DMV Handbook Questions

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NC DMV Driver Handbook Questions

1) The website for the NCDMV is:

2) A fee of _____ is charged to issue a duplicate license & it can be done
3) Online license renewal is available __________________ you
you cannot get a _____ time license online.
4) What are four other reasons you would not be able to renew your license
Chapter One: Your License
5) It is illegal to ______ a motor vehicle on streets, sit behind the wheel
while it is
__________ or being _________ by another vehicle without a valid
6) Most DMV offices are open _______-_______ from ___am-___pm.
7) The test requirements for an original license are _________,
____________________, & _______________________.
8) Required testing for a learner permit includes ____________,
and ___________________________.
9) To get a motorcycle learner’s permit, you must have a ____ ________
license if
under 18.
10) The penalty for not wearing required corrective lenses when driving is
the same as
for driving ___________________.
11) A __________ test is not required for a learner permit.
12) People who suffer from ___________ or ___________ conditions
may not
receive a license if it keeps them from _________________.
13) Most drivers only need a regular class __ license to operate a personal
car or truck.
14) All drivers under 18 must have passed an approved Driver Education
consisting of at least ______ of classroom instruction & _____ of
15) During the first 6 months of holding a limited learner permit, you may
only drive
between ________ and ________ with a _________ driver.
16) To get a Limited Provisional License, you must have your permit for
complete a driving log detailing at least _____ of driving.
17) A supervising driver must be a ________, ____________, 0r
of the permit holder, or a responsible person approved of by the
______ or _____.
18) The two exceptions to driving outside the 5 am-9pm restriction when
driving alone
with a limited provisional license are driving to and from _______ or
19) Supervising drivers must hold a valid license that has been in effect for
at least ___.
20) Drivers with a Level Two Limited Provisional license are limited to __
under the age of ____ who is not a member of their immediate family.
21) You may obtain your Level 3 Full Provisional license after you have your
level 2 for
six months and log at least __ more hours with your supervising driver,
at least ___ at night… you also have to be ticket-free for the last 6
22) Except during an emergency, no one under 18 can use a _________
while driving.
23) If you drop out of school before age 18, you lose your ____________.

24) You must provide proof of automobile liability insurance if you are:
____________________, or
25) To get a REAL ID, which allows easier access to federal facilities, you
must present
proof of _______________, proof of __________________, and
proof of
26) A new resident of NC has _____ to obtain a North Carolina license;
______ if you
have a commercial license (CDL).
27) A new resident of NC applying for a Class C license may have to take a
a ______ test, a _____________ test, and perhaps a ___________
28) A driver’s license can be renewed up to _________ before a holder’s
29) Your license is valid for up to _______ when renewed prior to age 66;
after 66
renewal period is ____________________.
30) You have up to ____ to obtain a duplicate license if your name or
address changes.
31) The fee for a regular driver’s license is _______ per year; the fee for a
learner’s permit & for a limited provisional license is
32) All males ages 18-25 applying for a license consents to be registered
with the
33) A person registered as a ____________ is not allowed to get a CDL
with P or S
Chapter Two: Alcohol & the Law
34) Refusal to submit to a required test for alcohol or drugs results in the
____________ of your license for ____ & an additional _______ by
the DMV.
35) A BAC of _____ is proof of DWI if you are driving a motor vehicle… a
BAC of ___
is proof if you are driving a commercial vehicle.
36) If you are convicted of DWI while your license is revoked for an earlier
DWI, the
court can order your __________ to be ____________.
37) A first conviction for DWI results in a mandatory
38) A second conviction for DWI results in a mandatory
39) A third conviction for DWI results in a mandatory
40) A fourth conviction for DWI results in a mandatory
41) When your license is restored after a first DWI conviction your BAC can
only be __:
after a second conviction it is _______.
42) If your DWI conviction is .15 or more, or it is your second conviction
within seven
years, an ______________________ will have to be installed on
your car.
43) For anyone under 21, your BAC must be _______.
Chapter Three: Your Driving Privilege
44) ________ are assigned to your license for certain violations, if you
reach ___
points you have to attend a driver improvement clinic with a fee of
45) Your license may be suspended if you accumulate ____ in a
________ period.
46) If your license is suspended because of points the first time it is for
_____, the
second time it is for ______, the third time it is for
47) You receive the most points, ____, for ______________________
48) Fines or penalties can be __________ if you are driving a
commercial vehicle.
49) ____________ points are not the same as driver’s points.
50) Your license can be revoked for at least thirty days if you are driving
more than __
miles over the speed limit & over 55 mph; you can lose it for _____ if it
is the
second charge in a year.
51) Your license can be suspended permanently for __________ while
52) You can lose your license for _______ for watching a pre-arranged
53) If you are using your vehicle in a prearranged race on a public road, it
can be ____
at a public ____________ if you are convicted.
54) You can also have your license suspended or revoked for violations
which occur
55) For a person with a provisional license, your license can be suspended
for _____ if
you have two moving convictions in 12 months.
56) A ____ restoration fee must be made to the DMV before a revocation
suspension can be cleared, ______ if it is for a DWI.
Chapter Four: Your Driving
57) Your driving is affected by your ________ & ________ health.
58) At 55mph, you car travels the length of a ___________ in 3.7
59) Drowsy driving causes thousands of _______, ________, &
_______ each year.
60) Crashes caused by drowsy driving occur most often on
when the driver is ___________.
61) To prevent drowsy driving stop and _______ briskly about every
________ and
limit your driving to ________________.
62) Five types of distractions are _______________,
_______________, ____________________, &
63) You must be _____ to use a cell phone on the road & NO ONE can
64) _______ of all traffic fatalities involve alcohol, which is a _________
affects most areas of your ________.
65) List five effects of alcohol: ___________________,
_____________________, ________________, &
66) The only thing that sobers up a drinker is ___________.
67) During an average lifetime of driving, you face a _____ chance of being
_______________ or __________ in a motor vehicle crash.
68) All passengers under age ____ MUST be properly secured in the
proper child
restraint system or seat belt.
69) All children under age __ or ____ pounds must be in a child restraint
70) Children under _____ must be in the back seat.
71) All passengers should be buckled up completely if __________ are
72) All operators & passengers of _________ & ________ must wear
legal helmets.
73) Children under ____ may not ride in the open bed of a pickup truck.
74) _________ & ________ should never be left alone in a parked
vehicle; the
temperature can rise ____ to _____ degrees higher than the outside
75) In the winter, leaving the car running can cause poisonous
____________ to
build up in the vehicle.
76) Drivers must ALWAYS yield the right-of-way to
77) If you do not signal your movement near a motorcycle, and they crash,
you can be
____________ & ___________.
78) School buses have a maximum speed of ____ and cannot turn right on
79) Vehicles behind a stopped school bus with flashing lights must
ALWAYS ______.
80) Vehicles facing a stopped school bus with flashing lights must stop
UNLESS it is
divided highway with a _______ separation, or a four, or more, lane
roadway with
a _______________ lane in between.
81) Always pull safely to the side of the road when an _________ vehicle
82) If stopped by law enforcement, always pull off the _____ side of the
83) If you cannot immediately pull over when police officer puts on his/her
blue lights,
you should put on your _____________ and ________ until you
can stop.
84) Leave your hands on the _______ when a police officer approaches
your vehicle.
85) You are required to give the officer your ________, ____________,
86) If you have a weapon in the car, you should ________________ and
87) Don’t ______ with an officer if you are given a ticket, you can give
your version in
__________ later.
88) The officer will ask you for your ____________ &
89) When sharing the road with farm machinery you must be
90) Each vehicle in a funeral procession should have on its ________ &
91) You should always drive on the __________ of the road unless
passing or going
around an obstacle.
92) In ideal conditions, it takes ______ to stop at 55 mph.
93) A vehicle moving at a speed __________ than the posted speed limit
is more
likely to cause a crash than one _________________.
94) The “__________ rule” is allowing a safe distance between you & the
car in front.
95) Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed in cities & towns is
96) The maximum speed outside of towns is ____, up to ___ on
97) Always use your _______ ______ before making a turn.
98) When changing lanes, you must check ____________ to see the
blind spot.
99) When passing, you must ______ and ___ your _____ to alert the
driver ahead.
100) Passing on the _________ is almost always illegal.
101) When you are being passed, you are required to
102) When backing, always steer with your _________ and look out the
103) You should not back over ____ mph.
104) You should always park on the __________, except perhaps
________ streets.
105) Crashes occur most frequently at ______, with ___ of all deaths
occurring there.
106) Drivers turning _____ have to yield when facing drivers turning
107) Vehicles already in a traffic circle have the
108) Some trains can take more than ____________ to stop.
109) As you approach railroad crossings you must ____________,
_______________, ____________, & __________________.
110) Look for the “_____ Sign” if you have problems at a railroad crossing.
111) Driving on __________ is often more dangerous than in heavy
112) Four reasons instates tend to be safer are
__________________, ____________________, &
113) If you miss an exit on the interstate do not
_________________, or __________________. Do
114) High beam lights illuminate about _______; low beam lights
illuminate ______.
115) The light shining on your license plate show make it visible ______
116) Check and adjust ___________ before you drive.
117) Anti-lock brakes help improve vehicle _______, _________, and
118) Tire pressure should be checked at least ______________, and
when they are
119) The car horn should be able to be heard from __________.
120) A leaky exhaust system could leak poisonous __________ gas into
the vehicle.
121) Five ways to drive green are __________________,
__________________, ______________________,
122) Being able to drive defensively can allow you to avoid __________.
123) Good drivers try to see ___________ ahead.
124) Check your mirrors about every ________, but only for an
125) Mirrors leave ____________ in your field of vision.
126) Holding your left arm & hand straight out the window indicates a
127) Holding your left arm down with the palm back indicates a
128) Holding your left upper arm straight out with your forearm & hand up
means __.
129) You should indicate turns by using your signal about ____ ahead;
_____ ahead
if the speed is over 45.
130) _______ signs with ______ lettering are used for work zones
131) Night driving can be more dangerous because _____________,
_________________, _________________, &
132) Law requires use of headlights from _________ to _________ and
visibility is less than ___________.
133) When you have to use your wipers for rain, you also have to use your
134) Rain is more dangerous ____________________________.
135) Go ____________ slower if it is raining.
136) Do not use your _________ if you are hydroplaning.
137) Do not use ____________ if it is raining or has been raining.
138) Never drive through ______________, it could be deeper than it
139) Use your __________ lights in fog.
140) On snowy or icy roads use _______ the normal following distance.
141) If your brakes fail, lower your _______ and use the
142) If your gas pedal sticks, tap the pedal or ____ it, or put the car in
_______ and
143) If you have a blow out, grip the _________ & slow by
144) If your car breaks down, move it __________ & tie a
145) If a car is coming toward you in your lane, _____________,
& _________________.
146) You are required to report accidents in which there is an ________,
or ______,
or property damage of _______ or more.
Chapter Five: Signals, Signs, and Pavement Markings
147) A green circular traffic signal means go, but ____ turning vehicles
must yield
to oncoming traffic; a left green arrow would mean you are “protected”
& can __.
148) A yellow traffic signal means ____ because it is ready to turn
149) A red traffic signal means _____; you may turn right on red if there is
no sign
saying “No Right on Red”, but you must ______, ______________
and then
turn only when safe.
150) When the traffic lights at an intersection are not working, you should
treat it as
though there were ______ signs on every corner.
151) A flashing red signal means treat it as a _____ sign; flashing yellow
means ____.
152) ______ beacons are used at mid-block crosswalks or emergency
153) Traffic signs are divided into 3 types: _________, ________, &
154) Regulatory signs are usually ____ & white or ______ & ______.
155) Warning signs come in different shapes but are generally ________
in color,
except in construction zones when they are __________.
156) Odd numbered interstates/highways run ________; even numbers
run _____.
157) Signs for US Highways are shaped like a _________.
158) NC highways are shaped like a _____________.
159) Guide signs may be _________, ___________, or _______ in
160) ________ lines separate traffic moving in opposite directions;
______ lines
separate traffic moving in the same direction or show the outside of
the road.
161) _____________ is allowed only when broken lines are alone or on
your side.
161) A two-way left turn lane may not be used for _____________.
162) You should always obey _________ over existing signs.
Chapter Six: Sharing the Road
163) Because bikes are ________, bicyclists must follow all
164) At night all bikes must be equipped with a _________ & a
165) All bike riders under 16 must wear ___________.
166) Bikes should always be ridden on the _________ of the road.
167) Pedestrians should always walk on the ________ of the road
_______ traffic.
168) Your ________ may be affected by wind currents when driving
beside a truck.
169) You should stay out of the ___________ around a truck.
170) Be especially watchful for motorcycles when ___________ &
171) A moped’s top speed cannot exceed ___________.
172) Drivers of mopeds can be arrested for Driving While __________.
173) The NCDMV now requires that all mopeds be
174) The minimum fine for littering is ______, the maximum is
Chapter Seven: How the DMV Serves You
175) You must have a NC _________ to title or register a motor vehicle.
176) The ____________ card must be kept in the car at all times.
177) The minimum amount of liability required is _______ for individual
____________ for total injuries, and ________ for property
178) You now have to pay for tag renewal & __________ taxes at the
same time.
179) You must have your vehicle inspected every ____________.

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