Higham - Funan & Chenla

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The Deve oDment oI states

.omantic fables, thc Chinese dynastic rmals and

geog.apli( tracts belong to a tradition of
s.rupulous liistoric scholarship, and provide an
lnvaluable corpus ol source materi.rl. It must be
note.l howevcr, thll many texts passed througll
morc than one ha.d before benig set dorm in their
preseDt lo]]n, and the chances of erors are high.
Thus, at abott the sane jlncture, the .,arlti
m)irime .hlefdorN of Southeast Asia came into
.ontact lMth tNo expanding states. We mrst nolv
consider the nnpact of tlns coitact on the cultures
of the area as a wliolc.
Funan: a Delta Trading state a

]'he 1ol,cr reaches of the Mekong are flat, Iow

lying rrd prore to flooding. Without |uman
t, l.

modlfication, the land behind the ftinsins (.-....."
malgrove belt rvodd probably have been I:,,, I
domlnated by an open marshiand flora.
Geographically however, thc area has at least two
strategic advantages. In terms ofeast west
exchange, it is a nodal point for transporting goods Map of the Mekong Dela,
n'lnecr tlrr r.ut.5 !r(r 1!,. \l1lar. Sir.r.s. tr1hr,us rr,,J the coastrl ihowing lhe distiLrut on ofGna s
,,,rr. ot ILrt Nrr rril SNth.rn ( .rnr lhr: nerhl,rdr,ri ttLe dekr and major sltes ol rhc Funar
,r,h nru oithc rur urt,lrls rtrLrhrcrt: nclcnnd otr ly md
n,: errhrnir ..1 l.rsl nitll t) e. rnrl hrc'L lroclu.Ls lhe erer tr.
:nlo .Lt,Lc Lo to,rrrol rhe tln oilo,ls r rlLl, roc rnilable rr.r
rhe Nlelfn! rrll.\ tro;r,r,,,l1,,ntcrhnLl rhnI crrc,,cled rc,r.s thL:
rr ri i irtrrl f.rn,br:,{ll, i.l Ltf rf rftl 1l \ oncL rLc I)arg lteeh
rlrseo.if th. KjrorlLrf]ri.IL lfL. hinrL:rlrncl \r: borl, rrlr rr
,,,irerrl rcrhf !rd .,..:i,r,11,,g :o ,e.:enr rLrhrco1L,r.i.r t'scIrh, hrd
reen ,rrJrlrJ r iLI rrrliLrLtLrrl r ilhgls r hirh hr.l u;,:d the uehong
rrlJor r. rn o.[,,q,: rout, t.r millennjr. Il ]s ilr,.rri r to ifpr..L,t.
tlrr tlt Lnpr.L r1 I L,..Lifi i,.m th. i\I.k!|! i: !r.r1l! illelL3teJ Lr1
rlc pi,uli.,r Jrri,,aqr tartern rntn Lll. To,rlr -sr1, e:Ld. tl o lesscr
ertrt rhr \hrr Rlr. ![hi.thtrrisl,Lot rrto carrLe.lbrthc
\l.h)n; r[]rr r t!ntortL,,n tlN. b[k i,,Lo l r,: ],ILeSep lheitlun
lilrr rLr,r LrLi' u1, rlrerL tlrc -U!:]<u! is jn spl. l ,lrequentl-r'thc
l'hL rlrlL.lL r,,,:l r,r the solth tr on.( Jr ril,r'.1. ible to sLrppon tlrc

Tlr.r.l,r,:rlrrirrl re.rcl lirr rhr ll,:hr Id iti mrsin! r.\!.rls

r[c pfu :u,Lr .1 I] on,1se i ornnulillrr r,.i,lr nr r lnrir(lr rf 1r].!
rdLrrrrqr ,,1 nrrrnnt c:rfrrlc At .\relo Borer Strk.r,., (l!'l(ll
,J\i..!.L,iter€r.l ri lroD A!...fiete,! deeplr \rritrli.J bcl.\! rlre
lrtr mllerl rncl nortd.lL, l'1,.,1ei.l ter. int.ntcl rlr, r trgc oi
qrrrerLrrL ir, luirg r,D,p ul. t,.,rte.t resscls ,\t Gr l{.rrl rtries
rt rhss rgrte ircl .rrrrlll, br:rdrhlehccn rtLocr,:Ll l,rmrsrlrlr
,"semble tlo't Ion Noo, Lr l.kr. in rsso.irt(u rillr r .i.Ll,-n-rrh,,r
(rtc.t:: lr( \l) l:i(l t!,11,(r .,l.i.f.i i.r r1! rrr.hi5l!rn
jertlenicnt.l tir. .[elrr r'.!i.! ]I ht:i:i, l,l.nLl1i.d.,L l]n \.r!, I
sitt rL tl Drir lirlr hr.r rltu,rll\ tn, rlri.nrsL \h.i N.lftr.i
nrn DillerrL3 ill, ll. l.l .sl,,r ln,,r r.irrrrl(-i trrli!5\.tl r practicaily the $+
rrr,r!tormt (r if ilie r.lrri.Lo!1,,r r..ord rhLLi!,rDlt rf\
L nJrr r llr r rLLtirr rlr..,ulr e\.rn1l..s i1 O. llo rfl I r![o

RoLci ll-rnrulLr, rhi firi.d hetreen r\ll l()ll a-ir) $lLi(\Jc,1 rrr
l!!n.[rL!] !l L:ti.! Link.J 1-.\ i fetr,!k.t.mr s. O. lln l\ rl.c Lr.!L whole site. The h
Lfnri rll\ Lr(!.us. i1 lrLrs b(n rrrmired mLl ertensntl\ l\bli.,,11
l)\ NIrL !r.1 (l!alr ril).
'Lis .\li Jotulnrrr\ 5it(',omtlrnr Icr tinglLla. e.r.lrrn:
ThGSold.oin of lhe Roman
Ehperor Anlon nus Pius was nr,*L,rlrrlbt l-i[r!.]rlr.5 1|rrJftre r,rirtrrr. i.l f,nr n,n,rs
found at o. Eo, and illuslrares nd..'rr il lr! o +-il hr \:rcrccl tlrmthe rr., a' l. s:..r
the w despread tadlignelwor[ tr lre h:e(ti.L L) r L.rr;r: .rul irorr rhi,l tribrnrrr rhorel: sLrlr Although a1lt
rhat linked Funan ea(and we(
of Oc Eo, most c
the !c,o.d n1,,L.L \r, l,\ I:r rtr([ .]rLlricololi\Ls hrre rc\erled rlir rh,
.rrrL.tOr L. xr. larr r,1 rr,rrrcr:iLr sc:ics rirrrh lirke,l fartler
icttl..r.rt\ rn thr! ll rerrrif ifri r r.rsorl iPrrr ll2.l l!ll,
l91lJ) Sorr! ..1ir15 relh !e!rrnl ot O. E. lrrirtLirlsLhrr rh.
'luelirje l),,1 trri nll irk((l \jrh rh. 5.x.
\i1! rr5 5!1 tr.LLl lnln tlrc
\Ll r:,c1. tl,rtrr. ir l'111 rererleiL Lhc rrt:rn.c ol girdling walls, as
lnur,Iliois ii il,u. rnc brrL l.r Lmpess,,cly lrrsr:Lruiturcs.
\lr lrrrL 1,r' l;rc.LrLl rhrt thc bLrrl|ng r'l rlr rr; ior:Lrrcrcrl ol
lrrgr;l,rltr: srt on hrcl foLrrJrtior. mJ n,r,r,.,rif! r Lrri-l
s rL,: Ta Kev, which a
i1Lierstn,.h,,.. rr: r LurpLc 1hc dtl.rtor r'lL. \i; srl,i.it.J 1! trnd Oc Eo \vith
e\!r.,difi.\ ,liftliu t[.s ]n Lhc ilclcl rs x re\rLh oirhe a.rl!lti.\ ol 90 1(m to Angko
l.,,t.rs ti. ihl. r. ,r!srmbl( r \!r\ hlrc 5rnple .I rhe i te's rruL,.r L

rLrltLL,e l rrell rs e,iJorc loL Lhc [rr1 n.rnLLittrue.l f.rr:.,\ rr]il frorr
[200 km)
clelle,r [l Lrd,-s l!.+ ] \\i. l,r\. rL.r.l! 5..n thlt t1r. niill.frir
r!t) tl. ln.lir. \LLi--..frlfr,rl rr.,rti(ipr1.(l u i rfuJirg nct1r.,ii rhl.l,
rn.orDfrrred tlre lli.Lrr Ilrrrflrr l! Lhc \'.n rnd the Hm to dr..lsr [2nd-7th centur
Agenera view ofthe 0. Eo plain, ILnt oftle s,rill rrrelrirs lornil rL ()r ll,,.onilrn the fre(er.e.l :
wlh MounL Ba The n lhe Jeltr trrr|ng'trtc ll]n; \h lcrr:L [ror0tclt(1] l{onren nredllll,r|i
ba.kground.Ihe mound ol Go
(;yThi es in the.enlreollhe
on. mirteJ (r,trrr rlr.,i.lrf ni AirorrNr Prur (AD lli lirl) lriJ ri,e
p.lure, under exGVat on in 1999. dh., ir tlrr ft hi! iLr ( t.s$r Nllr.u!Alrclus IAD liil liall lher
(courlesy Dr Plerc Yve5 Mangu n) I I \t....
Thi: Lrnirgr rirhe ltomi. ir.L a.hl.lsr.rnpirc! rs Jcarorrtrrrcd bl
r : 11,! R.m. | ..ir! .\l.r! this ian,. roult. i ,(rc rlm. Ifuniin
ioirrrr: lnclirn rnsrred erellcr mLl t,r. Ir,l:llrt s.ri;.1 i, rlc
LJlfrri! ( !:irl h$ nrNn the efullest lrJirn nrl .il O. Lo
l,i o.;. tc, Lhc l.rt r.t 1rd etuh sec,),J irrrurlc5 AD rnrl i! i,rLiJ
fi, i,,r lporLrl,lc rh r,t! iLLth i. rlngs if.i r.i \ l.rlrr liJirn Nriting
r,,. r,r ll,r! u5 .l(\rn r! the litih . ertLr r' i,;1 i irg I prrrtl ol
,r_ifl,rLlrrf rrrl LL.,clr Lstins \e\e,il .erLt,r'i.(
I he L(\-il r.,rfu .i.r!r rn! inclL:strLes rtte'ted rt ( )r l. rr. r tl.nl
.i rt .rl1tre.l ,ti.l,r! ricl lorrlr.roclLrttirn terfriqrrs -l,,:
irrnrrti.tLLre ,+ !lis b,ruJ! lor .\rmpl. r'rs rnt.drreil lio,,, l,,rLlr
[]rLt clrf-.Lr\e(l , hr' .ru,:llrlrs riLh r lonr lo,rl rnreir! I h. .l.r) .rrlij
utl io slape prt. rct Ll,Lrelh cntrll rLth th,rre rLsed lrtrl r or
DrlLrnnL. lhehlihr !roi.Dr,lllsn)r irnr.gtin ferJ,rrlsnri! l
The Delelopment ol states

: rse fo{r.l in the Mekons velley, but used i,1 broMc

rsting, +br t|e previous 1500 1,ears. Thc raDgc of rar.
rrterials rvhich r.ere con\,erted nlto ieu,ellery corers
ra.tically the whole garnut ofthc availabl. m.tals,
re.ious end semi preciorrs stones. As ifto coltin thc
xne ol Su!.Lnndbhun1i, Oc Eo yiclded so much gold
hat lootcrs atrectcd Iroli far and rvde parred dre
.ho1. sit.. Thc list .,1 rlrw Dratc als used, pdncipally
rr LLc,na.Lrl'acture of ;erveile,1, lrcludes d,amord,
mcthyst, jet, amber, fralaclrite, orpinrent, sapphnes, I
ubics, serpentire, ledspar, antigorlte, topaz, beryl,
oij-- ,-.oJ j " '.
I r,
imeliaf and qllartz
r,og,l. s.l ,,-o
il. Flo fr.d.f tlr. fre. orLsstores r'relJ rs sL:ppllcs of tLn, Buddh sm rea.hed Funan by al
rppe: od ltn mrrlcL lrr1e l.eef inrt,-rtd i,ofi s.oe dist.nr! leasl the 4ih toihe6th.enluries
le.Lrintlrl rnd rrngc o{grorls rlrlh er,hrnced hrnJ! rt O( Lo AD, asseen in thesenunn ng
wooden imagesfrom GoThap on
., ceJ' b1 hr th!: tr Jen.rd xt rrr uthcr rn,: Lr Soutirrst Asir.
rr' roL,u| r l-.orL nur rlro r mlor rnrrul:rLurni.oLrc uiLi,
. ,rl.l .[,p!". ot {rfti(r(nt LLrur tr, c|s ort tI'.r rnorls rnl .r(rl il].
:rrlhrs rrtls rs rrtl r: nrrrl:rtrrr Lhr L,Lirl' lor lmposifq,.llrl(\r!
:rfrl!rnrrLi. O. [! rxs hut ur roJr ir u sLcnsirr s!1rl!D].nr
-crrort Thc,ruL rhrLLiLiirLr lro,,LO. llo,rr uLlrr irI to
-., (,r\ rl,Lh \.,: lr.,L,rl, r L[r trrr !o,1 Tr. s]\L.rr iik\ T, Kc\ Below left: A(enelrom thc 993
excavation ol lhe 5lh loth
,,rl Or li,rlr, Du Nol rlrrni..rr rfl,rilr rrrr r:.rr:rrf,:Ily .enturys le I at L nh son on
rrr 1,,, t,r \,,rlrr Ilr,.l irr!brbl) t,. t\..rrlf.r1 (,,trr l,rdccJ, rhe lower5lopes of Nlount Ba
!,,: L_,ir.!. r.fo,1 ,, .,:l llrl r ,(: iruplri \.r\ slrr.I.rl :(l(l /i near0. Eo Rcmalnsola 5 Ttlr
lrltl L:,,1 l,o,r t ,. r.r. rfrLl,,i lt t 1,, r,,d:rttlo,,r,,L l-l,r ilrl; .enLury bri.kntu.tures.an b.
i,. r .i h,:,:ir Jrn J h,rrLhi f..l3l l,.sirlorr.tO,- ll. l.r\.'lftle seen in lheforegrou.d ln the
centreand ba.kground lie the
.i.Lll-.r th:t thrr brlnf! 1i .lrir tlre fer l.d lrlir. the s re m. otrq erl
Sthll]lh .enrury slone buildin!5
ilr .1 lri, ..rrLfi..l I'!i.1, lrf.t n. lris rrt Le.r sLSlcLtcrl t,,
f1.Ir1,. str,1lrr!,l l l1 it iir.L ll[.]\ rl]31 rl,.! l,rltlll.d nr,rr! drir An8korian per od reo..upaiion
.!,. ,rt,.s. Of. srs !r,rLrbl\ Iij l.riilirlr. rlrNl,,r!. or rl,. r[i;hI
Below:The r999 ex.avalon oi
.i. tr t.nrlf. ud tlr.re|r iri\)r.1e nrl.rLtlr,ri trnife.ts Urarel
the 5th.6lh.enrurylemple site ar
\,rl,nri. ir ilre lU.k..! s ri1rlc,lll sc!..r!1. nr hetleen Nlar inc Go GyTh, on lhe O. Eo pa n
\orember rle nu:oor br r;s hel_r' ,,rl.s i.!r !! d,e herd\lrc,' rre (counesy Dr Piere Yv6 Mansuinl
flllell tr ll r rl1. llehrrg llnrri r\ in iur. l'lrc.x,,,srtu\ hrrc her:
bLLlLt to,,rpcclitc r|oLnr6e \ri is Lh.r rltllc,n .\)rttrprrLs Jo. Or:.
rmrl rr,lLI pro.ceLlr n i $(h.Jsr.rh .1irc.r,)r lrornArlkor Borr
terd ,,r,r ir r triblu!r'.1 l . NIcklnH l'le Irr i,, r'hnh the cf:
lirk sett lo,,oLs rlso mrk. s 11 llk(l\ rhrr rhe\' \1't usccl Lo tonr cr
coril; bcn,lr rh. .rnt,e! ol l,oprlrtrru. IlLrderr nrlol .r1so
Ji:tL,ses thrr t ,c corstru,trn ,rl rurL n rleltrir te.r,ti, crlrorrfst.
An exam p e oI the o. Eo style th. nr1iditi.,, ol ncr's.rtlenre,,Li ir wheL rrs iorrrerly lnrrshy
o.ange ware iroto AnSkor Bore s Jn.lxnJ ll lif ki 1 :lr2l
P(rre \re; \hnqun rrrl \/. -\l K rrj h.rlr rr.e.rh reLrn,ccl Lr
()r 1,, rftir !r irrrrLrl ri hrlf r;e,rru,r ,n ore1cr to r e*iqrLr Lht
,,rrrrr olrhe hric\ \LN!rures obtiir lr r.rurrt rhoroh|]tr:rl
fl.]rrr.$.r]t rrd, ll t,,ssiLlc, rlrte ile ral s rnrl mo.rt. lletr ltr Llror.
t t" rL I l:Jr Son h!5 ilrer.l) LlJritred isfel\ ol rh. n.!rLin.e ltnL So r.
lo.r1.d ,u t|c !1.f. .l Ii Thc Hrll, orrr oo[]ng O. L. !,rd 11,! d.lr.
t ll,,: !rrlicsr Ii1e. drl,1L Lor6frLtlt)(l 1l( AD l{)t int.rNrrrc!l .r -*#
F l!rS., l(L.l.d re!!el rlii.1, rortened p,rs.thlr \.r.ip5 .i hore nn,,. !f s'.-r
GcrB i.(1 i .rf( lrn h,-i.l l\h,,quin .ull \i) Sl l( ,ri l0(l(ll 1'hrs errh pr.,.
rorere.t by I .,r.r r.f.eiefllir rbrnJ(!rnrert ni r11!:ir. t1idi..ir.hn
Fine orange ware ve$els,
unprovenanced ori8in, from lhe
ol clr . llare rl,ls sLrrctrLre \.irhlr rhc |er(rd ,'\l) 2tlOSS0 rlLle ihr
Anskor Eore Museum (Height,
.rsi rared poLtrr i..li.erei tr,l1 it bcln:s to r1,r pcrn,rl oi t-u,rar T:
7cm). (counesy Dr Miriam stark) no.lerr terrple ol Li.h So. li.\ .,Jll(cnt tt) rhe e\i.l1.rLro.' lr r'!(
b!ilt on r rr.ufll $li.| u il r,r!L,i6riLt\ .ore.s u l!rq! hri.I te,!fl.
ol Lhc fLner Ir,:rl(,d thit the reoul( xis in LL:e,frr rhc Jetli.e oi
1[! f!n]n \ti.e lr Lhr nrri oth cc,,rrrr, ho(erer, is sccrurtle tje tl:
in-.(rift(r,1!lri.L d.,tcs,). stlllstl. .'!ro!n.ls n) the . .6Lh.rrl\ Srh
, cnrurcs er,rrds Lhc bLrrldrng ot r brnk tmfle fir r Kurr
OL L(, r1i. l,.k,rl Lr\ .L trralrritl, Anrkor Bore, a s...D.t .irl of the ner.1y-1aid
rhos! bri,lt \all. .irl.,!r.l 30lhe NIl,l.mr -\terk his !.r tn rrili !
,,,.rior rcser:rl prox,rnrnr de\ilred 1l,n to fe!lise r.ir\ fhn
inrorl,rrrrg rll riic surlrte dr.,nfrr!trrs.uJ rrter rl,Ls Lhcn tl
iIr c5rigen. Lt! Irlir.r\ tl,ro!gh er.ilrtion {Srrrh!.d1. 1:19!rl The seedbeds in Dece
A fine buffware keidivese from ;Lluarcs rlreedr opo,cd roerl r flre tcLrr rccumrrlrtio,r o .ultrli liclds in January.
Anskor Bore. (Widlh 26.m). .L.l,i,sjr! \|(h..injr,:rtl hr the tfir,:lor lrrrth cenrurt,:s BC
'11,r: hisLorr o,crqlrlor, \ll.h i! (he.iiLr.risli
b! t| r orhgc (.r!nrL
\lrcls l,clonged rt l sl \ithrn tie lsr 1lr Ll,! 6th .c.nrt.s AD
r,l c Lo luclilc 1.,1, rh! stll.oiesntue ol \:rhnu l.rickt,rryLcs within living men
rerc rL ph,c hr the rrL.cntLLrI l)atirq rhr rells rnLt rlre l,,r[^r, Ledger$.ood [19!
o,,,: o1 r luh .r e. h ,,r!.1 of 20 00(l squrrr mctrcs, 1i lL rdll mu.h
fu our unlcrsardlrq ot rhr hrsto^, olrhts iclLr state. stressed how Del
l ,r icllr i. profe ro (rt.!sre deerr lldrlu!, rdLl rnLlersLulns
hor lhr: or.uprnts ol tl,c (iLics rnd jm!llrr lclllcments adrpLcJ thc|
.i.e r!,1.!lrur. t. rlis t)rob cn r r ker tim. Ior rnd t-e.LB,:,r o!.1 Netr Chua, exca\
lr)r(ll i,,r\f rlc(nrll nixd. rr lurporrarr.o|rribltior in idertil)in! th(
llkell precrlrc oi l1(r.l .e.essio[ llrnihr 'l']rts t.rhnnl!c j5 tirlLrr(,1
xhere deer) lli,olxl! !ule( our \ct,s.aso. irltiltior The ilooJ rrLrr
ls trepped bcl,irLl trurds or rr rc.sclorr. in,1r.l,:.rs.l lrto rhe ri.,.
11.L15 i. dre lrnrl floo(l retrtl: rr the start ol l r: Jn sersor. tr
The Development o1 states


trLayalo tratAnskor Borei n r996 on.o!ered tIc I0unrrtonsol brcl

.i _: f[i*.

f, Part.llrePh ronr Da lemp e, south olAiSko. B0
Phnom Da lvar a sa.red hill
Lell: rhe er.avalio r !lAnskor B!E uncoveied a deeC
sequeice !vhi(h began in 0re lalc pr.h nor. .on
(courlesy Dr rlliram Stark) ^ge

,riter lf1. llrc rhrnn.L. rnrl rltjirlt.L! L. rl.( 1r.L1s. Yreld\ ire lji!,,
l-.e. nr. L,r lriJs .,tr.,tr crerl i,!,,1illr r lr,, lrsh hrer oi s,lt htd

ri the :er Lr Lr i silL Thclor l!Lnrr lrxsln suro!nrlus Anlkor Bore

r.,LLl.t li1\,. li,r,,f rcll rcllpted to lJood ,tcs.ior lrrnne i.1r,]L1ld !r,.ll
nitL.,Lellr L.rrin ro th. lrurl liJ rL.l,:,:.I ur LLr l'\\ [rng rnerne
,rrd hl;trlrc llool plrrnr to rle r,rrr1, 'f,rcLrr, lrrmerr or rre i,r tlrcir
1,, flcLtnhcr rnd flent .,Lt t ,e r1.,. liro th. prer !) Lsh. tllr,)de.l
irelds ,r ri,,ulr Snrr thi' rirc i gr.r ,,! (llrlir rh..|\ selson, Lt is
('c..tui l. lf rLr Lhc 1tr'ltl' ir."r eidier fr,r.r o, mn n.rle
ri.cr1,r ,i ,\ll ,rrr-Lr nor r.LompllsheJ \r ttr lIr,!s iL \fs r,Lrered Nirll
.r , r Lit\ Ji te. ,rlqurs n o[ irr lrrn:m ]rhotr, sr. Lr rs Lhc u.rter sho el.
rithr lrrrng nL,,,or1 Thr hr^e.t r8r[lL hcr]r' li NLr.h fo\ rn.l
Lrclgcrrr!d ll!!l9l L.rlc not fnl\ rdiitriied iI rlrLLrh!:Jl s\sr.n \dl
iprl-.lc of lLsrr,ri,; rr!. .onlenrrltinrs .t 1,.1,! ,rliotr, but hIe rlnl
h,rL l)fh.rt (l!llLl nrrpfid rr( f.re,,rii lr Llic urlerJ rrcrs
r hrL r ere t,-. trrr LlLc hr: rL[nJ oi lrter :uti.;
\ reinrnr..r rrcl,rr:o]r,ri:15 lr\. rl!. hccr r.rirlu t]t Dclte.,\t
\,I (.h!x ex.rlerl.ri l,r\! !n.,^.,ed ! b.L,.k irrlsronc lornrlmru tir
; t,,rpLc rl(h rmrrlrtJ.r /ir4a LlIr rs r flilli..hie.t lrr \rn.rJritlr,
niL.l.l omncnts ILe x1,r,r D].rn,1 ,l lt:ral. lhi(l,oru,,r.il
l,,iorp.LrLc.l rmrll bi.k lr,,,r1.cl : rhirh.ontuned cremrt..Ll l,u,,,rr
,.drilr! .,!!o!irt(l r $ xolJ Lclr:s Thcsc rere rleconr,.d strh ru,rrn
fo,,',. q;q u1 rcprcscrLs -shirr md Visl,ru Rrdr.rrrtru
"1".1, ,,,nhrbL
,lrres l,,. irtc u5. hetlrccr r\ll .+-i!-{r:1 ) -{L (iu l hrf , i Lirf ,. liur rul
dr., d (oriA r lrLr f,.l,i.mrl. .ittliftrL. lrnL-llr.!L 1, li.ercrlli to Tlie H
.renutetl hL mr! r!f,tilr! r..,rr.t,lnietl h\ slr5s rfd tor] l!e.tr)tLs
store ber.lr ln.l .o d loi I he goltl lel L:r r cr. .li.i!31cd \ itlr
lrirges rI HLiJu lclLirs .Liidl.g VL!|nLL rpr!5!nlr.i ui .r hdtle
'lhe rdlrlrl.,l rLrts 1,,.. thrs !eniet.r\ rrllin t,l t,.rlo.L r\i) \.ent :,l1esed1y tool
llar i-.arll f!,rir(r qol;i Lcrrt. hIe beer furo\!L.J l,.rr tlLc hrL.k ifth century,{D T
tcnplr ou,,Jr1ior rt liL, X.u in rsuiJllof L r lllth ':enflrrr "
'lriirrrol,-.gicrlh tic.i Iin.li r.l.rc5rr,1 LIr. tri.siti.n to s r.h,]i.:
Ior L!,,r1,: t, nt ( xn der ir r fur rhrr urslr-l,L lf 1. tli s \ it.l ftrn tro|
f,n!1 irr'tioriifr ,eiiLiiL. tu ih. nr!uprll.f .l tlLii r,er rrs ..rrl.!li, :
i,, r,r:,ep,,rts rfthr cmb-rr.i Kln! Dri if.i lhu YLns, rhr rrsllcd the prot6g6 of the
r,,: cororrl rr rbout AD lSi). L rrs rl,r. nitr, \e,e senr 1.\ th.1\il
.r,l,er.rto lt|.r Lnlfnrlhr rLo!r. r (.,rthem trrJt rrLt Lo Inrll

r...1Lnt i! lfng u.r [,:1, but lrtr, \rite,. !r1.i..1 it rt lrDqll] should be. 1n addit
\\'e !rc tt)lJ thrt thc lri(liriorrl,is1,rn rttlre rrcr nrnil fumr,
referrtothc lourJim rL,,r nl.1,.d\n!\t\ rs [runrlulr, rr L,cL]a,r
l|,, !rrrrirl r i:r trli,.e; IIe srir:rntl tht rourLl uLl rrs
{r.....1.l b\ lLls,,,r. .L. t1rdints. .\r .o &rr Lo PrltioL ll!l(131, $.
unirlr trrrr hI. r.r[ir] Irlace r.r'rrds thr cnl ol Lh. llrsl i.f(lr\'.\ll
'1'tu IIi\r.r\ .i tl,. t trry l)r'trstr, rrhL,h rrr.crnfil!.1 ir rl,,: s{'\eft::
..rtLLrt FrrJ rl,,r1 thi hrhiler .it|. In.,,1 []lus !u\r ri! i,)f
Julhonrr o\., s.r,, illerJmt setrlentnLr This ;rrggest.
r !1.\. ollri.irt,.l:rd iLLthorLtt strrLtur.. 11 $rs rlso NLt lfnl
,-r !(,.1. i l.\ II1n, l'm hLLrrg, ot ol rhc r,., c::ir nrlrr of tlLrerr|
Anone linga, found ar a v a8e .[!r5r\ I li]\lft irtr.kc,1 rrd,onqurrcci Lhicls o| rl,,: rr.riflerr.f
nearAngkor Borei n Gmbod a l,ls r1.,,u],,. he rstilleti his rlrs rn.l rrrf,liri ir rlr.ir tli.e.
rcourresy Dr Mlriam starkl TIis!.,1 l'rn l'xn Lrrl orl\ r trricl []s,, urd rrr srLcreedeJ b]
, .,.ti,.Ifiilit.r\ pro\.nkro\f roll,. l.flrese rs fro SlLl mrn
t)r.. .r rl,r.nrd, thLs ler.ler rnclrrL.t,l \ r i (il .i!,q,Lest rg!Lnlt Ltr

,,rl; ,bor mJ en nrfrrtral r nlrilnrr., c!l,cdlr or rfirl rLhJrcL

!\., r.r .olstil linrgdonr. Drrns tlic li r,lrs ir i. ftL., n, tlrc n-!L
!l K,f! l)1, therc (cf r nn!5 ol J)D.,!rl! .rtliistr,ition( bl rlflilrnr:
1,r 1 r!. ! hi.h I is p.rpll .d.rrrsoroilrnShrhm.r
th,,-\re, onc of
bl mother fo, IIsu, llris.rme lerrrcl srr Lh.
llrt enrbisn frrn I urrr to llhinr r \lilr (lii.h Dr\ lrrl
trr.t I trteJ the Jrtrili Lr srncL r uisslo,r roudr. \\'hrnr!i th. Lr5.
rl,e ( lLirele rent h,r\or| rllLrsrus 1., cly"rstn- fri.tinn i..l wrA !l
,rrqLLe"t rrJ Jc'rril.rd LL( p!opli'.is ll\ rr Lr r*llrcl rtttLcncnL'
rhirh.ontrinrcl r prL< 1Lr. (r.ssc.ldre inrtutin.e ofrsriruLLu(
lrd,rnte.l th. 11).rL trsL( l!r fiirr\irU \1ore. r'lth rhistls. Thct r.rr
r nltefr uftr\rn!n, Lriicl lor r,rlLl. silter, perItLne" rn.] pcrrls. T,t
lo,!l r,r,,pL! rlr! .L !.i, ,,1 L,dii,, ..Lgn. lrri.:,:rl, rhc flfincsr
en,tudt.fui r r.ln(!rn1:LLl\..1 th. Indiin lriLrrunrL Lrrs.

This inscipt on l@m Go xoalon

the Mekong Delta probably daies
ro rhe 7Lh orSth.enturl6AD.lt
sets oul asa(ed Buddh n l*t.
(tenslh 21 cn).
The Delelopment ol Slates

:ording r:o ?xa His.,/1, o/ the Liane Dynasrj , $e

,t major stage in tLe Chinese perception ol lo.al
lory ca e lvher a second Indian, rqho also took
n.rme ol hundhya, u.as accepted as ru1er. Tllis
n. allegcdly took place in the early years ofthe
h ceitury AD. Tlis brahman, it is said, "charged
rules accordii! ro thc customs of In.lia". We
.: h, err t,r Ll,r: rrLopLior rl tIc SrnsLLthororflr rlrl,: God paques beafing rellgious
rrrrar. lre lttI r],..rfiru ol Lhb $or.l j!Im)L!.endirfj3\
Joundarions ol rhe brick lemp es
:rrr.lrtectr' lr.n ir{]!L 1,.', !r'pNtaLa ff. l fe rr erecllrA l,rrl 't
:hc r1nie.ril r.t.r In r prrljlllrr HuJrLgocl, o to e rotrhlr
i:rbLtr: ILLLs tlu,arre iLhi,cnJLrLrmrn mmn. fL.te.te.j b\ o,
r rltlg; oi rLe !re1t l,,rt,r rncl lrrlrLnrn pror;ga oI ri.r.r\
1\'c shouLd rrt trlre rl,e (l ,i,,r:c r.rornLs ILrru]h. I he\ r iete.l
rL:Ll trc. Lr.udnror th. !rnnl,ri.r!.n!nr-i xir lrtr ropie. rr,1le
.' rfl [tror rh..]es,ee t. \tLl.l, L|! r.,r DNJiircLl or enrhellshed
i_ri;tl!r: r:L nol: r.rnieLl1t.. dn.ur,.rLir\ rr.cs rhlorrgh $er
', mtsr h,::,LrLccl ircL'rrsL


re wa and moar at rhe southeast.ornei oiAigkor Borei. DarinSrhe

aiod ol.oi(ru.rion is a mon lnponanl objedive n un6ve insthe
non, otthi!s te (courlesy Dr Lltam Stark)

The resea(h teanr.tA gtd Bor.i. cr ly i,'lriirn

stirk ianrp,{l ile 5edimenLs d pol.! to
ruonnnr.r ihe an.ienr erNiroimenr ll.r., PiL
BiJhlp (irlt)l.rk.\ a o ei 0n rhe istern Ba ay.iL
Intslior ltorri, r' t r asiltrnr. n.m lnr uor I la ard
a unrlman iaou lert Dr rr]ii.rnrstarll

[,1.nh.r.i th,","\..!aLon lei n eeriJr! n]al.ra s

lr.m tnr lqqq.r.ilalron!at\\at idmioL ArtsLor
Bur. (totrrl6f Dr il ran siarl)
The distribut on of prehistori.
sett ements and lhe prin. pal
of Funan and Chenla,
showins lhe lo@ton by kins

I Samrongsen,2. Ban Na Di,

L Non Pa Wai,4 N Kham
Haen8,5 Nong Nor, 6 Ban
Lum Khao,7 Non NokTha,
8. Non MuangKao,9 Noen
U"Loke,10 Ban Don PhLong,

Ta[hon8, ]l Ban KrabuanB

Nok,14. Non Dua,15. Lovea
16. Nen Chua,l7. Go Thap,

20 Anskor Borei Phnom Da,

Dambang Dek,2l. Wat Luang

kao, 24. lshanapura, 2s Wat

26 Aranyapralhet, 27 Roban ol.

s J,4,,!1
29. Wat Po,l0 Iuol(ok Prah
ll Wal PoVa,l2 Wal PreiVal,
l:l ToolPrah Thal,l4 Prah
Kuha Luon,l5 Tan Knn
16 wa18aray,l7.Tuo NakTa
Bal Ka,18. Wat Taer Moroy,
l9 Ayuthaya,,1o Wal En
Khna,41 Lovek,42 Wal Khnal marY
Su m

l1r. f,rttiri ff i sar! ifs.rib..L (nli. h.lif (lnrl,,! l (. l]l1ta' l!.1

ftthehi!t!,\ ritlr orrr imc rtrrL, lf!, t.\'l.mlfLi.rrs Il,l., r\.
sLr rq!d frrnr the strt,',,1 F1frr. tr.\i.t,. lf\ihiibl. irlrr 11li,l
lhcf,Li,ifrl ie\t\esset.Lri rL SifiLrlr, rle l.rri!ur!. r.l lll,rdul!fl
,\ chr*d crer,1,lc fr.rrr Co Ihr1,. 1,rr,:rrr;lr,rcr:irdsr[],1rIr.
rii, Le h,!an Nitl, l!, \1,. r \rs fir..r iirlrif t r ,(-ru1.r Ir]o\ir .r! raldng of Sanskit
l.ll n !:ri r. lt .,rirD..r..et.( tlr. ..n.i, iti.ri Lrt r ln.tlr lrl i
L ivt-"konC Delta, a.
\ rslLrrr br (i,rr,rrrr Lrr ,\s r' otie, d,e raf n rl, the lf:.rll,Li.!,\
the,Lttrleiril !Lf.rnritinf i., Lolt nna.srif! 1,, tl, s crs,:, r,:.r,:
inlLrrmrLl ihrt ihr. Di.,e wi! ient n),e.l1inr hrd t, orr rl,e,,,rrl,
I r'r. r,fullbh Nhirrecl Irr tl,e crrl rt,.,, .l .l|il,u!. .,rfrls,
rhir l l thrs Lll hr e rLrr red r. r ilonilrf r lert,ne i,i th.
rrrhreolrgrrl hrrkrpe llLc r.nritttr\r.nds rittL r rr.,,r! i,rr
rtoercr sLLhrer:r the.e !jli! r,, their o\rj us., \lll nL1l., sll r rl,.,i.
;rLltr it the tne grert l nre! 1. thc I ILn.llL .$.r t rn if. ,L.l..r
rh. DrL:rler fi r l.rrhmrn i.r.r-'ir.ti.,L rdLLlterI rrlrlr rlrr rsrcr;
rrir rncl.ompllLtr in the ih.\e..\ leron,l Sansl(Lt lnn.Lfror, l.:r: might explain th(
\rl Tr Drrrlrrnir llrl clr<rrbes RuJfurrDrn rs i roi ol lIIl!!rl in the 6dr and 7t
r ro rlrpoirLrJ Lh. $r ol r brrhnran l rnrpe,:tor ritle url
!tupcrtl. N.ith.r iturr|tnD (lnir\ r.lrrt hLrtrn.trlirtL, grLnd.
L.rJi! (l!3ll lrt lsr-nlJ Lhr:,r rf tirr.r1l s,\th,ini,,,!. ,\ tl ,,l
1,,5(,lptj!D Jlt!(l!s 1., r nnlitrrl \iLt(rl b1 rllrmrrn, rn,l thea slands of Southe
p,tcccclr ro rcr,rrcl r rrLgrrs lrLLn.lrtirr br h".tueeo KLrhprrbhrrt
he Deve opment of states

Thesite olwar Phu on lhe

bank oJ rhe Mekons River n
Lros, was ol Lrais.e deit
lmportai.elo the treop e ol
Angkor. t lies in the shadow

mountain wilh a sunmirln

the form ola liqa or phrllui
The Inn ola ser es ol. t 6
lherewasfounded by K ng
Dryanika,who tame rrom
alaltolound a klngdom in -l




! rrrril: .r r. rl,. nin if ilir tllek.ns l)eltr tofli ph,e *Lfth

,rlr: 11,,:.rr |,.fnf ie. r\l),\.(lrre.lt)girrll\. tlLs rs nrnilistr:rl
, ,,r l,:iL ilrF', |, rk rL'mp]es, ertcnsre,$rl! r \ritirs \1,\t.nr rni
,,:,rirrrirlrL nr1,,rr 'lhi r,x.l tL.Ml lror r\ge mortLrrLr rLtul of
.1,rr,:l,rJ ir ,!f,r.,l (ii ..pl3.e.L br t emrtLro. ,rn,1 thc rJoptur
!\lli !r rs l\ s..f lr 1,,,r1.s.1 lr.Li!f deLtic\,,:.!etler \itI th.
,.if;or Sr:,sLriL,ryrl ,,,rrrs I'l,ese cLerelopnre,rtj i(r,li phr. in rh.
,irL.r,r: I\li r, r, rr,:r stnreg milr placed l. frtitrrrtionrnt]lr
.,,,1 ,,rf, rrriiliri,i sllL r.,Lt. (l.,Lt,.l oithrs lugrLhr noclc rlso
,Lrl,.,l Lhr lfl.rlrr 1li. fr,).t likcll ..LuLr lu tlrc r1\rl |lumr!.
,,1 bt,r.LJlricl, lrere scnt rs t.Lb(1tc ti) rhr (ihircsc ourt. Tlt
.o,,r,,1. rl r srLir oLcrlrr to tht ir.hieih!i.rl ,ero,d rrc liruncl
r ,1,,r n,lr.,r nirdr Ne rcad ,,i k rgs r lL'gel s1st.rr, tr\rtifn
:r r,r5,r\i,l \\',. 1l].r. fo, rqmp].. r L0Ltr,r strti r'hh 'trrcl.ll,rl
,,:,1,: r, r'rrc therc r .crie. oit.mpctins tn,litic.: \\hrt tr th!
. rrr ior rlr r-|tior of nr.tLL'irltrl tIne(trL,e .rnn (hrt lrLLrr,
,, rri rrr,hn rle lerline.irhe ieltr.. r.drtr. ol f.liti(il p.\\.r
r rh. irtlr rr(i ,ih r.niurcsl Thc h.L clutsLion rs pcrhrps LIr. rtrtrL
r,tlLh rrsicrorl ,\ strtr rhch lrsr or Lhr lour.[Lur o
rt.rnrtifiil tLrtl. rL\f (Lthri..l x, rh. alhn.s. iD.r.rsinql\ b\
'.rrql tlrr norih5 ol th! Ilrkonq n lir our ol Lr rnsil 1l,r urrl, | ,.
. rrd, ot SrLLtirr.t A"ir ELrt rs rhc llrlLr:LrLc dcclurccl. so Lrrlrr
't.nr. hcsrn to rlcrL:lrp rnJ Lo Lhsr rc rill ror Lln,.
state Formation in the l\4ekong Valley: Chenla

lhi. Lcgron in.!rlurr.! Lhc \lrkonlrl ,:' bctr'r,r,, l'rr,l! l'.rh

riJ thr ll.rrs Rrcl mounLritu, \ir]r LJr$rl br ,: ,,:s Lr l,rr-lfide tl,.
r|rLnis. brslr o1 thc Trulr Srp rrrl Llrr: \lLu RirLr rrlLtr Tl,e
lfrmrti,,n,rr ! nrr rrlrn! 5rrr. rLlr\Jrl Ll,r NlrLor; I)cLtr urs irol,:
ir hrLc L i,,,prLr. r,r i,rL(rln, ..,'ifNf 1i.s if .fh t., tle rle,riitl.
lr !...i nrr triiu.llrf 1o tirlrl\ ri.r'r.eJ rLA ,elati.nsh t! i.(1 the
n,t,f \ Lrl .\oLl. :...[ \\'(. if t]hrlln i frr.t r:linrl\e olthe mll,i
r1 Llrr:s,: rr,:rLr rt \..,, ll l.,rL. thr lir., 'txAe! ni\hirl rerc
,:nrrtr,,l,nrrrl $ tf t it r strhl shnrc.t i,i Or F.. rs : r or:trl
o,1,rr rnr lt rrs drrfu,g rfi. terr,,l tlrt bLLrLrls belDe nrrLkeJlr
,ici,r, llrt lerrl rrere,Lr\\ inte.cd\itlrsoll,sLhe ghss, rsrt
t,d cm,elm orrrme,rr. r rJiy lired l+Ilrs irlle,l rLth brrrt rir e.
nrrked rgrrrrltLrrl iftcr.rii.itinr the hrge ule prodLrrtrrn ri rLri:
.ity ol wat
ThB view over the
md proLslon olhrrlis tL, retro rrd.onrolrrtor llercrlrlso
Phu, beslde the Mekong River,
wasraken lromrhesumm r of
j rhtr rn.rca(c Ln thi dcmrnJ lo, b,.rrc' rhi.h rer,r rf\ l'r,,r
Mount L ngapaRata, the hoy su.i r L,:rcl ol tcrhL.rl LhrL rpccrrlrcJ r,,rk.!op!.
mountain ol rhe peop e of hr;htr Lrlcty. Ertrtr AD l(11).1(ll) n Lhrsc ntcror rrllcis su.i:
(Coud$y Dr. Patrz a zohse)
r r ,o.irl rrxn5lfnnrtr.11 \rth th! lf(n.1!tir,D .l nrr!5.
Tlc l;.rlit1 ol thLs.hrr:c is sccn br ronprriru thr lrtc h,r
\\'rr P|u orLl[ t,rnkol Lhc llrl|n! RiLtr Ilrrc r tru;rnrLuil
lirr",r r,$,,: r lurl rrourlri! llrnrltr! il lrlo., ![!( n] rr!!1 5rr.r,:
clurrrg LIr lrLcr Arlonrn p.n(rl ,ln i.s.rirLior lron rhri rrrJ, !1l.f.
L! 11,( !((uiJ l,r r L,r -:Ll, .tnL!ry. nu,,rs r Kinq Do rriL,r, .a
The layout oi lemp es and prc.in.ls ,,,rJrir!ir.!rir trolr!rioir Jl\lr.lrsl.ir.rll,r, ll..lr,. r.,rrl.
n rhe.enlre ol rshanapun. 1,(r,r l,orrr ilrr 1! nr r,rn. Ll,rl nl []i,rr, ,3\1,,! ibl,l,r..l \1.r.!1
oc, lrru,,,r,rblc cro,l.\ IIls .. .Lrrlnr :
rilu,rls ifrol\.d 1,. sil,l, L,: .lo,,.ri.r! .t
Ll,ursrml: tl (!(1.. AlLl,n!rl, rrNl! I rl
lril.r.o ori.r rc,:i,ri b,:rr rlLr,::: Lr t1,,.
,:l,r,rgc rr l'l,irr;i ir Lht NIu,, \',r1,:r llr,,'
c\(:r!,riori( [r!. !.!.,].d 1ar, Lo,r \gr
n..u|rrlnf u,,dt:r e ler!r .of lriifi thc
rrmr rs ,,1 r hri, k tnrpl, .r,rrrLfL rhi, i
i,, 1,r,,,,r,rlo r\ rl,. l.nf,hll.ri 1., r f ieldwork imtial
,ri u r\nrkor len sto.e rei tlr i lllbtr
lL)(lrll r\r l'h,i.nr \\'an I glre, rrp the
\1,,,, \'rllcr. r lrn rl,i r sr:,r,. ii fj r) ,.
fur,:rcd ,, lnf ,\!,r .,rr,1ir) lf r'lrl,ll
0 Lt,c hroirLs s,rrerl tl,e sILi..,i.rtiti.I .ity plans availal
s i,,rle cl,rn,he, eC br Lclr tenrplcs r e
rhi,Ilr' JrsribrLted rn the l,rrhnds LrrdcL

t"I relerr lhe r]'lcst i.lLrLLnJ rt l'hnr I'h. r
in Su,Lr l'rflin(e r te.rfle brLilt in th.
;th .enr!r\ i)rei 1.Jen: ltlle, dre the Melong an.
inrtrLrrr olrhi,l L\ !till !elrtnel\ Lntrt: buildinss there
The Delelopment of slates


Litteremainsolthe nteland
! exlei.r de.oralion of the main
Above eftr Excavat ons adiacenrro
the maln shrineal Phlmai
uncovered brk[ foundat ons ofa

! Left:Phum Phon s one ofthe

oldEt sufr v ng hrl.k shr nes of tre
chen a Perlod inThailand

I rlJrrL l,,lLlrtJ oLcr r .orln rso br qr,f,rri(, I1llll(l 19031

.r,il, o,rrL,n,r:iL r) lirnrr.rrl,lr lllrl,ll,rs rl.l 1,. lo,,JrLions lorl,
.Lt,tr..rJl (!r \,: L rtr rrr!rtr.i
r. r'r.rttr !.rlL.rrrtrrt\ ol rlrls p.rio.l,
hL- rl,r.,,cc,,rrr!r,, r,, r,liL ifiru,rrl(]l rL I rf,r\p.fi( ol Lr lolrl
L,filrLrrrr.rLs.l , ,!: st:trl.rrr!rls nr.rrs tl,rL Lo tl,ls dI rr h.l\r,,o
.rtr 1,h:Ls Ir LrrLr r\lL rr. k,ror is Lln iL. Oi fo L,r sLr,,i,rdiI;
ctr,,qrrlrr llc lrrgrst rnd li.sL irrt)n,rll
.r. hi' l-.ee. iJentLiLed. rr thebrsirr)feptsrrthir cri.Ler.e er
l.hrmprrr rn hnou rs S:nnlr l',eL liLLk. Ihiss,emrte is lo(iteil
i th. r ill.r ot t|. Strng -ser r'lrrlL flor. r,r r fi,illel ..LLrse\itlr
th. Il.i.!!.rn.l.n|ti.s Lntu ihe lonle Srp llner. lle Jcsrgn rf the
brll.Lii!s lull(rr5 i brorcl tr rclrtrcn: rher rrc rrsrLrllr rri*J on
, plrLiorn'hrri
rn.] romprr. r
'ingl. rhrDb.,ed.h,Lne,,,om rrLmLn,le.l
bn.litemp c l4m the Nonhern Group, rshaianra The Lrr.k linen l]dul tn rtrc c.niralGrotrD, shanapur

stone inle s at rshanapura ll L,lr r rrLls rrrrh, n ro r..rsll(r.rLrLi height Ilr...rrr.rl

sl,Lrrlr oi Llr lrLtletr !,.1rf,rl lsl,trmpurr tir e\inLr). which in.ludes i
decoraiion This ntel islrom
nru.turer in rhe cenrra 6roup
,,,rr$rJ l, hr il.rereilrtlf bii!,r .r.d ro'e:or lr.llI.tri
These are gt
Rightr The de.oGtion on the I r! r,trir.r.l the \3n(nnr\'\.rs ro lroLr!.thi lutLL..l rlr!..i.1., tie retigious mo
bri.k t€mp es at rshanapun .r thi s,r.r.rL lingr i)r rhirlr f,fT.nr,r l],.!lc'rrl rrs.et Lrt f, r,r
in.orporaled lmages of palac6 .r,,Luur .ltrrhcr Sirre therr,rlsl,,roircrl Lhc Lrse olhL.r,r
and membeE olrhe.oun. Th s
r "rrL
l,lrll,, iicL stcrLor grEo\']e r,rrr. olLrn prorLJerl lher. r'rs
eumple.omalrom temple '.ri
Li.rr.rl \ lu!1 u. J.!! irtf thc (lrlf. nr.rr but the renrirL,,e r ,:t
l6 in the Northern Group
(courresy D,. Y6ushi Kojo) ril s r!ar proi.l..l \ith trlse doorr t,csr rcnplls rere Jror,rrr
ilr li,,tcL ,rr:, r11! !lofrrrt \hi.l ss urrlr: rt rrrrrl *rre ,L
tnntrin l. l . L,ri!l drLrrtLL,e itsell $,ri tJrLr(lli:htcl Itth.rrrr!.
lht'nilu.rrj trrLl5 hl(\i!i hore.,ro,otl.rrrrrr' rnJ n,-rrLiLr,1.
hrn o,, r ,r r ll irld r.r. \l.n\ !r1,.i\ r!r( l.1r pLrn lhe
r,hrrerr. rir.,,.1 lrnilrrr rLth the.r,rr-r,rnr i th.ilLri Ith !,.1
thlr rLsrJ the i.rliulcll rool rr r.rLrlt 'e 1,,q' Tl,ls nnpt)!..l i
r.srri,tr),1 .,1 er.l.5(!l iDr.. \'h(h fe.! sr.d ri,nirsho!r rIr,{iJkri
p:Lr1 rnJ rlLlrl, i,,,oLrc.l Lhc ronrnLLed 11.. .1 $ool lor ,..1r1,1 ln expanding tt
t,ullJurg,. l'erlLrp' hr:i.lr.c ol tlr reressrrh rnI u!.t \irIu rlie
.cntrrl srnrtLrlr, rlrl; sLrr.Lurc r.rs sLLrorndriL by orc or rr,r r.rlli.: of the kirg. Th
pr.rn.ts rhr!li li.,,s.,l nrbs r.Li\ !iitrLLirl.i Ilou Lhc rrll. rnJ
Ihe Development of ltales

istempe,lound Lolhesouth of treSouthGroupai shanapura
.orporaies ex.ellent images ol the chenla period pa aces

!rrr.r,r!i lrlr L,r \r.r.,:l !n.lfn,r. \.r. Lrhnlc' lor clccorrrru, Aso G ed lylnBpaa.e',seenon
the temple513 ol the southe r
rl,l.l, lf, u,l,ri irrrrr.s (,1 cllLr prtr.c t,ullcluu: LomfL.tc rith th.l
l_l,iri ,:r 1rc,r loLu,cs. I-,:t r: no, Lr,r, r n nr,rr rlctril Lrt Left:Thetemple pre. nd5 ol
r it r li! ru( r,rnfur,.,,1s ,rl i! ,t irlnru fhr hrorL ,ri Lhc .rnLrrl shanapurawere sumunded by

r,r tnl::l,c trrr.r,,t.l ri,lrlrrrl c,l tr.i in! ts, or r rlorirrtc.l

ri i h,1. lir.l1,i\ Tl,.;,r r,J..l.sl!!r.r1!.1 rl,! (nlr.il .drr(rf (aourlesy Dr. Yaushi Kojo)

fd for:1rc:,r Trrls hr 1',irr,rr1lcr ll:rl l $ ,rs.lrrlil.r I iirr! fr\.

r.,.frlt |..r L!ri,.rr,r.L br ; .l r1.r,,csrr !s,l, r:h Iro!r,,,rrc JKolr,
rers r,nr Il,crrtl,.n!!,nrf .nrrtrl5rs1],riprlnrlprl.Lncl llrr:
l.'!er !if,r L,r.!, s.r \lrhlf ,f i|f,rr \,I trlrl., r.r! rr r!,r.f. ns.J
r, r. fLrfu, rf!enti. nr.r\rrlrrr l(r0 hr lril ir,1,L.r,\ lur.l,(:r ror
,)i sr\ \d.:rir cs li.lrltl , rl,ls src,),iL c,,i ,rs,rrr tr ,1, l, li, runr tl\t s
r r e.. mLLgl : lorrrz ,rr qls rr tl r cl,ri.r rr T1,c lour
iis,ri|:L!ns rereil drir tlli ris, t.1fr.lirl.f,rl Kl,,g Is,r, rIrIr,
n1 irs.rifiLoi ffurrl .n tIt ersterr door ft tle e\rcrior NrlL relers
LL) Llrr for rr rntl mrtcstiofthekiogmJ iLodslrsnrilir,r\!r.es:
,,, sprrc|n; t1l tL:rrnorl ofL" prrerts.,\r iritrifr.f f.(r,] r.
:rro f:r.rrcls Llr rrtrllrtirr oir hira bt r l.rrhmrn n tle seriire
rt lhr Iin- Thc rrrthcrn grouf i\ il(] srLr.llnJed hr r dorrl.le rnll
rl., J !rr1r.r shrirc ancl nrLm'rorr sLbsidir,\ \.n, tLcs O.ltsidc
(1gee) has recen'
and has suggestec
duing the reign (

its paral1e1s jn In,

Even such shplt

'rhe wall! soutroundinx lhe lemDle Thewa roundthe n pr..nrt 0ltr.

Dre.in.ts were er sourhern Gr.upat 5haniDUra
olten decoraled, as i lhis (enelrom a Hindu epic pJ li.u arlytr'ellprese ed (Courtesy Dr Y6us I Kolo)
on thewallround lhe Southeh 6roup. XIX in lndia. Th

dre erste,,, qrrr.,r, thc ouLcr rr11,.rn rrerre lei.Ls rn u r,.r. r.sorrj
Ji[r]cireJ l.\'.i.11,.n, bJils
Nurr!,:,Lrtrnr',lr bccn lrunc] nththe,ent,il!..,,r, Ilk.
Lr(oth.rtr. rt hrserr,rlfuL srrrLurl IhLthNrs rrseJ,r, I
plrLiom retheLi b1 .lllll nr srrps. Cr\.rl llrn; guariL rc;sr ro Mamallapuram,
lhc mrilrJirti n1,r,)1n,.1:,r1 Ll,r: Lcnplc ttrIe. tle jifinLrr!.i Clirese accr
\ hl.h Drcr,!res 1.1 br' 1.1 ,,,, r lth r rltr l.! ntrrr:s thr. k. .,\,, roi.r
rtrrrrlssu.r oi lshrrrpLr e t,.rs , cL rrtcJ LILrL rhc \rr( turic( ire
5rr $lrl,nr r Jo!bl. \illeJ errl,rs,,rc,nc.,slrur 2l,y 2 km. lhe
,,:r,:floi, rrs trrnrl rLrtside thr cirr ra t. this area. Origin
Vrn Li.r. l9slll ha. r,,rsiLl(:rrJ Ll,c tLtLlrrulir sy'tem oi
l.l,r,ru,ru Onc ottlr problerr,, s rhrL rl,. slL,r \i.o..!fr.(ilir houscd over 20,
nrn) ..rtfrl!s l,rllorrrs the cnil Lit Ishnd,rrlruL s trsr lnJeeri
t r r! r ..ilr. oi.lltrLre .r.L lea.fir! .11! if! rh. fcr rrJ rf the . h.sj, third day. At th
r\,,![nri!n 5tiL. (l)sh,ri lq6ir, rt,r,, ]L rr: lurkccl rf th! srerr .1d
.!ir.r, l,rli.l.\n !nJir rr\'ir ran VII It ls lro\.,cr .trite fer'Ll.te
thir sllnc nl ih. r.scrroir. ind th. r,r,ir1ril cr.r:trLr oilrhrnrpLrr
r{rc.ornnr.1..i JurinitIe irh rerirlrr\ Il,rsr r,rrc prhrl-.L by armed guard
Jeiirf..L rrrnr. lor supflring the morts ,ellii.n! oufdrtLorl in.l
LLrho 1r1u rLr L[u |r r]r rcrtr.g ri! c li.ldi This simple
lsho m c,juhs thc lxrg.\t rnd fron ldil\riil\. ,r rsnr\
nr.trr.!,tr 1ni,, trls p.rrccl hut serenl otho slr.\ rr\( !lso
Lcrexled i n,t.l.us 1]1 irnpr(sr\. bri,li s.r.t11ir['s A,np]1 Ro]!n
lrkm ortrrrst ol Tshrnrryro, hrr ereml)1. l|..,1d'r1.5 rhrrr
hrlih r rrlned sL.r!rrl!s som. ff \tri, I hxl e I eiiLr d l,,sJqLirr
Ihi iL.hae.l,r!i.rl r.rf.iirs o1 Tlah llorNat erc le,qc rrd lnpr*Lrr.
t hij site ..nrdref.ls I uijor tr r.lc roLLte, 1rler. rli. !,r l.\ s ol Lh.
Bansti5 ll:l6El.rilt\li ni rl,c J.(frrtion fitle Ih.li B.ri,,l
li,Lr s hr, ltcl her n, drt.. 1 r.ti, .lr l.r Lhfl tho"e oi Ishxrlf,f,l
"urh,:1lorr-.l.glii .\idor(. thit Lill lli|ttl lils
ficl iL ls or
srtI.sLrJ rh. situ i! r Diior i.flr.
Tr. ri(hitc.turrl \t1le rn.l lrirli.u rrt\ th..le(f,riLon on \rll
furlrrcs rncl cloo Lnrels re rl.l, sn!,.!5 ol inl,,,mrron rn i],r
The Developmenl of states

!r!!\ ]Ir.1 ..j nithc 1-r.rr).1 Jr,1 Ltl0 L|(|irxtLon. Do\lr,!

..1!l,,Ls,...f t11 ro o\..1 rl,( l:, r rt, rssne rt.Ly r:s o1 (ll,erh.
- 1,r,. r,lr.t.ttd tlrt mrnurtlrr sc,,l0tLre rn,ifit oriliril.d
;,r.r,i,r13,, oil.hrnrrrinJr Il.rld il'l:il lrsron5il.,r.tthe
,,rr,r r ,,,r l. if(! tisui.. rncl rr,lrrrcltheir prrrlLr:1. i,, l,,cLlen
f,,,i.nfrc\t:. l r L r r c r .r , r rlrt rtr!,rLi, j ]rnlrsr].: nrirrne
l , , ,

,,,,.fu, .o n:rr11 .1clirL,rr) ii r ,. lL,rtel! SDrlJr rL(1.i.11,)ri fue

. r,",rn:rJ rn lniu 1,. -rilO B(1. r\ iLre^ (,1 r(f!c ls ;,,,rthe, popL lrr
,itrI ii ihr rrl.lJ c II.[.]!! lill* nhi!l, r.,' r,r hdLn lrgin. fhr
r.ifr.ritri r:r,i1rL,f.o,t\rririf! !.lirge cnp1...rJ,rL IshnrprLfu hrs '1
:. prrrlL,:Lr r IrJ rL \lniti i.d lllfi! ll!\! \l\'1rho11r r\l) a5L)1.
,, n sr.,:, fp1,:3ro et,L, tr.ti15 r5 11,. rl,.,lin hoi,d 3r.
.rrr!.fr.ti lr r.1li i,.i. r\i l.hrnrF!tu. r,,rbrlLl$ment to thc ouLct
.. is n! 1!rrrl, i! ,Lroherl tLe ri,:prrirt r1 ,r ir.r el lrLL l.lin! i.\.rtinl
.:.*r,.,lr r ir 1,i,. ,\ s mihr L.urkn- .rdor,: L t' r rll rf A rntr Cl.n r
.T\lr L,.tr Ilt-tLr]r mrtLl, rflcr r:r,,,1rlsesr nr.h..r.irrl(r
, | ,.:rtiLr iLr r hu.rrn hrrrl i:irrrnLLor rL (lhcrh rrt r r,1 Llrdr
L,.rir.rinir refrr5!rlrllon,rl (). l_r) llLsD(,ti1 hr(l .r lrr,f
,L,ir,r La ln.|r lro,r r.rrJ,rnr: t. I'i1h1r:rl Ll!frsrr \ J.lille.t
. r Lr rr. ertrtlirrtl Ll,,,r rir. .1,)(cst fiLrll.ls \rrI ih.l:,rl tlii!
r rocl lrr Lr tfr If,liri nrL.. rcen ir r\rrl llllo,r rrrL
l.rnrrlIrrrr[, .]rJ il.r.,l nr ilre |iriod AD 5()1) lia(l
( hL|*r r.rornLs r,,d r h.gr..rfLs ol rtr{rillrofs f.o\idc r
...u1 o,ll.,r 1(, iris rr.l,i..l')sitrl tr.mcr,rL. RoLh,,,ust hc trertcJ
tL.r!rrfi l.r ll L.'(lLiteie t,:rts r'.nr it,r o,,[ <,r,e ol
:lrrr.rrlo, rr ]nrld rs'uDc tIrt i n.rL..rlL.,l ( t,erL eri'tiJ rr
:5., !r ()ri:rifiL \ a Lr;,rl fu th.: hingJor ol l-r,frl rrs KLng
LLirrsrn., .riur:rl FL, md rLLhdLLrLl ir Tl,! trlfiit,.l.lr\'.f (lh.tL,
'.t,(l Ir: lil.l)tlt)irmilies ln thr nldiLr rl,rrr \'!( ! srext hrll.
,r,.lir ri,i l\lf! pLohrhlt 1si,rnlrn,,.r,, qrLe rn lttrcnLc ocrr
, ti tL.,\ Ar 1x.n ilrdiente! th. liirron:r.3t)\.1ere.linsolJ
rrl :rcrlous sL.,e:, md e,lLnrJ u r .ruth ,,,rdr oI ditlerent kmls
r !r:,.i11. \..J I le Ni. .u,1)nrtJ.i.,1 l.) llL c grcrt olllr Lrls rrl
i.,i\ 1r\!r l,f,.tL.n!rie! rrcl his pcrsor rIrl1,ehce \ere prot.ctd
, .rnrrid :,rir.ls I I s lLrgrlrm ii.or!!,.rL.d tl,irtr.ther tLtu5,.r!ll
rl, rL Lr r r,-r emor.
T,ls !lrrrl)Lc f.ttcrr fi r 5trL,l( .drrr, li.(1nronrrrhl rnc,Lbo,,rL
,,r li\ rl,. rll !is.f irsrripLi n" 1 1,rse rrer e, dr erl rn st!!rc, rit l
,.\rr.lr.,, r ).th Srrshrit rftl Klnrrl, md rere r'tLr1l. crc.LccL
t,,,.r,r,.rtriti tlrc.t)n5rrurlloi,rrrl l-..felx.tion of r t!'Drplc T r,:
: r,:Lrlr rer: l.egrn r nh r rrlrl ol ri,e k nt Lirtrrsrr,'rl
1,,,.1rr,r, inlon:J hl r ll51 o1 ,lorirlt!,j, !ul rs rorlcrs urd lud.
,,1,;rrrsrrnteri.K|u!, T ,fr. if!( ritr ons, Lrrnv oi rhlc , rrr
;L:r, r, lrte pror LJccl mrrS l,,,po,rl,t rnfornrrtlor Ilirs, rlrc oirtlol
.,t r fr:rrtLrlrr !t.!r. .rl i(,1 1n ils rii.irige mry rllor rn lor,:oLog crl
,Lt :r Lr tlcnri lrd rs i ,,: sert ol r nrne.l so\.tr!r Or ,.r. .et.ll
':i lrt.rr ..rrffri!,r\ r,11 rL'rr torirl rLins rhirh rllor us tl e*rblslr
:h. r.x5 n l,l. , r rrc rl,de, $ermrolrnc[rlur [],,ss 11rrorpus
,i in5.ri!rl!ri ,.rs, ,r like re n, rllorrcl Lhr t,rrc tsscrrlrls .I reg([rl
.rix\11, !11!.r..s ti be,0rarelecl rncl thc rLll$c,r,crt: o{
-rrliLu rr ,1,1.rs, crfulogrerl \\'ldr: r lourL[L]0, rrs sporsorerl bl rr
.lll(iJ, 111!n hi!.rn,. ifi JLrri.s rnl bi ohtrir,.d, !! ,\.ll r5 thoi. sold. The trends ,

.l,l! rn..stor! \' li.r\ t1 :l!rN) hx5 r\hLLst 1.L! r,,r 1 :r.1 thc fu . hr

K rr,., t.rts..rntl rerrrl,:J l,or Lhcr t-.rf\idc jril!lt inLl) rhe \ot rl
nIn!.rl il,os. ar rh. na\li( ol Lrirflc\, ilreLr dL,rt.t, .rnll rtiett5.,:
rl,,: Lrrls.:1.r, sLn h es rl,. l)o!.Jiri.s ui r it tl.lJs rr rcr trrkr Lrit thc dynasty disap
rrLd,n.l,,,r!1. lx.oh l.tis 1:lr9l Althotgh the
i\1.\1 rlL.rtirjn li\.\., ,J\ 1,..n dirc,rcd Ln5r rr.rr.tifrr
(hL.tL fr.,rtloi th. rime( .l ,nl.rs n t!.ler rf r!.ifsli!ir r!!x)nri tfe Mekong exch
cllrrsrr .rr]1r,:,,(s Oie pIttrrl.lr rtrrl Ln,:rce.-,r1, ch rrs L,rscd ir:
rt ler\t fNrl ri lt! lliirrr rr Isl,u|rlnrrr, L5 tlie he(r L,,1]\!D A non
rfif,nritn! lir5.rji]tifn rlrtrd ro AD bli: rnl,,rnis Ii r,rt lh. jLleL!
ol ths ,lr.rst\ \.,r s.r1e,l l.r .r,r,,1,.,s ol ri elirc to,tl\ \\|r.h
orr olthe hsr [],,rs oi I rLrrn if rl,..rrlr t,th,entrrr' -l rus Llrrr

lteLnotlltrcol Bhltnrin rl,. lir!r li.coitlrts.l)ir\L\ ..r,1

Ll,rL hc rr..ie.ccrrlrJ lrfm r Kine \/l,u\r,rnrr rrrl thrr l,is .ou,I
l,,t.,r: rrs prohrl-.L ,,,:rr Irhrnrprrrr O,rL LcrL clo,rLber lr n r: Ll,,: -lhis huge site, tl
or.rl.ri ol onc Nrrrsirirl,aquptr rLrler ,,t a pLt ollli lrdralr,rr
Ilr .ti,11li !bo,,r r\ll l,l)l .,iJ \15 m....1.J b\ litr t,orl,er
\ | . .l -, , 1..
IIL!r vrlf\ .Irnrng irlLlrr\ \l!rorie\ rltlrorrrl,, tr rcrl!tr thrsr
Ner, rril,rL,l\ nf m" e 1l,ui sQsonrl raiiLt,,r rrpcdrrrons. I Ii, :i!l
lshoArt,,rn ltunr hi!..rrl! rr IshrnrpLLra. rtrrtUs 1,, hIe of highly-ranked
r:strblshr,d l,ls ru[.orer rf ifr]rrrni\.Ier. l, r,r Lhc rc,r er
I!.nlif1,l 1,. pl.Llcrl hi(!.,, l,r (orrrol lnlil: rhL rrcroir ph.e
.rlled I1ri,,,rrrr., x(lti,\\l.dr.J Li5 \r\\.1 stell,: u,rLlrr Ishrnritrr;,,
trr ,ri!r d.nrlLi..l hor he trs ln th.rrse ol threr clcpcnrltncres,
funre.l (}krarkrf!ri Amoshrrrur rl.l Ilhrnrif,trr LlcnLi| jngthest
!r.s rs nor t.silbr urls" futho rclornL ns(r tri.ris J,r l.urrl. NNW
fr.ni Wat li., l:11 [nr io11rl].J Isrxnipur! re flf.l I rcl'r11rn,e i(l
ih. illLtrtr .ns rrrl herfi, Idr.f.n.rrnu r ruler IIo tr I rcrt frorr
hrs trfitxl. i( ll,l tr, hle e.-'t,,r1crl rh. te,rrfr\ ol l,is prrcnt,. Ihe..
lrarmeni( nt ifl,.,rrxtifn m&l,nou:li nfll th.r 1,. r\r.,Lrljshd x
u o\ i.g .e.. rl Lontrrl orer delr:rclcnL settlcnicnrr, rn irnfortxnt
rr\ nitinn n rL. rsL.Ltrlilhnrerr .1 I srlr.
tshr irirrirr II r r1'o r tieeri,,r llsrrt. brt tle i,,si, tpLtor oi hL'
q,QL gftrdson. L\r\Jlmrn I {.itr,r ,\D ll:: tiarll rctl..r 5tllill.rnr
LonrrLJrror ot trLrul r!rl.rir\''fi,clr ir5rribrLti.n.,r,rrc!,,r r|.
or|ncls rn etlrersnlcot$e \1e1o,,1 riLh ertensiors nLorhrri.h
ric Lrnrls rI Brtth,brn{ rnd or n rh! (orsr ff(lharLrburi fh.rj
..nlcrts inll).nr1rt\ lrf r:r!l rinrei Tr. lrtt is rhe Lrs. ol ollLrxl
llll(! r!Llr.rs llesid.nr ol the l{o!al Co!rL rti,hr s orrLcJrt
r cuLrc,Lrllerl lhorLrrpurr r\r,rrl,rr p,c'criLed ILf,tslf,,!rl l!l
r,.i.\hfdin,he\ 1r,)\rl !!.ler. I\r,r hr,nl,(r5 of hislr !.i, ![r.]ifr
rert: rppoinr.J to r 1e,l.t\ ol fons: ofiii., rl rhc rorrl qrLrrLl, r ,irr
fi,.\,r!, rrillrd! .LL.r, rr.l qd.rnf' .t l)l,r!lipufu ,\nor],,r
hL6lril rLcrl coLLrtier hcc.l|rc rhrf oithe r,1hrnts. rcnrindtrrlr:
oith. rru.llrionrl rolc.t clc;hrnts n rr#rt A urthrr tert
.,e.rofir (1i.1 fld,er.\r !,rin sr..e ll,,rs. lis|.itriik s.rf
reNrdcrL rlrh lrnrr fL :m,boLs .urh es r parrsr,l tnbelti;hrd r Ll,
The Delelopment ol staies

,1 Ihr rro,Jr rLcrJr lident,r,rrl,r l.hrnrrl,r,n rtr rrertlt'

ir:Lrr,,:rt rLn.lcr lris !le g,Irlsfi, 1\ith J:i!r\i.n]rn I $,:.in
.rril\ 11,. .!tiblisl,r..rr rir sLrLr lrIr: tur,:Ler ephcrrrrnl
' i r .ir ir;.r lfiro! .rl l,is dxLul,lrr.lilr.l.ri sur \ \cs. th.r
! .:rirni ii\rpF!,Lrr lr,,o tfr l,lrrorL, r(oLrL
1l1l,.,rglL tl',r (l\riitl tcrtrrl rr Islrrnrpu,.r.rti l'urxnlhrillrLr
.,rl,r,tlunr i1 \'3!.ftth,r.rh 'tr.h ir,,r'rtItLl.rs al.ttr.l 01
',: \lrlore srIr,,ge roLrt rorliL hlr ro,,lrrreil 'oudLnhle
.,,,.r ir.l i 11,.,l.initt ,, Sllrfj L.nir, thr .stnPtiors destriLr. rr
,r i,l :drr rrtos Nhirh bc;rr r th liifu lrcLrrlokr, 1r' ]o"td l'r rL 1
\1 rnrer g.f.rrrlft( ol (t!.i|r. r\t Bhr\r|n.i,1r. fuJJ nl i lLi'r ,'1
, .. Sth L.!1u,) kirgs rfos,:,,amcs r lorded Ln rdltla,mernrru
, r'Lrg {,r \\r- 1I I rlrr ,l.r,,L Lr JculLs t,:erent u 11,. l.ng.r rf.l
,,,i. Lrt,rf,t:l\.1!|rn.!ruru lfstrifLiofs bLLt ih. fr.5.r.e !i 1o..1
...i.:.Lgf! n,i!.:r( thiL 11rL iLeielrpmcrrL ol .trLs tooL phce nnflr
,LLtlplt.cnr,r: ior Js Lhr errl rl tl,,r 0.rifJ o1 Cll,crh onc rrrlr
rrrc rr: rstrl.lL'hcJ c,rsr liti'r Nllli.rs it llxtrl.!\ l'r'ej Nolor
l\is l.!!r. s,tc ih. f,frrs !fd rrirp.i!s.i\rhr.l,5lill il.DLriL! 1l].
.rr !,Ll- rpe, r r' Nhrbh thc(1,ltal irom r l,lr , .la|N rrDJ| Il
r !.,f ,i. odr\5!\ r.]nnir.l to lo!i.lrhe linr:rlo,,, .f lnc[L'.
T,e tLrnsiti,rf r. srit.\ rc.]!ir:s rrt onll r \r\ercigt, []ul ,rlnr
, r,,,'r rrrl LrSroi.il rdorLrlislrrll1]lr rcslrfnnlr ( 1. the ,r!trr: Irr
', ,. t. r rrr[:u r] the ns.ripllons lre hr5 nl.r,rilied tl1! Ljtlfi
,irl,L rrrlc.l l,,rtn LLlurls !trd tri.e.l th.ir \o.lrl resPo!sibllitie(
,,,:,:me \\iho rhe (lLrn.sr \islr.,sirrst Jrsirlbed llnu thel
., :pLorcJ rlc LiLlr lai lor tl,,r lcr\ Tl,is rradr L. protlbr.ognrtc

lhe moal!lBdntea, Prer No uri[ ilx wJtr

Abole efl thni.ay PrelNokor 5a hu!. m!.te. !rP
.art ofthp [rek!ng Rver Th 5 vi.!r 1r[ei Irin] rr.
ntrrouxlin!u'a n ots rrelra 1.0 ruiLing itr rril
h.r7or T r. r.e fields irr rr. llrtground i. tr.

Leit Br.l1. rpesoitlre hle alrcnl.L perod

d.rn nanr t r..entreol Banleav PrclNokor
rirlr rlL K|rn.r rir[]'d rhi,lr r olt.n'.i,ounrcriJ ii rfe
lfnrrfllLrn:,.rflr'\D I ! Th.tit[.\rs.ritr.h!i i. rnJtri.]rLrl\ ft
\!,\ L,lrl, n.rrlr! utlulin- Lhr r,ns o1 r liir! r' reLl r! tr),eqi.rrl land and its surpl,

1,rs:rLLtrrn, rlr por Lo hrs

'rLL:r '
r,n -srrrl LnheLr:rnre mrrnell
l,Ir L-,, rrr:,t,l l:, rlr! |,(hi!Lon. p.Lsr. \ h,rtu. r . .r( frLrteL r(h
ktrlr hrrirL. rL.,,nlnr.r:nLLrl portrors n thc Norn L LrIe
oornLr\ .Lrd.rs Li .r,lrrrl,li( r:riJrrLc,lcrls Lirt 1ar irurlcr:
u r.inii.L\tered t..n,l)1.(,r,,i l rldr:r1 llcolrgirl rncl croromrt
leIlers]rp llrI rLlrl .d o, r,lirr.rlf.rL p,r,rlr rr rcsr.oirs rrJ
,fureJ or ,1ep1,\cd tl,FIl, Lr, h.rur, rir .toLh silLrr, &mr.ti, Tlns trerd to
,rrckrnrl otlrcr rrrrrLltLrr sLr11,usrs ALL1,r:ul LlLc LcnpirsrrJ
{o.1! lrJlrt gtre dre rnrl)ft'!(irf 11.1 IllfJni\f, trJ.3(D.rJlir
rri,,rLrLl, tht Khmcr terts rererl tlrr L,,lL lLl rrtsrrrlrlcrrrcs
f crc rlsr rrnerrtcJ LLrde, ilretitl..l i:pitrt trtLhltinntttai
\LLrr lotrl rocir or rp!Lts rere rio,rLr.,r,.1 ,,d,r,ti, ,r!l,lr r.rik..l
\,o,,,.i $(r. fnDii.nr rn teDfle,Ltlrxl: drrirg lls lifetir
/lr, \r\ ., r irl,!nt((ltitlr roJ its rL!c LrdLmtts tl,r rLrl,,rLio,:
.t .ifL ! l1 ,if :1lr (!nr!r\ qr.rt 1le tnle rnrzrrarr LrLttL..1h.l
lrrnd, r r. .iic,,LI i r L[c lrlt rl tlc sorereier, mil rr'
r.,r"n|irLe.l h\ rrflil),r (f,L,l.ri5 .l!trootrs high (trtrtr. ,\. rh. i Jr
prr beiore t, so rfryifLlli 1,, hilh olli,. Urrlir h\'inrnri. I
re m,Le lie{r,,rly ,:fiornLc,crl. Ihrs trtncl prollrles in LntinLir.
glinrfse irn, the nrbrl.,: ,rrs: rhrLh rrr o..LLrrLng rs rerrrrl Chenla: summ
rutlortl rnrLei!trLrLl rt,l,r-rd r 1,lcL1,o,r o lorrl, htrrJit.rrr
Tll fihme, hngrrle tcrr.,r nr fro\l!1. lisiijhr lito ih. lo\.1 o1 developbg po
rrnlr,l m'rnrer',rI r-.cletr \\'l,r, os rlt cliLc lll Srr.L,it rimc!
Uc nrlorLtr rithe popLrliti.n r.teir.J 11,.1, Krnc lmrs rnJ
t.,cl, JuLrcs totrJs tho ienrfle reie.r l rlrrrirr soclcLr iicrl L,r Mekong River ar
trr "crsoll rruncl ri Lr,e t(lltnitnri Sif.. .r!rl.ull!ful !urfl!s.s
!trLl.r\rot('thr mrr.terif.e,rl i.urL (:.rlr!s, lt is Lr, ht trpcrtrl
tlrt [hour rs tishtlr rrntrollr,l I rr: ti.rr lrrrrr rrs tnplrrr:cl rr
rl!5(,rb! 5u.n r,,,ker\. Ihi(is.,t..rrl\ rnnsllcLl r:: rrc. Lut rs
\:lcttrr hrs portr:cl oru it Ls likelr n, h,rr,: lr),flici
,,,r,,,bosrlp oi r unhr Lnerse. "r!e
\\re ir. rtordr..L o,, rfrnr nJ rIr.j,
,11,1i(!: 1|. nrloritl, \1)rke.l rn the ri.e tie,ls brrr rl,c,c roc rlso
lcrr $r:,. l,r,n rorkcrs ,00L!, he,Jsnrci 1mre,s rr: crs;,,cl
1r'rtu,,,c rl,inrl1:rs ThcLr rrme' rrd dLLties rre k,,.rf r. u\ rlrr!!r l
t r!- l,,n:rlf1lo.5 r.t !f ii the bri, k renitlcs r irl.l dnrrrifrL. Lhr
n- ,rcolo;ll rnrlsrrpr
lL',,,1,1rs hlc rrrrrcLl bccruse thel rere rorr1,.r..l rl bi.l of the Mekong l
xrd stnr. blr Ll,c p.Llrrcs rncl r!ril lettlinient! benAr!i,.1..1 ..\
iirrnhllr rL,:r lr s ur hr lr lnorn to LL. lhe teorpi,: hclLl r kl
ffsiriori fnr nfl) lr Lrirs o1 fuligors ro.hLp. hrrr rlso lr Lhr
(rnoor'. l,,rderthe;J,,,irlsLfutiorolthtporr rr Lrs elLtec,rLe traditionally sti
.1. review of the K
sr!(li rnri rrrtt;rrJuLts srth as
AgrrruLtLLrrl srLrplLr.es, dLrrrr.srl,
.lLrtl or riher rere 'roreJ nd Jrplc,lccl rhrrurh tle mediunr ofrhr
Lcrnpl. Ths the r Lr krr: corr r1 qri rc, ]L r iJ pr d iJe n,r the
ln,,Ptirtifn ot xnLes!rl sflr 1i |,,ouqlr 11,(lr Ll.o!r \|rlc rhe t',r
the Deve opment ol states

in \r: n 51.rin.l Lhrrur r rri , r,p r:rs ,:i,,,,r,rrr1,:cl th,

rIi!.,1iiIri(l.\rlr.,iirrn 1,.r;!.1t lf Li.rri|f.r hl.tlrer
J :.1 lLs 'rqlus.or[i t,c rur,l,.,i,r] r,rd i,,: r.r,rL n,l ttr,:,
, r., 1,, ulrr i,nr:.,;r lrlosll Tr,: rlrtrlliJ ,ra.r(11,,! ,rl lir(l
r r,[,,,:: ,c.oroi,s rrrl Lirr: rbour lor.:r.rri.rl prrr,ri tlri.
-1u:,, l nr,l .r,r;.rrilrfs.rrl, Irl:rs. 1,..1 \ irli,islfqnilrriil
,1 11,. \.1, r.l:r 1o.t i.ni.ir1.,.il 1,, llri,r\ff.rsl, liifil
, 1,1,. r,r,,.rcr rrs 1!, nsr rndt. r.rlrl ir rle rmrls oi r
r,,,, rl r,rnilet p,rtrLr:erl \! f.tcrtiil thr trfthcLentLrl
llrLs t, ef,l t,, tlic ..r( ert, iri.r o{ r e,rltr i r(i l.over rn th.
.,!n .t r rh! !!iuiL. ler(l.r r ln roLLnte, n, r rlecdl e.ren( heJ
.,,. L:rl r,), ni ,,t Lrhe, rrft i tl .rLsh thc +nillr line I hr' s iiL

lr. rrl'tor rcre,eieL rd to potlrrnrrLr.h r.tlir tlr. di1in.

rl, r r"r/i r.,,rrlri,r .,r l.l\rrinrnhmsell rr.rt,or.le(lthL'titl.
.lL, iii l,5liitr,.r. This rrLrr.f.l,r,nitr .rr\ lrr,,, b..n n,ti.Lrrt
., Li,rrrlrp: r.,, ro!r. rl LlLr..t nh.ririrr! n th. mrl.ln! rj
,,rl . ri rrrui l,j: rruoriLr oc, rlrlo,Jtil .,1,: frr\,ou5l\
,,r,r, Llrr: .rrf ol rl 1,4r

chenla: summary

\\ rtl, :,r ;n_l,,r I rirl, iririri 1:rd.,, Ll,. ar:, i,r,rrn, rl,. l..,rs
L, .[.\u].1,,:! r)ol li.iL ..,,L,rlll!,,r,rrl rtrf 11,. I). lr l. 1,, !,,d.

r .li ifd !n-r,.'..., L )l.s {1,1.1,..,,..,r1rin lf 1 ,. \rlL.t nr', r.

Ilrl.,!,! lt \er ii.l Ltr!ib1Lri, es Sereril re8l,rriL .L\fijrle! ( tli
r,,rrl ttLr( ir.,rcortrJ r tl,r,,il|ti.r!( tl,. h.sl d..,,nr.fr.d
ri ,r:..,,h.J rr Istu,,r1rr.r rr,L1 t! !r,\ ,ori l)1rlf! 11,...iu,s{'r,l
1i,. i , i.fr,rr, rli.,f (us ! l,.r tlb t] Li!lrr.,l,,! rl ..,rrrl
i,,r ,,!lr\ .\., ,rn ilf! r.!irfs L,rir uLLcrs strirctpra,
r,lr,,llrc l,roiLLrti,r ard drplor,nrirt of rtrlrlr. h1,t rrlditi.r!l
ri,Li!';,-rl ir lr., 1rf..ll,rrL! r nr 11,.:isn1s $, rrahr,,riL tl,e
rirrrrr.fif.. .t t,.tr.r l).ttr..f 1.,i.Iti.rLs I ]... $is, r,)\1.!..,
i f,r,,! ea re inrrer(e ii.ef!rl .rLLth.,Ltl rnihedmrstrrhr.h
rr.lL,J.,r IrriLlnrrrr I, ! h,)-. if...Lt)ti,rf!,.!cr1 thc rcplacenrot
,,ipr: rrrolrl rppolrrees sitl tlerile rrratar l'lerorrol ol
fL,,dLL.rn,. lird iiJ hh,,LLr. nr (t,ircgL.lssrt( !1r.lr rs the corLr,e
,,itlri \lJror! llncr r.rrell rstlrc r hrorrlcrlNtnrert rfdnlre
\t.ri1ri, Lnicrr,ote the ri!c ff sercrrl ,egion,11 (trte! orer i(
peLrrd ri Lr,LersLrg ui,n r!nrfl.'1r\'..\khulqlr !1Lr)erf .rall!, tIe
Srr.Lrti.rtior uf elLre nrme; rrt rilopt o ,rf I I ndlL d^ inLties hrs
Lr.rrLLromtll rtrcssccl thr' 5tr.n.rth oi lnJrrr inflLrent r cletrilecl
,r,i:r rr L[c Khrnrr !r!uig. i.rt5 r.r.rL! th.r'to hrrr t,ttl rn
Ldi ,,rccr orcr thr.ontrlrrion 01 po\.rful 1o.r1JertA rnl r
irlL ,, rlu rnlsLorr

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