1269 NoA PKG-13 Sagar Sakar Engitech (JV)
1269 NoA PKG-13 Sagar Sakar Engitech (JV)
1269 NoA PKG-13 Sagar Sakar Engitech (JV)
Regd. Officc - Ifkrck No. 7, Shakti llharvan, Rampur, ,fabalpur
O/o CGM (RDSS). COF lilock, Shakti Bltau'an, Rampur,.f abalpur
Phonc No. 07 6l- 2997 7 07, 27 0217 tl, 27 02118. Fa r No. 076 I -2666080
( E-ma il : nr pez. rrrdss(ilgnra i l.co nr ; Website: u' rvvr'.nt lrez.co. ilt)
CIN: tj40l09l\lP 2002 SC;C- 015120
N o. l\{ D/E Z/C G lvl/RDS S/FSP/ P KG- I 3/N o A I l 269 .f abaf pur, clate: 26.07.2023
Notification of Aw'ard
Cornnr un ication cletails
lll/s Sakar Engitech Pyt. Ltd., (Lead I'artner)
58 Gaulav' Nagar, Civil Lines, I'r'l.No q81905?518
Suhject: Arvarcl ol'C'ontract ltrr Suppll.', Installation- Ic'sting and Cttrnnrissioning of Nerv ll KV
Lirres. l-'l' l,ine on A[J cable. Distribution ranslornrer Substation arrcl Supporling rv<lrks suclt as
DPs, Crossirrg ctc. lor soplu'ation ol' 1 I KV i\'Iix I':ec'dcrs & N'Iix D'l'Rs uncler Rc'vatnrped
llc'firnns-based ancl llesults-linked I)istribution Sector (l'ackage-13) in Sagar circle of
\lPPKVVC L. .lahall:ur C'onrparrv Area.
l. Nf'l' no, NU)lf'/,1C.:(;lv{il{DSSiFSP,'Nl'l'l-58,t .labalpuL. clated 18.04.2023. E-'fender no.
2. N'linute's of ['re-Bid )\,leetirrg held on 10.05.2023, issued vide no.
N4DII:i.7.1('(,iN'liRDSS;'l;SPiNI'l'-584iVIoN'Ii(r!)8. Jabalpur I)ated 17.05.2023.
:1. CorLigenclurn rlo. MDll:.'1J(:(ilv{/ltDSS/FSP/NI'l'-584iCoLL./694. .labalpur', clated 17.05.23.
1. Ctrrrisendum no. C.GNIlt-Z/RDSSiSS/Nl-l'/385iCor.1732. Jabalpur, clale 24.05.23.
-5. Corrigenchun no. ClGMiliZi RDSS/FSP,NIl'-5S-li(lorr.l77t). Jabalpur, dale 29.05.23.
6. Your []id No. 790769 receivecl online on rvcb portal wrvrv.rnDteuciers.gov.in.
7. 1'echno-(lontntercial llid opencd on 1t6.06.2023 ancl Price Bid openecl on 21.06.2023.
Dear Sirs,
'l'his is to notit,v you that your bid receivc'cl fbr Suylply.', lustallation,'l'estiug ancl Cotntnissioning of'
New l1 KV l.ines. I-'l' l-ine ou ,AB ca[rle, Distributiorr -l'ranslormer Substati<ln tutd Supporting
lvorks such ars DPs. 'l'Ps. Crossing elc. fbr separration of' 1I KV lVlix Feeders & Mix DTRs uncler
Rc'vanrped ltc'founs-based ancl Rcsults-linked Distrihution Sc-ctor'(Packagc'-13) in Sagar circle of
ivii'PKv''v'Li,, iat,alptii C'urir;lirrrv r\rcir rrrrdsl livtaiiipruil ligiUrrirs-iir.-ui uiiri i:Lvsliits-L,iiii'uJ,
Distritrution Sector Schenrc'against NIT no. MDiEZICCiM,'RDSS,'FSPNIT/584 dated 28.04.2023,
[,-'l'c-rrdc'r no. 202-] PKVVCI 27(1711, frrr the C ontracl Price irr agglc'gate of Rs. 96,31,59,839.00/-
Crore'Ihir$,' Onc Lakh ['ift1" Nine Thorrsand Eight llundred Thirt-r' Nine)
(Rupees Ninetl, Six
only (GST payable extra). as con'ecled ancl nr<lclifled in accr.rrclancc- rvilh the Inslructir,rlts ltr
Ilidders is hereb;- acceptecl b1" Ir4l'}l'KVVCl., Jatrirlptrr.
2. l'his is the clc'tailed Contract ,,\rvarcl ancl is suh.iect to thc tcrnrs ancl ctlnclitions .$ stiptrlated
irr the PART'-I - Ilidclirrg Proceclures and llecprirements, PART 2.A - I:rrtplover's ltc'quit'cnlcnts
PART 2B 'l'echnical Spccilicittion & P.ART-3 :- Conditiorts r.rl'Cuntract etncl ('ontrttcl lrorttls o['
RIf[] issued on 28tr'April 1023.
3. IIASIS OF A(lCFlPI'ANCU OF Ot'Flilt: Yorr hacl suburittecl the olle'r against I:j-'l'cndct'
no. 2023 ITKVVC 270741 1 and the ol}.;r has lrecn acce;rtcd bv us strb.iect l() tbllo*irrg
(i) You shnll hc'bouncl unto the Hnrplolcr l<>r thc lirithlul pcrfirrmancc ol'the cottlt':tct attcl
shall be lirll,r, responsible lor Suppll', Installation. and (lottrntissionirrg t,rl'Neu
I1 KV Lilrcs. Ll' t.inc L)n AI] cablc- I)islribtrtiorr Substation tttrd
Supporling rvorks such as I)Ps.'l't's. (lrossing c'tc. Inr sr'paraliott ol'll KV IVlir lrcedc-rs
& lr4ix DIIts uncler I{evarnpecl I{etoLrns-hased and llesLrlts-linkcd t)istribution Sectot'
(Package-l-i) irr Sagar circlc of'\,1PPKVV('1.. Jahalpur C'ttmpanv ,\rca. ltt ttcctlrdattcc
rvith thc- tenns arrcl conditictns slipulatcd in this cotrtract.
(ii.y You shall be liahle for the ex(.clltion of this (.otttract A'ward itt accorclancc- rvith tc-rnls
ancl conclitions of'thc Contract r\r.larcl. technical scheclules and otlter conditiol'ls its
cletailecl unclcr clausc 2 above arrd as [rrought out itr vat'ious Anttsxttrcs ttttcler clause -l
fusl6rv. 'l-hc crrrrclilions hloLrght orrl unclcr claus.'2 lurcl .l of'this colltract shall bc biltding
()n \rOu.
(iii) You shnll be responsiblc firr Sullply'^ Installation. I'esting ancl ('clntntissioning r>t'Ncrv
'l'rattslornter SLrhstatit.rtt atlcl
I I KV [,irres. l- l' t.ine on AI] cable. I)istlibution
Supprrrling rvorks suclr as I)Ps.'lPs. C.rossing ctc. lirr scparltlion of'll KV I\{ix l:i'ecdc-rs
& N4ix l)ll{s under ftevarnpcrcl l{elblrns-basdtl and ltesults-iluked l)rstrintttton SectoL'
(lrackagc-l-3) in Sagar circle of il'l1)l)KVVCI-. Jaballlur ('ontpltrrl'At'ea. As dctailccl in
.z\nnexure- I and rvill herealier rnakc all corrcspon(lcnccs and sttbntiL all docunrc'ttts and
IJarrk Gualanlec. againsl thc'contract. You rvill lrc'resporrsihlc lbr Strppl-v, luslallation.
'l'esting ancl Conrmissioning of'Nerv l l KV I-ines- L'l' Line on .\l] cable. Distribution
'l lansfirrrner Substati<ln ancl Supporling rvot'ks such trs DI's. -l l)s. Crossit'lg elc. lt)r
separalion ol' I I KV i\'lix l;cedcrs & I\4ix I).|'Rs unclcr llevantpcd llclilrnrs-basccl alrd
llesrrlts-linked Distribution Sector (l)ackagc'-l -'i) in Sngar circlt' of' N'lPPKVVCl..
.labalpur Cornpanl,Area lvithin the stipulatcd'l'irne Schedtrlc r.vith respttnsihilit-v fbr
f aithlirl erecutiott of'the lurn ke v contract.
1iv) GIS sulve,v has alread-v becrr calriccl out br thc [::rnpl<11'ct the sltnc is providctl in the
tc-ndc'r docunrc'nl irnd nreulion iu ArtncxLrre - I. \'otr havc to vc-ril,r'the GIS stll'\e-v
correctness ancl as l)er the site conclitittn its executalrilitl'and provicle the sunel'
acceptance rvithin 30 cla1.'s tionr l',|'Ibctive Dale o1' (lontract. Otlrelrvise. the srtrvev
provided b1.'limplo1.'c-r'will be consiclerc-d as [rnal. Contractor hi$ 1o nr.ttil'r,thc vatriatiorr
r1'16lr,rvr'1' '!'11'1
c1':;u1".'.lry,tl; the !'::::p!c;',:t'th:'r'-rgh th.: r-r:l!!nr': pr:.1:1,:t':: l1'1-\','t(-'!':(t h,,'thr: f
ctlrrtLactor shall exectrte the w'olk biised on the acttnl sufve-!' and as approvecl by the
Project Nlmrager (s) or persou autholizecl [r-v VTPPKVVCL. .labalptrr.
4. SCOPE OF CONTRACT: Scope of this contract covers Supply, Installation, Testing and
Cornmissioning of New ll KV Lines. LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation
and Supporling works such as DPs. TPs. Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix
DTRs under Revamped Reforms-based and Results-linked Distribution Secror (Package-I3) in
Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.in Part -2, Section - 6, 'Employers
requirement' of Bid Document read with addendum issued from time to time.
Accordingly, conditions mentioned in this contract document and the following Annexure /
schedules attached to this document shall be binding on you.
Accepted prices for supply of materials, suryey, installation, testing and
commissioning shall be as under:-
(i) Supply of Goods (ExW Price) Rs. 77,53,I 1,998.00/-
(ii) Installation and Other Services Rs. 18,78,47,841.001-
(iii) Total Rs. 96,31,59,839.00/-
(iv) GST @ l8% on (iii) Rs.17,33,68 ,771.001-
(v) Total with GST @ 18% Rs. 1 13,65,,28,610.00/ -
(Rs. One Hundred Thirteen Crore Sixty Five Lakh Twenty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Ten
Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract, the Contractor shall bear and pay all
taxes, duties, levies and charges assessed on the Contractor, its Subcontractors or their employees
by all municipal, state or national government authorities in connection with the Facilities in and
outside of the country where the Site is located.
Notwithstanding GCC, Sub-Clause 14.1, the Employer shall payl reimburse to the Contractor, the
taxes and duties, if any, specified in SCC. For the purpose of the Contract, it is agreed that the
Contract Price specified in Anicle 2 (Contract Price and Terms of Payment) of Contract
Agreement is based on the taxes, duties, levis and charges prevailing at the date twenty eight (28)
Page 3 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech **',li%tf'J*il1'$:?,f#,f,:l:iJ,$"H*ili"T:["J.31i'ri.3ilH'
You will have to fumish Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee for the satisfactory
performance of contract for l0%o of Contract Price i.e. for Rs. 11,36,5218614 (Rupees Eleven
Crore Thirty Six Lakh Fifty Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty One only)within 28 days
from the date of Notification of Contract Award. This security deposit shall remain valid to cover
the defect liability period of plant and installation services covered under the contract. The Bank
Guarantee is to be fumished in prescribed format enclosed at Annexure- XIII.
The Security shall be valid till 180 days beyond the Defect Liability Period specified n GCC 27
and shall be reduced pro rata to the Contract Price of a part of the Facilities for which a separate
Time for Completion is provided, after successful completion of the Defect Liability Period of that
part of the Facilities; provided, however, that if the Defects Liability Period has been extended on
any part of the Facilities pursuant to GCC Clause 27 hereof, the Contractor shall issue an
additional security in an amount proportionate to the Contract Price of that part. The security shall
be returned to the Contractor immediately after successful completion of the Defect Liability
Period, provided, however, that if the Contractor, pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 27 .10, is liable for
an extended defect liability obligation, the Performance Security shall be extended for the period
specified in the SCC pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause27.10 and up to the amount specified in the
You will also have to furnish Advance Payment security in the form of Bank Guarantee for an
amount equal to ll0% of the Advance Payment calculated in accordance with the Appendix to the
Contract Agreement titled Terms and Procedures of Payment. The Bank Guarantee is to be
furnished in prescribed format enclosed as Annexure-XlV. The amount of the security shall be
reduced in proportion to the value of the Facilities executed by and paid from time to time, and
shall automatically become null and void when the full amount of the advance payment has been
recovered by the MPPKWCL, Jabalpur. The security shall be returned to the Contractor
immediately after adjustment of advance.
Ad-hoc payment:
The employer, at his discretion in exigencies, to ensure liquidity of funds with the contractor may
accept ad-hoc bill of the contractor. In this method, following methodology shall be adopted:
Page 4 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 1l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech'*'#$;tl"J[,11'$:'3,f#/;,:l:iJ,$"'^l#ilj"T:[""".5'";j*.ffiffi'
c. Quantum and completion of works is certifred by Project Manager jointly with contractor
and eligible amount of such works are computed as per approved payment terms.
d. 50% of such eligible amount shall be released to the contractor immediately within a week.
The amount of bill should not be more than average of previous two measured bill.
e. Next bill of the work shall invariably be a measured bill in which, various quantities of bill
shall be verified and measured jointly by Project Manager and contractor.
Project Manager or any other person designated by him that Liquidated Damages provision
is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or any other person designated
by him has to be uploaded with Invoice.
First installment of 7.5%o of Supply of Plant Contract Price part i.e. Rs. 5,81,48,400/- (Rs. Five
Crore Eighty One Lakh Fourty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Only) shall be released on
presentation of the following:
Under the Installation and other Services part, initial interest bearing adjustable Mobilization
Advance of loo/o of lnstallation and other Services part of Contract Price shall be released in 02
(two) installments each of 5% of the Contract Price for Installation and other Services part:
Page 5 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/1.{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.01.2023
First installment of 5yo of the Installation and other Services part of Contract Price i.e. Rs.
93,92,3921- (Rs. Ninety Three Lakh Ninety Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Two Only)
shall be released on presentation of the following:
The Contractor must utilize first advance installment of 5% of lnstallation and other Services
part of Contract Price before requesting for second advance installment. Second installment of
5% shall be released on submission of contractor's invoice, bank guarantee equal to I l0% of the
advance installment and satisfactory utilization certificate supported with documentary
evidences of frst advance installment.
2.1. First Installment (60/o)z Sixty percent (60%) payments for the supply of Plant under
Contract, against various items in the attached Price Schedule, including 100% GST thereon
payable by Employer as per Contract, shall be paid on receipt and acceptance of Plant/
equipmenV goods/ materials on submission of documents indicated herein:
a. Signing of Contract Agreement by the Employer and the Contractor.
b. Detailed Project Execution Plan/PERT chart and its approval by the Employer.
c. Evidence of dispatch (R/R or receipted [./R)
d. Contractor's detailed invoice & packing list identifring contents of each shipment.
e. Invoice certifying payments of GST
f.Copy of Certifrcate to the effect of payments of State/ Central taxes, duties, levies etc. have
been made against supply of materials through sub-vendors under the contract.
g. Certified copy of lnsurance policy/Insurance Certificate.
h. Manufacturer' s/Contractor' s guarantee certifi cate of Quality.
i.Material Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC) / Dispatch lnstructions (DI) for dispatch
of materials from the manufacturer's works. MDCC/DI shall be issued by authorized
officer of Employer.
j Manufacturer's copy of challan and Packaging list.
Page 6 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech'*'#f;,i*il1'-3:'3,frHi;,ls:,'J,$"'^11*ilj"T:fln3o;l*.ffiH'
k. Submission of the Material Receipt Certificate (I!{R.C) as per Packaging list by the Project
Manager that the item(s) have been received.
l. Project Manager or any other person designated by him that Liquidated Damages provision
is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or any other person designated
by him has to be uploaded with Invoice.
m. Submission of certificate by Project Manager that materials have been supplied as per
technical specification, scope of work & approved drawings enclosing certified copy of
inspection reports and dispatch clearances.
2.1.1 60% of proportionate Mobilization Advance against Supply shall be adjusted while making
payments of this installment. [n case of delay of project, the entire mobilization advance shall get
recovered from the contractor as per supply and erection contracts' works completion schedule
2.1.2 (60%) payments for the supply of plants under the Contract shall be eligible till the quantity
of BOQ is l0% over and above upto that particular Stage or per PERT chan. It means progressively
on commissioning of facility proportionate quantity will be adjusted and Dispatch lnstructions will
be issued if the balance quantity of material not exceeding more than l0% upto that particular
2.2. Second Installment (30%): Thirty percent (30%) payments against various items of price
schedule I shall be paid on following conditions:
a. Unconditional acceptance of the Letter of Award and signing of contract agreement by the
b. Detailed Project Execution Plan/PERT chart and its approval by the Employer.
c. Evidence of dispatch (R/R or receipted L/R)
d. Contractor's detailed invoice & packing list identifuing contents of each shipment.
e. lnvoice certifying payments of ED, Taxes for the direct transaction between Employer and
f. Copy of Certificate to the effect of payments of State/ Central taxes, duties, levies etc. have
been made against supply of materials through sub-vendors under the contract.
g. Certified copy of lnsurance policy/Insurance Certificate.
h. Project Manager or any other person designated by him certifies that Liquidated Damages
provision is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or any other person
designated by him has to be uploaded with lnvoice.
i. Manufacturer's/Contractor's guarantee certificate of Quality.
j Material Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC) / Dispatch lnstructions (DI) for dispatch
of materials from the manufacturer's works. MDCC/DI shall be issued bv authorized officer
of Employer.
k. Manufacturer's copy of challan.
l. Approval of BOQ by project manager on the basis of E-measurement on GIS portal by
Digital Signature. Quality control acceptance by quality control engineers will be notified
on GIS portal by Digital signature before acceptance of E-MB
While releasing 2nd installment of 30% supply payment following adjustment shall be made:
a. Balance initial mobilization advance shall be adjusted. Also, up-to-date accrued interest
shall also be recovered.
P- Page 7 of lo6
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossingetc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/Ir{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07.2023
b. In case of delay of project, the entire mobilization advance shall get recovered at this stage.
c. On submission of the Operational Acceptance Certificate (OA) by the Project Manager that
the item(s) have been received, erected, tested and commissioned.
d. In case, for any reason not attributable to the contractor, the commissioning and charging of
equipment/materials is delayed beyond 120 days of successful completion of final checking
and testing of works, the balance lDYopayment shall be released against an unconditional &
irrevocable bank guarantee of equivalent amount initially valid till 6 months from the
readiness of works for commissioning and charging at rated voltage, to be extended till 30
days beyond actual commissioning & taking over.
3.1. First Installment (90Vo) :Ninety percent (90%) payments against lnstallation and other
services shall be paid on erection, testing and commissioning of facility and on submission of
relevant documents indicated herein under:
a. Unconditional acceptance of the Letter of Award and signing of contract agreement by the
b. Detailed Project Execution Plan/PERT chart and its approval by the Employer.
c. Certified copy of Insurance policy/Insurance Certificate.
d. Material reconciliation statement consisting of the materials utilized for erection, testing &
commissioning vis-i-vis erection activity.
e. Submission of certificate on e-measurement book on portal by Project Manager that
materials under consideration have been erected, tested and commissioned as per technical
specification, scope of work & approved drawings.
f. Project Manager or any other person designated by him certifies that Liquidated Damages
provision is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or any other person
designated by him has to be uploaded with Invoice.
g. Test check certification on e-Measurement Book be recorded by officers in hierarchy with
the claim as per policy.
While releasing 1't installment of 90% erection payment following adjustment shall be made:
a. 100% Mobilization Advance against Erection shall be fully adjusted while making
payments of first installment. Also, up-to-date accrued interest shall also be recovered.
Page 8 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 1l KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech
b. In case of delay of project, the entire mobilization advance shall get recovered from
the contractor as per supply and erection contracts' works completion schedule respectively.
Condition of contract and contract forms (clause no- 3.2 (a) : The balance ten percent (10olo) of
payment against Erection contracts shall be released on successful commissioning of the works in
the project, issuance of Completion Certificate of the project and asset tagging of the created asset
in GIS portal provided by the Nodal agency.
Condition of contract and contract forms (clause no- 3.2(e): On completion of Facilities or any part
thereof have achieved, Contractor will notify through GIS portal for work completion of the
facility. Employer representative will collect the data through E-MB app in presence of PMA and
contractor at the time ofjoint measurement.
a. On certification of Project Manager that assets under the project are created and are
taken over by Employer.
b. However, in case, for any reason solely attributable to the Owner/Employer, the
commissioning of equipmenVmaterials is delayed beyond 120 days of successful
completion of final checking and testing of line for the purpose of commissioning as
defined in bid documents, the balance 10% payment shall be released against an
unconditional & irrevocable bank guarantee of equivalent amount initially valid till
6 months from the readiness of transmission lines/ distribution transformer/ service
connections for commissioning and charging at rated voltage, to be extended till 30
days beyond actual commissioning & taking over.
4. The Project Manager shall within Sixty (60) days after receipt of invoices enclosing
requisite documents as per payment terms release the payment through elecftonic mode in
designated bank account of the Contractor. In the event that the Contractor has duly followed the
procedure enumerated above and the Employer fails to make any payment on its respective due
date, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor interest on the amount of such delayed payment as
from the end of the 60 days period on certified amount due but not paid at the end of such period.
The applicable interest rate on the delayed amount will be equal to the marginal cost of funds-based
lending rate (MCLR) for one year of the State Bank of India, as applicable on the I st April of the
financial year in which the date of disbursement of the payment lies. In case the period of default
lies in two or more financial years the interest amount shall be calculated separately for the periods
falling in different years.
14" page 9 of lo6
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/f{oAJl269 Jabalpur, Date 26.0 7.2023
5. Contractor should submit the digital signed documents as mentioned this Appendix on the
Portal developed by the Employer for processing of any payment. The Employer will provide the
login credentials for the portal, and Contractor can get the status of its payment request through the
Portal. This step is mandatory and no physical submission of any document will be accepted by the
Employer as mention in this Appendix.
6. Contractor can refer user manual on Employer Portal to get the detail procedure about
online submission of documents. (As per Annexed lnvoice Submission Manual)
9. BILLING UNIT: Any facility or part there of shall be considered for billing unit if the
contractor has completed the works as below;
Completion of total work for a particalar I I KV feeder including installation of DTR, capacity
augmentation of DTR, renovation of existing DTR, DTR metering, new LT line, conversion o1f bare
conductor of existing line with AB cable and augmentation of existing cable or part will if value of
bill is more than Rs. 25 Lakhs after adjustment of Advance Payment and Material Advance
The scope of works under the Contract is for Supply, lnstallation testing, completion
and commissioning of the facility and part thereof as per the billing unit. Therefore
only Supply of Plant without Installation testing, completion and commissioning of
the facility will not be considered for achieving the milestone.
(ii) Effective Date: Effective date of the contract shall be the Date of issuance of
Notification of Award of the Contract i.e.26.07.2023.
Within two weeks after the Effective Date, the Contractor shall provide detailed PERT chart for
various activities to be performed under the contract. The completion and operational acceptance
has to be achieved within the time schedule prescribed above. The Contractor shall furnish a
schedule for delivery of these items to the Employer on the basis of contractor's plan for taking up
installation work. This schedule shall be furnished by the Contractor within f,rfteen (15) days from
the Effective Date.
Page l0 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/t{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.01 .2023
ll. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: If the Contractor fails to attain Completion of the Facilities or
any part thereof within the Time for Completion or any extension thereof under GCC Clause 40,
the Contractor shall pay to the Employer liquidated damages at 0.15%o for each week or part
thereof, of the value of unexecuted works. The value of unexecuted works shall be equal to the
difference of (l). The Value of Contract Price (inclusive of GST) and (2). The value of executed
works (total billed amount only, inclusive of GST) till the time for completion or any extension
thereof under GCC clause 40. The aggregate amount of such liquidated damages shall in no event
exceed 5% of the value of unexecuted works (inclusive of GST). Once the "Maximum" is reached,
the Employer may consider termination of the Contract, pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 42.2.2.
12. Change in the Facilities - The Employer shall have the right to propose, and subsequently
require, that the Project Manager order the Contractor from time to time during the performance of
the Contract to make any change, modification, addition or deletion to, in or from the Facilities
hereinafter called "Change", provided that such Change falls within the general scope of the
Facilities and does not constitute unrelated work and that it is technically practicable, taking into
account both the state of advancement of the Facilities and the technical compatibility of the
Change envisaged with the nature of the Facilities as specified in the Contract.
The variation in quantity of the items shall be within the limit of plus/minus (+/-) ten percent (10%)
for individual items at Project Manager and limit of plus/minus (+/-) fifty percent (50%) for
individual items at Managing Director (Employer). It is to be noted that Employer may choose to
approve a variation of upto (+l-) 20% of contract value (calculated using the rates quoted at the
time of bidding) which has been caused due to quantity variation. For variation of greater than 20o/o
but less than 50o/o of contract value (calculated using the rates quoted at the time of bidding),
Employer will need to take DRC approval for approving the said quantity variation.
a) This category shall include high ticket materials (Power Transformers, Distribution
Transformers, Circuit Breakers, AB/XLPE Cables, Overhead Conductor (AAAC/ACSR),
lnsulator which involves more and important testing procedures and hence the inspection of
these materials will be carried out in the factory before the dispatch of the material.
b) ln addition, Employer shall also ensure that for major materials as discussed above, samples
from I't lot and one other lot randomly selected by the Employer shall be directly sent to
NABL accredited test labs for third party testing. It is also to be noted that material
clearance of the lots under testing shall only be given post receipt of successful test results.
Contractor shall also mandatorily depute its authorized official for pre - dispatch inspection
at manufacturing facility along with the Employer officials. The inspection and testing
report would be jointly signed by the Employer and the Contractor. All the expenses related
to testing would be bome by the Contractor.
c) Apart from the above-mentioned protocol any one power transformer shall be selected by
Employer from the supply schedule from the vendor, which shall be jointly sealed and
tested for short circuit testing on turnkey-Contractor's expenses.
v Page ll of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech
Pre-dispatch Inspection: Pre-dispatch inspection shall be performed on various materials at
manufacturer's work place for which Contractor shall be required to raise requisition giving
at least lO-day time to employer for allocating inspection team. Depending on requirement,
inspection shall be wibressed by representatives of Employer, TPIA and Contractor/Bidder.
The Contractor shall ensure receipt of material at site within 2l days from date of receipt of
dispatch instructions. In case materials are not received within 2l days from date of issue of
dispatch instruction, the dispatch instruction shall. stand cancelled and a fresh pre -dispatch
inspection would be required to issue dispatch instruction. All expenditure incurred by
Employer in performance of dispatch instruction shall be recovered from turnkey Contractor.
The turnkey Contractor shall ensure that pre-dispatch inspection for materials is intirnated
only when the material is completely ready for inspection. On due date of inspection, if it is
found that materials are not ready in required quantities or the inspection could not be carried
out due to non-availability of requisite calibrated certificate of instruments with
manufacturer, closing of works on scheduled date of inspection, non-availability of sufficient
testing/material handling staff at manufacturer works etc., all expenditures incurred on
deployment of various inspecting officials along with a fine of Rs 50,000/- inclusive of GST
shall be recovered from the bills of the agency and re-inspection shall be carried out on
expense of Contractor.
Third Party lnspection at NABL accredited lab: Employer shall also ensure that for major
materials as discussed above samples from I st lot and one other lot randomly selected by the
Employer shall be directly sent to nearest NABL accredited lab for third party testing. In case
a material fails in the test, the whole offered lot would be rejected and complete lot of
material under inspection will be required to be replaced by the manufacturer/supplier. If in
subsequent inspection of the new lot, the material again fails the inspection, then materials
shall be rejected and the vendor/sub-vendor shall also be debarred for all RDSS projects. In
case of default by vendors/manufacturers, Contractor shall also be penalized as per below
Sr. No. of Material/lot rejected %o Penalty imposed on
No. in a oroiecUdistrict contract orice
I >5 5%
2 >3 2.5Yo
J >l t%
Page l2 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD rcA CGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/NoA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.0 7.2023
Penalty provision for defects found in Field inspection: There are three categories of
defects found in field inspection they are critical, major and minor defects. There should be a
provision to impose penalty on Contractor based on the percentage of major/critical defects
observed b
Sr. No. Defect criteria Yo Penalty imposed on sanctioned cost
I Critical Defects t%
2 Maior Defects 0.s%
J Minor Defects 0% if rectified within 30 davs
accessories should conform to relevant IS & latest amendment thereof and technical specification
of the bid document.
15. WARRANTY: The defect liability period shall be twelve (12) months from the date of
operational acceptance (or any part thereof) except:
l) The guarantee period for meters shall be 5.5 years from the date of commissioning.
2) The guarantee period for Distribution transformer shall be 05 years from the date of
3) The guarantee period for ME, CT, PT and VCB, Switchgear control Panels,
Batteries and Charger shall be 03 years from the date of commissioning.
4) The guarantee period for cable shall be 03 years from the date of commissioning.
5) The guarantee period for conductor shall be 02 years from the date of
6) The guarantee period for other material shall be 01 years from the date of
16. INSURANCE: Plant supplied under the contract and erection work carried out shall be fully
insured on all risk as specified in Annexure-V of Contract Agreement.
17. SUPERVISION:- The Chief General Manager (RDSS) MPPKWCL, Jabalpur will be over
all in-charge of the project. The work shall be supervised through the Superintending Engineer
(O&M), Sagar or his designated representatives. In accordance with clause GCC 17.1 section-7
Part-3, of the bidding document, the Superintending Engineer(O&M), Sagar will act as Project
Manager(s) against this Contract.
19. SIGNING OF CONTRACT: You are requested to depute your authorized representative to
this office for signing the contract agreement & other documents incorporating all agreements
between yourself and the MPPKWCL within 28 days of this Award of Conffact.
Page 13 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 1l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/tt{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.D 7.2023
Within one month from the date of completion of this contract, consolidated report in respect
of GIS based survey, which shall cover mapping of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable,
Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for
separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs with associated accessories is to be submitted for
all the works executed. Further within one month after completion of project, contractor has to
submit the statement for actual quantities consumed against the works completed vis-a-vis the
quantities as mentioned in schedules in Annexure-I & II, statement of invoices and RA bills.
Please acknowledge receipt of this contract and take immediate action to complete all
formalities for commencement of supply and erection work.
Yours faithfully,
Copy to:
l) The Chief Engineer (SR), MPPKWCL, Sagar.
2) The Chief Financial Officer, MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur.
3) The SE(O&M), MPPKWCL, Sagar.
4) The Executive Engineer (O&MyCiIy/STM-STC, MPPKWCL, Sagar.
5) The Dy. Director (Bills), MPPKWCL, Jabalpur.
6)The Sr. AO, JC, MPPKWCL, Sagar.
Page 14 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-l3A{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.01.2023
Annexure - I
Abstract of W
Division Sub-station Name of The Proposed (New Feeder/FSP on OLD)
I Banda Chhapri ChhapriSahawan AG 200663
Feeder Sepration : New I lkv feeder ofseparation of
LONGAR 2053t6
lonear AG feeder
l) BARODIYA Feeder Sepration : Feederseparation work of I lkv katheli
KHURAI 6t495
t3 KHURAI FS work of I lkv katheli AG under RRRDS 69685
l6 KHURAI TALAPR FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existine old Bahrol Feeder 2t4436
FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existing old Banhat 21443r
BARODIYA FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existing old Barodiya
18 KHURAI 2t4432
FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existing old Hanota
BARODIYA FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existing old Katheli
20 KHURAI 214433
FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existing old Silodha
FSP OLD I I KV Feeder : FSP existing old Talapaar
23 KHURAI MALTHONE Cresher line 216067
Page l5 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGMiRDSS/FSP/PKG-134{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07.2023
Division Sub-station Name of The Proposed (New Feeder/FSP on OLD)
3l Bina Bina-T Old ll KV BardhaFeederWork 224877
JJ Bina Tahseel Load shifting on old Malkheri Feeder (FSP On Old) 220\85
Separation of Agriculture DTR from Kinod DL feeder
34 Bina Agasod (FSP On Old) 217278
Page l6 ofl06
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitecb Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/f{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.0 1.2023
Division Sub-station Name of The Proposed (New Feeder/FSP on OLD)
Page 17 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SPiPKG-13/l{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.D7.2023
Division Sub-station Name of The Proposed (New Feeder/FSP on OLD)
Feeder Sepration : feeder seperation I I kvjhila(mix)
94 Sagar O&M Jhila 613 85
95 Sagar O&M Parasari Kala bifurcation of existing 11 kvparasrikala mix 61391
100 Sagar O&M Parasari Kala New Feeder From Existing S/S with Additional Bay 2t9t95
Conversion of LT Line : I IKV HINOTA FEEDER LT
l0l Banda Chhapri 215560
Conversion of LT Line: llKV CHHAPRI SAHAWAN
t02 Banda Chhapri 216849
Feeder Sepration : I IKV BARA DL FEEDER
103 Banda Banda 22407r
Conversion of LT Line : llKV PATAUWA FEEDER
t04 Banda Bhadrana 2t2988
105 Banda Kandwa
Conversion of LT Line: RRRDS KANDWA FEEDER
r06 Banda Kandwa 2r4333
Conversion ofLT Line : Conversion ofLT conductor to
107 Banda Kandwa 216700
cable dhura mix feed
Conversion of LT Line : I I KV Barchha Feeder LT
108 Banda Shahpur 220251
Conductor Conversion RRRDS
Conversion of LT Line : RRRDS Baraytha Dl Feeder LT
109 Banda Karrapur 213897
Conversion of LT Line : RRRDS ShahgarhBaraj DL
ll0 Banda Baryatha
Feeder LT CON.
lt6 Khurai Talapar Feeder Sepration: FSP OF llKV BAHROL FEEDER 2340t9
Page l8 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Dislibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13AIoA/1 269 Jabalpu r, Date 26.0 7 .2023
Abstract of Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 1l KV Lines, LT Line on
AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs,
Crossing etc. for separation of 11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs under RDSS scheme
(Packagel3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
I 2 3 4 5 6
Page l9 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SP/PKG-l3AIoA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.01.2023
Schedule -I
Schedule for Supply of New 11 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 11 I(V
Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs under RDSS scheme @ackage-l3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL,
J rC Area.
S. Unit Total Total Supply
Schedule Description
No Otv (ExW) (in Rs)
l l KV Line of 152 X 152 MM,37.1 KGA4TR. I I MTR. Long H-Beam
Km 105.74 65838 307
with Rabbit Conductor Averase Soan of 70 Mtr.
I I KV Line on 140 KG.,8.0 Mtrs.Long PCC Poles with RABBIT
z Krn. I178.37 26063837r
Single Pole Cut Point Schedule lbr 1l KV Single Pole Point for Straight
3 No, 368 t8973298
Line & Ansle Upto 4-So For Llrban Area
I I KV Line Crossing Ag & Non Ag with (lover conductor l l rn H Beant
+/ No. 332 49509602
soan 30 m
I I KV D.P.Structure on 140 KG..8.0 Mtrs.Lons PCC Poles for Straisht
5 No. 1842 528211tt7
6 I I KV TP Structor on 140 KG 8.0 Mtr PCC Pole No. 150 7452472
l6 I1rc.4 KV. 200KVA OUT DOOR SUB-STATION (ON l1 Mtr H-Beam ) No. 9 3986 199
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
|{D,ACGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/f'{oA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07.2023
Schedule - II
LT Line on AB
Schedule for Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 11 KV Lines,
cable, Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs,
Crossing etc. for separation of 11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs under RDSS scheme
3 tn circle of MPPKW r Area.
s. Total Total Installation &
Schedule Description Unit
No. Otv. other Services (in Rs)
tl KV Line of 152 X 152 MM,37.l KG/MTR. I I MTR. Lone H-Beam
Km t05.74 914668 I
vith Rabbit Conductor Averaqe Span of 70 Mtr.
I I KV Line on 140 KG.,8.0 Mtrs.Long PCC Poles with RABBIT
2 Km. rt78.37 865401 86
Conductor Averase Soan of 83 Mtr.
iingle Pole Cut Point Schedule for 11KV Single Pole Point for Straight
J No 368 2792380
-ine & Angle Upto 45o For Urban Area
.I KV Line Crossing Ag & Non Ag with Cover conductor I I m H Beam
4 No ttz 8884200
rpan 30 m
) I KV D.P.Structure on 140 KG.,8.0 Mtrs. long PCC Poles for Straight t8759904
No. 1842
6 IKV TP Structor on 140 KG 8.0 Mtr PCC Pole No t50 2409582
(Sanjay )
Chief General Manager (RDSS)
MPPI(WCL, Jabalpur
Page2l of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
Item-wise Abstract of Material for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New
11 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting
works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
Page22 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SP/PKG-13/NoA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07 .2023
Page 23 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpw Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/TSP/PKG-l3AloA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07.2023
ll KV Guarding channel 75x40x6 Set 3000.86 455.68 0 0 0
Jointing Sleeves suitable for
6l No. 175.42 270.91 4230 742035 1t45928
l0OSq.mm. AAAC conductor
GI Wire 6 SWG (8 mtr/kg) for
62 Kg. 73.70 0.00 0 0 0
GI Wire 8 SWG (9.8 mtr/kg) for
63 Kg. 73.70 0.00 0 0 0
64 I-bolt l6 mm No. 51.90 0.00 0 0 0
Earthing of DTR as per Schedule G-
l.I(For black cotton soil) Set 1t928.70 4l0l.l3 865 103t8322 3547473
69 A.B Cable tension clamps No. 3 8l .98 t2r.44 120 45838 14572
Page 24 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MUEA CGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/NoA/1269 Jabalpu r, Date 26.07 -2023
70 Suspension Clamp with attachment No. 305. I 7 30.1 5061 r544566 L52294
7l Clamp for Neutral No. 30.10 3.1I 3669 I 10450 l 1393
Piercing connector Type-l for single
72 phase/three phase(Main 70-l 50 No. 88.23 9.34 1204 t06232 1t240
sq.mm. tape- of 50-95 sq.mm)
Piercing connector TypeJI (Main
73 70-150 sq.mm. tape- of 50-95 No 47.75 5.19 803 38327 4162
LT XLPE Air Bunch cable 3x35 sq.
mm+Ix35 sq.mm Bare neutral cum
74 Km. r56980.89 22656.42 27.47 43t2265 622372
messenger +lxl6 sq.mm street light
phase. I100 Volts
75 Clamps for RSJ (65x8 mm flat) Set 226.28 0.00 7t4 161455 0
Concreting of for RSJ @ 0.3 cmt. for Cmt.
76 452s.68 653.94 133.78 605445 87483
pole (lncluding muffing) (l:3:6)
Single Phase Service connection box
(Deep Drawn Metal/SMC Service
Connection Boxes )with one
77 incoming up to 25 mm2 and 8 no No. 795.1'l 502.39 I 800 t43t3t4 904368
outgoing up to l0 mm2 with
insulated multiple outgoing
Three Phase Service connection
box(Deep Drawn Metal/SMC
Service Connection Boxes ) with one
78 incoming up to 35 mm2 and 4 no No. 1056.68 502.39 I 800 t902t90 904368
outgoing up to 16 mm2 with
insulated multiple outgoing
I100 Volts Grade Aerial bunched
XLPE Cable 3 X50+ I X 16+ I X
79 Km. 165264.t3 25879.41 23.41 3869494 605940
35 sq.mm. (insulated neutral
80 140 Kg.,8.0 Mtr. long PCC Support No. 1934.83 1864.24 r688 3265996 3r46829
A.B Cable hanging clampV tension
8l No. 381.98 t21.44 946 361475 I 1491 5
clamps (Galvanized)
Piercing connector TypeJ for single
82 phase/three phase(Main l6-50 No 88.23 9.34 21861 1928794 204072
sq.mm. tape- of 16-50 sq.mm)
Piercing connector Type-ll (Main
83 No 47.75 5.19 10555 503973 54727
l6-50 sq.mm. tape- of l6-50 sq.mm)
I100 Volts Grade Aerial bunched
XLPE Cable 3X25 + I X 16 + I X
84 Km. tt4984.45 19630.65 r 8.96 2 l 80565 372276
35 sq.mm. (insulated neutral
Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. kg per stay for
85 PCC Pole 140 kg 8 m @ 5.5,200 Kg. 66.43 0.00 2919.00 r93915 0
Kg. 9 m @ 6.5, RSJ 9.3 m.@ 6.5
Page 25 of I 06
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SP/PKG-l3AloA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07 .2023
Page 26 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13AloA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07 .2023
Distribution Transformer
Distribution Box for 100 KVA
t22 Transformer (300 A.Isolator& 6 no J Each t7020.09 1954.55 153 2604073 299045
type Al hook.) made of SMC
150 Sq.mm.,single core XLPE
r23 Km. 125809.75 I 8379.86 6.84 861042 t25792
insulated un-armoured aluminium
Page27 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/PKG-13/NoA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07.2023
Page 28 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD nA CGI{/RDSS/T'SP/PKG.I3NoA/1269 Jabalpur, Date 26.07 -2023
Page 29 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
I KM OF 11 KV LINE ON ll mtr. H-Beam Using Rabbit Conductor maximum Span 70 Mtrs
Unit Total
Total Unit
Supply Installation
st. Supply Installation
Particulars Unit (ExW) Qty. & other
No. (Exw) & other
Rate (in Services (in
(in Rs) Rate (in Rs)
Rs) Rs)
Page 30 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MDEZICGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-5E4/ Jabalpur,date .07.2023
Unit Total
Total Unit
Supply Installation
st. Supply Installation
Particulars Unit (Exw) Qty. & other
No. @xVr) & other
Rate (in Services (in
(in Rs) Rate (in Rs)
Rs) Rs)
l9 Binding wire and tape Kg. 359.15 3 t077 0.00 0
20 M.S.Nuts and Bolts Kgs. 82.00 20 t640 0.00 0
Total 648142 90184
Cost per Km. 738326
Note:-The erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection
Page3l of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, dile _.01.2023
Page 32 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPq TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
IU/s Srkrr Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Leed Pertner) & lll/o Power & InrFumentetion Ltd. (W partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-5t4/_JIbIIpur, dete _.07.2023
Note: The erection rates mentioned *0'against various items are included in its related main material erection
Page 33 of 106
Supply, Installation" Tcsting and Commissisning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cablg Distibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPg Crossing etc. for sepration of 1l KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS schemc (Package-I3) in Sagar circlc of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD/EZCGMiRDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_JabaIpur, date _.0 7.2023
Unit Total
Total Unit
Supply Installation
st. Supply Installation
Particulars Unit (Ex\M) Qty. & other
No. (Ex\M) & other Rate
Rate (in Services (in
(in Rs) (in Rs)
Rs) Rs)
H-Beams 152X152 mm.,37.1 Kg./mtr
No 32244.43 32244 2873.t8 2873
l3 Mtr. Lons {82.3 ke
l l KV Single pole cut point fitting a
2 set 2753.81 s508 528.34 1057
100x50x6 mm channel 34.49ke
I I KV Pin insulator Polymer Composite
(5KN) FRP dia24mm No 150.51 J 452 35.29 106
DANGER BOARD ENAMELED II NO 69.55 I 70 30. l0 30
l9 Anti Clambing Device Nos. 306.21 I 306 41.52 42
Sub-Total 51558 7588
Total Cost 59146
Note: The erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Page 34 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & IVl/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-584/_Jaba|pur, dile
Unit Total
Total Unit
Supply Installation
Supply Installation
Particulars Unit (Ex\M) Qtv. & other
l" Rate (in
(in Rs)
& other
Rate (in Rs)
Services (in
Rs) Rs)
H- Beam I I Meter 152 X 152 mm 37.1
I No 27283.83 2 54568 2230.66 4461
Kg./Mtr. :408.1 ks
I I KV Single pole cut point fitting
2 set 2753.8r 2 5508 528.34 1057
100x50x6 mm channel 34.49 ke
I I KV (45KN) l6mm FRP with 25mm per
KV creepaqe Disc Insulator Polymer
No t4t.t7 t2 t694 r30.79 r569
4 l lKV Strain hard ware fittins No r37.02 t2 r644 0.00 0
Painted Stay set 16 mm. complete turn
5 No. 503.43 2 1007 616.57 t233
Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. (7.5 kg.stay wire per
stav set )
Kg. 66.43 l5 996 0.00 0
ll Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay
4525.68 0.6 27t5 653.94 392
Concreting of H-beam @O.7 cmt per pole
(includine Muffrne) cml 4525.68 t.4 6336 653.94 916
Total r.49.126 26.760
Total Cost 175886
Page 35 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of l1 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, date _.0 7.2023
Page 36 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPq Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, date
Total Unit Total
Unit Supply
st. Supply Installation Installation &
Particulars Unit (ExW) Rate Qty.
No. (ExW) & other other Services
(in Rs) (in Rs) Rate (in Rs) (in Rs)
I 140 Kg., 8.0 Mtrs. long PCC Poles No 1934.83 J 5592 1864.25 5593
D.C.cross- arm of ISMC channel of 100 X 9r7.s9
2 Set 4497.65 2 8995 I 835
50X6 mm.. suitable for 8'centre
Clamps for 140 kg PCC pole (50x6 mm 000
J Set r17.29 J 352 0
l1 KV, 45 KN DISC , 16mm FRP with 25 t30.79
4 mm per KV Creepage T&C COMPOSITE No t4t.17 6 847 785
5 I IKV Strain hard ware fittine No. t37.02 6 822 0.00 0
1l KV Pin insulator Polymer Composite 3s.29
(5KN) FRP dia 24mm No. 150.51 6 903 2t2
CENTRE (wt of each X-BRACING-64.29 Set 5 133.95 2 1 0268 198 I
8 Back Clamp sutiable for 140 kg. PCC pole No. 86.1 5 8 689 0.00 0
Stay set l6 mm. complete without Stay wire 6t6.57
(Painted) No. 503.43 6 3021 3699
Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. (5.5 kg. stay wire per 000
10 Kg. 66.43 JJ 2t92 0
stav set )
Clamps for 140 kg PCC pole (50x6 mm 0.00
ll Flat)
Set tt7.29 6 704 0
Page 37 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transforrner
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD IEZI CGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, ilste _.O7 .2023
Concreting of PCC pole @0.30 cmt per
l3 (l:3: 4525.68 1.2 5431 653.94 785
t4 Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay (l :3: 4525.68 2.4 I 0862 653.94 1569
Earthing Coil ( coil of I l5 turns of 50
l5 mm.dia. and No r24.s6 4 498 0.00 0
2.5 Mtrs. lead of 4.0 mm. G.I wire)
l6 Red oxide paint LTR 93.42 4 374 280.26 tt2l
t7 Aluminium paint LTR r98.26 4 793 199.30 797
Page 38 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of l l KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, dile _.01.2023
l2 Stay wire 7/4.0 mm. (10 ke. oer stav set ) Ke. 70.58 20 t412 0.00 0
Clamp suitable for H-Beam ( each weight 3.2
l3 Set 255.35 I
511 0.00 0
ke ms flat 65x8mm)
t4 GI Wire 6 SWG (8 mtr/ks) for guardins Ks. 73.70 0 0 0.00 0
l5 GI Wire 8 SWG (9.8 mtr/ks) for suardine Kg 73.70 0 0 0.00 0
Stone Block/Pre cast block for base padding
l6 No 281 .30 2 563 0.00 0
11 Concreting of H-beam @0.94 cmt per pole
(includine Muffine) CMT 4525.68 1.88 8508 6s3.94 1229
Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay Cmt.
l8 4525.68 0.6 2715 653.94 392
t9 Red oxide paint LTR 93.42 280.26
2 187 561
25 I-bolt 16 mm
No. 5l.90 0 0 0.00 0
Total 107161 r7746
Cost per Km. 124907
Note: The erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
. MDrcACGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-5E4/ Jabalpur,date-.07.2023
Page 40 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD IEACGM|RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/-JabaIpur, date
NoteiThe erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Page 4l of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Disfribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGMlROSSmSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.0 7.2023
t2 Back filling of pole pit with boulder No. 164.00 20 3280 0.00 0
Stone Block/Pre cast block for base pedding
l3 No 281.30 20 5626 0.00 0
450x450x75 mm
t4 Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay 4s2s.68 2.4 l 0862 653.94 I 569
( l:3:6)
l5 M.S.Nuts and Bolts Kgs. 82.00 30 2460 0.00 0
Earthing Coil ( coil of I l5 tums of 50 mm.dia. and
l6 No t24.56 5 623 0.00 0
2.5 Mtrs. lead of 4.0 mm. G.I wire)
Earthing for PCC Pole 4.00 mm-8 SWG G.l wire-
0.8 Ke. oer oole'l
Kgs. 73.70 t6 tt79 0.00 0
Page 42 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitecb Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MDIEACGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-5E4/ Jabalpur, date
One Km. L.T. LINES 3 PHASE 5 WIRE ON PCC E M USING ll00 Volts Grade A.B. Cabte 3 X35+1x16+1x35 Sq.mm.
Total rate of Total
st. Supply Installat Erection
Particulars Unit Unit Rate Qtv. Amount ion and Amt.
(Ex\M) (RsJ
(in Rs.) Other
140 Kg.,8.0 Mtr. long PCC Support No. 1934.83 20 38697 1864.25 37285
A.B Cable hanging clamps/ tension clamps
2 No. 381.98 728.7 2292 121.45 729
J Susoension Clamo with attachment No. 305.1 7 t4 4272 30.10 421
4 Clamp for Neutral No. 30.10 20 602 3.11 62
Piercing connector Type-l for single phase/three
) phase(Main l6-50 sq.mm. tape- of l6-50 sq.mm)
No. 88.23 60 5294 9.34 561
t2 Back filling of pole pit with boulder No. 164.00 20 3280 0.00 0
Stone Block/Pre cast block for base padding
l3 No. 281.30 20 5626 0.00 0
T4 Concreting of stay @ 0.2 cmt. per stay 4525.68 2.4 10862 653.94 I 569
l5 M S Nuts and bolts Kg. 82.00 30 2460 0.00 0
Earthing Coil ( coil of I l5 turns of 50 mm. dia. and
l6 No. t24.56 ) 623 0.00 0
2.5 Mtrs. lead of 4.0 mm. G.I wire)
Earthing for PCC Pole 4.00 mm-S SWG G.l wire-
t7 Kg. 90.31 l6 r445 0.00 0
0.8 Ks. per pole)
Single Phase Service connection box (Deep Drawn
MetaVSMC Service Connection Box) with one
incoming up to 25 mm2 and 8 no outgoing up to l0
No. 795.t1 l0 7951 502.39 5024
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpw Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SPAIIT-584/ Jabalpur, date_.O7.2023
Page 44 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MDIETICGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, date
J D.C. cross-arm of 100 X50 X 6 mm.. 8'centre Set 4497.65 I 4498 9r7.59 918
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt-
4 Set tt7.29 2 235 0.00 0
1.46 Ke usine 50X6 mm Ms Flat
I I KV (45KN) l6mm FRP with 25mm per KV
) No t4t.l7 J 424 t30.79 392
creepage Disc Insulator Polvmer
6 IIKV Strain hard ware fittine No t37.02 J 4ll 0.00 0
1l KV D.O. fuse & Lightening 4s"r,ot
No 1546.62 I t547 507.58 508
mountins channel Q5X 40 X 6 mm.)
Back Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size- 448 mm
8 No 86.1 5 2 t72 0.00 0
.Wt- 1.075 Ks usins 50X6 mm Ms Flat
9 I I KV D.O. fuse unit No. 775.39 J 2326 340.46 t02l
l0 9 KV Gapless type ( 5KA) Polymer for DTR No 33s.27 J 1006 209.68 629
Transformer mounting DC cross-arm 100 X 50
ll x 6 mm. channel
Sel 4202.86 I 4203 1319.30 l3l9
Transformer belting with 50 X 50 X 6 mm.
r2 Set 2475.63 I 2476 0.00 0
anele with two cross fixine channels
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt-
IJ Set rt7.29 4 469 0.00 0
l.46 KE usins 50X6 mm Ms Flat
Stay set l6 mm. complete without Stay wire
t4 No. 503.43 4 2014 616.57 2466
Stay wire 7/3.15 mm. (5.5 kg. stay wire per stay
l5 Kg 66.43 22 r462 0.00 0
set )
t6 STAY INSULATOR 9OX65MM No 16.61 4 66 0.00 0
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt-
t7 Set tt7.29 4 469 0.00 0
1.46 Ke usine 50X6 mm Ms Flat
Stone BIock/Pre cast block for base pedding
l8 No. 281 .30 2 563 0.00 0
450x450x75 mm
19 Concreting of PCC pole @0.30 cmt per pole (l:3: 4525.68 0.6 27 15 653.94 392
20 Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay (l:3: 4525.68 0.8 3621 653.94 523
21 AAA Conductor Rabbit for Jumper km 37813.30 0.03 tt34 8843.76 265
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPA[IT-584/ Jabalpur, date_.07.2023
Note:-The erection rates mentioned '50" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Page 46 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGMiRDSS/FSPAIIT-584/-Jaba|pur, date
Total Unit rate of
Supply Total
st. Supply Installation
Particulars Unit Unit Rate Qtv. Amount and Other
(ExW) (in Rs.) Amt. (Rs,)
BIS certified Energy Efficiency Level-lll
I (Old)/Level-ll (New) Convential I l/0.433KV, No. 132958.46 I 132958 3288.38 3288
100 KVA Distribution Transformer
2 140 Kg., 8.0 Mtrs. long PCC Poles No. 1934.83 3728 3870 t864.25 3728
J D.C.cross-arm of 100 X50 X 6 mm., 8'centre Set 4497.65 I 4498 917.59 918
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt-
4 Set 117.29 2 235 000 0
1.46 Ke usine 50X6 mm Ms Flat
I I KV (45KN) l6mm FRP with 25mm per KV
5 No. t4t.11 J 424 t30.79 392
creepaqe Disc Insulator Polymer
6 I IKV Strain hard ware fittine No t37.02 J 4ll 0.00 0
I I KV D.O. fuse & Lightening Arrestor
No. r546.62 I 1547 507.58 508
mountins channel (75X 40 X 6 mm.)
Back Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size- 448 mrn
8 No 86.1 5 2 t72 0.00 0
,Wt- 1.075 Ks usins 50X6 mm Ms Flat
9 I I KV D.O. fuse unit No 775.39 J 2326 340.46 102 I
l0 9 KV Gapless type ( 5KA) Polymer for DTR No. 335.27 J 1006 209.68 629
Transformer mounting DC cross-arm 100 X 50
ll x 6 mm. channel
Set 4202.86 I 4203 1319.30 l3 l9
Transformer belting with 50 X 50 X 6
t2 Set 2475.63 I 2476 0.00 0
mm.ansle with two cross fixine channels
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt-
l3 Set 117.29 4 469 0.00 0
1.46 Ks usins 50X6 mm Ms Flat
Stay set l6 mm. complete without Stay wire
t4 No. 503.43 6 3021 616.57 3699
Stay wire 713.15 mm. (5.5 kg. stay wire per
l5 Kg. 66.43 JJ 2192 0.00 0
stay set )
16 STAY INSULATOR 9OX65MM No 16.61 6 100 0.00 0
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt-
t7 Set tt7.29 6 704 0.00 0
1.46 Ke usine 50X6 mm Ms Flat
Stone Block/Pre cast block for base pedding
l8 No. 281 .30 2 563 0.00 0
450x450x75 mm
l9 Concreting of PCC pole @0.30 cmt per pole 4525.68 0.6 27t5 653.94 392
( I :3:6)
20 Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay 4525.68 t.2 5431 653.94 785
( I :3:6)
2l AAA Conductor Rabbit for Jumper km 37813.30 0.03 I 134 8843.76 265
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Cornpany Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPNIT-584/ Jabalpur, dzte _.O7.2023
Note:-The erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Page 48 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pu r, date _.07.2023
l9 Concreting of stay @ 0.3 cmt. per stay
(l:3:6) 4525.68 0.8 3621 653.94 523
20 AAA Conductor Rabbit for Jumper km 37813.30 0.03 tt34 8843.76 265
2l Danser Board Enamelled I I KV No. 69.55 I 70 30. l0 30
y Page49ofl06
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD tEZl CGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, ilaf:e _.0 7 .2023
Page 50 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MDrcACGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-5E4/-Jabalpur, date
SHIFTING OF lll0.4 KV,25KVA SUB-STATION (ON r40 kg. 8 mtr. PCC POLE )
Total Unit rate of Total
Supply Erection
st. Supply Installation
Particulars Unit Unit Rate Qty. Amount and Other Amt.
(Ex\ r) (in Rs.) (Rs.)
BIS certified Energy Efficiency Level-lll
(Old)/Level-ll (New) Conventional 0
I No 64589.55 0 0 2618.87
I l/0.433KV, 25 KVA Distribution
2 140 Kg., 8.0 Mtrs. long PCC Poles No. 1934.83 2 3870 1864.25 3728
4498 917.59 918
Clamp for 8 Mtr PCC Pole Size-610 mm ,Wt- 0.00 0
4 Set t17.29 2 235
l.46Ks. usine 50X6 mm Ms Flat
5 1l KV Composite Polymer Disc lnsulators Each t41.17 J 424 130.79 392
Cmt. s23
20 Concreting of stay @0.3 cmt. per stay 4525.68 0.8 3621 653.94
( I :3:6)
AAAC Rabbit conductor 0.05 sq. inch (55 265
2l km 37813.30 0.03 I 134 8843.76
sq.mm. Al. Eq.)
22 DANGER BOARD ENAMELED II KV No. 69.55 I 70 30.10 30
Page5l ofl06
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-584/_Jaba|pur, date _.O7.2023
Note:-The erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Page 52 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-5E4/_Jaba|pur, date _.01.2023
II KV. LA POLYMER TYPE GAPLESS Each 335.27 5 1006 209.68 629
Transformer mounting Channel (100X50x6
ll mm.)
Each 4202.86 4203 1319.30 l3 19
Page 53 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, d*e
Total Unit rate of
Supply Total
sl. Supply Installation
Particulars Unit Unit Rate Qty. Erection
No. Amount and Other
(ExlY) (in Rs.) \mt. (Rs,
27 Aluminium paint Ltr. t98.26 I 198 199.30 t99
28 M S BOLT WITH NUT Kg 82.00 t4 I148 0.00 0
29 Meter cum protection box for 25 KVA DTR Each 20262.80 I 20263 1168.79 1169
L.T. Distribution box with Isolator on Incoming
30 with HRC tuse for 63 KVA DTR (200 Amp. Each 16265.46 r6265 1954.55 1955
Isolator & 6 SP of 60 Amp.) made of SMC
50 Sq.mm.,single core XLPE insulated un-
3l Km. 501t7.75 0.08 4009 rt047.43 884
armourered aluminium conductor cable
70 Sq.mm.,single core XLPE insulated un-
32 Km. 58421.75 0.04 2337 rr047.43 442
armoured aluminium conductor cable
JJ Each 3108.81 I 3109 304.13 304
Earthing of DTR as per Schedule G-I.1(For
black cotton soil)
Set tt928.70 I 11929 4l0l.t4 4l0l
Earthing of DTR as per Schedule G-l.2(For
35 Set 41325.89 0 0 8494.99 0
Mumrm soil)
Earthing of DTR as per Schedule G-1.3(For
36 Set 41325.89 0 0 13387.09 0
Hard rock soil)
Total 94480 216t0
Total Cost r16090
Returnable material shall be as per actual site condition
Note:-The erection rates mentioned "0" against various items are included in its related main material erection charges.
Page 54 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, date_.07.2023
CONTRACT AGREEMENT for Contract for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning
of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting
works such as DPs. TPs. Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs under
Revamped Reforms-based and Results-linked Distribution Sector (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of
MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area under Revamped Reforms-Based and Results-Linked,
Employer)a company incorporated under the laws of Companies Act 1956 (with amendment from
time to time) and having its Registered Office at Block No. 7, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur,
Jabalpur,482008 and its Corporate Office at COF Block, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur,
482008 (hereinafter called "the Employer" and also referred to as "MPPKVVCL")
(2) lWs Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd., (Lead Partner) a company incorporated under the laws of
Companies Act L95612013 (with amendment from time to time) and having its Principal place of
business at 58 Gaurav Nagar, Civil Lines, Jaipur - 3O2Ol9, Rajasthan and Registered Offrce at
58 Gaurav Nagar, Civil Lines, Jaipur - 302019, Rajasthan and lWs Power & Instrumentation
Ltd., (JV Partner) a company incorporated under the laws of Companies Act 1956/2013 (with
Page 55 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
Hfi "T:ll,il""l1i'].#:1T)
amendment from time to time) and having its Principal place of business at B - 1104, Sankalp
Iconic Tower, Opposite Vikramnagar, Iscon Temple Cross Roads, S.G. Highway,
Ahmedabad - 380054, Gujarat and Registered Office at B - 1104, Sankalp Iconic Tower,
Opposite Vikramnagar, Iscon Temple Cross Roads, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad - 380054,
Gujarat(hereinafter called "the Contractor" and also referred to as "lWs Sakar Engitech Pvt.
Ltd.(Lead Partner)&lWs Power & Instrumentation Ltd., (JV Partner)".
Whereas the Employer desires to engage the Contractor to Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation
and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 1l KV Mix Feeders & Mix
DTRs under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area
on Turnkey Basis as detailed in the Contract Document, and the Contractor, in accordance with the
mode of contracting specified therein, has agreed to such engagement upon and subject to the terms
and conditions appearing in this Contract Agreement for Supply, Installation, Testing and
Commissioning for the Facilities, AND the aggregate of Supply and lnstallation & other services
constitute the Contract Price for the Contract.
WHERE, the Employer, under this Contract Agreement, desires to engage the Contractor for the
supply of Plant on FOR {f,rnal place of destination (Sagar Circle)} basis inter-alia including
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 11 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable,
Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for
separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs under RDSS scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle
of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area, and the scope of work is briefly described below:
Page 56 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD lEZl CGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, d*e _.01.2023
3. Documents comprising of the following:
o Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms (Part 3 of Bidding Documents)
o Conditions of Contract including Special Conditions of Contract
(SCC) and General Conditions of Contract (GCC); (Section 7 of
Bidding Documents)
o Contract Forms (Section 8 of Bidding Documents)
Employer's Requirements (Part 2 of Bidding Documents)
o Employer's Requirements (Section 6 of Bidding Document)
Bidding Procedures and Requirements (Part I of Bidding Documents)
o Request for Bids Notice (Section 1 of Bidding Documents)
o Eligibility and Qualification Requirements (Section 2 of Bidding
o lnstruction to Bidders and Bid Data Sheets (Section 3 of Bidding Documents
ln the event of any ambiguity or conflict between the Contract Documents listed above, the
order of precedence shall be the order in which the Contract Documents are listed in Article
l.l (Contract Documents) above.
Capitalized words and phrases used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to
them in the General Conditions of Contract/Special Conditions of Contract.
Page 57 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pw' Ltd' (T;t;i:t'.1ft1'J#ffi,1-tlT"T:11',fi,",:iji.B;#;'
The Employer hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor the Contract Price for Contract Part I
in consideration of the performance by the Contractor of its obligations hereunder. The
Contract Price for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 1l KV Lines,
LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer Substation and Supporting works such as
DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs under RDSS
scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle, shall be the aggregate of Rs.One Hundred Thirteen
Crore Sixty Five Lakh Twenty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Ten Only (Rs.
The detailed break-up of Contract Price is given in the relevant Appendices hereto.
The terms and procedures of payment according to which the Employer will reimburse to
the Contractor are given in Appendix 1 (Terms and Procedures of Payment) hereto.
The Effective Date from which the Time for Completion of the Facilities shall be counted
and determined is the date of the issuance of Letter of Award i.e.. .07.2023.
Article 4. Appendices
The Appendices listed in the List of Appendices, as mentioned below, shall be deemed to
form an integral part of this Contract Agreernent Part I and the Contract.
Page 58 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MDiEZCGMlRDSS/FSPNIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.D7.2023
Reference in this Contract Agreement Part I and the Contract, to any Appendix shall mean
and include the Appendices attached hereto, and the this Contract Agreement Part I and the
Contract shall be read and constnred accordingly.
List of Appendices
Appendix I Terms and Procedures of Payment
Appendix 2 Price Adjustment
Appendix 3 Insurance Requirements
Appendix 4 Time Schedule
Appendix 5 List of Approved Subcontractors
Appendix 6 Scope of Works and Supply by the Employer
Appendix 7 List of Document for Approval or Review
Appendix 8 Guarantees, Liquidated Damages for Non-Performance
Appendix 9 Price Schedules indicating Price Breakdown of Contract Price for
Supply of Plant&lnstallation, Testing and Commissioning.
Appendix l0 Integrity Pact
Article 5.
Notwithstanding the award of work for Completion of the Facilities under the Contract in
aforesaid manner, the Contractor shall be overall responsible to ensure the execution of the
Contract to achieve successful completion and taking over of the Facilities by the Employer
as per the requirements stipulated in the Contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer and the Contractor have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed by their duly authorized representatives the day and year first above written.
Signature Signature
Title Title
in the presence of in the presence of
Page 59 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NlT-584/ Jabalpur, date _.D7.2023
ln accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 12 (Terms of Payment), the Employer
shall pay the Contractor in the following manner and at the following times, on the basis of
the Price Breakdown given in the Appendix regarding Price Schedules. Payments will be
made in Indian Rupees.
T. "Billable ltems" are worked out and attached to Price Schedule. Items otherwise required for
completion of work but not listed in the Price Schedule shall also be in the scope of the
contractor. The costs of such "Non- billable Items" is deemed to be included in the quoted
price of "Billable ltems" by the bidder in the Price Schedule. The payment shall be made on
billable item wise basis onlv as indicated in Price Schedule.
il Valid Contract Performance Security to fumished by the Contractor as per the Contract and
accepted by the Employer, shall be a condition precedent for release of the advance and
progressive payment. Further, for release of any advance payment, requisite securities
including Advance Payment Guarantee, as the case may be, to be furnished by the Contract as
specified in the Contract and accepted by the Employer, shall also be a condition precedent.
ln case, the duration of contract gets extended then the Contractor shall fumish the revised
Performance Bank Guarantee equal to lU%oof the contract value and valid till 180 days
beyond the warranty period as per the new contract timelines. The revised Bank Guarantee
shall be submitted by the Contractor within 28 days from the date of approval of time
extension by the Employer.
m. The interest rate on advance payment shall be Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate
(MCLR) for one year of the State Bank of lndia, prevailing on the date of advance payrnent to
the Contractor. The interest accrued on interest bearing advance shall be adjusted first before
releasing any payment. The interest rate shall be calculated on the daily progressive balances
outstanding as on the date of recovery/adjustment i.e. on daily rest basis.
Ad-hoc payment: The employer, at his discretion in exigencies, to ensure liquidity of funds with
the contractor may accept ad-hoc bill of the contractor. ln this method, following methodology
shall be adopted:
Page 60 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engileclr Pvt. Ltd. (Lend Partner) & M/s Power & lnstrunlerttatiotr Ltd. (.f V partner)
MDtEZt CGM/RDSS/FSP/N T-584/-Ja balpu r, date
ir. Apllroval ol' tlOQ b,v proic'ct nl.utager on tltc' hasis clf Fl-ntc'asurelnent on GIS portal by
Digital Signaturc.
(\1 ,11litr, 1',rrlrrrrl 3q.111;-'6!11nr.1'fv rr,1:llit-r, (]ot-rtf'ol ,.rrrrir.!fr-lrs rvilf he notified on GIS nodal hv I)irrital
signaturc- bcfot'c' acceptancr' of Ii-lv4I].
b. Quantunr and cornpletion of works is certific'cl b;- l)r'o.ic.ct lr4trnager.iointll'rvitlt contractor
and cligiblc alnount of such rvorks ar('conrputed as pt'r approvecl pa."-nlelll tenns.
c. 509,i, of such cligible amount shallbr'rc-leerscd to thc contrilctor inrrnecliatr'll"rvithin a wcck.
'l'hc arnount of bill shoukl not be Inorc- than avclage ol'previotts two ltteasttrc-cl trill.
rl. Ncxt bill o['the nork shall inr,'ariabl1.'[rr'n nrcasured bill itr rvhich, varriotts qtmntities o1'bill
shall bc vcrillcd ancl rnezrsurecljoinll.v by Pro.ic-ct I\4anager iurd contrerclor.
c. Pro.jcct N,lanager or any other pcrson dc'signatcd h1' ltinr thal Liquidated Danragc.s provisit'rt't
is rrot attractc'cl or t-D cerlilicate isstrecl b1' Pruject N4anager or itflY other persorr designatecl b;" him
has to be uploadecl rvith Invclice.
[.lnder the Sultply' ot l'lant ('ontriict Price part. initral intet'est beanng adtustable Aclvance ot l:']tr of
Suppl,v ul'Plant Contlact Price part shall lle released in I (tr,ro)installntertts each of 7.59'6 of Supply
o1'Plant Clontract Price lrerlt.
F'irst instalhnent of'7.5')6 of'Supllly o{'Plant (lontract Price part shall be relc-asecl on presentation of
the firllorvinq:
Page6l ofl06
the Installation and other Sen'ices part. initial interest bearing ad.justable lvlohilization
Advauce of l0% of Installalion and othc'r Servicc-s pall o1' C'ontract Price shall be rclcased in l
(nvo.;installrnents c-ach t-rf -5r)?r ol'thc Coulracl Price ftrr Installation artcl othcr Set'u'ices pirrt:
F.irst installntent of 59'o ol-the Installation and otlter Sen,ices pat't ol'(.outract Price
shall be released on presentation of'the lollorving:
c. Subnrission ancl acceptancc <lf unconclilional ct irtet,ooablc part []ank Gurararttees (in
trvo (02) equal installrnents) in l?rvor of'enrplol,er: rvith totztl altlounling t<l 1l09ir ol-
total aclvance amount as per prolornra attached rvith [;clrnt:7. Sc'ctitlrr -." 8 ol'l)ar1 --i
(Crlnttact [:'tlrnts). F'tx rele:rse ol'the l*rlnstallnrenl ol'aclvance tlte Bank Guzu'zlntce
ec;ual to I100.,6 o1'l'tlnstallurerrt eu'rrount shall be takcn. Once it gr'ts adiustecl ttrrd the
fnd installment is due lil'releersc'. tlre IJank Gtrarantee firr tlre 2''d instaltncnt equal to
ll0% of'rn't Installrnent anrount slrall [le tnkeu. llre said I]ank (iuarantees shall be
initiall,v valid upto end r:f One llundred tJightl.'(ltt0)dal.'s aflerthe scheduled nronth
clf elc'ction of'nratetitrls and slrnll he extettcled lionr tinte to tinre till thirrl'130) da1's
beyond revised schc'cluled nronth of'erection of' rnaterials- as nlay bc' reqttired uncler
the Contracl.
cl. Subntission ol'an unconclitional & irrevoctrhle []ank (iuareuttee in lavor ul'lrntplul'et'
firl ten percent (10?i,) of'the total Corrtracl. price torvarcls ('ontt'act Pertbrtttattce
(ii..rr;iiiisc (C'it{i; i;i uciiii'.I;iri;; ;',i',1; Ciiiu;c .11.1 cf'li.;cti;i;"1-. l::::i ! ;:;d as 1:cl'
profonna attachecl rvith Section 8 of Parl 3 (C'ontract [ronns). 'l'he said l]ank
Guamntee shall be initially valid up to One Ihurdred liight-v (180)da,vs aliel the
expir;* of rvarranty.'period and shall bc extended ftnnr tirtc'kl tirnc till thift\'(i0)
da_t,s be,v-ond succcsstul cornpleticln ol warlartly' peliod, as lna,r- be t'c'cluirecl untler tbe
'l-he bidder must utilize li'st advance installnrent ol 5o,4 of lnstallation atrcl <ltltc'r Services part ot'
Clontract Price belbre requesling fbrseconcl aclvatnce iltstalltnenl. Second ilrsti'rlllnent of 59io shall be
rcleased on sublnission of contrztclor's invoice. bank guarantcc equztl to ll09,ir of'thc advi,lttce
installment and satisfactory utilization certificate supported with documentary evidences of first
advance installment.
2.1. First Installment (60oh)z Sixty percent (60%) payments for the supply of Plant under
Contract , against various items in the attached Price Schedule, including 100%o GST
thereon reimbursable/ payable by Employer as per Contract, shall be paid on receipt
and acceptance of PlanV equipmenV goods/ materials on submission of documents
indicated herein:
b. Detailed Project Execution Plan/PERT chart and its approval by the Employer.
Page 63 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.O7.2023
2.1.1 60% of proportionate Mobilization Advance against Supply shall be adjusted while rnaking
payments of this installment. ln case of delay of project, the entire mobilization advance shall get
recovered from the contractor as per supply and erection contracts' works completion schedule
2.1.2 (60%) payments for the supply of plants under the Contract shall be eligible till the quantity
of BOQ is l0% over and aboveupto that particular Stage or per PERT chart. It means progressively
on commissioning of facility proportionate quantity will be adjusted and Dispatch lnstructions will
be issued if the balance quantity of material not exceeding more than l0% upto that particular
2.2. Second Installment (30%): Thirty percent (30%) payments against various items of price
schedule-I shall be paid on following conditions:
b. Detailed Project Execution Plan/PERT chart and its approval by the Employer-
e. lnvoice certifying payments of ED, Taxes for the direct transaction between
Employer and Contractor,
h. Project Manager or any other person designated by him certifies that Liquidated
Damages provision is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or
any other person designated by him has to be uploaded with Invoice.
Page 64 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt' Ltd' t1;;'#i:T'.1,H'J#ffifr-!1T'Tlil'ilx.",:*i'].B;ffi'
While releasing 2nd installment of 30% supply payment following adjustment shall
be made:
a. The balance ten percent (10%) of payment against Supply contracts excluding
Excise Duty, Taxes etc shall be reimbursable on successful supply, erection, testing
and commissioning of the works in the project and issuance of Completion
Certificate by the Employer.
d. In for any reason not attributable to the contractor, the commissioning and
charging of equipment/materials is delayed beyond 120 days of successful
completion of final checking and testing of works, the balance l0% payment shall be
released against an unconditional & irrevocable bank guarantee of equivalent
amount initially valid till 6 months from the readiness of works for commissioning
and charging at rated voltage, to be extended till 30 days beyond actual
commissioning & taking over.
f page65oflo6
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, date _.O7.2023
b. Detailed Project Execution Plan/PERT chart and its approval by the Employer.
c. Certified copy of lnsurance policy/lnsurance Certificate.
f. Project Manager or any other person designated by him certifies that Liquidated
Damages provision is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or
any other person designated by him has to be uploaded with lnvoice.
While releasing I't installment of 90%o erection payment following adjustment shall
be made:
100% Mobilization Advance against Erection shall be fully adjusted while making payments of
first installment. Also, up-to-date accrued interest shall also be recovered.
In case of delay of project, the entire mobilization advance shall get recovered from the contractor
as per supply and erection contracts' works completion schedule respectively.
Condition of contract and contract forms (clause no- 3.2(a) : The balance ten percent
(lO%) of payment against Erection contracts shall be released on successful
commissioning of the works in the project, issuance of Completion Certihcate of
Page 66 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M /s s a ka r gitec h Pvt' Ltd' tf;';;:T'.l,tl'$ffi fi Hru:L
il.lll, j'].8 ;HiI'
the project and asset tagging of the created asset in GIS portal provided by the Nodal
a. 'Commissioning' for the purpose of payments shall mean satisfactory completion of
all supplies, erection, commissioning checks and successful completion of all site
tests and continuous energisation of the equipment/ materials at rated voltage as per
the Contract and to the satisfaction/approval of the Employer.
c. Project Manager or any other person designated by him certifies that Liquidated
Damages provision is not attracted or LD certificate issued by Project Manager or
any other person designated by him has to be uploaded with Invoice.
Condition of contract and contract forms (clause no- 3.2(e) : On completion of Facilities or any
part thereof have achieved, Contractor will notifu through GIS portal for work completion of the
facility. Employer representative will collect the data through E-MB app in presence of PMA and
contractor at the time ofjoint measurement.
a. On certification of Project Manager that assets under the project are created and are
taken over by Employer.
b. However, in case, for any reason solely attributable to the Owner/Employer, the
commissioning of equipmenVmaterials is delayed beyond 120 days of successful
completion of final checking and testing of line for the purpose of commissioning as
defined in bid documents, the balance l0%o payment shall be released against an
unconditional & irrevocable bank guarantee of equivalent amount initially valid till 6
months from the readiness of transmission lines/ distribution transformer/ service
connections for commissioning and charging at rated voltage, to be extended till 30
days beyond actual commissioning & taking over.
4. The Project Manager shall within Sixty (60) days after receipt of invoices enclosing
requisite documents as per payment terms release the payment through electronic mode
in designated bank account of the Contractor. ln the event that the Contractor has duly
followed the procedure enumerated above and the Employer fails to make any payment
on its respective due date, the Employer shall pay to the Contractor interest on the
amount of such delayed payment as from the end of the 60 days period on certified
amount due but not paid at the end of such period. The applicable interest rate on the
delayed amount will be equal to the marginal cost of funds-based lending rate (MCLR)
for one year of the State Bank of lndia, as applicable on the lst April of the financial
year in which the date of disbursement of the payment lies. In case the period of default
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-584/_JabaIpur, d*e _.O7.2023
lies in two or more financial years the interest amount shall be calculated separately for
the periods falling in different years.
5. Contractor should submit the digital signed documents as mentioned this Appendix on
the Portal developed by the Employer for processing of any payment. The Employer
will provide the login credentials for the portal, and Contractor can get the status of its
payment request through the Portal. This step is mandatory and no physical submission
of any document will be accepted by the Employer as mention in this Appendix.
Contractor can refer user manual on Employer Portal to get the detail procedure about
online submission of documents. (As per Annexed Invoice Submission Manual)
Page 68 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, d*e _.07.2023
The prices for execution of the entire works covered under the scope of this work shall be quoted
by the Bidder in the manner specified, in the BDS. The Ex-works price component, less advance
will be subject to price adjustment, only for equipmenVmaterials/ items of work specifically stated
under clause 1.0 below, (for which the bidder shall quote a base price), based on separate formulae
as per price adjustment provisions given herein. However, it
shall be noted that the Price
Adjustment clause will be effective from the contract signing date. The Employer shall ensure that
all the Price Adjustment would be govemed as per the approvedL-2 schedule signed by Employer
and Contractor, which would be included in the contract.
Prices for Ex-works price component for all other equipmenVitems except specified in annexure-1,
Charges for Erection, Inland Freight & lnsurance etc. shall be FIRM and no price adjustment shall
be applicable for these components for the entire duration of the Contract.
No price adjustment shall be applicable on the portion of the Contract Price payable to the
Contractor as advance payment. However, if a Contractor opts for no advance then Price
Adjustment would be applicable on 100% contract value.
P: Po+WA(AL-ALo)
P: Ex-works price payable in Rs. Per km as adjusted in accordance with the price variation
Po: Ex-works price quoted/confirmed in Rs. Per km.
1 Page 69 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_JabaIpur, date _.D7.2023
The price adjustment on the Ex-works price component, less advance, of Transformers shall
be as follows:
The price payable shall be subject to adjustment, up or down in accordance with the
following formula:
P:0.01 X Po ( 6+32X(C lCo) + 27 X(ES / ESo) + 12X (IS / ISo) + 4 X(IM / IMo) + 9
X(TO/Too) + 10 X(wAMo) )
Page 70 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
-'rlT"'::n'ffi :ii'].f ;ffi '
IMo : Price of lnsulating Material (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for
the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
TOo : Price of Transformer oil (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for the
month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
Wo : All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers, as published
by the labour bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of lndia (Base: 2001 : 100) This index
number is applicable for the month, three months prior to the date of tendering.
C : Price of CC copper rods (as published by IEEMA) This price is applicable for the
month, two months prior to the date of delivery.
ES : Price of CRGO Electrical steel lamination (as published by IEEMA) This price is
applicable for the month, two months prior to the date of delivery.
IS : Average price of Steel Plates l0 mm thick(as published by IEEMA) This price is as
applicable for the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
IM : Price of Insulating Material (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for
the month, two months prior to the date of delivery.
TO : Price of Transformer oil (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for the
month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
W: All lndia average consumer price index number for industrial workers, as published by
the labour bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of lndia (Base: 2001 : 100) This index
number is as applicable for the month, three months prior to the date of delivery.
Note :In case of any clarifications in the above formula kindly referthe IEEMA price
variation formula given in circular IEEMA/PVC/PWR TRF3pto 400 KV/212leffective
from I't September 2021, In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circular mentioned shall
The price adjustment on the Ex-works price component, less advance, of Transformers shall
be as follows:
& Three The price variation clause for Aluminium wound distribution transformers (Single
phase of ratings uptoand including 2,500kVA and voltage upto 33kV) complete with all
accessories and components.
The price payable shall be subject to adjustment, up or down in accordance with the
following formula:
P : 0.01 X Po ( 8 + 22X (ALlALo) + 36 X(ES / ESo) + 12 X(IS / ISo) + 5 X(IM/ IMo) +
v Page 71 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt' Ltd'tTf,Ji:t'.i,tl'J#ff1,1-:Tfi"T:11'il1.",:o;ii.#Hfi'
P :
Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above formula.
Po: Price quoted / confirmed.
ALo: LME CSP Average of Aluminium (as published by IEEMA) This price as applicable
for the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
ESo : Price of CRGO Electrical steel lamination (as published by IEEMA) Thi. price as
applicable for the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
ISo : Price of the HR coil of 3. I 5 mm thickness (as published by IEEMA) This price is as
applicable for the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
IMo : Price of lnsulating Material (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for
the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
TOo : Price of Transformer oil (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for the
month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
Wo : All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers, as published
by the labour bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of lndia (Base: 2016: 100) This index
number is as applicable for the month, three months prior to the date of tendering.
AL: LME CSP Average of Aluminium (as published by IEEMA) This price as applicable
for the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
ES : Price of CRGO Electrical steel lamination (as published by IEEMA) This price as
applicable for the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
IS : Price of the HR coil of 3.15 mm thickness (as published by IEEMA) This price is as
applicable for the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
IM : Price of lnsulating Material (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for
the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
TO : Price of Transformer oil (as published by IEEMA) This price is as applicable for the
month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
W: All lndia average consumer price index number for industrial workers, as published by
the labour bureau, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India (Base: 2001 : 100) This index
number is as applicable for the month, three months prior to the date of delivery.
Note : In case of any clarifications in the above formula kindly refer the IEEMA price
variation formula given in circalar IEEMA/PVC/DIST_ALIIpIo 2.5 MVA/2021 effective
from I't September 2021, In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circalar mentioned shall
prevail. The price variation clause for Copper wound distribution transformers (Single & Three
phase of ratings uptoand including 2,500kVA and voltage upto 33kV) complete with all
accessories and components.
The price payable shall be subject to adjustment, up or down in accordance with the
following formula:
P : 0.01 X Po ( 7 + 4l X ( C / Co) + 23 X(ES / ESo) + I0X(IS / ISo) + 5 X(IMi IMo) + 8
X(TO/TOo) + 6 X(WAVo)
Page 72 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner)
MUEA CGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.D7.2023
Note : In case of any clarifications in the above formula kindly refer the IEEMA price
variation formula given in circular IEEMA/PVC/DIST_CUIupIo 2.5 MVA/2021 effective
from l't September 2021, In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circalar mentioned shall
1.0.4 Cables
The price adjustment on the Ex-works price component, less advance, of Cables shall be as
Page 73 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSSFSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, date _.0 7.2023
Alo :
Price of EC grade aluminum rods (Properzi rods) (as published by IEEMA). This
price is as applicable on the frrst working day of the month, one month prior to the date of
CuF: Variation factor for copper
Cu : Price of CC copper rods (as published by IEEMA). This price is as applicable on the
first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
Cuo : Price of CC copper rods (as published by IEEMA). This price is as applicable on the
first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
PVC Compound Polymer
PVCc : Price of PVC compound (as published by IEEMA). This price is as applicable on
the first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
PVCco : Price of PVC compound (as published by IEEMA). This price is as applicable on
the first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
CCFAI: Variation factor for PVC Compound/ Polymer for aluminum conductor cable
(as published by IEEMA)
CCFCu : Variation factor for PVC Compound/ Polymer for copper conductor cable (as
published by IEEMA)
Cc : Price of XLPE compound. This price is as applicable on first working day of the
month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
Cco : Price of XLPE compound. This price is as applicable on first working day of the
month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
XLFAL: Variation factor for XLPE compound for aluminum conductor cable.
XLFCU: Variation factor for XLPE compound for Copper Conductor cable.
FeF: Variation factor for steel (as published by IEEMA)
FeW : Variation factor for round wire steel armouring (as published by IEEMA)
Fe : Price of steel strips / steel wire (as published by IEEMA). This price is as applicable
on the fust working day of the month, one month prior to the date of delivery.
Page 74 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/TSPAIIT-5E4/_Jaba|pur, d*e
Feo : Price of steel strips / steel wire (as published by IEEMA). This price is as applicable
on the fust working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tendering.
The prices and indices mentioned above are published by IEEMA vide circular reference
IEEMA(PVC)lCablel-/-- prevailing as on I't working day of the month i.e., one rnonth
prior to the date of tendering.
Price variation formulae for Power Cables
A. Aluminium conductor PVC insulated l.lkV power cables
P:Po * AIF( AL- Alo ) + CCFAI ( PVCC - PVCco ) + FeF ( Fe - Feo)
For unarmoured multicore cables (without steel armour); FeF : 0
B. Copper conductor PVC insulated l.lkV power cables
P : Po + CuF( Cu- Cuo ) + CCFCu ( PVCC -PV Cco ) + Fef ( Fe-Feo) + AIF (Al
For steel armoured cables; AIF:0
For aluminiumannouredcables ;FeF : 0
For unarmouredcables ;FeF, AIF:0
Note : In case of any clarifications in the above forrnula kindly refer the IEEMA price
variationformula given in circular IEEMA/DII//CAB/05 dated 24.04.2018 efectivefrom I't
November 2017, In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circular mentioned shall prevail.
Page 75 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 1l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGMiRDSS/FSP/NlT-584/_Jabalpur, dste _.O7.2023
The price component of the structural steel for any shipment/ dispatch comprises of a fixed
portion (designated as 'F' and the value of which is specified hereunder) and a variable
portion linked with the indices for respective materials and labour (description and co-
efficient as enumerated below).
Page 76 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s sakar Engitech Pvt' Ltd'tT;t#;:T'.l,tltJ#ffift!lT"Hl1',fi.",:ijt].r;:iT'
For the indices, subscript 'o' refers to indices as on 30 days prior to date set for opening of
bids. Subscript'1'refers to indices as of
(a) two months/sixty (60) days prior to the date of shipmenVdispatch for labour, and
(b) at the expiry of two thtrd (213) period from the date of Notification of Award to the
date of shipmenVdispatch, for material.
For the purpose of this clause the date of shipmenV dispatch shall mean the Schedule date
of shipment/dispatchor actual date of shipmenVdispatch, whichever is earlier. The schedule
date of shipmenVdispatch shall be as identified in line with provisions of Time Schedule in
the Contract Agreement.
ln case of shipments/ dispatches which are delayed beyond . the schedule date of
shipmenVdispatch for reasons attributable to the Contractor, the price adjustment provision
shall not be applicable for the period of time between the schedule date of
shipment/dispatch and the actual date of shipmenVdispatch.
Note: As per IEEMA Circular No. IEEMA(PVCyTLT I (R)l 0212007 -
l) Heavy Steel Angles of size l50mm*150mm*l2mm as per 15-2062 has been
categorized as Heavy Angles (HA).
2) Re-rolled steel angles of size 50mm*50mm*4 mm Lighter has been categorized as
Lighter Angles (LA).
3) Input costs for all heavy angles of size above 1lOm*l10mm are deemed to be related
to the price under Sr No.l.
4) lnput costs for all lighter angles of size below & including I lOm*l10mm are deemed
to be related to the price under Sr No.2.
(a) All prices of raw materials are exclusive of GST and any other central, state or local
taxes etc.
(b) The details of prices are as under:
I . Price of steel is the average retail price of HR Coil 3.15 mm thickness as published
by Joint Plant Committee (JPC) in Rs./MT.
2. The price of Electrolytic high grade zinc (in Rsi\4T) is ex-works price as quoted by
a primary producer.
(A) Note : In case of any clarifications in the above formula kindly refer the IEEMA price
variation formula given in circular l0/PVCiT & D Project/O5 effective from I'tApril
2022, In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circttlar mentioned shall prevail.
The Contract Price shall be subject to price adjustment during performance of the Contract
to reflect changes in the cost of labour and material components in accordance with the
Page77 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
-!1f "'::ffi
"".",:iit].B;ffi '
provisions described below.
The Ex-Works price of 33/l I KV Switchgear
(lndoor/Outdoor), Circuit Breakers excluding
Mandatory Spares and Tlpe Tests Charges (if any) will be subject to Price adjustment. The
price adjustment formula for the components of the Contract Price, as mentioned above
shall be as stipulated hereinafter.
The price component of the equipment for any shipment/ dispatch comprises of a fixed
portion (designated as 'F' and the value of which is specified hereunder) and a variable
portion linked with the indices for various materials and labour (description and co-efficient
as enumerated below).
Po : Price quoted/confirmed
ISo :
Wholesale price index number for 'Manufacture of Basic Metals'(Base: 20lI-12 :
100)(as published by IEEMA). This price index number for the month, Three month prior
to the date of tendering
Co : Average LME settlement price of copper wire bars (as published by IEEMA). This
price is applicable for the month, One month prior to the date of tendering
Alo :
Price of busbar grade aluminum (as published by IEEMA). This price is applicable
on the I't working day of the month, One month prior to the date of tendering
lno : Price of epoxy resin for indoor circuit breakers and switch gear(as published by
IEEMA). This price is applicable on the I't working day of the month, One month prior to
the date of tendering
Or wholesale price index of insulator for outdoor circuit breakers (VBF and SDB) (as
published by IEEMA). This index number is as applicable for the month, Three month prior
to the date of tendering
Wo : All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers, as published
Page 78 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
!1T"T:|1"H.",:xi'].ffi Iffi '
by the Labour bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of lndia (Base : 2001 : 100)
This index number is as applicable for the month, Four month prior to the date of tendering.
(as published by IEEMA)
ISo :
Wholesale price index number for 'Manufacture of Basic Metals'(Base: 20ll-12:
100)(as published by IEEMA). This price index number for the month, Three month prior
to the date of tendering
Co : Average LME settlement price of copper wire bars(as published by IEEMA). This
price is applicable for the month, One month prior to the date of tendering
Alo :
Price of busbar grade aluminum (as published by IEEMA). This price is applicable
on the I't working day of the month, One month prior to the date of tendering
lno : Price of epoxy resin for indoor circuit breakers and switch gear(as published by
IEEMA). This price is applicable on the I't working day of the month, One month prior to
the date of tendering
Or wholesale price index of insulator for outdoor circuit breakers (VBF and SDB) (as
published by IEEMA). This index number is as applicable for the month, Three month prior
to the date of tenderine
Wo : All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers, as published
by the Labour bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India (Base : 2001 : 100)(as
published by IEEMA). This index number is as applicable for the month, Four month prior
to the date of tendering
Note : In case of any clarifications in the above formula kindly refer the IEEMA price
variation formula given in circular IEEMUPVC/MVSWGM2|L? (R-2) effective from I't
January 20I9,In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circular mentioned shall prevail.
Alsl: Aluminium factor for street light conductor (as published by IEEMA)
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Disfribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, date _.O7.2023
AI: Price of LME average Cash SELLER Settlement price of Primary Aluminium in US$
per MT as published by London Metal Bulletin (LME) including Premium for Aluminium
Ingot in US$ per MT converted in Rs./MT
This price is as applicable of first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of
Alo: Price of LME average Cash SELLER Settlement price of Primary Aluminium in US$
per MT as published by London Metal Bulletin (LME) including Premium for Aluminium
lngot in US$ per MT converted in Rs./MT
This price is as applicable on first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of
CCFAlph: XLPE factor for phase conductor (For LV AB Cables) (as published by
CCFlAlph: XLPE factor for phase conductor (For MV_HV AB Cables) (as published by
CCFAlsl: XLPE factor for street light conductor (as published by IEEMA)
Cc: Price of LV/HV XLPE Compound in Rs/MT of a representative grade applicable for
LV /HV Aerial
Bunch Cables respectively; as quoted by supplier/s. (as published by IEEMA)
This price is as applicable of first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of
Cco :Price of LV/HV XLPE Compound in Rs/\4T of a representative grade applicable for
LV iHV Aerial
Bunch Cables respectively; as quoted by supplier/s.
This price is as applicable of first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of
PVC/PE Compound
Page 80 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Disfibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGMlROSSnSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.O 7.2023
CU: The LME price of Copper Wire Bars (in Rs./MT) is the LME average settlement price
Wire Bars converted into lndian Rupees with average exchange rate of the month. This
price is the
landed cost, inclusive of applicable customs duty only.
This price is as applicable of first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of
CUO: The LME price of Copper Wire Bars (in Rs./MT) is the LME average settlement
price of Copper
Wire Bars converted into lndian Rupees with 4verage exchange rate of the month. This
price is thelanded cost, inclusive of applicable customs duty only.
This price is as applicable of first working day of the month, one month prior to the date
The above prices and indices are as published by IEEMA vide Circular
referenceIEEMA(PVCyCABLE(R-I)l--l-- prevailing as on lst working day of the month
i.e. one month prior tothe date of tendering.
2.HV Aerial Bunched Cables with Aluminium Conductor, Conductor screened, XLPE
Insulated, insulation screened followed by cbpper tape and over all PVC/PE sheathe
cores twisted around Bare Aluminium Magnesium-Silicon Alloy Messenger
Note In case of any clarifications in the above formula kindly refer the IEEMA price
variation formula given in circular IEEMA(PVC)/AB CABLE/2017 effective from
Page 8l of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 1l KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
l'#ffi,1!lT"T:l"il.ll1, j'].8;#;'
I'tNovember 2017, In case of any discrepancies the IEEMA circular mentioned shall
1.0.8 The Employer shall use the recent formula/ revisions published by IEEMA to calculate the
Price adjustment on supply of plants and facilities
1.0.9 The price adjustment amount towards the price components of materials shall be as per the
price variation formulas mentioned in para 1.0.1 to 1.0.8 without any ceiling.
I .0.10 For the purpose of price adjustment for Ex-works price component, the date of shipment for
goods shall mean the scheduled date of shipment or actual date of shipment, whichever is
earlier. Scheduled date of shipment will be ex-works date of dispatch, governed by the
approved PERT Chart as per Appendix- 4 Time Schedule.
l.0.ll No price increase shall be allowed beyond the contract period unless specifrcally stated in
the Time Extension letter, if any, issued by the Employer. The Employer will, however, be
entitled to any decrease in the Contract price which may be caused due to lower price
adjustment amount in case of delivery beyond the original delivery dates. In such event
where the time extension is agreed by the Employer, a revised L2 schedule is to be released
by the Employer for the extended period in which price variation would also be allowed.
1.0.12 ln case of non-publication of applicable indices on a particular date, which happens to be
the applicable date for price adjustment purposes, the published indices prevailing
immediately prior to the particular date shall be applicable.
1.0.13 If the price adjustment amount works out to be positive, the same is payable to the
Contractor by the Employer and if it works out to be negative, the same is to be recovered
by the Employer from the Contractor without any ceiling.
1.0.14 The Contractor shall promptly submit the price adjustment invoices for the supplies made
and works executed at site, positively within three (3) months from the date of delivery
whether it is positive or negative.
1.0.15 Bids shall conform to the price adjustment provisions detailed above. Bids speciffing prices
for items on variable basis run the risk of rejection. A bid submitted on a fixed price basis
will not be rejected but the price adjustment will be treated as zero.
In case of extension of the project beyond the scheduled date of completion, the price adjustment
shall remain in effect till the time of scheduled completion, however for the period beyond the
scheduled date of completion for which the contractor is liable to pay liquidated damages to the
employer, the price adjustment shall not be applicable.
Page 82 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD rcA CGM/RDS S/F S P/N IT-584/_Ja balpu r, dste _.0 7 .2023
ln accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 34, the Contractor shall at its expense take out
and maintain in effect, or cause to be taken out and maintained in effect, during the performance of
the Contract, the insurances set forth below in the sums and with the deductibles and other
conditions specified. The identity of the insurers and the form of the policies shall be subject to the
approval of the Employer, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. The inability of the
insurers to provide insurance cover in the sums and with the deductibles and other conditions as set
forth below, shall not absolve the Contractor of his risks and liabilities under the provisions of GCC
Clause 34. However, in such a case the Contractor shall be required to furnish to the Employer
documentary evidence from the insurer in support of the insurer's inability as aforesaid.
Similarly, Transit Insurance Policy shall be taken wherein only inland transit is
involved for the movement of Plant and Equipment supplied from within India. The
policy shall cover movement of Plant and Equipment from the manufacturer's works
to the project's warehouse at final destination site. Inland Transit Clause(ITC) 'A'
along with war & Strike Riots & Civil Commotion (SRCC) extension cover shall be
(ID If during the execution of Contract, the Employer requests the Conftactor to take
any other add-on cover(s)/ supplementary cover(s) in aforesaid insurance, in such a
case, the Contractor shall promptly take such add-on cover(s)/ supplementary
cover(s) and the charges towards such premium for such add-on cover(s)/
supplementary cover(s) shall be reimbursed to the Contractor on submission
documentary evidence of payment to the lnsurance company.Therefore, charges
Page 83 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of 11 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
-lTfi "Tlll,il.llli'].8;#;'
towards premium for such add-on cover(s)/ supplementary cover(s) are not included
in the Contract Price.
(IID The Contractor shall take the policy in the joint names of Employer and the
Contractor. The policy shall indicate the Employer as the beneficiary. However, if
the Contractor is having an open policy for its line of business, it should obtain an
endorsement of the open cover policy from the insurance company indicating that
the dispatches against this Contract are duly covered under its open policy and
include the name of the Employer as jointly Insured in the endorsements to the open
(D The policy should cover all physical loss or damage to the facility at site during
storage, erection and commissioning covering all the perils as provided in the policy
as a basic cover and the add on covers as mentioned at Sl. No. (I[) below.
(ID The Contractor shall take the policy in the joint name of Employer and the
Contractor. All these policies shall indicate Employer as the beneficiary. The policy
shall be kept valid till the date of the Operational Acceptance of the project and the
period of the coverage shall be determined with the approval of the Employer.
If the work is completed earlier thanthe period of policy considered, the Contractor
shall obtain the refund as per provisions of the policy and pass on the benefit to
Employer. In case no refund is payable by the insurance company then the
Page 84 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD IEA CGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-584/_Jaba|pur, dile _.01 .2023
(III) The following add-on covers shall also be taken by the Contractor:
i) Earthquake
ii) Terrorism
iii) Escalation cost (approximately @10% of sum insured on amual basis)
irr) Extended Maintenance cover for Defect Liabilitv Period
v) Design Defect
vi) Other add-on covers viz., 50-50 clause, 72 hours clause, loss minimization
clause, waiver of subrogation clause (for projects of more than Rs.l00
crores, cover for offsite storage/fabrication (over Rs.100 crores).
The third party liability add-on cover shall cover bodily injury or death suffered by
third parties (including the Employer's personnel) and loss of or damage to property
(includingthe Employer's property and any parts of the Facilities which have been
accepted by the Employer) occurring in connection with supply and installation of
the Facilities.
Amount Deductible Parties insured From To
o For projects uptoRs. 100 crores, Nil Contractor/ Receipt at Upto Defect
the third party liability limit shall Sub-contractor site Liability
be l0%o of the project value for Period.
single occurrence/ multiple
occrurences in aggregate during
the entire policy period.
o For projects from Rs. 100 crores
to Rs. 500 crores, the third party
liability limit shall be Rs. l0 crores
for single occurrence/multiple
occrrrrences in aggregate during
entire policy period. For projects
of more than Rs.500 crores, the
third party liability limit shall be
Rs. 25 crores for single
occurrence/ multiple occurences
in aggregate during entire policy
(V) As per GCC Clause 30.8, the cost of insurance premium is to be reimbursed to the
Contractor for Owner Supplied Materials (OSM) for which the insurer is to be
finalized by the Contractor as detailed therein. Altematively, the Contractor may
take a single policy covering the entire cost of the project including the cost of
Page 85 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD IEACGMlRDSS/f'SP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.O7.2023
OSM. For this prupose, the Contractor shall submit documentary evidence for the
premium paid for the entire project to the Employer and Employer shall reirnburse
to the Contractor the proportion of premium equal to value of OSM to total sum
If during the execution of Contract, the Employer requests the Contractor to take
any other add-on cover(s)/ supplementary cover(s) in aforesaid insurance, in such a
case, the Contractor shall promptly take such add-on cover(s)/ supplementary
cover(s) and the charges towards such premium for such add-on cover(s)/
supplementary cover(s) shall be reimbursed to the Contractor on submission
documentary evidence of payment to the lnsurance company. Therefore, charges
towards premium for such add-on cover(s)/ supplementary cover(s) are not included
in the Contract Price.
The Contractor shall ensure that all the vehicles deployed by the Contractor or its
Subcontractors (whether or not owned by them) in connection with the supply and
installation of the Facilities in the project are duly insured as per RTA act. Further the
Contractor or its Subcontractors may also take comprehensive policy (own damage plus
third party liability) of each individual vehicles deployed in the project on their own
discretion in their own name to protect their own interest.
(ID The policy may either be project specific covering all men of the Contractor and its
Subcontractors. The policy shall be kept valid till the date of Operational
Acceptance of the project.
(m) Without relieving the Contractor of its obligations and responsibilities under this
Contract, before commencing work the Contractor shall insure against liability for
death of or injury to persons employed by the Contractor including liability by
Page 86 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGMIRDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, d*e _.D7.2023
statute and at common law. The insurance cover shall be maintained until all work
including remedial work is completed including the Defect Liability Period. The
insurance shall be extended to indemnify the Principal for the Principal's statutory
liability to persons employed by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall also ensure that each of its Subcontractors shall effect and
maintain insurance on the same basis as the 'Workmen Compensation Policy'
effected by the Contractor.
The Employer shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken out by the Contractor
pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 34.2, except for the Third Party Liability, Workmen Compensation
Policy Insurances, and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall be named as co-insureds under all
insurance policies taken out by the Contractor pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 34.2 except for the
Cargo lnsurance During Transport and Workmen Compensation
Policy lnsurances. All insurer's rights of subrogation against such co-insureds for losses or claims
arising out of the performance of the Conftact shall be waived under such policies.
The Employer shall at its expense take out and maintain in effect during the performance of the
Contract the following insurances.
-- End -
Page 87 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, date _.O7.2023
1. The Project Completion Schedule shall be as follows:
Duration in Months from the effective date (Date of Letter of Award) 24 Months (Twenty-Four):
. Supply, installation testing, completion and commissioning of the facility to the extent of 25o/o
of the Contract Price within 9 months from Effective date (date of Award of Contract),
. Supply, installation testing, completion and commissioning of the facility to the extent of 50%o
of the Contract Price in next 5 months,
. Supply, installation testing, completion and commissioning of the facility to the extent of 75%
of the Contract Price in next 5 months and
. Supply, installation testing, completion and commissioning of the facility to the extent of
100% of the Contract Price in next 5 months
Note: - As the scope of works under the Contract is for Supply, lnstallation testing, completion and
commissioning of the facility and part thereof as per the billing unit. Therefore only Supply of
Plant without Installation testing, completion and commissioning of the facility will not be
considered for achievins the milestone.
st. Activities Duration in Months from the effective date of
No. Contract
Handing Over and Taking Over by the Duration in Months from the effective date (Date of
Employer upon successful Completion of: Letter of Award) 24 Months (Twenty-Four):
. Supply, installation testing, completion and
Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of the facility to the extent of
Commissioning of New ll KV Lines, LT 25Yo of the Contract Price within 9 months
Line on AB cable, Distribution from Effective date (date of Award of
Transformer Substation and Supporting Contract),
works such as DPs,TPs, Crossing etc. for . Supply, installation testing, completion and
separation of l1 KV mix Feeders & Mix commissioning of the facility to the extent of
DTRs under Revamped Reforms-based 50% of the Contract Price in next 5 months,
and Results-linked Distribution Sector . Supply, installation testing, completion and
(Package-l3) in Sagar circle of commissioning of the facility to the extent of
MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area. 75%o of the Contract Price in next 5 months and
[Specification No.: 2023_PKVYC 2707 4l . Supply, installation testing, completion and
_ll commissioning of the facility to the extent of
100% of the Contract Price in next 5 months.
Ll The activity(ies) under the Contractor's program for Project Completion shall be in the form
a PERT chart and shall identiff the various activities like engineering, vendor finalization,
placement of orders to sub-vendors, survey, Resource mobilization, erection, testing &
Page 88 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
##$K,i-t1';;"T:1""il"1",liii.ffi #;'
commissioning including submission of closure proposals. Format of PERT chart is enclosed
at Annexure-A. The PERT Chart shall conform to the above Project Completion Schedule.
This PERT Chart shall be discussed and agreed before Award in line with above, engineering
drawing and data submission schedule shall also be discussed and finalized before Award.
Liquidated damages for delay in successful Completion of the Facilities or specific part
thereof (where specific parts are specified in SCC) and Operational Acceptance at rates
specified in Clause 26 of GCC shall be applicable beyond the date specified above.
1.2 The Employer reserves the right to request minor changes in the work schedule at the time of
Award of Contract to the successful Bidder.
1.3 The successful Bidder shall be required to prepare a detailed PERT Chart and frnalize the
same with the Employer as per the requirement within 15 days from Effective Date, which
shall form a part of the Contract.
t.4 ln case of new substations the date of start of the works shall be counted from the date of land
made available to the contractor by the employer.
1.5 The start date of the contract will be the date of the Award of Contact. All the milestone
timelines should be from the date of start of contract.
Page 89 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-5E4/_JabaIpur, ilate _.O 7.2023
The following Subcontractors are approved for carrying out the item of the facilities indicated.
Where more than one Subcontractor is listed, the Confactor is free to choose between them, but it
must notifu the Employer of its choice in good time prior to appointing any selected Subcontractor.
In accordance with GCC Sub-Clause 19.1, the Contractor is free to submit proposals for
Subcontractors for additional items from time to time. No Subcontracts shall be placed with any
such Subcontractors for additional items until the Subcontractors have been approved in writing by
the Employer and their names have been added to this list of Approved Subcontractors.
Further, erection portion of the controct shall not be subcontracted without the prior approval of
the Employen However, such approval shall not be necessary for engaging labour.
Page 90 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New ll KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & Mis Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SP/NIT-5E4/_Jaba|pur, d*e _.0 1.2023
The following personnel, facilities, works and supplies will be provided / supplied by the
Employer, and the provisions of GCC 10,20,2I and 24 as well as Employer responsibilities stated
in technical specifications shall apply as appropriate.
All personnel, facilities, works and supplies will be provided by the Employer in good time so as
not to delay the performance of the Contractor in accordance with the approved Time Schedule and
Program of Performance pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 18.2.
Unless otherwise indicated, all personnel, facilities, works and supplies will be provided free of
charge to the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be entitled to use for the purposes of the facilities such supplies of electricity
and water as may be available on the Site and shall provide any apparatus necessary for such use.
The Contractor shall pay the Employer at the applicable tariff plus Employer's overheads, if any,
for such use. Where such supplies are not available, the Contactor shall make his own anangement
for provision of any supplies he may require.
Page 9l of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New 1l KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
Il[/c Sekar Engitech P\t Ltd. (Leed Pertner) & lt[/r Power & Ingtrumentedon Ltd. (W partner)
ML tEZICGMlRDSS/FSPNIT-5t4/_Jebdpur, ilrt':e _.O7.2023
Pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 20.3.1, the Contractor shall pr€pare, or cause its Subcontractor to
prepare, and present to the Project Manager in accordance with the requirements of GCC Sub-
Clause 18.2 @rogram of Performance), the following docunents for:
A. Approval
B. Review
Bidder shall ftrmish the exhaustive list, which sball be discussed and frnalised for incorporation
into the Contract Agree,rne,nt.
Page 92 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and CommissioningofNew ll KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for sdparation of ll KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
uder RDSS schcmc (Package-I3) in Sagar cirolc of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGMIRDSS/FSPNIT-584/_JabaIpuI, dste .0 7 .2023
1. The equipment offered shall meet the rating and performance requirements stipulated in
Technical Specification for various equipment or indicated in Data requirement.
2. The ratings and performance figures of the below mentioned equipment are guaranteed as
per losses given in respective Indian Standard (up to date) by bidder.
A. MVA 33/1lkv, 3 ph. Power Transformer
B. 1000/630/500/315/200/100/63/25/16 KVA, I l/0.433kV, 3 phase Station &
Distribution Transformer
3. If the aforementioned guarantees are not established at factory tests, then the Employer
shall reject the equipment.
Page 93 of106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of l1 KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/T'SP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, ilate _.O7.2023
Sa ize and criter a for acceptance testi
Failure quantity on sample size (in Failure quantity on re-
Sample size
%/l{o) sampling (in %/Itlo)
sample 0l sample >0
2 Transformer Oil DI qty NA from 0 from each > 50Yo 0
each Tanker
Page 94 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MDTEZJCGM/RDSS/FSPAIIT-5E4/ Jabalpur, date _.0 1.2023
301 to
20 < 8 drum >8drum > I drum
500 NA I I
Drum sample sample sample
500 and 32 < 12 drum >2 drum
NA 2 drum 2
above Drum sample sample
Upto >2 >0
4 NA 0 s2 sample
All type of 33kV 2001 to >3 >0
6 &llkv Pin/Disc
8 NA 0 <3
>4 >l
t2 NA I I
5000 sample sample
J NA 0 <l >l 0
2000 sample sample
All type of 33kV & 2001 to
4 NA 0 <2
I lkV Strain Hardware s000 sample sample
Above >3 >0
6 NA 0 <3 0
s000 sample sample
3 NA 0 <1
>l 0
2000 sample sample
2001 to >2 >0
8 33kV & I lkV GI Pin 4 NA 0 <2 0
5000 sample sample
Above >3 >0
6 NA 0 s3 0
5000 sample sample
0 or more
All type of HT/LT up to
8 NA 0 NA Condition
Enerry Meter 300
Only /l
or more
in any
other test
Page 95 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPNIT-584/_JabaIpur, ilxte _.0 7.2023
mote than
upto2 2
2 or more (including (including
in No for all 26 for all 26
uptolin load & samples) samples)
No load & Starting in No load in No
301 to
t3 NA 0 Starting Condition & Starting load &
Condition Only /l Condition Starting
Only or more Only/l or Condition
in any more in Only/l or
other test any other more in
test any other
more than
upto3 3
3 or more (including (including
in No for all40 for all 40
<2inNo load & samples) samples)
load & Starting in No load inNo
501 to
20 NA 0 Starting Condition & Starting &
Condition Only /l Condition Starting
Only or more Only/l or Condition
in any more in Only/l or
other test any other more in
test any other
more than
upto4 4
4 or more (including (including
inNo for all 64 for all 64
I inNo 2to3in load & samples) samples)
More load & No load & Starting in No load inNo
than NA Starting Starting Condition & Starting load &
1000 Condition Condition Only/l or Condition Starting
Only Only more in Only/l or Condition
any other more in Only/l or
test any other more in
test any other
Protection Cum
>l >0
l0 Distribution Box for DI qty 2 NA 0 I 0
sample sample
LT Pole mounted up to ,>l >0
il Distribution Box for 1000
2 NA 0 I
Page 96 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD nA CGM/RDSS/TSP/NIT-584/_Jabalpur, d*e _.01 .2023
' Page 97 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur,date_.O7.2023
l0l to >l
l5 NA I NA
200 sample
201 to >2
20 NA 2 NA
300 sample
Above >3
30 NA J NA
300 sample
up to >l >0
2 NA 0 0
Polycarbonate Board/ 1000 sample sample
Box Above >2 >0
5 NA 0 2 0
1000 sample sample
All type of Battery Set
DI qty 2 NA 0
>l 0
and Battery charger sample sample
I I KV Capacitor
DI qty I NA 0 NA 0
Bank, Capacitor unit sample
llkv & 33kv RMU &
DI qty NA 0 NA 0
AIS/GIS Panel sample
25 I I KV Auto-reclosure DI qty NA 0 I NA 0
Note: For Energy Meter:- Type test shall be conducted at NABL Accredited Test Lab for 3 nos randomly selected Energy
I Meter Sample from first lot of supply at the cost of Vendor/Contractor as per terms and Condition of Contract.
For DTR:- (a) Temperature Rise (Heat Run) Special test shall be conducted on one unit against the total order
quantity at NABL lab from the randomly selected sample of transformer of first lot. The testing charges shall be
borne by Purchaser/DISCOM. If sample failed in NABL testing, then testing charges shall be recovered from the
supplier. ln case of failure during heat run test, the entire lot shall be rejected.
(b) I no. DTR shall be selected randomly for destructive testing from each DVlot of 100 nos. DTR whichever is
higher. Deskuctive testing of DTR shall be carried out in presence of firm's representative. During destructive testing,
the physical dimensions/Design verifications as per GTP, Drawing shall be carried out. The DTR shall be opened and
2 tests may be conducted for core material, transformer oil, HV/LV porcelain bushings and metal parts. Quality of
material, workrnan ship and dimensions of FIV/LV windings, insulation paper, silica gel, breather, oil level in
conservator tank, leakage ofoil from bushings, tanks shall also be checked during destructive testing of DTR. The
cost of DTR selected for destructive testing shall be borne by Discom. ln case the DTR found defective/not complied
as per specifications in destructive testing, re-sampling and thereby retesting may be done on request of firm. In case
of re-sampling, the cost of DTR as well as its testing cost shall be borne by the Vendor/Contractor/firm. If the DTR
fails for the second time in destructive testing, complete DVlot quantity shall be rejected.
No. of PCC Poles for Transverse Stength test shall be 3 upto 200 nos., 4 in 201-300 nos. and 5 in 301-500 nos.
supplied lots.
For CT, PT and CT-PT Unit:- (a)l no CT,PT,CT-PT shall be selected randomly for destructive testing from each
4 DV lot of 100 nos. quantity whichever is higher. Dimension/Design verification along with destructive test shall be
carried out in presence of frrm's representative. The CT. PT and CT-PT Unit shall be opened and qualitv of material
Page 98 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV p artner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, date _.0 7.2023
of primary, secondary windings, core material, epoxy, oil, insulation paper, metal parts shall be checked during
destructive testing. The cost of CT, PT and CT-PT Unit selected for deskuctive testing shall be borne by Discom. In
case the CT, PT and CT-PT Unit found defective/not complied as per specifications in destructive testing, re-
sampling and thereby retesting may be done on request of firm. [n case of re-sampling, the cost of CT, PT and CT-PT
Unit shall be borne by the Vendor/Contractor/firm. If the CT, PT and CT-PT Unit fails for the second time in
destructive testing, complete DVlot quantity shall be rejected.
(b) STC test in CT and CT-PT Unit shall be carried out on one unit from each lot/Dl quantity without
dimension/desisn verifi cation.
One sample of each capacitor unit/allied item of randomly selected capacitor bank shall be sent for testing. If any of
5 the allied items/equipment supplied with Capacitor bank is failed in testing, the same shall stand rejected and shall be
replaced by Vendor/Contractor/firm at their cost. Replaced material shall only be accepted after successful test result.
Measurement of tare weight and total weight of drum and length measurement of Conductor and Cable shall be done
for randomly selected sample from each lot/Dl.
Vendor/Contractor/firm shall not be permitted to conduct tests at any other lab for the same sample,If sample of
material is rejected from Discom NABL Accredited Lab as per guidelines.
Re-sampling from balanced quantity of particular lot/Dl of material may be allowed for one time on request of
9 Vendor/Contractor/firm on discretion of Discom. The testing/transportation charges of the same shall be borne by
Vendor/Contractor/fi rm.
l0 Vendor/Firm may be considered for debarment on failure of sample in any two Dls/lots.
ll The material may be tested for acceptance tests at internal/external labs for quality assurance.
t2 The materials other than mentioned above may also be tested at labs as per requirement.
The random sample of raw material of the items may also be tested at any stage during manufacturing as per
requirement and contract conditions.
Any special test/type tests other than the routine/acceptance tests on random samples of material, wherever required,
for accepting the material may also be conducted.
l5 Stage/Final inspection of any material, if required, may be done as per contract conditions.
Failed samples of material against the supplied lot/Dl shall be replaced by the Vendor/Contractor/firm at their cost.
Page 99 of 106
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGMiRDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, date _.O7.2023
Contract No
We refer to the Contract ("the Contract") signed on ............. .(insert date of the Contract)... .....
between IWs. XXXXX(Name of Employer), havrng its Registered Office at XXXXX (Registered
Address of employer) ("the Employer"/" XXXXX (Name of Employer)") on behalf of XXXX
(Name of owner) (hereinafter referred to as 'XXXX (Short Name of Owner)' / 'Owner'), ffid
IWs ................. (Nome of Contractor) .................., having its Principal place of business at
.....(Address of Contractor) and Registered Office at
.....(Registered address of Contractor)
("the Contractor") concerning
...........(ndicate brief scope of work) for the complete execution of
the ...... (insert name of Package alongwith name of the Project)........ fApplicable for Bank
Guarantees issued by Contractor/Associatefor those Contracts awarded to themJ
;;;";;; il;;;
Employer)on behalf of Owner and lv{/s
i;;,,;:;,;";,;;;j;ri [#"";*TJ:f l;,,::l?i,L:':;
(Name of Associate).................., having its
Principal place of business at ... . .........(Address of Associate) and Registered
Office at . ... .(Registered address of
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
& Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/_Jaba|pur, date _.0 7.2023
for executing the Facilities concerning (Indicate brief scope of work)
for the complete execution of the ...... (insert name of Package alongwith
name of the Project)... ... .. fApplicable for Bank Guarantees to be issued by Contractor against
those Contracts awarded to their AssociateJ
By this letter we, the undersigned, . (insert name & address of the issuing bank) ........., a
Bank (which expression shall include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns)
organtzed under the laws of ............. .... and having its Registered/Head Offrce at
....(insert address of registered ffice of the bank). do hereby irrevocably guarantee
payment to the Employer up to . ....... i.e., Ten percent (10%) of the Contract
Price until One Hundred Eighty (180) days beyond the Defect Liability Period i.e., upto and
inclusive of . ... .... (dd/mm/yy).
We undertake to make payment under this Letter of Guarantee upon receipt by us of your first
written demand signed by the Employer duly authorized officer or the authorized officer of Owner
declaring the Contractor to be in default under the Contract and without cavil or argument any sum
or sums within the above named limits, without your need to prove or show grounds or reasons for
your demand and without the right of the Contractor to dispute or question such demand.
Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall be to pay to the Employer whichever is the lesser
of the sum so requested or the amount then guaranteed hereunder in respect of any demand duly
made hereunder prior to expiry of the Letter of Guarantee, without being entitled to inquire whether
or not this payment is lawfully demanded.
This letter of Guarantee shall remain in full force and shall be valid from the date of issue until One
Hundred Eighty (180) days beyond the Defect Liability Period of the Facilities i.e. upto and
inclusive of .. . . .... (dd/mm/yy) and shall be extended from time to time for such period (not
exceeding one year), as may be desired by M/s. ... onwhosebehalf this Letter.
of Guarantee has been given.
Except for the documents herein specified, no other documents or other action shall be required,
notwithstanding any applicable law or regulation.
Our liability under this Letter of Guarantee shall become null and void immediately upon its
explry, whether it is retumed or not, and no claim may be made hereunder after such expiry or after
the aggregate of the sums paid by us to the Employer shall equal the sums guaranteed hereunder,
whichever is the earlier.
All notices to be given under shall be given by registered (airmail) posts to the addressee at the
address herein set out or as otherwise advised by and between the parties hereto.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-13) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSPNIT-5E4/_Jaba|pur, ilute _.07.2023
We hereby agree that any part of the Contract may be arlended, renewed, extended, modified,
compromised, released or discharged by mutual agreement between you and the Contractor, and
this security may be exchanged or surrendered without in any way impairing or affecting our
liabilities hereunder without notices to us and without the necessity for any additional endorsement,
consent or guarantee by us, provided, however, that the sum guaranteed shall not be increased or
No action, event or condition which by any applicable law should operate to discharge us from
liability hereunder shall have any effect and we hereby waive any right we may have to apply such
law so that in all respects our liability hereunder shall be irrevocable and, except as stated herein,
unconditional in all respects.
Fax Number
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New l1 KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distibution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD lETlCGMlRDSS/FSPNIT-584/_Jabalpur, date .O 7.2023
l. For the purpose of executing the Bank Guarantee, the non-judicial stamp papers of
appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of Bank who issues the 'Bank Guarantee'.
2. The Bank Guarantee shall be signed on all the pages by the Bank Authorities indicating
their POA nos. and should invariablv be witressed.
3. The Bank Guarantee should be in accordance with the proforma as provided. However, in
case the issuing bank insists for additional paragraph for limitation of liability, the
following may be added at the end of the proforma of the Bank Guarantee li.e-, end
paragraph of the Bank Guarantee preceding the signature(s) of the issuing authority(ies) of
the Bank Guaranteel:
t. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed (value in
figures) I (value in words)_f.
2. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto_(validity date)
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only & only if we receive a wriffen claim or dernand on or before
(validity date)
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissisning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for se,paration of I I KV Mix Fesders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-l3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/NIT-584/ Jabalpur, date _.D7.2023
Contract No
We refer to the Contract ("the Contract") signed on ..............(insert date of the Contract)........
between you and IWs ................. Q,{ame of Contracton ...... ..........., having its Principal place of
business at .....(Address of Contractor) and Registered Offirce at
.....(Registered address of Contractor)
("the Contractor") concerning
...........(ndicate brief scope of work) for the complete execution of
the .. . ... (insert name of Package alongwith name of the Project) ... ... ..
Whereas, in with the terms of the said Contract, the Employer has agreed to pay or
cause to be paid to the Contractor an Advance Payment in the amount of .............(Amount in
figures and words)
By this letter we, the undersigned, .........(insert name & address of the issuing bank) ........., a
Bank (which expression shall include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns)
organized under the laws of ............. .... and having its Registered/Head Office at
....(insert address of registered ffice of the bank). do hereby irrevocably guarantee
repayment of the said amounts upon the fust demand of the Employer without cavil or argument in
the event that the Contractor fails to commence or fulfill its obligations under the terms of the said
Contract, and in the event of such failure, refuses to repay all or part (as the case may be) of the
said advance payment to the Employer.
Provided always that the Bank's obligation shall be limited to an amount equal to the outstanding
balance of the advance payment, taking into account such amounts, which have been repaid by the
Contractor from time to time in accordance with the terms of payment of the said Contract as
evidenced by appropriate payment certificates.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MDtETlCGM/RDSS/FSPAtIT-5E4/_Jabalpur, d*e .D7.2023
This Guarantee shall remain in full force from the date upon which the said advance payment is
received by the Contractor upto One Hundred Eighty (180) days beyond the date on which the
entire advance so advanced alongwith the interest if any due thereon has been fully adjusted in
terms of the Confract i.e., upto of One Hundred Eighty (180) days beyond the date of Completion
of the Facilities under the Contract. This Gu:rantee may be extended from time to tirne, as rnay be
desired by IWs. .... on whose behalf this Guarantee has been issued.
Any claims to be made under this Guarantee must be received by the Bank during its period of
validity, i.e. upto thifty (30) days beyond the date of Completion of the Facilities by the Employer
i.e. upto and inclusive of .. ...... (dd/mrn/yy).
POA Number
Fax Number
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissiening of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
uder RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Company Area.
M/s Sakar Engitech Pvt. Ltd. (Lead Partner) & M/s Power & Instrumentation Ltd. (JV partner)
MD/EZCGM/RDSS/FSP/|{IT-5E4/-Jaba|pur, date 1.2023
t. For the purpose of executing the Bank Guarantee, the non-judicial stamp papers of
appropriate value shall be purchased in the name of Bank who issues the 'Bank Guarantee'.
2. The Bank Guarantee shall be signed on all the pages by the Bank Authorities indicating
their POA nos. and should invariablv be witnessed.
3. The Bank Guarantee should be in accordance with the proforma as provided. However, in
case the issuing bank insists for additional paragraph for limitation of liability, the
following may be added at the end of the proforma of the Bank Guarantee li.e-, end
paragraph of the Bank Guarantee preceding the signature(s) of the issuing authority(ies) of
the Bank Guaranteef:
l. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed (value in
figuresl I (value in words)_f.
3. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank
Guarantee only & only if we receive a written claim or demand on or before
(validity date)
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of New I I KV Lines, LT Line on AB cable, Distribution Transformer
Substation and Supporting works such as DPs, TPs, Crossing etc. for separation of I I KV Mix Feeders & Mix DTRs
under RDSS scheme (Package-I3) in Sagar circle of MPPKWCL, Jabalpur Company Area.