Syllabus Rizal

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2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


I. Course and Instructor Information

College : College of Education and Liberal Arts
Department Social Science Department
Course Title Rizal’s Life and Works

Course Code HI311

Pre-requisite None
Pre-requisite to None
Credit Units 3
Number of Hours 54 hours
Consultation Hour

II. Course Description:

Rizal Life and Works is a discussion of the life of Jose Rizal from his early childhood period until his
death. This includes a thorough discussion of his novels and his other works. This course aims to show
how Rizal influence students to be as patriotic as him, This is also to make Rizal our symbol of pride
and a role model in life.

III. Course Outcomes

Graduate attributes Student Outcomes Course Outcomes

Political Scientist and Effective and Ethical CO1 Critical analysis and evaluation
Communicator. Communicator of the life and works of Jose Rizal.

Political Scientist and Maka-Diyos, Makatao, CO2 Evaluate the significance to

Communicator. Makakalikasan, the ideas, ideals and teachings of
Makabansa Jose Rizal in modern era.
(RA 8941)
Political Scientist and Social scientists and CO3 Create systheses on the major
Communicator. scholars works of Rizal

IV. Course Outcome-Student Outcome Matrix

Course CILO Student Outcomes

Outcomes a B c
CO1 Critical I E D
analysis and Investigate the life and works
evaluation of the of Rizal.
life and works of
Jose Rizal.

CO2 Evaluate the Explain the significance and I E D

significance to the parallelism of Rizal’s wisdom
ideas, ideals and in today’s era.
teachings of Jose

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
1 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


Rizal in modern
CO3 Create Write academic researches D D D
systheses on the reflections, and analyses of
major works of the significant works of Rizal.

I - Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative

V. Course Output

Course Outcomes CILO Required Output

CO1 Critical analysis Investigate the life and Primary Source Analysis of the life and
and evaluation of the life works of Rizal. works of Rizal.
and works of Jose Rizal.
Film Review/Critiques on the Life of Rizal
CO2 Evaluate the Explain the significance Reflection papers on the major works of
significance to the ideas, and parallelism of Rizal’s Rizal vis-à-vis with the modern times.
ideals and teachings of wisdom in today’s era.
Jose Rizal in modern era.
CO3 Create syntheses on Write academic researches Literary review/critique on the selected
the major works of Rizal reflections, and analyses of works of Jose Rizal.
the significant works of

VI. Assessment/Evaluation

A. Formative Assessments
1. Reaction Paper
2. Film Review
3. Primary Source Analysis
4. Literary Criticism
5. Essay

B. Summative Assessments
1. Departmental Exam
2. Mastery Tests
3. Major Exams
a. Prelim
b. Midterm
c. Finals

VII. Learning Plan

CO # Course Topics Week Teaching- Teaching- Teaching- Assessment

Intended No. Learning Learning Learning Tasks
Learning Activities Activities Activities
Outcomes (Traditional) Synchronous Asynchro-nous

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
2 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


CO1 Differentiate General 1. Course Independent Online Quiz

the word hero, Definition of Hero, Week Orientation of Introduction study using Thru BB Learn
martyr and Martyr and Saint 1 the Life and 2. Setting House Blackboard:
saint. Works of Rizal Rules about Reaction Paper
Know why Rizal was Online Class Use of Digital
Examine how our National hero and Discussion 3. Interactive Module Reflection
the life and how his life could Discussion in Paper
works of Rizal influence the Filipino Reading Google Meet Reading
influence the people Assignments 4. PowerPoint Assignments
Filipino Presentation
people. Oral Recitation or Video Online
The Rizal Law Presentation Discussion
about Rizal
Explain how Life and Collaborative
Rizal Course Works work
contributes to

Face-to-face Online Independent Documentary

CO2 Discuss Historical Week Discussion Discussion using study using Analysis/Prima
prevailing Antecedents in the 2-3 video Blackboard: ry Source
international study of the Rizal Graded conferencing
Course Recitation applications like Film viewing, Film Review
and local
Zoom, Google link posted in
condition in Film Viewing Meet, or the BB Learn Graded
the 19th The 19th Century
Europe Microsoft Teams: Recitation
Century that Film Accomplishmen
the influenced Documentary Film viewing t of activities in Quizzes
Colonization and Making on the the Digital
the life and
Expansionism 19th Century Graded Module Assignments
works of
Philippines Recitation
Rizal. Spain in the 19th Online
Century Digital Cartoon Primary Source Discussion
The Philippines Analysis Primary Source
Evaluate how
Under Spain Documentary
World 19th Film Analysis
Century events Documentary
Political Structure
shaped the Making on the Film
political and 19th Century Documentary
Social Class
social Philippines Making on the
conditions in 19th Century
Economic Life Philippines
the Philippines
Digital Cartoon
during the 19th Sources of Abuses
Century. Digital Cartoon
1. Taxes

2. Polo y

3. Encomienda

4. Tobacco
Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
3 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


Pocket Revolts in a

CO1 Explain the The Early Life Week Face-to-face Online Independent Quizzes
role of a 4-6 Delivery Mode Discussion using study using
family in the Birth of Instruction: video Blackboard: Graded
development conferencing
and success of Family Tree applications like Family Tree Recitation
an individual Ancestry Making Zoom, Google Making
person Meet, or Film Review
Early Manifestations Film Viewing Microsoft Teams: Film Viewing
of Artistic Talents (Focus: Early life (Focus: Early Digital Map
Relate the and education, Family Tree life and
struggles and Formal Education Ateneo and Making education, Three-Minute,
successes of UST) Ateneo and One Setting
Jose Rizal to Early Education in Film Viewing UST). Link sent Cellphone Film
own personal Binan Primary Source (Focus: Early life via BB Learn
experiences. Documentary and education, Digital Map
Analysis Ateneo and UST) Primary Source
Life and Artistic
Create Three- Documentary
works in Ateneo
Minute One Role Playing Primary Source Analysis
Setting Documentary
Cellphone film Life, Struggles and Three-Minute Analysis Three-Minute
that narrates Triumphs as One Setting One Setting
one aspect of Thomasian Cellphone Three-Minute Cellphone
Rizal’s life. Filmmaking. One Setting Filmmaking.
The Sojourn and Cellphone
Travels of Rizal Map Reading Filmmaking. Map Reading

a. Asia Digital Map Map Reading Digital Map

Making Making
b. Europe Digital Map
c. Americas

The Propaganda

Rizal As

Rizal and the

Traditional Prelim Online Prelim Online
Prelim Exam Exam using Exam using
Google Form/ Google Form/
BB Learn BB Learn

CO2 Critique the Rizal As a Poet Week Face-to-face Online Independent Quizzes
CO3 poems of 7-8 Delivery Mode Discussion using study using
Rizal in terms Sa Aking Mga of Instruction: video Blackboard: Graded
of literary Kabata conferencing Recitation
artistry, Literary Analysis applications like Literary
themes, and Zoom, Google Analysis Literary
significance A La Juventud Theme Building Meet, or Analysis
using Filipina Microsoft Teams: Theme Building
Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
4 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


established 3-Stanza Poem Reflection

principles in To the Flowers of Recital Literary Analysis Graded Paper
creative Heidelberg Recitation
writing. Graded Theme Building Poem Recital
A La Educacion/To Recitation Online
Explain how Education 3-Stanza Poem Discussion
the poems of Recital
Rizal can
address the Por La Educacion Graded
modern issues Recibe Lustre Patria/ Recitation
on language, Through Education
education, and the Motherland
labor. Receives Light

Write a 3 Alianza Intima Entre

stanza, free- la Religion y la
verse poem Buena Educacion/
about Intimate Alliance
nationalism, Between Religion
labor, and Good Education
language and
culture. Education Gives
Luster to the

Mi Ulitmo Adios

Hymn to Labor

Mi Retiro

Major Themes in
the Poem


Importance of



CO2 Analyze the Rizal’s Essays Week Face-to-face Online Independent Quizzes
CO3 essays themes 9-11 Delivery Mode Discussion using study using
and The Message to the of Instruction: video Blackboard: Graded
significance of Young Women of conferencing Recitation
the essays of Malolos Literary Analysis applications like Literary
Rizal using Zoom, Google Analysis Literary
established Theme Building Meet, or Analysis
principles in The Indolence of the Microsoft Teams: Theme Building
literary Filipinos Reflection Paper Reflection
criticism. Literary Analysis Graded Paper

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
5 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


Critique Paper Recitation

The Philippines Theme Building
Evaluate how Within a Century Graded Online
the essays of Recitation Critique Paper Discussion
Rizal led to The Town School in
the the Philippines Online
development Discussion
of Filipino
consciousness. In Reflections of a Graded
Filipino Recitation
Explain how
the essays of How to Deceive a
Rizal are
related to
The Truth for All
conditions .

Face-to-face Online Independent Graded

CO2 Examine the Rizal as Visual Week Delivery Mode Discussion using study using recitation
CO3 visual arts Artist 12 of Instruction: video Blackboard:
created by conferencing Quizzes
Jose Rizal Paintings/Sketches Picture Analysis applications like Picture
using the Zoom, Google Analysis Digital Collage
modern Collage making Meet, or
principles and Sculptures Microsoft Teams: Digital Collage Digital
elements of Lakbay Aral making Scrapbook
arts. Picture Analysis
Gallery Walk Gallery Walk Reflection
Make digital Digital Collage Paper
presentation Scrapbook making Online
(e-scrapbook Discussion
or digi- Graded Gallery Walk
collage) on the Recitation Reflection
visual arts of Online Paper
Jose Rizal. Reflection Paper Discussion
Quizzes Reflection Paper


Traditional Midterm Exam Midterm

Midterm Exam using Google Exam using
Form/BB Learn Google

CO2 Explain the Rizal As a Novelist: Week Face-to-face Online Independent Quizzes
CO3 symbolisms Noli Me Tangere 13-15 Delivery Mode Discussion using study using
behind the and El of Instruction: video Blackboard: Reflection
characters, Filibusterismo conferencing Paper
settings, and Role Playing applications like Comparative
plot in Noli Symbolic characters Zoom, Google analysis using Film
Me Tangere Comparative Meet, or graphic Analysis
and El analysis using Microsoft Teams: organizers.
Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
6 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


Filibusterismo. graphic Historical

Plots organizers. Comparative Reflection Tableau
Relate the analysis using paper.
significance of Expressions of Reflection paper. graphic
the novels of nationalism and organizers. Graded
Rizal to 21st liberal Ideas among Graded Recitation
Century characters Recitation Reflection paper.
Philippines. Film viewing
Realities and Film viewing Graded
Present a Reflections: Recitation Quizzes
historical Education/Religion/E Quizzes
tableau or conomy, Politics Film viewing
shoebox Historical
diorama on a Tableau Quizzes
selected scene
in Noli Me
Tangere or El

CO1 Describe the Life of an Exile in Week Face-to-face Online Independent Quizzes
CO2 how Rizal Dapitan 16 Delivery Mode Discussion using study using
CO3 spent his life of Instruction: video Blackboard: Film Review
as an exile in Rizal as a Scientist conferencing
Dapitan. Role Playing applications like Reflection Reflection
Zoom, Google paper Paper
Explain how Rizal as an Educator Reflection paper Meet, or
Rizal Microsoft Teams: Film Review: Data
Rizal as An Artist Film Review: Rizal sa Retrieval
Rizal sa Dapitan Reflection paper Dapitan Chart
Dapitan into
Rizal as Community
ideal Data Retrieval Film Review: Online Data
Planner and
community. Developer Chart on the Rizal sa Dapitan Retrieval Chart
scientific works on the scientific
of Rizal. Online Data works of Rizal.
Retrieval Chart
Write a film Museum Visit on the scientific
review on works of Rizal.
Rizal Sa

CO1 The Last Days of Week Face-to-face Online Independent Quizzes

CO2 Identify the Rizal 17-18 Delivery Mode Discussion using study using
CO3 series of of Instruction: video Blackboard: Reflection
events leading The Trial conferencing Paper
to the death of (Persecution and Role Playing applications like Film Viewing
Rizal. Defense) Zoom, Google (Execution of Graded
Film Viewing Meet, or Rizal) Recitation
Analyze the Rizal’s Additions to (Execution of Microsoft Teams:
evidence My Defense Rizal) Graded Primary
presented and Recitation Source
make own Graded Film Viewing Analysis
judgments The Last Hours Recitation (Execution of Primary Source
based on the Rizal) Analysis Mock Trial

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
7 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


facts presented Primary Source

on the trial of The Execution Analysis Graded Mock Trial
Jose Rizal. Recitation using BB Learn
The Retraction Mock Trial Discussion
Decide on the Controversy Primary Source Room
trial of Rizal Analysis
based on
careful Mock Trial
analysis and
evaluation of
the facts

Traditional Final Final

Final Examination Examination
Examination Using Google Using Google
Form/BB Learn Form/BB

VIII. Other Requirements and Assessments

1. Reaction Papers on Museum Visit (Face-to-Face)

2. Scrapbook
3. Collage
4. Data Retrieval Charts
5. Interactive Map
6. Digital Timelines

IX. Other Requirements and Assessments and Rubrics

(Whenever necessary/applicable to the nature of the course/coursework)

Task Description:

Criteria Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted


 Factual  Factual  Factual  Information is

information is information is information is inaccurate
Understanding accurate mostly accurate somewhat  Presentation is
of Topic  Indicates a clear  Good accurate off topic
understanding of understanding of  Fair
topic topic understanding of
Cooperation 30%  Accepts ideas of  Accepts most  Unwilling to  Group does not
others; able to ideas without compromise work together
compromise negative  Few members  One person does
 All members comments; able contribute all the work
contribute to compromise

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
8 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


 Some members
 Shows  Shows some  Unsure of  Portrayal stalls
confidence confidence responsibility  Lacks
 Informative  Presents some  Somewhat information
 Entertaining; information informative  Audience bored
Presentation 30%
engages audience  Engages audience  Engages audience  Mumbles
 Speaks loudly  Can be heard intermittently  Body language is
and clearly  Some use of body  Hard to hear lacking;
 Appropriate use language  Some movement inappropriate
of body language
Source: Texas Education Agency (2006). Retrieved from,
August 9, 2020.

VIII. Grading System

Zero based (In order to earn a passing grade, the students should get a grade of 70%)

Prelim grade= {class standing/requirements} {2/3} + {prelim exam}{1/3}

Midterm grade= {class standing/requirements} {2/3} + {midterm exam}{1/3}

Final grade= {class standing/requirements} {2/3} + {final exam} {1/3}

Semestral grade= {prelim grade} {30%} + {midterm grade} {30%} {final grade}{40%}

IX. Textbooks/References

Agoncillo, Teodoro & Guerrero Milagros (1990). History of the Filipino People. Quezon City: RP Garcia
Publishing Co.

Blair, Emma and James Alexander Robertson, The Philippine Islands, 1493-1903. Vol. I & II, 55 volumes
Reference 3

Coates, Austin (1968). Philippine Nationalist and Martyr. Hongkong: Oxford University Press.

Costa, Honoraria dela. The Legal Basis of Spanish Imperial Sovereignty. Journal of Philippine Studies. Vol.
I, September, 1953.

Craig, Austin (1913). Lineage, Life and Labor of Rizal. Manila: Philippine Education Co.

Dela Costa, Horacio (1965). Readings in Philippine History. Manila: Bookmark

De Viana, Henry. Works and life of Rizal. Manila: Rex Bookstore 2017
De Viana, Auguto V. Jose Rizal in our times, Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. 2011 Edition

Foronda, Marcelino (1961). Cults Honoring Rizal.

Guerero, Leon (1962). The First Filipino Manila: Jose Rizal National Centennial Commission.

Joaquin, Nick (1996). Rizal in Saga: Life for Student Fans. Manila: National Centennial Commission and
GMA Foundation.

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
9 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator
2F ST Building, 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, 1000 Manila
☎: (632) 524 2011 local 225


La Solidaridad: Volume 1 (1889). Trans Gudalalupe Fores-Ganzon, Quezon City: University of the
Philippines Press.

Lopez, Jaena Graciano (1957). Discurso y Articulos Varios. Manila: Bureau of Printing.

Morga, Antonio de Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Manila: Rizal Centennial edition, 1961.

Ocampo, Ambeth. Rizal without the Over coat. Pasig: Anvil Press. 2017

Rizal-Blumentritt Correspondence Vols I and II. Manila: Jose Rizal Centennial Commission

Zaide, Sonia. Rizal’s Lifes and Works. Manila: National Bookstore. 2016


Jose Rizal: Sa Landas Ng Paglaya, National Historical Commission of the Philippines,

Rizal’s Final Steps Toward Heroism, GMA Public Affairs,

iJuander: Pagbabalik Tanaw sa Buhay ni Rizal, GMA Public Affairs,


IJuander: Ang Dalawang Leonor na Nagpatibok sa Puso ni Rizal. GMA Public Affairs.

Pluma: Si Rizal, Ang Dakilang Manunular. GMA News.

Illustrado: Full Episodes. GMA Network.


XII. Classroom Policies

1. The students are expected to attend both the synchronous and the asynchronous sessions punctually and
during the entire class hour.
2. Academic conduct is strictly observed thus student must comply with it that includes the issue on
plagiarism. Originality and academic integrity must be observed in all kinds of paper works. Submission
must be done on or before the deadline.
3. Proper netiquette during the online sessions is highly encouraged.
4. Maximize the BB platform for both synchronous and asynchronous activities and be interactive and
participative in discussion; and consultation with the teacher.
5. Prompt submission of necessary requirements in the entire course

Course Date Date Prepared Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
Title: effective: Completed: by:
10 of 10
Edwin D. Padrilanan Dr. Neliza Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
August July 25,
2020 2020 OBE Chairperson OBE CQI Dean
Committe Coordinator

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