2006 Miscellaneous
2006 Miscellaneous
2006 Miscellaneous
Agency (NEAEA)
• This is a closed book exam for all materials except clean copies of the FDRE
Constitution and Criminal Code of Ethiopia which can neither be lent to nor
borrowed from other students.
• The Exam has five sections. The grades allotted for each are indicated beside the title
of the section.
• Whenever Appropriate buttress your arguments with pertinent legal provisions
• You are expected to allocate your time based on the marks allotted per questioQ..
• Write your answers in the answer sheet provided.
• Switch off your mobile phone.
Please do not turn this page until you are told to do so!
Choose the best answer from the given choices and write the letter of your choice in
• the answer sheet provided. Each question carries 1 point. Please allocate about 25
minutes to complete this part of the exa~.
2. . The statement that is true about law making process in Ethiopia is:
LL.B Exit Exam Part IV, NEAEA 2014 (2006 E.C.) Page 1
5. Which of the following order is, respectively, the first and last step in law making
A. Legal realists give emphasis to statutes more often than to the judge's
B. Natural law school believes in the existence of some higher moral values.
C. Positivists,put the sovereign power at the centre of the legal system.
D. Natural law blends law and morality.
E. Legal realists put the judge at the center of the legal system.
8. Which one of the following statements isfalse about Locke's state of nature
A. Lack of certainty
B. Being static
C. Absence of dispute settlement mechanism
D. Existence of executive body that enforces the laws
E. Inflexibility of rules
10. Which one of the following is a decisive factor in transforming a given customary
practice into customary law?
A. Opinio juris
B. Regularity
C. Longevity
D. Repetition
A. Sovereignty
11. The reason for marginalization of customary law systems during the Ethiopian
codification projects in 1950s and 1960s could be:
12. The Code of Ethiopia that explicitly and predominately rejected customary rules
and practices is:
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13. Which one of the following is an attribute of the Ethiopia legal system that existed
prior to mid-20 th century?
15. Legal malpractice may result from violating advocate's ethical duty of
16. A sitting-judge who prepares contracts and other legal documents for payments
only on weekends:
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17. An advocate who causes damage for reckless handling of a client's case may be
subject to:
18. Which one of the following conduct may result in revocation of advocate's license?
19. Which one of the following statement could be an· example of indirect
discrimination against women?
20. Which one of the following can be a factor for achievement of gender equality to be
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21. Which one of the following statements is true about gender equality?
23. Identify the false statement about the interrelationships of international and national
environmental laws?
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Ii _
24. - One is not the reason behind the failure story of climate change negotiation:
25. Courts may award any of the following reme,die~ for an environmental case except
one: ./ .
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Part II. Matching (10 points)
Select a term/phrases from column 'B' that best match with a term/phrases under
column 'A' and write the letter of your choice in the answer sheet. Each question "
carries 1 point. Please budget about 10 minutes to complete this part.
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I ,
Part III. Short answer questions (15 points)
Give short answers to the following three questions. Your answer(s) to each question
should not exceed seven lines. Your answers to each question beyond these lines will
not be marked. Each question carries 5 points. Write legibly. You should allot .about
ten minutes to answer each question.
36. Explain the role of court decisions as a source of law in contemporary Ethiopia.
38. Indicate mechanisms of holding federal court judges accountable under the present
Ethiopian legal system.
Answer the following two questions each in not more than one page. Your answers to
each of these questions beyond one page will not be marked. Your answers are
expected to be analytic, critical and comprehensive. Write legibly. Each question
carries 7.5 points. Please allocate about 15 minutes for each question.
40. The Ethiopian Environmental Policy seeks, among others, to " ... err on side of caution
when a compromise between short-term economic growth and long-term environmental
protection is necessary ... " Identify and explain the characteristics of the principle behind
the above quotation.
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Part V Case-type questions
' Answer the following three questions, each based on a hypothetical case. Your answer
should be based on reason and authority. Write a concise, complete, organized and
relevant answer. Your answer to each of these questions may not exceed one 'page and
shall not be corrected beyond that should you write more than one page. Allocate
about 70 minutes to answer the three questions.
Case I
F is a·country situated in the Hom of Africa. The country is heavily reliant on agriCUlture
which contributes to the lion's share of the country's economy. Thus, access to farmland
has been viewed as one of the most important issues in the country. Accordingly, land laws
have been passed to address land related issues. The country is a home of diverse ethnic and
cultural groups with varied interests. With a view to accommodating such interests, the
country has put in place a system of federal government in which federal and regional
governments possess respective legislative, executive and judicial powers as delineated in I
the country's constitution. The federal government and one of the regions, 'Region A', have
recently enacted their own respective land laws to regulate access to and control over
farmlands. However, these two laws contradict each other in a significant way. The federal
government has held the view that the land laws enacted by 'Region A' should be consistent
with federal land laws while 'Region A' maintains that it has every right to enact land law
. even when it contradicts with federal land laws.
41. Which position do you support assuming that F's constitution and land laws are
identical to the constitution and land laws of the Federal Government of Ethiopia?
Why? (1 0 pOints)
Case II
The Ethiopian Constitution forbids the sale of land under Article 40 of the FDRE
Constitution. Nonetheless, a good number of farmers who reside in the surroundings of
cities and towns throughout the country engage in the practice of transfer of their
landholdings to land speculators and genuine land seekers - those who lack other
alternatives to access land for housing. The farmers sell their land in an anticipation that
future expropriation of their land due to town expansions would result in small
compensation amount as compared to the sale value they are actually collecting via these
informal arrangements. Buyers are also entering into these informal land deals in the hope
that their landholdings would be regularized one day. Those involved also claim that these
informal contracts are binding and are often enforced by customary practices and informal -
institutions. But frequently, city administrations bulldoze informal settlements which spring
up as a result of these practices leading to evictlon of people who bought land and
constructed houses on it.
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t- I
42. Identify and explain two contrasting legal theories each justifying the claims of the
people who have obtained land without the blessing of the government and that of the
government authorities. You . are also expected to indicate the way forward based on
these two theories. (15 points)
Case III
Nania is a 17 years old woman married to 37 years old man named Chacha. They have two
children. For the past four years, Nania has been subjected to regular domestic violence and
threats by Chacha. He possesses a firearm and has threatened to kill her and the children.
Some months ago, Chachu moved in with a new female partner and left the family home,
taking most of the furniture and household items with him. He also stopped paying child
support. Hoping to protect herself and the children, she has changed the lock on the door of
the family's house. However, when Nania refused to allow in, he forcibly entered the house
and had severely bitten her that led to her hospitalization. To escape his further assaults, she
would have loved to go to shelter with her child~en, but there is no shelter for victim of
violence in the area. Nania has reported to the local police twice concerning two incidents
of battery and assault causing her bodily harm. However, Chacha has ·not been detained ,t
any time in this connection and that no action has been taken by the local police office.
43. Dispose the case assuming that it is brought before a court in which you are a judge .
.(Consider both civil and criminal aspects of it). (10 points)
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