2ND Annual 1ST Evaluation Math Quiz 2

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2nd Annual Mathematics Evaluation - Quiz #2

Second grade section I/2
Mrs. Reyes/Mr. Vasquez
Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________


I. Instructions: Change Roman numerals to Arabic numbers. Write the correct answer in the
blank space. (2pts. Ea. Total 28%)


I. Instructions: Listen to your teacher. Write the numbers/amounts of coins and bills, he or she
says. (2pts. Ea. Total 14%)

A. _________________________________ F. _________________________________

B. _________________________________ G. _________________________________

C. _________________________________ H. ________________________________

D. _________________________________ I. ________________________________

E. _________________________________
I. Instructions: Read and solve the next story problems. Identify which combination you will
use. (3pts. Ea. Total 18%)

1. Julie bought 99 onions for the restaurant 4. here are 15 birds in an apple tree. A
and she needs 25 for the salsa. How many squirrel chases 8 away. How many birds
will she have left? are left in the tree?

2. Molly is reading a chapter book. She 5. The mermaid saw 10 big starfish and 5
read 34 pages yesterday. She read 50 small starfish. How many starfish did she see
pages today. How many pages did she altogether?
read yesterday and today?

3. Cody has 76 baseball cards. He wants to 6. There are 30 juice boxes in the fridge. 10
sell 35 of them. How many cards will he are apple juice. Five are fruit punch. The
have left? rest are grape juice. How many grape
juice boxes there?
II. Instructions: Look at the next coins/bills combinations. How much change did each person
receive? (3pts. Ea. Total 24%)

A. Had $5.00 B. Had $20.00 C. Had $15.00 D. Had $100.00

Spent - 3.00 Spent - 17.00 Spent - 11.00 Spent - 35.00

Change $ Change $ Change $ Change $

E. Had $120.00 F. Had $79.00 G. Had $83.00 H. Had $24.00

Spent - 40.00 Spent - 52.00 Spent - 63.00 Spent - 1.00

Change $ Change $ Change $ Change $


I. Instructions: Look at the next measures. Match each to the correct answer. (2pts. Ea. Total

a) 1 yard • 4 quarts

b) 1 foot • 36 inches

c) 1 pound • 16 ounces

d) 1 gallon • 365 days

e) 1 year • 12 inches

I. Instructions: Look at the next measures. Match each to the correct answer. (2pts. Ea. Total

a) 1 meter • 2 cups
b) 1 leap year • 100 centimeters
c) 1 pint • 366 days

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