Material LEED Data Form v4
Material LEED Data Form v4
Material LEED Data Form v4
Project: ___________________________
Architect: ___________________________
Product Certification
Tick applicable credit compliance and fill out the required information.
Health Product Declaration with full disclosure of known hazards in compliance with the HPD Open b
b b Standard
Cradle to Cradle Certification (choose one):
v2 Basic level v3 Bronze level Higher level of Certification (please specify): ______________
G. Regional Material
○ All components of the product were extracted, harvested or recovered (source i.e. mining a site),
a manufactured (i.e. plant), and purchased within 1 00 miles (160 km) of the project site.
Harvest Location:
Harvest Distance (Encircle unit used: mi I km)
Manufacture Location:
Manufacture Distance (Encircle unit used: mi / km)
A certification from the manufacturer is attached to provide supporting document to the above
a a declaration.
○ A portion of this product was extracted, harvested or recovered (source i.e. mining site), a a a a
a manufactured (i.e. plant), or purchased more than 1 00 miles (160 km) of the project site.
A. VOC Content
*For wet applied products only: Please provide the VOC content:
VOC Content (in g/L)
Please select the available emissions test report as attached in this submittal (choose all that applies):
EN-717-1: 2004
CEN/TS 16516: 2013
ISO 16000-3: 2010, ISO 16000-6: 2011, ISO 16000-9: 2006, ISO 16000-11: 2006
Belgian or French legislation on VOC emission class labeling in conjunction with AgBB
This product has been tested in accordance to ANSI/BIFMA Standard Method M7.1-2011 as attached in this a
a submittal.
Manufacturer Certification
CERTIFIED BY (Manufacturer):
Installer Certification
For Low-Emitting Materials: Please select the area of application of the product (choose all that applies):
Interior Exterior
Total Installed Material Volume: _____________________________
Total Installed Material Cost (Less Labor and Equipment): _____________________________
CERTIFIED BY (Contractor):