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EEE362 Microwave Engineering

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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

COMSATS University Islamabad


EEE362 Microwave Engineering


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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

COMSATS University Islamabad


EEE362 Microwave Engineering


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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

Microwave Engineering
Course code:
EEE362 (3+1)

EEE232 Electronics ‐ II
EEE261 Electromagnetic Theory


Course Catalog Description:

Introduction to Microwave concepts and principles, frequencies range, properties and applications. Time
varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations: Wave equations and their Solutions, Time Harmonic Fields, Plane
Electromagnetic Waves, Boundary Conditions, Polarization and its types, Theory and Application of
Transmission Lines, special cases of transmission lines, Matching networks, Smith’s Chart, Application of
L‐section and/or tuning stubs as matching networks, quarter wave transformer, Theory of small
reflections, Binomial Multi‐Section Matching.
Microwaves transmission media, their behavior along uniform guiding structure, transmission lines,
Parallel Plate waveguide, Rectangular waveguide, TEM, TE and TM modes, cut off frequency, attenuation
due to conductor and dielectric, Lumped elements, transmission line and cavity resonators, loaded and
unloaded quality factor, Microwave network analysis, S‐parameters, Using Matrices to find s‐parameters
of networks with n‐ports or cascaded networks, Microwave components, power dividers, directional
couplers, hybrids, joints, bends, Even & Odd mode analysis, Waveguide power dividers, Theory and design
of Ferromagnetic components, Design, simulate and build Active Microwave devices.

1. Microwave Engineering by David M. Pozar.
2. Microwave Devices & Circuits by Samuel Y. Liao.

Reference Books:
1. Foundations of Microwave Engineering by Robert E. Collins.
2. Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics by Ramo, Whinnery and Van Duzer.

Course Learning Objectives:

The students in this course will gain fundamental understanding of the basics of microwaves, microwave
components and circuits in terms of scattering parameters, electrical characteristics of waveguides and
transmission lines through electromagnetic field analysis, designing of various types of microwave guiding
structures, wave generation and propagation through various types of media, power dividers, directional
couplers, measurement of these devices, use of CAD tools in Microwave/ RF circuit design.

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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

Course Learning Outcomes:

After successfully completing this course, the students will be able to:
1. Appreciate Maxwell’s equations, potential functions, wave equations & solutions, time harmonic
fields, flow of electromagnetic power and Pointing vector. (C2‐PLO1)
2. Compare the Circuit & Transmission line theory and see the pattern in effects on various transmission
line parameters under specific conditions. (C4‐PLO2)
3. Apply impedance matching techniques such as using quarter wave transformers, L‐section or tuning
stubs and the Smith Chart to match the resonating structures to the signal generator, Design
transmission line parallel plate waveguides, rectangular waveguides, their resonators and cavity
resonators as well as design, simulate and build Active Microwave devices. (C5‐PLO3)
4. Understand the principles of power measurement and microwave components such as Power
Dividers, Directional Couplers etc. and be able to carry out high‐frequency power measurements using
Scattering – parameters. (C3‐PLO1)
5. Use modern tools/resources for application of various techniques. (A3‐PLO5)
6. Present and analyze data with effective report writing skills. (A2‐PLO10)

Course Schedule:
3 credit hours/week
One laboratory session/week (3 hours/session)

Topics Covered:
1. Introduction to Microwave concepts and principles, frequencies range, properties and applications,
Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic boundary conditions, Plane waves, wave equations and their
solutions, time harmonic field, Polarization and types (2 weeks)
2. Lumped‐Element circuit equivalent Model of Transmission line, Field Analysis of Transmission line,
Lossless, terminated transmission lines of various lengths, effect on the Impedance, voltage & current,
Smith Chart, Transmission line impedance matching with Lumped Elements, Single Stub, Double Stub,
Quarter wave transformer (3 weeks)
3. Theory of small reflections, Binomial Multi‐Section Matching, Percentage Fractional Bandwidths (1 week)
4. Microwave Transmission Media, TEM, TE and TM Waves and TEM, TE and TM Modes, fundamental
Modes, cut‐off frequency and wave number, Transmission of Microwaves through Parallel plate
waveguides and Rectangular wave guide, wave behaviour and effect on various parameters (2 weeks)
5. Series and Parallel Lumped Elements Resonant Circuits, state of various parameters at resonance
frequency, Transmission line Resonators, half power fractional bandwidth, Loaded & unloaded quality
factor, Waveguide Cavity (2 weeks)
6. Microwave Network Analysis, The Scattering Parameters, two port Network analysis using S‐
parameters, Use of Matrices to find s‐parameters of networks with n‐ports or cascaded networks,
Application of S‐parameters for measurements at joints and bends of microwave networks by
constructing equivalent 2‐port Lumped networks with T or Pi configurations (2 weeks)
7. Microwave components, power dividers, directional couplers, hybrids and their characteristics, T‐
junction divider, Lossless divider, Wilkinson’s Power divider, Even & Odd mode analysis, Un‐equal
power division and N‐way Wilkinson divider, Waveguide directional Couplers (2 weeks)

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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

8. Theory and design of Ferromagnetic components, Klystrons, Reflex Klystrons, Magnetron, Designing
active Microwave devices (1 week)

Assessment Plan:
Homework assignments 10%
2 Sessional exams (in class, 60‐80 minutes each, 10%+15%) 25%
Terminal exam (3 hours) 50%
Total (theory) 100%
Lab work Lab reports (12) 25%
2 Lab sessional 25%
Lab project and terminal exam 50%
Total (lab) 100%
Final marks Theory marks * 0.75 + Lab marks * 0.25

Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan(Tentative):

Sr. # Course Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Assignment 1
2. Quiz 1
3. Sessional 1
4. Assignment 2
5. Quiz 2
6. Assignment 3
7. Quiz 3
8. Sessional 2
9. Assignment 4
10. Quiz 4
11. Terminal
Table 1: Assessment Plan for Course Learning Outcomes

Laboratory Experiences:
There is a Laboratory component in all 3+1 credit courses taught at the department. Lab work consists of
a minimum of 12 experiments and related assignments, which constitute 25% of the overall course‐grade.
The laboratory experiments include designing of various types of antennas. This course familiarizes the
students with the use of RF design software’s e.g. ADS (Advanced Design System), HFSS (High frequency
structure simulators).

Laboratory Resources:
The relevant laboratory is equipped with workbenches and computers to facilitate the experiments
outlined in the lab handbook(s) that are periodically updated. A current list of the 12 lab experiments
performed in this course is provided as Annexure‐II. The list of software and equipment available is also
posted in all labs and is managed by staff dedicated for this purpose.

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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

Computer Resources:
For the purpose of this course the software’s ADS and HFSS is used throughout the course

Mapping Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) to Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

PLO 1 Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
PLO 2 Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
PLO 3 Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet
specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
PLO 4 Investigation: An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical
way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid
PLO 5 Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to
complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
PLO 6 The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution
to complex engineering problems.
PLO 7 Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand the impact of professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate
knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PLO 8 Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of engineering practice.
PLO 9 Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team,
on multifaceted and /or multidisciplinary settings.
PLO 10 Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on
complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at
large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PLO 11 Project Management: An ability to demonstrate management skills and apply
engineering principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team, to
manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment.
PLO 12 Lifelong Learning: An ability to recognize importance of, and pursue lifelong learning in
the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

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Table 1: Mapping CLOs to PLOs

PLO Coverage Explanation:

PLO 1‐ Engineering Knowledge:
Knowledge of mathematics and engineering applications is required to solve the homework, exams, and
laboratory experiments which lead to the successful completion of the course. Students learn how
fundamental and advanced mathematical concepts are used to understand, design various types of
antennas and radio wave propagation.
Laboratory exercises give students experience to design high frequency structures such as resonators,
radiating elements and interpretation of the results.
PLO 2‐ Problem Analysis:
The lab sessions combined with the theory taught in the course enable students to design a complete RF
system and analyse environmental and safety hazards produced by the system.
PLO 3‐ Design/Development of Solutions:
These objectives are not directly addressed in this course
PLO 5‐ Modern Tool Usage:
The course shows the value of theory, by making it possible for the students to solve relevant engineering
problems, which form the basis of more complex problems in antenna designing and analysis (High
relevance to course).
PLO 10‐ Communication:
The HFSS design and simulation tool is used extensively in the laboratory sessions (High relevance to
PLO 4, 6‐9, 11, 12: These objectives are not directly addressed in this course

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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

Tentative Lecture Breakdown (30 Lectures):
No. of
Introduction to Microwave concepts and principles, frequencies range, properties and
Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic boundary conditions, Plane waves, wave equations
and their solutions, time harmonic field, Polarisation and types
Lumped‐Element circuit equivalent Model of Transmission line, Field Analysis of
Transmission line, Lossless, terminated transmission lines of various lengths, effect on the 3
Impedance, voltage & current
Smith Chart, Transmission line impedance matching with Lumped Elements, Single Stub,
Double Stub, Quarter wave transformer
Theory of small reflections, Binomial Multi‐Section Matching both from table & analytically,
Percentage Fractional Bandwidths
Microwave Transmission Media, TEM, TE and TM Waves and TEM,TE and TM Modes,
fundamental Modes, cut‐off frequency and wave number
Transmission of Microwaves through Parallel plate waveguides and Rectangular wave guide,
wave behaviour and effect on various parameters 2

Series and Parallel Lumped Elements Resonant Circuits, state of various parameters at
resonance frequency
Transmission line Resonators, half power fractional bandwidth, Loaded & unloaded quality
factor, Waveguide Cavity
Microwave Network Analysis, The Scattering Parameters, Two port Network analysis using
Using Matrices to find S‐parameters of networks with n‐ports or cascaded networks 1
Application of S‐parameters for measurements at joints and bends of microwave networks
by constructing equivalent 2‐port Lumped networks with T or Pi configurations
Microwave components, power dividers, directional couplers, hybrids and their
characteristics, T‐junction divider, Lossless divider
Wilkinson’s Power divider, Even & Odd mode analysis 1
Un‐equal power division and N‐way Wilkinson divider, Waveguide directional Couplers 1
Theory and design of Ferromagnetic components, Klystrons, Reflex Klystrons, Magnetron,
Vacuum tubes, T WT and CFA and their applications
Designing active Microwave devices such as Microwave Filters, Amplifiers & Oscillators 2

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EEE362 Microwave Engineering Fall 2021

List of Experiments:
Introduction to ADS, schematic design environment, momentum, analysis types and their
usage, time and frequency domain analysis

Lab‐2 momentum, analysis types and their usage, time and frequency domain analysis

Lab‐3 Introduction to various simulation types, AC, DC, S, LSSP, Transient, HB

Lab‐4 Lumped Components filter design in ADS using design guide

Transmission line modelling using Line‐Calc, microstrip, co‐planar waveguide, coaxial line,
implementation of computed dimensions in ADS

Lab‐6 Band pass coupled line filter design in schematic and momentum

Intro to substrate types, relative permittivity, loss tangent, different impedance standards,
parametric analysis of substrate parameters and microstrip parameters.

Lab‐8 Pin Diode Modulator Experiment using ED‐3000 Microwave Trainer Kit

Lab‐9 Basic properties of the directional coupler using ED‐3000 Microwave Trainer Kit

Lab‐10 Standing wave ratio (SWR) measurements on ED‐3000 Microwave Trainer

Lab‐11 Attenuation measurements on ED‐3000 Microwave Trainer

Lab‐12 Simulation of Magic Tee in HFSS

Lab Project / Lab Viva

Version Applicable From

Version 1 Fall 2016

Version 2 Spring 2017

Version 3 Fall 2017

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