Exam 1 Second Opportunity Exam

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Bachelor of Technology in Marine Engineering, Bachelor of Technology in

Mechanical Engineering
Computing for Technologists (CFT510S)
Exam 1, Opportunity 2
06th June 2019


Time Allowed:3 hours

Examiner: Ms Aili Ashipala

Moderator: Mr Samuel Dipura

Instructions to candidates:
1. This paper consists of two (2) sections: SECTION A and SECTION B.
2. Attempt all the questions in all the sections.
3. Examination rules and conditions are applicable at all times
SECTION A (15 marks)

Basic HTML & MS Word

Answer all Questions. Indicate the correct answer on the answer script. Each
question carries 1 mark

1. HTML stands for ______________.

A. Hyper Text Mark Up Language

B. Holistick Technical Management Library
C. Hyper Text Mark Up Line
D. None of the above

2. All HTML tags are enclosed in ___________.

A. # and #
B. ? and !
C. < and >
D. { and }

3. To create an HTML page , you need ____________.

A. A Web browser
B. Text Editor
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

4. The body tag is usually used after_____________.

A. HTML tag
B. EM tag
C. TITLE tag
D. HEAD tag

5. What is the correct HTML for adding background color?

A. <body style = “background color: yellow”>

B. <body background = yellow>
C. <background>yellow</background>
D. All of the above

6. Which tag creates a checkbox in HTML?

A. <checkbox>
B. <select>
C. <input type-“check box”>
D. None of the above

7. Marquee is a tag in HTML to ____________.

A. Display text with scrolling effect

B. Mark the list of items to maintain in queue
C. Mark the text so that it is hidden in a browser
D. Display text with strikeout effect.

8. To set the color for borders, use___________.

A. Bgcolor = #003300
B. Bgimage=#003300
C. Bordercolor = #003300
D. Table color =#003300

MS Word

9. To enter a blank line into a document, press the _________________key

without typing any text on the line.

10. Which would you choose to list Synonyms & Antonyms of a selected word?

A. Tools, Options
B. Tools, Spelling & Grammar
C. Insert, Cross-reference
D. Tools, Language

11. Which key is used to increase left indent?

A. Ctrl+I
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+I
D. F10

12. What do you call 'a collection of character and paragraph formatting

A. A template
B. A style
C. The defaults
D. A boilerplate

13. In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for …..

A. Spelling Check
B. Save
C. Scenarios
D. Size

14. Which key is used to select all the text in the document?

A. Ctrl+A
B. Ctrl+N
C. Ctrl+F
D. Ctrl+T

15. To undo the last work, press …..

A. Ctrl+Z
B. Ctrl+U
C. Ctrl+W
D. Ctrl+Y

Question 2 (4)

2.1. Discuss the following terms as applied to a computer system:

2.1.1. Interrupt
• The occurrence of an event is usually signalled by an interrupt hardware or
• Hardware may trigger an interrupt at any time by sending a signal to the CPU,
usually by the way of the system bus.
• A signal that gets the attention of the CPU and is usually generated when I/O
is required. For example, hardware interrupts are generated when a key is
pressed or when the mouse is moved.
2.1.2. System call
• Software may trigger an interrupt by executing a special operation called
system call.

Question 3 (14)

3.1. Computer memory is a very critical component of a computer system.

Distinguish between:

3.1.1. RAM and ROM (6)

Memory on the motherboard that is short term; where data, information, and program
instructions are stored temporarily on a RAM chip or a set of RAM chips. Known as
the main memory.
This memory is considered volatile. The computer can read from and write to RAM.
When the computer is turned off or if there is loss of power, whatever is stored in
RAM disappears.
“Temporary Memory” – Short Term

Memory on the motherboard that is long term; where the specific instructions that are
needed for the computer to operate are stored.
This memory is nonvolatile and your computer can only read from a ROM chip.
The instructions remain on the chip regardless if the power is turned on or off.
Most common is the BIOS ROM; where the computer uses instructions contained on
this chip to boot or start the system when you turn on your computer.
“Permanent Memory” – Long Term

3.1.2. Primary memory and Secondary memory (6)

Primary Memory

Primary memory, also known as the main memory, is the area in a computer which
stores data and information for fast access.

 These are semiconductor memories.

 It is known as the main memory.
 Usually volatile memory.
 Data is lost in case power is switched off.
 It is the working memory of the computer.
 Faster than secondary memories.
 A computer cannot run without the primary memory.

Secondary Memory

 These are magnetic and optical memories.

 It is known as the backup memory.
 It is a non-volatile memory.
 Data is permanently stored even if power is switched off.
 It is used for storage of data in a computer.
 Computer may run without the secondary memory.
 Slower than primary memories.
 Stores data and programs permanently: its retained after the power is turned
3.2. What function do input devices perform? (2)

Input Devices are used to enter data and instructions into computer memory from
external world.
Input device Translate data from form that humans understand to one that the
computer can work with. Most common are keyboard and mouse.

They perform three main functions:

1. Receive data from user

2. Convert data into binary form [the language of 0 and 1 also called the
machine language. Machine language is the only language; a computer can
understand directly.]
3. Provide converted data to computer memory for processing.

Question 4 (12)

4.1. Name and explain three types of System buses (6)

Control bus
• The control bus carries signals to activate the data/instructions transfers and other
events within the system. (1 mark)
• It is responsible for starting and stopping computer operations, it is responsible for
co-coordinating operations. (1 mark)

Data bus
• Used to carry both data and instructions (1 mark)
• In modern processors it is typically 32 bits wide (i.e. it comprises of 32 wires lines)
or 64 bits wide (64 wires)
• The data bus is bidirectional – signals can be passed in both directions (1 mark)

Address bus
• Is a pathway through which source and destination addresses (1 mark) are
transmitted between memory, I/O subsystems and the processor.
4.2. The diagram below shows the internal structure of a hard disk. (6)

Explain the functions of the following:

4.4.1. Platter (1)
This contains the magnetic surface for the storage of data
4.4.2. SATA connector (1)
Serial ATA-this connects data bus to the CPU
4.4.3. Read/Write Head (1)
This is used for reading or writing data to the disk
4.4.4. Jumper (1)
This is used for configuration of the disk as either master or slave
4.4.5. Spindle (1)
Provides for the rotation of the platters.

Question 5 (13)
5.1. How does a domain name differ from DNS server (2)
A domain name is a text version of an IP address while a DNS server translates a
domain name into its associated IP address.
5.2. Discuss various ways of connecting to the internet (6)

• Employees and students often connect to the Internet through a business or

school network.
• Many homes and small business opt for high speed broadband Internet
connections through DSL, cable television networks, fibre-optic cables, radio
signals, or satellites.
• DSL (Digital Subscriber line) is a technology that provides high-speed
Internet connections using regular copper telephone lines.
• Fiber to the Premises(FTTP) uses Fibre-Optic cable to provide high-speed
Internet access to home and business users.
• A cable modem: allows access to high-speed Internet services through the
cable television network.
• Fixed wireless high speed Internet connections use a dish shaped antenna on
your house or business to communicate with a tower location via radio
• A wireless modem allows access to the internet through a cellular network.
• Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity) network uses radio signals to provide Internet
connections to wireless computers and devices.
• A satellite modem communicates with a satellite dish to provide high-speed
Internet connections via satellite.

5.3. List five major services that are offered by the internet (5)

• Electronics mail
• Instantaneous transmission of documents
• File Transfer Protocol(FTP)
• Sends and receives files
• Chat
• Public real time conversation

Question 6 (17)

6.1. Convert the following binary numbers to decimal numbers and hexadecimal:
6.1.1. 0.00111 (4)

0.00111= 0.0011 1000

6.3.11010.112 (4)

11010.112 = 0001 1010.1100
2 marks for binary to decimal conversion and 2 marks for hexadecimal conversion

6.3. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary numbers:

6.3.2. 0.2812510 (2)

6.3.3. 47.4062510 (4)

6.3.4. Determine in binary form: 110011010 + 11100011 (3)

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