Contraction Material
Contraction Material
Contraction Material
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Subject Name: CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Model Answer Subject Code: 22204
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Q.1 (c) List the four tools required for dressing of stone.
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Ans Tools required for dressing of stone.
1. Spall hammer
2. Dummy
3. Gad Any four
4. Scrabbling hammer 1/2 M each
5. Mallet
6. Drag
7. Pitching tool
8. Boaster
9. Point
10. Punch
Q.1 (d) List major ingredients of cement.
Ans Major ingredients of cement.
1. Lime (CaO)
2. Silica (SiO2) Any four
3. Alumina (Al2O3) 1/2 M each
4. Iron oxide (Fe2O3)
5. Magnesia (MgO)
6. Gypsum (CaSO4 . 2H2O)
Q.1 (e) State any two uses of precast concrete blocks.
Ans Uses of precast concrete block.
1. In parking areas, footpaths, on road to give pleasant look.
2. Fencing poles for fencing work. Any two
3. It is used for loadbearing masonry, in earthquake zones. 01 M each
4. Lightweight blocks for partition walls.
Q.1 (f) State any two uses of "Plaster of Paris".
Ans Uses of Plaster of Paris.
1. It is used as architectural decoration material for false ceiling, cornices and other
decorative feature in interior finish. Any two
2. It is used for making casts for statues. 01 M each
3. It is used for wall plasters, wall board etc.
4. Ornamental work.
Q.1 (g) Give any two uses of granite and marble polishing waste.
Ans Use of granite and marble polishing waste.
1. It is used in manufacturing of brick and tiles Any two
2. It is used for filling joints in flooring. 01 M each
3. It is used in self-compacting concrete.
Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following:
(a) Describe the factors for selection of construction materials on the basis of strength.
Ans Material must be selected for their ability to support the loads imposed by the building
over the whole life of the building. An appropriate structural system and correct 02 M
selection of structural materials can reduce excess material use and waste and increase
the building adaptability for other uses. Material should be used as per their functional
A highly durable material may provide the most sustainable solution, if it reduces
maintenance or replacement requirement, but the material should also be appropriate 02 M
for expected life of the building.
Q.2 (b) State the role of civil engineer in the field of transportation engineering.
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Ans Role of civil engineer in the field of transportation engineering.
1. To maintain safety, adequacy and economy in the means of transport for the
need of society.
2. Civil engineer work to move people, goods and materials safely and efficiently Any four
from one place to another place. 01 M each
3. Civil engineer designs, constructs and maintains all types of transportation
facilities, including airport, highway. Railway track and docks and harbors.
4. Civil engineers are also involved in the construction of bridge tunnels etc.
5. Remote areas and rural areas become accessible and communicable if connected
by proper means of transport.
Q.2 (c) Describe the selection criteria for selecting stone for face work of building.
Ans Selection criteria for selecting stone for face work of building.
1. Appearance: For face work it should have fine, compact texture; Light-coloured
stone is preferred as dark colours are likely to fade out in due course of time.
2. Structure: A broken stone should not be dull in appearance and should have
uniform texture free from cavities, cracks, and patches of loose or soft material.
Stratifications should not be visible to naked eye. Any four
3. Strength: A stone should be strong and durable to withstand the disintegrating 01 M each
action of weather. Compressive strength of building stones in practice range
between 60 to 200 N/mm2.
4. Weight: It is an indication of the porosity and density. For stability of structures
such as dams, retaining walls, etc. heavier stones are required, whereas for
arches, vaults, domes, etc. light stones may be the choice.
5. Hardness: This property is important for floors, pavements, aprons of bridges,
etc. The hardness is determined by the Mohr’s scale.
6. Toughness: The measure of impact that a stone can withstand is defined as
toughness. The stone used should be tough when subjected to vibratory or
moving loads.
Q.2 (d) Explain defects in timber with neat sketch.
Ans Types of Defects in timber are grouped into the following divisions.
The main natural forces responsible for causing defects in timber are abnormal growth
and rapture of tissues.
1. Knots: Bases of branches or limbs which are broken or cut off from the tree as
shown in the figure.
2. Star Shake: These are radial splits or cracks widest at the circumference and get
diminishing towards the center of the tress. These may arise mostly from severe
frost and fierce heat of sun.
Any four
01 M each
3. Heart Shakes: These are the splits or cracks widest at the center and diminishing
towards the outside circumference, this defects usually occurs in over matured
tress and is probably caused due to the shrinkage of heart wood
4. Twisted fibers: caused by twisting of young trees by fast blowing wind as shown
in figure.
5. Radial Shake: These are similar to star shakes but they are fine, irregular and
numerous. They usually occur when tree is exposed to sun for seasoning after
being felled down.
02 M
02 M
Q.3 (b) State any four situations where hollow concrete block masonry is used.
Ans Situations where hollow concrete block masonry is used.
1) Hollow concrete blocks are fire resistant and hence are used in masonry where fire
resistance is necessary, like furnace, chimney etc.
2) Hollow concrete blocks are light weight. , and hence used in partition walls to reduce Any four
dead load of wall. 01 M for
3) Hollow concrete blocks are having good insulating properties and used in exterior each
load bearing masonry walls where sound and thermal insulation is essential. It keeps
house cool in summer and warm in winter.
4) Hollow concrete blocks are used in compound walls where economic construction is
5) They are used to achieve uniform quality of masonry, faster construction.
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6) They are used to achieve lower labor involvement and greater durability, like
Retaining walls.
Q.3 (c) Write the field tests performed on bricks for its suitability.
Ans Field tests performed on bricks for its suitability:
1) Shape and size: Brick is closely observed. It should be of standard size 190mm x
90mm x 90mm. Its shape should be truly rectangular with plane faces, sharp edges and
right angles.
2) Water absorption test: A brick is weighed dry. It is then immersed in water for a
period of 16 hours. It is weighed again and difference in weight indicates the amount of
water absorbed by the brick. It should not be more than 20% of weight of dry brick. Any four
3) Hardness: A scratch is made on brick surface with a finger nail. If no impression is left 01 M for
on the surface then brick is treated sufficiently hard. each
4) Soundness: Two bricks are taken and they are struck with each other. Brick should
not break and clear ringing sound should be produced.
5) Color Test: Brick should have copper colored and free from cracks, holes, and lumps.
6) Structure: A brick is broken and structure inside should be uniform, compact, and
7) Presence of soluble salts: Brick is immersed in water for 24 hours. It is then taken out
and allowed to dry in shade. The absence of white deposits on its surface indicates
absence of soluble salt.
Q.3 (d) State suitability of:
(i) Water proofing materials and (ii) Sound insulating materials
Ans i) Suitability of water proofing materials:
1. Concrete, Bricks, Stones, plaster have tendency to get deteriorate, hence
leakage of water may occur in slab, beam, columns. Bitumen and tars are
used for water proof coatings for making surfaces hydrophobic, for priming
2. Fibre glass water proofing material is a roll water proofing material suitable
for roofs and slabs.
3. Sealing water proof material are used for filling exterior joints in buildings
and installations Any four
4. Prefabricated water proofing concrete items are suitable for anti-corrosion 1/2 M for
waterproofing of installations each
5. Water proofing asphalt slabs are suitable for the waterproofing work and
filling of deformation joints.
6. Paints are suitable for the waterproofing of external walls where cracks are
7. Plastics waterproofing membranes in the form of sheets prevent water
penetration into pores and voids in structures.
8. Water proofing chemicals in liquid or powder form like zinc sulphate, alkaline
silicates calcium chloride are added to concrete to improve resistance to
water absorption.
9. Water repellents like soda, potash, calcium soaps, and waxes are suitable for
pore blocking.
ii) Suitability of sound insulating materials:
1) In Porous materials with a solid skeleton, sound is absorbed as a result of viscous
friction inside the pours. Light weight concrete with porous aggregate, foam
glass, mineral wool, glass wool in the form of strips, slabs, roll, mats are suitable
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materials used in various constructions underneath the floor.
2) Porous jagged structures, based on plastics, rubber are available in the form of
strips and liners. They provide sound proofing of reinforced concrete floors. Any four
3) Loose composition, like artificial and natural sand, slag is used as fillers. 1/2 M for
4) Panel material like veneer panel, rigid wood fibre board, are suitable for interior each
finishing of buildings to improve acoustic properties by dampening noises.
5) Baffle materials which includes, thin panels from veneer, solid card board are
suitable for facing suspended ceilings to insulate noise.
6) Acoustic tiles and acoustic plaster are suitable where absorption of sound is
Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following:
(a) Draw a neat sketch of cross-section of an exogenous tree and label the parts.
Ans Cross-section of an exogenous tree:
02 M for
02 M for
3) Tamping: After charging the hole by the explosive powder, the remaining portion of
hole is filled with clay or ash and compacted with the help of tamping bar. Care is to
be taken at the time of tamping, the one end of the fuse should be at the bottom of
hole completed merged in explosive powder and other end should be out from the
2. Pitched face dressing: In this case the edges of stone upto 25 mm on all side are
dressed in level and superfluous stone on the face is remained as it is on the face
Any four
01 M for
3. Chisel drafting: In this type of dressing, drafts are made at all four edges with the each
help of chisel and any superfluous stone at all centre is removed by pitching tool
or scrabbling hammer. This type of dressed stones is used in the masonry work
as a quoin stones at corner.
4. Roughed tooled dressing: In this type of dressing work; first edges are made
squared and then a series of continuous and parallel fine chisel lines are
developed on the face with the help of batting or broad tool. This is common
dressing for ashlar masonry work.
8. Picked finish: In this type of finish, the exposed face of the stone is dressed with
the help of a tool called as point and thus it forms small pits on the exposed
surface. In this finish, most of the projections are removed and it gives fine
surface to the stone face.
Q.5 (c) Suggest the type of cement used for the following :
(i) For modular construction where form work needs to be removed early for re-use. .
(ii) Mass concreting such as construction of dam.
(iii) Decorative works in external surfaces of building.
(iv) Cementing the oil well.
Ans. i) For modular construction where form work needs to be removed early for re-
use. – Rapid Hardening Cement 01 M for
ii) Mass concreting such as construction of dam. – Low heat cement. each
iii) Decorative works in external surfaces of building – Coloured cement.
iv) Cementing the oil well. – Oil Well Cement.
Q.5 (d) Classify burnt clay bricks.
Ans. The bricks used in the construction works are burnt bricks and they are classified into
the following four categories:
1) First class bricks
2) Second class bricks
3) Third class bricks
4) Fourth class bricks.
First Class bricks: These bricks are table moulded and of standard shape and they are
burnt in kilns. The surfaces and edges of the bricks are sharp, square, smooth and
straight. These bricks have all qualities of good bricks. These bricks are used for superior
work of permanent nature.
Second class bricks: These bricks are ground – moulded and they are burnt in kilns. The
surface of these bricks is somewhat rough and shape is also slightly irregular. These 01 M for
bricks may have hair cracks and their edges may not be sharp and uniform. These bricks each
are commonly used at places where brickwork is to be provided with a coat of plaster.
Third Class bricks: These bricks are ground – moulded and they are burnt in clamps.
These bricks are not hard and they have rough surfaces with irregular and distorted
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Q.1 (c) State any two types of glass along with its uses.
Ans. Following are the types of Glass and its uses
1) Silica Galss : It is used for fibrous glass, rod, tubing, optical windows, laboratory ware
and ultra violet transmitting filters.
2) Soda-Lime-Silica Glass : It is used for window and plate glass, glass blocks, bottles of
all kinds, inexpensive table wares, fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs and Any two
innumerable other articles. 01 M for
3) Lead Glass : It is used for optical systems, for the finest tableware and for objects. It each
is also used in electric tubes, neon tubing.
4) Borosilicate Glass : It is used for industrial piping, cooking utensils and high
temperature thermometers, laboratory ware
Q.1 (d) List the materials used for water proofing.
Ans. Following materials are used for water proofing…
Water proofing materials based on bitumen and tar binders are
1) Emulsions and pastes
2) Mastics…. Hot and Cold Mastics 02 M
Bitumen , Rubber bitumen, Tar and Petroleum Asphalt.
3) Roll and Sheet Material
i) Coated impregnated roll materials
ii) Non Coated impregnated cardboard rolled materials
4) Sealing materials
Q.1 (e) Enlist the types of paints.
Ans. Different types of paints are :
1) Oil paint 2) Water Paint 3) Cement Paint 4) Plastic Paint
5) Aluminium Paint 6) Velvet Finish Paint 7) Elastic Paint
The paints are also divided based on purposes: 02 M
a) Decorative and Building paints: i) Flat wall paints for interior decoration, ii)
Exterior house paints, iii) Masonry finish paints, iv) Floor paints, v) White
line paints for factories and road linings, vi) Heat and fire resistant paints,
vii) Aluminium paints.
b) Industrial and Marine Paints : i) Chlorinated rubber paints which are
resistant to water and chemicals, ii) Urethane oils, iii) Ship paints, iv)
Anticondensation paints, v) Antifouling paints.
Q.1 (f) Define baggage. State its uses.
Ans. Bagasse is the fibrous residue left after sugar cane stalks are crushed to extract juice. It is a 01 M
waste by – product of sugarcane production process.
i) Sugarcane bagasse ash can replace cement in concrete due to its excellent binding
properties. This improves the quality and cost of material Any two
ii) It is mixed with mortars to be used in making concrete pavers, roof tiles etc. 01 M
iii) When mixed with lime, it acts as a chemical stabilizer in compacted soil blocks.
iv) It improves the mechanical properties in concrete formulation.
Q.1 (g) Enlist any two natural and artificial construction materials.
Ans. Natural construction materials- Stone, Timber, Lime , Soil 01 M
Artificial Construction Materials – Bricks, Tiles, Cement, Aggregate, Artificial Sand, Plywood 01 M
and Glass
Q.2 Attempt any THREE of the following (12)
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Q.2 (a) Explain the criteria for selection of construction materials for different civil engineering
Structures on basis of their strength and durability.
Ans. The material must be selected for their ability to support the loads imposed by the building
over the whole life of the building. An appropriate structural system and correct selection of 02 M
structural materials can reduce excess material use and waste and increase the building
adaptability for other uses.
Highly durable material may provide the most sustainable solution if it reduces 02 M
maintenance or replacement requirements but a material should also be appropriate to the
expected life of the building.
The construction material should have sufficient strength to carry the prescribed load.
Q.2 (b) State the requirements of a good building stone.
Ans. 1) It should have high crushing strength more than 100 N/mm2.
2) It should have high durability.
3) Hardness should be more than 14.
4) It should have pleasing appearance and should retain its colour for longer time. Any four
5) Water absorption should be less than 0.6% by weight after 24 hours. 01 M for
6) It should be easy for cutting and dressing. each
7) It should have good fire resistance.
8) Specific gravity should be more than 2.7.
9) It should be economical and easily available.
10) It should have good weathering resistance.
11) It should have high impact value and high toughness index.
Q.2 (c) Describe the scope of construction material in environmental engineering.
Ans. The goal of environmental engineering is to ensure the community development and the
sensible use of water, land and air resources to make them sustainable. This goal is
achieved by managing these resources so that environmental pollution and degradation is
For managing various construction activities related to environmental engineering for water 04 M
supply and sewerage, water treatment, sewage treatment, solid waste management
practices, various types of material are required. In addition, other activities of wastewater
treatment facilities in municipalities and industries, disposal and reuse of waste water and
the collection, transportation, processing and disposal of solid wastes various types of
construction material such cement, sand , aggregate, stone, lime, iron, glass, artificial sand ,
waterproofing and damp proofing material of required quality and quantity is used.
Q.2 (d) Define lime and explain manufacturing of lime by continuous kiln with neat sketch.
Ans. Lime: The moisture and carbon dioxide are removed from the limestone by the process of
calcination and the product which is remained after removing the moisture and carbon 01 M
dioxide is termed as lime. The chemical composition of lime is CaO i.e. Calcium oxide
Manufacturing of Lime by Continuous Kiln:
These kilns are used when lime is to be manufactured on large scale. The is kiln is a vertical
structure line with fireclay bricks. It is usually built on a slope to facilitate continuous
removal of lime.
Alternate layers of limestone and coal (sometimes wood) are charged from the top and lime
is removed from an opening at the ground level. Limestone free from earth or impurities
are broken into small pieces to about 5 cm gauge. Alternate layers of 75 mm stone and 02 M
6mm coal dust are fed into the kiln.
Fire is lighted in the kiln and as the calcination progresses lime is continuously withdrawn
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and fresh change is fed from the top. Air is required for combustion enters the same
opening through which lime is removed; thus it gets heated while the lime is cooled.
Burnt material is drawn out daily and fresh charge of limestone and fuel is added from the
top. Over burnt pieces are discarded whereas the under burnt ones reloaded into the kiln.
Lime obtained from such kiln is not of high purity as it gets mixed with as of fuel. Its
thermal efficiency is however higher than of other furnaces.
01 M
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Burning can be done in two ways a) Clamps b) Kilns.
A) Clamps: -In clamps, bricks and fuel are placed in alternate layers in open air and
good quality of bricks are obtained.
B) Kilns: - the bricks are stacked without any fuel and burnt from fire places and
produces better quality of bricks.
Q.3 (b) Enlist the different sound insulating materials and also state their suitability.
Ans. Different sound insulating materials:
1) Asbestos , 2) rock wool , 3)glass ,4)silk, 5)Han felt
6) Mineral wool boards, 7)cane fibers. 8) Acoustical plaster boards and tiles 02 M
9)Corkoustics 10) Celotex building boards.11) Glass fibers.
Suitability of sound insulating materials.
1) In Porous materials with a solid skeleton, sound is absorbed as a result of viscous
friction inside the porous. Light weight concrete with porous aggregate, foam glass,
mineral wool, glass wool in the form of strips, slabs, roll, mats and strips are suitable
materials used in various constructions underneath the floor.
2) Porous jagged structures, based on plastics, rubber are available in the form of strips
and liners. They provide sound proofing of reinforced concrete floors.
3) Loose composition, like artificial and natural sand, slag is used as fillers. Any four
4) Panel material like veneer panel, rigid wood fibre board, are suitable for interior 1/2 M
finishing of buildings to improve acoustic properties by dampening noises. for each
5) Baffle materials which includes, thin panels from veneer, solid card board are
suitable for facing suspended ceilings to insulate noise.
6) Acoustic tiles and acoustic plaster are suitable where absorption of sound required
from tile to tile should be uniform.
Q.3 (c) Draw the flow chart of manufacturing of cement by wet process.
Ans. Flow chart of manufacturing of cement by wet process.
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Q.3 (d) State the uses of veneers and Laminated Boards:
Ans. Uses of Veneers: 1) They are used for making plywood.
2) They are used for making particle boards. 02 M
3) They are used for making decorative laminates.
4) They are used for making sunmica and formica.
Uses of Laminated boards: 1) It is used in kitchen and office furniture.
2) It is used to prepare table tops and door wardrobes.
3) It is used for making false ceiling. 02 M
4) It is used for wall cladding.
Q.4 Attempt any THREE of the following (12)
Q.4 (a) Enlist the methods of quarrying and explain any one in brief.
Ans. The process of taking out stones from natural rock beds is known as quarrying of Stones.
Methods of Quarrying of Stones: -
1.Digging 02 M
1. Digging – Digging or excavation of stones is carried out with the help of suitable tools
such as hammer, shovels, crowbars and pick-axes
Only those stones which occur in the form of detached nodules, buried in earth can be
recovered by this method.
2. Heating –: In this method, the top surface of rock is heated, by placing pieces of wood, or
by piling a heap of fuel over the surface for some hour. Due to unequal, upper layer of rock
separates out. It is indicated by dull bursting noise. The detached portion of rock is then
removed by suitable instruments
This method is used, where stones are required in pieces like road metal, railway ballast.
3. Wedging – When rock bed consists of natural fissures or cracks wedging method is used. 02 M for
Sometimes artificial holes are drilled for wedging. In this method, if rock surface contains any one.
cracks or fissures then steel wedges or points are driven through such cracks by means of
hammer. The blocks of stones are removed with the help of suitable instruments.
Wedging is adopted for stratified rocks which are comparatively soft such as laterite,
marble, limestone, sandstone.
4. Blasting- this method is used for hard fissure fewer rocks using explosives. In this method
explosives are used convert rocks in to small pieces. The stones obtained by blasting are
used in railways, concrete. Detonators and explosives like blasting powder or dynamites are
commonly used in blasting. Large blocks of stones are obtained by using blasting powder
but small blocks are obtained by using dynamite.
Q.4 (b) State the characteristics of good brick.
Ans. Characteristics of good brick:
1. The brick should have uniform size and plane, rectangular surfaces with parallel
sides and sharp straight edges.
2. The brick should have a uniform deep red or cherry color.
3. The brick should have uniform texture. 1/2 M
4. The surface should not be too smooth to cause slipping of mortar. For each.
5. Water absorption should not be more than 20% of its dry weight.
6. Crushing strength should not be less than 10N/mm2.
7. The brick should be so hard that when scratched by a finger nail no impression
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is made.
8. When two bricks are struck together, a metallic sound should be produced.
Q.4 (c) Describe in brief termite proofing.
Ans. Termite proofing:
In building construction, wooden materials are used for doors, window frames,
furniture, electric boxes etc. These have tendency to be attacked by termites or
white ants and make holes under the moist conditions, Hence to protect wooden
items from such attack is known as termite proofing. Any four
Dry wood termites make their houses in wood in the form of tubes and damage the 01 M for
wooden articles. each
Subterranean termites live in soil in favorable conditions and damage building parts
by building nest in the form of colonies. Their growth is very fast and special
treatment is required to protect the building parts.
To save wooden and building parts from attack of termites, anti-termite materials
are available in the market like, DDT, BHC, Aldrin , Heptachlor, Chlordane etc.
If there is a growth of termite in the soil below building, then the holes are made
around the building and then termite proof chemicals are put into those holes.
Q.4 (d) Define plaster of Paris. State its uses.
Ans. A process which involves exposing the gypsum to very high temperature to create
calcium sulphate and then grinding it into a fine white powder is known as plaster of 02 M
Uses of Plaster of Paris:-
It is used as architectural decoration for formation of columns, and other decorative
Features in interior finish. 02 M
It is used by orthopedic surgeon for setting bones.
It is used for wall plaster, wall boards, structural tiles, statue etc.
It is used for metal filling etc.
Q.4 (e) State the advantages and disadvantages of pre-cast concrete.
Ans. Advantages of precast concrete products:
1. The concrete of superior quality is produced by strict quality control. 02 M
2. It is not necessary to provide joints in the pre-cast construction.
Disadvantages of precast concrete products:
1. If not properly handled, the pre-cast concrete may be damaged during transport. 02 M
2. It becomes difficult to produce satisfactory connections between the pre-cast members.
Q.5 Attempt any THREE of the following (12)
Q.5 (a) Explain defects in timber with neat sketch.
Ans. Types of Defects in timber are grouped into the following divisions.
The main natural forces responsible for causing defects in timber are abnormal growth
and rapture of tissues.
1. Knots: Bases of branches or limbs which are broken or cut off from the tree as
shown in the figure.
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Any four
01 M for
2. Star Shake: These are radial splits or cracks widest at the circumference and get
diminishing towards the center of the tress. These may arise mostly from severe
frost and fierce heat of sun.
3. Heart Shakes: These are the splits or cracks widest at the center and diminishing
towards the outside circumference, this defects usually occurs in over matured
tress and is probably caused due to the shrinkage of heart wood
4. Twisted fibers: caused by twisting of young trees by fast blowing wind as shown
in figure.
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5. Radial Shake: These are similar to star shakes but they are fine, irregular and
numerous. They usually occur when tree is exposed to sun for seasoning after
being felled down.
6. Rind galls: Rind means bark and gall indicates abnormal growth and peculiar
curved swellings found on the body of a tree.
Q.5 (b) Explain various types of Cement and also state the uses.
Ans. Following are the various types of cement:
1.Ordinary Portland Cement:-
This Cement is the basic Portland cement and is used in
general for most of the construction work. this cement is used at situations when there is
no exposure to Sulphates in the soil or ground water. This is the most common type of
cement used for all types of construction works.
1) It is used in important structures, where great strength is required such as heavy
buildings and bridges etc.
2) It is used for plastering and painting.
3) It is used for drainage & water supply works.
4) It is used for making cement mortar, plain concrete, reinforced concrete etc.
2.White Cement:- Any two
White cement can be produce similar to O.P.C. except by restricting the amount of 02 M for
iron oxide by keeping it as low as possible. this can be archived by proper selecting the raw each
materials like chalk and limestone having low iron and white clay content.
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1) It is used for floor finishing.
2) It is used for ornamental works.
3) It is used for plastering.
2) In swimming ponds white cement is used to replace glazed tiles. It is used for fixing
marbles and glazed tiles.
3.Coloured cement:
Coloured cement can be produced by adding color pigments into the
ordinary Portland this type of cement white cement or OPC is used as a base and
the coloured pigments varying from 2% to 10% depends upon the darkness of the cement
added into it.
1) It is used for finishing of floors.
2) It is used for painting.
3) It is used for finishing of walls, roofs and window sills.
4.quick setting cement:
This cement is produce by adding a small percentage of aluminum
sulphate and by finely grinding the cement. the addition of aluminum sulphate and fineness
of grinding are responsible for accelerating the setting action of cement. The setting action
of cement starts within five minutes after addition of water and it becomes hard like stone
within 30 minutes.
1) It is used in under water concreting work.
2) It is used in repairing as well as maintenance work.
5. Rapid hardening Cement:
The initial and final setting time of this cement is same as ordinary
cement. but it attains high strength in early days. It contains high percentage of tricalcium
1) It is used when higher strength at early stage is required and formwork is to be
removed earlier.
2) It is generally used for construction of road pavement so that road can be opened
for traffic without delay.
3) It is used for manufacturing of precast elements like slab panels, blocks, fencing
posts, electric poles etc. So that moulds can be released quickly and reused.
4) It also can be used for cold weather concreting to protect concrete from freezing.
This cement should not be used for massive concrete structures like dams, bridge
abutments, retaining walls etc. because it evolves much heat.
6.Expanding cement:
This type of cement is produced by adding an expanding medium
like sulpho-aluminate and a stabilizing agent to the ordinary cement.
It is used for making pre cast products.
Q.5 (c) Define artificial Sand. State the Uses of artificial Sand.
Ans. Definition of Artificial Sand:
The sand which is obtained from stone crusher after crushing the natural stone. 02 M
Uses of Artificial Sand:
1.It is used in manufacturing of concrete.
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________ is used for making cement mortar for plastering work.
3. It is used as a main component in mortar. Any two
4. It is used for filling in foundation design. 01 M for
5. It is used in road construction. each
6. It is used as fine aggregates for concrete.
Q.5 (d) State the Properties of thermal insulating materials.
Ans. Properties of thermal insulating materials:
1) Thermal insulating should be bio resistant and dry.
2) Thermal resistant should be chemically resistant and fire proof.
3) Thermal resisting material should have bulk density below 600Kg/m3 . Any four
4) Thermal insulating material should have more pores as the entrapped air or any other 01 M for
gases within the pores decreases the thermal conductivity of material. each
5) The pores in thermal insulating material should be closed so that water vapor does not
enter in the material.
6) With increase in the moisture content in the material, the coefficient of thermal
conductivity rises greatly.
Q.5 (e) Define seasoning of timber. Explain artificial seasoning with sketch.
Ans. Definition of seasoning:
Seasoning is process by which moisture content in freshly cut tree is reduced 01 M
to a suitable level.
Artificial seasoning:
1.Boiling – In this method timber is immersed in water and then water is boiled for 3 to 4
hours. Then it is dried slowly. This process is process very quick but expensive.
2. Kiln seasoning: in this method the seasoned timber is placed inside the kiln. Then fully
saturated air with a temperature 350 C to 380 C is forced in the kiln. This method is used
for seasoning for larger scale. 02 M
3.Chemical : An aquaen solution of certain chemicals have lower vapor pressure than pure
water. Timber is treated with such chemicals. Chemically treated timber will exhibit fewer
defects. Common salt is generally used.
4. Electric: In this method high frequency alternate electric current is passed through
timber. Resistance to electric current is low when the moisture content in timber is high.
This technique has been tried in some plywood industries but not in seasoning of timber on
mass scale.
01 M
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Q.6 (a) Define lime mortar. Explain its Properties.
Ans. Lime Mortar:-Lime Mortar is a paste prepared by adding required quantity of water to a 02 M
mixture of lime and fine aggregate like sand.
Properties of Lime Mortar :
1)It should be capable of developing good adhesion with the building units such as Any four
Bricks, stones, etc. ½ M for
2) It should be capable of developing the designed stresses. each
3) It should be capable of resisting penetration of rain water.
4) It should be cheap.
5) It should be durable.
6) It should be easily workable.
7) It should not affect the durability of materials with which it comes into contact.
8) It should set quickly so that speed in construction may be achieved.
9) The joints formed by mortar should not develop cracks and they should be able
To maintain their appearance for a sufficiently long period.
Q.6 (b) State the uses of fly ash and blast furnace slag.
Ans.I) I) Fly ash
The various uses of fly ash are:
1) Concrete production, as a partial substitute material for Portland cement.
2) For the construction of embankments and other structural fills.
3) For grouting and flow able fill production.
4) Waste stabilization and solidification.
5) For cement clinkers production.
6) For mine reclamation.
7) For stabilization of soft soils. Any four
8) For the road sub base construction. 01 M for
9) As fine aggregate substitute material. each
10) For the manufacturing of bricks.
II) Blast furnace slag-
Blast furnace slag can be used for –
1) As a supplementary cementations material either by premixing the slag with
Portland cement or hydrated lime to produce blended cement or by adding
the slag to Portland cement concrete as mineral admixture. Any four
2) Air cooled blast furnace slag is used as aggregate material 01 M for
3) It is used as a concrete aggregate in construction of bridges. each
4) It is used as an aggregate with asphalt for construction of damp proof course
and water proofing.
5) It is used as insulation in mineral wool, in rail road ballast etc.
Q.6 (c) State the properties and uses of varnishes.
Ans. Properties of varnishes:
1) It should render the surface glossy.
2) It should dry rapidly or quickly. 02 M
3) It should not shrink or show cracks after drying.
4) The protecting film developed by varnish should be tough, hard and durable.
5) The color of varnish should not fade away when the surface is exposed to atmospheric
Uses of varnishes.
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1. Protecting of articles against corrosion. 02 M
2. Brightening coats of the painted surface.
3. Improving appearance and ornamental gains of wood surfaces.
Q.6 (d) Define rice husk. State the uses of rice husk.
Ans. Rice Husk: - The outer most layer of paddy grain is called as rice husk. It is separated from
Brown rice in rice mill. It has high silica content. Rice Husk is highly resistant to moisture 02 M
Penetration and fungal decomposition.
Uses –
1) In the manufacturing of bricks. 1/2 M
2) In thermal insulation of building, rice husk can be used. for each
3) The ash produced after the husks have been burned is high in silica, which is
Used in production of aggregates and fillers for concrete and board.
4) Used in generation of heat energy, stream energy and electricity generation.
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1) The answer should be examined by keywords and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to
assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language error such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance. (Not
applicable for subject English and communication skill).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figure drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In the some cases, the assumed constants
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidates answer and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidates understanding
d) Explain why you need agro and industrial waste as a construction materials.
Ans. 1. To maintain ecosystem.
2. To reduce / control pollution.
3. To reduce the cost of construction material. 1 M
4. To improve the required properties in construction materials like light weight each
product, thermal insulation, shock resistant, sound insulation, etc. (any
5. To solve the problem of industry waste disposal. four)
6. To conserve the natural resources.
e) State the situations where oil paint and distempers are used.
Ans. situations where oil paint are used:
1. It can be used on dry surface (damp free), on wood & metal works. For enhancing
the appearance. 1 M
2. To protect the metals works from corrosion. each
3. To protect the wood works from attack of termites. (any
4. To prevent the wood works from humidity. two)
5. To increase the life of material.
situations where distempers are used:
1. Commonly used for interior works of buildings on plastered surfaces. 1 M
2. Used on wall boards. each
3. To enhance the appearance of plaster. (any
4. To increase life of plaster. two)
MODEL ANSWER Subject Code:
Subject: Construction Materials
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to
assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors etc… should not be given more
Importance (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the
figure. The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit
for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant
answer based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on
equivalent concept.
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2. Engineers study water, soil and other pollution problems and develop solution
to solve and control them.
3. Facilities like water supply for drinking, agriculture, ground water quality is
developed by civil engineers.
4. Thus it includes planning, designing, construction of water and waste water
treatment plants, and disposal of solid waste.
(Note: Any other relevant point should be considered)
b) What do you mean by eco-friendly building materials? State any two
properties of it.
Ans. Eco-friendly means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment. This term 4
most commonly refers to products that contribute to green living or practices that 2
help conserve resources like water and energy. Eco-friendly products also
prevent contribution to air, water and land pollution
Properties of Eco-Friendly Material:
1. It is bio-degradable.
2. It is renewable source.
3. It is reused & recycled. 2
4. It increases durability & life span of living bodies. (Any two)
5. It aids energy efficiency in building.
6. It reduces air pollution, land pollution & water pollution.
7. It is locally available.
c) Draw cross section of timber. Give any four engineering properties of
2 timber.
Properties of Timber:
1. Appearance: A Freshly cut timber should have shining appearance 4
2. Colour: The Colour of the timber should be dark. Light colour of timber
indicates low strength. 2
3. Durability: A Good timber should be durable. It should be capable of (Any
resisting insects and other agencies. It should be long-lasting four)
4. Fire resistance: Timber is a bad conductor of electricity and heat. It
should not catch fire easily.
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2 marks
for sketch
2 marks 4
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vi) Fix china chip tiles over the layer of cement mortar 1:3
vii) Cure it for 3 days and slab is water proof.
4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain defects in timber with neat labeled sketches
Ans. a) Knots: These are the bases of branches which are broken off from the tree.
This occurs because of improper cutting of tree.
b) Shakes: These are cracks in the timber which appear due to excessive frost or
twisting due to wind during growth of tree.
c) Wind cracks: If wood is exposed to atmospheric agencies, its exterior surface
shrinks which results in cracks
d) Twist and wrap: Twist is when a timber is spirally distorted along its length.
Warp is twisting out of shape.
e) Cup: This is curvature formed along the transverse direction of timber 2 marks
f) Bow: This is bending along the longer side of timber. for any
two types
and 2
marks for
Twist Wrap
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a) Used for making interiors for beautification, formation of columns
b) Manufacturing of black board chalk
c) Making casts of statues 2
d) For surgical equipment and toys (Any two)
e) In dentistry it is used for dentures, metal filling
f) Used by orthopedic surgeon for setting bones
g) Used for wall plasters, wall boards, structural tiles.
c) Explain about geo synthetics materials. Mention application of it
Ans. Geosynthetics are man-made materials used to improve soil condition. Geo
means earth or soil and synthetics means man made.
Geo grids, geo textiles, geomembranes, geo cells are some of the Geosynthetics.
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6 They are made from petrochemical based polymers (plastics) that are biologically
inert and do not decompose from bacterial or fungal action.
a) It is used to improve soil properties 4
b) It is used for drainage
c) Also used for soil stabilization
d) Used for erosion control
e) Used for road construction 2
f) Used to improve level grade soil situations like roads, valleys, laneways. (Any two)
g) To improve slope grade situations such as banks, hill sides.
h) Reinforced soil- soil walls, bridge abutments, culverts, bridges, soil
d) Explain about Agro waste material. State its importance in construction.
Ans Waste materials produced from agricultural byproducts such as coconut shells,
sugarcane bagasse, straw, rice husk, coconut fibers, coconut and areca nut tree
trunks, coconut leaves etc. are known as Agro waste materials which can be used 2 4
as a construction material due to its various properties.
a) Agro waste materials are used as a replacement of traditional building
materials like bricks, cement, concrete etc.
b) These materials are sustainable and eco friendly
c) These are cost effective
d) It is used as an alternative to aggregates for concrete and board production 2
e) It is used as an insulation material for homes (Any two)
6 f) Manufacture of bricks
g) Used as a renewable energy source
h) Mixed with mortars and used in making of concrete pavers, roof tiles etc…
i) Used in manufacture of floor tiles, brushes, mattresses
j) Mixed with cement mortar which increases the impact strength
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