26076-110-GPP-GCQ-00007 - 006 - Welding Control Procedure
26076-110-GPP-GCQ-00007 - 006 - Welding Control Procedure
26076-110-GPP-GCQ-00007 - 006 - Welding Control Procedure
006 02-Nov-22 Re-Issued for Construction Irham Tanjung M. Falhan Cui Guojun
005 31-Aug-22 Re-Issued for Construction Irham Tanjung M. Falhan Cui Guojun
004 21 July-22 Re-Issued for Construction Irham Tanjung M. Yousrizal Cui Guojun
003 7-June-22 Issued For Construction Irham Tanjung M. Yousrizal Cui Guojun
002 10-Des-21 Issued For Construction Victor N M. Yousrizal Cui Guojun
001 30-Mar-21 Issued For Construction Victor N A Rashid Saip Cui Guojun
000 25-Feb-21 Issued For Construction Victor N A Rashid Saip Cui Guojun
00B 2-Sep-20 Issued For Review Victor N A Rashid Saip Cui Guojun
00A 18-Aug-20 Issued For Review Victor N A Rashid Saip Cui Guojun
Rev. Date Description Prepared By Review By Approved By
Page 9 / section 5.1 Added “and compliance with spec and code (ASME Section II, Part C)”
Page 13/section 6.2 Revised Table 6-1: Storage, Baking, and Holding Condition
Table of Contents
1.0 PURPOSE.................................................................................................................................................7
2.0 DEFINITIONS ...........................................................................................................................................7
3.0 ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................................7
4.0 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................................8
4.1 PROJECT SPECIFICATION ..........................................................................................................................8
4.2 CONTRACTOR PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................8
4.3 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ....................................................................................................................9
5.0 RESPONSIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................9
5.1 CONTRACTOR QA/QC Department.........................................................................................................9
5.2 Construction Department.......................................................................................................................9
5.3 Subcontractors .....................................................................................................................................10
6.0 PROCEDURE ..........................................................................................................................................10
6.1 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) ..........................10
6.2 Consumable Control ..............................................................................................................................11
6.3 Welder Control .......................................................................................................................................14
6.4 Welding Control .....................................................................................................................................15
7.0 ATTACHMENT .............................................................................................................................................17
Attachment 1: Welding Consumables Control Flow Chart ..........................................................................18
Attachment 2: Sample Electrode Baking and Holding Register ...................................................................19
Attachment 3: Sample Electrode Issuance Register.....................................................................................20
Attachment 4: Sample Welder List Format ..................................................................................................21
Attachment 5: Sample Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IMTE) Control Log ............................22
Attachment 6: Sample Welding Summary Report .......................................................................................23
Attachment 7: Sample WPS Summary .........................................................................................................24
Attachment 8: Welding Material Issue Slip ..................................................................................................25
Attachment 9: Baking Log ............................................................................................................................26
Attachment 10: Table Welding Consumables Colour Code .........................................................................27
Table 6-1. - Storage, Baking, and Holding Condition
The purpose of this procedure is to establish and outline the process to control the welding activities
to achieve a sound weldment for the fabrication and erection of pipeline, piping, storage tank and
steel structure for EPC LAWE-LAWE Project.
The scope of this procedure shall apply from the receiving of welding consumables until the
acceptance of the weldment as follow:
• WPS Qualification
• Welding consumable control (electrode, wire/rod, flux & shielding gas)
• Welder control including welder and welding repair rate
• Welding control including Weld Log
• Weld Map, Welding Sequences, Welding Identification/Numbering
The following constitutes a list of terms, which have been used in this procedure:
CONTRACTOR Organization to which PERTAMINA awards the EPC Scope of Work for
the PROJECT i.e., Joint Operations of China Petroleum Pipeline
Engineering and PT. HUTAMA KARYA (JO-CPPHK)
IPMT Integrated Project Management Team consists of OWNER personnel
and PMC. Communication between OWNER and CONTRACTOR to be
executed through IPMT as representative of OWNER. The PMC is
represented by Worley.
PROJECT Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) for the scope of
work for the Lawe – Lawe storage terminal defined within and in
referenced document and drawings
SPECIFICATION Technical requirement which has not been included in Standards
STANDARDS Industry codes, standards, and recommended practices referenced
for this Project. These technical documents shall govern the products,
services, and Works to be performed by CONTRACTOR.
SUBCONTRACTOR Person or persons, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination
thereof engaged by the CONTRACTOR, (not being the employee of
CONTRACTOR) for supplying services to CONTRACTOR
The following constitutes a list of acronyms, which have been used in this procedure:
IPMT Integrated Project Management Team consists of a combination of
OWNER personnel and PMC. Communication between OWNER and
This procedure refers to the following document:
26076-110-3PS-NWPO-L0016 Specification for Pipeline Welding (Amendment)
26076-110-3PS-MMT0-L0017 Specification for Pipeline Weld Radiography / NDE (Amendment)
26076-110-3PS-NW00-L1005 Specification of Welding, Shop and/or Field Fabricated Piping
LaweLawe Terminal
26070-100-3SS-NWP0-J0003 Engineering Specification for General Welding and NDE
Requirements for Vendor - Fabricated Piping and Piping Field
26070-100-3SS-NW00-J0004 Engineering Specification for General Welding Requirements for
26070-100-3SS-NW00-J0005 Engineering Specification for General Welding Requirements
Structural Steel
26076-110-GPP-GCQ-00001 Control of IMTE Procedure
It shall be the responsibility of the following personnel to successfully implement this procedure as
describe in the section 6.0:
5.1 CONTRACTOR QA/QC Department
QA/QC Department is responsible for overall execution of this procedure and specifically responsible
for ensuring the soundness of every weldment produce in the project. In doing this,
QA/QC Department shall be responsible for assuring the following:
• MIGAS endorsed WPS/PQR shall be approved by Owner prior to the start of any welding.
• Consumables used for welding all joint must be following approved WPS/PQR, and compliance
with spec and code (ASME Section II, Part C) and shall be control as detailed in Section 6.2
• Specified welding joint shall be non-destructively tested in accordance with respective
• Code, Project Specification & NDE Procedure
• Creating and updating a Weld Log for each discipline/subcontractor for NDT and welder
compliance assurance.
• Responsible to manage Subcontractors QA/QC activities
Construction department shall be responsible to execute the quality of each weldment produced
from consumables control to the acceptance of the weldment.
5.3 Subcontractors
Responsible to provide quality tools and conditions for the FITTER and WELDER to produce a sound
weldment in executing their scope of work.
Fitter: Is responsible for the weld fit-up and preparation to match the WPS, Fit-up shall be inspected
by QC Inspector, status inspection shall be mentioned on welding matrix box (accepted / or not)
Approved & Qualified Welder: The welder is single handily responsible for the quality of the weld
itself. If the fit-up is not accepted or the welder is not satisfied with his/her work conditions,
weather, position etc. he/she shall not perform the weld.
Warehouse Supervisor: Is responsible for receiving the incoming welding consumables and will
verify consumable specification test requirements certificate along with correct quantities. He is
responsible for supplying the welding consumables to the welders and welding operators in
accordance with Request Sheet welding foreman. He is also responsible and good knowledge for
examining and rejecting damaged welding consumables after inspected from packaging. He will
maintain all consumable issue requests, baking / re-baking records and shall follow / implement
the requirements of this procedure
Welding Foreman: Is responsible for issuing to the welder a consumable Request Sheet which is
submitted to the Store men. The Store men will keep it for traceability records.
6.1 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR)
All welding shall be made in accordance with the Owner approved WPS/PQR. Prior to the approval
of Owner, each of the WPS shall be reviewed and endorsed by MIGAS Certified Inspector. WPS
qualification shall be done by the following:
• Pre-Qualified WPS: Applicable to where the changes of the production welding requirement
do not include welding essential variables. The WPS still need to be
revised to capture the changes and supported by the existing PQR.
• Qualified WPS: Applicable to where there are no existing WPS/PQR, or the changes of the
production welding requirement include the essential variables.
WPS and Pipeline’s repair WPS also welder/welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with
the following Codes:
All Approved WPS and welder list shall be posted in the Notice Board and relevant approved WPS
shall be posted to the welding station for welders’ reference, prior to start production welding.
Foot note 1:
Latest edition means for proposed new PWPS or WPS.
For WPS that already perform PQR, review approved OWNER, with or without acknowledge by PI
and approved by MIGAS will follow edition year code that statement in pWPS and PQR. OWNER could
notification about latest edition in WPS/PQR that has been approved if need it.
Welding consumables shall be purchased from manufacturers who are acknowledged by bodies
which independently test consumables.
All welding consumables shall accordance with specification ASME Section II, Part C.
All consumables shall be shown on the WPS by their AWS classification, SFA No, F No, A No, Batch
No/ Lot No., Brand Name/ Trade Name.
All filler material shall be supplied with a minimum of EN10204 3.1 certification of Manufacturer’s
test certificate, which shall be available at Site for verification purposes.
Note: The consumable brand shall be the same as the used to qualify the WPS/PQR.
Detail of the welding consumable control as per Attachment 1: Welding Consumable Control
Receiving inspection of welding material shall be performed by QC Inspector (or QC Engineer), and
to check the following items.
Welding consumables shall be stored with care in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions in
their original unopened packing with clean, dry conditions where a temperature of 20°C and humidity
of less than 40% are maintained. It shall be stored indoor and not directly contact with the floor.
Humidity measuring devices and temperature measuring devices shall be available and calibrated in
store. Each type, size and batch of welding consumable shall be properly identified and segregated
up to time of usage.
No electrodes shall be left lying at the site or in the workshops and shall be removed or scrapped.
Damage/scrapped welding electrode shall be identified and separated in scrapped bin. Any
consumables packages, which are unidentified and showing signs of damage, deterioration, or
dampness, shall be returned to warehouse store for disposal.
Note: The record should be done by daily basis and the measuring devices & instrument required
for control of the consumable storage area shall require calibration as outlined in 26076-110-
GPPGCQ-00001 Control of IMTE Procedure.
Storage and baking of welding consumables shall be carried out in different ovens. Baking oven,
holding oven for electrode and flux shall be calibrated and valid condition. Ovens shall be heated by
electrical means and shall have automatic heat controls and visible temperature indication.
Distribution of all electrodes to welder shall be controlled by Store man for traceability record
purpose. The storage, baking, issue and return of welding consumables shall be controlled as per
procedures with records.
Basic low-hydrogen electrodes and fluxes shall be baked in accordance with the manufacturers'
instructions and shall give a weld metal deposit with a diffusible hydrogen content which shall not
exceed 10 ml/100 g weld metal.
All low hydrogen electrodes shall be baked as per manufacturer’s recommendation or at 270°C to
330°C for one (1) hour prior to use.
All oven for baking, holding and drying welding electrode shall be calibrated periodically, only
calibrated oven shall be used for drying welding consumables electrode.
On completion of baking, the electrodes shall be transferred to a holding oven at 120°C to 150°C.
When removed from the holding oven for use, the electrodes shall be transferred to heated quivers
or containers capable of maintaining a temperature of at least 80°C and used within 8 hours. Quivers
should in good condition and ready for used.
Electrodes not used within 8 hours or for some reason exposed to adverse atmospheric conditions
shall be re-baked and then transferred to the holding oven for later use.
Drying Condition
Air Holding Oven (Baking/Re-
Conditioned (Temperature Baking)
Type AWS Class
before open after open the
the packing Packing)
Drying Condition
Air Holding Oven (Baking/Re-
Conditioned (Temperature Baking)
Type AWS Class
before open after open the
the packing Packing)
1,5-2 Hours at
Agglomerated 20°C to 45°C
F7XX; F6XX Not recommended 300°C-350°C or
Flux of SAW 50% Max RH Manufacturer’s
2 Hours at 350°C-
Agglomerated 20°C to 45°C
F55A6 Not recommended 400°C or
Flux of EGW 50% Max RH Manufacturer’s
Table 6-1: Storage, Baking, and Holding Condition
Baking and holding ovens temperatures shall be checked and recorded on Baking Log form daily by
the Welding Inspector.
The electrodes shall be taken out from the holding oven and issued to welders by transferring into
their heated quivers at minimum 80°C.
The issuance and return of electrodes to/from the respective welders shall be recorded by Welding
Consumables Supervisor/Controller.
Limited but enough electrodes shall be issued to individual welders for use within eight (8) hours
period or as per manufacture recommendation.
The welders are required to carry along empty cans for electrode’s butt disposal to maintain good
housekeeping at site.
The return welding consumables shall be as follow:
• Welder shall return unused electrodes within eight (8) hours from issuance to the consumable
• The Welding Consumables Supervisor/Controller shall identify these electrodes by paint marking
at the end grip of electrodes and re-bake together with fresh electrodes before re-issue. Return
electrode shall be separated with new electrode during re-baking and prioritized to issuance
return electrode first before new electrode
Note: Should there are more than one welding consumables being baked in the same oven a
different paint colour shall be used for differentiation purposes.
• Welding material shall be clearly identified with manufacturer’s identification marking and it
shall be readable during site welding. SMAW welding electrode and GTAW welding rod shall be
color-coded additionally at the end of welding electrode or rod by Subcontractor Welding
Material Controller prior to issue it to welder as per welding material COLOR CODE TABLE (Refer
to Attachment 10)
Note: Should there are more than one welding consumables being baked in the same oven, a
different paint colour shall be used for differentiation purposes. Mixing of colour identification
is prohibited.
• The re-baked electrode shall be issued first before issuing the new electrodes
• The welder shall make it a priority to use electrodes identified with paint marking first
• The re-baking of electrodes shall be limited to one time only. More than one should be scraped/
• The temperature and time for the second baking shall be the same with the first time and the
distribution process should also be the same with the normal electrode distribution.
Note: Returned of the unused second baked electrode shall be recorded, painted, and disposed
All welders shall be qualified in accordance with the Project Specification, approved WPS and
respective Codes as follows:
- Piping /Tank/ Pressure Vessel welders in accordance with ASME Section IX,
- Structural Welders in accordance with AWS D1.1
- Pipeline welders in accordance with API 1104
for those intended above, both steel structure, piping, pipeline, and Tank calculation defects
according to the above formula. the NDE method (RT, UT, PAUT or AUT). The Rejection Rate shall
be controlled by film & length for pipeline.
Note: For double processes joint, the owner of the defect shall be determined by its defect location
and measured as per the above formula.
The maximum rejection rate for each welder is 3%. Any welder reaching the maximum 3%, their
qualification shall be revoked, and requalification is needed before being allowed to continue
welding. Welders who reaching 3% reject rate can perform welding again after his requalification test
are passed.
Note: Specific training based on welder's individual type of defect shall be performed prior to their
All welding machines shall be calibrated and periodically checked for their feature which control the
welding variables stated in relevant WPS. Calibration sticker/tag and expiration calibration date shall
be attached on the machines for evidence. Only operable and calibrated welding machines which are
allowed to be used for production welding. Periodically check should use control check sheet and
should be clarified by Welding Inspector. Such feature is as follow:
• Condition of amperage and voltage used for the operation of welding machine
• Condition of control system in mechanized and/or automatic welding equipment and its
accessories such as cable.
• Wire Feeder of welding machines, baking oven, holding oven, clamp meter/tang ampere,
infrared temperature/ temperature gun, other measuring devices shall be calibrated,
calibration sticker/tag evidence shall be attached on the equipment/tools/measuring
Weather Protection
Outside welding work using arc welding process and shielding gas shall be protected using welding
habitat/shelter to protect arc and molten metal during welding from outside weather atmosphere
(wind, rain, moisture).
Minimum Preheat shall be done as required by Approved WPS and shall be done using propane gas
torch or ceramic electric resistance heating pads. When Oxy fuel used for preheating appropriate
torch tip (rose bud tip) shall be used, using cutting/welding tip is prohibited. Preheating gas shall be
either ethylene gas, propane gas, acetylene gas or LNG. Preheating temperature measuring shall be
taken 75 mm from bevel edge, and interpass temperature shall be taken on the edge of weldment.
Maximum inter pass temperatures shall not exceed the limit established by the Approved WPS.
Temperature control can be carried out with temperature sensitive crayons, digital pyrometers,
contact thermometers or calibrated thermocouples. Temperature indicating crayons shall not be
marked on weld bevels, weld beads or surfaces to be welded. Temperature indicating crayon for
stainless steel materials shall not contain low-melting temperature elements (sulphur and halogen).
Temperature measurement device shall be available on site for welding which require preheating
and restricted interpass temperature. Application of Preheating for material P No. 1, also apply for
thermal gouging and cutting, and tack welding. Excluding P No.1, weldment which are required
preheating shall be completed with no intermediate cooling.
Non-Destructive Test
Visual inspection shall be conducted at the minimum during fit up and after welding. This will be
recorded in the respective quality records. Welding parameter shall be recorded and available during
daily surveillance and focus should be given to the critical line and concern welder.
Based on the project requirement, all NDE shall be conducted after the acceptance of visual
inspection. The Rejection Rate shall be controlled by film & length for pipeline. This shall be
recorded in the respective NDE Record and the result will be evaluated weekly for the weekly and
cumulative production repair rate as follow:
Determination of piping service category shall follow Supplement A-Piping Welding Data Sheet
26076-110-3PS-NW00-L1005-001 Specification of Welding, Shop and or Field Fabricated Piping Lawe-
Lawe Terminal (AMENDMENT)
Weld Repair
NDE rejected weldment shall be repaired and retest as per the original NDE method
Weld repair shall be done based on the WPS as follow:
Note: Only two repair attempts are allowed on any defective at same area. Additional attempt shall
require OWNER’s approval.
Attachment 5 : Sample Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IMTE) Control Log
Receiveing Inspection
Check Return to Supplier
Apply Color Coding at end Apply Color Coding at end Apply Color Coding at end Apply Color Coding at end
grip grip grip grip
Dry (Bake) for 1 Hour at Dry (Bake) for 1 Hour at Dry (Bake) at for 1,5-2 Hours Dry (Bake) at for 1,5-2 Hours
120°C-150°C or 270°C-330°C or Dry (Bake) at Manufacturer Dry (Bake) at Manufacturer Dry (Bake) at Manufacturer at 300°C-350°C or at 300°C-350°C or
Manufacturer Manufacturer Recomendation Recomendation Recomendation Manufacturer Manufacturer
Recomendation Recomendation Recomendation Recomendation
Apply White Color at end Apply White Color at end Apply White Color at end Apply White Color at end Mixed with the new flux with Mixed with the new flux with
grip for return electrode Holding Oven at 10°C-20°C grip for return electrode grip for return electrode grip for return electrode ratio 1:4 ratio 1:4
Holding Oven at 120°C-150°C Holding Oven at 120°C-150°C
above ambient temp
Welding Process (quiver Welding Process (quiver Welding Process (quiver Welding Process (quiver
Welding Process Welding Process Welding Process
temp is 80°C) temp is 80°C) temp is 80°C) temp is 80°C)
Remaining electrode/wire Remaining electrode/wire Remaining electrode/wire Remaining electrode/wire Remaining electrode/wire
after 8 hours exposure time after 8 hours exposure time after 8 hours exposure time after 8 hours exposure time after 8 hours exposure time
Check Remaining Check Remaining Check Remaining Check Remaining Check Remaining
Check Remaining Flux Check Remaining Flux
Electrode Electrode Electrode Electrode Electrode
Attachment 5: Sample Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment (IMTE) Control Log