Lab 2 Hyrdro 1
Lab 2 Hyrdro 1
Lab 2 Hyrdro 1
Group No.: 8
Date Performed: February7, 2024
3. After measuring the external width and length of the pontoon, and noting the weights of the various
components, the pontoon is floated in water.
4. With the jockey weight on the line of symmetry, small magnetic weights are used to trim the assembly
to even kneel, indicated by a zero reading on the angular scale. The jockey is then moved in steps across
the width of the pontoon, the corresponding angle of tilt (over a range which is typically 8 degrees) being
recorded at each step. This procedure is then repeated with the jockey traversed at several different
Values of angles of list produced by lateral movement of the adjusted weight yl should be recorded.
Note: decide which side of the sail center line is to be termed negative and then term list angles on that
side negative.
Height of Angles of list for adjusted weight lateral displacement from sail center
Weight, y1
-45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45
- - 5 - 5 - -
- 7.5 3.4 - 3.4 7.5 -
- 6 3 - 3 6 -
7.5 5.5 2.5 - 2.5 5.5 7.5
5.5 3.5 2 - 2 3.5 5.5
For the five values of yl and the corresponding values of dx1/de can be extracted. Using the equation
below, the value of GM can be obtained. Knowing the immersion depth, values of CG can be derived.
Also, since CM=CG+GM. values of CM can be calculated. The above values should be calculated and
arranged in tabular form.
GM= (w/W) (dx 1/60) =_________ mm/degree x 57.3 = _________mm/rad
The Values of dx1/dθ can now be plotted against CG, the height of G above the water line, Extrapolation
of this plot will indicate the limiting value of CG above which the pontoon will be unstable.
1. Determine the density, specific volume, and volume of an object that weighs 3N in water and 4N
in oil with specific gravity of 0.83.
2. A scow 20ft wide and 60 ft long has a gross weight of 225 short tons (2000 lb). Its center of
gravity is Ift above the water surface. Find the metacentric height and the restoring couple when
Δy = Ift.