
Learning strategy helps students understand the material. 44 % students agree (15
students), 29,5% students strongly agree (10 students), 20,5% students disagree
(7 students), and 6% students very disagree (2 students). It means that most of the
students feel that Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning helps
Some students answer that Self Directed Learning strategy can’t help them
Look at interview transcript number ,.//(Ilma Mp3)
e. Self Directed Learning Strategy using Moodle E-learning does not improve
my reading skill.
The fifth question stated that Self Directed Learning doesn’t improve their
reading skill. The students dominant to disagree with this stated. Some students
very disagree 41% (14 students), students agree 29,5% (10 students), students
Dealing with this statement, there are 53% students disagree (18 students)
because they feel that Moodle e-learning is useful and doesn’t make them difficult
Some students very disagree 23,3 % (8 students), students strongly agree 15%
(5 students) and students agree 9% (3 students). It means that most of the students
don’t feel that Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning makes
anytime and anywhere. From the students’ responses, 59% of students strongly
students), and 9% students very disagree (3 students). It means that most of the
students feel that Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning can
“ Besides, we can access on time when the lesson takes, we also can access
in other time. For example at the night. We can study the material again.”
But, 3 students disagree because they had problem with the connection. So,
they can only access it if they have a good connection. This is the clarification:
“ I enjoy with the learning process, but I have some problems like internet
connection. In my environment difficult to get a good connection.”
The result from the questionnaire indicates Self Directed Learning strategy
doesn’t make students feel depressed. 53% of students disagree (18 students), 35%
and 3% students agree (1 student). It means that most of the students feel that Self
From the result of questionnaire number nine, we can see that a Self-directed
agree is 53% (18 students) and students strongly agree is 35% (12 students). So,
j. It’s hard to explore my idea in reading, when I study with Self Directed
From this statement, it is found that Self Directed Learning strategy using
Moodle e-learning doesn’t explore students’ reading ideas. From the students’
responses, 38% of students agree (13 students), 32% students strongly disagree
students). It means that most of the students feel that Self Directed Learning
“ It’s true that SDL can improve students’ reading skills. But, can’t to explore
my idea. Because there is another thing affected. When looking for ideas I
tend to do anything else in SDL Step or activity. For example, I go to a quieter
place, fresh and comfortable place.”
Statement in this question doesn’t indicate that the result of the questionnaire
is just losing students’ time. From the students’ responses, 44% of students
strongly disagree (15 students), 41% students disagree (14 students), 12% strongly
agree (4 students), and 9% students agree (3 students). It means that most of the
students feel that Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning doesn’t
7 students agree with this statement. One of them said in the interview :
“ There is nothing to lose time long as we learn. But, when we study with
the difficult condition about the internet it is that can said loss my time. Even
when I waited for getting a good connection the learning process was
finished. Even though, I access Moodle e-learning on time. But, because I
have a bad connection I can’t access Moodle.”
The result from the questionnaire indicates Self Directed Learning strategy
students who very disagree (10 students), 17,5% students who strongly agree (6
students), and 12% students who students agree (4 students). It means that most
of the students feel that Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning
From the result of the questionnaire, we can see that Self-directed learning
strategy greatly learn the students to be brave to express their opinion. Students
who agree is 47% (16 students) and students who strongly agree is 35% (12
“ I can express my opinion when we have group activity or discussion. This time
to question-answer or just give the opinion”
The question in number fourteen stated that Self Directed Learning using
Moodle e-learning makes students be more active in the learning activity. The
students are dominant to agree with this statement. Some students agree 47% (16
students), students who strongly agree 29,5% (10 students), students who disagree
o. Self Directed Learning Strategy using Moodle E-learning makes the learning
From this question, it is found that Self Directed Learning strategy using
Moodle e-learning make the learning process more interesting. From the students’
responses, 47% of students agree (16 students), 44% of students strongly agree
students). It means that most of the students feel that Self Directed Learning
p. I feel a loss with the implementation of Self Directed Learning Strategy using
doesn’t make students lose. From the students’ responses, 35% of students
strongly agree (12 students), 35% students agree (12 students), 20,5% disagree (7
students), and 9% students very disagree (3 students). It means that most of the
students feel that Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning doesn’t
“Learning doesn’t made me lose, if any students felt loss when he learns
with Self Directed Learning strategy it is impossible to expect, he doesn’t
want to learn alone”
Recently, the result from the questionnaire indicates Self Directed Learning
strongly agree (10 students), 15% students disagree (5 students), and 12% students
agree (4 students). It means that most of the students feel that Self Directed
Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning makes the students have self-discipline
because they could access Moodle e-learning on time based on the schedule.
From this statement, it is found that the students were more active to access
Moodle e-learning if the teacher reminded them in Whatsapp Group. From the
students’ responses, 41% of students strongly agree (14 students), 38% students
strongly agree (13 students), 15% disagree (5 students), and 6% students very
disagree (2 students). It means that most of the students feel that Self Directed
“ I more active and get a learning motivation if the teacher always reminds
me in the Whatsapp group. The teacher gives students support”
process fun.
Dealing with the statement, some students agree 59% (20 students), students
who strongly agree 38% (13 students). It means that most of the students feel that
Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning make the learning
process fun.
Besides, there is only 1 student who disagrees with the statement because the
learning process needs more extra quota to access it. Students who disagree is 3%.
From the result of the last questionnaire, we can see that Self-directed
learning strategy greatly make the learning process more innovative. Students
strongly agree is 59% (14 students) and students agree is 41% (14 students). So,
“ I feel this strategy is very fun and innovative. I think when learning in the
pandemic era will boring. But, the learning process more interesting,
effective, efficient, and innovative. The teacher can make online class
In this chapter, the researcher has described the result of the research based on the
effective, and make the students understand the lesson. During covid-19 pandemic,
teacher must consider the suitability of the strategies with the condition and students’
ability. In SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo, the teacher has chosen Self Directed Learning
because the students are free to choose how they learn and what strategies made them
Elsa Mentz, Self Directed Learning Research, ( Sourth Africa : AOSIS.2017) page. 104
f) Students are free to learn according self- learning style, to their learning pace
g) Emphasizing broader learning resources both from teachers and other learning
j) Students have the freedom to choose materials that suit interests and needs.
four stages. The first stage is Planning, Included this stage, the procedure is: analyzing
the needs of learners, institutions, and curriculum issues, analyzing skills or abilities
appropriate resources for learning, and making plans on daily learning activities.
The second stage is implementation, the teacher used the lesson plan in the
teaching-learning stage. Self directed learners might differ in the degree to which the
encouraging both learners‘ self-awareness and their awareness of the language they
are learning. Keeping detailed records of learning, as mentioned above, is vital to this
The fourth Stage is Evaluating. Evaluating is the final process that is considered
vital for successful Self directed learning is that of evaluating the learning and progress
being made. Whereas the monitoring strategies described above primarily examine
the learning process, evaluating is often more concerned with the product of that
learning process. Evaluation generally takes place once learners have been undertaking
Ponorogo mostly focused on teaching reading. Reading is one of productive skills that
In class, the students need a connector to have the skill. They have some strategies to
influence it easily. Applying Self Directed Learning during the pandemic era is
effective because the students can learn comfortably. Besides, the teacher used simple
questions to see the understanding from the text that had been given before. The
teacher also gave some exercises to the students. Reading is the ability to process text,
understand its meaning, and integrate with what the reader already knows.
understand a text to improve their reading skills. The teacher is only a facilitator. The
students learn with many kinds of references or articles, journals, and e-book they find.
Besides, the teacher sent some videos to support the student's knowledge and
Richmond Stroupe, et al., Research and Practice in English Language Teaching in Asia, (Phnom Penh :
2013) Page. 64
Moreover, Self Directed Learner is the one who fulfills the following
requirements. First, the one who accepts responsibility for his or her learning and
views problems as challenges, not obstacles. Second, the one who is capable of self-
discipline and has a high degree of curiosity. Third, the one who has a strong desire to
learn or change and is self-confident. Fourth, the one who can use basic study skills,
organize his time, set an appropriate pace of learning, and develop a plan for
completing work. Fifth, the one who enjoys learning and has a tendency to be goal-
be used for students’ assessment. SMAN 1 Pulung Ponorogo always evaluates the final
term assessment, the mid-term assessment, and the daily test. The covid-19 pandemic
does not shut out the possibility of its final assessment. Therefore, this assessment is
Pulung Ponorogo uses Moodle e-learning in carrying out final exams. In this case, for
the final assessment, mid-term, and daily quiz, the teacher used Moodle e-learning.
She gave the students 2 hours for the test. But for the daily quiz, she provided 24-hour
Using Moodle E-Learning Media in Teaching Reading in Tenth Grade 3 Science at SMAN
Choosing the right learning strategy is important. The teaching and learning process can
take place when the teacher finds an effective strategy used by the students. Mostly, the strategy
Amrain Mahmud, The Descriptive of self-directed learer in speaking english, Al-lisan: journal bahasa.2017
must be effectively used by the condition of students. The effectiveness of the learning process
depends on the strategy used by the teacher. Even though many teachers have difficulty in
finding a suitable strategy used during the pandemic, English teachers in SMAN 1 Pulung
Ponorogo successfully apply Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning for
distance learning.
personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her efforts using any
method in any circumstances at any time. Self Directed Learning is a mental process that is
usually accompanied and supported by behavioral activities that included identification and
information retrieval. 43
Every strategy has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, some responses are negative
and positive. The implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning
in teaching reading draws responses from students in tenth grade 3 science of SMAN 1 Pulung
The researcher also found disadvantages in using Moodle e-learning and Self Directed
c) To collect the assignments, Moodle e-learning have maximum limit file to upload.
The responses toward the implementation of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle
e-learning in teaching reading in the tenth grade 3 science students of SMAN 1 Pulung
Maurice Gibbos, The Self-Directed Learning Handbook, (Fransisco : Jossey Bass, 2012). Page 10
Ponorogo got from interview and questionnaire. From the questionnaire, the students gave some
opinions. First, Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching reading
can improve their reading skill. Second, this strategy can help them to understand the material.
Third, Self Directed Learning strategy also explore student’s ideas, more active and creative.
This fact is also similar to the result of students’ interviews. The students said that using Self
Directed Learning is the right strategy to use in the pandemic because we feel enjoy and happy
with activity in the learning process. Besides, the students can train self-discipline to study.
Therefore, Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching reading
also make students fun and can increase learning motivation. The teacher gave many kinds of
activities in the learning process, like giving a video and making mind mapping.
technology information to use the teaching and learning process in distance learning or what
can be called e-learning. The use of Moodle e-learning can be done anywhere, anytime and
anyone who will access it. The use of Moodle e-learning is needed when we do distance
learning, as an example during this pandemic, which requires us to learn from home. Besides,
using Moodle e-learning as the main media in learning, e-learning can also be used as a
complement application, to support the students more understand from teacher's explanation.
Students’ responses to the implementation of Moodle e-learning are positive. They can
access the material effectively and efficiently. Moodle e-learning can be accessed anytime and
anywhere. Besides, Moodle e-learning is easy to use submitted assignments, daily quiz, and
final assessment.
Overall, there are positive and negative responses. But the positive responses toward the
implementation of Self Directed Learning using Moodle e-learning are still greater than the
negative ones.
A. Conclusion
Based on the obtained data, the researcher concludes the research as follows:
teaching reading is divided into four steps: planning, implementing, monitoring and
evaluating. The first step is planning, the teacher prepared the lesson plan, activity, set
goals, and selected resources for learning. Second, the teacher used the lesson plan in
implementing step. Third is Monitoring, the teacher monitored students’ activities and
gave tasks. The last step is evaluating. The teacher used a quiz to give the students a
deep understanding. From the results of quiz, the teacher found that the implementation
of Self Directed Learning strategy using Moodle e-learning in teaching reading was
2. The students’ responses toward Self Directed learning strategy using Moodle e-learning
are positive. The students enjoyed learning, improved their reading skills, and made
B. Recommendation
After getting the result of the study in this research, the researcher would like to give
In teaching reading, Self Directed learning strategy are very effective, especially
during the covid-19 pandemic. The combination of this strategy with Moodle e-learning
is good because it can resolve the problem dealing with distance learning. The teacher
should improve the students’ ability by implementing Self Directed Learning in teaching
2. For students
Students should sharpen their ability by reading more text and trying to solve the
3. For reader
For the reader, the researcher hopes this research has benefit in increasing their
The next researcher who wants to conduct similar studies should understand the
problem deeply for better research. Hopefully, the researcher can understand the
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