The document outlines a daily lesson plan for an English class. It details the subject, theme, topic, skills focus, learning objectives, activities, assessment, and reflection for the lesson. The plan is to teach students about free time activities by having them learn and sing a song.
The document outlines a daily lesson plan for an English class. It details the subject, theme, topic, skills focus, learning objectives, activities, assessment, and reflection for the lesson. The plan is to teach students about free time activities by having them learn and sing a song.
The document outlines a daily lesson plan for an English class. It details the subject, theme, topic, skills focus, learning objectives, activities, assessment, and reflection for the lesson. The plan is to teach students about free time activities by having them learn and sing a song.
The document outlines a daily lesson plan for an English class. It details the subject, theme, topic, skills focus, learning objectives, activities, assessment, and reflection for the lesson. The plan is to teach students about free time activities by having them learn and sing a song.
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THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: YEAR 2 WEEK: 2 TOPIC: UNIT 5 - Free time TIME: 8.15 – 9.15 DATE: 30/3/2023 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading LESSON: 4 (Reading 1) DAY: Thursday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 3.2 Main: 3.2.2 Complementary: 1.2 Complementary: 1.2.1 Friendship Values Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences 2. Understand with support the main idea of simple sentences SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can sing a song with the class. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Present simple On (day) we (verb). Flashcards, Superminds 1 p.60, workbook p60 LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: _____ / _____ pupils were able to Demonstrate the game. Mime six activities pupils write each one in their notebooks. They compare with a partner and check each other spelling. achieve the learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). Lesson development:- 1. Pupils look at the picture in the Student’s Book. Elicit who they can see. Pre- _____ / _____ pupils were able to teach busy. achieve the learning objectives with 2. Play the recording. Pupils follow the song in their Student’s Books.(CD2 23) 3. Play the recording. Pupils choose the stickers and compare in pairs. guidance and given reinforcement 4. Play the recording again, pausing after each verse for pupils to repeat. exercise (s). 5. When pupils have learnt the song, practise it with the whole class. Use the karaoke version of the song for pupils to sing in groups. (21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were not able to 6. Play the recording again. Pupils listen, read and point to the day of the week. achieve the learning objectives and 7. In pairs, they point to the pictures and say the days of the week. Elicit from given remedial exercise (s). the students what the children are doing that day, e.g. On Saturday they sing.(HOTS) 8. Pupils do workbook page 60. (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON: Post-lesson:- Excellent Need improvement Pupils sing the song from SB Activity 1 again. HOTS Application 21st CA Rhyming / Singing PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Workbook STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils practise target language with Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. guidance REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on ___________________________________________________________ RANCANGAN PENGAJARAN HARIAN REKA BENTUK DAN TEKNOLOGI TAHUN 5 TARIKH 30/3/2023 MASA 10.45-11.45 MINGGU 2 HARI KHAMIS KELAS TAHUN 5 TEMA Teknologi Rumah Tangga TAJUK Kenali mata jahitan STANDARD KANDUNGAN 4.3 Artikel Jahitan STANDARD 4.3.1 Mengenal pasti jenis mata jahitan tangan pada artikel jahitan. PEMBELAJARAN KEMAHIRAN TMK 1.11 Menghasil dan menyunting imej, audio atau video. ASPIRASI MURID Pengetahuan OBJEKTIF KRITERIA KEJAYAAN Pada akhir pebgajaran dan pembelajaran , murid Murid dapat : dapat : 1. Mengenal pasti __ daripada enam jenis mata jahitan tangan pada artikel jahitan 1. Mengenal pasti enam jenis mata jahitan tangan pada artikel jahitan AKTIVITI PERMULAAN ( SET INDUKSI ) CATATAN / IMPAK 1. Murid diingatkan Kembali tentang pelajaran yang lalu Guru merangsang 2. Murid dan guru bersoal jawab untuk menguji tahap pengetahuan sedia ada murid. kembali pelajaran 3. Murid memberi perhatian terhadap penerangan guru tentang kenali mata jahitan. dahulu dan AKTIVITI UTAMA ( AKTIVITI ) merangsang pengetahuan sedia ada murid. Guru Menggunakan 1. Murid menganalisis gambar dan perbualan. strategi pembelajaran 2. Murid menjalankan perbincangan tentang teknologi rumah tangga termasuklah kolaboratif dan menjahit pakaian. koperatif dengan 3. Murid ditunjukkan contoh artikel jahitan dan bersoal jawab dengan guru mengenai menerapkan PAK21 mata jahitan yang terdapat pada artikel jahitan yang ditunjukkan. dan elemen 4. Murid bersoal jawab dengan guru dan melakukan aktiviti KBAT. ( KBAT) sekolahku sejahtera 5. Murid berbincang mengenai contoh artikel jahitan di rumah. supaya ada interaksi 6. Murid berbincang tentang mata jahitan tangan dan ditunjukkan contoh mata antara murid dan jahitan. Examples (Contoh) memotivasikan 7. Murid diterangkan bahagian kelepet dan kelim. murid. 8. Murid berbincang tentang soalan kbat di buku. Brain Racking (Fikirkannya) Menilai kefahaman murid tentang 9. Murid menganalisis artikel jahitan di gambar dan berbincang mengenainya. pembelajaran hari ini 10. Murid meneliti imbasan Kod QR. (ada di BBM) . 11. Murid melengkapkan lembaran kerja yang diberikan. AKTIVITI PENUTUP ( PENUTUP ) 1. Murid membuat rumusan isi pelajaran tentang kenali mata jahitan dengan bimbingan guru. KAEDAH PENGAJARAN Bersemuka BUKU TEKS Halaman BUKU AKTIVITI Halaman ELEMEN SEKOLAHKU Tekun , Teliti Terampil PAK-21 Examples (Contoh) SEJAHTERA STRATEGI PdP Pembelajaran Masteri PAK-21 Brain Racking (Fikirkannya) KBAT Menilai PETA PEMIKIRAN - EMK : NILAI - KB - EMK : ILMU & Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi PENILAIAN P&P Hasil Kerja Murid PENDEKATAN BERTEMA TP1 TP2 TP3 TP4 TP5 TP6 PENILAIAN TINDAKAN SUSULAN Pengukuhan Murid diberikan lembaran kerja untuk pengukuhan. MURID REFLEKSI ☐___ / ___ orang murid dapat menguasai objektif pembelajaran dan diberi latihan pengayaan / pengukuhan ☐___ / ___ orang murid tidak menguasai objektif pembelajaran dan diberi latihan pemulihan ☐ Aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran ditangguhkan kerana: