Ground Water Table Mapping of Selected Areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Ground Water Table Mapping of Selected Areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Ground Water Table Mapping of Selected Areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
At first, the author acknowledges the blessings of almighty Allah & also gratitude to
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET) which provide the
facilities & help in this project. This project would not have been possible without the
guidance & the help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and
extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of the study.
First and foremost, the authors express their outmost gratitude to honorable project
supervisor, Professor Dr. Sudip Kumar Pal, Department of Civil Engineering,
Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), whose sincerity and
encouragement we will never forget. It is with immense gratitude that they
acknowledge the support and help of Dr. Sudip Kumar Pal, for his keen interest,
valuable, suggestion, Proper guidance, encouragement, contribution of new ideas &
excellent guidance throughout this work. During this field work his presence inspired
them to finish this work perfectly. Without his valuable direction & cordial assistance,
it would have been impossible to carry out this study under a number of constraints,
time limitation is particular.
It gives them great pleasure in acknowledgement the support and help of Dr. Moinul
Islam, Professor & head, Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of
Engineering & Technology (CUET), for financial assistance. The authors are thankful
to the authority of selected school and locality people for helping them by giving
resourceful information & permission for opening the well in their institute.
Ground water forms the major portion of earth's fresh water source and it is almost
safe to drink. Chittagong Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (CWASA) supplies
water to the city dwellers for their daily water uses, of which 50% is collected from
groundwater. Moreover, some privately owned industrial, commercial, residential
building people are also collecting water mostly from ground. So continuous pumping
causing depletion of ground water table day by day in Chittagong city.
In this investigation, 5 wards have been selected for study among 41 wards of
Chittagong city. The water level data has been collected from CWASA office. We use
the ground water level data of 12 Deep Wells of selected areas. GIS software were
used to generate ground water depletion map. Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW)
method was used in GIS for this purpose. From those map we can have an idea rate of
change of the ground water table in studied area. Also the results have been compared
to the previous studies.
From the investigation, it has been observed that water table was found different at
different wards & finally it is concluded that depletion is occurring day by day.
1.1 General
Groundwater is by far the most abundant and readily available source of freshwater,
followed by lakes, reservoirs, rivers. Where surface water, such as lakes and rivers,
are scarce or inaccessible, groundwater supplies many of the hydrologic needs of
people everywhere. It is the source of drinking water for about half the total
population and nearly all of the rural population, and it provides over 50 billion
gallons per day for agricultural needs. Since the 1960's, groundwater has been used
extensively as the main source of safe drinking water.
Groundwater is one of the most important natural resources in world, which by one
estimate accounts for about 80% of the water present at any one. According to a 2010
review of water allocation, the number of groundwater consents accounts for 68% of
all international consents. In terms of the allocated volume for consumptive use,
groundwater allocation is about 12% of the total annual allocation. Groundwater has
come to be the mainstay of irrigated agriculture in many parts of Asia, especially in
populous South Asia and the North China Plain. Between them, India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh and North China use over 380-400 km' of Groundwater annually, over
half of the world's total annual use. The area irrigated by groundwater wells shot up
from 4% in 1972 to 70% in 1999 in Bangladesh (Mainuddin, 2002). Groundwater is
fundamental to many of the world's major ecosystems. Water flows between
groundwater and surface waters. Most rivers, lakes, and wetlands are fed by, and (at
other places or times) feed groundwater, to varying degrees. Groundwater feeds soil
moisture through percolation, and many terrestrial vegetation communities depend
directly on either groundwater or the percolated soil moisture above the aquifer for at
least part of each year.
Investigations on the groundwater table has been done previously in 2011(Mirdad &
Mannan, 2011) and in 2012(Taher, 2012) in the Chittagong city. Both of the
investigations have been done specifically in 18 wards of Chittagong city. From the
investigation the seasonal variations of water table have been determined and it has
been found that groundwater depletion has been occurred in most of the places. It has
also been stated that the main reason behind this groundwater depletion is due to
continuous pumping of water and increasing paved area.
Chittagong is the second largest city of Bangladesh. At present city's land area is
around 157 km2 inhabited by over 5 million people. Chittagong water supply and
sewerage authority (CWASA) is the authority for water supply and only supply water
one third of the city dwellers. Rest of the people depends on shallow tube well and
deep tube well; in other word they depend on groundwater. According to CWASA, to
meet the daily need of water of the city dwellers 500 million liters of water is needed
among which 220-240 million liters are collected from groundwater (Prothom Alo, 11
September, 2014). But recently in Chittagong city, some problems have been found
regarding water supply due to lowering of water table. So, city dwellers are suffering
from scarcity of fresh drinkable water. So to know the present situation of the ground
water table of the city, an initiative has been taken to find the water table as it is a
vital & safe source of water.
Though CWASA supplies water to the city dwellers mostly from ground water
only 1/3rd of water demand can be met by from this supply.
Depletion of groundwater table day by day.
Scarcity of fresh drinkable water.
No organization is taking any step toward rain water harvesting.
1.3 Objectives
Considering the identified problems & justification, the following objectives have
been selected for the investigation-
In Chapter 2, groundwater & its sources have been introduced. Depth of water
table according to CWASA has been shown. Problems & causes of
groundwater depletion in Chittagong city also have been discussed
In chapter 3, methodology & different devices used in the investigation, to
find out the current situation of the water table in Chittagong city, has been
In chapter 4, results of the investigation, GIS map of the Chittagong city based
on groundwater table & graphical representation of the results have been
In chapter 5, artificial recharge of groundwater has been recommended to
overcome this crisis of groundwater depletion."
In Chapter-6, findings of the investigation have been shown and proper
recommendations have been suggested.
2.1 General
Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in both urban and rural area.
Besides, it is an important source of water for the agricultural and the industrial
sector. Water utilization projections put the groundwater usage at about 50%. So with
the increasing population and increasing demand of groundwater, it is essential to
gather knowledge about groundwater.
2.2 Aquifer
An aquifer is a layer of porous substrate that contains and transmits groundwater. The
characteristics of aquifers vary with the geology and structure of the substrate and
topography in which they occur. In general, the more productive aquifers occur in
sedimentary geologic formations.
Water table aquifers are the saturated portions of the upper soil profile located above a
confining layer. It is also called as unconfined aquifer. Confined and unconfined
aquifer has been shown in Fig 2.1
Fig 2.1: Confined & unconfined aquifer
1. Meteoric water.
2. Condensational water.
3. Connate water.
4. Juvenile water or magmatic water.
5. Mixed source water.
2.3.1 Meteoric water
This is also known as fossil water and includes water entrapped in sediments at the
time of their deposition on lake or sea bottom. They are classified in to two types as
syngenetic and epigenetic connate water. The syngenetic connate water was trapped
in the sediments containing it, whereas the epigenetic connate water is those which
entered from the basins into the rocks that had formed earlier. Connate water often
occurs in rock units with oil.
2.4 Springs
Gravity Springs Gravity springs result where water moves from the water table
aquifer through a permeable formation to the land surface or where the land surface
intersects the water table. There are three principal types of gravity springs:
depression springs, contact springs, and fracture or tabular springs. A depression
spring is formed when the land surface intercepts the water table in permeable
material. A contact spring is formed when downward movement of water is restricted
and deflected laterally to the land surface by a layer of impervious material. Fracture
or tabular springs are formed when water emerges from fractures or joints in rock,
from solution channels in limestone or gypsum, or from natural tunnels in basaltic
When a water-bearing bed is confined between relatively impervious strata and water
is introduced from a higher elevation, the confined water is said to be under artesian
pressure. Artesian springs rise where these confined permeable strata are exposed near
the surface. They also may rise where the confining formation over the artesian
aquifer is ruptured by a fault or where the aquifer discharges to a lower topographic
area. Artesian spring has been shown in Fig 2.3
Fig 2.3: Artesian spring
Springs that bring water that is at least 6.5°C higher than the mean temperature are
called hot springs. There are hot springs all over the world. In Bangladesh there is a
hot spring at Shitakundu in the Chandranath Hill Range, Chittagong.
2.5 Geysers
The water table is the surface where the water pressure head is equal to the
atmospheric pressure. It may be conveniently visualized as the "surface" of the
subsurface materials that are saturated with groundwater in given vicinity. However,
saturated conditions may extend above the water table as surface tension holds water
in some pores below atmospheric pressure. Individual points on the water table are
typically measured as the elevation that the water rises to in a well screened in the
shallow groundwater.
2.6.1 Groundwater situation in Bangladesh
The unconsolidated near surface Pleistocene to Recent fluvial and estuarine sediments
underlying most of Bangladesh generally form prolific aquifers. Thick semi-
consolidated to unconsolidated fluvio-deltaic sediments of Miocene age to the recent
form many aquifers. But except the Dupi Tila sandstone formation of the Plio-
Pleistocene age, others are too deep to consider for groundwater extraction except in
the hilly region (18 percent of Bangladesh). Most of the groundwater withdrawn for
domestic or agricultural purposes in the Barind and Madhupur uplands areas is from
the Dupi Tila aquifers. The floodplains of the major rivers and the active/inactive
delta plain of the GBM Delta Complex occupy 82 per cent of the country. From the
available subsurface geological information, it appears that most of the good aquifers
occur between 30 to 130 m depth. These sediments are cyclic deposits of mostly
medium to fine sand, silt and clay. The individual layers cannot be traced for long
distances, horizontally or vertically. (BWDB, 2004)
Groundwater levels are near ground level during August-October &lowest in April-
May. The groundwater recharge characteristics suggest that the actual recharge can be
increased by creating additional storage through increased abstraction during dry
The position of groundwater table in Chittagong city is in such a state that it is getting
tougher day by day to pump water from shallow tube well. Thus, deep tube well or
WASA supply is necessary almost every place in city. According to CWASA they
have 92 deep tube well permanently in all city area. Location & depth of all the deep
tube well has not been found as the authority of CWASA provides location and depth
of some deep tube well. Location and depth of some deep tube well of CWASA are
shown in Table 2.1.
According to the CWASA, they have 96 deep tube wells among which 92 tube wells
are successfully extracting water from aquifers daily. Productivity of maximum deep
tube wells has decreased to around half due to continuous depletion of water table.
That is why almost every building residential or commercial has deep tube well of
their own. As an example in ward 08 CWASA have 5 tube wells but most of the
residential buildings have deep tube wells of their own. Because deep tube wells of
CWASA are not sufficient to supply water to all the buildings.
Investigations on the groundwater table has been done previously according to the list
of school from Chittagong city corporation, in 2011(Mirdad & Mannan, 2011) and in
2012(Taher, 2012) in the Chittagong city. Both of the investigations have been done
specifically in 18 wards of Chittagong city. The findings of the studies were as
• Main reason behind this groundwater depletion was due to continuous pumping of
water and increasing paved area.
Pumping water out of the ground faster than it is replenished over the long-term
causes similar problems. The volume of groundwater in storage is decreasing in many
areas of the Bangladesh in response to pumping. Groundwater depletion is primarily
caused by sustained groundwater pumping. Some of the negative effects of
groundwater depletion:
• Saltwater intrusion.
• Land subsidence.
• Sinkhole formation
The most severe consequence of excessive groundwater pumping is that the water
table, below which the ground is saturated with water, can be lowered. For water to be
withdrawn from the ground, water must be pumped from a well that reaches below
the water table. If groundwater levels decline too far, then the well owner might have
to deepen the well, drill a new well, or, at least, attempt to lower the pump. Also, as
water levels decline, the rate of water the well can yield may decline.
There is more of an interaction between the water in lakes and rivers and groundwater
than most people think. Groundwater contributes to streams in most physiographic
and climatic settings. The proportion of stream water that comes from groundwater
inflow varies according to a region's geography, geology, and climate. Groundwater
pumping can alter how water moves between an aquifer and a stream, lake, or wetland
by either intercepting groundwater flow that discharges into the surface-water body
under natural conditions, or by increasing the rate of water movement from the
surface-water body into an aquifer. A effect of groundwater pumping is the lowering
of groundwater levels below the depth that streamside or wetland vegetation needs to
As the depth to water increases, the water must be lifted higher to reach the land
surface. If pumps are used to lift the water (as opposed to artesian wells), more energy
is required to drive the pump. Using the well can become prohibitively expensive.
The basic cause of land subsidence is a loss of support below ground. In other words,
sometimes when water is taken out of the soil, the soil collapses, compacts, and drops.
This depends on a number of factors, such as the type of soil and rock below the
surface. Land subsidence is most often caused by human activities, mainly from the
removal of subsurface water.
Sinkholes may vary in size from 1 to 600 m (3.3 to 2,000 ft) both in diameter and
depth. Sinkholes may be formed gradually or suddenly, and are found worldwide.
Sinkhole formation has been shown in fig 2.5
Fig 2.5: Sinkhole formation
18,19,24 and 25. There are 41 wards in CCC. Of the wards, tube wells at 13 wards are
arsenic contaminated, the research said. The level of arsenic contamination is more
than .5 ppm in East Sholoshahar (Ward-6), South Kattoli (ward-11), North Halishahar
(Ward-26) areas while arsenic level at West Bakalia (Ward-17) is .4 ppm and South
bakalia (Ward-19) is .3 ppm in the waters of shallow tube wells, the survey report
added. According to the survey, arsenic contamination in the waters of South Agrabad
(Ward-27) is 0. (Ward-38) is 0.04 ppm, at south Halishahar (Ward-39) is 0.04 ppm
and at North Patenga (Ward-40) is 0.04 ppm which are hazardous for public health.
Prof Swapan kumar Palit of CUET conducted the survey in association with the
Institute of Engineers, Chittagong Center and Bangladesh Environment Forum. The
research fellows who worked with Dr Swapan Kumar Palit were Abdul Malek and
Nayem Uddin (The Daily Independent, 25th February, 2012).
The scarcity of safe drinking water in Bangladesh is very common especially in the
big cities like Dhaka, Chittagong etc. and is expected to worsen as the country
experiences the effects of groundwater depletion, experts say. Even in Dhaka, people
have been reporting dwindling water supplies. Groundwater levels in the city are
falling drastically as a result of excessive extraction to meet its growing needs.
Dhaka's underground aquifers are usually recharged with water that percolates
underground in nearby districts, but the levels of underground fresh water in those
districts have also dropped, allowing seawater to start seeping into the aquifers (The
guardian, 7th May 2013).
Especially in Chittagong city scarcity of safe drinking water has become a huge
problem. According to CWASA 500 million liter of water is needed in Chittagong
city against which only 190 million liter of water can be extracted daily. Besides
production of the tube wells became half in 10-12 years. (Prothom Alo, 11 th Sep,
Excessive extraction of groundwater put big cities like Dhaka, Chittagong risk
of land sliding as it creates vacuum below the surface. The ground water level in the
capital is receding by 10.91 milliliters (ml) annually, putting about 15 million city
dwellers at risk of existence of the city itself. As a result, the capital city of Dhaka is
subsiding by 13.91 millimeters (mm) annually, threatening to tilt its buildings and
developing cracks, experts said (IRIN Asia, 2013). A recent study conducted by a
geologist, Professor Syed Humayun Akhtar of Dhaka University
found that, Dhaka city at the risk of major land subsidence which is triggered by the
lowering of groundwater table. He conducted the study by analyzing data from global
positioning system (GPS) at the DU Earth Observatory Center & examining the city'
vertical velocity in 2004-2008, he found that the land mass in Dhaka is going down
quite faster now. Experts also blame movements of tectonic plates (large rigid blocks)
for land subsidence. Bangladesh is on the junction of Indian plate & Burma sub-plate.
The Burma sub-plate is overriding the Indian plate, causing subsidence of Dhaka land
mass. The subsidence due to motions of tectonic plates is much slower; it should not
be more than 3 to 5 mm a year. But Dhaka's land mass is dropping by 13.91
millimeters a year, as the plate motion coincides with water extraction (The daily star,
January 2012).
The most characteristic type of water quality degradation occurring in the coastal
plain aquifer of Bangladesh is seawater intrusion and the main reason behind this is
heavy & unplanned pumping. Fresh groundwater generally occurs in deep aquifer
layers, below a sequence of other aquifer layers containing saline or brackish
groundwater (DPHE-DANIDA, 2001).
In Chittagong city, groundwater abstraction often takes place from the upper aquifer.
In this area, intrusion of saline water into the pumping well is often a problem due to
heavy pumping. High rates of pumping for irrigation and other uses from the shallow
unconfined aquifers in coastal areas may result in widespread saltwater intrusion,
downward leakage of arsenic concentrations and the general degradation of water
From the extensive literature Survey, the following information can be pointed out.
3.1 General
Chittagong is a large city with a area of 157km 2. So it is a complicated task to
investigate the ground water table in the city. For that we have taken only 5 wards out
41 wards of the city.
Literature Study
Internet Search Previous Study
Creation of map showing variation of water level using IDW method under GIS
Analysis of groundwater level variation
The inverse distance weighted (IDW) takes the concept of spatial autocorrelation
literally. It assumes that the unknown value of a point is influenced more by nearby
control points than those further away. The nearer a sample point is to the cell whose
value is to be estimated, the more closely the cell’s value will resemble the sample
point’s value. IDW does less well with phenomena whose distribution depends on
more complex sets of variables because it can account only for the effects of distance.
It is possible to improve the accuracy of an IDW surface by using line layers as
barriers. On elevation surfaces, barriers can represent abrupt changes in elevation,
such as cliffs.
This plate Splines creates a surface that passes through control points and has the least
possible change in slopes at all points (Franke, 1982). In other words, thin plate
splines fit the control points with a minimum-curvature surface. Splines interpolation
method fits a flexible surface, as if it were stretching a rubber sheet across all the
known point’s values. The Spline method of interpolation estimates unknown values
by bending a surface through known values. An advantages of the Spline interpolation
is that it can make estimates outside the range of input sample points. (Shalini et al.
The Inverse Distance Weighting interpolator assumes that each input point has a local
influence that diminishes with distance. It weights the points closer to the processing
cell greater than those further away. A specified number of points or all points within
a specified radius can be used to determine the output value of each location. Use of
this method assumes the variable being mapped decreases in influence with distance
from its sampled location.
The interpolated surface, estimated using a moving average technique, is less than the
local maximum value and greater than the local minimum value.
IDW interpolation explicitly implements the assumption that things that are close to
one another are more alike than those that are farther apart. To predict a value for any
unmeasured location, IDW will use the measured values surrounding the prediction
location. Those measured values closest to the prediction location will have more
influence on the predicted value than those farther away. Thus, IDW assumes that
each measured point has a local influence that diminishes with distance. The IDW
function should be used when the set of points is dense enough to capture the extent
of local surface variation needed for analysis. IDW determines cell values using a
linear-weighted combination set of sample points. It weights the points closer to the
prediction location greater than those farther away, hence the name inverse distance
The IDW technique calculates a value for each grid node by examining surrounding
data points that lie within a user-defined search radius. Some or all of the data points
can be used in the interpolation process. The node value is calculated by averaging the
weighted sum of all the points. Data points that lie progressively farther from the node
influence the computed value far less than those lying closer to the node.
Fig 3.4: IDW Method 4
A radius is generated around each grid node from which data points are selected to be
used in the calculation. Options to control the use of IDW include power, search
radius, fixed search radius, variable search radius and barrier.
Note: The optimal power (p) value is determined by minimizing the root mean square
prediction error (RMSPE).We use the 3 closest points to explain this.
For a power of 1, that cell value is equal to:
((12/350) + (10/750) + (10/850)) / ((1/350) + (1/750) + (1/850)) = 11.1
The formula:
Can estimate extreme changes in terrain such as: Cliffs, Fault Lines.
Dense evenly space points are well interpolated (flat areas with cliffs).
From the investigation it has been found that in maximum places groundwater
depletion is occurring. As the natural recharge is not enough to maintain the
groundwater table stable, some methods of artificial recharge have been discussed to
prevent groundwater depletion
Specifically, 12 deep tube wells have been chosen for this investigation according to
previous studies to prepare continuous information about groundwater table. Well
locations coordinates are determined by Google Maps web application. Results have
been compared to the previous studies which have been done earlier. GIS mapping
system is used to prepare a contour map of groundwater table in Chittagong city.
4.1 General
Ground water table investigation has been done in Chittagong city according to the
methodology described in previous chapter. Necessary data was collected firstly
according to the methodology. With these data a water level depletion map was
generated for each year in GPS software system. The results are then compared with
the previous study.
The water level fluctuation was analyzed for year 2009-2017. The methodology flow
chart is shown in Figure 3.1. The groundwater data assembled on yearly basis were
analyzed for their long term pattern, and were interpreted graphically to understand
the dynamics of the groundwater level. The results were used to make the spatial
variation maps of average depth to groundwater level and groundwater level
fluctuation from the collected data. When a series of observations are arranged with
reference to their occurrences in a systematic order, the resulting series is called time
series. The graphical representation of year wise ground water level data and year
wise percentage of changes from their perspective previous year are shown below for
thirty different tube wells from 12 Deep Tube wells in Chittagong City.
Static Ground Water Level From 2009-2017
March (2009) March (2010) March (2011) March (2012) March (2013)
March (2014) March (2015) March (2016) March (2017)
From our study we have noticed that the groundwater table is lower gradually every
year in our study area. From the GIS map we have identified some information about
this. The table below illustrates that information.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12
From the graph it is visible that in some tube wells the decline rate is very high;
almost 2 m/year. Form this reason almost 6 tube wells are out of service amongst the
12 tube wells we studied.
Here are detailed graphs of water table fluctuation in 9 years in 32 areas of our
selected areas.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132
Water Level (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132
Water Level (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132
Water Level (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132
The reason for this decline is dependent on multiple factors. One of them is pumping
water is huge amount. From the data we have collected we have created a graph of
draw down per year in the 12 Deep-tube wells. We will show and discuss the graph in
the next page.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12
March (2009) March (2010) March (2011) March (2012) March (2013)
March (2014) March (2015) March (2016) March (2017)
Location X Y Depth(ft)
Head Of Kaptai Road 91.868416 22.394455 5.5
Asian Housing Society 91.83975 22.369022 4
Moulavi Pukur par 91.857092 22.38313 3
Halishohor Housing Society 91.784373 22.34039 7
Bishwa Colony D block, Agrabad 91.782784 22.373982 10
Khwaja Road, Panchlaish 91.832369 22.363316 5
Dewanhat CSD Gudam, Saraipara 91.809679 22.34014 9
Love lane, Jamal khan 91.828832 22.342336 9
Jubilee Road, Enayet Bazar 91.828217 22.340711 6
Agrabad -2 91.810633 22.324721 8
Collegiate ,East Madarbari 91.824942 22.332472 4
Sayed-shah Road , West Bakolia 91.848561 22.35421 3
Monsurabad, North Agrabad 91.806369 22.338641 9
6.1 General
From this investigation it can be concluded that groundwater level is declining day by
day. In this project our aim is to find out the yearly variation of the Ground water
table. For this purpose, we have to select the deep well by considering the limitation
we have. Thus within 41 wards in Chittagong City Corporation area only 12 Deep
wells are taken for study. By considering this limitation, we have investigated the
Ground water table in those 15 wards where there is presence of shallow tube well.
6.2 Conclusion
The concluding remarks that can be derived from the investigation have been
presented below –
Water tables are different in different wards. But nearly similar in adjacent
During field investigation, it was found that within 12 well locations in 5
wards; only 6 deep tube well is in operation.
The overall view shows that, in almost every ward, to provide sufficient water
to the consumer deep tube well is enough but not economical.
From the investigation it is clear that, ground water table is lowering day by
day. In some part of the region the rate of decrease is high because of high rate
of consumption and reduction of unpaved area.
Ground water through shallow tube well is not sufficient. Use of deep
tubewell is to fulfill the required demand for the general people is becoming
more challenging through the increase of overall cost.
Depth of water table is quite lower in Lalkhan Bazar & Some part of
Most Critical situation is at the Khulshi R/A & Garibullah housing society &
their surrounding areas.
Depth of water table is quite higher in the north part of our survey area.
The annual fluctuation of the water table shows that the depth been lowered by
2m in some wards. Where in some wards the depth of water has been risen up.
Risk of contamination of supply water through deep tube well is getting higher
day by day.
6.3 Recommendation
City area is growing day by day; therefore, paved area is increasing causing a
reduction recharging of Ground water. After the investigation following possible
solutions have been recommended-