Ingles Sexto
Ingles Sexto
Ingles Sexto
TV shows 30
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
The student speaks confidently The student speaks with The student speaks with some The student speaks with The student speaks with
Speaking and fluently, demonstrating confidence and generally hesitations but generally frequent hesitations and significant hesitations and is
Production excellent language production demonstrates good language communicates the ideas struggles to communicate the unable to effectively
skills. production skills. effectively. ideas. communicate the ideas.
The dialogue between The dialogue between The dialogue between characters The dialogue between
The dialogue between characters
Interaction of characters is dynamic, characters is mostly engaging is somewhat engaging but needs characters lacks engagement
is minimal or non-existent,
Characters engaging, and effectively and contributes to the improvement to enhance the and does not effectively
hindering the roleplay.
contributes to the roleplay. roleplay. roleplay. contribute to the roleplay.
The student speaks mostly The student speaks with The student speaks with
The student speaks fluently and The student speaks with some
fluently with occasional frequent hesitations and significant hesitations and is
Fluency maintains a smooth flow of hesitations and disruptions,
minor disruptions in the flow disruptions, significantly unable to maintain a fluent
speech throughout the roleplay. affecting the overall fluency.
of speech. impacting the fluency. speech.
The roleplay effectively The roleplay incorporates the The roleplay includes some The roleplay lacks clarity or The roleplay does not incorporate
Feature of the incorporates the chosen feature chosen feature of the TV elements of the chosen feature, relevance in incorporating the the chosen feature of the TV
Show of the TV show, enhancing the show, contributing to the but it needs improvement to chosen feature, affecting the show, diminishing the quality and
overall quality and creativity. overall quality and creativity. enhance the quality and creativity. quality and creativity. creativity.