StudyGuide MT1
StudyGuide MT1
StudyGuide MT1
Study Guide for 1st Mid-Term
The format will be short answer, fill in the blank, matching, and multiple choice. The material
will be based on my lectures through ENSO and NAM. Test questions will be formulated from
material in this study guide.
1. Evolution of the earth system
Our sun's output four billion years ago was 25% weaker than at present. What could account for
the planet not having been a frozen ice ball?
How is the earth's protective magnetic field generated?
Where does ozone come from?
How did the ozone layer help life to colonize the land?
Where is most of the ozone?
How thick is the ozone layer?
What are the approximate relative masses of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere?
How did the present atmosphere come into being?
Compare the gases that come out of volcanoes with the mixture of air that we breathe. How can
the discrepancies be resolved?
Describe the photosynthesis - oxidation equation in words.
During the northern summer does atmospheric CO2 concentration rise or fall?
How about during northern winter? Why?
During the last ice age were atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations higher or lower than at
What relationship between these gases and temperature are found in the ice core record?
What might explain this relationship?
What might this relationship imply for the next few centuries?
4. Units. What are the “System Internationale” (SI) units for mass, length, time and temperature?
What are they for pressure, density, energy, power, and rate of transfer of electromagnetic
Express the freezing temperature of water and global average surface temperature in ° F, ° C and
What does 103 kg m-3 mean?
8. Heat transport.
How far are we from the sun?
What is the radius of the earth?
Why are the poles cold and the equator hot?
How does the earth system deal with the fact that more short-wave energy comes into the tropics
than long-wave energy is emitted, while the reverse is true of the high latitudes?
What is sensible heat transport?
What is latent heat transport?
About what fraction of solar energy reaching our planet goes into evaporation?
How much energy does it take to evaporate 1 kg of water?
10. Monsoons.
What is a monsoon?
Be able to sketch the relationship among the overturning circulation, warm and cold locations,
and surface low and high pressure systems for winter or summer.
13. ENSO.
What is El Nino?
What is the Southern Oscillation?
What are the main characteristics of the tropical atmosphere and ocean during the cold phase of
During the warm phase?
What are some practical reasons for trying to understand and predict ENSO?
14. NAM.
What is the Northern Annular Mode / North Atlantic Oscillation?
What is the weather in Europe and Eastern North America like during the weak phase of NAM?
During the strong phase?