Logistic Regression Monograph - DSBA v2

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A Short Monograph on Logistic



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1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
2. Linear Regression versus Logistic Regression................................................................... 5
3. Formal Approach to Logistic Regression .......................................................................... 6
3.1 Odds, Log Odds and Logistic (Logit) Transform ............................................................. 6
3.2 Simple Logistic Regression......................................................................................... 11
3.3 Deviance ................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Multiple Logistic Regression ...................................................................................... 19
3.5 Akaike Information Criteria (AIC)............................................................................... 21
3.6 Pseudo-R2 Statistics ................................................................................................... 22
3.7 Accuracy of Logistic Regression as a Classification Algorithm ...................................... 23
3.8 Enhancement of Logistic Regression Predictors: WoE and IV ....................................... 29
3.9 Training and Validation (Test) ................................................................................... 42
3.10 Training and Test Accuracy .................................................................................... 47
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9T6KVYUXDH3.10.1 Prediction on Training Set ...................................................................................... 47
3.10.2 Prediction on Test Set ............................................................................................ 48
4. Further Discussions and Considerations ........................................................................ 51
4.1 Residuals of Logistic Model ........................................................................................ 51
4.2 Overdispersion .......................................................................................................... 51
4.3 Goodness-of-Fit for Logistic Model ............................................................................. 52
4.4 Probit and Log-Log models ........................................................................................ 52
4.5 Response having 3 or more classes ............................................................................. 53
4.5.1 Nominal Logit Model .............................................................................................. 53
4.5.2 Ordinal Logit Model ............................................................................................... 53

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List of Figures
Figure 1- Histograms of continuous predictors: Set 1 ........................................................ 9
Figure 2- Histograms of continuous predictors: Set 2 ........................................................ 9
Figure 3- Boxplots of continuous predictors: Set 1 ........................................................... 10
Figure 4- Boxplots of continuous predictors: Set 2 ........................................................... 10
Figure 5- Example of a non-informative scatterplot......................................................... 12
Figure 6- Example of a logistic curve with positive slope ................................................ 13
Figure 7- Logistic regression outcome of diabetes on glucose ......................................... 17
Figure 8- ROC for Diabetes data....................................................................................... 27
Figure 9- Precision-recall curve for Diabetes data ........................................................... 28
Figure 10- Sensitivity-specificity curve for Diabetes data ............................................... 28
Figure 11- Income distribution across categorical predictors .......................................... 36
Figure 12- Histogram of continuous predictors: Set 1 ...................................................... 39
Figure 13- Histogram of continuous predictors: Set 2 ...................................................... 39
Figure 14-Distribution of Income across Capital Gain and Capital Loss ........................ 40
Figure 15-ROC for Training Data ..................................................................................... 48
Figure 16-ROC for Test Data ............................................................................................ 50

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List of Tables

Table 1- Diabetes versus Race comparison ....................................................................... 13

Table 2 - Example of a confusion (misclassification) matrix ............................................ 24
Table 3- Calculation of odds ratio from regression coefficients (continuous variables) ... 45
Table 4- Calculation of odds ratio for different levels of Education ................................. 46
Table 5- Calculation of odds ratio for different levels of Occupation ............................... 46

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1. Introduction
In the monographs on regression and predictive modelling the problem of prediction is
emphasized. Based on the historical data, accurate estimation of future response is an important
problem. However, so far only the case of a continuous response has been considered.
In reality response can be continuous or categorical.
When an applicant comes to a bank for loan, the bank asks for a lot of information on the
applicant; such as, age, salary, marital status, educational background and qualification, any
other existing loan, if yes, then monthly payment, number of children and many other facts.
Based on this information the bank takes a decision regarding whether the loan may be
approved or not. In this case, approval is the response which may take only two values
Approved or Rejected. Clearly this is a case where the response is binary. The standard linear
regression modelling will not work here. Binary response is a very common phenomenon. In
financial domain credit card default or loan default is a major source of uncertainty. Credit card
companies would like to predict, given a person’s earlier behaviour, whether s/he would be
able to pay the minimum amount next month. E-commerce companies would like to predict
whether a prospective buyer would close a deal with them, given her browsing pattern.
Algorithms are developed to classify an email as spam and direct it away from inbox. In all
such cases, and in many more, response has only two levels, denoted by Yes (Success) or No
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHIn this monograph we deal with binary response only and the technique developed will be
logistic regression. Note that, by no means, response needs to be restricted to two levels nor
logistic model is the only method of binary prediction. In healthcare domain, given a patient’s
risk profile, a physician would like to categorize him as low risk, medium risk or high risk.
Response here has multiple ordinal levels. Several extensions of logistic regression have been
mentioned in Section 4.
Logistic regression may also be taken as a classification algorithm, since it assigns a class label
to each observation. The underlying technique of classification is based on regression and a
misclassification probability can also be calculated.

Logistic regression is a modelling technique for a binary response. Unlike linear regression,
the value of the response is not predicted. If the two response levels are taken as Success and
Failure, Probability(Success) is predicted based on the values of the predictors.

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2. Linear Regression versus Logistic

Let us recapitulate briefly the basic premises of a multiple linear regression.

Assume n (multivariate) sample observations (𝑥1𝑖 , 𝑥2𝑖 , … 𝑥𝑘𝑖 , 𝑦𝑖 ), i = 1, 2, …, n, are available.
Y denotes the dependent variable and 𝑋1, 𝑋2, … , 𝑋𝑘 the independent variables.
The mathematical formulation of multiple linear regression line is:
𝐸(𝑌) = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑋1 + 𝛽2 𝑋2 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘 𝑋𝑘

𝑌: is the value of the continuous response (or dependent) variable,
𝛽0 : is the intercept
𝑋𝑗 : represents the 𝑗 𝑡ℎ independent (predictor) variable continuous in nature. j = 1, …, k

𝛽𝑗 : represents the coefficient of the 𝑗 𝑡ℎ independent (predictor) variable.

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It is assumed that the expected value of the response is a linear function of all the k predictors.
At the observation level, the model may be rewritten as
𝑌𝑖 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑋1𝑖 + 𝛽2 𝑋2𝑖 + ⋯ + 𝛽𝑘 𝑋𝑘𝑖 + 𝜀𝑖 , i = 1, 2, …, n
𝜀: represents the unobservable error term and follows N(0, 𝜎 2 )
Scatterplots are useful tools in case of multiple regression since scatterplot of 𝑌 versus each
predictor 𝑋𝑗 demonstrates the strength of dependency of the response on that predictor.

The main differences between linear and logistic regression are

I. Correlation between a binary response and a continuous predictor is not defined. Hence
scatterplots are not useful in this case
II. The numerical value assigned to the two levels of a binary response is arbitrary.
Consider, for example, the case of loan default. Physically the two levels are defaulters
and non-defaulters. It is possible to assign values 0 and 1 respectively to the two levels;
it is also possible to assign 1 and 0; or 1 and -1; or any other arbitrary set of numbers.
Hence it is not possible to regress Y on the predictors.
III. Therefore, Prob (Y = 1), i.e. probability of Y at a given level, is modelled through a
IV. Since probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1, linear relationship between
Prob (Y = 1) and the set of predictors is not possible. Hence a suitable transformation is

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3. Formal Approach to Logistic
3.1 Odds, Log Odds and Logistic (Logit) Transform

The concept of odds ratio is related to probability. Formally

Odds of Success =
1− 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏(𝑆𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠)

If success and failure have equal probability, then the numerical value of odds is 1. As success
probability increases, odds increases. While probability is a number between 0 and 1, there is
no such restriction on odds. It is a positive number, taking a very small value when success
probability is small but may have a high numerical value if success probability is large.
Theoretically, odds is a number between (0, +∞).
Another related quantity is called log odds which is defined as log 𝑒 𝑂𝑑𝑑𝑠. Since odds is a
positive quantity, log odds is always defined, but its value may be positive or negative. When
value of odds is 1, log odds is 0. When the two outcomes, success and failure, are equiprobable,
i.e., each probability is 50%, odds is 1 and log odds is 0. When probability of success is less
than 50%, odds is less than 1 and log odds is a negative quantity. When probability of success
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9T6KVYUXDHis more than 50%, the value of odds is more than 1 and log odds is a positive quantity.
Theoretically, log odds is a number between (-∞, +∞).
In logistic regression the log odds of success is modelled as a linear function of the predictors.
Log odds of success is also known as logit transformation. Mathematically it may be claimed
that a logit transform maps a number between 0 and 1 on a real line; logistic transformation is
its reverse where a real number is converted into a probability. This is the genesis of the name
logistic regression.
Case Study 1:
Physicians would like to identify women with higher risk of turning into diabetic, given their
health, family background and lifestyle. Seven hundred and twenty-nine (729) females from
different age and ethnicity are screened for their diabetes status. Data on the following
attributes was collected.
Age: Chronological age
Pregnancy: Number of pregnancies including those not resulting in live births
Glucose: Blood glucose level
BMI: Body mass index defined as weight/height2
Diabetes Pedigree Function: Probability of developing type II diabetes, calculation based on
family diabetic history
Race: White, Black or Hispanic
Outcome: Currently diagnosed as diabetic or not (1: Diabetic, 0: Non-diabetic)

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Statement of the Problem: Develop a logistic regression model to predict whether a woman
will develop type II diabetes given her health and genetic information.

Exploratory Analysis (EDA) on Diabetes Data

The Diabetes data is uploaded in Python

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

diabetes = pd.read_csv('diabetes.csv')
(729, 8)

Index(['Pregnancies', 'Glucose', 'BloodPressure', 'BMI',
'DiabetesPedigreeFunction', 'Age', 'Outcome', 'Race'],

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9T6KVYUXDHPregnancies Glucose BP BMI DPF Age Outcome Race
0 6 148 72 33.6 0.627 50 1 White
1 1 85 66 26.6 0.351 31 0 White
2 8 183 64 23.3 0.672 32 1 White
3 1 89 66 28.1 0.167 21 0 White
4 0 137 40 43.1 2.288 33 1 White
5 5 116 74 25.6 0.201 30 0 White
*DiabetesPedigreeFunction abbreviated as DPF & BloodPressure as BP

The data has 729 observations and 8 attributes. The response is Outcome where 1 indicates the
woman is diabetic and 0 indicates that she is not. The variable Race is categorical.
The 5-number summary for the continuous variables is given below. For Outcome and Race
the proportions are shown.

# Summary of all variables


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count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max

Pregnancies 729.0 3.86 3.36 0.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 17.00

Glucose 729.0 121.41 31.18 44.00 99.00 117.00 141.00 199.00

BloodPressure 729.0 72.37 12.38 24.00 64.00 72.00 80.00 122.00

BMI 729.0 32.47 6.89 18.20 27.50 32.40 36.60 67.10

DPF 729.0 0.47 0.33 0.08 0.24 0.38 0.63 2.42

Age 729.0 33.32 11.75 21.00 24.00 29.00 41.00 81.00

*DiabetesPedigreeFunction abbreviated as DPF

0 478
1 251
Name: Outcome, dtype: int64
0 0.66
1 0.34
Name: Outcome, dtype: float64
Hispanic 277
Black 247
White 205
Name: Race,
[email protected] dtype: int64
Hispanic 0.38
Black 0.34
White 0.28
Name: Race, dtype: float64

Among 729 females, 34% are diabetic. The highest proportion of females are Hispanic (38%),
while Black (34%) and Whites (28%) make up the rest.

More visualizations are given below.

# Histogram of a few select variables
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,8))
ax = fig.gca()
diabetes.iloc[:,1:5].hist(ax = ax)

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Figure 1- Histograms of continuous predictors: Set 1

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fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,5))
ax = fig.gca()
diabetes[['Age','Pregnancies']].hist(ax = ax)

Figure 2- Histograms of continuous predictors: Set 2

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diabetes.iloc[:,1:5].boxplot(figsize = (20,5))

Figure 3- Boxplots of continuous predictors: Set 1

diabetes[['Age','Pregnancies']].boxplot(figsize = (10,5))

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Figure 4- Boxplots of continuous predictors: Set 2

Following Fig. 1 – 4, the variables BP and Glucose may be considered to have symmetric
distributions, the rest are clearly positively skewed.
It is also important to investigate the proportion of diabetics among different races.

# Cross-table of Race and Outcome


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Outcome 0 1


Black 156 91

Hispanic 190 87

White 132 73


Outcome 0 1


Black 0.63 0.37

Hispanic 0.69 0.31

White 0.64 0.36

It seems that among Hispanics the proportion of diabetic women is lower, compared to the
other races. (This observation is contrary to a few other studies.)

3.2 Simple Logistic Regression

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Contrary to the simple linear regression, neither correlation coefficient nor scatterplot will be
useful to detect dependency of the response on the predictor(s). Recall that correlation
coefficient is defined only when both the variables are continuous. It is possible to use rank
correlation coefficient between two ordinal variables, but no correlation measure may be
defined when at least one variable is binary or even nominal.
In case of logistic regression, the response Y is always a nominal variable. Hence no correlation
measure can be defined between the response and any of the predictors, be they continuous,
nominal or ordinal.
It is possible to create a scatterplot of Y and each of the predictor variables, but the plots will
be totally non-informative. One example is shown below.

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Figure 5- Example of a non-informative scatterplot

It is therefore clear that direct modelling of the binary response is not possible. The log odds
ratio is one of the most useful transformations of the response (two other transforms are
mentioned in Sec 4) that is modelled as a linear function of the predictors. Log odds
transformation is also known as a logit or a logistic transformation.
The form of a simple logistic regression is
Pr(𝑌 =1)
𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑡(𝑌𝑖 |𝑋𝑖 ) = log Pr(𝑌𝑖 =0) = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑋𝑖 i = 1, 2, …, n

where X represents the independent (predictor) variable, and 𝛽1 represents the associated
regression coefficient.
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Note that log is taken with base e. Hence
Pr(𝑌𝑖 =1|𝑋𝑖 )
= 𝑒 𝛽0 +𝛽1 𝑋𝑖
Pr(𝑌𝑖 =0|𝑋𝑖 )

and probability of success may be expressed as

𝑒 𝛽0 +𝛽1 𝑋𝑖
Pr(𝑌𝑖 = 1|𝑋𝑖 ) =
1+𝑒 𝛽0 +𝛽1 𝑋𝑖

This is known as a logistic function. When there is no possibility of any confusion, often the
level 𝑋𝑖 of the predictor is omitted.
𝑌𝑖 can take only two values, success (1) and failure (0). It follows a special type of binomial
distribution, known as Bernoulli distribution, where the number of trial is 1. The most
important observation is that success probability is a function of the predictor variables. But
this is not a linear function.
Probability, being a number between 0 and 1, cannot be modelled as a linear regression
function. Linearity is unbounded and for certain values of predictors, estimated probability may
either be less than 0 or greater than 1. Logistic function ensures that, for no predictor
combination, probability goes outside of [0, 1] boundary. Fig 6 shows the form of logistic

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Figure 6- Example of a logistic curve with positive slope

X-axis of Fig 6 contains values of a single predictor variable and Y-axis contains the values of
Pr(𝑌𝑖 = 1). As the value of the predictor increases, probability increases from 0 to 1. The
function is defined such that, if the predictor takes smaller values less than a certain threshold
(e.g. - 5, in this case) its value is 0; and if the predictor takes values larger than another threshold
(e.g. +5, in this case) its value is 1.
If the slope is
[email protected] negative, with increasing value of the predictor, the logistic function goes from
9T6KVYUXDH1 to 0.

Case Study continued: Illustration 1

Let us consider a logistic regression of diabetes on race. The observed odds and log odds are
given below. In this case Success is defined when a woman is found to be Diabetic and the
code for that is assumed to be Y = 1.

Table 1- Diabetes versus Race comparison

Diabetic Prop Odds Log Odds

(Y = 1) (Success) (Success) (Success)

Black 91 247 0.37 0.58 -0.54

Hispanic 87 277 0.31 0.46 -0.78

White 73 205 0.36 0.55 -0.59

Need to fit a logistic regression model to estimate log odds of success based on only one
predictor, race.

import statsmodels.formula.api as sm

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glm = sm.logit('Outcome~Race',data=diabetes).fit()

Optimization terminated successfully.

Current function value: 0.642553
Iterations 5

Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Outcome No. Observations: 729
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 726
Method: MLE Df Model: 2
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.002016
Time: 14:20:21 Log-Likelihood: -468.42
converged: True LL-Null: -469.37
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 0.3881
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -0.5390 0.132 -4.086 0.000 -0.798 -0.280
Race[T.Hispanic]-0.2421 0.185 -1.310 0.190 -0.604 0.120
[email protected] -0.0533 0.197 -0.271 0.786 -0.439 0.332

Several important observations need to be mentioned.

Because of the model not being a linear one, there is no closed form solution for the regression
coefficients, like linear models. The method of estimation follows an iterative process called
Fisher Scoring Algorithm. It is important that the algorithm converges. In the current situation
convergence took place in 5 iterations.
If the algorithm does not converge, there will be an explicit message regarding that. If
convergence is not achieved, the estimates of regression coefficients are not valid.
The regression parameter estimates for GLM are maximum likelihood estimates, and not least
squares estimates.
Note also that significance test for regression coefficients is done through z-test, and not t-test.
For the current example, Race has 3 levels, Hispanic, White and Black. By default, Race =
Black has been taken to be the baseline level and the coefficients corresponding to the other
levels signify whether they are different from the baseline. Since the p-values for both levels
are not significant at 5% level, it may be concluded that Race does not have an impact on the
probability of having diabetes.
[A note on baseline: By default, the categorical attributes (and responses) are coded in such a
way that the columns are in lexicographic ordering. E.g., for Race, the first column is Black,

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second Hispanic and third White. If the levels were Asian, Black and Hispanic, Asian would
be the first column. Hence when the first column is dropped in this example, naturally Black is
the baseline.
For nominal variables the choice for baseline may not be very important, but for ordinal
variable either the lowest rank-ordered or the highest rank-ordered level is typically the choice
for baseline. An easy trick is shown with the second case study]
Nevertheless, as an illustration, let us estimate the probabilities of diabetes from the estimated
regression coefficients.
The logistic regression equations are
Logit(Y = 1| Race = Black) = −0.539
Logit(Y = 1|Race = Hispanic) = −0.539 −0.242 = −0.781
Logit(Y = 1| Race = White) = −0.539 −0.053 = −0.592

Probability that a black woman is diabetic Pr(Y = 1| Black) = = 0.37

Probability that a hispanic woman is diabetic Pr(Y = 1| Hispanic) = = 0.31

Probability that
[email protected] a white woman is diabetic Pr(Y = 1| White) = = 0.36
9T6KVYUXDH 1+exp(−0.781)

Note that, in this case the model gives exact fit (refer to Table 1), which will not be the case in
general. In fact, exact fit, or overfit, is not desirable, because that does not leave any degree of
freedom for significance test. Exact fit provides poor prediction for future data.

Case Study continued: Illustration 2

Let us now develop a logistic regression model of diabetes on glucose level. Since glucose is a
continuous predictor, no contingency table is possible.
glm1 = sm.logit('Outcome~Glucose',data=diabetes).fit()
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.522284
Iterations 6
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Outcome No. Observations: 729
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 727
Method: MLE Df Model: 1
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.1888
Time: 14:20:22 Log-Likelihood: -380.74
converged: True LL-Null: -469.37
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 1.936e-40

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coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -5.4043 0.431 -12.538 0.000 -6.249 -4.559
Glucose 0.0380 0.003 11.463 0.000 0.032 0.045

The iteration has converged and the logistic regression is

Logit(Y = 1| glucose) = −5.40 + 0.038 * glucose

The regression coefficient is highly significant as the p-value is very small.

In the data, the range of glucose values is [44, 199]. It is always a good practice not to
extrapolate too far beyond the given range. Hence

Probability that a woman with glucose level 50 will be diabetic is estimated to be

exp(−5.40 + 0.038 ∗ 50)
Pr(Y = 1| 50) = = 0.029
1+exp(−5.40 + 0.038 ∗ 50)

Probability that a woman with glucose level 100 will be diabetic is estimated to be
exp(−5.40 + 0.038 ∗ 100)
Pr(Y = 1| 100) = = 0.168
1+exp(−5.40 + 0.038 ∗ 100)

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Probability that a woman with glucose level 150 will be diabetic is estimated to be
exp(−5.40 + 0.038 ∗ 150)
Pr(Y = 1| 150) = = 0.57
1+exp(−5.40 + 0.038 ∗ 150)

As glucose level increases, probability of being diabetic also increases, but not linearly. The
logit function is increasing linearly and in this case with every unit change in glucose level, the
increment will be 0.038.
Given a glucose level, odds of a woman being diabetic is exp(−5.40 + 0.038 * glucose). For
every unit of increase in glucose level, odds of being diabetic increases by exp(0.038) = 1.04.
The following figure shows the relationship between probability of being diabetic with
increasing blood glucose level.
plt.title('Estimated Probability Curve')

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Figure 7- Logistic regression outcome of diabetes on glucose

Fig. 7 clearly shows the sigmoidal curve. Towards the boundaries, the probability curve is
parallel to x-axis. That indicates that for smaller or larger values of blood glucose the
probability of being diabetic will be 0 or 1 respectively. In practice this means that probability
will be very small or almost certain. The boundedness of the probability function is thus
established. Between blood glucose levels [100, 200], the probability of being diabetic rises
From the graph it
[email protected] is also possible to identify at which blood sugar level, say probability of
9T6KVYUXDHbeing diabetic is 25% or 50%. Approximately these two thresholds are 120 and 150

3.3 Deviance

Logistic regression model is part of a larger class of models, call the Generalized Linear Model
(GLM). Linear regression model is also a member of this class of models; but its properties are
so simple, inference problems can be handled easily. Because of their simplicity,
i) parameter estimation is done through least square estimates, which are identical to
maximum likelihood estimates
ii) significance testing for parameters can be done through a t-test
iii) a goodness-of-fit measure, R2, is available directly
iv) a residual measure corresponding to every level of the predictor combination is
available directly
None of the above needs to be true for a GLM.
For logistic regression, as mentioned before, parameters are estimated through maximum
likelihood procedure and no closed form solution is available. Neither a direct residual measure

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nor R2 is available. The appropriateness of a logistic regression model is measured through a
deviance statistic.
Simply put, deviance of a model is the difference between the log-likelihood of a saturated
model and the model under consideration.
A saturated model is the most general model, containing as many parameters as the number of
observations. This model gives a perfect fit to the observations. In other words, for a saturated
model, the observed and predicted values are identical for all observations in the data set. A
saturated model will have the maximum possible number of parameters, given a set of
Let the value of the likelihood of the observed data, under the saturated model be defined as
𝐿𝑆 .
Now consider an alternative model, M1 and the corresponding likelihood value be 𝐿𝑀1 .
Deviance for M1 is defined as DM1 = −2( log 𝐿𝑀1 - log 𝐿𝑆 )
Since 𝐿𝑀1 must always be less than 𝐿𝑆 , deviance is always a positive quantity. Naturally, the
smaller the value of deviance, the better is the fit of the model.
To put it differently, the larger the log-likelihood, the better is the model
Deviance statistic follows a χ2 distribution with appropriate degrees of freedom.
A heuristic explanation of deviance may be given in this manner. A model is a simplification
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of reality,which provides a simpler but working structure on the data. If the simplification
works, the model may be considered appropriate. If a model works, it will be able to provide
an adequate prediction for the observations, whereas a saturated model will provide an exact
prediction. Hence the difference between the saturated model prediction and alternate model
prediction must be small.
Another related concept is the null deviance. A null model is an intercept only model. If such
a model is defined as 𝐿𝑁 , then null deviance is DN = −2( log 𝐿𝑁 - log 𝐿𝑆 ). The intercept only
model is not expected to fit any data. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that DM1 will be
smaller than DN. If the difference is significant, then the model may be considered as
significantly different from the null model. This statistic is similar to the overall F test of linear
However, Python does not provide the value of the deviance statistic explicitly, neither does it
show the log-likelihood for the saturated model. It gives the log-likelihood for the null model
and the log-likelihood for the fitted model. It is important to note that, given a set of
observations, saturated log-likelihood and null log-likelihood are constant, just as in case of
linear regression the total sum of squares for a given data set is constant.
Let us look at the illustrations above.
Sample size is 730. Hence total degrees of freedom in the model is n – 1 = 729. Null model
involves only a single parameter, the intercept. Hence degrees of freedom for the null model is
n – 1 - 1 = 728.

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Comparison of residual deviance between the null model and proposed model indicates
whether the proposed model fits the data.
DN - DRace = −2( log 𝐿𝑁 - log 𝐿𝑅 ) = −2(-469.37 – (-468.42))=938.74 – 936.84 = 1.9 on 2 df.
which is not significant.
DN - DGlucose = −2( log 𝐿𝑁 - log 𝐿𝐺 ) = −2(-469.37 – (-380.74))=938.74 – 761.49 = 177.25
on 1 df. This is highly significant.

3.4 Multiple Logistic Regression

Finally let us fit a logistic regression model to predict diabetes based on all the predictors in
the data.

glm2 = sm.logit('Outcome~Pregnancies+Glucose+BloodPressure+BMI+DiabetesPedi
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.466833
[email protected] Iterations 6
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Outcome No. Observations: 729
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 720
Method: MLE Df Model: 8
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.2749
Time: 14:20:22 Log-Likelihood: -340.32
converged: True LL-Null: -469.37
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 3.312e-51
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -8.8345 0.824 -10.720 0.000 -10.450 -7.219
Race[T.Hispanic]-0.1950 0.225 -0.868 0.385 -0.635 0.245
Race[T.White] 0.0467 0.243 0.192 0.848 -0.430 0.523
Pregnancies 0.1170 0.033 3.511 0.000 0.052 0.182
Glucose 0.0336 0.004 9.524 0.000 0.027 0.040
BloodPressure -0.0084 0.009 -0.978 0.328 -0.025 0.008
BMI 0.0933 0.016 5.947 0.000 0.063 0.124
DPF 0.9465 0.306 3.091 0.002 0.346 1.547
Age 0.0184 0.010 1.877 0.060 -0.001 0.038
*DiabetesPedigreeFunction abbreviated as DPF


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def vif_cal(input_data):
for i in range(0,xvar_names.shape[0]):
rsq=sm.ols(formula="y~x", data=x_vars).fit().rsquared
print (xvar_names[i], " VIF = " , vif)

Pregnancies VIF = 1.46
Glucose VIF = 1.16
BloodPressure VIF = 1.25
BMI VIF = 1.16
DiabetesPedigreeFunction VIF = 1.05
Age VIF = 1.63
Race VIF = 1.01

The model converges after 6 iterations. The model is significant with model deviance (938.74
– 680.64 =) 258.1 on 8 df. Race is not significant, as noted before. Blood Pressure also turns
out to be non-significant. The sign for this predictor happens to be negative, indicating that as
blood pressure increases, probability of diabetes decreases, which is a medically invalid
proposition. However, this is not of concern in this case, since the predictor is not found to be
As in the case of linear regression, predictors must be investigated for multicollinearity. In this
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHcase, multicollinearity is not a problem as all VIF values are around 1.

The final recommended model is therefore

glm3 = sm.logit('Outcome~Pregnancies+Glucose+BMI+DiabetesPedigreeFuncti

Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.468433
Iterations 6
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Outcome No. Observations: 729
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 723
Method: MLE Df Model: 5
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.2725
Time: 15:57:33 Log-Likelihood: -341.49
converged: True LL-Null: -469.37
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 3.191e-53
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
rcept -9.2393 0.747 -12.365 0.000 -10.704 -7.775
Pregnancies 0.1162 0.033 3.513 0.000 0.051 0.181
Glucose 0.0332 0.003 9.548 0.000 0.026 0.040
BMI 0.0890 0.015 5.939 0.000 0.060 0.118
DPF 0.9720 0.303 3.205 0.001 0.378 1.566
Age 0.0156 0.009 1.649 0.099 -0.003 0.034
*DiabetesPedigreeFunction abbreviated as DPF

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The model converges after 5 iterations. The regression model is significant with deviance value
((938.74 – 682.97 =) 255.77 on 5 df.
Note that the variable Age has been retained in the model, even though it is not significant at
5% level. However, at the model building stage, often it is prudent to retain predictors that are
borderline significant. From medical consideration too, Age is an important variable for
diabetes onset.
All regression coefficients are positive, indicating that probability of diabetes is positively
associated with all the predictors.
Since probability is not linearly related to the predictors, it is customary to provide
interpretation of logistic regression through the odds ratios.
For one more pregnancy, odds of being diabetic increases by 𝑒 0.12 = 1.123
For one unit increase in glucose level, odds of being diabetic increases by 𝑒 0.03 = 1.033
For one unit increase in BMI, odds of being diabetic increases by 𝑒 0.089 = 1.09
For one unit increase in diabetic pedigree function, odds of being diabetic increases by 𝑒 0.97
= 2.64
For one more year of age, odds of being diabetic increases by 𝑒 0.01 = 1.01

3.5 Akaike Information Criteria (AIC)

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Once a model is tentatively applied, the next question is how good the model is. Often there
are multiple working models and a decision needs to be taken regarding which model will be
the most suitable, i.e. which model explains the variability in the data the most or which model
will have a higher predictive power. In case of linear regression, R2 or adjusted R2 are
frequently used to determine that. In case of logistic regression (and for more complex models,
such as time series models), a decision may be based on the information criteria. It is a function
of the likelihood function, adjusted for the number of parameters in the model.

The most commonly used information criterion is proposed by a Japanese Statistician H.

Akaike in the early 1970’s. This is defined as

AIC(M) = −2( log 𝐿𝑀 ) + 2p

where M is the model under consideration and p is the number of parameters in the model.

Recall that AIC (and Bayesian Information Criteria, BIC) was introduced in Monograph on
Regression Model Selection (Section 3). The formula given there is a simplification of the more
general formula presented here, the simplification being possible because of linearity.

AIC compares relative quality of several models, but does not say anything about the actual
model quality, like R2 does. This is an estimate of the out-of-sample prediction error, thereby
eliminates models that overfit. It can be shown mathematically that AIC is equivalent to a

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leave-one-out cross-validation, when the sample size is infinitely large. The smallest value of
AIC among the competing models is the most preferred.

Case Study continued:

Let us compare the AIC values of the models that have already been applied to Diabetes data.

AIC (Model 1: only Race) = -2(-468.42)+2*3 = 942.84

AIC (Model 2: only Glucose) = -2(-380.74)+2*2 =

AIC (Model 3: all predictors) = 698.64

AIC (Final Model) = 694.97

Model 1 with Race at three levels was a saturated model. The AIC value is the highest for that
model. Model 2 has a much lower AIC, hence that model is definitely preferable over Model

Recall that Model 3 had several predictors which turned out to be non-significant. That is why
the value of AIC is higher than that of the Final Model.

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3.6 Pseudo-R2 Statistics
There is no direct measure of goodness of fit for a logistic regression. For a linear regression
the total sum of squares and the residual sum of squares are two well defined quantities. In case
of logistic regression, these are not available. Hence it is difficult to quantify for a proposed
logistic model, how much of the total variability in the data, it is able to explain.

A few alternative quantifications similar, but not identical, to R2 statistic have been proposed
for logistic regression model assessment. Two of them are more popular among them, namely
McFadden R2 and Nagelkerke R2.

𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝐿𝑀
McFadden R2 = 1 - ,
𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝐿𝑁
where the numerator is the model log-likelihood and the denominator is the log-likelihood of
the null (intercept only) model. This quantity measures the improvement over the null model.
This statistic does not achieve 1 as the maximum value.

Nagelkerke R2 is also a function of the two log-likelihoods but has a complex form. This
quantity has a range between 0 and 1.

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Case Study continued:
# Calculate McFadden R-square

print('McFadden Psuedo R Squared (Model 1: only Race) =',round(glm.prsq

print('McFadden Psuedo R Squared (Model 2: only Glucose) =',round(glm1.
print('McFadden Psuedo R Squared (Final Model) =',round(glm3.prsquared,
McFadden Psuedo R Squared (Model 1: only Race) = 0.0
McFadden Psuedo R Squared (Model 2: only Glucose) = 0.19
McFadden Psuedo R Squared (Final Model) = 0.27

# Calculate Nagelkerke R-square

model_names= {glm: 'Model 1: only Race',glm1:'Model 2: only Glucose',gl
m3: 'Final Model'}
for i in models:
ll_Model = i.llf
N= diabetes.shape[0]
num=(1- np.exp((ll_Model - ll_Intercept)*(-2/N)))
den=( 1- np.exp((ll_Intercept)*(2/N)))
nagelkerke_r2 = num/den
print('Nagelkerke R Squared for {} ='.format(model_names[i]),round
Nagelkerke R Squared for Model 1: only Race = 0.0
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9T6KVYUXDHNagelkerke R Squared for Model 2: only Glucose = 0.3
Nagelkerke R Squared for Final Model = 0.41

Since the range of the pseudo-R2 is 0 to a number less than or equal to 1, the interpretation of
the above values is not easy. Instead of taking them as an absolute number, it is better to look
at their relative values among the models under consideration. Thus, it is clear that the model
proposed as the Final Model has considerable higher R2 values for both types.

3.7 Accuracy of Logistic Regression as a Classification


One major difference between multiple linear regression and logistic regression is that, in the
former the value of the response is predicted directly whereas in the latter only the probability
of the response being a success is predicted. To actually assign a binary value to the response,
a threshold needs to be devised to partition the response space into success and failure.
Typically, the threshold is set at 50% level. If probability of success is 50% or above for a
given combination of predictors, the value of response is taken to be 1, otherwise 0. However,
this threshold may be set at some other convenient level.
Three measures of accuracy may be defined. Let P be the total number of successes (positives)
in the data and N be the total number of failures (negatives). If a success is predicted as success,

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it is an example of True Positive (TP). If on the other hand a failure is predicted as failure, it is
an example of True Negative (TN). In both cases, classification is correct. However, if a
success is predicted as a failure, or if a failure is predicted as a success, they are misclassified.

Table 2 - Example of a confusion (misclassification) matrix

Confusion Matrix Success Failure
(Positive) (Negative)
Success TP FP
Predicted (Positive)
Failure FN TN
Total P N

Probability of misclassification = , where n is the sample size.

For the perfect logistic regression, misclassification probability is 0; i.e. no observation

would have been misclassified. This indicates overfit of the model and not to be
recommended, since such a model will not have good predicting power.
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A few other quantities are equally important.
Precision = = , i.e. among all the successes (positives) in the data, how many are
identified as positive by the logistic regression.
Specificity = = , i.e. among all failures (negatives) in the data, how many are
actually identified as negative by the logistic regression
Sensitivity or Recall = , i.e. among all the predicted successes, how many are actually
The F-score of the model is defined as . F is between 0 and 1, and the
closer is it to 1, the better is the model
Among two competing logistic regressions, the one that maximizes all the accuracy measures,
is the one of choice. However, it may not be possible to maximize all criteria simultaneously.

Case Study continued:


def zero_one(x):

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threshold =0.50
if x>threshold:
return 1
else: return 0

predicted_diabetes['Outcome'] = diabetes.Outcome
Label 0 1
0 423 55
1 108 143

If the cut-off threshold is set at 0.5, then misclassification probability is (55 + 108)/729 =
Therefore accuracy of the model is 1 – 0.2235 = 77.6%
Precision = 143 / (143 + 108) = 57%
Specificity = 423 / (423 + 55) = 88.5%
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9T6KVYUXDHRecall = 143 / (143 + 55) = 72.2%
F-score = 2*0.57*0.722/(0.57+0.722) = 0.64 = 64%
It is clear from the above statistics that precision of the model is not high. Among all the
diabetics in the data, the model is able to correctly predict only 57% of the cases. On the other
hand, specificity 88.5% indicates that, among the non-diabetics, the model is able to correctly
identify 88.5%. From a medical perspective, it is always more serious missing a case than
incorrectly identify subjects without the condition.
Recall that once the probability of success is estimated through the logistic regression, the
partition into two groups, success and failure, is controlled by placing the cut-off threshold.
Currently it is set at 0.5. Suppose to improve precision, it is decided to set at 0.35.


def zero_one(x):
threshold =0.35
if x>threshold:
return 1
else: return 0

predicted_diabetes['Outcome'] = diabetes.Outcome

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Label 0 1
0 376 102
1 72 179

Accuracy = 76%
Precision = 63.7%
Specificity = 78.7%
Recall = 71%
F-score = 67%
Note that, by changing the threshold value, as precision improves significantly, both specificity
and recall values decreases by large amount. Accuracy and F-score changes marginally, the
former increases and the latter decreases.
Since these measures are a function of the threshold, often the impact of the whole range of
thresholds is investigated through the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. The
curve is typically obtained by plotting 1 – specificity (False Positive Rate, FPR) on the x-axis
and sensitivity (True Positive Rate, TPR) on the y-axis. However, there may be alternative
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9T6KVYUXDHrepresentations of the same.

from sklearn import metrics

# # calculate roc curve
# from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(diabetes.Outcome,glm3.predict(
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--')
# plot the roc curve for the model
print('Area Under the Curve', round(metrics.auc(fpr,tpr),4))
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, marker='.')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
# show the plot

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Figure 8- ROC for Diabetes data

Logistic regression may also be treated as a binary classification problem, where the model
assigns a class membership to each observation.
Area under ROC curve is a performance measurement for any classification problem (not
necessarily for logistic regression only) at various thresholds points. ROC is a probability curve
and AUC represents the classification model’s ability to separate the two classes. The higher
the AUC, the more powerful is the model to predict true class membership.
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The most important observations from Fig. 8 are:
1. There is a trade-off between sensitivity and specificity; if one increases, then the other
2. The closer the curve comes to the top left corner of the probability space, the more area
it covers; hence the better is the model
3. Any curve below the diagonal line is worse than a random allocation mechanism
AUC-ROC is particularly helpful in comparing two or more competing models. The model
with higher AUC-ROC is expected to have better discretionary power.
Two alternate representations of Fig 8 are shown below:

#precision recall curve


plt.plot(recal, prec)

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Figure 9- Precision-recall curve for Diabetes data

#Sensitivity vs Specificity Curve

Sensitivity = tpr
Specificity = 1 - fpr

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Figure 10- Sensitivity-specificity curve for Diabetes data

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3.8 Enhancement of Logistic Regression Predictors: WoE
and IV

To improve the performance of a regression model, often one or more predictors are
transformed. For linear regression, square root or log transformations are common choice. In
case of logistic regression, discretization of continuous variables is possible through a special
method called Weight of Evidence (WoE). There are several advantages of computing WoE.
If a predictor is non-linear, discretization will help adjusting for that. In fact, WoE is calculated
in such a way, that it achieves linear relation with the log odds. Otherwise, with non-linear
transformations, such as square root or power transformations, it is not easy to achieve linearity.
This technique also eliminates the necessity of handling outliers or missing data separately.
WoE provides a guideline for combining levels of discrete predictors too: If consecutive levels
of a discrete predictor show very similar values of WoE statistics, then these levels may be
combined to avoid data sparseness.
Steps for computation of WoE involves

i) Binning a continuous predictor into k bins. The number k depends on how smooth or
rough the discretized predictor needs to be. The higher the value of k, the smoother is
the discretized variable. Typically, k is between 10 and 20.
ii) Each bin should have at least 5% of the observations
iii) Each bin should have non-zero occurrences of both success and failure
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iv) Missing values must be binned separately

The WoE must be distinct in each bin and be monotonically increasing or decreasing. If two
consecutive bins have the same value, they must be combined.

Once WoE are calculated, then it replaces the original variable in the logistic regression. If
WoE is computed for discrete variable, its use in the regression eliminates introduction of a set
of dummy variables corresponding to the original variable.
Pr(𝑋= 𝑥𝑗 |𝑌=1)
For each category j, j = 1, …, k WoE(j) = log
Pr(𝑋= 𝑥𝑗 |𝑌=0)

This is a comparison of the distribution of the predictor X, given Y = 1 and Y = 0, separately.

Following is a case study with a much larger data set and categorical predictors where the
application of WoE and IV enhancement is demonstrated.

Case Study 2
Income is a notoriously difficult item to have individuals respond to with full accuracy. Often,
instead of asking about income directly, it is estimated from various other related questions.
The data set Income contains 45223 observations coming from US census where the binary

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outcome is the annual income of the respondent. Success is defined when the income is above
$50,000. The predictors are
Age: Chronological age (continuous)
Workclass: Place of employment
Fnlwgt: A derived variable used to represent sampling weightage in US census (continuous)
Education: Level of education
Education-num: Years of education completed (continuous)
Relationship: Family composition
Capital-gain: continuous
Capital-loss: continuous
Hours-per-week: Hours worked per week on an average (continuous)
Native-country: Migrated from
Income: Binary outcome variable (<= 50K : 0; > 50K : 1)

Clearly several of the variables are categorical with possibly many levels. There are no missing

Statement of the Problem: Develop a logistic regression model to predict whether a person
earns more than $ 50,000 given demographic and other relevant socio-economic and work
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHrelated information

Exploratory Analysis (EDA) on Income Data

The Income data is uploaded in Python
# Upload data into R using CSV file
(45222, 15)

Age Workclass Fnlwgt Education Educational-num Marital-status
0 25 Private 226802 11th 7 Never-married
1 38 Private 89814 HS-grad 9 Married-civ-spouse
2 28 Local-gov 336951 Assoc-acdm 12 Married-civ-spouse
3 44 Private 160323 Some-college 10 Married-civ-spouse
4 34 Private 198693 10th 6 Never-married

Occupation Relationship Race Gender Capital-gain Capital-loss

0 Machine-op-inspct Own-child Black Male 0 0
1 Farming-fishing Husband White Male 0 0
2 Protective-serv Husband White Male 0 0
3 Machine-op-inspct Husband Black Male 7688 0
4 Other-service Not-in-family White Male 0 0

Hours-per-week Native-country Income

0 40 United-States <=50K
1 50 United-States <=50K
2 40 United-States >50K

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3 40 United-States >50K
4 30 United-States <=50K
columns= salary.select_dtypes(include='object').columns
for i in columns:
print ("---- {} ----".format(i))

---- Workclass ----

Count Percent
Private 33307.0 73.65
Self-emp-not-inc 3796.0 8.39
Local-gov 3100.0 6.86
State-gov 1946.0 4.30
Self-emp-inc 1646.0 3.64
Federal-gov 1406.0 3.11
Without-pay 21.0 0.05

---- Education ----

Count Percent
HS-grad 14783.0 32.69
Some-college 9899.0 21.89
Bachelors 7570.0 16.74
Masters 2514.0 5.56
[email protected]
Assoc-voc 1959.0 4.33
11th 1619.0 3.58
Assoc-acdm 1507.0 3.33
10th 1223.0 2.70
7th-8th 823.0 1.82
Prof-school 785.0 1.74
9th 676.0 1.49
12th 577.0 1.28
Doctorate 544.0 1.20
5th-6th 449.0 0.99
1st-4th 222.0 0.49
Preschool 72.0 0.16

---- Marital-status ----

Count Percent
Married-civ-spouse 21055.0 46.56
Never-married 14598.0 32.28
Divorced 6297.0 13.92
Separated 1411.0 3.12
Widowed 1277.0 2.82
Married-spouse-absent 552.0 1.22
Married-AF-spouse 32.0 0.07

---- Occupation ----

Count Percent
Craft-repair 6020.0 13.31
Prof-specialty 6008.0 13.29

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Exec-managerial 5984.0 13.23
Adm-clerical 5540.0 12.25
Sales 5408.0 11.96
Other-service 4808.0 10.63
Machine-op-inspct 2970.0 6.57
Transport-moving 2316.0 5.12
Handlers-cleaners 2046.0 4.52
Farming-fishing 1480.0 3.27
Tech-support 1420.0 3.14
Protective-serv 976.0 2.16
Priv-house-serv 232.0 0.51
Armed-Forces 14.0 0.03

---- Relationship ----

Count Percent
Husband 18666.0 41.28
Not-in-family 11702.0 25.88
Own-child 6626.0 14.65
Unmarried 4788.0 10.59
Wife 2091.0 4.62
Other-relative 1349.0 2.98

---- Race ----

Count Percent
White 38903.0 86.03
Black 4228.0 9.35
Asian-Pac-Islander 1303.0 2.88
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9T6KVYUXDHAmer-Indian-Eskimo 435.0 0.96
Other 353.0 0.78

---- Gender ----

Count Percent
Male 30527.0 67.5
Female 14695.0 32.5

*---- Native-country ----

Count Percent
United-States 41292.0 91.31
Mexico 903.0 2.00
Philippines 283.0 0.63
Germany 193.0 0.43
Puerto-Rico 175.0 0.39
Canada 163.0 0.36
El-Salvador 147.0 0.33
India 147.0 0.33
Cuba 133.0 0.29
England 119.0 0.26

*Only a part of the table is included here as there are too many countries with very few
observations, except where native country is USA
The objective of this preliminary analysis with the categorical predictors is to make a decision
regarding which levels need to be combined for model building.

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Income level is distributed between two classes in the ratio 1:3. The data is not balanced, i.e.
class proportions are not equal, but no adjustment is required in the response distribution. There
is only one binary predictor, Gender, which contains 68% male. This predictor remains as is.
Let us now consider the other categorical predictors at multiple levels.

The predictors Workclass and Occupation are similar in nature. Between these two, Occupation
is retained. The reason being, in Workclass the proportion is concentrated into only one class,
Private. In Occupation, meaningful collapsing of class-levels is possible. The predictors Race
and Native Country are reduced to binary; White and Other in the former, USA and Other in
the latter.

[Another note on smart handling of hierarchical categorical variables: Levels of categorical

variables are arranged in lexicographic order, i.e. A – Z, not necessarily in the order that
makes sense. For example, if the data is in months and a bar diagram is to be constructed
according to month, the data will be arranged in the order April, August, February, etc., which
is not recommended to understand how any variation occur within a year. Similarly, note above
that Education categories are arranged not in the order Pre-school to Doctorate, which would
help in imparting the information is a more organized manner.
It is possible to give explicit commends to obtain categories in the most suitable order.

Another trick is to include a numeric in front of the categories in the order we want the
categories to be arranged. Note below that when Preschool, 1st-4th, 5th-6th and 7th – 8th are
[email protected]
combined to create a category Upto Middle School, it is called ‘1. Upto Middle School’; the
next one is ‘2. Some High School’ and so on. Introduction of the numeric in the name
circumvents the problem with lexicographic ordering.]
# Collapse levels of categorical predictors

dct_edu={'Preschool':'1. Upto Middle School', '1st-4th':'1. Upto Middle

'5th-6th':'1. Upto Middle School', '7th-8th':'1. Upto Middle School',
'9th' : '2. Some High School', '10th' : '2. Some High School',
'11th' : '2. Some High School', '12th' : '2. Some High School',
'HS-grad' : '3. High School', 'Prof-school' : '4. Prof School',
'Assoc-acdm' : '4. Prof School', 'Assoc-voc' : '4. Prof School',
'Some-college' :'5. Some College', 'Bachelors' : '6. Bachelors',
'Masters' : '7. Post-graduate', 'Doctorate' : '7. Post-graduate'}

dct_marr={'Widowed':'3. Currently Single', 'Separated':'3. Currently Si

'Divorced':'3. Currently Single', 'Never-married':'
1. Never Married',
'Married-civ-spouse':'2. Currently Married',
'Married-spouse-absent':'2. Currently Married',
'Married-AF-spouse' : '2. Currently Married'}

dct_rela={'Husband' :'1. Husband-wife', 'Wife' :'1. Husband-wife',

'Not-in-family' : '2. Not-in-family',
'Unmarried' : '3. Other',

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'Own-child' : '3. Other', 'Other-relat
ive' :'3. Other'}

dct_occu={'Sales' :'1. Sales', 'Prof-specialty' : '2. Professional',

'Exec-managerial' : '3. Managerial',
'Craft-repair' : '4. Craft-repair', 'Adm-clerical' : '5. Adm-clerical',
'Priv-house-serv' : '6. Service', 'Other-service' : '6. Service',
'Transport-moving' : '7. Other', 'Tech-support' : '7. Other',
'Protective-serv' : '7. Other', 'Machine-op-inspct' : '7. Other',
'Handlers-cleaners' : '7. Other', 'Farming-fishing' :'7. Other',
'Armed-Forces' : '7. Other'}

salary.Race = salary.Race.apply(lambda x : x if x == 'White' else 'Othe


salary['Native-country'] = salary['Native-country'].apply(lambda x : x
if x == 'United-States' else 'Others')

salary.Education=salary.Education.apply(lambda x: dct_edu[x])

salary['Marital-status']=salary['Marital-status'].apply(lambda x: dct_m

salary.Relationship=salary.Relationship.apply(lambda x: dct_rela[x])

[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHsalary.Occupation=salary.Occupation.apply(lambda x: dct_occu[x])

cols= salary.select_dtypes(include='object').drop(['Income','Workclass'
for i in range(0, len(cols)):
plt.title('{} by Income'.format(cols[i]),fontsize=20)

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Figure 11- Income distribution across categorical predictors

Next step is to determine whether levels of the categorical predictors need to be combined
further for a more informative modelling.
columns= salary.select_dtypes(include='object').columns

for i in columns:
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDH sal = salary.groupby([i,'Income']).count()['Educational-num'].unsta
sal['WOE'] = np.log(sal['Good%']/sal['Bad%'])
sal['IV'] = (sal['Good%'] -sal['Bad%'])*sal['WOE']/100
iv = sal['IV'].sum()
print('------- {} -------'.format(i))
if iv>=0.1:
print('IV for {} is {} and is Highly Predictive'.format(i,round
elif iv<0.03:
print('IV for {} is {} and is Not Predictive'.format(i,round(iv
elif iv<0.1:
print('IV for {} is {} and is Somewhat Predictive'.format(i,rou

------- Education -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
1. Upto Middle School 1480 86 4.35115 0.76731 -1.735305 0.062191
2. Some High School 3843 252 11.29829 2.24839 -1.614437 0.146105
3. High School 12367 2416 36.35856 21.55603 -0.522774 0.077384
4. Prof School 2757 1494 8.10549 13.32976 0.497458 0.025989
5. Some College 7909 1990 23.25219 17.75517 -0.269723 0.014827
6. Bachelors 4392 3178 12.91233 28.35475 0.786612 0.121472

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7. Post-graduate 1266 1792 3.72200 15.98858 1.457614 0.178799

IV for Education is 0.6268 and is Highly Predictive

------- Marital-status -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
1. Never Married 13897 701 40.85671 6.25446 -1.876776 0.649407
2. Currently Married 12007 9632 35.30017 85.93862 0.889746 0.450553
3. Currently Single 8110 875 23.84312 7.80692 -1.116485 0.179042

IV for Marital-status is 1.279 and is Highly Predictive

------- Occupation -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
1. Sales 3953 1455 11.62169 12.98180 0.110675 0.001505
2. Professional 3304 2704 9.71365 24.12562 0.909742 0.131112
3. Managerial 3117 2867 9.16387 25.57994 1.026540 0.168518
4. Craft-repair 4665 1355 13.71494 12.08958 -0.126142 0.002050
5. Adm-clerical 4784 756 14.06480 6.74518 -0.734847 0.053788
6. Service 4841 199 14.23237 1.77552 -2.081426 0.259280
7. Other 9350 1872 27.48868 16.70236 -0.498224 0.053740

IV for Occupation is 0.67 and is Highly Predictive

------- Relationship -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
1. Husband-wife 11234 9523 33.02758 84.96610 0.944909 0.490772
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDH2. Not-in-family 10474 1228 30.79320 10.95646 -1.033365 0.204986
3. Other 12306 457 36.17922 4.07744 -2.183016 0.700787

IV for Relationship is 1.3965 and is Highly Predictive

------- Race -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
Others 5318 1001 15.63474 8.93112 -0.559954 0.037537
White 28696 10207 84.36526 91.06888 0.076460 0.005126

IV for Race is 0.0427 and is Somewhat Predictive

------- Gender -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
Female 13026 1669 38.296 14.89115 -0.944578 0.221077
Male 20988 9539 61.704 85.10885 0.321582 0.075266

IV for Gender is 0.2963 and is Highly Predictive

------- Native-country -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
Others 3170 760 9.31969 6.78087 -0.318024 0.008074
United-States 30844 10448 90.68031 93.21913 0.027613 0.000701

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IV for Native-country is 0.0088 and is Not Predictive

The predictors Ethnicity (Race) and Origin (Native Country) will not be included in the
model. These predictors are too imbalanced to be of any practical use.

Note that for both cases the 2x2 contingency tables show significant χ2 values.
import scipy.stats as stats


print (ethnicity)
print('For Ethnicity (RACE), the Chi Square Test Statistic is {} with a
p-value of {}'.format(round(Chi_Stat,2),p_value))


print (origin)

print('For Origin (Native-Country), the Chi Square Test Statistic is {}
with a p-value of {}'.format(round
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHRace Others White
<=50K 5318 28696
>50K 1001 10207

For Ethnicity (RACE), the Chi Square Test Statistic is 314.6 with a p-value
of 2.177408309728495e-70

Native-country Others United-States

<=50K 3170 30844
>50K 760 10448

For Origin (Native-Country), the Chi Square Test Statistic is 68.16 with a
p-value of 1.5099071570211737e-16

This is an important observation. If the sample size is very large, almost always statistical
significance is ensured. But that must not be the sole reason to include a predictor in the model.

Next step is to determine whether any of the other categorical variables need to be collapsed
over their levels, so that there is enough data in each category and each category is well
differentiated from the rest. Colour-coding of categories show which levels are to be combined
for building the logistic model.
There are five continuous variables in the data set. Below are the histograms for these.
# Histogram of a few select variables

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fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
ax = fig.gca()
salary[cont].hist(ax = ax)

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Figure 12- Histogram of continuous predictors: Set 1

Figure 13- Histogram of continuous predictors: Set 2

Clearly the extreme skewness of both Capital Gain and Capital Loss variables demand
adjustment. Since most of the observations are concentrated on 0 value for both variables,
one logical transformation is discretization of the continuous variables.
salary['Capital-gain'] = salary['Capital-gain'].apply(lambda x : x if x
== 0 else 1)
salary['Capital-loss'] = salary['Capital-loss'].apply(lambda x : x if x
== 0 else 1)
0 43082
1 2140

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Name: Capital-loss, dtype: int64
0 41432
1 3790
Name: Capital-gain, dtype: int64
cols= salary[['Capital-loss','Capital-gain']].columns
for i in range(0, len(cols)):
plt.title('{} by Income'.format(cols[i]),fontsize=20)

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Figure 14-Distribution of Income across Capital Gain and Capital Loss

The proportion of non-zero values is so small, most likely these predictors will be non-
informative. These two predictors will not be used in model building.

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columns= salary[['Capital-loss','Capital-gain']].columns

for i in columns:
sal = salary.groupby([i,'Income']).count()['Educational-num'].unsta
sal['WOE'] = np.log(sal['Good%']/sal['Bad%'])
sal['IV'] = (sal['Good%'] -sal['Bad%'])*sal['WOE']/100
iv = sal['IV'].sum()
print('------- {} -------'.format(i))
if iv>=0.1:
print('IV for {} is {} and is Highly Predictive'.format(i,round
elif iv<0.03:
print('IV for {} is {} and is Not Predictive'.format(i,round(iv
elif iv<0.1:
print('IV for {} is {} and is Somewhat Predictive'.format(i,rou
------- Capital-loss -------
Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
0 32972 10110 96.93656 90.20343 -0.071989 0.004847
1 1042 1098 3.06344 9.79657 1.162494 0.078272

[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHIV for Capital-loss is 0.0831 and is Somewhat Predictive

------- Capital-gain -------

Income <=50K >50K Bad% Good% WOE IV
0 32599 8833 95.83995 78.80978 -0.195643 0.033318
1 1415 2375 4.16005 21.19022 1.628013 0.277253

IV for Capital-gain is 0.3106 and is Highly Predictive

Some more adjustments to a select few Object Columns before Modelling

newclass_edu = {'1. Upto Middle School' :'1_Not_HS_pass',
'2. Some High School' : '1_Not_HS_pass',
'3. High School' :'2_HS_Coll_DO',
'5. Some College': '2_HS_Coll_DO',
'4. Prof School' : '3_Prof_School',
'6. Bachelors' : '4_College_Grad',
'7. Post-graduate' : '5_Grad_School'}

newclass_occu = { '1. Sales' : '1_Sales_Repair',

'4. Craft-repair' : '1_Sales_Repair',
'2. Professional' : '2_Prof_Manager',
'3. Managerial' : '2_Prof_Manager',
'6. Service' : '3_Service',
'5. Adm-clerical' : '4_Other',

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'7. Other' : '4_Other'}

newclass_rela={'1. Husband-wife' :'1_Husband-wife','2. Not-in-family' :

'2_Not_in_family', '3. Other' : '3_Other'}

newclass_marr={'3. Currently Single':'3_Currently_Single', '1. Never Ma

'2. Currently Married':'2_Currently_Married'}
salary['Marital_Status_New']=salary['Marital_Status'].apply(lambda x: newcl
salary['Education_New']=salary['Education'].apply(lambda x: newclass_edu[x]
salary['Occupation_New']=salary['Occupation'].apply(lambda x: newclass_occu
salary['Relationship_New']=salary['Relationship'].apply(lambda x: newclass_

One Hot Encoding

columns=['Gender','Race','Education_New','Marital_Status_New', 'Relationshi
[email protected]

3.9 Training and Validation (Test)

(For a detail discussion on training and test data sets and the advantage of cross-validation
refer to the Monograph on Regression Model Selection)
After the EDA and all adjustments and transformations were performed on the full data, it
was randomly split into training and test sets in 70:30 ratio.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

train,test=train_test_split(df, test_size=0.30,random_state=123,shuffle
(31655, 15)
(13567, 15)
print ("---- Train ----")

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print ("---- Test ----")
---- Train ----
Count Percent
<=50K 23850.0 75.34
>50K 7805.0 24.65

---- Test ----

Count Percent
<=50K 10164.0 74.91
>50K 3403.0 25.08
It is always a good idea to check that the success proportion of response is similar in both
training and test data.
Encoding the Target Variable
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
[email protected]



formula = 'Income ~ Age +Fnlwgt + Gender_Male + Hours_per_week + Race_W

hite + Education_New_2_HS_Coll_DO + Education_New_3_Prof_School + E
ducation_New_4_College_Grad + Education_New_5_Grad_School + Marital_S
tatus_New_2_Currently_Married + Marital_Status_New_3_Currently_Single
+ Relationship_New_2_Not_in_family + Relationship_New_3_Other + Occu
pation_New_2_Prof_Manager + Occupation_New_3_Service + Occupation_New
Logit Model
Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.371349
Iterations 8
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Income No. Observations: 31655
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 31638
Method: MLE Df Model: 16
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.3348
Time: 14:32:39 Log-Likelihood: -11755.
converged: True LL-Null: -17670.

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Sharing or publishing the contents in part or full is liable for legal action.
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 0.000
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -5.6671 0.203 -27.981 0.000 -6.064 -5.270
Age 0.0258 0.001 17.593 0.000 0.023 0.029
Fnlwgt 6.89e-07 1.57e-07 4.392 0.000 3.82e-07 9.96e-07
Gender_Male 0.0808 0.047 1.717 0.086 -0.011 0.173
Hours_per_week 0.0267 0.001 18.289 0.000 0.024 0.030
Race_White 0.1732 0.055 3.151 0.002 0.065 0.281
Edu_HS_Coll_DO 1.2648 0.075 16.809 0.000 1.117 1.412
Edu_Prof_School 1.9614 0.087 22.533 0.000 1.791 2.132
Edu_4_College 2.2950 0.082 27.936 0.000 2.134 2.456
Edu_5_Grad_Sch 2.6225 0.094 28.030 0.000 2.439 2.806
Mar_2_Married 1.2332 0.146 8.461 0.000 0.948 1.519
Mar_3_Single 0.4752 0.071 6.695 0.000 0.336 0.614
Rel_2_No_family-1.1243 0.142 -7.944 0.000 -1.402 -0.847
Rel_3_Other -1.7723 0.144 -12.304 0.000 -2.055 -1.490
Occ_2_Prof_Mgr 0.6463 0.044 14.576 0.000 0.559 0.733
Occ_3_Service -1.0768 0.098 -10.983 0.000 -1.269 -0.885
Occ_4_Other -0.2476 0.042 -5.874 0.000 -0.330 -0.165
*Some Variable names are shortened to maintain the format

The only predictor which is not significant at 5% level is Gender. This is eliminated in the
next stage.
formula = 'Income ~ Age +Fnlwgt + Hours_per_week + Race_White + Educa
tion_New_2_HS_Coll_DO + Education_New_3_Prof_School + Education_New_4
_College_Grad + Education_New_5_Grad_School + Marital_Status_New_2_Cu
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHrrently_Married + Marital_Status_New_3_Currently_Single + Relationshi
p_New_2_Not_in_family + Relationship_New_3_Other + Occupation_New_2_P
rof_Manager + Occupation_New_3_Service + Occupation_New_4_Other'

Optimization terminated successfully.
Current function value: 0.371395
Iterations 8

Logit Regression Results

Dep. Variable: Income No. Observations: 31655
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 31639
Method: MLE Df Model: 15
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2020 Pseudo R-squ.: 0.3347
Time: 14:33:47 Log-Likelihood: -11757.
converged: True LL-Null: -17670.
Covariance Type: nonrobust LLR p-value: 0.000
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -5.6177 0.200 -28.022 0.000 -6.011 -5.225
Age 0.0259 0.001 17.699 0.000 0.023 0.029
Fnlwgt 7.003e-07 1.57e-07 4.468 0.000 3.93e-07 1.01e-06
Hours_per_week 0.0271 0.001 18.802 0.000 0.024 0.030
Race_White 0.1768 0.055 3.219 0.001 0.069 0.285

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Sharing or publishing the contents in part or full is liable for legal action.
Edu_2_HS_Coll_DO 1.2619 0.075 16.771 0.000 1.114 1.409
Edu_3_Prof_School 1.9581 0.087 22.499 0.000 1.788 2.129
Edu_4_College_Grad 2.2919 0.082 27.900 0.000 2.131 2.453
Edu_5_Grad_School 2.6184 0.094 27.999 0.000 2.435 2.802
Mar_2_Married 1.2371 0.146 8.485 0.000 0.951 1.523
Mar_3_Single 0.4639 0.071 6.563 0.000 0.325 0.603
Rel_2_No_family -1.1428 0.141 -8.093 0.000 -1.420 -0.866
Rel_3_Other -1.8013 0.143 -12.588 0.000 -2.082 -1.521
Occ_2_Prof_Mgr 0.6370 0.044 14.475 0.000 0.551 0.723
Occ_3_Service -1.0924 0.098 -11.191 0.000 -1.284 -0.901
Occ_4_Other -0.2543 0.042 -6.060 0.000 -0.337 -0.172
To print the Odds Ratio for all variables:
params = model2.params
conf = model2.conf_int()
conf['Odds Ratio'] = params
conf.columns = ['5%', '95%', 'Odds Ratio', 'Coef']
conf[['5%', '95%', 'Odds Ratio']]=np.exp(conf[['5%', '95%', 'Odds Ratio']]

Age, Fnlwgt and Hours.per.week have positive coefficients, indicating that as values of these
predictors increase, probability of yearly income being above $50,000 also increases. For every
unit increase in the level of these three predictors, the increase in odds of earning above $50,000
is given in the table below.
[email protected]
Table 3- Calculation of odds ratio from regression coefficients (continuous variables)


AGE 0.026 1.03
FNLWGT 0.0000007 1.00
HOURS_PER_WEEK 0.03 1.03

The odds may not look significant but recall that these are for 1 year increase in age, or 1 hour
increase in working per week (not per day). However, if difference of 10 years is compared,
the odds ratios will look substantial. Similarly, if odds of working 35 hours per week is
compared against working 40 hours (i.e. 1 more hour of working per day) is compared, the
difference will be significant.
Regression coefficient for ethnicity is 0.18 for whites combined to others, indicating that odds
are 1.20 times in favour of whites earning more than $50,000 per year.
Let us now consider the odds ratios corresponding to the multi-category predictors (colour-
coded above for better identification)

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Table 4- Calculation of odds ratio for different levels of Education



While investigating effect of a categorical predictor, ordinal or nominal, each level is compared
against a pre-determined baseline. For an ordinal predictor, usually the lowest or the highest
level is assumed to be the baseline. For a nominal variable, any suitable level may be taken as
the baseline. Education could be argued to be an ordinal variable. However, in this case, the
hierarchy level between college dropout and professional school may be open to debate. To
avoid that, the predictor is assumed to be nominal.

From the above table it is clear that compared to a person not finishing high school, everybody
else is at a much higher level of advantage. While the odds for a person who has completed
high school or have a few years of college education (though not completed) to earn over
$50,000 yearly is almost 4 times higher than one who has not completed high school, the odds
of a person completing graduate school that value is close to 14 times!
[email protected]
9T6KVYUXDHSimilarly, for each of the other three predictors, such odds ratios can be calculated against the
baseline specified. The positive sign in the regression coefficient indicates that the odds ratio
will be more than 1, the negative sign indicates that the value will be less than 1. Let us consider
the levels of occupation, the baseline for which is sales/repair.

Table 5- Calculation of odds ratio for different levels of Occupation


SERVICE -1.09 0.34
OTHER -0.25 0.77

While persons in professional and managerial level are more likely to earn $50,000 per annum
compared to those in sales and repair professions, those in service or other occupations are less
likely to earn that amount. The odds ratios in the above table bear support to this claim.

Combining all the regression coefficients and transforming them appropriately on the logit
scale comparison of all combinations of the predictors, vis-à-vis a suitable baseline may be

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3.10 Training and Test Accuracy

Once a satisfactory model is developed on the training data, the same can be applied to estimate
accuracy on both training and test data.

3.10.1 Prediction on Training Set


def zero_one(x):
threshold =0.35
if x>threshold:
return 1
else: return 0

print('Confusion Matrix on Train Set\n')


predicted_on_Train['Income'] = train.Income
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Confusion Matrix on Train Set

Label 0 1
0 20000 3859
1 2328 5468

print('Classification Report on Train Set\n')


Classification Report on Train Set

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.90 0.84 0.87 23859

1 0.59 0.70 0.64 7796

accuracy 0.80 31655

macro avg 0.74 0.77 0.75 31655
weighted avg 0.82 0.80 0.81 31655

# # calculate roc curve

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# from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(train.Income,model2.predict(tr
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--')
# plot the roc curve for the model
print('For Training Set')
print('Area Under the Curve', round(metrics.auc(fpr,tpr),4))
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, marker='.')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
# show the plot
Area Under the Curve 0.8732

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9T6KVYUXDH Figure 15-ROC for Training Data

A number of accuracy measures are available. These are all discussed in detail for Case
Study 1.

3.10.2 Prediction on Test Set

Once a model is decided upon, the same is applied to Test data. Here the model is NOT
developed independently, but the same parameter estimates found from Training data are used.
The goal is pure prediction accuracy; i.e., when new observation vectors are available, how
accurately the model is expected to predict the probability of having income more than 50k.
No model estimate is done for Test data.


def zero_one(x):
threshold =0.35
if x>threshold:
return 1
else: return 0

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print('Confusion Matrix on Test Set\n')


predicted_on_Test['Income'] = test.Income

Confusion Matrix on Test Set

Label 0 1
0 8572 1583
1 988 2424

print('Classification Report on Test Set\n')

Classification Report on Test Set

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.90 0.84 0.87 10155

1 0.60 0.71 0.65 3412

accuracy 0.81 13567

macro avg 0.75 0.78 0.76 13567
[email protected]
weighted avg 0.82 0.81 0.82 13567

# # calculate roc curve

# from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve
fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(test.Income,model2.predict(tes
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--')
# plot the roc curve for the model
print('For Test Set')
print('Area Under the Curve', round(metrics.auc(fpr,tpr),4))
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, marker='.')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')
plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
# show the plot
Area Under the Curve 0.8749

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Figure 16-ROC for Test Data

Note that in this case prediction accuracy in Training and Test data are very close. That is a
support for consistency of the model building procedure. Most often though training accuracy
is considerably more than the test accuracy. If that happens, it is advisable to go back to the
drawing board and scrutinize the predictors and their behaviour.

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4. Further Discussions and
Logistic regression falls under the class of Generalized Regression Models (GLM), where a
function of the response is regressed on the predictors. Logistic transformation of probability
of success is the best known member of GLM, but by no means it is the only one. Because of
the particular structure of logistic regression, residuals are defined and treated in a different

4.1 Residuals of Logistic Model

Logistic model formulation does not require any explicit inclusion of error term. However, a
residual may always be defined as the difference between the observed and the expected under
the specified model. Two types of residuals associated with logistic regression are the Pearson
residual and the deviance residual. Recall that in case of logistic regression modelling, deviance
statistic is used to determine goodness of fit, which is based on the deviance residuals. The
deviance statistic is the sum of squares of the deviance residuals and it follows a χ2 distribution
with n – p degrees of freedom, where p is the number of parameters in the logistic regression
model including the intercept. For an acceptable model, the value of the deviance statistic is
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expected to be equal to the residual degrees of freedom, because expected value of a χ2
distribution is equal to its df.
The deviance residuals, or the standardized deviance residuals, may be plotted to investigate
model adequacy.

4.2 Overdispersion

When a linear logistic model has a satisfactory fit to the binomial data, the mean deviance
should be close to 1. If the fit is not satisfactory, i.e., if the fitted model is not adequate to
describe the observed proportions, the mean deviance is expected to be more than 1. On
the other hand, if the model is adequate, but still the residual mean deviance is greater
than 1, the data is said to exhibit overdispersion or extra binomial variation. Note that for
a binomial distribution, both mean and variance depends on the unknown success
There may be various explanations of overdispersion. It may be due to an inadequacy in
the model, e.g. non-linear terms are required instead of only linear terms. Or
overdispersion may be due to insufficient number of interaction terms in the model.
Overdispersion may be caused by presence of outliers in the data. It is important that all

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the possible causes of apparent overdispersion are eliminated before it is inferred that
the data is overdispersed.
If overdispersion still persists, then along with the estimation of logistic regression
parameters, an overdispersion parameter φ needs to be estimated. The estimate depends
on the logistic regression parameters too. It is recommended that the model with
maximum number of parameters is utilized to estimate φ by taking the ratio of the
average of the residuals and 1. Once the parameter is estimated, the observations needs
to be properly weighted by an appropriate function of φ and alternative logistic models
may be fitted.

4.3 Goodness-of-Fit for Logistic Model

A goodness of fit statistic compares the observed and the expected values. The statistic
tests the null hypothesis H0: The model under consideration fits the data against the
alternative Ha: The model does not fit the data. If the null hypothesis is rejected, the
alternative does not specify which model fits the data.
The deviance statistic associated with a logistic regression model is also a goodness of fit
statistic. An alternative statistic often considered is the Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic. The
data is grouped into deciles and average probability of success and average probability
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of failure in each decile are computed. Based on the actual and expected number of
success, and actual and expected number of failures in each decile, a Pearson goodness of
fit statistic is computed.

4.4 Probit and Log-Log models

Consider again a binary outcome, where success probability is denoted by π. Note that the
logit (or logistic) transformation is log 1− π . The probit transformation depends on the inverse
cumulative probability of a standard normal distribution. One common application area of
probit model is to estimate the effective dose of a drug trial. If the cumulative probability
distribution of a standard normal distribution is denoted by Φ, the probit transformation is
defined by Φ−1 (π). This is used as the response and a linear regression involving the
predictors is developed.
The complementary log-log transformation is defined as log[−log(1 − π)].
Both probit and complementary log – log function maps a probability in the range (0, 1)
to the real line (− ∞, ∞), just as logistic model does.

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4.5 Response having 3 or more classes

Logistic regression deals with a binary response. However, there are extensions of logistic
regression available where multi-class responses can also be handled.

4.5.1 Nominal Logit Model

Consider a discrete response with more than two levels. Examples of such cases arise when a
brand choice is considered. If there is no hierarchical relationship among the levels of the
response, a nominal logit model may be applied to determine the dependency of the brand
choice on the predictors. Among the levels of the brand, one is considered baseline and a series
of logit functions are determined comparing the base level with the other levels. If there are K
levels of the response, then a sequence of K – 1 logits are determined. Multinomial logistic
regression is performed taking into account all the K – 1 logits simultaneously.

4.5.2 Ordinal Logit Model

If there is inherent hierarchy among the levels of the response, then an ordinal logit model is
fitted. An example of such a case arises when the response blood pressure levels are categorized
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9T6KVYUXDHinto normal, high-normal, moderate and very high. Depending on the situation either the lowest
level or the highest level of the response is assumed to be the baseline. A sequence of models
is developed exploiting the natural ordering.

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Flowchart of Logistic

Identify If To apply
predictors response logistic
binary regression
and response

Discretization of Collapsing levels

EDA continuous of categorical
predictor? predictors?

Data large
Finalization of Split data into
enough for WoE
predictors to be training and
and IV
included in model validation

[email protected]
Fit logistic model Model checking Model
to training data for significance finalization

Compute accuracy Prediction on test

Propose final model
measures data

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