19152C24P Electronic Circuits-II QB
19152C24P Electronic Circuits-II QB
19152C24P Electronic Circuits-II QB
Course Details
1. Millman J. and Halkias C.C., " Integrated Electronics ", McGraw Hill 1991
2. Schilling Charles Belove, " Electronic Circuits ", Third Edition, 2002.
3. Millman J. and Taub H., " Pulse Digital and Switching waveform ",
4. McGraw Hill International.
5. Robert L. Boylest and Louis Nasheresky, “Electronic Devices and Circuits
theory” 8th edn., PHI, 2002.
1. Explain the operation of class B push pull amplifier. Derive the expression for its
efficiency and power dissipated.
2. Explain the operation and Derive the operation and expression for the
efficiency of RC coupled amplifier.
4. Explain the operation and Derive the expression for the efficiency of
transformer coupled amplifier.
1. Write short notes on the following amplifiers with its equivalent circuits
a) Voltage Amplifier b) Current Amplifier
c) Transconductance Amplifier d) Transresistance Amplifier
2. a) Derive the input and output impedance of Voltage Series feedback with its
equivalent circuit.
b) Derive the input and output impedance of current shunt feedback with its
equivalent circuit.
3. a) Derive the input and output impedance of Voltage Shunt feedback with its
equivalent circuit.
b) Derive the input and output impedance of current Series feedback with its
equivalent circuit.
5. Explain the voltage series feedback amplifier by using the transistor emitter
6. Explain the Current series feedback amplifier and draw the equivalent circuit using
hybrid parameters of the transistors.
1. Draw the wein bridge oscillator using transistor .show that the gain of the
amplifier must be at least 3 for the oscillation to occur.
2. Explain the working of Hartley oscillator. Derive the frequency of oscillation and
condition for sustained oscillation.
3. Draw a neat circuit diagram of a phase shift oscillator using transistor. Derive An
expression for its frequency of oscillations.Determine the minimum hfe for the
6. i) What is the Barkhausen criterion for the feedback oscillators and derive the
basic theory of oscillator. (8)
4. With neat diagram explain class C mixer circuit and its operation. List out the
few application of the circuit.
1. Explain with neat sketch the operation of UJT saw tooth generator.
2. Explain with neat sketch the operation of collector coupled astable multivibrator.
3. Explain with neat sketch the operation of simple current time base generator.
5. Explain with neat sketch the operation of collector coupled astable multivibrator.