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Research Report
Overview Data Collection Data Review
The objective of this research is to We elected to focus on data we This data strongly suggests that there is a
examine the topic of employee welfare collected ourselves as well as secondary growing trend in research and concrete
in businesses’ practices, with a research through academic articles and problem-solving in businesses to improve
particular focus on their strategies. journals to constitute a complete upon their employee welfare, as the
The angle chosen to carry out our picture. Both quantitative and question of work/life balance gains
research project was that of finding qualitative surveys were implemented to momentum in our society. Creativity
innovative solutions on the field that allow for better data representation on seems to be at the heart of the issue here
could offer more suitable alternatives this topic, as the nature of the subject and from the data we gathered, it was a
in terms of wellbeing, health and commends it. We interviewed over common thread in most of the responses
work/life balance. We also focused on 10,000 employees and 5,000 business we collected. This may indicate that
finding businesses that had owners regarding innovation and companies should rely on their staff
implemented innovative and creative solutions on wellbeing in the workplace. members’ creative thinking and personal
solutions and how these solutions We also interviewed businesses at experiences to find new solutions. Think
could be applied elsewhere. various stages in their journey towards tanks and internal research teams in large
their goals to get a sense of the overall and small businesses have helped many
progression in this regard. Some of the respondents to come up with new and
Key Strategies key respondents presented us with some complete solutions. An increasing number
interesting ideas that we suggested in of companies are transitioning to a more
. Alternate between sitting and standing every our final meeting to other companies flexible model to allow for their employees
30 minutes that were just starting out and looking to have more control and autonomy over
. Get moving during your breaks for ways to foster a better working their working life and how to achieve their
. Ask for a standing desk or swap your chair environment and overall company goals. This has been reported to greatly
for a stability ball culture. improve on company culture but also on
. Take stretching breaks the overall performance of staff members.
. Don’t sit down on the couch as soon as
Companies are also increasingly working
you’re home! Predominant Factors with each other, through their various
From the respondents’ feedback, we identified
networks to improve on employee
certain trends in innovative welfare solutions
wellbeing. Many industrial areas are now
that could pave the way for a brighter future
working as a community to create green
and inspire others.
shared spaces.