C1. Mediation Exercise. Sample 2

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C1- Mediation exercise.

Sample 2

Washing up yourself is good for the soul

You are in charge of the Letters to the editor section in a newspaper. Recently, your paper has published
an article entitled How you can do your bit in the war against climate change in which the author suggests
that using a dishwasher is not more energy efficient than hand washing. You have been asked to extract
the main ideas from the readers’ opinions expressed in their letters. The aim is to see how people view
this issue (extent of the problem, consequences, suggested solutions…).

Read the following letters and write down the main ideas in the chart below. Remember that getting
the main ideas doesn’t mean copying complete sentences. (Around 100 words)

Letter 1
I have to disagree with Jo Steranka. Dishwashers are typically much more efficient than hand washing in
terms of energy and water consumption. Research carried out by Christian Paul Richter (Usage of
dishwashers: observation of consumer habits in the domestic environment, International Journal of
Consumer Studies, 2011) on 200 households in Germany, Italy, Sweden and Britain, found that households
with a dishwasher used on average 50% less water and 28% less energy per cleaned item than households
that didn’t own a dishwasher. Even so, a higher degree of sustainability was identified because 20% of
dishwasher cycles were not fully utilised and 52% operated at a temperature that was higher than
Finally, let’s put the blame where it really belongs: the fossil fuel industry, big energy companies, the
City and their mates in parliament who give us warm words and sympathy whilst blocking any real
progress on climate change.
Eric Banks
Huntsham, Devon

Letter 2
Colin Ferguson’s defence of the dishwasher (Letters, 19 October) is misguided. Washing by hand uses less
water if you use a washing-up bowl. A dishwasher only does better if one washes under a running tap.
But he makes the common mistake of treating flow, not stock. A dishwasher embodies significant energy
and raw materials, and needs to be disposed of and replaced. Life cycle analysis figures have been used
to justify dishwashers, but these usually assume that hand washing is done under a hot tap run at full
blast for a prolonged period, and completely ignore the environmental impact of the electronic and plastic
Clare Hay

Letter 3
Please can someone explain to me how washing up by hand (one bowl of hot water, dishes washed in
order of cleanliness, obviously, possibly another bowl for extra dirty saucepans, after soaking) can ever
use more water and energy than a dishwasher, which swishes around for an hour or so, at temperatures
that make contents too hot to handle when finished? I cannot understand the comparison. But then I
am a devoted hand washer-up. It’s good for the soul, all that thinking and observing the back garden!
Frances Middleton
Honingham, Norfolk

(From: The Guardian)

Letter 1

Letter 2

Letter 3

Letter 1 According to some research dishwashers use less energy and water even though some
people don’t use them properly.
We have to blame the situation of the issue of climate change on fossil fuel and energy
companies and the Government.

Letter 2 Washing by hand uses more water only when you do it under a running tap. Dishwashers
create environmentally damaging waste.
Letter 3 Considering the time, energy, water and temperature used by a dishwasher, washing by
hand is more environmentally friendly and emotionally comforting.


Mediating a text

For all the descriptors in the scales in this section, Language A and Language B may be two
different languages, two varieties of the same language, two registers of the same variety, or
any combination of the above. However, they may also be identical: the CEFR is clear that
mediation may be in one language. Users may thus wish to specify the languages/varieties
involved when adapting the descriptors to their context.

Relaying specific information in writing

No descriptors available; see B2
• Can relay in writing (in Language B) the relevant point(s) contained in propositionally
complex but well-structured texts (written Language A) within his/her fields of
professional, academic and personal interest.

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