Activity 4

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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Lyra Jane P. Felicilda Date Started: May 6, 2024

Course & Section: BTLEd 3D Date Submitted:
Activity No. : 4 Rating:

Then and Now

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing the difference in terms of teacher,
students and instruction then and now.

Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.


Then Now
1. The teacher solely delivers the content and 1. The teacher serves as a facilitator, guide,
lessons. and supporter.
2. The teacher uses a one-size-fits-all 2. The teacher uses diverse styles of teaching
teaching method. methods to cater to the diverse learning
styles of students.
3. The teacher usually measures the 3. The teacher assesses the students to
intelligence of students through paper tests. ensure they achieve the intended learning
4. The teacher focuses on the transmission of 4. The teacher focuses on the higher-order
factual knowledge and theories to students. and critical thinking skills of the students.
5. The teacher is the center of learning. 5. The teacher fosters a student-centered
learning environment.
Then Now
1. Students are passive receivers of 1. Students actively engage with the lessons.
2. Students learn by memorizing the 2. Students learn by actually performing the
information in the lessons. lessons.
3. Students usually learn individually and in 3. Students are encouraged to work in
isolation. collaboration with fellow learners to learn
4. Students are assessed based on pen-and- 4. Students are assessed based on how well
paper examinations. they can perform and how they have
understood the lessons.
5. Students learn according to the teacher’s 5. Students learn according to their comfort
instructions. and their own style of learning.
Then Now
1. Instructions are delivered by and 1. Instructions are delivered by the teacher,
dependent on the teacher. and more ideas are contributed by the
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

2. Instruction is focused on finishing the 2. Instruction focuses on what the students

coverage of a curriculum. are able to know and do after completing the
3. Uses traditional instructional materials 3. Utilizes projected, non-projected, and
such as books, simple charts, and visual supplemental instructional materials.
4. Instruction is delivered according to the 4. Instruction is delivered according to the
liking of the teacher. learning styles and needs of students.
5. Questions and queries are usually not 5. Questions and queries are encouraged for
entertained. clarification and enhancement of

Short Discussion:

In previous situations in education, the teacher was at the very center of teaching and
learning. The pace of learning and the way of measuring the students’ intelligence and progress
are in accordance with the likings of the teacher. The former way of learning does not promote
flexible learning. Instead, it uses the one-size-fits-all method of instruction. However, the advent
of outcome-based education allows students to be the focus of education. There is flexibility in
teaching and learning to adjust to the needs and comfort of students. Students are also
encouraged to explore beyond what they are taught, perform the performable lessons, and
apply the learnings in their lives so as to prove they have achieved what the education has set
for them to achieve.

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