Software Testing Assignemnt 2
Software Testing Assignemnt 2
Software Testing Assignemnt 2
S21bseen1m01073 M2
Ramp Testing: Ramp testing is a type of software testing where a module of the
program is repeatedly tested to ensure that it is working correctly and there is no bug in
that module.
Monkey Testing: Monkey testing is a technique where the user tests the application or
system by providing random inputs and checking the behavior, or seeing whether the
application or system will crash.
Gorilla Testing: Gorilla testing is a software testing technique in which a very small
number of test cases are selected and run in an exhaustive manner. The goal of gorilla
testing is to find as many errors as possible in the shortest amount of time2.
Mutation Testing: Mutation testing is a software testing technique used to assess the
quality and effectiveness of your test case by making deliberate changes or “mutations”
into the code to simulate potential defects.
Yellow Box Testing: Yellow box testing is a type of testing that checks the warning or
alert messages of a system.
GUI Testing: GUI testing is the process for ensuring proper functionality of the graphical
user interface (GUI) for a specific application. GUI testing generally evaluates a design
of elements such as layout, colors and also fonts, font sizes, labels, text boxes, text
formatting, captions, buttons, lists, icons, links, and content.
Cookie Testing: Cookie testing is a type of software testing where the tester validates
the cookies that are created during a web application’s execution. Cookies are small
files stored on the user’s machine by the web browser upon the request of the web
Test Bed: The combination of hardware and software used for testing, including
servers, network, and other infrastructure.
Negative Testing: Testing aimed at showing that a system can handle unexpected
inputs or conditions. For example, entering an invalid username and password to check
if the system rejects it appropriately.