Tugas B.inggris Teknik - Terbaru
Tugas B.inggris Teknik - Terbaru
Tugas B.inggris Teknik - Terbaru
CuSO4 (s) + aq CuSO4 (aq) = a kJ H = U + P.V or ∆H= H2- H1= Q.P (23)
(20) H = Enthalpy
CuSO4 (s) +5H2O (aq)----> CuSO4.5H2O(s) = (a-b) kJ Q = Heat absorbed at constant P (Day and Underwood,
(21) 1983) So the enthalpy change is the heat absorbed at constant
pressure, so the value depends on the BM to reach the final
Heat capacity and enthalpy. Heat capacity is the amount of
state. Uses of Heat of Dissolution in Industry
heat required to raise the temperature of a substance (object)
2. Get the maximum possible heat from the fuel, for example and another is dissolved in cold water, so the sugar will
a substance is known to have a heat of dissolution of dissolve more quickly in hot water because the greater the
4000℃, then fuel is used that provides heat of 4000℃. temperature, the greater the solubility. Other applications are
So that fuel requirements can be reduced as much as in the industrial sector in the manufacture of chemical
possible. reactors, in the separation process by means of integral
3. In making a chemical reactor, if the heat of dissolution is crystallization, apart from that it can also be used as a basis or
known, then the reactor design is adjusted to the heat of knowledge in the process of making granules in the steel
dissolution of the substance. This is to avoid damage to industry. Therefore, this experiment on solubility as a function
the reactor due to certain thermal conditions and the of temperature was carried out in order to learn about
solubility of the reactor (Daniel, 1962). solubility and the effect of temperature on solubility and to
find out applications in everyday life and the industrial field.
Solubility is the amount of a substance that can dissolve
In every chemical reaction there is absorption and release of
in a number of solvents to form a saturated solution. If the
energy. This can experience exothermic and endothermic
temperature of a solution is changed, the solubility product
changes. Changes that can transfer heat from the system to the
will also change. Solutions are saturated, unsaturated and
environment (the system releases heat to the environment so
supersaturated. A solution is said to be saturated at a certain
that the system temperature increases). Meanwhile,
temperature, if the solution cannot dissolve more solute. If the
endothermic changes are changes that are able to transfer heat
amount of solute is less than the saturated solution it is called
from the environment to the system (the system receives heat
an unsaturated solution, and if the amount of solute is more
so that its temperature decreases).The change in enthalpy of
than the saturated solution it is called a supersaturated
dissolution is the heat that accompanies the process of adding
solution. The solubility of a substance in another substance is
a certain amount of solute to the solvent at a constant
influenced by the type of solvent, temperature and a little
temperature and pressure. There are two types of dissolution
pressure. The effect of temperature on solubility can be seen
enthalpy, namely integral dissolution enthalpy and differential
in simple events that occur in everyday life, namely the
dissolution enthalpy. Integral enthalpy of dissolution is the
solubility of sugar in water. Sugar is dissolved in hot water,
enthalpy change if 1 mole of solute is dissolved in n moles of
solvent. Heat of dissolution is the heat released or absorbed dissolution events, energy changes will sometimes occur. This
when 1 mole of a compound is dissolved in a certain amount is due to differences in the attractive forces between similar
of solvent. Theoretically, the heat of dissolution of a molecules. This force is much smaller than the attractive force
compound must be measured in an infinite dissolution in a chemical bond, so the heat of dissolution is usually much
process, but in practice the amount of solvent added is smaller than the heat of reaction. Integral solution enthalpy is
limited, that is, until there is no longer a change in heat when defined as the enthalpy change if a viewing is carried out in n
more solvent is added. Heat of dissolution is defined as the moles of solvent. Solvent enthalpy is defined as the enthalpy
enthalpy change that occurs when two or more pure change if a solute is dissolved in an infinite amount of
substances in a standard state are mixed at constant pressure solution, so that its concentration does not change in the
and temperature to create a solution. The heat of dissolution is addition of 1 mole of solute. Mathematically defined as mana
in many cases almost the same as the heat of reaction. If a
d = m ∆H/dm, (24)
chemical reaction occurs, the energy of the products can be
different from that of the reactants. At constant pressure and the heat change is plotted in part by the number of moles
temperature, this is due to the formation of new chemical of solute. The defined enthalpy of the solvent can be
bonds from dissolving acids, changes in forces between obtained by obtaining the slope depending on the
dissimilar molecules and similar molecules. concentration of the solution. Data on heat capacity (Cp) and
heat of dissolution (∆Hs) of several compounds. Some data
Heat of mixing is defined as the creation of enthalpy that
on compounds with their heat capacity and heat of
occurs when two or more pure substances are mixed to form a
dissolution. Heat (Cp) and Heat of Dissolution (∆Hs)
solution at a constant temperature and pressure of 1 atm. Heat
Compound Heat Capacity (cal/mol K) Heat of Dissolution
of dissolution is the change in enthalpy of 1 mole of substance
dissolved in moles of solvent at constant pressure and
temperature which is accompanied by the absorption or KCl 10,3+0,0036 T -4.404
release of heat. This is caused by the existence of new
MgSO4.7H2O89 -3.180
chemical bonds between the atoms. Likewise, during
MgCl2. 6H2O 77,1 3.400 ethanol with a concentration of 98% and distilled water as
a diluent. The use of a measuring cup is as a place where
CuSO4.5H2O 67,2 -2.850
the test material is tested using a calorimeter. A
BaCl2.2H2O 37,3 -4.500 calorimeter is a tool used to measure changes in heat
energy or heat in a mixture of ethanol and distilled
4. The positive sign (+) in the ∆Hs data indicates that the
aquadest at ethanol concentrations of 10%, 20% and 30%
reaction is exothermic or the reaction produces heat from
in 20 ml distilled water. Mix the two ingredients using an
the system to the environment. Meanwhile, the negative
sign (-) indicates that the reaction is endothermic or the Erlenmeyer flask as a stirrer using a glass stirrer or
reaction absorbs heat from the environment into the spatula. Take liquid samples as much as the required data
system (Perry, 1984). Apart from that, the heat of using a 10 ml measuring pipette. The temperature of the
dissolution can also be used as a basis for selecting a mixture of the two materials was tested using a
furnace to suit the heat of dissolution of certain substances thermometer to measure it
as well as in selecting fuel to produce heat as efficiently as
2.2 Methods
possible. So, a chemical engineering graduate who
generally works in the industrial sector must know heat of Fill the calorimeter with water and ethanol at a certain
dissolution analysis. Therefore, as a chemical engineering concentration. The heat change in the mixed solution is measured
student, this heat of dissolution practicum is very using a calorimeter. Repeat the methods above at different
important to do. concentrations (3 Concentrations)
2.1 Materials 2.2.1 Methods for making NaCl with a certain concentration.
A. Tools and Materials In this study the desired concentrations were 10%, 20% and 30%
For the experimental setup, the following materials ethanol from 20ml of distilled water. For each sample ethanol
were employed: Calorimeter, Measuring cup, Erlenmeyer concentration. The first stage at that time was to determine the
100 ml, Thermometer, Glass stirrer and Spatula, volume value of ethanol that would be taken as a mixture in this
measuring pipette 10 ml. The chemicals needed are practicum. The known calculations are as follows:
V Et h anol=H 2 O x 10 % (25) Measure the initial temperature of the distilled water on
the calorimeter until it remains constant with a thermometer. The
¿ 20 ml x 10 %=2ml
next stage is to enter the ethanol solution which has been
prepared in volume at each variable concentration. Test the same
temperature at the beginning of the blank solution and the final
V Et h anol=H 2 O x 20 % (26) result after the addition. Enter the practicum results data into the
¿ 20 ml x 20 %=4 ml table that has been prepared and calculate the total calorific value
at each concentration for the next follow-up analysis.
2.3 Analysis
V Et h anol=H 2 O x 30 % (27)
The final results obtained from the analysis carried out are
¿ 20 ml x 30 %=6 ml as follows in the table below along with the qalor calculation for
each solution concentration
Where T0 is the initial temperature of the blank solution, T 1 is the
2.2.2 Implementation according to procedures
temperature after adding ethanol with the specified concentration.
This practical work methods for determining the heat of
Is know :
solution concentrates on the value of changes in temperature and
heat of neutral standard solutions and solutions that have Vair = 20 ml, T=26℃=299 k
undergone the addition of other chemicals. The main ingredients
Vethanol = 2 ml, T= 20℃=293 k
for the blank reference are distilled water and ethanol as
additional ingredients which are used to change the temperature Tmix 1 = 28℃ = 301k
or temperature caused by the mixture of these materials. The first
step is to enter 20 ml of water for each test concentration into a Tmix 2 =29,5+273 = 302,5 k
different calorimeter. Tmix 3 =31+273 = 304 k
c water = 4,2 J
Heat absorbed at 10% concentration Qaq = Maq . Caq . ∆ T (32)
Ql=M . C . ∆ T (28) =( P aq . Vaq ) 4,2 . 301-296
= 20 . 4,2 . (299-301) = -168 J =0,789 . 26 . 21
Qt=M . C . ∆ T (29) =20,514 . 21 = 430,794 J
= 20 . 4,2 . (301-293) = 672 J Qreaction = -(Qcalorimeter + Qaq) (33)
Q calorimeter = M .C . ∆ T 3 = -(840 + 430,794)
= -1270,794 J
= 20 . 4,2 . (299-2 . 301+293) = 20 . 4,2 . -10 = -840 J
Q c alorimeter −840 −840
Ccaliometer = = = = 105 J (31) Heat absorbed at 20% concentration
T mix−T heat 301−293 8
Ql=M . C . ∆ T (34)
Qalor Netralizing
= 20 . 4,2 . (299-302,5) = -294 J
Taquades = 26℃
Qt=M . C . ∆ T (35)
Talkohol = 23 ℃
= 20 . 4,2 . (302,5-293) = 798 J
Paq = 0,789 g/cm
Q calorimeter = M .C . ∆ T 3
V mix = 26 ml
Caq =4,2
= 20 . 4,2 . (299-2 . 302,5-293) = 20 . 4,2 . -13 = -1092 J
answer :
Tmix =28+273 = 301 k
Q c alorimeter −1092 −1092
Ccaliometer = = = = -114,94 J
T mix−T heat 302, 5−293 9 ,5
Heat absorbed at 30% concentration
Ql=M . C . ∆ T (39)
Qalor netralizing
= 20 . 4,2 . (299-304) = -420 J
Taquades = 26℃
Qt=M . C . ∆ T (40)
Talkohol = 23 ℃
= 20 . 4,2 . (304-293) = 924 J
Paq = 0,789 g/cm
Q calormeter = M .C . ∆ T 3 (41)
V mix = 26 ml
= 20 . 4,2 . (299-2 . 304-293) = 20 . 4,2 . -16 = -1344 J
Caq =4,2
Q c alorimeter −1344 −1344
answer : Ccaliometer = = = = -122,18 J (42)
T mix−T heat 304−293 11
Tmix =29,5+273 = 302,5 k
Qalor netralizing
Qaq = Maq . Caq . ∆ T (37)
Taquades = 26℃
=( Paq . Vaq ) 4,2 . 302,5-296
Talkohol = 23 ℃
=0,789 . 26 . 27,3
Paq = 0,789 g/cm
=560.0322 J
V mix = 26 ml
Qreaction = -(Qcalorimeter + Qaq) (38)
Caq =4,2
= -(-1092 + 560.0322)
answer :
= -531,9678 J
Qaq = Maq . Caq . ∆ T (43)
=( Paq . Vaq ) 4,2 . 304-296 form a saturated solution. If the temperature of a solution is changed,
the solubility product will also change. Solutions are saturated,
=0,789 . 26 . 33,6 unsaturated and supersaturated. A solution is said to be saturated at a
certain temperature, if the solution cannot dissolve more solute. If the
=689,2740 J
amount of solute is less than the saturated solution it is called an
Qreaction = -(Qcalorimeter + Qaq) (44) unsaturated solution, and if the amount of solute is more than the
saturated solution it is called a supersaturated solution. The solubility of
= -(-1344 + 689,2740) a substance in another substance is influenced by the type of solvent,
temperature and a little pressure. The effect of temperature on solubility
= -654,726 J
can be seen in simple events that occur in everyday life, namely the
solubility of sugar in water. Sugar is dissolved in hot water, and another
is dissolved in cold water, so the sugar will dissolve more quickly in hot
water because the greater the temperature, the greater the solubility.
2.4. Result and Discusion Other applications are in the industrial sector in the manufacture of
chemical reactors, in the separation process by means of integral
This practicum discussion this time is a test of the enthalpy of crystallization, apart from that it can also be used as a basis or
dissolution, this practicum is expected to be an insight for students to knowledge in the process of making granules in the steel industry.
prove that temperature can affect the solubility of a substance. The Therefore, this experiment on solubility as a function of temperature
enthalpy of dissolution is also calculated in this lab. Enthalpy states the was carried out in order to learn about solubility and the effect of
heat content of a substance. The enthalpy required or released if 1 mole temperature on solubility and to find out applications in everyday life
of a substance is dissolved in a certain amount of solvent to obtain a and the industrial field. In every chemical reaction there is absorption
certain concentration of solution is the enthalpy of dissolution which and release of energy. This can experience exothermic and endothermic
states the enthalpy change in dissolving 1 mole of a substance to changes. Changes that can transfer heat from the system to the
dissolve a mole of a substance in standard conditions (STP). The environment (the system releases heat to the environment so that the
enthalpy or H of a substance cannot be measured, the only thing that system temperature increases). Meanwhile, endothermic changes are
can be measured is A or its compound (AH). Many chemical reactions changes that are able to transfer heat from the environment to the
take place at constant pressure, therefore enthalpy changes are useful system (the system receives heat so that its temperature decreases). The
and widely used for studies in chemical thermodynamics. Solubility is material used in this practicum is ethanol which is dissolved in a bucket
the amount of a substance that can dissolve in a number of solvents to until it is homogeneous. During dissolution, the attraction between the
particles of the ethanol crystal components is broken and replaced by determined through molarity calculations that the more dissolved
the attraction between water and the dissolved substance. This substance, the more concentrated the solution will be because of the
happened. especially when the solvent and solute are equally polar, particles contained in it. The water solvent increases and the
such as water and ethanol, a measuring point of the dissolving agent concentration increases, which is why the volume of HCl needed also
will form around the solute, this allows the interaction between the increases as the concentration increases. At a solution concentration of
solute and solvent to remain stable. If the components of the solute are 10% ethanol with 20 ml of distilled water, there is a change in
added continuously into the solvent, at some point the components temperature where the initial temperature is 26℃ , and the final
added will no longer be able to dissolve. The solution was continuously temperature reaches 28℃ , then gradual testing is carried out to a
stirred while adding ethanol to make it homogeneous. The initial certain solution concentration where the highest concentration is in the
temperature of the solvent is 26 ℃ of the blank solution with a final range of 30% ethanol in 20 distilled water with the initial temperature
temperature of 26 ℃ , when adding 10% ethanol to 20 ml of ethanol. 26℃ and with a final temperature of 31 ℃ .As previously explained,
this dissolution reaction produces an endothermic heat of escape, which
Aquadest gets a final temperature value of 28 ℃ . This means that the
is a positive heat of dissolution. According to Van't Hoff, if the heat of
heat of dissolution of the solution is exothermic. The lower the solution
dissolution is positive, the greater the concentration of the dissolved
temperature, the greater the number of ethanol crystals that precipitate.
solution, the higher the final temperature achieved, because the higher
This is because the ethanol dissolution temperature is negative, which
the concentration of particles. Substance particles will move faster and
means that the solubility will increase if there is less ethanol. Ethanol
collisions will occur more frequently. These collisions cause more
will decrease as the temperature increases. The ethanol solution can be
interactions, causing the solubility and solubility temperature to become
titrated to determine the amount of ethanol solution that is dissolved in
higher. The higher the temperature, the higher the solubility. In this
water. The volume of base required should increase in proportion to the
practical title, the calorific value of the sample with the difference in
amount of ethanol solution that is dissolved. This happens because the
volume percent at 10%, 20%, 30% solution is 430.794𝐽; 560.0322 𝐽;
number of dissolved particles will affect the concentration of the
689.2740 𝐽 and in calculating the heating value of the reaction in the
solution. When the concentration of the solution is high, the volume of
reaction that occurs between ethanol and water it has a value of -
acid needed to neutralize ethanol also increases. Solutions titrated at the
409.206𝐽; -1400.0322𝐽; -654.726J. C2H5OH(aq) + H2O(aq) →
same temperature produce almost the same volume of HCl, only a
C2H5OH + H2O(l) The heating value is known by calculation
difference of 0.1 or 0.2 mL. As the temperature increases, the volume of
HCl needed to titrate also decreases. This happens because, the higher
the temperature, the more ethanol solute that dissolves in distilled water
and evaporates, so that if the concentration is greater, it can be 2.5. Conclusion
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