Synthesis of Ketosulfides Based On Benzalacetone and Research Into Their Inhibitory Properties
Synthesis of Ketosulfides Based On Benzalacetone and Research Into Their Inhibitory Properties
Synthesis of Ketosulfides Based On Benzalacetone and Research Into Their Inhibitory Properties
V.М. Kyazimov, G.Z. Guseynov, N.S. Madji, М.А. Mirzoyeva, О.G. Nabiyev,
G.S. Kyazimova, L.К. Vahid-zadeh
Acad. A.M. Kuliyev Institute of Chemistry of Additives under the Ministry of Science and Education of
Azerbaijan Republic, Boyukshor highway, quarter 2062, АZ 1029, Baku, Azerbaijan
e-mail: [email protected]
Received 06.12.2022
Accepted 26.04.2023
Abstract: The interaction of benzalacetone with mercaptoacetic acid and its alkyl esters was used to
synthesize and characterize new representatives of β-ketosulfides, the structure of which was proved by 1H
and 13С NMR- spectroscopy. The gravimetric method was used to study the influence of the synthesized
compounds on the corrosion rate of St-3 in various aggressive medium. It was established that the studied
compounds inhibit the corrosion process both in single-phase acidic (0.1N HCl и 0.1N H2SO4), and in two-
phase (electrolyte-hydrocarbon) media. In the latter case, they are more effective - the corrosion rate of St-3
decreases from 2.1 to 0.06-0.35 g/m 2 hour, while the degree of protection against corrosion is 83.3-97.1 %.
The studied compounds exhibit a greater protective effect in hydrochloric acid solution (97.1-92.45%), than
in sulfuric acid (76.9-87.1%). Among the tested compounds, β-ketosulfide obtained on the basis of
mercaptoacetic acid showed the highest inhibitory efficiency in both mediums.
Keywords: benzalacetone, mercaptoacetic acid, alkyl esters of mercaptoacetic acid, β- ketosulfide, inhibitors
of corrosion, single-phase medium, two-phase medium, gravimetric method.
DOI: 10.32737/2221-8688-2023-2-161-167
Experimental part
ρ fon - plate corrosion rate without inhibitor, g/m2 h.
ρ - plate corrosion rate with inhibitor, g/m2 h.
R= CH3 (I), C2H5 (II), i-C3H7 (III), H (IV) SCH2COOR
Synthesized β-ketosulfides (I-IV) are carbon and carbonyl groups, four p-electrons are
light yellow liquids, soluble in organic solvents, delocalized on three carbon atoms and an
stable during storage. Their structure and oxygen atom. The influence of -I and -M -
composition were confirmed by 1H, 13C NMR effects of carbonyl oxygen leads to the
spectroscopy and elemental analysis. polarization of the conjugated system, as a
The reaction mechanism is presented as result of which the ß-carbon atom acquires a
follows. Benzalacetone belongs to α, ß- partially positive charge, and carbonyl oxygen
unsaturated ketones, in the molecule of which, acquires a partially negative charge:
by conjugation of π-bonds of the double carbon-
Such a distribution of electron density in which, after subsequent protonation, turns into
the conjugated system leads to the addition of enol. Further, the unstable enol formed as a
nucleophilic thiolate ion to carbon at the β- result of conjugated addition is isomerized into
position of the ketone, forming an enolate ion, a more stable keto form:
_ _ +H+
Thus, the final product corresponds to a metal surface. In this regard, it was of interest to
formal addition at carbon-carbon double bonds study their inhibitory properties.
without affecting the carbonyl group. The inhibitory properties of β-
The molecules of β-ketosulfides we ketosulfides were studied in a single-phase acid
synthesized contain various functional groups, medium (0.1N HCI and 0.1 N H2SO4) and in a
including ester and carbonyl groups, as well as a two-phase system: electrolyte-hydrocarbon
sulfur heteroatom havingan unshared electron saturated with carbon dioxide. The gravimetric
pair, which can be used to interact with the test results are presented in Table 1.
I CH CH2 C 50 0.71 79.1 0.97 76.9 0.35 83.3
CH 100 0.55 83.8 0.87 79.3 0.27 87.1
II CH CH2 C 50 0.66 80.6 0.92 78.1 0.31 85.2
CH 100 0.52 84.7 0.84 80.2 0.23 89.0
III CH CH2 C 50 0.60 82.4 0.87 79.3 0.29 86.2
100 0.50 85.3 0.79 81.2 0.20 90.5
IV CH CH2 C 50 0.37 89.1 0.66 84.3 0.17 91.9
CH3 100 0.26 92.4 0.54 87.1 0.06 97.1
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CHEMICAL PROBLEMS 2023 no. 2 (21)
166 V.М. KYAZIMOV et al.
Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi akad. Ə.M.Quliyev adına Aşqarlar Kimyası İnstitutu
AZ 1029 Bakı, Böyükşor şosesi, 2062-ci məhəllə,
e-mail: [email protected]
Xülasə: Benzalasetonun merkaptosirkə turşusu və onun alkil efirləri ilə qarşılıqlı təsirindən β-
ketosulfidlərin yeni nümayəndələri sintez edilmiş və xarakterizə olunmuşdur. Onların quruluşu 1H
və 13C-spektroskopiya ilə təsdiq edilmişdir. Sintez olunmuş birləşmələrin qravimetrik üsulla
müxtəlif aqressiv mühitlərdə Cт-3-ün korroziya sürətinə təsiri öyrənilmişdir. Məlum olmuşdur ki,
onlar həm birfazalı elektrolit (0.1N HCl və 0.1N H2SO4 məhlulları), həm də ikifazalı elektrolit–
karbohidrogen mühitində poladın korroziyasını ləngidirlər. Sonuncu halda onlar daha effektlidirlər
– korroziyanın sürəti 2.1-dən 0.06-0.35 q/m2 saat-dək azalır, mühafizə effekti 83.3-97.1% təşkil
edir. Tədqiq olunan birləşmələr sulfat turşusu məhlulu (76.9-87.1%) ilə müqayisədə xlorid turşusu
məhlulunda (79.1-92.4%) daha yüksək mühafizə effekti nümayiş etdirirlər. Həm elektrolit, həm də
elektrolit–karbohidrogen mühitində ən yüksək effektivlik merkaptosikə turşusu əsasında alınmış β-
ketosulfidə məxsusdur.
Açar sözlər: benzalaseton, merkaptosirkə turşusu, merkaptosirkə turşusunun alkil efirləri, β-
ketosulfidlər, korroziya inhibitorları, mühafizə effekti, birfazalı mühit, ikifazalı mühit, qravimetrik