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Since h  1. 49 E , local buckling strength must be checked.

The unreduced width

tw f
of the web is b  d − 2k des  21. 0 − 21. 12  18. 76 in. From AISC Eq. E7-17, The
reduced effective width is

b e  1. 92t E 1 − 0. 34 E ≤b
f b/t f

 1. 920. 400 29000 1 − 0. 34 29000  17. 54 in.  18.76 in.

34. 76 46. 9 34. 76

The reduced area is

A e  A − t w b − b e   18. 3 − 0. 40018. 76 − 17. 54  17. 81 in. 2

Q a  Q  A e  17. 81  0. 973 2
A 18. 3

Determine which critical stress equation to use:

E  4. 71 29000  115. 0  KL
4. 71
QF y 0. 973250 r  70. 51

QF y 0. 973250
∴ F cr  Q 0. 658 F e F y  0. 9732 0. 658 57. 57 50

 34. 16 ksi

P n  F cr A g  34. 1618. 3  625. 1 kips

 c P n  0. 90625. 1  563 kips  524 kips (OK) Use a W21  62


K x L  2. 213  12  43. 89, KyL 1. 013  12

rx 7. 82 ry  2. 65
 58. 87 (controls)

Fe   2 E   2 29000  82. 59 ksi

KL/r 2 58. 87 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  103. 5  58. 87 1

Fy 60

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F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 60/82.59 60  44. 27 ksi

P n  F cr A g  44. 2728. 5  1262 kips

Check for slender compression elements for F y  60 ksi.

Flange:   b f  6. 41,  r  0. 56 E  0. 56 29000  12. 3

2t f Fy 60

Since    r , flange is nonslender.

Web:   h  30. 8,  r  1. 49 E  1. 49 29000  32. 8

tw Fy 60

Since    r , web is nonslender. Therefore, the nominal compressive strength is

P n  1260 kips


K x L  16  12  49. 87, KyL 10  12

rx 3. 85 r y  3. 25  36. 92

Fe   2 E   2 29000  115. 1 ksi

KL/r 2 49. 87 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  118. 3
Fy 46

Since KL/r  49. 87  118. 3, use AISC Eq. E3-2:

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 46/115.1 46  38. 91 ksi

P n  F cr A g  38. 918. 03  312. 4 kips

(a)  c P n  0. 90312. 4  281 kips  c P n  281 kips

(b) P n  312. 4  187 kips P n  187 kips

c 1. 67 c

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For a W12  65, A g  19. 1 in. 2 , r x  5. 28, in., r y  3. 02 in.

K x L  26  12  59. 09, KyL 14  12

rx 5. 28 r y  3. 02  55. 63

Fe   2 E   2 29000  81. 97 ksi

KL/r 2 59. 09 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  103. 5
Fy 60

Since KL/r  59. 09  103. 5, use AISC Eq. E3-2:

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 60/81.97 60  44. 17 ksi

P n  F cr A g  44. 1719. 1  843. 6 kips

Check for slender compression elements for F y  60 ksi.

Flange:   b  9. 92,  r  0. 56 E  0. 56 29000  12. 3

2t f Fy 60

Since    r , flange is nonslender.

Web:   h  24. 9,  r  1. 49 E  1. 49 29000  32. 8

tw Fy 60

Since    r , web is nonslender. Therefore, the nominal compressive strength is

P n  843. 6 kips.

(a) LRFD Solution:

 c P n  0. 90843. 6  759 kips

P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 2180  1. 6320  728 kips  759 kips (OK)

Yes; member is satisfactory.

(b) ASD Solution:

P n  843. 6  505 kips 3

c 1. 67

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P a  D  L  180  320  500 kips  505 kips (OK)

Yes; member is satisfactory.


K x L  24 ft, K y L  24 − 10  14 ft

(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 2142  1. 6356  740. 0 kips

From the column load tables for KL  14 ft, try a W12  72

 c P n  759 kips for KL  14 ft.

K x L  24  13. 71 ft  14 ft Use a W12  72

r x /r y 1. 75

(b) P a  D  L  142  356  498 kips

From the column load tables for KL  14 ft, try a W12  72

P n  505 kips for KL  14 ft.

K x L  24  13. 71 ft  14 ft Use a W12  72
r x /r y 1. 75


K x L  35 ft, K y L  15 ft

(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 2340  1. 6670  1480 kips

From the column load tables for KL  15 ft, there are no W8 or W10 shapes with
enough strength. Try a W12  152 :

 c P n  1590 kips for KL  15 ft

K x L  35  19. 77 ft  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 77 4

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For KL  19 ft,  c P n  1380 kips  1480 kips (N.G.)

Try a W12  170:

K x L  35  19. 66 ft  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 78

For KL  20 ft,  c P n  1500 kips  1480 kips (OK)

Investigate W14 shapes: Try a W14  132.  c P n  1480 kips for KL  15 ft

K x L  35  20. 96 ft.  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 67

For KL  20 ft,  c P n  1300 kips  1480 kips (N.G.)

Try a W14  145:

K x L  35  22. 01 ft  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 59

For KL  22 ft,  c P n  1390 kips  1480 kips (N.G.)

Try a W14  159:

K x L  35  21. 88 ft  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 60

For KL  22 ft,  c P n  1530 kips  1480 kips (OK)

The W14  159 is the lightest W shape (in the column load tables) that will work.

Use a W14  159

(b) P a  D  L  340  670  1010 kips

From the column load tables for KL  15 ft, there are no W8 or W10 shapes with
enough strength.

Try a W12  152 :

P n  1060 kips for KL  15 ft

K x L  35  19. 77 ft  15 ft 5
r x /r y 1. 77

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For KL  20 ft, P n  885 kips  1010 kips (N.G.)

Try a W12  190:

K x L  35  19. 55 ft  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 79

For KL  20 ft, P n  1130 kips  1010 kips (OK)


Investigate W14 shapes: Try a W14  145. P n  1100 kips for KL  15 ft

K x L  35  22. 01 ft.  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 59

For KL  22 ft, P n  927 kips  1010 kips (N.G.)


Try a W14  159:

K x L  35  21. 88 ft  15 ft
r x /r y 1. 60

For KL  22 ft, P n  1020 kips  1010 kips (OK)


The W14  159 is the lightest W shape (in the column load tables) that will work.

Use a W14  159


K x L  15 ft, K y L  7. 5 ft

Since r x /r y  1. 0 for a square shape, use KL  15 ft

(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 235  1. 680  170. 0 kips

Use an HSS 8  8  3/16

 c P n  170 kips  P u , w  19. 6 lb/ft

Use an HSS 8  8  3/16

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(b) P a  D  L  35  80  115 kips

Use an HSS 9  9  3/16

P n  122 kips  115 kips, w  22. 2 lb/ft


Use an HSS 9  9  3/16


K x L  22 ft, K y L  12 ft

K x L will control when K x L  K y L, or K x L  r x /r y

r x /r y KyL

For this column, K x L  22  1. 83

KyL 12

r x /r y is  1.8 for all rectangular HSS, so K x L will control for this column.
r x /r y

(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 230  1. 690  180 kips

Check within each range of r x /r y for possible choices.

For r x /r y ≈ 1. 2, K x L  22  18. 33 ft. Try an HSS 8  6  5

, w  27. 6 lb/ft
r x /r y 1. 2

K x L  22  17. 6 ft,  P  182 kips (OK)

c n
r x /r y 1. 25

For r x /r y ≈ 1. 3, K x L  22  16. 92 ft. Try an HSS 7  5  1

, w  35. 2 lb/ft
r x /r y 1. 3

K x L  22  16. 79 ft,  P  187 kips (OK)

c n
r x /r y 1. 31

For r x /r y ≈ 1. 4, K x L  22  15. 71 ft.

r x /r y 1. 4

Try an HSS 12  8  3
, w  24. 7 lb/ft
K x L  22  16. 18 ft,  P  183 kips (OK)
c n
r x /r y 1. 36

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For r x /r y ≈ 1. 6, K x L  22  13. 75 ft. Try an HSS 9  5  5
, w  26. 6 lb/ft
r x /r y 1. 6

K x L  22  13. 92 ft,  P  200 kips (OK)

c n
r x /r y 1. 58

For r x /r y ≈ 1. 7, K x L  22  12. 94 ft. Try an HSS 8  4  1

, w  35. 2 lb/ft
r x /r y 1. 7

K x L  22  12. 64 ft,  P  206 kips (OK)

c n
r x /r y 1. 74

Use an HSS 12  8  3
, w  24. 7 lb/ft

(b) P a  D  L  30  90  120 kips

Try an HSS 12  8  3
, w  24. 7 lb/ft

K x L  22  16. 18 ft, P n  120 kips (OK)

r x /r y 1. 36 c

Use an HSS 12  8  3
, w  24. 7 lb/ft


∑ I c /L c 2475/13
(a) Column AB: G A  10, GB    1. 41
∑ I g /L g 2518/20

From the alignment chart,

K x ≈ 1. 98 K x  1. 98

(b) Column BC: G C  G B  1. 41 and K x  1. 42

(c) Column AB:

K x L  1. 9812  12  54. 0

rx 5. 28

4. 71 E  113. 4

Since KrxxL  4. 71 E , the column is inelastic. Since K x for column BC is smaller,

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K x L/r x is smaller, so column BC is also inelastic.

 b is applicable to both columns.


∑ I c /L c 999/13  1110/13
G A  1. 0, GB    5. 07
∑ I g /L g 800/25

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 68

K x L  1. 6813  12  42. 68

rx 6. 14

4. 71 E  113. 4

Since KrxxL  4. 71 E , the column is inelastic.


(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 2155  1. 6460  922. 0 kips

P u  922. 0  34. 79 ksi

Ag 26. 5

From Table 4-21 in the Manual,  b  0. 846 by interpolation.

Use G B  0. 8465. 07  4. 29

From the alignment chart,

K x ≈ 1. 65 K x  1. 65

(b) P a  D  L  155  460  615. 0 kips

P a  615  23. 21 ksi

Ag 26. 5

From Table 4-21 in the Manual,  b  1. 00

Use G B  1. 005. 07  5. 07

From the alignment chart, 9

K x ≈ 1. 68 K x  1. 68

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∑ I c /L c 623/15
GA    0. 519, G B  10
∑ I g /L g 758/18  758/20

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 80

K x L  1. 8015  12  70. 43

rx 4. 60

4. 71 E  113. 4

Since KrxxL  4. 71 E , the column is inelastic.


(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 290  1. 6110  284. 0 kips

P u  284. 0  9. 693 ksi

Ag 29. 3

From Table 4-21 in the Manual,  b  1. 00 ∴ no modification is necessary.

KyL 1. 015  12

ry   67. 92  70. 43 ∴ KrxxL controls
2. 65

Fe   2 E   2 29000  57. 70 ksi

KL/r 2 70. 43 2

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/57.70 50  34. 79 ksi

P n  F cr A g  34. 7929. 3  1019 kips

 c P n  0. 901019  917. 1 kips  c P n  917 kips

(b) P a  D  L  90  110  200 kips

P a  200  6. 826 ksi

Ag 29. 3

From Table 4-21 in the Manual,  b  1. 00 ∴ no modification is necessary.

KyL 1. 015  12
ry   67. 92  70. 43 ∴ KrxxL controls
2. 65

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Fe   2 E   2 29000  57. 70 ksi
KL/r 2 70. 43 2

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/57.70 50  34. 79 ksi

P n  F cr A g  34. 7929. 3  1019 kips The allowable strength is

P n  1019  610 kips P n  610 kips

c 1. 67 c


∑ I c /L c 2I/13
(a) Member AB: G A  10, GB    1. 54
∑ I g /L g 3I/30

From the alignment chart,

K x ≈ 2. 00 K x  2. 00

(b) Member BC: From part (a), G B  1. 54

∑ I c /L c I/13
GC    1. 15 K x  1. 40
∑ I g /L g 2I/30

∑ I c /L c I/13
(c) Member DE: G D    0. 577
∑ I g /L g 22I/30

∑ I c /L c 2I/13
GE    0. 769 K x  1. 2
∑ I g /L g 23I/30

(d) Member EF: From part (c), G E  0. 769. Use G F  1. 0 K x  1. 28


∑ I c /L c 2  833/13
(a) G A  1. 0, GB    5. 40
∑ I g /L g 712/30

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 7, K x L  1. 713  12. 56 ft  K11 L  13 ft

r x /r y 1. 76

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For KL  13 ft,  c P n  1050 kips  750 kips (OK) Member is adequate.

∑ I c /L c 2  833/13
(b) G N  10, GM    2. 70
∑ I g /L g 2  712/30

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 2. 3, K x L  2. 313

r x /r y 1. 76

 16. 99 ft  K y L  13 ft

For KL  17 ft,  c P n  923 kips  1000 kips (N.G.)

Check for inelastic behavior:

K x L  2. 313  12  65. 96

rx 5. 44

4. 71 E  113. 4

Since KrxxL  4. 71 E , the column is inelastic.


P u  1000  35. 46 ksi.

Ag 28. 2

From Table 4-1 in the Manual,  b  0. 824 by interpolation.

Use G M  0. 8242. 70  2. 22

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 2. 14

K x L  2. 1413  15. 81 ft  K L  13 ft
r x /r y 1. 76

For KL  16 ft,  c P n  957 kips  1000 kips (N.G.) Member not adequate.

∑ I c /L c 2  833/13 662/13  833/13

(c) GB    5. 40, GC   4. 85
∑ I g /L g 712/30 712/30

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 2. 22, K x L  2. 2213

r x /r y 1. 76

 16. 40 ft  K y L  13 ft12

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For KL  17 ft,  c P n  923 kips  600 kips (OK)

(There is no need to check for inelastic behavior since the member has enough strength
as it is.)

Member is adequate.

∑ I c /L c 662/13  833/13
(d) GL    2. 42, From Part b, G M  2. 70
∑ I g /L g 2  712/30

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 72, K x L  1. 7213

r x /r y 1. 76

 12. 7 ft  K y L  13 ft

For KL  13 ft,  c P n  1050 kips 1200 kips (N.G.)

Since K y L controls,  b cannot help. Member is not adequate.

∑ I c /L c 2  272/13 272/13
(e) GF    2. 05, GG   2. 09
∑ I g /L g 612/30 301/30

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 6, K x L  1. 613  12. 2 ft  K L  13 ft

r x /r y 1. 71

For KL  13 ft,  c P n  492 kips  240 kips (OK) Member is adequate.

∑ I c /L c 272/13 2  272/13
(f) GH    1. 04, GI   1. 03
∑ I g /L g 2  301/30 2  612/30

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 32, K x L  1. 3213

r x /r y 1. 71

 10. 0 ft  K y L  13 ft

For KL  13 ft,  c P n  492 kips  480 kips (OK)


Member is adequate.

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P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 248  1. 672  172. 8 kips

For purposes of determining G, assume that y-axis buckling controls and select a shape
for AB. For KL  1. 014  14 ft, select a W8  31 with  c P n  248 kips.

∑ I c /L c 110/14
GA    0. 320 7
∑ I g /L g 2245/20

∑ I c /L c 110/14  391/14
GB    0. 690 8
∑ I g /L g 2518/20

From the alignment chart, K x ≈ 1. 16

K x L  1. 1614  12  56. 16

rx 3. 47

4. 71 E  113. 4

Since KrxxL  4. 71 E , the column is inelastic, and the stiffness reduction factor
can be used. But

KyL 1. 014  12

ry   83. 17  KrxxL
2. 02

so y-axis buckling controls, and the stiffness reduction factor is not needed.

Use a W8  31


Compute the flexural buckling strength for the x-axis:

K x L  16  12  62. 75
rx 3. 06
Fe   2 E   2 29000  72. 69 ksi
KL/r 2 62. 75 2

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4. 71 E  4. 71 29, 000  113
Fy 50

Since KL E
r  4. 71 F y , AISC Equation E3-2 applies.

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/72.69 50  37. 49 ksi

The nominal strength is

P n  F cr A g  37. 4919. 4  727 kips

Compute the flexural-torsional buckling strength about the y-axis (the axis of

KyL 16  12
r y  2. 93  65. 53

From the AISC Shapes Database, r̄ o  4.65 in. and H  0.845

Compute F cry using AISC E3. From AISC Equation E3-4,

2E  2E  2 29000

Fe    66. 65 ksi
KL/r 2 K y L/r y  2 65. 53 2

Since K y L/r y  4. 71 E  113


F cry  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/66.65 50  36. 53 ksi

F crz  GJ  112005. 62  150. 1 ksi

A g r̄ 2o 19. 44. 65 2

F cry  F crz  36. 53  150. 1  186. 6 ksi

F cry  F crz 4F cry F crz H

F cr  1− 1−
2H F cry  F crz  2

186. 6 436. 53150. 10. 845

 1− 1−  34. 9 ksi
20. 845 186. 6 2

P n  F cr A g  34. 919. 4  677 kips


The flexural-torsional buckling strength controls. P n  677 kips

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AISC E4(b) must be used, because this shape is nonslender and is neither a
double-angle shape nor a tee shape. Check flexural buckling strength about the y axis
(this is the axis of no symmetry for a channel):

KyL 0. 6510  12

ry  0. 797
 97. 87  200 (OK)

Fe   2 E   2 29000  29. 88 ksi

KL/r 2 97. 87 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  133. 7  97. 87

Fy 36

∴ F cry  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 36/29.88 36  21. 74 ksi

P n  F cr A g  21. 746. 08  132. 2 kips

Flexural-torsional buckling strength about the x axis (this is the axis of symmetry for a

K x L  0. 6510  12  16. 92

rx 4. 61

F ey   2 E   2 29000  999. 8 ksi

KL/r 2 16. 92 2

F ez   2 EC W  GJ 1
K z L 2 Ar̄ 2o

 2 29000112 1
  112000. 369  63. 62 ksi
0. 65  10  12 2 6. 084. 93 2

F ey  F ez  999. 8  63. 62  1063 ksi

F ey  F ez 4F ey F ez H
Fe  1− 1−
2H F ey  F ez  2

1063 4999. 863. 620. 899

 1− 1−  63. 22 ksi16
20. 899 1063 2

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Determine which compressive strength equation to use.

 36  0. 569 4  2. 25
Fe 63. 22

∴use AISC Equation E3-2.

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 0.5694 36  28. 37 ksi

P n  F cr A g  28. 366. 08  172. 4 kips

The flexural buckling strength controls. P n  132 kips


KL  0. 820  16. 0 ft

For a live load-to-dead load ratio of 2,

D  2D  180, D  60 kips, L  260  120 kips

(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 260  1. 6120  264. 0 kips

From the column load tables,

a WT7  54.5 has a design strength of 277 kips based on buckling about the x axis.

a WT8  38.5 has a design strength of 295 kips based on buckling about the x axis.

a WT9  32.5 has a design strength of 273 kips based on buckling about the x axis.

Use a WT9  32.5

(b) P a  180 kips

From the column load tables, a WT9  38 has an allowable strength of 189 kips based
on buckling about the y axis.

Use a WT9  38

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(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 230  1. 670  148 kips

Try a C15  33.9

AISC E4(b) must be used, because this shape is nonslender and is neither a
double-angle shape nor a tee shape. Check flexural buckling strength about the y axis
(this is the axis of no symmetry for a channel):

KyL 0. 6510  12

ry  0. 901
 86. 57  200 (OK)

Fe   2 E   2 29000  38. 19 ksi

KL/r 2 86. 57 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  86. 57

Fy 50

∴ F cry  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/38.19 50  28. 91 ksi

P n  F cr A g  28. 9110. 0  289. 1kips

 c P n  0. 90289. 1  260. 2 kips

This shape may be too conservative. Try a C12 30.

KyL 0. 6510  12

ry  0. 762
 102. 4  200 (OK)

Fe   2 E   2 29000  27. 30 ksi

KL/r 2 102. 4 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  102. 4

Fy 50

∴ F cry  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/27.30 50  23. 23 ksi

P n  F cr A g  23. 238. 81  204. 7kips

 c P n  0. 90204. 7  184. 2 kips

Flexural-torsional buckling strength about the x axis (this is the axis of symmetry for a

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K x L  0. 6510  12  18. 18
rx 4. 29

F ey   2 E   2 29000  866. 0 ksi

KL/r 2 18. 18 2

F ez   2 EC W  GJ 1
K z L 2 Ar̄ 2o

 2 29000151 1
  112000. 861  92. 22 ksi
0. 65  10  12 2 8. 814. 54 2

F ey  F ez  866. 0  92. 22  958. 2 ksi

F ey  F ez 4F ey F ez H
Fe  1− 1−
2H F ey  F ez  2

958. 2 4866. 092. 220. 919

 1− 1−  91. 35 ksi
20. 919 958. 2 2

Determine which compressive strength equation to use.

 50  0. 547 3  2. 25
Fe 91. 35

∴use AISC Equation E3-2.

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 0.5473 50  39. 76 ksi

P n  F cr A g  39. 768. 81  350. 3 kips

 c P n  0. 90350. 3  315. 3 kips

The flexural buckling strength controls. Try a C12  25. Check flexural buckling
strength about the y axis:

KyL 0. 6510  12

ry  0. 779
 100. 1  200 (OK)

Fe   2 E   2 29000  28. 56 ksi

KL/r 2 100. 1 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  100. 1

Fy 50

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∴ F cry  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/28.56 50  24. 03 ksi

P n  F cr A g  24. 037. 34  176. 4 kips

 c P n  0. 90176. 4  158. 8 kips  148 kips (OK)

Try a C12  20.7.

KyL 0. 6510  12

ry  0. 797
 97. 87  200 (OK)

Fe   2 E   2 29000  29. 88 ksi

KL/r 2 97. 87 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  97. 87

Fy 50

∴ F cry  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/29.88 50  24. 82 ksi

P n  F cr A g  24. 826. 08  150. 9 kips

 c P n  0. 90150. 9  135. 8 kips  148 kips (N.G.)

Return to the C12  25. Check flexural-torsional buckling strength about the x axis:

K x L  0. 6510  12  17. 61

rx 4. 43

F ey   2 E   2 29000  923. 0 ksi

KL/r 2 17. 61 2

F ez   2 EC W  GJ 1
K z L 2 Ar̄ 2o

 2 29000130 1
  112000. 538  74. 25 ksi
0. 65  10  12 2 7. 344. 72 2

F ey  F ez  923. 0  74. 25  997. 3 ksi

F ey  F ez 4F ey F ez H
Fe  1− 1−
2H F ey  F ez  2

997. 3 4923. 074. 250. 909

 1− 1−  73. 66 ksi20
20. 909 997. 3 2

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Determine which compressive strength equation to use.

 50  0. 678 8  2. 25
Fe 73. 66

∴use AISC Equation E3-2.

F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 0.6788 50  37. 63 ksi

P n  F cr A g  37. 637. 34  276. 2 kips

 c P n  0. 90276. 2  248. 6 kips

Flexural Buckling controls.  c P n  159 kips  148 kips (OK) Use a C12  25

(b) P a  D  L  30  70  100 kips

Try a C12  25

AISC E4(b) must be used, because this shape is nonslender and is neither a
double-angle shape nor a tee shape. First, check the flexural buckling strength about
the y axis (this is the axis of no symmetry for a channel). From the LRFD solution in
Part (a),

P n  176. 4 kips

P n  176. 4  106 kips  100 kips (OK)

c 1. 67

Next, check the flexural-torsional buckling strength about the x axis (this is the axis of
symmetry for a channel). From the LRFD solution in Part (a),

P n  276. 2 kips

P n  276. 2  165 kips  100 kips (OK) Use a C12  25

c 1. 67


With the short leg vertical, the needed properties of a single angle are
I x  2. 89 in. 4 , ȳ  1. 14 in., A  1. 82 in. 2

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For the two angles,
Iy  2. 89  1. 82 1. 14  3  2  12. 19 in. 4

Iy 12. 19  1. 83 in.
ry   r y  1. 83 in.
A 21. 82



Segment A y Ay Ī d Ī  Ad 2
C8  11.5 3.37 0.572 1. 928 1. 31 4. 147 59. 27
S12  31.8 9. 31 6.220 57. 91 217 1. 501 238. 0
∑ 12. 68 59. 84 297. 3

∑ Ay
ȳ  y 2   59. 84  4. 719 in. I x  297. 3 in. 4
∑A 12. 68

rx  Ix  297. 3  4. 84 in.
A 12. 68

Iy 41. 83  1. 82 in
y-axis: I y  9. 33  32. 5  41. 83 in. 4 , ry  
A 12. 68

y 2  4. 72 in., r x  4. 84 in., r y  1. 82 in.


For one angle, A  6. 98 in. 2 , I x  I y  15. 7 in. 4 , x̄  ȳ  1. 52 in.

I  15. 7  6. 981. 52  5/2 2   4  514. 0 in. 4 , A  6. 98  4  27. 92 in. 2

r I  514. 0  4. 291 in. r x  r y  4. 29 in.

A 27. 92

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∑ Ay 60. 25  50. 5  8  30. 5  16  0. 25

ȳ    6. 732 in.
∑A 653

I x  ∑Ī  Ad 2   1 120. 5 3  66. 732 − 0. 25 2


 1 5/1616 3  56. 732 − 8. 5 2


 1 60. 5 3  36. 732 − 16. 75 2  675. 7 in. 4


rx  Ix  675. 7  6. 947 in.

A 14


I y  1 0. 512 3  1 165/16 3  1 0. 56 3  81. 04 in. 4

12 12 12

Iy 81. 04  2. 406 in.

ry   r x  6. 95 in., r y  2. 41 in.
A 14


I x  1 3640 3 − 1 2832 3  1. 155  10 5 in. 4

12 12

I y  1 4036 3 − 1 3228 3  9. 698  10 4 in. 4

12 12

A  3640 − 2832  544. 0 in. 2

Iy 96980  13. 35 in.

r min  r y  
A 544. 0

KL  0. 840  12  28. 76  200 (OK)

r 13. 35

Fe   2 E   2 29000  346. 0 ksi

KL/r 2 28. 76 2 23

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4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  28. 76
Fy 50

∴ F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/346.0 50  47. 07 ksi

P n  F cr A g  47. 07544. 0  2. 561  10 4 kips P n  25, 600 kips



Segment A y Ay Ī d Ī  Ad 2
15 5 0.5 2. 5 0. 4167 0. 429 1. 337
12 2 2.0 4. 0 0. 6667 1. 071 2. 961
∑ 7 6. 5 4. 298

∑ Ay
ȳ   6. 5  0. 928 6 in. I x  4. 298 in. 4
∑A 7


I y  1 15 3  21 3   10. 58 in. 4


x axis controls. rx  Ix  4. 298  0. 783 6 in.

A 7

KL  0. 815  12  183. 8  200 (OK)

r 0. 7836

Fe   2 E   2 29000  8. 472 ksi

KL/r 2 183. 8 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  134  183. 8

Fy 36

∴ F cr  0. 877F e  0. 8778. 472  7. 430 ksi

 c P n  0. 90A g F cr  0. 9077. 430  46. 81 kips

 c P n  46. 8 kips

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(a) y-axis:

Segment A Ī d Ī  Ad 2
Channel 2.64 0. 624 0. 665 5 1. 793
Channel 2.64 0. 624 0. 665 5 1. 793
∑ 5.28 3. 586

I y  3. 586 in. 4

Iy 3. 586  0. 824 1 in.

ry   r y  0. 824 in.
A 5. 28

x-axis: r x  1. 84 in.

y-axis controls.

KL  14  12  203. 9  200 (not recommended but can be used)

r 0. 8241

Fe   2 E   2 29000  6. 884 ksi

KL/r 2 203. 9 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  203. 9

Fy 50

∴ F cr  0. 877F e  0. 8776. 884  6. 037 ksi

P n  A g F cr  5. 286. 037  19. 09 kips P n /  19. 1 kips

 1. 67 1. 67


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Segment A Ī d Ī  Ad 2
C6  13 3.82 1. 05 7. 746 230. 3
W12  50 14. 6 391 0 391
C6  13 3.82 1. 05 7. 746 230. 3
∑ 22.24 851.6

I y  851. 6 in. 4

x-axis: I x  217. 3  56. 3  90. 9 in. 4 (controls)

rx  Ix  90. 9  2. 022 in.

A 22. 24

KL  16  12  94. 96  200 (OK)

r 2. 022

Fe   2 E   2 29000  31. 74 ksi

KL/r 2 94. 96 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  94. 96

Fy 50

∴ F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/31.74 50  25. 86 ksi

(a)  c P n  0. 90F cr A g  0. 9025. 8622. 24  517. 6 kips  c P n  518 kips

From the column load tables, the design strength of a W12  50 for KL  16 ft is
 c P n  326 kips. Therefore, the reinforcement increases the strength by

518 − 326  100  58. 90% Increase  58. 9%


(b) P n  F cr A g  25. 8622. 24  344. 4 P n  344 kips

c 1. 67 1. 67 c

From the column load tables, the allowable strength of a W12  50 for KL  16 ft is
P n / c  217 kips. Therefore, the reinforcement increases the strength by
344 − 217  100  58. 53% Increase  58. 5%

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(a) x-axis:

I x  999  93. 4  1092 in. 4

A  26. 5  14. 4  40. 9 in. 2

rx  Ix  1092  5. 167 in.

A 40. 9


Segment A x Ax Ī d Ī  Ad 2
W14  90 26.5 0 0 362 1. 834 451. 1
W10  49 14. 4 5.21 75. 02 272 3. 376 436. 1
∑ 40. 9 75. 02 887. 2

∑ Ax
x̄   75. 02  1. 834 in. I y  887. 2 in. 4
∑A 40. 9

Iy 887. 2  4. 657 in.

ry   r x  5. 17 in., r y  4. 66 in.
A 40. 9

30  12
(b) KL
r  4. 657  77. 3  200

Fe   2 E   2 29000  47. 9 ksi

KL/r 2 77. 3 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  77. 3

Fy 50

∴ F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 50/47.9 50  32. 3 ksi

P n  F cr A g  32. 340. 9  1321 kips


 c P n  0. 901321  1190 kips  c P n 27 1190 kips

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P n / c  1321/1. 67  791 kips P n / c  791 kips


Check width-thickness ratio. From AISC Table B4.1a,

0. 45 E  0. 45 29, 000  12. 77

Fy 36

b  8  10. 67  12. 77 (OK)

t 0. 75

Flexural buckling strength about the x axis (this is the axis of no symmetry):

KL  20  12  94. 12  200 (OK)

rx 2. 55

Fe   2 E   2 29000  32. 31 ksi

KL/r 2 94. 12 2

4. 71 E  4. 71 29000  113. 4  94. 96

Fy 50

∴ F cr  0. 658 F y /F e  F y  0. 658 36/32.31 36  22. 58 ksi

A g  2  8. 49  16. 98 in. 2

P n  F cr A g  22. 5816. 98  383. 4 kips

Flexural-torsional buckling strength about the y axis (the axis of symmetry):

a  20  12  80 in.
3 spaces

a 80 3
r i  0. 850  94. 12  4 154. 8  116. 1 (OK)

Since a/r i  40,

2 2
KL  KL  Kia
r m r 0 ri 28

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KL  KL 20  12
r 0 r y  1. 55  154. 8

K i a  0. 580  47. 06
ri 0. 850
KL  154. 8 2  47. 06 2  161. 8
r m

Compute F cry using AISC E3. From AISC Equation E3-4,

2E  2E  2 29000

Fe    10. 93 ksi
KL/r 2
K y L/r y  2
161. 8 2

Since K y L/r y  4. 71 E  113,


F cry  0. 877F e  0. 87710. 93  9. 586 ksi

F crz  GJ  112002  1. 61  137. 5 ksi

A g r̄ 2o 16. 983. 93 2

F cry  F crz  9. 586  137. 5  147. 1 ksi

F cry  F crz 4F cry F crz H

F cr  1− 1−
2H F cry  F crz  2

147. 1 49. 586137. 50. 575

 1− 1−  9. 298 ksi
20. 575 147. 1 2

P n  F cr A g  9. 29816. 98  157. 9 kips

The flexural-torsional buckling strength controls; P n  157. 9 kips

Design strength:  c P n  0. 90157. 9  142 kips

Allowable strength: P n / c  157. 9/1. 67  94. 6 kips


(a) P u  1. 2D  1. 6L  1. 290  1. 6260  524 kips


K x L  K y L  0. 6515. 33  9. 965 ft

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From the column load tables, for KL  10 ft,

Try 2L8  6  3
,  c P n  527 kips (y axis controls), w  67. 6 lb/ft

Determine the number of intermediate connectors. To obtain the tabulated strength for
the y axis, 2 intermediate connectors must be used. For the x axis, from AISC E4,

Ka ≤ 3 KL
ri 4 r

where KL/r is the controlling slenderness ratio for the member.

a  spacing  15. 33  12

r i  r z  1. 29 in., Ka  15. 33  12
ri n  11. 29

The larger slenderness ratio for the member is

KyL 0. 6515. 33  12

ry  2. 47
 48. 41

For Ka 3 KL
ri ≤ 4 r ,

15. 33  12 ≤ 3 48. 41  n ≥ 2. 93, use 3.

n  11. 29 4

Use 2L8  6  3
with 3 intermediate connectors

(b) P a  D  L  90  260  350 kips

K x L  K y L  0. 6515. 33  9. 965 ft

From the column load tables, for KL  10 ft,

Try 2L8  6  3
, P n / c  351 kips (y axis controls), w  67. 6 lb/ft

Determine the number of intermediate connectors. To obtain the tabulated strength for
the y axis, 2 intermediate connectors must be used. For the x axis, from AISC E4,

Ka ≤ 3 KL
ri 4 r

where KL/r is the controlling slenderness ratio for the member. 30

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a  spacing  15. 33  12

r i  r z  1. 29 in., Ka  15. 33  12
ri n  11. 29

The larger slenderness ratio for the member is

KyL 0. 6515. 33  12

ry  2. 47
 48. 41

For Ka 3 KL
ri ≤ 4 r ,

15. 33  12 ≤ 3 48. 41  n ≥ 2. 93, use 3.

n  11. 29 4

Use 2L8  6  3
with 3 intermediate connectors


P a  280 kips

K x L  K y L  0. 821  16. 8 ft

From the column load tables, for KL  16. 8 ft,

Try WT9  53

P n  297 kips  280 kips (OK - y axis controls)


Use a WT9  53


Reaction   11  8  44 kips
2 2

Consider the joint at the right support:


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F   arctan( 9 54)  9.462

R = 66 k

∑ F y  44 − F sin9. 462 °  0  F  268 kips

(This is the maximum force in the top chord.)

KxL  KyL  9  9. 124 ft.

cos9. 462 °

From the column load tables, for KL  9. 124 ft,

Try 2L8  6  5
LLBB, P n / c  286 kips (y axis controls), w  57. 0 lb/ft

Determine the number of intermediate connectors. To obtain the tabulated strength for
the y axis, 2 connectors must be used. For the x axis, from AISC E4,

Ka ≤ 3 KL
ri 4 r

where KL/r is the controlling slenderness ratio for the member.

a  spacing  9. 124  12

r i  r z  1. 29 in., Ka  9. 124  12
ri n  11. 29

The larger slenderness ratio for the member is

K x L  1. 09. 124  12  44. 69

rx 2. 45

For Ka 3 KL
ri ≤ 4 r ,

9. 124  12 ≤ 3 44. 69  n ≥ 1. 53, 2 required for the x axis.

n  11. 29 4

Use 2L8  6  5
LLBB with 2 intermediate connectors


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(a) Flange area = 0.5(16) = 8.0 in.2 Half web area = (1/4)(10) = 2. 5 in.

From mid-depth of the cross section,

8.0(10+ 0.25)+ 2.5(10/2) =Qn in.

y 8.0 + 2.5

Z=£..a= (8.0 +2.5)(2x9.0)= 189.0 in.3

Mp = FyZ = 50(189) = 9450 in-kips = 788 ft-kips

Z= 189 in.3, Mp = 788 ft-kips

(b) Moment of inertia:

l- Component I + Ad2
topfl 8.00 0.1667 10.25 840.7

web 5.00 167 0.000 167.0

botfl 8.00 0.1667 10.25 840.7

Sum 21.00 1848

c_ 1 _ 1848 _ 176 oin3

i_ c ~ 10 + 0.5 " 176-0,n-
My = FyS = 50(176.0) = 8800 in.-kips = 733 ft-kips

S= 176 in.3, My = 733 ft-kips


(a) Area above PNA = Area below PNA

3(22) + (y - 3)(l/2) = (3 + 66 - j>)(l/2) + 3(16) y= 18

j>= 18 in.

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