Assessment 3

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Assessment 3

Submitted By:
Charat Singh

Task 1 - Knowledge Questionnaire

Question 1.1
Complete the table to describe legislative and organisational requirements relevant to
workplace communication. The first row has been completed as an example for you to follow.
Description Example (provide two, with at least one
addressing digital communication requirements)

Best practice Good practices that ISO Standards for communication (industry
have been agreed upon specific) e.g. ISO 9921:2003 specifies the
by experts and have requirements for the performance of
proven to achieve speech communication for verbal alert and danger
successful results. signals, information messages, and
speech communication in general.
ISO standards for artificial intelligence and data

Legislation Is put in place to make Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives members
sure everyone is as of the public the right to access official documents
safe as possible and to of the Australian Government and its agencies.
ensure a successful out Privacy Act 1988 regulates how the Australian
come for the business Government and its agencies use and distribute
or organisation information they collect about individuals

Workplace explains a specification Communication policies set expectations and

policies/procedures plan for carrying out a manage the flow of communications within and
policy and provides outside the organisation. Social networking policies
how to deal with a explain that companies need to develop
situation and when philosophies on social networking in order to
prevent everything from reputation damage to
employee distraction

Codes of conduct Addresses legislation, Microsoft's Standards of Business Conduct

policies and emphasizes that trust is an important aspect of its
procedures and best operations, including with customers, governments,
practice to outline fellow employees, investors and representatives.
required behaviour. Procter & Gamble's Worldwide Business Conduct
Manual outlines the company's basic values while
also describing the organization's approach to
appropriate conduct. The code covers a variety of
topics related to P&G's operations, including
compliance with legal requirements, appropriate
behaviour in the workplace, money laundering and
commercial rights.

Reputation and culture Culture describes how Netflix's culture captures its approach to building a
a company really does high performance culture and setting teams in an
business, and environment that enables them to excel. Netflix
reputation is how believes that performance, not effort, should be
Description Example (provide two, with at least one
addressing digital communication requirements)

external stake holders rewarded. Airbnb build a culture that is not only
perceive it committed to its purpose and core values, but also a
relentless belief in candid two-way communication.
Cultivating empathy and understanding is vital to
building a culture where everyone belongs

Question 1.2
Discuss communication challenges in the workplace. Consider the following in your answer:

● description of four challenges (conflict, risks/safety hazards, unethical

communication, organisational messaging)

● at least two techniques that may be used to respond to each of the mentioned

Communication in the workplace becomes more complex as business grows and we start to engage with
more and more people. Below are four communication challenges in the workplace and some techniques
that may be used to respond to each of the mentioned challenges:

Conflict: Employees are bound to have disagreements from time to time. Whether it's a misunderstanding
over who did what, a clash of ideas or a tangle of personal relationships, conflict is inevitable in any
workplace. To resolve conflict - and improve colleague relationships - through better communication, we
can address issues immediately and openly; and build active listening skills.

Risks/Safety hazards: Risk communication plays a key role in helping organizations apply the concepts of
risk management in their daily operations. The main purpose of communicating risks is to inform people
about the potential hazards related to a particular condition or activity. The best way of communicating
risks is to inform all the participants and ensure fairness. We should also match our communication efforts
with the type of risk in question.

Unethical communication: Communication used to undermine relationships or encourage social

immorality is unethical communication. Unethical communication can damage a company's credibility,
causing the business to lose customers and ultimately shut down. Therefore, business owners and
management teams can work with employees to prevent unethical communication through creating a Code
of Conduct and reinforcing consequences for unethical communication.

Organisational messaging: We should frame organisational messages for improved business

communication. Effective organisational messaging is defined as the sending and receiving of messages to
achieve goals. We should frame the message to achieve a clear purpose/result to the audience and
situation, to build connect understandings, and to have a desired emotional response.
Challenges Technique 1 Technique 2

Conflict Accept Conflict Model Neutral Language

Safety Hazards Eliminate the hazard Isolate the hazard

Unethical Communication Promote Knowledge Foster ethical behaviour

Organisational messaging Message should be clear and Review and Refine


Question 1.3
List five methods of workplace communication:

 Verbal communication
 Presentations
 Non-verbal communication
 Written communication
 Visual communication

Question 1.4
Outline four communication styles using the table below.
Style Description

Passive People who speak in a passive manner have difficulty expressing themselves
and tend to give in to others. Failure to express thoughts and emotions often
leads to miscommunication and built-up anger or resentment.

Aggressive Aggressive communication takes things to the other side of the spectrum.
People who rely on this communication style in the workplace, at home, or
among friends tend to dominate the conversation. They issue commands and
ask questions rudely while failing to listen to others

Passive-aggressive Passive-aggressive communication seems passive on the surface but reveals a

hidden resentment that comes through in subtle, indirect ways
Style Description

Assertive The assertive style of communication offers an effective and healthy way to
express yourself. It encourages open, honest dialogue while still considering
the needs of others.
Assertive communication fosters an environment that allows both the speaker
and listener to express themselves openly and respectfully. It requires being
open, honest, and direct — but not aggressive.
Assertiveness helps get your message across in a palatable way, without
attacking or disregarding your conversation partner

Question 1.5
List five things a mentor should consider/do as they mentor and coach others.

 Willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise

 Demonstrate a positive attitude
 Show interest in the mentoring relationship
 Provide guidance and constructive feedback
 Motivate others by setting a good example

Question 1.6
List four key principles of cross-cultural communication

 Avoid slang
 Practice active listening
 Maintain etiquette
 Keep it simple

Question 1.7
List four key principles to consider when communicating with people who have special needs
or disabilities.

 Use a normal tone of voice

 Talk to them directly rather than to an accompanying person
 Ask them if assistance is needed; do not assume that help is needed until you ask
 Sit or stand at eye level with them and making appropriate eye contact

Question 1.8
Complete the table to explain communication protocols and their relation to cross-cultural
communication and special needs/disability. The first row has been completed as an example
for you to follow.
General example (provide one) How to consider cross-cultural and
special needs/disability in the
communication (provide one

Internal and external Nominated means of Include accessibility requirements for

communication guides communication for identified webpage design

Risk based/emergency Frequency of nominated Use communication boards or aids

communication guides communications

Style/formatting Templates to be used for reports, Include a range of sensory

communication guides letters, memos and other input(audio and visual)
nominated documents

Allocation of responsibility Requirement for text-based Include accessibility requirements for

external communications to be communications
approved by a designated
manager, supervisor or team
leader before they are sent

Question 1.9
Discuss what negotiation in the workplace entails and three techniques that can be used to
ensure successful negotiation.

A negotiation is a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable. In a
negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his or her point of view. By negotiating, all
involved parties try to avoid arguing but agree to reach some form of compromise.

Increasingly, business negotiators recognize that the most effective bargainers are skilled at both creating
value and claiming value—that is, they both collaborate and compete. Three techniques that can be used to
ensure successful negotiation include:

Build rapport. You and your counterpart may be more collaborative and likely to reach an agreement if
you spend even just a few minutes trying to get to know each other. This is one of the most valuable
negotiation skills to master.

Listen actively. Once you start discussing substance, resist the common urge to think about what you're
going to say next while your counterpart is talking. Instead, listen carefully to her arguments, then
paraphrase what you believe she said to check your understanding.

Plan for the implementation stage. Another way to improve the long-term durability of your contract is to
place milestones and deadlines in your contract to ensure that commitments are being met. In addition,
adding a dispute-resolution clause that calls for the use of mediation or arbitration if a conflict arises can
be a wise move.

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