Addis Ababa Science and Technology University College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University College of Biological and Chemical Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering
Prepared by
Bimrew Bizualem
Design of sewerage system
1. Summarize the basic design criteria.
b. Population density;
d. Infiltration allowances;
e. Inflow allowances
i. Minimum cover.
N.B. If sewer changes direction in a manhole without change of size, a drop of 30 mm should be
provided in the manhole. If the sewer changes size, the crowns of the inlet and outlet sewers should
be at the same elevation. Branches coming into manholes should have their crowns at the same
elevation as that of the large sewer. Drop manholes are used only if the invert of the branch is 0.6
m or more above what its location would be when following the rule just stated.
To design and construct a sewer, the first thing is to calculate the average sewage flow by keeping
in mind the total water consumption and the population of the area once the design period (time
taken for the full development of the design) is completed. The average flow can be calculated by
the following formulae: –
Sanitary Sewer Design Flow = Peak Sewage Flow (ratio between maximum sewage flow to
average daily sewage flow) + Infiltration (the amount of water that seeps into the sewers through
crack and joints)
Design and Construction of Sewers
To design and construct a sewer, the first thing is to calculate the average sewage flow by keeping
in mind the total water consumption and the population of the area once the design period (time
taken for the full development of the design) is completed. The average flow can be calculated by
the following formulae:
Sanitary Sewer Design Flow = Peak Sewage Flow (ratio between maximum sewage flow to
average daily sewage flow) + Infiltration (the amount of water that seeps into the sewers through
crack and joints)
Design Equation
The equation used for sewers that are flowing in the presence of gravity is Manning’s Equation.
Example 1
A 40-ha drainage basin containing 24 ha net residential area with average 5 dwelling
units per ha with 4 residents, and 16 ha zoned commercial area. Determine the design
flow for a sewer servicing this area. Take wastewater generation for Residential =
300 l/capita/day, Commercial = 1800 l/ha/day and Peak I & I allowance = 9000
Average design flow (ADF) for residential area= (24 ha x 5 DU/ha x 4 Res./DU x
300 l/Res) = 144m3/day
ADF from Res. And Comm area= 144 m3/day + 288 m3/day = 432 m3/day
A 120 m reach of sewer is to be designed with a flow capacity of 100 L/s. The street
elevation at the upper manhole is 90.00 m and the lower manhole is 87.60 m, as
shown below. Determine an appropriate pipe diameter and slope for this reach, and
establish the pipe invert elevations at the upper and lower manholes. Assume a
minimum earth cover of 2 m above the crown of the pipe.
Figure 1 Sewer layer elevation vs distance
We read d = 260 mm à take standard dia. of 250mm à but the slope has to be steeper,
If the slope is 0.03 the drop will be 0.03 x 120 = 3.6 m which means extra cover of
3.6 – 2.4 =1.2 m\select a larger dia. Of 300 mm at 0.02 slope à full-flow capacity
would be 135 L/s.
q/Qf =100/135 = 0.74. we read d/D = 0.63 from partial flow diagram d = 0.63 x 300
= 190 mm of depth of flow
:. select 300 mm dia. at 0.02 slope
Design of storm sewer
Generally, storm sewers are designed to provide safe passage of vehicles, and to collect,
Storm sewer design involves estimation runoff from an area design of the sewer and other
Design flow
Design flow is the maximum flow that can pass through a specified structure safely. In
determining this design flow the possibility of occurrence has be fixed. Once this is fixed
Generally, a design frequency is selected to match the facility’s cost, amount of traffic, potential
flood hazard to property, expected level of service, political considerations, and budgetary
constraints, considering the magnitude and risk associated with damages from larger flood events.
The frequency with which a given flood can be expected to occur is the reciprocal of the probability
or chance that the flood will be equaled or exceeded in a given year. If a flood has a 20 percent
chance of being equaled or exceeded each year, over a long period of time, the flood will be equaled
or exceeded on an average of once every five years. This is called the Recurrence Interval (RI).
Thus, the exceedance probability equals 100/RI.
Generally, to design drainage facilities the recurrence interval shown in table 1 can be used.
Side Ditch 10
Pipe Culvert 10
Slab/Box Culvert 25
Bridge 50/100
The commonly used hydrologic methods used to estimate are the following:
• Rational Method - only for drainage areas less than 50 hectares (0.5 kilometer2);
• SCS and other Unit Hydrograph Methods - for drainage areas greater than 50hectares;
• Suitable Computer Programs - such as HYDRAIN's HYDRO, HEC 1, and TR-20 will
Rational Method
Runoff from an area can be determined by the Rational Method. The method gives a
Q = CiA/360
C = runoff coefficient which can be given for a land use or surface type (Table 4.2)
A = area [ha]
If an area that drains to a manhole consists of n land uses, the combined C value needs to be
calculated by
Suburban 0.25-0.40
Determination of the design rainfall intensity requires knowledge of the return period, and
the duration of rainfall (which equals the time of concentration). A rainfall with 2-5 years
return period can be used for residential areas; 5-15 years return period may be used business and
high value areas.
The time of concentration refers to the time at which the whole area just contributes runoff to a
tc = time of concentration
Time of concentration: is made up of inlet time (over land flow) and channel flow time.
Time of entry (inlet time or overland flow): is the time required for water to reach a defined
channel such as a street gutter, plus the gutter flow time to the inlet.
Channel flow time: is the time of flow through the sewers to the point at which rate of flow
is being assessed.
The channel flow time can be estimated with reasonable accuracy from the hydraulic
characteristics of the sewer. The channel flow time is then determined as the flow length divided
by the average velocity.
The inlet time is affected by numerous factors, such as rainfall intensity, surface slope,
surface roughness, flow distance, infiltration capacity, and depression storage. Because of
this, accurate values are difficult to obtain. Design inlet flow times of from 5 to 30 min are
used in practice.
Kirpich’s equation can also be used to calculate inlet time as
S = Slope equal to H/L, where H is the difference in elevation between the remotest point to the
basin and the outlet in outlet (m)
If two or more time of concentrations are possible for a point, the greater of the time of
concentrations should be used for the determination of intensity. The rainfall intensity can be read
from the IDF curve (see fig 2) or calculated by using a relevant formula.
The sewer design procedure is as follows
• Check for velocity; if not in the range change the sewer diameter
• Determine sewer invert elevations
Example 3
The catchment area of a city is 200 hectares. Assuming that the surface on which the rain falls
is classified as follows:
Calculate the impervious factor. If the maximum intensity of rainfall is 40 mm/hour, calculate
the quantity of storm water which will reach sewer lines.
Example 4
In the above example if the density of population is 300persons/hectare and the rate of water
supply is 250 litres/capita/day, calculate the quantity of sanitary sewage for (a) separate
system and (b) for partially separate system.
(a) Quantity of sanitary sewage for separate system:
Example 5
From a topographic map and field survey, the area of the drainage basin upstream from the point
in question is found to be 35 hectares. Determine the maximum rate of runoff for a 10-year and
check a 25-year return period. The following data were measured:
From existing land use maps, land use for the drainage basin was estimated to be:
Undeveloped (2.0% slope), with lawns, heavy soil covers 60%
For the undeveloped area the soil group was determined from field analysis to be:
The land use for the overland flow area at the head of the basin was estimated to be:
Overland Flow
The runoff coefficient (C) for the overland flow area from Table 4-2 is 0.12-0.17, use 0.14.
Time of Concentration
From Kirpich’s formula with an overland flow length of 45 m, slope of 2.0 % and a C of 0.14,
Flow Time = (700 m)/ (1.1 m/s) (60 s/min) = 10.61 min
Rainfall Intensity
Runoff Coefficient
A weighted runoff coefficient (C) for the total catchment area is determined in the following
Peak Runoff
1. A 900 m long storm sewer collects water from a catchment area of 40 hectares, where 35%
area is covered by roof (C=0.9), 20% area by pavements (C=0.8) and 45% area is covered
by open plots (C=0.15). Determine the average intensity of rainfall and diameter of storm
water drain. Assume the time of entry = 3 min; velocity at full flow = 1.45 m/sec; gradient
of sewer = 0.001, and roughness coefficient = 0.013. The intensity of rainfall in cm/h =
75/(t + 5).
2. Determine the design discharge for a combined system serving population of 5000 with
rate of water supply o 135 LPCD. The catchment area is 100 hectares and average
coefficient of runoff is 0.60. The time of concentration for the design rainfall is 30 mm and
the relation between intensity of rainfall and duration is I=1000/(t+20).
3. The storm sewer is proposed to drain a 12 hectares drainage area as shown in the figure
below. With given data in the table below determine the design discharge needed to convey
5-years peak discharge.
Site Area (ha) C Inlet time (min)
A 4 0.8 10
B 8 0.5 30
4. An inverted siphon composed of three pipes is to be used to convey wastewater from one
side of a river to the other side. The invert level of the upstream manhole is + 100 above
the sea level, and the invert level of the downstream manhole is + 96 above the sea level.
The length of each of the three pipes is 250 m. The average flow interring the upper
manhole is 0.25 m3/s. Find the diameter of each of the three pipes, and the invert of each
pipe at the downstream manhole. Assume the following: peak factor = 2.5 minimum flow
factor = 0.30 minimum velocity when flowing full = 0.90 m/s.