Hydraulic Design Report WWTP Wadi Arab Rev-0

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‫تــعــــــــــــا و ن‬

‫المملكة األردنية الهاشمية‬

‫جمهورية ألمانيا االتحادية‬


Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Water Authority of Jordan

Update of the Existing Feasibility Study, Concept and Detailed Design,

Tendering and Supervision for Reuse of Treated Wastewater for Irrigation
Purposes in the Northern Jordan Valley



April 2012

GITEC CONSULT Gmbh in association with AHT Group AG, DAHLEM Consulting
Engineers and CEC (Sajdi & Partners)

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Reuse of TWW for irrigation purposes in the Northern Jordan Valley
Design Report Annex WWTP Wadi Arab
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1. Wastewater Treatment........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 DESIGN METHODS AND SUMMARY......................................................................................................................1
1.2 WADI ARAB WWTP.........................................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Wastewater Discharge and Pollution Load Forecast............................................................................1
1.2.2 Design Calculations for Wadi Arab WWTP, Stage 1..............................................................................3
1.2.3 Design Calculations for Wadi Arab WWTP, Stage 2............................................................................11
2. HYDRAULIC DESIGN................................................................................................................................... 20
2.1 ARRANGEMENT OF PROCESS UNITS....................................................................................................................20
2.2 DESIGN BASIS................................................................................................................................................ 20
2.2.1 Partly filled pipes................................................................................................................................20
2.2.2 Inverted Syphons and pressure pipes.................................................................................................21
2.2.3 Weirs with smooth overflow crest......................................................................................................21
2.3 HYDRAULIC DESIGN.........................................................................................................................................22
2.3.1 Water Levels and Elevations...............................................................................................................22
2.3.2 Hydraulic Calculations........................................................................................................................24

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Table 1.1: Basic design parameters 2

Table 1.2: Design capacities Wadi Arab WWTP 2
Table 2.1: Hydraulic design 23

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BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
DA Development Area
DO Dissolved Oxygen
EC Electrical Conductivity
FAO Food & Agriculture Organisation
GTZ Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (German Technical Cooperation;
transferred into GIZ in 2011)
Ha Hectare
JVA Jordan Valley Authority
KAC King Abdullah Canal
KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (German Financial Cooperation)
MP Master Plan
MPN Most Probable Number (per 100 ml)
NCP North Conversion Project
NEGP North East Ghor Project
NO3 Nitrate
NH4 Ammonium
O&M Operation and Maintenance
SAR Sodium Absorption Rate
RSS Royal Scientific Society
TL Team Leader
TO Turn out
TOR Terms of Reference
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TWW Treated Wastewater
USD US – Dollar
VAT Value Added Tax
WAP Wadi Arab Irrigation Project
WB World Bank
WSS Water Supply and Sanitation
WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

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Design Report Annex WWTP Wadi Arab
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1.1 Design Methods and Summary
The design of the process units is based on the satellite and topographical maps for the project area,
the elaborated design basis, German and other international standards for the process design as well
as on computer programmes used for process simulation. The sources applied for the design of the
process units are:

 ATV-DVWK-Standard A 131 - Dimensioning of one stage aeration plants, May 2000.

 ATV DVWK Standard A 134 – Design and Construction of Pump Stations, June 2000.
 Imhoff, Taschenbuch der Stadtentwässerung (Pocket Edition on communal Sewage Disposal), R.
Oldenbourg Verlag, 2007).
 ATV, Lehr- und Handbuch der Abwassertechnik, Vol. Mechanical wastewater treatment (Handbook
on Wastewater Technology), Verlag Wilh. Ernst und Sohn, 1997.
 ATV, Lehr- und Handbuch der Abwassertechnik, Vol. Biological and advanced wastewater
treatment (Handbook on Wastewater Technology), Verlag Wilh. Ernst und Sohn, 1995.
 Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 2004.
 Unger, P., Tables for the Hydraulic Dimensioning of Sewers and Pipes, INGWIS-Verlag 1984.

The following chapters will recapitulate the results of the process design by the presentation of the
respective process arrangements and design criteria, the dimensioning of the treatment units and the
evaluation of characteristic operation criteria.

1.2 Wadi Arab WWTP

1.2.1 Wastewater Discharge and Pollution Load Forecast

The flow data for the total project area and the resulting pollution load as required for the design of the
Wadi Arab WWTP are presented in the following table:

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Reuse of TWW for irrigation purposes in the Northern Jordan Valley
Design Report Annex WWTP Wadi Arab
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Table 1.1: Basic design parameters

PARAMETER UNIT 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035
I. Connected Population

Updated design basis Connected Population p.e. 145,107 174,128 208,954 250,745 280,834 314,534
Growth rate % 3.71 3.71 3.71 2.29 2.29 2.29
II. Flow

Daily domestic flow m³/d 10,264 13,634 18,179 21,815 24,433 27,364
Daily commercial/industrial flow (2.5 %) m³/d 257 341 454 545 611 684
Updated design basis daily mean flow m³/d 10,521 13,975 18,633 22,360 25,043 28,049
Growth rate % 5.84 5.92 3.71 2.29 2.29 2.29
Peak Factors Hourly (diurnal) Peak Factor P h - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Seasonal Peak Factor Psum - 1.230 1.230 1.230 1.230 1.230 1.230
Minimum Flow Factor P ind - 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Stormwater Allowance Stormwater Allowance % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40%
Flows Peak dry weather flow m³/d 12937 17185 22914 27497 30796 34492
m³/h 809 1074 1432 1719 1925 2156
Peak wet weather flow to WWTP m³/h 1132 1504 2005 2406 2695 3018
Miminum flow to WWTP m³/h 197 262 349 419 470 526
III Wastewater Load

b) Specific Wastewater Load specific BOD-load, g/(pe*d) 60 60 60 60 60 60

specific COD-load g/(pe*d) 120 120 120 120 120 120
specific TSS-load g/(pe*d) 70 70 70 70 70 70
specific TKN-load g/(pe*d) 11 11 11 11 11 11
specific NH4-N-load g/(pe*d) 7 7 7 7 7 7
specific NO3-N-load g/(pe*d) 0 0 0 0 0 0
specific Ptot-load g/(pe*d) 2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

c) wastewater load BOD-load, kg/d 8,706 10,448 12,537 15,045 16,850 18,872
COD-load kg/d 17,413 20,895 25,074 30,089 33,700 37,744
TSS-load kg/d 10,157 12,189 14,627 17,552 19,658 22,017
TKN-load kg/d 1,596 1,915 2,298 2,758 3,089 3,460
NH4-N-load kg/d 1,016 1,219 1,463 1,755 1,966 2,202
NO3-N-load kg/d 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ptot-load kg/d 290 348 418 501 562 629
population equivalents (60 g/(p.e.*d) p.e. 145,107 174,128 208,954 250,745 280,834 314,534
IV. Annual Flows and loads
Annual domestic flow m³/a 3,746,388 4,976,503 6,635,337 7,962,404 8,917,893 9,988,040
Annual commercial/industrial flow m³/a 93,660 124,413 165,883 199,060 222,947 249,701
Total annual flow m³/a 3,840,048 5,100,915 6,801,220 8,161,464 9,140,840 10,237,741
annual BOD5-load (max load x 335 d) 1000 kg/a 2917 3500 4200 5040 5645 6322

Using the long term forecast of the operation parameters results in the provision of the design
capacities listed in the following table:

Table 1.2: Design capacities Wadi Arab WWTP

Dim. Stage 1 Stage 2
1 Population equivalents PE(60) 250,745 314,534
2 Pollution load plant inlet kg BOD5/d 15045 18872
3 Mean dry weather flow
3.1 daily flow m³/d 22360 28049
3.2 mean flow m³/h 932 1169
4 Peak dry weather flow
4.1 daily flow m³/d 27497 34492
4.2 peak hourly flow m³/h 1719 2156
5 Peak wet weather flow
5.1 peak hourly flow m³/h 2406 3018

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1.2.2 Design Calculations for Wadi Arab WWTP, Stage 1 Screens
Design criteria
peak WWF Qmax = 2,405.95 m³/h = 0.668 m³/s
Number of channels 2
peak WWF per channel Qmax = 1203 m³/h = 0.334 m³/s
peak DWF Qmax = 1,195 m³/h = 0.332 m³/s
peak DWF per channel Qmax = 598 m³/h = 0.166 m³/s

width of inlet channel Wch = 0.80 m
bar screens spacing between bars: bsc,sp 25 mm
thickness of bars: bsc,th 8 mm
channel width bar screen Wsc = Wch/(bsc,sp-1)*(bsc,th+bsc,sp)+bsc,sp 1.1 m
coarse screen spacing between bars 60 mm
thickness of bars 8 mm
channel width coarse scr. Wsc = Wch/(bsc,sp-1)*(bsc,th+bsc,sp)+bsc,sp 1.0 m
flow depth, free screen dchann = 0.40 m
head loss, clogged screen hloss = 0.25 m
flow depth, clogged
screen dmax = 0.65 m
flow velocity at WWF, inlet channel vic = 1.04 m/s
flow velocity at WWF, screen
chamber vsc = 0.74 m/s
flow velocity at DWF, inlet channel vic = 0.52 m/s
flow velocity at DWF, screen
chamber vsc = 0.37 m/s

screenings per capita and
specific quantity year 10 l/(c x a)
quantity 250,745 x 10 / 365 = 6.9 m³/d
compaction by press 100.0 %
quantity after compaction 100.0 % x 6.9 m³/d = 6.9 m³/d
yearly quantity 6.9 m³/d x 365 d = 2507.449 m³/a
debris bin (container) volume 7 m³ Grit Chamber

Design criteria:
peak WWF Qmax = 2,405.95 m³/h = 0.668 m³/s
Number of channels 1
peak WWF per channel Qmax = 2406 m³/h = 0.668 m³/s
peak DWF Qmax = 1,718.53 m³/h = 0.477 m³/s
peak DWF per channel Qmax = 1719 m³/h = 0.477 m³/s

Existing dimensions:
volume grit chamber per channel 382.00 m³
total volume grit chamber 382.00 m³

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detention time peak DWF 13.34 min
detention time peak WWF 9.53 min

specific quantity grit grit per capita and year 4 l/(c x a)
quantity grit 250,745 x 4 / 365 = 2.7 m³/d
yearly quantity grit 2.7 m³/d x 365 d = 1002.98 m³/a
debris bin for grit
(container) volume 5.5 m³ Aeration Tanks

Inflow Activated Sludge Plant
Inflow at dry weather (QDWF) 27496.53 m³/d
Maximum flow
(QWWF) 2405.95 m³/h
Connected population equivalents 250,745 pe

Pollution load inlet Load increase caused by

sludge water:
BOD5 (Bd,BOD5) 15,045 kg BOD5/d 5%
COD (Bd,COD) 30,089 kg BOD5/d 5%
Dry solids (TSo) 17,552 SS/d 5%
Kjeldahl nitrogen kg
(TKNo) 2,758 TKN/d 5%
NO3-No 0.0 kg NO3-N/d 0%
total Phosphorus 501.5 kg PO4-P/d 5%

total load
total BOD (CBOD,ZB) 574.5 mg/l equal 15796.93 kg /d
total COD (CCOD,ZB) 1149.0 mg/l equal 31593.86 kg /d
dry solids (XTS,ZB) 670.3 mg/l equal 18429.75 kg /d
Kjeldahl Nitrogen
(CTKN,ZB) 105.3 mg/l equal 2896.104 kg TKN/d
kg NO3-
Total nitrate-nitrogen (SNO3,ZB) 0.0 mg/l equal 0 N/d
total phosphorus 19.2 mg/l equal 526.5643 kg Pges/d
Acid capacity (SKS,ZB) 15 mmol/l equal 915 HCO3

Effluent Values
effluent concentration organic N SorgN,AN 2.0 mg/l equal 55.0 kg/d
effluent concentration NH4-N SNH4,AN 1.0 mg/l equal 27.5 kg/d
effluent conc. NO3-N (=0,6-0,8*CW) SNO3,AN 30.0 mg/l equal 824.9 kg/d

Design Parameters
design temperature TDes 19.0 °C
sewage temperature
winter TW 19.0 °C
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MLSS Aeration Tank TSBB 3.20 kg/m³

safety factor SF 1.45 -
Deni no (N), simult.,intermitt. (S) pre-anoxic (V) V
Simult. aerobic sludgestabilis. yes(j), no(n) n
nitrogen embedded in biomass XorgN,BM= 0.045 * Bd,COD
external carbon kg
added SCSB,Dos 0.0 COD/d equal 0.0 mg/l
dissolved oxygen concentration Cx = 2.0 mg/l
peak factor for carbon respiration fC = 1.25 -
peak factor for ammonium oxidation fN = 2 -
Quotient oxygen tranfer surface aerat. surface = 0.9 -
specific oxygen transfer surface aerat. OP,surface = 1.9 kg 02/kWh
Quotient oxygen tranfer membrane aer. mem = 0.6 -
spec. oxygen transfer membrane aer. OT,mem = 0.015 kg O2/(Nm³*m)
depth membrane
aerators d,mem = 4.35 m
Pressure losses membranes 0.35 m
Pressure losses air
pipes 0.30 m
Requires pressure
blower 500 mbar
specific air flow at req. Pressure OP,mem = 0.92 Nm³/min/kW

simultaneous phosphorus precipitation yes(j), no(n) n
biological phosphorus elimination yes(j), no(n) n
phosphorus embedded in biomass XP,BM 0.01 * Bd,BOD

Nitrogen Balance
nitrogen in excess
sludge XorgN,BM= 0.045 * C,BSB,ZB = 25.9 mg/l
total load, kjehldahl
N CTKN = CTKN,ZB - SorgN,AN - SNH4,AN - XorgN,BM = 76.5 mg/l
denitrified nitrogen SNO3,D = CTKN + SNO3,ZB - SNO3,AN = 46.5 mg/l
thereof with external
carbon SNO3,D,Ext = 0,2 * SCSB,Dos = 0.0 mg/l
effluent load total N CN,AN = SNO3,AN + SNH4,AN + SorgN,AN = 33.0 mg/l
N-elimination  1 - CN,AN / (CTKN,ZB + SNO3,ZB) = 68.7 %
theoretical return RF = CTKN /
ratio SNO3,AN - 1 = 155 %
denitrifikation kg NO3-N
capacity dk = (SNO3,D -SNO3,D,Ext)/ CBSB,ZB * 1,01(T-12) = 0.09 /
T = 12 °C with TDes £ 12°C, otherwise T = Tbem kg BOD5
VD/VAT (dk*2,9/(0,75*OVc,BOD)) = 0.22 -
spec. oxygen
demand OVc,BOD = 0,15 * tTS * F / (1+tTS * 0,17 * F) + 0,56 = 1.08 kg O2 /
kg BOD5

Sludge Age
factor for
temperature F = 1,072(T,Des-15) = 1.32 -
sluge age for
nitrification tTSaerob = SF * 3,4 * 1,103(15 - T,Des) = 3.3 d
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necessary sludge age denitrification tTS,Des = tTS,aerob/(1-Vd/V) 4.25 d

sludge age for nitri/deni and stabilis. tTS,Deni,Stab = 25*1,072 15.37 d
sludge age for nitrification and stabilis. tTS,Nitri,Stab = 20*1,072 12.29 d
chosen sludge age tTS,Des = 6.42 d

0.0 mg/l
concentration P CP,AN = 13.41 mg/l

Sludge Production
Excess Sludge, BOD
removal ES,d,C = Q,d/1000*C,BOD,ZB* 17308.81 kg TS/d
total excess sludge ES,d = ES,d,C 17308.81 kg TS/d

Volume Aeration
BOB-sludge load BTS = 1/(ES,tot * tTS) = 0.14 BOD*d)
kg /
volumetric loading BR = TSBB / (ES,tot * tTS) = 0.45 (m³/d)
total volume V= Bd,BOD/BR = 34,740.23 m³
volume for
denitrification Vd = (Vd /V) * V = 7,522.11 m³
volume for
nitrification Vn = V - Vd = 27,218.12 m³

Acid Capacity
acid capacity effluent
+ fac*PM-0,03*XP,Prec] = 5.6 mmol/l

ratio dissolved inert COD/total COD C= 0.05 -
dissolved inert COD
inflow SCOD,inert,ZB=C * SCOD,ZB = 23.44 mg/l
dissolved inert COD outflow sed. tank SCOD,inert,AN=SCOD,inert,,ZB = 23.44 mg/l
ratio filter residue inert COD/total COD A= 0.25 -
filter residue inert COD inflow XCOD,inert,ZB=A * (CCOD,ZB - SCOD,ZB) = 170.08 mg/l
degradable COD
inflow CCOD,abb,ZB=CCOD,ZB+SCOD,Dos-SCOD,inert,ZB-XCOD,inert,ZB= 955.50 mg/l
(SCSB,dos concentration lower than 10 mg/l are not considered)
ratio XanorgTS,ZB to
XTS,ZB B= 0.30 -
anorganic filter residue solids inflow XanorgTS,ZB = B * XTS,ZB 201.1 mg/l
ratio COD / org. TS D= 1.45 -
filter residue COD
(XCOD,ZB) XCOD,ZB=XTS,ZB*D*(1-B) 680.3 mg/l
dissolved COD SCOD,ZB=CCOD,ZB-XCOD,ZB= 468.7 mg/l
Yield Y= 0.67 g / g
decay coefficient b= 0.17 1/d
formed biomass XCOD,BM=CCOD,abb,ZB*Y*1/(1+b*tTS*FT) = 262.2 mg/l

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ratio inert dry solids of decayed biomass Z= 20.0 %

inert dry solids caused by endogenic decay = 75.6 mg/l
COD produced
sludge XCOD,ES=XCOD,inert,ZB+XCOD,BM+XCOD,inert,BM = 507.85 mg/l

O2-consumption via
COD OCd,COD = Qd*(CCOD,ZB-SCOD,inert,AN-XCOD,ES)/1000= 16985 kg O2/d
O2-consumption via
BOD5 OCd,BOD = Bd,BOD*(0,15*tTS*F/(1+tTS*0,17*F)+0,56)= 17077 kg O2/d
relation COD/BOD CCOD,ZB/CBOD,ZB = 2.00 <= 2,2
=> Calculation of oxygen consumption for C-elimination via BOD !
O2-consumption for C-Elimin. 17077 kg O2/d
Nitrifikation OCd,N = Qd * 4.3 * (SNO3,D-SNO3,ZB+SNO3,AN)/1000 = 9042 kg O2/d
Denitrifikation OCd,D = Qd * 2,9 * SNO3,D/1000 = 3706 kg O2/d

O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni at maximum temperature

temperature Tmax = 26 °C
O2-saturation (acc. Gujer) Cs =13,89-0,3825T+0,007311T²-0,00006588T³ 7.7 mg/l
Deni no (N), simult.,intermitt. (S) pre-anoxic (V) V -
blower working time at Nitri/Deni Lt = 24.00 h/d

Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, max C, med N OCh,ND = [fC * (OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]/24= 1073 kg O2/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, med C, max N OCh,ND = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + fN *OCd,N]/24= 1311 kg O2/h
nec. O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni OCND = OCh,N,max *CS/(CS-CX)/Lt = 1768 kg 02/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, average OCav = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]*CS/(CS-CX)/24= 1260 kg O2/h

O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni at minimum temperature

temperature Tmax = 19 °C
O2-saturation (acc. Gujer) Cs =13,89-0,3825T+0,007311T²-0,00006588T³ 8.8 mg/l
Deni no (N), simult.,intermitt. (S) pre-anoxic (V) V -
blower working time at Nitri/Deni Lt = 24.00 h/d

Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, max C, med N OCh,ND = [fC * (OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]/24= 1073 kg O2/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, med C, max N OCh,ND = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + fN *OCd,N]/24= 1311 kg O2/h
nec. O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni OCND = OCh,N,max *CS/(CS-CX)/Lt = 1696 kg 02/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, average OCav = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]*CS/(CS-CX)/24= 1208 kg O2/h

Chosen oxygen
amount OCchosen = 1768 kg 02/h
Psurf = 18 x 45
Installed aeration capacity surface aer. kW = 810 kW
Oxygen amount provided by surface aer. OCsur = OPsur*Psur*surf = 1385 kg 02/h
Required oxygen amount additional
membrane aerators OC,mem = 383 kg 02/h
Required capacity
blowers P=(OCchosen-OC,mem)/(OP,mem*) = 694 kW
Required air flow membrane aerators Qair =OC,mem/(OT,mem+d,mem*) = 9783 Nm³/h

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chosen number of
blowers: 6 -
chosen number of stand-by units 3 -
Capacity per blower 1631 Nm³/h
= 27 Nm³/min
Power requirements per blower 30 kW
Installed engine capacity per blower 37 kW
Relation average ogygen amount/max
oxygen amount: OCav/OCchosen= 0.70 -
Average energy consumption surface aerators: 565 kW
Average energy consumption blowers: 484 kW
Energy consumption per day 25189.9 kWh/d
specific energy consumption Espec = 1.674 BOD
related to inflow without internal load
factor for annual consumption (day with max con. per year): rf = 335 d/a
Energy consumption per year Pa = Pd * rf = 8438619 kWh/a

number of tanks 6
tank length 72 m
tank width 18 m
water depth 4.55 m
volume per tank V= 5897 m³
total volume Vtotal = V * 694 = 35381 m³

Energy demand for

specific energy
demand Em = 1.25 W/m³
energy demand for
mixing E= 44.2 kW
Number of mixers 18
energy demand per
mixer 2.5 kW
yearly energy
demand Ea = 387420 kWh/a Final Sedimentation Tanks

Design criteria Existing Sedimentation Tanks
peak hourly WWF WWF = 2406 m³/h

sludge volume index SVI = 110 ml/g

sludge volume surface loading qsv = 410 l/(m²*h)
thickening time tt = 2.0 h
mixed liquor aeration tank MLSSat = 3.20 kg/m³

comparative sludge volume CSV = (MLSSat * SVI) = 352.0 ml/l
surface flow rate (< 1.6 m/h) qA = qsv / (MLSSat * SVI) = 1.2 m/h
necessary surface area AST = WWF / qA = 2066 m²
1000 / SVI * tt(1/3)
dry solids tank floor MLSStf = = 11.5 kg/m³

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dry solids return sludge MLSSrs = 0.7 * MLSStf = 8.0 kg/m³

MLSSat / (MLSSrs - MLSSat)
return sludge flow RV = = 0.66 -

depth sedimentation tank

clear water zone h1 = 0.50 m
separation zone h2 = 0.5 *qA*(1 + RV) / (1 - CSV/1000) = 1.5 m
storage zone h3= 0.45 * qsv * (1 + RV) / 500 = 0.61 m
Thickening and removal zone h4 = TSBB * qA * (1+RV) * tt / MLSStf = 1.08 m
total depth h = h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 = 3.69 m

Existing dimensions
Number of tanks Not = 6
retained effective surface per tank Aeff = 346 m²
total effective surface Atotal = 2076 m²
tank depth dtank = 3.70 m
total tank volume: Vtotal = 7681.2 m³ Sand Filtration

Design criteria
Peak wet weather flow Q,WWF = 2,406 m³/h
upflow rate qA = 15.0 m/h
Flow for cleaning QR = 4.0 m³/(filterxh)

necessary surface area AFT = Q,DWF / qA = 160 m²

number of filters 32
net surface per tank Atank = 5.00 m2
total surface 160.00 m2
Filter Bed height hfilter = 1.50 m
Total filter height htotal = 5.50 m
Hydraulic head loss 1.50 m
surface wet well Awetwell= 0.2 mx 0.2 m= 0.04 m2
Air flow for mammoth
pump Qair = 140.00 l/min
Power requirement per
tank 1.10 kW
Total Air Flow 4480.00 l/min
Total power requirement 35.20 kW
Cleaning Water flow 128 m³/h UV disinfection
Design criteria
peak WWF Qmax = 2406 m³/h = 40099 l/min
Effluent Total Suspended Solids 10 mg/l
Desinfection Limit total coliforms 100 /100 ml

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Manufactorer specific
Minimum transmittance 60 %
Fouling factor 0.98 -
Lifetime factor 0.95 -
length per bank 2 m

Energy Demand
Energy demand per lamp 250.00 W/lamp
Specific energy demand 22.00 W/(m³*h)
Required energy demand peak WWF 52.93 kWh
Lamps required total 212 lamps
Total number of banks 2 -
Number of lamps per module 8 -
Number of modules per bank 14 -
Chosen number of lamps 224 lamps
Installed energy demand peak WWF 56 kWh

channels in use 1.00 -

peak WWF per channel 2406 m³/h
Channel width bases on number of UV modules 1422.4 mm
Channel depth recommended for UV module access 1574.8 mm

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1.2.3 Design Calculations for Wadi Arab WWTP, Stage 2 Screens
Design criteria
peak WWF Qmax = 3,018.02 m³/h = 0.838 m³/s
Number of channels 2
peak WWF per channel Qmax = 1509 m³/h = 0.419 m³/s
peak DWF Qmax = 1,195 m³/h = 0.332 m³/s
peak DWF per channel Qmax = 598 m³/h = 0.166 m³/s

width of inlet channel Wch = 0.80 m
bar screens spacing between bars: bsc,sp 6 mm
thickness of bars: bsc,th 6 mm
channel width bar screen Wsc = Wch/(bsc,sp-1)*(bsc,th+bsc,sp)+bsc,sp 1.9 m
coarse screen spacing between bars 60 mm
thickness of bars 8 mm
channel width coarse scr. Wsc = Wch/(bsc,sp-1)*(bsc,th+bsc,sp)+bsc,sp 1.0 m
flow depth, free screen dchann = 0.40 m
head loss, clogged screen hloss = 0.25 m
flow depth, clogged
screen dmax = 0.65 m
flow velocity at WWF, inlet channel vic = 1.31 m/s
flow velocity at WWF, screen
chamber vsc = 0.54 m/s
flow velocity at DWF, inlet channel vic = 0.52 m/s
flow velocity at DWF, screen
chamber vsc = 0.22 m/s

screenings per capita and
specific quantity year 10 l/(c x a)
quantity 250,745 x 10 / 365 = 6.9 m³/d
compaction by press 50.0 %
quantity after compaction 50.0 % x 6.9 m³/d = 3.4 m³/d
yearly quantity 3.4 m³/d x 365 d = 1253.724 m³/a
debris bin (container) volume 7 m³ Grit Chamber

Design criteria:
peak WWF Qmax = 3,018.02 m³/h = 0.838 m³/s
Number of channels 1
peak WWF per channel Qmax = 3018 m³/h = 0.838 m³/s
peak DWF Qmax = 2,155.73 m³/h = 0.599 m³/s
peak DWF per channel Qmax = 2156 m³/h = 0.599 m³/s

Existing dimensions:
volume grit chamber per channel 382.00 m³

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total volume grit chamber 382.00 m³

detention time peak DWF 10.63 min
detention time peak WWF 7.59 min

specific quantity grit grit per capita and year 4 l/(c x a)
quantity grit 250,745 x 4 / 365 = 2.7 m³/d
yearly quantity grit 2.7 m³/d x 365 d = 1002.98 m³/a
debris bin for grit
(container) volume 5.5 m³ Aeration Tanks

Inflow Activated Sludge Plant
Inflow at dry weather (QDWF) 34491.64 m³/d
Maximum flow
(QWWF) 3018.02 m³/h
Connected population equivalents 314,534 pe

Pollution load inlet Load increase caused by

sludge water:
BOD5 (Bd,BOD5) 18,872 kg BOD5/d 5%
COD (Bd,COD) 37,744 kg BOD5/d 5%
Dry solids (TSo) 22,017 SS/d 5%
Kjeldahl nitrogen kg
(TKNo) 3,460 TKN/d 5%
NO3-No 0.0 kg NO3-N/d 0%
total Phosphorus 629.1 kg PO4-P/d 5%

total load
total BOD (CBOD,ZB) 574.5 mg/l equal 19815.67 kg /d
total COD (CCOD,ZB) 1149.0 mg/l equal 39631.33 kg /d
dry solids (XTS,ZB) 670.3 mg/l equal 23118.28 kg /d
Kjeldahl Nitrogen
(CTKN,ZB) 105.3 mg/l equal 3632.872 kg TKN/d
kg NO3-
Total nitrate-nitrogen (SNO3,ZB) 0.0 mg/l equal 0 N/d
total phosphorus 19.2 mg/l equal 660.5222 kg Pges/d
Acid capacity (SKS,ZB) 15 mmol/l equal 915 HCO3

Effluent Values
effluent concentration organic N SorgN,AN 2.0 mg/l equal 69.0 kg/d
effluent concentration NH4-N SNH4,AN 1.0 mg/l equal 34.5 kg/d
effluent conc. NO3-N (=0,6-0,8*CW) SNO3,AN 30.0 mg/l equal 1034.7 kg/d

Design Parameters
design temperature TDes 19.0 °C
sewage temperature
winter TW 19.0 °C
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MLSS Aeration Tank TSBB 3.20 kg/m³

safety factor SF 1.45 -
Deni no (N), simult.,intermitt. (S) pre-anoxic (V) V
Simult. aerobic sludgestabilis. yes(j), no(n) n
nitrogen embedded in biomass XorgN,BM= 0.045 * Bd,COD
external carbon kg
added SCSB,Dos 0.0 COD/d equal 0.0 mg/l
dissolved oxygen concentration Cx = 2.0 mg/l
peak factor for carbon respiration fC = 1.25 -
peak factor for ammonium oxidation fN = 2 -
Quotient oxygen tranfer surface aerat. surface = 0.9 -
specific oxygen transfer surface aerat. OP,surface = 1.9 kg 02/kWh
Quotient oxygen tranfer membrane aer. mem = 0.6 -
spec. oxygen transfer membrane aer. OT,mem = 0.015 kg O2/(Nm³*m)
depth membrane
aerators d,mem = 4.35 m
Pressure losses membranes 0.35 m
Pressure losses air
pipes 0.30 m
Requires pressure
blower 500 mbar
specific air flow at req. Pressure OP,mem = 0.92 Nm³/min/kW

simultaneous phosphorus precipitation yes(j), no(n) n
biological phosphorus elimination yes(j), no(n) n
phosphorus embedded in biomass XP,BM 0.01 * Bd,BOD

Nitrogen Balance
nitrogen in excess
sludge XorgN,BM= 0.045 * C,BSB,ZB = 25.9 mg/l
total load, kjehldahl
N CTKN = CTKN,ZB - SorgN,AN - SNH4,AN - XorgN,BM = 76.5 mg/l
denitrified nitrogen SNO3,D = CTKN + SNO3,ZB - SNO3,AN = 46.5 mg/l
thereof with external
carbon SNO3,D,Ext = 0,2 * SCSB,Dos = 0.0 mg/l
effluent load total N CN,AN = SNO3,AN + SNH4,AN + SorgN,AN = 33.0 mg/l
N-elimination  1 - CN,AN / (CTKN,ZB + SNO3,ZB) = 68.7 %
theoretical return RF = CTKN /
ratio SNO3,AN - 1 = 155 %
denitrifikation kg NO3-N
capacity dk = (SNO3,D -SNO3,D,Ext)/ CBSB,ZB * 1,01(T-12) = 0.09 /
T = 12 °C with TDes £ 12°C, otherwise T = Tbem kg BOD5
VD/VAT (dk*2,9/(0,75*OVc,BOD)) = 0.23 -
spec. oxygen
demand OVc,BOD = 0,15 * tTS * F / (1+tTS * 0,17 * F) + 0,56 = 1.02 kg O2 /
kg BOD5

Sludge Age
factor for
temperature F = 1,072(T,Des-15) = 1.32 -
(15 - T,Des)
sluge age for tTSaerob = SF * 3,4 * 1,103 = 3.3 d
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necessary sludge age denitrification tTS,Des = tTS,aerob/(1-Vd/V) 4.34 d
sludge age for nitri/deni and stabilis. tTS,Deni,Stab = 25*1,072 15.37 d
sludge age for nitrification and stabilis. tTS,Nitri,Stab = 20*1,072 12.29 d
chosen sludge age tTS,Des = 4.95 d

0.0 mg/l
concentration P CP,AN = 13.41 mg/l

Sludge Production
Excess Sludge, BOD
removal ES,d,C = Q,d/1000*C,BOD,ZB* 22474.62 kg TS/d
total excess sludge ES,d = ES,d,C 22474.62 kg TS/d

Volume Aeration
BOB-sludge load BTS = 1/(ES,tot * tTS) = 0.18 BOD*d)
kg /
volumetric loading BR = TSBB / (ES,tot * tTS) = 0.57 (m³/d)
total volume V= Bd,BOD/BR = 34,765.43 m³
volume for
denitrification Vd = (Vd /V) * V = 8,075.62 m³
volume for
nitrification Vn = V - Vd = 26,689.81 m³

Acid Capacity
acid capacity effluent
+ fac*PM-0,03*XP,Prec] = 5.6 mmol/l

ratio dissolved inert COD/total COD C= 0.05 -
dissolved inert COD
inflow SCOD,inert,ZB=C * SCOD,ZB = 23.44 mg/l
dissolved inert COD outflow sed. tank SCOD,inert,AN=SCOD,inert,,ZB = 23.44 mg/l
ratio filter residue inert COD/total COD A= 0.25 -
filter residue inert COD inflow XCOD,inert,ZB=A * (CCOD,ZB - SCOD,ZB) = 170.08 mg/l
degradable COD
inflow CCOD,abb,ZB=CCOD,ZB+SCOD,Dos-SCOD,inert,ZB-XCOD,inert,ZB= 955.50 mg/l
(SCSB,dos concentration lower than 10 mg/l are not considered)
ratio XanorgTS,ZB to
XTS,ZB B= 0.30 -
anorganic filter residue solids inflow XanorgTS,ZB = B * XTS,ZB 201.1 mg/l
ratio COD / org. TS D= 1.45 -
filter residue COD
(XCOD,ZB) XCOD,ZB=XTS,ZB*D*(1-B) 680.3 mg/l
dissolved COD SCOD,ZB=CCOD,ZB-XCOD,ZB= 468.7 mg/l
Yield Y= 0.67 g / g
decay coefficient b= 0.17 1/d
formed biomass XCOD,BM=CCOD,abb,ZB*Y*1/(1+b*tTS*FT) = 303.2 mg/l
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ratio inert dry solids of decayed biomass Z= 20.0 %

inert dry solids caused by endogenic decay = 67.4 mg/l
COD produced
sludge XCOD,ES=XCOD,inert,ZB+XCOD,BM+XCOD,inert,BM = 540.69 mg/l

O2-consumption via
COD OCd,COD = Qd*(CCOD,ZB-SCOD,inert,AN-XCOD,ES)/1000= 20174 kg O2/d
O2-consumption via
BOD5 OCd,BOD = Bd,BOD*(0,15*tTS*F/(1+tTS*0,17*F)+0,56)= 20300 kg O2/d
relation COD/BOD CCOD,ZB/CBOD,ZB = 2.00 <= 2,2
=> Calculation of oxygen consumption for C-elimination via BOD !
O2-consumption for C-Elimin. 20300 kg O2/d
Nitrifikation OCd,N = Qd * 4.3 * (SNO3,D-SNO3,ZB+SNO3,AN)/1000 = 11342 kg O2/d
Denitrifikation OCd,D = Qd * 2,9 * SNO3,D/1000 = 4649 kg O2/d

O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni at maximum temperature

temperature Tmax = 26 °C
O2-saturation (acc. Gujer) Cs =13,89-0,3825T+0,007311T²-0,00006588T³ 7.7 mg/l
Deni no (N), simult.,intermitt. (S) pre-anoxic (V) V -
blower working time at Nitri/Deni Lt = 24.00 h/d

Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, max C, med N OCh,ND = [fC * (OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]/24= 1288 kg O2/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, med C, max N OCh,ND = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + fN *OCd,N]/24= 1597 kg O2/h
nec. O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni OCND = OCh,N,max *CS/(CS-CX)/Lt = 2155 kg 02/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, average OCav = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]*CS/(CS-CX)/24= 1517 kg O2/h

O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni at minimum temperature

temperature Tmax = 19 °C
O2-saturation (acc. Gujer) Cs =13,89-0,3825T+0,007311T²-0,00006588T³ 8.8 mg/l
Deni no (N), simult.,intermitt. (S) pre-anoxic (V) V -
blower working time at Nitri/Deni Lt = 24.00 h/d

Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, max C, med N OCh,ND = [fC * (OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]/24= 1288 kg O2/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, med C, max N OCh,ND = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + fN *OCd,N]/24= 1597 kg O2/h
nec. O2-consumption for Nitri + Deni OCND = OCh,N,max *CS/(CS-CX)/Lt = 2066 kg 02/h
Cons. for C+ Nitri/Deni, average OCav = [(OCd,c -OCd,D) + OCd,N]*CS/(CS-CX)/24= 1455 kg O2/h

Chosen oxygen
amount OCchosen = 2155 kg 02/h
Psurf = 18 x 45
Installed aeration capacity surface aer. kW = 810 kW
Oxygen amount provided by surface aer. OCsur = OPsur*Psur*surf = 1385 kg 02/h
Required oxygen amount additional
membrane aerators OC,mem = 770 kg 02/h
Required capacity
blowers P=(OCchosen-OC,mem)/(OP,mem*) = 3666 kW
Required air flow membrane aerators Qair =OC,mem/(OT,mem+d,mem*) = 19663 Nm³/h

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chosen number of
blowers: 12 -
chosen number of stand-by units 3 -
Capacity per blower 1639 Nm³/h
= 27 Nm³/min
Power requirements per blower 30 kW
Installed engine capacity per blower 37 kW
Relation average ogygen amount/max
oxygen amount: OCav/OCchosen= 0.69 -
Average energy consumption surface aerators: 559 kW
Average energy consumption blowers: 2528 kW
Energy consumption per day 74083.8 kWh/d
specific energy consumption Espec = 3.926 BOD
related to inflow without internal load
factor for annual consumption (day with max con. per year): rf = 335 d/a
Energy consumption per year Pa = Pd * rf = 24818060 kWh/a

number of tanks 6
tank length 72 m
tank width 18 m
water depth 4.55 m
volume per tank V= 5897 m³
total volume Vtotal = V * 3666 = 35381 m³

Energy demand for

specific energy
demand Em = 1.25 W/m³
energy demand for
mixing E= 44.2 kW
Number of mixers 18
energy demand per
mixer 2.5 kW
yearly energy
demand Ea = 387420 kWh/a Final Sedimentation Tanks

peak hourly WWF WWF = 3018 m³/h
peak hourly WWF given to existing Sedimentation Tanks 1936 m³/h
peak hourly WWF given to new Sedimentation Tanks 1082 m³/h

Design criteria Existing Sedimentation Tanks

peak hourly WWF WWF = 1936 m³/h

sludge volume index SVI = 125 ml/g

sludge volume surface loading qsv = 373 l/(m²*h)
thickening time tt = 1.5 h
mixed liquor aeration tank MLSSat = 3.20 kg/m³

comparative sludge
volume CSV = (MLSSat * SVI) = 400.0 ml/l
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surface flow rate (< 1.6 m/h) qA = qsv / (MLSSat * SVI) = 0.9 m/h
necessary surface area AST = WWF / qA = 2076 m²
dry solids tank floor MLSStf = 1000 / SVI * tt = 9.2 kg/m³
dry solids return sludge MLSSrs = 0.7 * MLSStf = 6.4 kg/m³
return sludge flow RV = MLSSat / (MLSSrs - MLSSat) = 1.00 -

depth sedimentation tank

clear water zone h1 = 0.50 m
h2 = 0.5 *qA*(1 + RV) / (1 - CSV/1000)
separation zone = 1.55 m
storage zone h3= 0.45 * qsv * (1 + RV) / 500 = 0.67 m
Thickening and removal zone h4 = TSBB * qA * (1+RV) * tt / MLSStf = 0.98 m
total depth h = h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 = 3.70 m

Existing dimensions
Number of tanks Not = 6
retained effective surface per tank Aeff = 346 m²
total effective surface Atotal = 2076 m²
tank depth dtank = 3.70 m
total tank volume: Vtotal = 7681.2 m³

Design criteria new Sedimentation Tanks

peak hourly WWF WWF = 1082 m³/h

sludge volume index SVI = 125 ml/g

sludge volume surface loading qsv = 373 l/(m²*h)
thickening time tt = 1.5 h
mixed liquor aeration tank MLSSat = 3.20 kg/m³

comparative sludge
volume CSV = (MLSSat * SVI) = 400.0 ml/l
surface flow rate (< 1.6 m/h) qA = qsv / (MLSSat * SVI) = 0.9 m/h
necessary surface area AST = WWF / qA = 1160 m²
dry solids tank floor MLSStf = 1000 / SVI * tt = 9.2 kg/m³
dry solids return sludge MLSSrs = 0.7 * MLSStf = 6.4 kg/m³
return sludge flow RV = MLSSat / (MLSSrs - MLSSat) = 1.00 -

depth sedimentation tank

clear water zone h1 = 0.50 m
h2 = 0.5 *qA*(1 + RV) / (1 - CSV/1000)
separation zone = 1.55 m
storage zone h3= 0.45 * qsv * (1 + RV) / 500 = 0.67 m
Thickening and removal zone h4 = TSBB * qA * (1+RV) * tt / MLSStf = 0.98 m
total depth h = h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 = 3.70 m

Chosen dimensions new tanks:

Number of tanks: Not = 3.00
outer diameter: diao = 23.00 m
diameter inlet: diai = 3.00 m
retained surface per tank: A= 408 m²
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total surface: Atotal = 1225 m²

depths outlet: dou = 3.48 m
bottom slope: 1/15
depths inlet: din = 4.15 m
effective tank depths: deff = 3.70 m
effective volume per tank: VST = deff * A = 1512 m³
total tank volume new tanks: 4536 m³
total tank volume: Vtotal = 12217 m³
retention time: t,r = 4.05 h Sand Filtration

Design criteria
Peak wet weather flow Q,WWF = 3,018 m³/h
upflow rate qA = 15.0 m/h
Flow for cleaning QR = 4.0 m³/(filterxh)

necessary surface area AFT = Q,DWF / qA = 201 m²

number of filters 42
net surface per tank Atank = 5.00 m2
total surface 210.00 m2
Filter Bed height hfilter = 1.50 m
Total filter height htotal = 5.50 m
Hydraulic head loss 1.50 m
surface wet well Awetwell= 0.2 mx 0.2 m= 0.04 m2
Air flow for mammoth
pump Qair = 140.00 l/min
Power requirement per
tank 1.10 kW
Total Air Flow 5880.00 l/min
Total power requirement 46.20 kW
Cleaning Water flow 168 m³/h UV disinfection
Design criteria
peak WWF Qmax = 3018 m³/h = 50300 l/min
Effluent Total Suspended Solids 10 mg/l
Desinfection Limit total coliforms 100 /100 ml

Manufactorer specific
Minimum transmittance 60 %
Fouling factor 0.98 -
Lifetime factor 0.95 -
length per bank 2 m

Energy Demand
Energy demand per lamp 250.00 W/lamp
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Specific energy demand 22.00 W/(m³*h)

Required energy demand peak WWF 66.40 kWh
Lamps required total 266 lamps
Total number of banks 2 -
Number of lamps per module 8 -
Number of modules per bank 17 -
Chosen number of lamps 272 lamps
Installed energy demand peak WWF 68 kWh

channels in use 1.00 -

peak WWF per channel 3018 m³/h
Channel width bases on number of UV modules 1727.2 mm
Channel depth recommended for UV module access 1574.8 mm

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2.1 Arrangement of Process Units

The general arrangement of the process units is shown in the lay-out plan.

2.2 Design Basis

The hydraulic design has been accomplished in order to optimise elevations and siting in view of
operation and economics. The sources applied for the hydraulic design are:

(1) The Bernoulli, continuity and momentum equations,

(2) the Prandtl-Colebrook formula for losses in closed conduits,
(3) the Strickler equation for the design of open channels,
(4) the Darcy-Weisbach equation for the calculation of local losses,
(5) weir formula for the design of discharge structures and outlets.
(6) Sitzmann, D: Hydraulic calculations for wastewater treatment plants, Water and Soil 5/87.
(7) ATV Working Group: Hydraulic calculations for wastewater treatment plants, Korrespondenz
Abwasser 2/84.

2.2.1 Partly filled pipes

The calculations for partly filled pipes are based on the formula of Prandtl
And Colebrook. The flow results to

Qf = Af*((-2*log(2,51*nü/(d*(2*g*Io*d)0,5)+kb/(3,71*d)))*(2*g*Io*d)0,5)

Qf = flow at the fully filled pipe (m^3/s)
nü = kin. viscosity
d = inner diameter of pipe
g = earth acceleration (m/s^2)
circular area at fully filled pipe = Pi*d^2/4
Io = slope

The velocity vf is compiled by:

vf = Qf/Af

To calculate the flow at partly filled pipes the following

approximation will be applied according to ATV guidelines:
vp/vf = (rhyd,p/rhyd,f)^0,625

The flow for the partly filled pipe results to:

Qp = Ap/Af * (rhyd,p/rhyd,f)^0,625 * Qf
Up to a flow ratio of hp to d of 0.827
the flow for the partly filled pipe will be calculated
according to the above mentioned Formula. At a higher filling ratio
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Qp = Qf will be applied.

Qp = flow at partly filled pipe (m^3/s)
Ap = area at partly filled pipe
rhyd,p = hydraul. Radius at partly filled pipe
rhyd,f = hydraul. Radius at fully filled pipe

The area Ap and the hydraulic radius rhyd,p result from

the height h and the dependent angle alpha at the partly filled pipe.

2.2.2 Inverted Syphons and pressure pipes

The calculations are based on the formula of Darcy-Weissbach. The hydraulic loss results to:
lρ v2
h v   
For the transition zone  kann be calculated as follows:
 2.51 
v  d
 -2lg  
 with Re 
λ  Re  λ d  3.71  

 = friction factor [-]
 = fluid density kg/m³
v = velocity m/s
d = inner pipe diameter m/s
l = pipe lengths m
kinematic viscosity m²/s

2.2.3 Weirs with smooth overflow crest

Weirs with smooth overflow can be calculated with the Poleni formula :

ho = (3*Q/(2**L*c*(2g)^0,5))^(2/3)

Q = flow (m³/(s * m))
 = overflow coefficient
ho = overflow height
g = acceleration of gravity (m/s²)
c = Grade of imperfection
L = overflow length (m)

At perfect overflows c will amount to 1 and ho can be directly calculated. At imperfect overflows c will

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be calculated dependent on the ratio a/h according to figure 12 KA 2/84 S. 131 ermittelt. The overflow
ho will be iterated accordingly.

2.3 Hydraulic Design

2.3.1 Water Levels and Elevations

The calculations for the hydraulic design have been performed for the peak wet weather of the
wastewater treatment plant for Stage 2.

The results retained from hydraulic calculations are summarised in the following listing (Table 2.3).

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Table 2.3: Hydraulic design

No. Unit/structure total units flow per pipe head overflow distance water level Bottom top edge of freeboard elevation of
flow unit diameter loss head weir to lower (max flow) elevation building nat. terrain
(m³/h) (l/s) (-) (l/s) (mm) (m) (m) water level (m a ASL) (m a ASL) (m a ASL) (m) (m a ASL)

1 Partly filled pipe outlet metering - outlet disinfection 3018 838.3 1 838.3 1000 0.54
1.1 pipe outlet 148.56 148.02
1.2 pipe inlet 148.59 148.05

2 Disinfection chamber 3018 838.3 1 838.3

2.1 chamber outflow 148.59 148.05 150.40 1.81 150.00
2.2 weir 0.44 0.76 149.35 148.91
2.3 chamber inflow 149.35 147.65 150.40 1.05 150.00

3 Syphon inlet disinfection - outlet filtration 3018 838.3 1 838.3 800 0.23
3.1 pipe outlet 149.35 147.65 150.40 1.05 150.00
3.2 pipe inlet 149.58 148.36 151.16 1.58 150.00

4 Filtration 3186 885 1 885.0 1.58

4.1 outlet 149.58 148.36 151.16 1.58 150.00
4.2 inlet 151.16 148.10 152.16 1.00 150.00

5 New Siphon from existing MH 5 to new Filtration 3186 885 1 885.0 800 0.05
5.1 pipe outlet 151.16 148.19 152.16 1.00 150.00
5.2 pipe inlet 151.21 148.28 152.13 0.92 152.13

6 Existing Siphon from MH 10 to MH 5 3186 885 1 885.0 800 1.99

6.1 pipe outlet 151.21 148.28 152.13 0.92 152.13
6.2 pipe inlet 153.20 149.81 156.31 3.11 156.31

7 Existing Siphon from MH 14.1 to MH 10 3186 885 1 885.0 800 1.68

7.1 pipe outlet 153.20 149.81 156.31 3.11 156.31
7.2 pipe inlet 154.89 154.38 158.83 3.94 158.83

8 Existing Siphon from Sedim. Tank 6 to MH 14.1 587 163.1 1 163.1 400 0.46
8.1 pipe outlet 154.89 154.38 158.83 3.94 158.83
8.2 pipe inlet 155.35 154.80 158.83 3.48 158.83

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2.3.2 Hydraulic Calculations

Name of section: 1 - Pipe from new Disinfection to existing venturi-channel

Design Criteria:
kin. viscosity  = 1.31E-06 m²/s
roughness kb = 0.5 mm
Inner diameter d = 1000 mm
invert slope Io = 3.0 o/oo
pipe length L = 8 m
water level partly filled pipe 0.54 m

Qt/Qv = 0.57 -
h/d = 0.54 -
vt/vv = 1.03 -

Calculation fully filled pipe:

flow Qf = 1459 l/s
area Af = 0.79 m²
velocity vf = 1.86 m/s
perimeter Uf = 3.14 m
hydraulic radius V = 0.25 m

Calculation partly filled pipe:

flow Qp = 838.3 l/s
area Ap = 0.44 m²
velocity vp = 1.92 m/s
angle alpha = 190.15 °
perimeter Uf = 1.66 m
hydraulic radius V = 0.26 m

Name of section: 2 - Weir at disinfection unit

Design Criteria:
flow Q = 838.33 l/s
= 0.64 [-]
c (at imperfect overflows according to figure 12)
= 1.00 [-]
overflow length L = 1.50 m
water level downstream over weir crest = a = 0.00 m
water level upstream over weir crest = h = 0.44 m

a/h = 0.00 -
Overflow height ho = 0.44 m

Name of section: 3 - Siphon from Filtration outlet to Disinfection inlet

Design Criteria:
flow Q= 838.3333 l/s
viscosity  1.31E-06 m^2/s
roughness factor kb = 0.25 mm

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Reuse of TWW for irrigation purposes in the Northern Jordan Valley
Administration Proposal WWTP Wadi Arab Annex
Page 25

inner diameter d= 800 mm

pipe length l= 7.5 m
cross section A= 0.50 m^2
velocity v= 1.67 m/s
Reynolds number Re = v*d/ 1018511 -
Lambda Iteration √= 0.126
√= 1/(-2*LOG(2.51(Re*√
+kb/(d*3.71)))) 0.126
= 0.02
pipe head loss Je = hv/l = /d* v^2/(2*g) 2.79 o/oo
=Je*l = 0.02 m

Individual losses:
suction connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
pressure connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
90°-bow: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
45°-bow: = 0.15 number: 0 0 [-]
non-return valve: = 0.9 number: 0 0 [-]
valve: = 0.2 number: 0 0 [-]
flow merging: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
Inlet: = 0.5 number: 1 0.5 [-]
outlet: = 1.0 number: 1 1 [-]
additional: = 0.0 number: 0 0 [-]
total losses : 1.5 [-]
individual head losses =v²/2g = 0.21 m
total head losses 0.23 m

Name of section: 5 - New Siphon from existing MH 5 to new Filtration

Design Criteria:
flow Q= 885 l/s
viscosity  1.31E-06 m^2/s
roughness factor kb = 0.25 mm
inner diameter d= 800 mm
pipe length l= 66 m
cross section A= 0.50 m^2
velocity v= 1.76 m/s
Reynolds number Re = v*d/ 1075207 -
Lambda Iteration √= 0.125
√= 1/(-2*LOG(2.51(Re*√
+kb/(d*3.71)))) 0.125
= 0.02
pipe head loss Je = hv/l = /d* v^2/(2*g) 3.11 o/oo
=Je*l = 0.20 m

Individual losses:
suction connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
pressure connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
90°-bow: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
45°-bow: = 0.15 number: 1 0.15 [-]
non-return valve: = 0.9 number: 0 0 [-]
valve: = 0.2 number: 0 0 [-]
flow merging: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
Inlet: = 0.5 number: 1 0.5 [-]
outlet: = 1.0 number: 1 1 [-]

April 2012
Reuse of TWW for irrigation purposes in the Northern Jordan Valley
Administration Proposal WWTP Wadi Arab Annex
Page 26

additional:  = 0.0 number: 0 0 [-]

total losses : 1.65 [-]
individual head losses =v²/2g = 0.26 m
total head losses 0.47 m

Name of section: 6 - Existing Siphon from MH 10 to MH 5

Design Criteria:
flow Q= 885 l/s
viscosity  1.31E-06 m^2/s
roughness factor kb = 0.25 mm
inner diameter d= 800 mm
pipe length l= 259 m
cross section A= 0.50 m^2
velocity v= 1.76 m/s
Reynolds number Re = v*d/ 1075207 -
Lambda Iteration √= 0.125
√= 1/(-2*LOG(2.51(Re*√
+kb/(d*3.71)))) 0.125
= 0.02
pipe head loss Je = hv/l = /d* v^2/(2*g) 3.11 o/oo
=Je*l = 0.80 m

Individual losses:
suction connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
pressure connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
90°-bow: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
45°-bow: = 0.15 number: 0 0 [-]
non-return valve: = 0.9 number: 0 0 [-]
valve: = 0.2 number: 0 0 [-]
flow merging: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
Inlet: = 0.5 number: 5 2.5 [-]
outlet: = 1.0 number: 5 5 [-]
additional: = 0.0 number: 0 0 [-]
total losses : 7.5 [-]
individual head losses =v²/2g = 1.18 m
total head losses 1.99 m

Name of section: 7 - Existing Siphon from MH 14.1 to MH 10

Design Criteria:
flow Q= 885 l/s
viscosity  1.31E-06 m^2/s
roughness factor kb = 0.25 mm
inner diameter d= 800 mm
pipe length l= 237 m
cross section A= 0.50 m^2
velocity v= 1.76 m/s
Reynolds number Re = v*d/ 1075207 -
Lambda Iteration √= 0.125
√= 1/(-2*LOG(2.51(Re*√
+kb/(d*3.71)))) 0.125
= 0.02
pipe head loss Je = hv/l = /d* v^2/(2*g) 3.11 o/oo

April 2012
Reuse of TWW for irrigation purposes in the Northern Jordan Valley
Administration Proposal WWTP Wadi Arab Annex
Page 27

=Je*l = 0.74 m

Individual losses:
suction connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
pressure connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
90°-bow: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
45°-bow: = 0.15 number: 0 0 [-]
non-return valve: = 0.9 number: 0 0 [-]
valve: = 0.2 number: 0 0 [-]
flow merging: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
Inlet: = 0.5 number: 4 2 [-]
outlet: = 1.0 number: 4 4 [-]
additional: = 0.0 number: 0 0 [-]
total losses : 6 [-]
individual head losses =v²/2g = 0.95 m
total head losses 1.68 m

Name of section: 8 - Existing Siphon from Sedim. Tank 6 to MH 14.1

Design Criteria:
flow Q= 163.1 l/s
viscosity  1.31E-06 m^2/s
roughness factor kb = 0.25 mm
inner diameter d= 400 mm
pipe length l= 51 m
cross section A= 0.13 m^2
velocity v= 1.30 m/s
Reynolds number Re = v*d/ 396308 -
Lambda Iteration √= 0.136
√= 1/(-2*LOG(2.51(Re*√
+kb/(d*3.71)))) 0.136
= 0.02
pipe head loss Je = hv/l = /d* v^2/(2*g) 3.99 o/oo
=Je*l = 0.20 m

Individual losses:
suction connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
pressure connection: = 0.3 number: 0 0 [-]
90°-bow: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
45°-bow: = 0.15 number: 0 0 [-]
non-return valve: = 0.9 number: 0 0 [-]
valve: = 0.2 number: 0 0 [-]
flow merging: = 0.4 number: 0 0 [-]
Inlet: = 0.5 number: 2 1 [-]
outlet: = 1.0 number: 2 2 [-]
additional: = 0.0 number: 0 0 [-]
total losses : 3 [-]
individual head losses =v²/2g = 0.26 m
total head losses 0.46 m

April 2012

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