PreSys-LS-DYNA Modeling tutorial-EN
PreSys-LS-DYNA Modeling tutorial-EN
PreSys-LS-DYNA Modeling tutorial-EN
Table of Contents
Foreword .................................................................................... I
Overview .................................................................................... I
Table of Contents ..................................................................... II
1 An Introduction to the PreSys ....................................... 1
1.1 Start PreSys ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 User Interface .................................................................................. 1
1.3 Shortcut Keys .................................................................................. 2
1.4 Toolbars and Icons ........................................................................... 3
1.5 Model View ...................................................................................... 4
1.6 Parts ................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Windows .......................................................................................... 5
1.8 The PreSys Modeling Process .......................................................... 6
Summary ................................................................................. 30
An Introduction to the PreSys
For Windows users, double click the PreSys icon from the desktop or choose PreSys
2021 from the Windows Start Menu.
After starting PreSys, an empty database file Untitled.mdl is created. Users will begin by
importing CAD or CAE files to the current database.
The PreSys user interface can be configured in many different ways, for maximum flexibility.
The default user interface is shown in Figure 1.1. The main areas of the interface are labeled,
and will be referred to in this Guide.
1. The Toolbar area is located at the top of the window, and contains selectable icons for
all of the commands available in PreSys.
2. The Drop-down Menus are at the very top of the window allows users to access every
command through an easy to use the drop down menu system.
3. The Display Area is where all graphical data is displayed.
4. The Command Window allows users to directly input commands and execute them.
5. The Message Window displays the model information and prompts the user if data is
needed, as well as warning or error messages for the user.
6. The Model Window allows the user to access a great deal of information about the
model, control the display of data, edit the model data, and create and edit all solver
keywords with the keyword editor.
Function keys 1 through 8 may act as shortcuts the most frequently used menus. Only
Function keys F1 and F3 are predefined by PreSys. Function keys F1 through F8 are
predefined by PreSys according to different operating frequencies of each function, as listed
in the following table.
The user is allowed to set shortcut keys for other frequently used functions through Tools-
>Customize->Shortcut Keys according to their customs.
When the database is opened, the frequently used toolbar icons will be shown near the top
of the PreSys window. Tool tips are displayed when the user places the mouse pointer over
the icon. Functions are activated by clicking once on the icon using the mouse. As a general
rule, the functions which are accessed through the icons are also available for use through
the menu system.
The user is allowed to click the blank area above the display area with the right mouse
button and click one of the toolbar names in the displayed right-click menu to turn on or turn
off this toolbar.
1. Figure 1.3 illustrates View toolbar. The icons shown below control the rotate about
center, pan, zoom, fill screen and all kinds of direction views.
Some elements, nodes or surfaces and lines are highlighted in some operations. To
remove this highlighting, or to re-draw on the screen, the user may select the Clear
Highlight icon marked with red circle below.
By selecting the right, center or left mouse button, and the CTRL key, the user can rotate,
pan or zoom the model view. By default, the view control mode is illustrated in the following.
Left Click +CTRL:Rotate the model view.
Right Click +CTRL:Zoom in or zoom out the proportion of the model display.
Middle Click +CTRL:Pan the model view.
An added feature of PreSys is the ability to dynamically zoom the model using the mouse
wheel. The zoom center will be at the location of the cursor. Rolling the mouse wheel
toward you will zoom in, moving the model closer to the viewer, and rolling the mouse wheel
away from the user will zoom out.
Users are allowed to customize different mouse operations according to their own habits.
Select the Shortcut Key from the View menu in the Tools ->Option Center, and the user
can define the corresponding functions for combination of mouse and Ctrl /Shift /Alt in the
right, as illustrated in the following Figure 1.9.
1.6 Parts
The model is managed through Parts in PreSys and the concept of PARTS in PreSys is as
1. All lines, surfaces and elements must be in a ‘part’. When the part is turn on/off, lines,
surfaces or elements contained in this part will be displayed or turned off.
2. A physical part need not be contained in single PreSys ‘part’. In other words, a
component could be divided into several parts for easier manipulation.
3. Nodes, Materials and Boundary Conditions do not belong to any ‘part’.
4. When new lines, surfaces or meshes are created, they are placed in the CURRENT
PART. A part must be made CURRENT to add any data to it.
1.7 Windows
The PreSys windows shown in the user interface in Figure 1.1 may be hidden or displayed
by selecting Window from the drop down menus. The desired windows may be selected for
It is recommended that the Message Window be displayed, since many messages are
displayed regarding any errors which may occur during the modeling processes presented
here. These messages will direct the user to select or input the proper data.
The PreSys modeling process is one common to most commercial finite element modeling
software. The user creates or imports geometry on which a finite element mesh will be
created. The element property and boundary conditions applied will be set. This data is then
exported to an internal or external finite element solver where the data is interpreted and a
solution is stored in a computer file for post processing.
Unit Setting
The default unit system is mm, Ton, Sec and N after PreSys is started. The user can view
the unit system adopted by the current database from the lower right corner of the window.
The unit system can also be changed from the Tools drop down menu, and the
Environment Setting option. The default unit system is adopted in this example.
Import File
From the FILE drop-down menu, select IMPORT. An Import window will be popped up, as
illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Select Step Files (*.stp, *.step) as the file format, view and select the folder. Double click
bumper.stp which is located in the installation director: \PreSys 2021\ manual\ LS-DYNA
Modeling Tutorial. The step data file will be imported and be displayed on the screen, as
illustrated in Figure 2.3.
After bumper.stp is imported, the PART name may be a string of characters, which is
adverse for the user to remember and position the part to be operated. Generally, the PART
named after the part name. The user can right click the PART name in the model information
and select Rename in the menu.
PART1 is renamed RAIL
PART2 is renamed PLATE
PART3 is renamed BUMPER
PART4 is renamed WALL
2.2 Mesh
The “Current Part” is the active part to which all new entities are assigned. All new lines or
surfaces will be automatically included in the current part. The current part is displayed at the
lower right corner of the PreSys window, with its part color shown.
Caution should be taken to make sure that the desired part is current before creating any
new lines or surfaces.
The user may assign the newly created elements to each original part containing surfaces
when automeshing surfaces.
Set the WALL as the current part by:
1. Click the Current Part button in the lower right of the PreSys window to open the Set
Current Part task panel.
2. Select WALL in the part list and this part will be set as the current part. The result is
illustrated in Figure 2.4.
density of 15x10 elements. Enter 15, 10, 15 and 10 for the parameters, as illustrated in
the Figure 2.5.
Mesh Surfaces
This section of the tutorial will explain how to use PreSys’ powerful automeshing tools to
automatically create mesh on surface geometry. This is the easiest method to create a large
number of elements on a series of parts.
On the Model Explorer select the green check box to turn the Wall off, and the remaining
parts on, as illustrated in Figure 2.7.
Normally, flanges require a two-element width so we will give a mesh density of 15 mm for
the bumper and the other components (Plate and Rail).
Note: The user is allowed to measure the flange width from Tools ->Utility.
Subsequently, go to the PreProcess drop down menu, and select the Mesher->Topology
Mesh option. Alternately, the user may select the Topology Mesh icon from the Mesher
toolbar. A dialogue will open in the TASK panel of the MODEL EXPLORER. This will prompt
the user for the necessary parameters such as meshing style, mesh size and selection of the
surfaces to be meshed.
Mesh Generation by Surface Mesh:
1. Click the 2D Auto Mesh icon from the Mesher toolbar to open the task panel, as
illustrated in Figure 2.9.
After the mesh has been completed, the user should check the elements which were created,
to assure that there are no cracks in the model, and that all elements meet the desired
quality criteria. To perform this verification, the user selects Preprocess ->Model Check
from the Drop Down menu or from the Model Check toolbar.
Check Boundary
Select the Check Boundary icon from the Model Check toolbar, as illustrated in Figure 2.13.
Now that our mesh is completed, we can create and assign a material property. Multiple
materials may be created and assigned on a part- by-part basis.
1. Click the Create Material function from the Material toolbar to open the Create Material
task panel as illustrated in Figure 2.19.
The defined material properties are illustrated in Figure 2.21. Click OK on the Keyword Editor
window to accept the parameter settings and return to the Create Material task panel. Click
OK to create the material and exit the task panel.
The Element Property is the material thickness for shell elements. This applies only to LS-
DYNA models, since the material thickness is identified in the PART definition for NASTRAN
models (PSHELL).
The process to create an Element Property is similar to the Material creation.
1. Click the Create Property function from the Property toolbar to open the Create
Property task panel. In the Create Property task panel, select SECTION_SHELL for the
Type and enter WALL-RAIL for the Name. Then click the Edit Keyword button, as illustrated
in Figure 2.23.
At this point, all the parts of our model are created and meshed but they are not connected.
Usually parts are connected by 1 dimensional elements; normally rigid links or spot welds. In
this case, the connections between BUMPER and PLATE, and PLATE and RAIL are created
by spot welds. The operations are illustrated below.
1. Close the WALL part on the Model Explorer, and open BUMPER, PLATE and RAIL part.
2. Select the Create Connection icon from the Connection toolbars, as illustrated in Figure
2.28 for the location. The view can be changed into +X View for easy picking.
2. The user can turn off the Select Node dialog box after finishing the selection. Set
Layer Num to 2 and Connect to Part and then click the Select Part button to pop up
the Select Part window. Select All parts to close the Select Part dialog box.
3. Select CNRBody as the Type, and set Tolerance to 20, and then toggle on the
Remesh option. Click the Apply button to create the Spotweld. The program will
automatically search the part that meets the requirements to the Layer Num and
Tolerance in the selected parts.
Please Note: The created Spotweld is placed on the new PART_SPWD-5.
A contact is needed to allow the bumper to impact the rigid wall and transmit forces between
these two components. Contacts are defined using the Keyword section on the Model
1. Right-click on the Keyword option on the Model Explorer and select CONTACT
->CONTACT on the popped menu, as illustrated in Figure 2.29.
Boundary conditions – constraints, loads, initial velocities and forces, can be defined using
the B.C.S. toolbar provided by PreSys to define the case, as illustrated in Figure 2.33.
to +Z View, and then select the nodes of rail ends on the screen through Box. The
steps and results are illustrated in Figure 2.35.
Figure 2.36 Defined Initial Velocity Figure 2.37 Initial Velocity Display
To run the simulation, several parameters need to be defined. We will define the output
database requests and the termination time of the simulation.
1. Define Termination Time
Right click the Keyword on the Model Explorer to select CONTROL->CONTROL_
TERMINATION in the popped menu. Set ENDTIM to 0.06 in the displayed Keyword
Editor. Then click OK to save and exit the keyword Editor.
2. Define Energy Control
Click the New Model to import the dyn file. Then click Window-> Split Vertically to split the
display area. The results for Preprocess and Postprocess of the model will be displayed, as
illustrated in Figure 2.40.
This manual can be used as the tutorial for finite element simulation analysis
with PreSys as the pre and post processing and LS -DYNA as the solver, which
facilitates the user to learn and master the procedure and methods of finite element
analysis with PreSys. The technical details about the fi nite element simulation and
other applications of PreSys are not included in this tutorial. Users are allowed to
attend the advanced training of ETA for more technical details.
Please refer to Inventium ○R /PreSys ○R 2021R1 User Manual for more function
descriptions and option settings.