Financial Performance, Institutional Ownership, Size, and Firm Value: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Financial Performance, Institutional Ownership, Size, and Firm Value: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Financial Performance, Institutional Ownership, Size, and Firm Value: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
affected firm value. Rivandi (2018) also found that leverage does not affect the firm value as
a dimension of financial performance. Research by Mai (2013) and Hirdinis (2019) also
failed to prove the positive effect of profitability on firm value. The difference in the proxies
used in measuring financial performance is one of the causes of the inconsistency of the
research results. Therefore, this study seeks to re-examine the effect of financial performance
on firm value by first ensuring the most appropriate financial performance measurement
model through structural equation modeling partial least squares (PLS-SEM) analysis. This
research uses property and real estate sector companies as research objects. As far as we
know, studies that used the PLS-SEM in the property and real estate context have not been
In addition to financial performance, many studies have also examined the effect of firm
size and institutional ownership on firm value. Similar to financial performance, firm size and
institutional ownership on firm value also differ between research results. On the one hand,
the research of Kakani et al. (2011) and Wahyuni et al. (2013) stated that the firm's size has a
positive and significant effect on the firm's value. Nevertheless, on the other hand, Gharaibeh
& Qader (2017), Dewi & Sudiartha (2017), Astuti et al. (2019), and Mudjijah et al. (2019)
stated that firm size is not proven to affect firm value. Besides, Tauke et al. (2017) found that
firm size harmed firm value.
Likewise, some studies, such as from Naini & Wahidahwati (2014), Clay (2002), Chen et
al. (2008), and Dian & Lidyah (2016) mentioned that institutional ownership has a positive
effect on firm value. However, many studies suggest otherwise. Israel et al. (2018), Wijaya &
Purnawati (2014), Tambalean et al. (2018), Dewi & Sanica (2017), Astuti et al. (2019), and
Awulle et al. (2018), for example, stated that institutional ownership does not affect firm
value. Therefore, it is essential to re-examine the effect of firm size and institutional
ownership on firm value in the context of property and real estate sector companies.
Hypotheses Development
The signaling theory from Lintner (1956) indicated that financial performance is the primary
signal used by investors to make decisions. Companies with high financial performance can
provide a positive signal for investors to invest in shares in the company. The investor's
interest tends to impact the value of the company. It is because the firm's value can be
measured based on its shares. One of the most widely used measures of stock-based firm
value by researchers is Tobin's Q. By using Tobin's Q, many researchers proved that the
financial performance affected the firm value.
Several studies used different dimensions and indicators in measuring financial
performance. The dimension of profitability with return on assets (ROA) indicator is one of
the most widely used measures of financial performance by researchers. Many researchers
also used the dimensions of liquidity, solvency, and leverage to measure financial
performance to test their effect on firm value. Several studies that have succeeded in proving
the positive influence of financial performance on firm value are Martha et al. (2018), Husna
& Satria (2019), Mira (2020), Susanti & Restiana (2018), Atidhira & Yustina (2017),
Cahyaningrum & Antikasari (2017), Haryono & Paminto (2015), Sucuahi & Cambarihan
(2016), and Mudjijah et al. (2019). Explicitly, Pratiwi et al. (2020) found that ROA positively
affects firm value.
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Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
However, several other studies could not find any significant effect of financial
performance on firm value. Research by Mai (2013), Mahendra et al. (2012), Hirdinis (2019),
and Rivandi (2018) did not find any effect of financial performance on firm value. One of the
reasons behind the differences between the results of this study is the use of different proxies
in measuring financial performance. In addition, differences in sample types, company
characteristics, industry characteristics, and different macroeconomic conditions between
countries also create inconsistencies in the research results.
Although the influence of financial performance on firm value still varies between
studies, the researchers did not discover the specific and robust theories to encounter the
signaling. Therefore, signaling theory is relevant in predicting the positive influence of
financial performance on firm value. This study has a similar point of view on signaling
theory, so the first hypothesis in this study is:
H1: Financial Performance affects firm value positively
Many researchers also used firm size as a determinant of firm value. Investors prefer to
invest their money in higher size companies. Based on signaling theory, firm size is also an
important signal for investors. Siahaan (2013), Rizqia et al. (2013), Zuhroh (2019), Kakani et
al. (2011), and Wahyuni et al. (2013) proved that firm size has a positive effect on firm value.
These studies confirm that investors tend to still pay attention to the firm's size in investing.
However, research from Israel et al. (2018) and Husna & Satria (2019) revealed that firm size
could not affect firm value. More explicitly, using a sample of companies in the real estate
sector, Setiadharma & Machali (2017) did not find the effect of firm size on firm value.
Furthermore, Hirdinis (2019) found that firm size had a significant adverse effect on firm
value. The existence of contradictions between research makes it necessary to re-test. In this
context, concerning signaling theory and several previous studies, the researcher suspects
H2: Firm's Size affects firm value positively
Based on the agency theory of Jensen & Meckling (1976), a larger company will
increase its agency costs. Agency costs in this context arise from the need to increase control
over the company. Without good supervision with the concept of corporate governance, the
larger the firm's size is considered to trigger various irregularities. Such deviations stem from
information asymmetry in which the board of commissioners does not have detailed and
adequate information compared to the board of directors. As a result, the board of directors
can be triggered to commit various irregularities.
One form of corporate governance implementation that is considered to increase
company performance is the involvement of institutional investors in the board of
commissioners. It can be achieved in line with the increase in institutional ownership.
Therefore, the size of the company's capital structure with institutional ownership is
considered to increase the firm's value. Chen et al. (2008) found that institutional ownership
can increase firm value as measured by Tobin's Q. These results indicate that institutional
investors can positively contribute to the company by effectively monitoring the costs
incurred by the company. Lin & Fu (2017) found robust results that institutional ownership
positively affects firm value.
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
Meanwhile, Nashier & Gupta (2016) research revealed that institutional ownership
positively affects firm value because it can increase oversight of managerial actions and
decisions. In line with that, Lin (2010) found a threshold effect between institutional
ownership and firm value of 81.2%. If the institutional ownership is less than 81.2%, it
cannot affect the firm value. However, if institutional ownership is more than 81.2%, there is
an increase in firm value of 1.25% from every 1% increase in institutional ownership (Lin,
However, other studies include those from Wijaya & Purnawati (2014), Tambalean et al.
(2018), Dewi & Sanica (2017), Astuti et al. (2019), and Awulle et al. (2018), did not find a
positive effect of institutional ownership on firm value. Setiany et al. (2020) separate the
effect of foreign and domestic institutional ownership on firm value based on the source.
Setiany et al. (2020) stated that foreign and domestic institutional ownership has a positive
but not significant influence on firm value. Navissi & Naiker (2006) mentioned that one of
the reasons that institutional ownership cannot affect firm value is the absence of board
representation. In other words, institutional ownership needs to be accompanied by
representation in the board of commissioners. Based on this, assuming that institutional
ownership gets board representation, this study assumes that:
H3: Institutional Ownership affects firm value positively.
2. Research Method
This study employed panel data from property and real estate sector companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. By using the purposive sampling method, as many as 13
companies were selected as samples in this study. Because the observation period is ten
years, from 2011 to 2020, the total observation data in this study is 130. This study uses the
structural equation modeling partial least square (PLS-SEM) method to examine the
relationship between the variables that are the model in the study. The primary purpose of
using PLS-SEM in this study is to determine which ratio is the most precise in measuring
financial performance. In addition, PLS-SEM is also considered entirely accurate in
analyzing panel data. Several other studies have used PLS-SEM to examine panel data on
research in economics and accounting. Researches conducted by Haryono & Paminto (2015),
Ramli et al. (2019), and Laguir et al. (2015) are a small part of research in the field of
accounting that uses PLS-SEM.
This research uses PLS-SEM analysis to determine the most appropriate indicator of
financial performance. Financial performance is positioned as a latent variable that a
reflective measurement model measures in this context. This study tested three indicators for
suitability in measuring financial performance, namely ROA, ROE, and DPR. Meanwhile,
this study's firm value, size, and institutional ownership were only measured using a single
indicator. On that basis, the measurement model in this study only applies to financial
performance variables. The equations that can be built to express the financial performance
measurement model in this study are as follows:
….………………….....………………… (1)
Where FP = Financial Performance, l = loading factor, e = error measurement
Furthermore, the equation to express the structural model in this study is as follow :
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
Table 1 shows that the average firm value is at the level of 0.599 or 59.9%. It indicates
that the market does not consider the firm's value positively. The value of Tobin's Q is good
if it is greater than 1. In other words, the market generally gives a lower assessment of 0.391
or 39.1% of the company's book value. Conditions like this show that not many investors are
interested in investing in property and real estate sector shares. Evidently, the average ROA
of property and real estate sector companies also tends to be minimal, only 0.060 or 6%. In
other words, the profitability of property and real estate sector companies is relatively low.
Measurement Model
This study uses a reflective measurement model, which measures latent variables by
reflecting them through several indicators that theoretically measure them. Only financial
performance is measured using more than one indicator in this context. The variables firm
size, institutional ownership, and firm value are only measured by one indicator or commonly
referred to as a single indicator. The measurement model in this study can be described as
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Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
Table 2 shows that the DPR and ROEQ indicators are not valid and reliable in measuring
financial performance. In other words, the only indicator that can be used to reflect financial
performance in this study is ROA. Therefore, the DPR and ROEQ indicators will not be
included in the subsequent analysis. After removing the two indicators, the measurement
model can be ascertained to meet the quality requirements. It is because CA, AVE, and CR
will be worth 1.
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Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
After determining the measurement model, the mechanism used in the PLS-SEM analysis is
the structural assessment of the model. In this study, the structural assessment of the model
can be seen from the following table:
Table 3. Evaluation of the Structural Model
Structural Model (Firm Value) Description
R Square 0.204 Weak
Adj R Square 0.186 Weak
RMS Theta 0.137 Lack of fit
Predictive Relevance Q2 0.116 Has Predictive Ability
q2 effect size 0.175 Medium
Notes: RMS theta smaller than 0.12 indicates a well-fitting model, but the model tends to
be less fit if it is above that. The predictive relevance value of Q2, which is more than 0,
indicates predictive ability, while the q 2 effect size shows how big the predictive ability
Table 3 shows that the R Square value for the structural model of this research is 0.204.
The variance in the firm value variable is determined by a 20.4% change in the variance in
the exogenous variable. In the discipline of economics, this value tends to be quite large, but
in the field of management or marketing, an R Square value below 0.25 is considered to be in
the weak category because most of the data use the same scale in management or marketing
studies. It is different from economic research, which uses observed data. Therefore, although
the R Square in this study tends to be weak, it does not mean that the structural model is not
of high quality.
Furthermore, the contribution of each exogenous variable from the R Square value of the
endogenous variables are as follows:
Table 4. The f2 Effect Size Values
Exogenous Variable Firm Value Description
Financial Performance 0.130 Small
Firm Size 0.033 Small
Institutional Ownership 0.037 Small
Notes: According to Hair et al. (2017), results of 0.02, 0.15, and
0.35 are interpreted as a small, medium, and large f2 effect sizes
Table 4 shows that the financial performance variable contributes to the other exogenous
variables. More explicitly, the values in table 4 can be interpreted that financial performance
can explain the variance in the firm value of 13%. Meanwhile, the contribution of company
size is only 3.3%, and institutional ownership is 3.7%. This striking difference in the
contribution of financial performance to firm size and institutional ownership is the main
reason why the structural model of this study is not fit, as shown by the RMS Theta value.
Furthermore, the path coefficient or the influence between exogenous variables on
endogenous variables and hypothesis testing in this study can be seen from the table as
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
The original sample value in table 5 shows the path coefficient value obtained from the
original sample. While the sample mean value is the path coefficient of the exogenous
variable to the endogenous variable obtained from bootstrapping (resampling). When viewed
from the value of bootstrapping results, the effect of financial performance on firm value has
a positive and significant notation of 34.5%. Therefore, the first hypothesis in this study is
accepted, which means that financial performance has a positive and significant effect on
firm value. The higher the company's financial performance, the higher the firm's value.
Furthermore, the path coefficient value of the effect of firm size on firm value has a
positive but not significant notation of 17.6%. Although the effect looks quite significant
because the p-values are higher than 0.05, the second hypothesis of this study is rejected. It
means that firm size does not positively affect firm value. In other words, the larger the firm's
size does not make the firm's value increase.
Table 5 also shows that the effect of institutional ownership on firm value has a negative
and significant notation of -16.8%. Based on these results, the greater the institutional
ownership of the property and real estate sector companies, the lower the firm's value.
Although the resulting p-values are smaller than 0.05 because this study suspects that
institutional ownership positively affects firm value, this study still rejects the third
hypothesis. The structural model generated from this research is as follows:
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
This study proves that financial performance has a positive effect on firm value. The only
indicator that can reflect financial performance in this study is ROA, a dimension of
profitability. Conditions like this indicate that investors tend to pay more attention to the
profitability aspects of property and real estate sector companies by considering liquidity,
leverage, and solvency. The positive influence of financial performance on firm value in this
study also shows that companies' financial performance is still the primary signal attracting
investors' attention. This result is relatively in line with the signaling theory of Lintner (1956)
that financial performance and dividend payout increased stock prices, which has an impact
on firm value.
The result of this study tends to be in line with the research conducted by Martha et al.
(2018), Husna & Satria (2019), Mira (2020), Susanti & Restiana (2018), Atidhira & Yustina
(2017), Cahyaningrum & Antikasari (2017), Haryono & Paminto (2015), Sucuahi &
Cambarihan (2016), Mudjijah et al. (2019), and Pratiwi et al. (2020). The positive influence
on financial performance, which is reflected by using ROA, shows that investors still
prioritize a company's profitability in investing. Moreover, investors are relatively more
cautious in investing in the current pandemic and economic uncertainty. Investors tend to
look deeper into the financial condition of the company, especially its profitability.
The descriptive statistical analysis results show that property and real estate sector
companies have Tobin's Q value below 1. It is also the case with the acceptance of the first
hypothesis of this study. The positive effect of financial performance on firm value is that
investors who invest in property and real estate sector companies tend to seek dividends more
than capital gains. Investors consider the value of property and real estate sector companies
as unfavorable. Moreover, the condition of Indonesia's property and real estate sector has not
developed consistently. One thing that has been forgotten is that the property and real estate
sectors depend on people's purchasing power. In contrast to the manufacturing sector, even
though people's purchasing power declines, they can still produce a better average financial
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International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
Robustness Checks
The fit model shown from the results of the PLS-SEM analysis in this study tends to be
inadequate. Therefore, it is necessary to test the robustness of the research results. In this
context, this study checks the immunity of the model by estimating the research data based on
panel data regression analysis. The results are as follows:
Table 6. Panel Data Regression Analysis Results
Constant -0.398 -0.744 -0.485
Size 5.013 (0.043)** 5.964 (0.174) 5.216 (0.094)***
ROA 3.521 (0.000)* 4.467 (0.000)* 3.854 (0.000)*
INST -0.435 (0.033)** -0.306 (0.271) -0.399 (0.083)***
R2 0.204 0.343 0.180
Adj. R2 0.185 0.256 0.161
SE 0.446 0.426 0.423
F (Prob) 10.786 (0.000) 3.973 (0.000) 9.266 (0.000)
Jarque-Bera 80.38 (0.000) 249 (0.000) 78.87 (0.000)
Chow Test 24.963 (0.015) 24.963 (0.015) -
Hausman Test - 0.776 (0.855) 0.776 (0.855)
Breusch Pagan LM 9.123 (0.002) - 9.123 (0.002)
Notes: *significant at 0.01 level, **significant at 0.05 level, ***significant at 0.10 level
Table 6 shows that the best panel data regression model is the random effect model
(REM). This result is obtained from the results of the Chow test that FEM is better than
CEM. Referring to the Hausman test results, it appears that REM is better than FEM.
Meanwhile, based on the results of Breusch Pagan, REM is better than CEM. In this context,
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 267
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-6, Issue-1, 2022 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
the results shown from the REM regression model are slightly different from the results
shown by PLS-SEM. The difference is in the effect of institutional ownership on firm value.
The results of the REM regression model show that institutional ownership is not proven to
have a significant effect on firm value. The results of the PLS-SEM prove statistically that
institutional ownership has a negative and significant effect on firm value. From this
robustness check, the effect of financial performance on firm value is robust based on the
PLS-SEM analysis and the REM regression model.
4. Conclusion
This study found that ROA is the only indicator of financial performance. In the context of
this research, financial performance is proven to have a positive effect on firm value. On the
other hand, this study cannot prove the effect of firm size on firm value. In addition, this
study found that institutional ownership has a negative effect on firm value. The results of
this study indicate that investors tend to be less responsive to the firm's size in investing
shares in Indonesian property and real estate sector companies. When institutional ownership
increases, investors tend to be less interested, resulting in a decrease in the firm's value. This
condition also indicated that institutional ownership had not encouraged better governance.
This study has several limitations, including only three indicators to reflect financial
performance. In addition, this study is suspected of having an omitted variable bias problem
because it ignores macroeconomic aspects, which are theoretically considered sufficient to
determine whether or not property and real estate sector companies develop. It is because this
study tends to have a low fit model. Another limitation is that this study did not control the
effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began to spread in Indonesia in early 2020.
Therefore, future research is expected to fill these weaknesses.
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