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Copyright ©️ 2021 by Alan Edward
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic
or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of
the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied
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permitted by copyright law.
Book Design by HMDpublishing

1. WHY?............................................................................................... 7

2. YOUR BELIEFS TO MONEY..................................................... 11

YOUR PSYCHOLOGY..............................................................19



5. HABITS AND TRIGGERS LOOP......................................... 26


ANY TRADING ISSUE............................................................ 29

7. RE-INSTALLING YOUR SELF IMAGE............................... 33

8. THINKING PROBABILISTICALLY....................................... 40

9. COMMON TRADER BIASES .............................................. 44

10. LEARNING TO TAKE A LOSS.............................................. 47

11. CONFIDENCE........................................................................... 50

12. OPTIMIZATION......................................................................... 54


BASED THINKING................................................................... 57


OR WHETHER IT STILL WORKS?...................................... 60

15. TREAT TRADING LIKE A BUSINESS................................. 63

16. ENVIRONMENT AND ROUTINE........................................ 67

17. MANAGING STRESS................................................................71

STREAMS OF INCOME......................................................... 75


TRADING STRATEGY.............................................................77

20. CLIENT 1 STORY....................................................................... 80

21. CLIENT STORY 2...................................................................... 84

22. THE BREAKEVEN TRADER................................................... 86

23. EXERCISE: AWARENESS...................................................... 88


(REWARD AND PUNISHMENT )...................................... 90

25. EXERCISE: ROUTINE.............................................................. 92

26. EXERCISE: VOICE RECORDER.......................................... 94

27. PROBABILITIES EXERCISE................................................... 95

28. CLOSING CHAPTER’............................................................. 97


Welcome to The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Thank you very much for purchasing this book

as a resource for your learning in regard to trading

Before progressing, I want to make it very clear

up front that this book is for those who are willing to
put the work in. My aim is to give you a framework,
a blueprint, and actionable methods to help solve
psychological problems and everything else that
can affect a trader’s mindset.

But this will be useless unless you apply the meth-

ods presented in this book. So, make a conscious
effort now that you will give this 100% of yourself
and apply the methods. You must make the deci-
sion right now to be willing to be open-minded and
take responsibility.

Take a few moments to prepare yourself before


‘’For things to change, YOU have to change.

For things to get better, YOU have to get
better. For things to improve, YOU have to
improve. When YOU grow, EVERYTHING in your
life grows with you.’’ – Jim Rohn
When I first started, I made all the mistakes and
struggled with the psychological hurdles that many
traders face. Through research and continuous
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

development, I managed to become a consistent


In this book, I am going to share with you all the

things I learned and applied to my trading which
helped me personally succeed. I will be going into
why you think the way you do, methods to break
down the problems with exercise, and mental
models to greatly improve how you view and over-
come them.

My hope is that even if you come away with one

thing that helps improve your trading mindset then
I have done something worthwhile.

To your success,

Alan Edward aka The Divergent Trader


To start this book of I wanted to start with the most
basic question and the most important…

Why do you want to trade?


If you don’t know then take a few minutes alone

and start writing down why. Is it for freedom, fam-
ily or to be fulfilled? Eventually, something will hit

Some questions to get you started…

What do you want in life?



The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

What type of life do you want?


What type of people do you want to be around?


What type of person do you want to be?


Where you want to be in 1 year, or 5 years?


There is no right or wrong. It may seem simple,

but the idea is to sit down and think about things
you never thought about before

Knowing what you want will be what gives you

the fire to trade better. And to keep with your sys-
tem when the dark days inevitably arrive.

There are multiple ways to make money strate-

gy wise but the system is useless unless you know
what you want and why you want it.

Emotions cloud everything. If you don’t know why

you want to trade, then you will always be suscep-
tible to emotional trading. That’s why the ‘why’ is so
important it will literally be the strongest emotion
out of all emotions, therefore, beating all the oth-
er trading emotions like fear, greed, ego, etc. It will

be your driving emotion that will help you win the

game of trading...

For me personally, this was my turning point. I

took some time of trading and consciously asked
myself every day. Why do I want this? Am I willing to
do what’s needed no matter what?

I was tired of losing money, tired of switching

strategies and tired of constantly repeating the
same old mistakes over and over. When I took some
time off and really thought about ‘why’ I wanted
to do this I had a paradigm shift in my thinking. If
I wanted to be successful, provide for my family,
and live the life I knew I deserved then I had to start
trading the right way and I knew it all had to start
from why I wanted this.

‘’If you want something badly enough,

nothing can stop you.’’
All you have to do is follow your rules, manage
risk and execute. It seems so simple but why do
95% find this so difficult? Well mainly because they
don’t know ‘why’ they are doing it. Some people
just don’t want it bad enough, but if you are having
a burning desire and why to keep you going then
you will make it!

Really take some time and write down what is

you want and look at it every day as a constant
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

1. Write down as many reasons why you want to


2. Narrow down the most important that really

resonate with you


3. Keep this list with you always, stick them on the

wall as a constant reminder

Your Beliefs to Money

One of the biggest hurdles for myself and what I
see now in many other traders I have encountered
over the years is their view towards money. Many
people go subconsciously through their life viewing
money negatively and this can be what stops not
just traders but anyone from becoming wealthy. In
this section, I going to break it all down on how to
stop the subconscious self-sabotage once and for

‘’Filthy rich’’

‘’Money is evil’’

Rich people are greedy’’

‘’Money doesn’t grow on trees ‘’

‘’We can’t afford this’’

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Sayings like these by your friends, family, and so-

cial network have all ingrained these self-limiting
beliefs about money in your subconscious.

You can see how all this gives people hardly get
off to a great start with trading or any other entre-
preneurial ventures!

As most learn with trading, this in fact the oppo-

site! We must accept losses and to make mon-
ey we actually have to do less and thus we earn
more... An absolute paradox to how we do life...

These predispositions and old beliefs are what

stop so many people from realizing their dreams.
They are instilled in us from an early age. It’s only
when you start going down the rabbit hole that you
realize a lot of what you ‘learned’ is actually false

So the truth of the matter is this, If you want an

actual ‘shortcut’ to trading then you must work on
your mindset and beliefs (especially to money)

This is where the problem lies, most people come

into trading not really knowing themselves, or their
self-sabotaging beliefs. But this is the beautiful
thing with trading, it forces you to delve deep and
find out who you are if you are willing...

Learning about money and reshaping your views

& beliefs is paramount!

So many of us have been hardwired wrong for

trading, we view money negatively and in turn, we
reject it subconsciously. But an important para-
digm shift especially in trading comes once you
can see the benefits and importance of ‘money.’
From there you can then begin to start attracting
money abundantly!
Your Beliefs to Money

The key is to first learn to view money positively.

This can first be firstly done by viewing how money
benefits yourself and others. For example, money
helps give you the freedom to do what you want in
life, it can give you security. Life experiences. Help
others less fortunate. Provide a better quality of life
for your family.

All these things would be void if we did not have

money. But a lot of negativity is surrounded by
money but it should just be seen as a tool to ex-
pand our lives. But as we go through life, we are
taught that money is evil, etc. You need to realize
that this is just not true. You can be a good person
and do good things with money, remind yourself of
this daily…

So that’s the very first step, so what I would suggest
is to spend 10 minutes just writing down why mon-
ey is an important tool to yourself and other lives.


The next step is learning, and understanding

where your beliefs about money come from…

Understanding Your Beliefs

Write Your Biography

A way I would recommend is to write the biogra-

phy of your whole life and in doing this you will gain
the insight on when these beliefs were instilled and
how they affected your whole life...
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

You see your past dictates the future unless you

become ‘aware.’ Try to think back to your child-
hood, what happened? What did your parents say
to you regarding money? How were mistakes ab-
sorbed? These things carry on to later life subcon-
sciously and can creep into your trading...

Even the word ‘Money’ is a trigger, think hard for a

few minutes on what you think and feel when you
hear this word.

For example, what did your parents say when

this word was spoken?


Or what do you think when you see someone

who’s wealthy or when you see them getting out
of a flashy car? If you think negatively, like ‘Oh they
must have f@uk’d someone over to make that
money’’ Then you have negative beliefs about
money. And you need to work/change your beliefs!


If you’re ever struggling to figure out the reason-

ing behind these beliefs, I offer a simple exercise
below you can try right now to get the ball rolling...

Simply Ask Why?

A classic psychological technique to delve deep

into beliefs is simply to keep asking ‘why?’

Your Beliefs to Money

And repeat till you can’t make any more answers

or excuses.






Why? and so on... A super simple exercise to help

start you off and help find the root! Don’t underes-
timate the power of asking why…


The Counter Method

Once you gain an understanding of your beliefs the

next steps are now to simply to change the narra-
tive and gain conscious control

What you need to do is counter any negative

when it appears in conversation, or you’re thinking
and instantaneously counteract it with a positive.

So, for example ‘’We can’t afford it.’’ becomes,

‘’We can afford it by doing this... ‘’

Or ‘’I can become more valuable by learning this’’

and so on

When you’re positive in a negative situation this

is when you win!!
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

The Swap Method

Change your negative triggering word to more

positive connotations

For example, the word ‘Money’ has many deep-

rooted negative connotations for people, why not
simply change it? How about Freedom units? Or
Currency points.

It may seem strange to people when you start say-

ing it but hey who cares. We are trying to help our-
selves move forward. Forget what others think!


Affirmations are a great way to consciously and

subconsciously reprogram positive vibes back into
ourselves. And the great thing is. This can be what-
ever you want to improve.

Regarding money this can be ‘I love money,

money loves me’

There is an abundance of money everywhere

and plenty for me’’

‘I am a money Magnet’’ ‘’Money comes to me

easily’’ and so on.

But be aware affirmations are happening all the

time. Through your self-talk, or social situations. Ev-
ery time you say ‘I am’ is an Affirmation going deep
into your subconscious and creating future beliefs
in yourself. Whether that be positively charged or

Be aware of what follows after these words...

Your Beliefs to Money


Meditation is my personal favourite; you learn to

become aware of your thought and not have to
identify with them. Like Eckhart Tolle said: ‘’Rather
than being your thoughts and emotions, be the
awareness behind them.”

You begin to learn and to simply notice and let


The key is to focus on your breathing and when-

ever you have a thought pop up to simply ac-
knowledge but not judge it. Just accept it’s hap-
pening and make a conscious decision to re-focus
back to breathing.

I suggest just doing 2 minutes a day for a few a

couple of months to create the habit and slowly in-
crease your meditating time so this could be 2 min
move up to 10 min and eventually to 20 min when
you have created the habit and the tolerance.

Once you start going down the rabbit hole. You

soon start to realize that everything you have ever
‘learned’ is actually false...

A lot of people are set in their ways and are

chained to their beliefs, which will not allow them
to move forward. The only way to break free of the
chains is to consciously accept that to grow, YOU
need to change!!


Old beliefs always stay with you but it’s the realiza-
tion of these beliefs that can set you free. Learning
about oneself will bring equanimity and peace not
just to your trading but also to your life.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

What you have just discovered is the difference

between successful and unsuccessful is simply
the way they think. It really is that simple. To break
through the threshold to consistency, you need
to find out which beliefs are helping & which are

Take the time to self-reflect.

Gain Understanding Of Your Psychology

What You Have:

} Fomo

} Greed

} Impatience

} Undisciplined

Why You Have Them?

>>Your Belief System <<

How To Fix Them?

} Awareness

} Journaling

} Meditation
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

It will be an ongoing learning experience. The only

way to understand why you have these problems
is by the above methods. These will be the founda-
tional tools to get to the root. It will take time and
experience to learn your emotional cues and to
develop the awareness and implement the actions
to prevent yourself from self-sabotaging.

This is why the failure rate is so high in trading

purely because 95% are not willing to go through
this process because it’s a painful experience, ac-
cepting you have flaws and knowing why you have
them is not nice. And as well as that most do not
want to take responsibility. When you have to take
responsibility there is nowhere to hide. We are in a
society where we love to play the victim and shift
the blame. We are taught we can’t make mistakes.
This is the opposite for trading.

Breaking The Belief System Down

} How you view Money

} How you view Yourself

} How you view Mistakes

Why You Have Them?

} Family

} Friends

} Social Culture

} Life Experiences

When you have an understanding of where they

come from you have a great starting point. From
here you have gained some awareness of why
you think the way you do. This is a big realization
Gain Understanding Of Your Psychology

in which you can now take into your trading in real


The methods listed previously are the best tools

to now create the initial awareness in real-time to
firstly understand when they are most likely to hap-
pen and secondly what ways to counteract them.

Counter Acting Your Impulses

1. To be able to counteract your impulses you
firstly need to have the awareness in the mo-
ment and choose not to act on them

2. The second is to have actionable counters to

prevent them. This can be things like turning
your laptop off after a trade and not looking at
the trades for a set period.

The second way is probably the best to get start-

ed until you build up the mental resilience needed.
When you start to see positive results from the sec-
ond method it will become much easier to do the
first as you have seen the benefits of why it works.

But you need to start using the methods shown

previously, Meditation, Journaling, and Awareness.

Breakdown of Exercises
Meditation- Start by just doing 5-15minutes a day.
Focus on the breath and let your thoughts come
and go without judgment. This is a great way to
learn to observe your thoughts and brings more
awareness. With meditation, you will learn to be the
observer of yourself and become far more aware
of your thoughts and any emotions, effortlessly
witnessing them coming and going.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Journaling - Doing this during, before, and after

trading on how you were thinking and feeling will
help massively to create awareness. Self-review is
an essential part of the self-discovery process. This
is one of the main ways to learn about oneself.

Awareness – Awareness, in general, can not only

come from meditation, journaling but also by using
practical exercises. For example, try setting alarms
at random intervals and asking yourself what state
am I in? What am I thinking? Just like meditation
just observe but don’t judge.

Another method I found helpful was to have a

sticky note on your wall or laptop saying observe
and when you notice it just takes a few moments to
observe what you are thinking and feeling.

Doing all of these things together will help tre-

mendously and will work in synergy together very

For things to change you have to change it really

is that simple. You can’t get different results with
the same type of thinking you are currently em-
ploying. By trying these methods, you have nothing
to lose so what are you waiting for?
Reprogramme your subconscious/Visualisations

The self-image is also the product of your past
experiences, whether that be failures, successes,
past humiliations, or other events.

From these past experiences, you have created a

picture/self-image of yourself.

So, for example, if you’ve had some bad experi-

ences in trading, for example having multiple loss-
es, etc then after a while you lost confidence to pull
the trigger when you see a trading opportunity.

Most likely, your self-image is that of a person

who can’t pull the trigger.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Remember, your self-image is subconscious so

you might be a person who can’t pull the trigger
even if you don’t really think this consciously, but
your subconscious does.

But the important thing to remember is by using

visualization techniques every day you can even-
tually change your self-image to the kind of per-
son you want to be. This will work much better than
trying to use willpower alone because if your sub-
conscious image does not believe then no matter
what you do it won’t work.

Have measurable goals

The most important aspect of visualization is to set
goals. So short-, medium- and long-term goals.
Make sure they are Realistic, Measurable and At-

If you don’t have daily, weekly, monthly, and

yearly goals for your trading, it will be very difficult
for you to visualize your success. So have a good
think about this before starting.

1. Get in a relaxed state.

2. The first thing we want to visualize (or picture

in our minds) are days that we’ve been suc-
cessful with our trading. We want to remember
those days where we’ve been able to make our
goals. We need to play those days back to our-
selves in our minds.
Reprogramme your subconscious/Visualisations

3. Remember to notice the details in those days.

Use your 5 senses Sight, Smell, Taste, Hearing,
and Touch.

4. Make sure to see it from your point of view,

through your eyes.

5. Do this every day for 10-20 minutes

Self-Servo Mechanism

What is at work here is the Self – Servo Mechanism.

Your self-image works as an automatic mecha-
nism. So, if you change your self-image to one that
is a success then you will subconsciously bring
yourself to your goal.

What is an amazing lesson I learned that really

hit me was that your mind cannot tell the differ-
ence between a real experience or a vividly imag-
ined one. This is how you can reprogramme your
subconscious by just doing this little exercise every

This is the servo-mechanism at work. It works en-

tirely with what is programmed into it. And under
the direction of the conscious mind. If you give it
positive, successful goals it will produce positive,
successful results. And therefore, become a suc-
cess mechanism instead of functioning as a failure
mechanism and produce failure

Now this is just a short chapter on visualisations,

but I highly recommend reading ‘Psycho Cyber-
netics’ by Maxwell Maltz. As he was the true pioneer
of this method and goes into far more detail than I
can in this book.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Bad Loop vs Good Loop

Trigger > Reaction > Release > Repeat

Trigger > Reaction < > Counter > Repeat

When you get an emotional trigger to break your

rules it’s because you want to prevent pain. Wheth-
er that be the pain of being wrong or the pain of
losing money. Whatever it is naturally as humans
we are hardwired to prevent painful situations. But
this is not the case for trading. What is uncomfort-
able is usually the right way.

So, it all comes down to your emotional triggers

and the key is to become aware of the trigger be-
forehand to prevent the domino effect of self-sab-

You see the trigger is the itch and your reaction

is the scratch. The longer you leave it the more you
Habits and Triggers Loop

cannot stop focusing on the itch until you suc-

cumb. So, you need to either psychically remove/
hide the itch or rephrase why not itching is better
for you.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious

it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
-Carl Jung
The recording of your mistakes and emotional
moments are the key, to begin with as this is what
will create the initial awareness and creates the
starting point of the rebuilding process…

The 3 things to begin journaling

1. When?

2. Why?

3. How?

Once you know When, Why, and How you break

your rules you can then move to implementing a
counter. You need to record everything you were
doing and thinking before, during, and after the
triggers. This way you create the awareness and
then can implement the counter.

The two basic methods you can use are:

Prevention Method

The most basic counter is the prevention method

where you literally take yourself away from the sit-
uation before you have a chance to sabotage. Out
of sight and out of mind is what will be happening
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Self-Talk Method

The second is to be able to mentally talk yourself

out of it. This is the hardest out of the two but be-
comes easier once you begin to see positive re-
sults. In this method you basically have to reframe
why reacting how you usually would do will not
help you. You must remember all the past painful
times and channel the pain.

Reward System

Having a reward system in place is the final and

most vital step in preventing your emotional trig-
gers. This is because if you reward yourself for fol-
lowing the above measures you will release posi-
tive dopamine and will be far more likely to stick to
it especially in the early stages when you will not
be seeing the results as quickly. What the reward
system does is help create positive reinforcement
for continuing. The more you reward yourself the
more you repeat it and the more you repeat it the
more it becomes a habit.


1. Learn the trigger

2. Create a counter

3. Reward yourself

If you want to change but can’t it’s not because

you don’t want to but it’s because of the current
habits and triggers that you are not aware of by
understanding your strengths and weaknesses
through journaling and observing, you can prevent
The 5 Step Method For Solving Any Trading Issue

The five step process to fix trading problems.

1. Awareness

2. Understanding

3. Acceptance

4. Action

5. Maintenance

The first step of breaking down a trading prob-
lem is first to become aware of the problem. In my
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

previous chapters, I showed you ways of gaining

awareness through various tools to be able to ob-
serve your thought and thinking processes.

But awareness can simply be having the ability

to spot the initial problems with your trading for
example you know you are trading without prop-
er risk management. With this awareness of the
problem, you have the foundation to work on and
you can then move to the second step.

The next step once you are aware of the problem
is to then understand why you have the problem.
Going deep into the root cause of it and why it is
making you act this way.

As explained previously this may be because of

some deep-rooted belief that you don’t want to
make mistakes or to be wrong. Where did you get
this belief? Maybe from family, maybe your family
punished you for making mistakes? Or maybe its
from your school days? Etc. This will all be individ-
ual to the trader and will take some introspection
and reflection.

Once you understand why and where they come
from the next step in the process is to accept them.
What I mean is you have to accept that these be-
liefs, flaws or whatever you want to call them that
they are a part of you and you can’t necessarily
get rid of them but with the newfound awareness
and understanding of them allows you to be able
to remove the energy from them. But by accepting
them and coming to terms with them you can then
The 5 Step Method For Solving Any Trading Issue

move to manage them. Which leads to the next


Once the previous steps are complete you can
now begin to move forward and implement actual
steps to prevent them from sabotaging you. You
will need to learn what your triggers are and when
they happen so can then implement actionable
steps and counters. This is where journaling will
become your best ally in finding out.

The final step of this whole process is mainte-
nance. You have to be constantly tracking and re-
viewing how you are doing and if you are sticking
to it. Through journaling, goal setting, and constant
reviewing you can stay on top.

Breakdown of the 5 Step Process

1. Am I aware of what the problem is?


2. Do I understand why I have this problem?


3. Do I accept that I have this problem?

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

4. Create an actionable plan to prevent them


5. Review daily/weekly/monthly to make sure I

am maintaining my plan



The 5-step process is all you need. It’s not easy and
can be hard work and most are not willing to con-
front their demons and accept responsibility but if
you want to be the best trader you can be then this
process is a must to become the best version of

(Sidenote- I will be covering some real-life ex-

amples of traders and breaking down their trading
problems using the 5 step method so you can see
how it works in action.)
Re-Installing Your Self Image

’The person we believe ourselves to be will
always act in a manner consistent with our
self-image.’’ - Brian Tracy
In this chapter, we are going to really dial in on how
you can create a new, positive, and empowering
self-image of the trader and person you want to
be. As you learned previously the self-image is
a product of your past experiences, whether that
be failures, successes, past humiliations, or other
events and these past experiences create a pic-
ture/self-image of yourself.

In the earlier chapter, I taught you how to use vi-

sualizations to reprogramme your subconscious.
In this section, you will learn another actionable
method to change your self-image using a sim-
ple 3-step process. It works because you challenge
the belief and prove it wrong. And then reinforce
the new empowering belief by celebrating the
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

little wins that will eventually change how you view


(With this exercise, it can be used alongside the

5-step method learned previously as they both
work in harmony with each other and will provide
far more powerful results.)

So, let’s get straight to it, the simple 3 step pro-

cess to redesign your self-image goes like so:



The first step is to gather concrete evidence against

why the current belief you are holding onto about
yourself is NOT a fact. This is where you will have to
do some research into other possibilities that your
belief is false so you can then open your mind to
installing a new more empowering belief.

An example of this:

To break this down, I will use a common trader

problem as an example, ‘’Cutting profits too early’’

When you have gained awareness that you are

cutting your winners short and understood where
this belief came from by doing some deep in-
trospection on where it originated for example it
might be:

You came from a poor family where money was

always tight, and you would often hear sayings
like, ‘’We can’t afford this.’’ Etc…

This belief you have been carrying around has

created a fear about the ‘lack of money in the
Re-Installing Your Self Image

world’ and has become part of your self-image.

As someone who lacks money.

And therefore, this has created the trading prob-

lem that you must ‘grab profits before it disap-

So, now with this knowledge, you have laid the


What we need to do now is to challenge this be-


And by challenging this belief what I mean is

we want to PROVE to ourselves that this belief is
WRONG by gathering EVIDENCE.

Using the example of having a deep belief about

the ‘lack of money’ we can instead challenge it by
finding logical evidence to present to ourselves to
prove this negative belief wrong.

So, for example, this evidence could be:

EVIDENCE: ‘’There are trillions of money exchanged

every day in the markets’’

This is a FACT and evidence that the belief you are

holding is actually FALSE.

Now you can proceed to the next step which is to

reframe how you view it…


Once you have now gained evidence that this be-

lief you have is wrong it then lays the foundation to
reframe it into something more positive. An exam-
ple of how you could now reframe this belief is as

‘’So, this means there IS plenty for me’’

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

‘’Because there is money flowing in and out of

the markets ALL THE TIME!’’

‘’This is proof that my belief is indeed FALSE!’’

‘’There IS money flowing in and out of the mar-

ket and therefore I can have a piece of it and more
importantly, I DESERVE it!’’

Reinstalling A New Belief

Once you have proved the belief false and reframed
how you view it then the next step is we need to re-
install the new empowering belief/self-image with
actionable steps.

To do this we have to find new evidence to solidi-

fy that we are the type of person who is disciplined
and deserving and that ‘’Let’s his/hers profit run.’’

We do this by really celebrating the moments

when this new positive belief happens in real-time,
and you must do this with real exaggerated emo-

This is because your subconscious hears what

the conscious is reacting to. It downloads all the
data and stores it, and this then creates your

So back to the example, ‘’letting your profits run’’

a simple solution to build up the momentum to
reinstall your self-image is you could simply be to
reduce your risk dramatically or go to a demo ac-
count so that you are not bothered about the result
at all and then use the reinforcement technique to
gradually build confidence in this new belief when-
ever it happens and then gradually build your ex-
Re-Installing Your Self Image

‘’You must celebrate the little wins with BIG


And then every single time you follow through

and let your profits run you must celebrate the little
wins with BIG emotions and literally yell out things

‘’YES, that’s just like me’’

‘’I LOVE to let my profits run.’’

‘’I am disciplined’’

‘’Money comes to me easily’’

The key to this is to celebrate this with real emo-

tion every single time it happens with intensity, lit-
erally fist pump and yell instead of reacting emo-
tionally when the negative happens, and you will
then begin to eradicate the old belief and install a
new one. Consistency is key here; you must keep
at it!

Another is to build the little wins elsewhere before

you implement it on whatever ever the problem is.

For example, in the case of the classic trader

problem of ‘’Having a lack of discipline.’’ To reinstall
you are a disciplined person you could celebrate
when you are disciplined in other areas and mo-
ments in your day-to-day life with the little wins to
reinforce and reinstall a more positive belief about
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

My Personal Method of Gaining

An example of this that I personally use to reinforce
that I am disciplined is a funny one, but it works for
me so here it goes:

What I do is I turn my shower to the coldest set-

ting for the last 20 seconds and after that time is
up, I literally celebrate and yell to myself how dis-
ciplined I am. It may seem silly, but it works I am
gathering small wins and evidence that I am con-
sistently disciplined.

And I find this analogous to trading, it’s uncom-

fortable but I do it anyway just like taking a trade
that conforms to my rules. It can be uncomfortable
sometimes and I will have my thoughts screaming
at me ‘’Stop don’t do it’’ in both scenarios the trade
and the shower.

But by consistently celebrating these little

20-second wins in the shower I am stacking evi-
dence in my favour and gaining evidence to myself
that I am not only a disciplined person but also a
person who is consistent and eventually all this ev-
idence that’s repeated daily, weekly, and monthly
begins to create my self-image and then, in turn,
has a positive effect on my trading.

What To Do When Negative Situations Happen?

When the negative does happen it’s very simple.

Do your best NOT to react. Instead, just laugh, and
reframe how silly it is. The MOST important thing is
to not react and don’t make a big deal of it. Be-
cause when you do you are only reinforcing a neg-
ative sabotaging belief about yourself and thus
making it stronger with every reaction.
Re-Installing Your Self Image

This is a great and simple way to change your
belief system positively. Using the 5-step method
alongside this 3-stage process greatly improves
your trading as well as yourself in general.

Make sure to commit to it by maintaining this

through reviewing yourself daily, weekly, and
monthly and eventually, you will begin to see posi-
tive changes in yourself.

And it doesn’t have to stop there you can ap-

ply this to any other area of your life and change
whatever negative beliefs that affect you. How
empowering is that?
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

In this chapter, I am going to show you how to look
at the larger picture of trading and hopefully give
you a paradigm shift in your thinking!

In the below image imagine this is a series of


Now imagine if every ✔ was a +3R win And each

❌ was a -1R loss Total = +44% Return

But would you have stuck with the strategy after

only 1 win in 9 trades or losing 10 in a row? Most
wouldn’t. Most would have given up and switched
strategies by then. And this my friends are the ex-
act reason why most fail!

But why is this exactly? Well, let’s find out.

Thinking Probabilistically

The Law of Large Numbers Explained

The reason is that either they don’t believe in or

even understand the Law of Large Numbers aka

Basically, put there is a random distribution be-

tween wins and losses in the short term but in
larger sample sizes the probabilities aka LLN begin
to work.

(The best example of LLN by using a fair coin toss)

When you toss up a coin and see how it lands,

you either get heads or tails with equal probability
of 50% each. However, if you toss it just one or a few
times, the outcome is totally random.

But if you were to toss that coin 100 times thanks

to the LLN, the closer the average outcome now
becomes 50%. So can you imagine if every time it
landed on heads you made £2 and every time you
lost you lose -£1. Over time you would be profitable.
And this is the exact same with trading if you have
a strategy with a statistical positive edge then over
a large sample size of trades it will begin to come
to fruition just like the first example shown.

Position Sizing

This is an important part of math. You must make

sure that you use the correct position size no mat-
ter what or the LLN will not work. If you keep using
sporadic bet sizes, then you will destroy the magic
of LLN and any edge you have. The only exception
is there is when you hit a bad drawdown in which
case you can reduce your risk but again you must
stick to the same amount until you get back to
where you were, or the math simply will not work.
What position size you choose will be personal to
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

you. Choosing the amount, you are most com-

fortable with losing is the best advice I would give.
A good indicator is an amount that allows you to
sleep at night. I’d recommend 1-2% of your equity,
and less if you are just starting out.

Gamblers Fallacy

What most traders get instead of thinking in LLN.

They will get a bias known as the gambler’s fal-


The gambler’s fallacy is the mistaken belief that if

an event occurred more frequently than expected
in the past then it’s less likely to occur in the future
(and vice versa), in a situation where these occur-
rences are independent of one another.

The gambler’s fallacy can cause someone to

mistakenly assume that if a coin that they tossed
landed on heads twice in a row, then it’s likely to
land on tails next.

Nevertheless, if the coin is tossed enough times

because the probability of either outcome is the
same, it’s only when a large sample size does the
law of large numbers come into play and the num-
ber of heads and tails will be close to equal.

So, in trading say you get several losses in a row,

that person might think that the next trade is more
likely to be a winner than a loss because they ex-
pect frequencies of outcomes to become equal.
But, because each trade is an independent and
individual event, the true probabilities of the two
outcomes are still equal for the next trade and any
trade that might follow.

Therefore, it is important to think probabilistically

aka Law of Large Numbers. Everything in the short
Thinking Probabilistically

term is random but your positive expectancy will

start work once you hit that larger sample size. Ev-
ery single trade is just one single data point that’s
why you can’t focus on just one single trade at a
time. Think bigger picture…


1. The first exercise I would like you to do is the

coin exercise. Simply toss the coin 100 times
and see how many heads and tails you get. Af-
ter 100 tosses it should be very close to 50/50


2. The second exercise that will help you under-

stand how the LLN works is simply by backtest-
ing your strategy for at least 100 trades.


Really examine closely what you are seeing with

the results. Notice how each trade/toss is com-
pletely random in small sample sizes and notice
how as the sample size grows the probabilities/
LNN begin to work


Learning to think in probabilities is crucial in your

trading. This is a big part of your psychology be-
cause you must accept and begin to think in a
different way than you would naturally. With these
exercises and information, hopefully, you will now
start thinking the correct way but more important-
ly, begin to believe in the math. If you do then you
will be well on your way.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

In this section, I going to give you a list of com-
mon trading biases that happen to a lot of trad-
ers. These biases are some of the most common
biases I see in trading and without awareness of
these, you may fall victim to them. By knowing how
to think probabilistically as you learned in the pre-
vious chapter you will be far more well equipped to
handle these and understand why they will sabo-
tage your results if you give into them.

Recency Bias

It is a psychological phenomenon where an indi-

vidual gives greater importance to recent events
as compared to what had happened before. This
is a very common cognitive bias.

Traders and investors tend to give more im-

portance to short-term performance as opposed
to long-term performance. For example, traders
who experience a previous win or loss will expect
the same to happen in the next trade.
Common Trader Biases

But as you have learned each trade is random

and has no relation to the one before or after it.
Anything can happen in the short term. Being
aware of this bias is vital in your trading.

Loss aversion bias

This is a tendency to feel the effects of these loss-

es more than wins of equal magnitude, and it can
often result in low performance. Traders and Inves-
tors that are focused only on avoiding losses will
miss out on big opportunities for gains and kill their
positive edge instead of letting the LLN and proba-
bilities work out.

Remember each trade is just a single data point

in a larger distribution. There will be losses. Don’t
avoid trades out of fear because you simply can’t
avoid them so embrace them as part of the pro-

Don’t let losses put doubt in your mind.

Remember the math: -

} You have a positive edge

} You win more when you win than when you


} The Law of Large Numbers is working in your


Focus on thinking probabilistically not emotion-


Confirmation Bias

Taking in information only that confirms your be-

liefs. It’s tempting because it is satisfying to see your
previous conviction in a positive light – however, it
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

also makes it possible to miss important findings

that may help to change your conviction.

When you have objective rules you know if your

edge is present. Without proper rules, you will begin
to only see what you want to. This is why having a
positive statistical edge with strict rules to follow is
so important to avoid this bias.

Bandwagon Bias

This is basically jumping on to trades that every-

one is on and you don’t want to miss out. The hot-
test trade of the minute also known as FOMO (Fear
of missing out)

By doing this you are going of emotions and

following the herd instead of following you a pre-
defined and positive edge. You need to forget the
others and focus purely on you and your edge. Ev-
erything else is just noise.


As you can see with these biases, they are short-

term in nature. Which as we have learned is very
dangerous to our trading as it is a long-term game
where we let our edge play out over time. We know
to win in trading we need to play the long game
and let the probabilities work.

By giving in to these biases in the short term you

will destroy your trading and your bank account.
But by gaining the awareness of these you gain
some control in being able to reframe your think-
ing in the actual moment and avoid these biases
destroying your trading results.
Learning To Take A Loss

Learning to love a loss may seem a weird idea but
this is critical. So many traders hate losing because
they see them as a reflection of themselves. Let’s
get this straight right now. Your losing trades are
not a reflection of you, and neither are winning
trades, they are just by-products of following a
predefined trading plan. The key sentence there is
‘Predefined Trading Plan’’ you need to have a plan
with solid rules to act without hesitation.

Because if you don’t act on the trade and it wins

then you create a negative cycle

The next part is being able to accept a loss before

it happens. By accepting it beforehand you pre-
pare yourself mentally for the moment. I recom-
mend telling yourself before every trade ‘’I accept
to lose.’’ And then visualize yourself calmly reacting
to it and following your plan. By already experienc-
ing it before it happens will create a calmness ‘if’ it
does happen. This is simple but effective.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

If you act on a trade but don’t accept the loss,

then you create a negative cycle

What you must realize is this the only way you can
trade stress-free and stop any negative cycles is
by having a predefined plan and following it to the

By being able to change what losses mean to

you and realizing that cutting your losses is in your
best interest then the stress will start to melt away,
especially after a large sample size when you see
your results begin to blossom from following your

Cutting losses gives you an opportunity to find a

winning trade

By cutting your losses you are preserving capital

and giving yourself the opportunity to find better
candidates. I personally love when a trade knocks
me out quickly out of a trade because like I just
said I can now find better opportunities.

I want to finish this chapter by Mark Douglas with

pretty much sums up this section

Mark Douglas, author of The Disciplined Trader

states, “Execute your losing trades immediate-
ly upon perception that they exist. When losses
are predefined and executed without hesitation,
there is nothing to consider, weigh, or judge and
consequently nothing to tempt yourself with.
There will be no threat of allowing yourself the
possibility of ultimate disaster. If you find your-
self considering, weighing, or judging, then you
are either not predefining what a loss is or you
are not executing them immediately upon per-
ception, in which case, if you don’t and it turns
out to be profitable, you are reinforcing an
Learning To Take A Loss

inappropriate behavior that will inevitably lead

to disaster. Or, if you don’t and the loss worsens,
you will create a negative cycle of pain, that once
started will be difficult to stop.”
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Confidence is a key ingredient in trading success
but eludes many. Why? This is what I will be cover-
ing in this section

(Confidence comes from a set of

The very foundation of confidence is simply having
a plan. If you don’t know what to do then this cre-
ates fear and hesitation. It surprises me how many
traders simply do not have a plan to follow. The first
step should be to write out your trading plan.

It should be as easy as If A happens then I will

do B if B doesn’t happen then I will do C. You have
to leave out all the guesswork. This is the power of
pre-defined rules and once they are tested and
verified, they will help you stay confident and disci-
plined going forward

(Confidence comes from knowing

what to do)
Historical Testing and Optimization

If you haven’t tested your strategy, proved it works

historically, and optimized it to the best of your
ability with the data then you will obviously have
zero confidence going forward because you need
to know what you are doing and what to expect.

The research, testing and optimization phases

of a strategy are the foundation on which your
confidence will be created. Skipping this process
is showing a lack of commitment to your trading
business and therefore you are not treating it like
a business.

Using the business analogy for a second. Would

you set up a business and release a random prod-
uct that you have not invested your time and en-
ergy to prove it can actually work? Of course not.

And it should be no different from trading. If you

don’t put in the time to test you simply don’t want
it bad enough and I suggest you stop now. There is
no shortcut to success, you must be willing to put
in the hours to test, refine and understand all the
variables of your system.

Confidence comes from results

Added confidence comes from results so you need

to see your strategy working to give you the confi-
dence to follow it. So, therefore, you need to be able
to stay with your strategy until you have a large
enough sample size to see the positives.

You need to take it slowly, and gradually increase

exposure as your strategy proves itself. This is part
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

of how you can create confidence but how will you

get there if you give up after seeing a couple of
losses and big losses all because you jumped into
live trading too big too soon?

(Starting small builds your

How to scale in gradually?

So, this is a big one, you have to let the strategy

prove to you it works. Gradually scaling the expo-
sure as the strategy works. You want to be going
into live trading with the least amount possible my
advice is to scale up in increments of 0.05% 0.10%
0.25% 0.5% 0.7% every time the strategy produces
X- Amount e.g. 10% and so on until you find the risk
that you are most comfortable with trading.

Remember the final amount should be an

amount where if you lose you will still be ok losing.
You should be able to sleep well at night.

Confidence is a gradual process of testing and

letting the system show proof and gradually in-
creaing exposure to your comfortable risk limit.
Having the correct risk in which you will not be in
emotional turmoil over losing is crucial to keeping
your confidence intact. If you are losing 50% of your
net worth on a single losing trade you’re not go-
ing to be very confident and If you are jumping into
trading with full risk then this is a sign of your lack of
emotional control and you’re trying to shortcut the
process. You need to ask yourself why? And how
much do you really want to be a trader? Because
by not doing the work it’s showing a lack of com-

(Evidence gives you confidence)

Going into trading with no historical data and live
data is one of the big reasons most lack confidence
if you go in with a well-researched and tested plan
you have something which you can reference
in your live trading. Going through a drawdown?
Okay, what does my tested data say? Oh, it’s per-
fectly normal. Okay, carry on. Instead of giving up
on the strategy or changing the system like the
95% do. Instead, you are now moving forward with
confidence because of you have the data and sta-
tistics to reference.

Once you have the data the confidence will

come and when in moments of tough periods
like a drawdown you will only have to ask yourself
these 2 questions

1. Am I following the plan?


2. Am I managing risk?


If you can answer yes to both then you have

nothing to worry about. Keep going.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

In this section, I wanted to go over the optimization
process as I find this is a big part of where you gain
confidence and really define your rules to trade.
Also, I find a lot of traders want to put in the work
but don’t know what exactly to test which leads to
having a bad trading process that is full of hesita-
tion and doubts. So, in this section, I want to make
sure you know how to fully prepare your strategy.

I will cover what exactly the best ways are to op-

timize your strategy in 5 simple steps.

What is Optimization?

Optimization is the process of testing and adding

different elements to your strategy to create the
optimal best version of your strategy. If you want
to succeed in this game, you must be willing to put
in the work and optimizing is a vital stage in the
trading process.

The first step of my 5-step optimization process

that I use in my trading are as follows:


The basic baseline test, or the basic template of

your strategy so this is when you have the basic
strategy and rules which you test to get an idea
of how it performs. From here when you’re testing
it you will begin to get a general idea of what the
strategy performs like and start to get some ideas
of how to improve it.


Choose the best possible SL. You need to observe

what happens with price in your baseline test, does
the price keep stopping you out by a couple of
pips? If so, you can then work on adjusting the SL
by a few pips or maybe try using previous struc-
ture-based stops or based an ATR-based stop for
a more mechanical version that goes of the vola-
tility for example.


So again, from the baseline test did you notice the

price went further than the original target, if so,
maybe try testing a bigger risk-reward or trailing
stop loss.


This is self-explanatory but does it work better on

certain pairs or markets? If so, then you know to
only trade those specific markets that performed
well. My advice would be to pick around 3 max and
know them inside out and get to know them per-


Trend filters are where you make sure you only

trade with the trend a good example of this is by
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

adding the 200 ema as a trend filter to make sure

you are on the right side of the market. How this
would work is you would only be able to take trades
going long when the price is above the 200 ema
and short setups when the price is below the 200


To recap here are the 5 stages of optimization

1. Basic Baseline Test

2. Test Different Stop Losses

3. Test Different Risk/Reward

4. Test Different Markets

5. Add Filters- Trend-HTF


Once you have done your tests you will find out
what the best requirements are for your strategy.
This is an important step in trading. For example,
you won’t end up trading your strategy on a mar-
ket that doesn’t perform well with your strategy,
therefore, saving you money.

Or taking less optimal trades that are not aligned

with the trend and again saving you precious

When you optimize you are essentially creating

more high-quality trades and gaining more return
in the long run.

The 5 steps of optimizing that I mention above

are all you need to fully optimize.
R-Multiple And Percentage Based Thinking

In this, we are going to be covering R multiple or
Percentage-based thinking.

This is going to change your mindset from think-

ing about money which as you have learned can
create negative thought patterns and bring up all
sorts of emotions like fear greed etc. Instead, now
you are going to learn how to remove the emo-
tion of money-based thinking and start learning to
think process-based thinking.

So, one way of doing it that has really helped me

in my trading is by thinking and recording my re-
sults in R-multiple.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Let’s say we have a £1000 account so 1% of that

is £10. So instead of saying you risked £10 of your
account, you would instead say 1R or 1%


For example, If your initial risk was £100 and you

made £200

Then you have just made +2R

This means you risked 1R to make +2R

If you had lost your initial $100 on the trade, then

you would be down -1R

So the formula is ( I risked 1R to make 2R) Result

= +2R

And it’s basically the same as saying if you risk

1% to make to 2% ( I risked 1% to make 2%) Result
= +2%

It’s just using R or %

Working out your returns in R Multiple or % is a

very good way of not focusing on monetary results.
It’s like keeping the score of a game and helps to
focus more on the process.

Small Accounts And Big Accounts

This is especially good for those with small ac-

counts as you will not link making a good return
with the money value and being disheartened by
small monetary results.

And this is also beneficial to larger accounts as

now you are not thinking or focusing on losing too
much or winning too big.
R-Multiple And Percentage Based Thinking

By using R- Multiple or % based results and re-

viewing you begin to see a much bigger impact
on your psychology as you are now thinking more
process-based and not on monetary results.

Sticking to R Multiple or % returns will be much
more psychologically better going forward. So as
of today change your results to either R Multiple or
% Returns. This will have a huge impact going for-
ward and help with your emotions.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

In this chapter, I go over a simple method that can
help you find out how to know if you have an edge
or if it’s stopped working and how to review your
trades correctly.


Knowing if your edge has stopped working or

even know you even have an edge can be ex-
plained simply by just using a 20-trade sample

I first came across this method from the great

Mark Douglas. He stated that you should always
review your trades in batches of 20. This is be-
cause it’s just large enough to know if your system
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Having a plan in place is a mental framework for

rapid-fire decision-making in the moment which
helps you stay objective and calm in the chaos
when you need it the most.

When you know what to do and when to do it the

process becomes much easier. When it’s not work-
ing you will be able to work out what specifics are
causing the problems. When it’s working well you
will be able to find out what and build on it.

As the employer of your business, you will be able
to fire or promote the employees that are helping
or sabotaging your business.

As you gain more experience and with your sys-

tem, you will find new elements to add to your plan.
This could be new contingency plans that you
have experienced and now can add. Or could be
certain criteria like only trading certain timeframes
or markets. The key is to learn and grow with it and
not abandon it. Just like a good marriage stick with
it through the good and the bad. In the end it will
be worth it.
Environment and Routine

The environment you trade-in and the routine you
employ are all vital parts that will keep you in the
optimal state to trade in. If you know when and what
you’re doing and fitting a routine to you then you’re
going to be so far ahead. It’s an essential part of
your trading mindset, everything is optimized for
you to trade at your best. Let’s break down some
important steps…

Routine and Environment are very important in


} How do you start your trading day?


} Is it a relaxed environment?

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

} Are you organized?


You need to have a solid routine in which is calm,

organized, and gradually builds you up.

When you have a set of habits that are calm, re-

laxed, and organized leading up to trading it will
make the process a lot easier.

Find a routine that helps you get into your opti-

mal state. Some things could be:

} Exercise

} Visualise

} Meditate

} Read

Any or all the above are great ways to gradually

get you into the zone. You don’t want to just rush
out of bed and get straight on to the charts. You
need a calm environment that gradually gets you
into the most optimal and focused state.

Make sure to:

} Wake up at the same time

} Trade at the same time

} Finish your trading day the same

} Do everything the same every day

It may sound boring, but this is how it is if you

want to be successful in this game. If you want ex-
citement go to the casino. Instead, you want to be
Environment and Routine

the casino. Have structure and a plan like a busi-

ness. When you do this your trading will make leaps
and bounds. When you have a plan aka structure
not only will you be calmer, more alert but you
will leave remove decision fatigue and save your
mental energy for the trading. Just like I say about
actual trading. You shouldn’t have to think instead
just react to your plan. The same applies to every-
thing else.

This is one of the secrets to trading successfully

that not many talk about. Trading is all about rou-
tine, do the same things before during, and after
trading every day and let the power of good pos-
itive habits compound and over time your trading
will gain momentum.

When you have structure all you have to do is fol-

low it. Then just be patient and let the magic work!

If you have no trading routine let’s breakdown

what you need to know to create a solid routine

} When do you have time to trade?


} What Trading style fits you: Day Trading or

Swing Trading?


} When will you review your trades?

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

When do you have time to trade?


When can you actually trade? If you can fit your

trading around your lifestyle then this will help to
make correct trading decisions. You need to be
able to trade in the zone and this can only happen
when you have zero distractions and are able to

What Trading style fits you?


Which style of trading leads on from the first, if

you have to work during the day then a day trading
approach is not going to work so a swing approach
would be better suited. Or perhaps you work nights
then day trading could definitely work.

When will you review your trades?


What sets up traders for success during the day

is what has happened the previous night. A serious
trader reviews his trades, analyses the markets he
follows, writes and updates his trading plan, jour-
nals his trades in his trading journal and prepares
himself for the next day. This is where the winning
is done when you’re out of the market. Choose a
time that suits you.
Managing Stress

In trading, you must learn to manage stress if you
don’t you will not be able to sustain a career in
trading. It’s that simple…

If you cannot learn to accept losses, be at peace

with missing trades, etc. then every time this hap-
pens you will be adding stress until you physically
or mentally explode.

Finding ways to manage and release stress as

well as finding ways to calm yourself is what will be
the defining factor.

So how do we do this?

Some of the best methods I know are:

1. Exercise

2. Meditate

3. Deep Breathing

4. Exercise

5. Journal
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

6. Take a Break.

7. Make Time for Hobbies.

1. Exercise

Working out regularly is one of the best ways

to relax your body and mind. Plus, exercise will
improve your mood. But you must do it often for it
to pay off.

Trading can be a stressful job so having a release

and staying at your fittest is an important addition
to trading well. Be sure to implement an exercise

2. Meditate

1. Find a quiet place.

2. Get comfortable (sitting or lying down).

3. Focus your attention on a word, phrase, object,

or even your breath.

4. Let your thoughts come and go and do not

judge them.

3. Pause/ Deep Breathing

Stopping and taking a few deep breaths can take

the pressure off you right away. Just pausing and
taking a moment to just refocus and recentre
yourself can really work wonders. whenever you’re
ever feeling stressed, just stop and focus on your
breathing. Try setting a timer for 2 minutes every
time you feel overwhelmed. A great exercise to use
is the box exercise which the SAS use in their train-
ing to stay calm.
Managing Stress

How to do Box Breathing

1. Step 1: Breath in counting to four slowly. Feel the

air enter your lungs.

2. Step 2: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Try to

avoid inhaling or exhaling for 4 seconds.

3. Step 3: Slowly exhale through your mouth for 4


4. Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 3 until you feel re-cen-



Journaling helps control your symptoms and im-

prove your mood by:

} Helping you visually prioritize problems, fears,

and concerns

} Tracking day-to-day so that you can recog-

nize triggers and learn ways to better control

} Help provide an opportunity for positive self-

talk and identifying negative thoughts and

How to Journal?

} Try to write every day. Set aside a few min-

utes every day to write.

} Make it easy. Always keep a pen and paper

handy. You could also keep a journal on your
smartphone to make it easier.

} Don’t overthink it. Let the words and ideas

flow freely. Don’t worry about spelling mis-
takes or what other people might think.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

5. Take A Break

Taking a moment to recharge alone gives you time

to reflect on yourself and understand why you are
feeling the way you are.

Stopping for a few moments really allows you

time to come up with other ideas or solutions.

6. Make Time For Hobbies

Making time for something you enjoy is a great

stress reliever. Whether that be a round of golf or
reading a book. When things are getting on top you
just step away and do something to release those
positive dopamine’s and come back refreshed!
The Power of Multiple Streams of Income

One thing I found that helped me and what I see
a lot of other traders struggle with is thinking that
trading is the be and end-all to making money. In
my opinion, you should try not to disturb the com-
pounding of trading account as much as possible
as you lose some of the magic.

An important factor that I find that helps to trade

in an optimal state is having other income streams
this could be a job, part-time work, courses, or
books, etc...

The importance of not living 100% of your trading

profits can be a big help not only will it bring a lot
more emotional control and help you make better
trading decisions but will help your account truly
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

compound. When first starting out I think it’s im-

portant to have at least one other income stream
like a job to be able to keep emotionally balanced.

And as your account grows maybe go part-time

for a while until you have a sizeable account and if
you wish to go full-time. I’m not saying it cannot be
done just trading full time what I am saying is you
choose to create other income streams besides
your trading then you can only benefit from it.

Alongside creating more money that you could

also add some more funds into your trading ac-
count from it creating more wealth. If you’re trad-
ing to pay bills and keep food on the table, it will
bring up a lot of emotions. Ask yourself if you can
seriously trade in that state? Some can and some
won’t. It’s all individual.

A Safe Fund
Another important rule I would advise is if you are
considering going full-time have at least a year’s
expenses saved up. So enough to pay bills and eat
comfortably. And, for any emergencies. This again
is an important part of keeping yourself emotion-
ally stable and having peace of mind that you will
be okay even if you underperform at some point in
your trading which will inevitably happen.

What you must always remember is you can

have losing day’s weeks, months, and even the
possibility of a losing year so with that in mind think
how you feel if you had no backup? This is a contin-
gency plan which is an essential requirement. Just
like a trading plan where you know your ‘what if’
scenarios, the same should be for your emergency
and safe funds.
The Benefits of a Mechanical Trading Strategy

A good first step to take in trading especially when
first starting out is to use a mechanical strategy.
One that has predefined rules that are literally im-
possible to mess up. One that has zero discretion
or subjectiveness to it.

This is how I first became profitable I started out

using a systematic trend following system on the
daily timeframe all I had to do was wait for a break
of the 200 ema and go either long or short depend-
ing on the signal and trail with a 3 ATR trailing stop
loss over a diversified portfolio of markets.

Really simple stuff and again I couldn’t mess this

up either the signal was there, or it wasn’t. This
gave me more time to work on myself and gain the
right mindset needed and just be able to focus on
execution without second-guessing if I had done
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

it right. Your mind is not trained to deal with those

kinds of thoughts and emotions in the beginning.

I no longer trade that system anymore and have

moved on to other strategies that I have devel-
oped including a mechanical strategy, but I also
trade a more discretionary system now because
I learned the valuable importance of trading in a
mechanical way, I was then able to apply that way
of thinking to be able to trade a more discretionary
system but in a mechanical and systematic way.

And I really put all this down to the very first me-
chanical way of trading. It gave me the founda-
tion on which my trading is now built on. Therefore,
starting out mechanically will set you up for suc-

Think about it for a second, 90% of traders lose

money and a big factor of that is they go in with a
discretionary system which leads to lots of confus-
ing emotions that they are not yet well equipped
to handle and full of impulsive decisions and sec-
ond-guessing leading to fomo, revenge trading,

I really think a mechanical system takes out

‘most’ of the problem. Alongside psychology and
risk management having a positive edge that you
can follow is important too.

If you would like to know more about mechanical

and systematic strategies, then I have my course
Rule-Based Price Action which you will be able to
learn my personal strategies.


Sit down and try to create a systematic trading plan,

go through every detail, and create non-subjective
The Benefits of a Mechanical Trading Strategy

rules that you can follow easily. Try narrowing the

steps and create objective rules (And then test
your ideas. Eventually, something will work)

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Started when I was 17yo, ruined like 10 accounts. I
got kicked into ass and got rekt a lot of times. After
like 2,5 years I finally got good at it. I found an edge
on entering scalp trades on leverage with pret-
ty high RR and I was able to turn them into swing

I managed to turn 2k into 500k in less than 6

months of trading and was placed as top 50 ROE
trader on binance leader board. Didn’t know at the
moment what to do with that much money so I set
myself a goal to grind more to 1mil usd so I could
withdraw to buy myself a house and let there be
something to trade with.

That was the worst mistake I did. I chased that

level and the mistakes that I made were really bad.
Stopped following my rules, got bored, and from
500k was quickly 100k. Then my bad psychology
came in and I just couldn’t accept it.

A combination of not following my plan and ru-

ined psychology took the rest of my portfolio in
2 months. I just could not stop it.. I ended up with
nothing and $100 in my bank account like an idiot.
When I thought that things couldn’t go worse, they
always went much worse. Never thought that this
Client 1 Story

would ever happen to me. Like the demon that I had

2 years ago came back in. Ended up with nothing.

Then I realized how much it was. That I could

have a better lifestyle. Hopefully spent some of
that money during the good time on vacation with
my gf but not much of it. Now I’m depressed and
hopeless with destroyed dream and don’t know If
I should ever start over again from complete zero
after all that trying.

Thanks for any answers. Sorry If I was bothering

you with that but I had to tell someone that would
understand my pain. I wrote u mostly because I
wanted to release that pain and couldn’t handle it
for myself anymore.

1. High Leverage = Risking too much,

2. Binance leaderboard = This screams ego.

3. No plan, No risk management = Not accepting

responsibility, avoiding pain.

4. I set myself a goal to grind more to 1mil level =

Focused on the money not the process.

5. Stopped following my rules = Undisciplined, not

taking responsibility

This trader has beliefs he needs to examine espe-
cially about being right and avoiding the pain of
losing. This could be a deep-rooted belief instilled
from previous experiences, By not following his
plan and not accepting a loss he is trying to avoid
the pain of losing/failing but paradoxically is doing
just that.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology


Now, this trader needs to come to terms with these

beliefs. He has to be honest and accept that these
beliefs/problems are causing his bad trading


Now he needs to implement actions to stop these

from happening in the future.

He needs to dial down his overtrading and over-

leveraging so what measures could he implement?

Some suggestions could be stripping everything

and going back minimal

Only allowing himself to trade once a day.

(This way he will only pick the best trades while

learning to become more patient and disciplined).

Revise his trading plan, create solid rules for be-

fore during, and after trading, and specifically have
a solid risk management plan e.g. risk per trader,
max exposure, etc.

Reduce Risk/Demo I’d also advise going on

demo for a few months until confident or at the
very least risk the smallest amount to help build his
confidence again gradually

Focus on process He needs to focus on process

and have a reward system in place

Backtest everyday- By backtesting every day he

will gain the confidence of knowing the numbers
behind his system.

Homework – Advise this trader to make sure he

has a full understanding of how probabilities work
Client 1 Story

and how important it is to have the correct position

size per trade


Now he needs to track and review his progress. He

needs to set daily, weekly and monthly goals to
make sure he is making progress.

This trader needs to learn that ‘’ Not following

your rules must be more painful than not follow-
ing them.’

Sometimes the paradigm shift in thinking comes

when you experience a major devasting experi-
ence. If this trader can use this experience as the
final straw and implement the steps. He could be
well on his way.

So as you can this trader had some deep-rooted
beliefs that were sabotaging his trading. The first
step was to take responsibility for his actions. Then
deep dive into why he had them. Then he needs to
accept they are part of him. Next, he has to create
a plan both for trading and him. Then from there
be constantly monitoring and reviewing himself
and eventually increase confidence and perfor-
mance slowly.

The five-step process to fix trading problems.

1. Awareness

2. Understanding

3. Acceptance

4. Action

5. Maintenance
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

‘’Up till mid-morning today, I’ve had a killer strong
start to the year. Today I closed out slightly RED of

My first trade on SPY was perfect, I caught the full

ride up from open to the first pivot and closed out
my contracts. Instead of re-assessing, I got back in
long only to realize I let my first trade BIAS my mind.

Any thoughts on how to let go of that BIAS, after a

great trade imprint it into my brain?


The trader is sabotaging his results and is suffering

from recency bias and not thinking probabilisti-
cally. He allowed himself to get overconfident be-
cause of a single winning trade.


Is this due to a lack of knowledge? Or is it something

deeper? This is something he will have to find out
and come to terms with. But first and foremost he
must make sure he understands how probabilities
Client Story 2

work and how reacting to short-term biases and

impulses will have a negative impact.


Once he has accepted, he has the problem and

understands why he is sabotaging his trading we
can then move to the next step.


What measures can this trader implement to get

them over this hump in the road? The actionable
measures he could put in place are:

} Reduce risk after winning trades to protect

himself from his biases

} Have a physical checklist at hand for every


} Limit his trading to 1 trade per day

} Implement reward and punishments

} If he makes windfall profits. Stop trading and

take a week off and get used to the money be-
ing ‘his’

} Awareness and reframe

(These are some ideas he could implement.

What you must remember is the actionable stage
will be unique to you. You will have to get creative
with these methods as only you know what will
work for you)


Review daily, weekly and monthly.

The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

‘’I can’t seem to get past being breakeven,
what am I doing wrong?’’
Usually, when you are a breakeven trader it can
usually be broken down into 2 things

1. Risk/Reward is off

2. It’s you

Risk/Reward is off
The first is usually a matter of metrics. The trader
needs to be recording his maximum excursion on
trades which is a posh word for measuring how far
the trade goes after they exited. With this knowl-
edge he will be able to know if he holds a bit longer,
he can go for a bigger reward and become prof-
The Breakeven Trader

It can also be the other way if they know that

say for example 60% of the time it hits a smaller
risk-reward then they just need to reduce it. This is
all down to tracking your trades and testing then
optimizing the strategy.

It’s Them
So again, this comes down to journaling and re-
viewing. If it is psychological then they will know by
going through the reviewing of their data and past
trades. If this is the case, then they need to use the
5-step formula to resolve their deep-rooted issues
and create a plan.

Some common pitfalls are maybe they are mov-

ing stops to breakeven too soon. Exiting too ear-
ly. All this will be revealed with a deep looking into
their past trades and some self-reflection
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

‘’Awareness is the single biggest
tool in your trading.’’
You must become aware of what you are thinking
saying and doing then use this knowledge to be-
come aware of any sabotaging thoughts and thus
be able to differentiate between the thoughts that
help and the thoughts that sabotage you.

With deliberate practice, you can then learn to

stop acting on them when they arise in your trad-
ing. Exercises To Become Aware

This method I learned from the legendary trader

Tom Basso and is a fantastic way of raising your
levels of awareness

1. Observe - On your trading screen use a sticky

note with the words “observe” on it. And ev-
ery time you see it. Observe what you have
just been thinking saying and doing then write
Exercise: Awareness

it down in your journal. Then review your pat-

terns. With time you will begin to automatically
become the observer of your thoughts without

2. Meditate- At least 15 mins a day, observe your

thoughts without judgment, and then focus on
your breathing. Again, learn to observe your
thoughts with no judgment.

3. Journal – Everyday journal about all the situa-

tions you were in and how you were feeling at
the time. Also, write down how you could have
handled that situation better.

4. Write your biography- From start to present.

You will learn about your beliefs and sabotag-
ing thoughts you have acquired through child-
hood, parents, friends, and social culture. When
you understand how you gained your beliefs
you can then.

These are simple methods to gain awareness.

See if they work for you…
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

In this exercise, there are 2 ways to help you follow
your rules. One is by rewarding yourself for follow-
ing your rules the other is for punishing yourself for
not following them. You can do one or both it is up
to you. Choose the one that you think will fit you

The Reward Exercise

In your Trading Journal Type the numbers 1-100
and highlight every 10th trade. And highlight the
100th in another colour.

} Every 10 trades you follow your rules you must

reward yourself. This can be anything from
Process Focused Exercise (Reward and Punishment )

treating yourself to your favorite food or going

to your favorite place

} When you reach the 100th trade this is the big

one. Treat yourself to something extra special.
Really go all out. Maybe something like a little
holiday away somewhere.

The Punishment Exercise

} Every time you don’t follow your rules, you
must give yourself a punishment. This must be
something you really hate. Maybe donate to a
scam. Or read a boring book. I had one client
of mine resort to waxing whenever he broke
his rules. This one would be very painful.

This is a simple exercise that can be very effec-

tive in making you more process-focused by im-
plementing a reward/punishment. This will help
start to change your thinking from outcome base
to process.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Create a routine that sets you up to be in the best
optimal state to trade.

Things to consider:

} When do you have time to trade?


} What Trading style fits you: Day Trading or

Swing Trading?


} When will you review your trades?

Exercise: Routine

} Premarket- (Exercise, Meditation, Food,

Read, Visualization, Journal, Reviewing)


} Trading hours: What time do you start & fin-

ish trading


Create a habitual routine that gets you into the

zone and most optimal state for trading. How you
plan this will be individual to you and may take
some time to find the best routine but once you
have a routine you are happy with it will help your
trading tenfold.

What a great routine does is that it reduces men-

tal decision-making and saves your energy and
mental capital to be in the best state for your trad-

A routine that is calm and gradually wakes you

up is the best in my opinion. You should be fully
awake and focused once you hit the trading desk.
You should never jump straight out of bed and
straight to the charts. This will never lead to a pos-
itive outcome in the long term.
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

Use a voice recorder and while your trading speak
out loud. From why your entering, what you’re feel-
ing and thinking, etc.

Then after the day is done go through the re-

cordings and analyze what thoughts and actions
were helping or sabotaging you.

This can be a great exercise to learn and gain

the awareness about yourself and trading. You can
pick apart what needs to be done and set goals

} Do this for 30 days

} Set goals from a review into daily-weekly and


Rinse & repeat.

Probabilities Exercise

‘’Think of trading perhaps not as a job but as
a game. Let yourself be playful, and take on
the challenge with a smile.’’ - Yvan Byeajee
Make sure you have optimized and have tested
your system before continuing to this exercise

When going live with your strategy print off your

historical data, make sure you have

} Win rate

} Max Drawdown

} Average Gain

} Average Loss

Before, During, and after a trade look at these re-

sults as a reference. If you are experiencing what
has happened historically during your tested data,
The Blueprint to Trading Psychology

then you have nothing to worry about. Keep re-

minding yourself of this during every loss, draw-
down, or flat moments in your trading

Let this be your best friend during the process.

This will help to keep reinforcing you are doing the
right thing. Also constantly remind yourself of the
law of large numbers. As long as you follow your
plan the probabilities will work out.

All you must do is manage risk and execute. Ev-

erything else is noise.
Closing Chapter’

Thank you again for purchasing my e-book. I hope
you have enjoyed it and learned a few things along
the way. Remember this is not a quick fix.

Like all great things, it will take time. So, keep mov-
ing forward and work hard on implementing what
you have learned, and you will surely get there.

If you enjoyed the book, please let me know what

helped you the most I would love to hear your
feedback and if you have any questions then do
not hesitate to ask.

Simply an email to alan@thedivergenttrader.

com or send me a message through Twitter @Tra-

My Gift To You

And if you would like to further your learning, I also

have my course ‘Rule-Based Price Action’ which
delves deeper into the technical side of trading
and much more.

So as a special thank you for purchasing this

book you have a special discounted price.

Simply use the code: blueprint10 at the checkout

to get 10% off.

Once again thank you so much for reading this

book and I wish you the best of luck (not that you
will need it) with your trading.

Alan Edward aka The Divergent Trader

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