WASH KAP Survey Questionnaire
WASH KAP Survey Questionnaire
WASH KAP Survey Questionnaire
Standardized Questionnaire
April 2018
Note: Optional questions (highlighted in light blue) should be added to the final questionnaire if and
only if their results will serve a purpose in terms of programming, changing strategies or adapting
WASH activities. Every additional question means more time and resources required for the survey,
so optional questions should be selected with extra care.
I/ Questionnaire Details
I1 - Date:
I2 - Site/camp name:
I3 - Zone:
I4 - Block:
I5 - Section:
I6 - GPS:
I7 - Team ID #:
I8 - Name of person collecting data:
I9 - Household number:
II/ Questionnaire
Questions Comments
A1/ Did the household give its consent to be interviewed? (Check one)
A2 (Op)/ Sex of the respondent (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Male to segregate answers by the sex of
Female respondent.
A3.a/ How many people live and slept in this house last night? _____ people Fill in number of people and
number of less than 5 years old
A3.b/ How many children less than 5 years old live and slept in this house children.
Definition of ‘House’ needs to be
last night? ____________ children under 5 years old
defined in context of the camp in
which the survey is conducted.
A4 (Op)/ Are there any persons with disabilities and / or elders in this Question to be added if you need
household? to segregate answers from
Yes households with persons with
disabilities or elders.
A5 (Op)/ Please tell me what your country of origin is: ___________________ Question to be added if you need
to segregate answers by origin of
Questions Comments
B1.a/ What is the principal source of domestic drinking water for members Modify responses for your context.
of your household? (Check one but do not prompt with responses. Consider e.g. if that type of source does not
water for drinking, cooking, bathing, personal hygiene, laundry and cleaning exist do not keep it. If it is rare
only – NOT for non-domestic use.) consider omitting it as it will be
Public tap/standpipe captured under other. Add/delete
Handpumps/boreholes options as needed
A visual aid showing different types
Unprotected hand-dug well
of water sources may be useful.
Water seller/kiosks
Piped connection to house (or neighbour’s house)
Surface water (lake, pond, dam, river)
Protected spring
Unprotected spring
Rain water collection
Bottled water, water sachets
Tanker truck
Other (please specify): _____________________
Don’t know
B1.b (Op)/ Aside from this main source, what is the second most used source Question to be added if many
of domestic drinking water for members of your household?(Check one but different types of source are
do not prompt with responses. Consider water for drinking, cooking, bathing, available on camp and some have
irregular supply. In this case you
personal hygiene, laundry and cleaning only – NOT for non-domestic use.)
may want to know what the back-
Public tap/Standpipe
up source of households is.
Unprotected hand-dug well Modify responses for your context.
Water seller/kiosks e.g. if that type of source does not
Piped connection to house (or neighbour’s house) exist do not keep it. If it is rare
Surface water (lake, pond, dam, river) consider omitting it as it will be
Protected spring captured under other. Add/delete
Unprotected spring options as needed.
Rain water collection A visual aid showing different types
of water sources may be useful.
Bottled water, water sachets
Tanker trucks
Did not collect water from another source
Don’t know
B2 (Op)/ What sources of water do you use for the other activities (non- Question to be added if it has any
drinking water: animal water, gardening, bricks, etc.)? (Check all that apply.) programmatic added value to know
Public tap/Standpipe what source is used for non-
drinking water (e.g. if there are
regular cholera epidemics, or if you
Unprotected hand-dug well
have a project focusing on water
Water seller/kiosks for livestock etc.).
Piped connection to house (or neighbour’s house) A visual aid showing different types
Surface water (lake, pond, dam, river) of water sources may be useful.
Protected spring
Unprotected spring
Rain water collection
Bottled water, water sachets
Tanker trucks
Don’t know
Start of Observation Section
B3/ May I see all the containers you have for storing and collecting drinking See example: HH has three 10L
jerry cans.
B4/ How long does it take to go one direction to get water? (On the way to Average walking speed is 80 metres
the source, not the way back. Not including time spent socializing) (Check one) per minute.
__________________ Number of minutes
Water is available on premises
Don’t know
B5 (Op)/ Do you collect enough water to meet all your households’ needs – Question to be added if you need
not for animal use, brickmaking, agriculture, gardening, etc.? (Check one) to know the perception of people
Yes regarding the amount of water
collected every day (which is
No Why not? (Check one but do not prompt with responses; Select
already calculated in B3), or if you
the main reason only) There are water shortages
need to know what are the main
Water is too far causes for people not collecting
It is too dangerous to get water enough water.
Can’t afford to buy enough
Waiting time at the water point is too long
Don’t have enough storage containers
limitation of volume of water that can be
collected at water point
Don’t know
B6 (Op)/ Did you drink water directly from the river or canal (or any other Question to be added if you need
source of surface water) within the last 7 days? For example, you may have to know more about habits of the
drank water from the river or canal (or any source of surface water) when population regarding drinking
unsafe water, or if that has any
you were away from your home. (Check one)
added value to your activities.
Don’t know
B7 (Op)/ Who usually collects water for your household? (Check one) Question to be added if it is useful
Adult female for your programming to know
Adult male what demographic groups usually
spend time collecting water or are
Child (11-18 years)
affected by this activity.
Child (10 years or younger)
Don’t know
B8 (Op)/ Do you pay for your drinking water? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes How much? _____ [Currency] per _____ litres to know if and how much people
_____ [Currency] per _____ days pay for water in the camp.
Currency must be adapted to the
Don’t know setting.
B9.a (Op)/ How often do you clean drinking water containers? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Every time we use them Continue to B9.b to know more about the container
At least once a week Continue to B9.b hygiene of the population.
At least once a month Continue to B9.b
At least once a year Continue to B9.b
Don’t know Continue to next section
Never or less than once a year Continue to next section
B9.b (Op)/ How do you clean drinking water containers? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Wash them with a specific product (such as Omo detergent or bleach, to know more about the water
soap powder, etc.) storage container’s hygiene of the
Rinse them with water
Wash them with a piece of tissue/sponge
Wash them by using rocks/sand and shaking
Don’t know
Questions Comments
C1 (Op)/ May I have a small sample of drinking water? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes Continue to C2 to check how people pour water or
No (water unavailable) Continue to C3 if selected get water from storage container.
If selected, C2 must also be
No (refuse participation) Continue to C3 if selected
Observation Section (Observe and record the answer below. Do not ask this
question aloud)
C2 (Op)/ How did the respondent remove water from the container? (Check Question to be added if you have
one) selected C1.
Cup dipped (fingers did not touch the water)
Can’t be selected if question C1 is
Cup dipped (fingers touched the water)
not selected.
Unable to observe
End of Observation Section
C3 (Op)/ Do you or someone else in the household do anything to your water Question to be added if you need
to make it ready for drinking? (Check one) to know the part of households
Yes, always treat it before drinking Continue to C4 practicing household water
Yes, sometimes treat it before drinking Continue to C4
No, do not treat it before drinking Continue to next section Preferably to be inserted with
Don’t know Continue to next section question C4 as well.
C4 (Op)/ What do you or someone else in the household do to this water to Question to be added if you need
make it ready for drinking? (Check all that apply) to know what types of household
Let it stand and settle treatment are favoured in the
Boil it
Expose it to sunlight
Can’t be selected if question C3 is
Use disinfection products: not selected.
Aquatabs/water purification tablets
Liquid chlorine
Powder or granular chlorine
PuR or Watermaker sachets
Other (please specify): ________________________
Filter it:
Biosand Filter
Ceramic Pot Filter
Candle Filter/Bucket Filter
Other (please specify): _______________________
Other (please specify): _______________________
Don’t know
C5 (Op) / When did you or someone else in the household last treat water for Question to be added if you need
drinking? (Check one. Treating consists of boiling, filtering, disinfecting, and/or to know more about the frequency
other actions taken to clean water.) with which people treat their
water, or if they do it right.
Can’t be selected if question C3 is
Before yesterday not selected.
Don’t know
D - Hygiene
Questions Comments
Observation Section (Observe and record answers below)
D1/ Please show me the soap you have in the household. (Check one)
Presented within one minute Continue to D2 if selected / or D5; Skip
Not presented within one minute Continue to D3 if selected / or D5
End of Observation Section
D2 (Op)/ From where did you get your soap? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Purchased to know what are the main sources
Traded of soap in the camp, and whether
or not you need to adapt you
strategy accordingly (e.g. regarding
Distributed by a NGO
D3 (Op)/ Please tell me the main reason why your household does not have Question to be added if you want
soap? (Check one but do not prompt) to know the main reasons for lack
Ran out of soap/Used it of soap in the households, and
maybe adapt your strategy
Cannot afford soap
accordingly (e.g. regarding
Soap is unavailable/cannot find soap
Soap is unnecessary
Don’t like soap
Don’t know
D4 (Op)/ When there is no soap in your household, what do you use for Question to be added only if you
hand-washing? (Check one but do not prompt) need to know the part of
Water only households using alternative ways
of hand-washing, or the favoured
method for this (e.g. if you want to
adapt your hygiene promotion
Do not use anything messages accordingly).
Don’t know
D5/ Please name at least 3 of the most important times when someone
should wash their hands (Check all that apply but do not prompt)
Before eating
Before cooking/meal preparation
After defecation
Before breastfeeding
Before feeding children
After handling a child’s stool/changing a nappy/cleaning a child’s
Don’t know or no response given
D6/ Is there a specific hand washing device/station in your house where your Must train data collectors what will
household washes their hands? (Check one) be determined as a hand washing
Yes Continue to D7 if selected / or D8 station and whether it will count or
No Continue to D10 if selected / or next Section
Observation Section (Observe and record answers below. Do not ask these
questions aloud)
D7 (Op)/ What type of hand-washing device? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Basin or bucket to know the main types of hand-
Pouring device (e.g. tipi tap) washing devices used.
Answers based on what types of
hand-washing stations available in
specific setting.
D8/ Is there water in the hand washing device/station? (Check one)
D9/ Is there soap in the area of the hand washing device/station? (Check
D10 (Op)/ Is food covered and protected from flies? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes to know more about
No knowledge/practices of population
regarding disease barriers.
Unable to observe
End of Observation Section
E - Sanitation
Questions Comments
E1/ Where do you and your household members (excluding children under 5) Add additional responses as
usually go to defecate? (Is considered communal – or shared – a latrine used necessary
by more than one household. Check one)
Household latrine
Communal latrine
Open defecation Skip E5 to E15
Plastic bag Skip E5 to E15
Bucket Toilet Skip E5 to E15
Other Skip E5 to E15
Don’t know Skip E5 to E15
E2/ Where do children under-5 living in this household usually go to
defecate? (Is considered communal – or shared – a latrine used by more than
one household. Check one)
Household latrine Skip E3
Communal latrine Skip E3
Open defecation
Plastic bag
Plastic pot
Don’t know
No child under-5 Continue to E4
E3/ For the children under-5 that don’t use the latrine, what is done with
their faeces? (Check one)
Collected and disposed in latrine
Collected and disposed of elsewhere
Nothing is done with it
Buried it
Don't know
E4/ Do adult members of your household sometimes defecate in the open
(for example at night)? (Check one)
Yes Why? There is no latrine available
Latrine is too far
Too dark at night
Too tired
Don’t know/not sure
Other (please specify):____________
Don’t know/not sure
E5/ The facility where your household members usually defecate is a: (Check Only for those who responded
only one) ‘Household latrine’ or ‘Communal
latrine’ in E1
Single household facility (used only by this household)
Shared facility used by a number of households How many HHs,
including this one, share this facility? _____
Communal latrine
Other (please specify):_______________
E6 (Op)/ Does this latrine provide adequate privacy for you and your Question to be added if you need
household members? (Check one) to know (e.g. for protection issues)
if latrines are perceived by the
Yes population as offering enough
No Why not? Infrastructure/door is poor or damaged privacy, and main reasons why they
Lock missing/not working might now.
Too close to the house
No latrine
Don’t know
Observation questions (Observe and record answers below. Do not ask these
questions aloud)
In case the latrine usually used is far from the household (e.g. a communal
latrine), this observation part should be saved for the end of the interview.
Skip to E16 and come back to this part once the questionnaire is finished and
the respondent has brought you to their usual latrine for observation.
E7 (Op)/ Observe the type of latrine (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Flush or pour/flush toilet to know the breakdown of types of
latrines in the camp, or the most
Pit latrine used type.
VIP Toilet
Composting toilet Change the options based on the
Bucket toilet
Only use this question if multiple
Hanging toilet/latrine types of latrines are possible in the
Other (please specify): ________________ specific camp.
None If answer is ‘None’, skip the
following optional questions, if any
have been selected.
E8 (Op)/ Is the latrine in use? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes to know the percentage of latrines
in use in the camp.
E9 (Op)/ Observe the main material used for the superstructure (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Bricks to know more about material used
to build latrines, or if latrines in the
Plastic sheeting camp are durable or not.
Fabric Please note that a latrine survey
Metal might be more effective.
Don’t know
E10 (Op)/ Observe type of slab present (Verify whether in its current state – Question to be added if you need
slab and superstructure – the latrine is usable. Check one) to know the breakdown of types of
slabs used in the camp, and if they
Wood are safe or not.
Logs Please note that a latrine survey
Plastic might be more effective.
Change the options based on the
Other (please specify):____________________ context.
Don’t know
E11 (Op)/ Is the latrine full? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes to know the part of latrines in
camp that are full.
E12 (Op)/ Is there a lid on the drophole? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes to know the part of surveyed
latrines that are safe regarding
No vectors (flies etc.).
E13 (Op)/ Is there a handwashing station at the latrine? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes Continue to E14 and E15 if they have been selected to know the part of latrines in
camp equipped with hand-washing
No Continue to E16 stations.
E14 (Op)/ Indicate whether there is water in the handwashing station (Check Question to be added if you need
one) to know if those hand-washing
stations are used properly or not.
E15 (Op) / Is soap present at the hand washing station? (Check one) Question to be added if you need
Yes to know if those hand-washing
stations are used properly or not.
E16/ Please show me the facility where you and your family members
bathe? (Observe if they have a designated facility at home and check one)
Do not have a designated bathing facility
Have a designated shower/bathing facility
Don’t know or can’t observe
End of Observation Section
E17/ Where does your household dispose of domestic waste? (Check one)
Household pit
Communal pit
Street bin/container for garbage collection
Designated open area
Undesignated open area
Bury it
Burn it
Other (please specify): ____________________
Observation question (Observe and record answers below. Do not ask this
question aloud)
E18 (Op)/ Is the courtyard clean? (No apparent trash scattered around) Question to be added if you need
(Check one) to know more regarding habits of
Yes waste disposal in the surveyed
End of Observation Section
E19 (Op)/ Did you or anyone in your household complain of or observe any Question to be added if you need
abnormal presence of vectors recently? (Check one) to find more about vector control,
Yes What vectors? Rodents or if you have activities related to
that aspect of sanitation.
F - Messaging
Questions Comments
F1 (Op)/ Out of all the communication means available, What’s the Question to be added if you want
best way for your household members to receive health and hygiene to adapt your hygiene promotion
activities in the most effective way
messages ? (Read the possible responses; check only one response.) possible.
Printed flyers
Home visits from CHWs
Community meetings
Focus Group Discussions
F2 (Op)/ In the last month did your household receive a visit from a Question to be added if you want
community health worker to discuss any health or hygiene messages (Check to check the effectiveness of
hygiene promotion door-to-door
one) campaigns.
No Insert appropriate name of CHW to
reflect program.
Don’t know/don’t remember
F3 (Op)/ In the last month, have you or anyone in your household attended a Question to be added if you want
health or hygiene community meeting? (Check one) to find out whether hygiene
community meetings attract a large
Yes population or not (check
No effectiveness).
Don’t know
F4 (Op)/ Are you able to read? (Check one) Question to be added if you plan to
Yes, easily use flyers or posters for hygiene
promotion, and need to find out
Yes, but with difficulty whether that will be effective or
No, cannot read not.
Refused to answer
F5 (Op)/ Do you have a functioning radio in your household? (Check one) Question to be added if you plan to
Yes do hygiene promotion via radio
emissions and need to find out
No whether that will be effective or
Don’t know not.
F6 (Op)/ Do you have a mobile phone in your household? (Check one) Question to be added if you plan to
Yes do hygiene promotion via sms and
need to find out whether that will
No be effective or not.
Don’t know
G - Distribution
Questions Comments
G1 (Op)/ In the past month, did you or someone in your household receive Question(s) to be added if you
(** soap, ORS, jerrycans, basins, sanitary pads, hygiene kits, Aquatabs, etc.) need to monitor the effectiveness
of NFI distributions.
through a distribution? (Check one)
Yes To be repeated as many times as
No necessary for different items.
Don’t know
Questions Comments
H1 (Op)/ How many children less than 5 years of age have had 3 or more Question to be added if you want
loose or watery stools in the last 14 days? (check one) more information at household level
0 on diarrhoea prevalence of kids aged
less than 5 years old, as not all cases
1 go seek treatment at the health
2 centres.
H2 (Op)/ How many persons 5 years of age or older have had 3 or more loose Question to be added if you want
or watery stools in the last 14 days? (check one) more information at household level
0 on diarrhoea prevalence of persons
over 5 years old, as not all cases go
1 seek treatment at the health centres.
H3 (Op)/ Can you tell me all the ways that people can get diarrhoea? (Do not Question to be added if you need to
prompt with responses, allow respondent to list and check those that are find out more about disease
listed) transmission knowledge within the
surveyed population, in order to
Through contaminated water
adapt your hygiene promotion
Through contaminated or undercooked food strategy if necessary.
From unpleasant odours
From flies
From contact with someone sick with diarrhoea or someone who died
from diarrhoea
From swimming/bathing in surface water
Other: ___________________________
Don’t know
H4 (Op)/ Please tell me all the ways to prevent you or your household Question to be added if you need to
members from getting diarrhoea (Do not prompt with responses, allow find out more about disease
respondent to list and check those that are listed) transmission knowledge within the
surveyed population, in order to
Boil or treat your water/drink clean water
adapt your hygiene promotion
Wash hands with soap and water strategy if necessary.
Cook food well
Wash fruits and vegetables
Cover food
Cleaning cooking utensils
Clean your home with bleach
Use toilet/latrine facility to defecate
Dispose of children’s faeces in toilet/latrine
Bury faeces
Receive a vaccine
Store water safely
Breastfeeding babies
Other: _______________
Don’t know
Questions Comments
I1.a (Op)/ How many women of reproductive age (15-49 years old) are in this Question to be added if you are
household? _____ going to add any of the other
questions in this section.