Higham - Funan & Chenla
Higham - Funan & Chenla
Higham - Funan & Chenla
modlfication, the land behind the ftinsins (.-....."
malgrove belt rvodd probably have been I:,,, I
domlnated by an open marshiand flora.
Geographically however, thc area has at least two
strategic advantages. In terms ofeast west
exchange, it is a nodal point for transporting goods Map of the Mekong Dela,
n'lnecr tlrr r.ut.5 !r(r 1!,. \l1lar. Sir.r.s. tr1hr,us rr,,J the coastrl ihowing lhe distiLrut on ofGna s
,,,rr. ot ILrt Nrr rril SNth.rn ( .rnr lhr: nerhl,rdr,ri ttLe dekr and major sltes ol rhc Funar
,r,h nru oithc rur urt,lrls rtrLrhrcrt: nclcnnd otr ly md
n,: errhrnir ..1 l.rsl nitll t) e. rnrl hrc'L lroclu.Ls lhe erer tr.
:nlo .Lt,Lc Lo to,rrrol rhe tln oilo,ls r rlLl, roc rnilable rr.r
rhe Nlelfn! rrll.\ tro;r,r,,,l1,,ntcrhnLl rhnI crrc,,cled rc,r.s thL:
rr ri i irtrrl f.rn,br:,{ll, i.l Ltf rf rftl 1l \ oncL rLc I)arg lteeh
rlrseo.if th. KjrorlLrf]ri.IL lfL. hinrL:rlrncl \r: borl, rrlr rr
,,,irerrl rcrhf !rd .,..:i,r,11,,g :o ,e.:enr rLrhrco1L,r.i.r t'scIrh, hrd
reen ,rrJrlrJ r iLI rrrliLrLtLrrl r ilhgls r hirh hr.l u;,:d the uehong
rrlJor r. rn o.[,,q,: rout, t.r millennjr. Il ]s ilr,.rri r to ifpr..L,t.
tlrr tlt Lnpr.L r1 I L,..Lifi i,.m th. i\I.k!|! i: !r.r1l! illelL3teJ Lr1
rlc pi,uli.,r Jrri,,aqr tartern rntn Lll. To,rlr -sr1, e:Ld. tl o lesscr
ertrt rhr \hrr Rlr. ![hi.thtrrisl,Lot rrto carrLe.lbrthc
\l.h)n; r[]rr r t!ntortL,,n tlN. b[k i,,Lo l r,: ],ILeSep lheitlun
lilrr rLr,r LrLi' u1, rlrerL tlrc -U!:]<u! is jn spl. l ,lrequentl-r'thc
l'hL rlrlL.lL r,,,:l r,r the solth tr on.( Jr ril,r'.1. ible to sLrppon tlrc
RoLci ll-rnrulLr, rhi firi.d hetreen r\ll l()ll a-ir) $lLi(\Jc,1 rrr
l!!n.[rL!] !l L:ti.! Link.J 1-.\ i fetr,!k.t.mr s. O. lln l\ rl.c Lr.!L whole site. The h
Lfnri rll\ Lr(!.us. i1 lrLrs b(n rrrmired mLl ertensntl\ l\bli.,,11
l)\ NIrL !r.1 (l!alr ril).
'Lis .\li Jotulnrrr\ 5it(',omtlrnr Icr tinglLla. e.r.lrrn:
ThGSold.oin of lhe Roman
Ehperor Anlon nus Pius was nr,*L,rlrrlbt l-i[r!.]rlr.5 1|rrJftre r,rirtrrr. i.l f,nr n,n,rs
found at o. Eo, and illuslrares nd..'rr il lr! o +-il hr \:rcrccl tlrmthe rr., a' l. s:..r
the w despread tadlignelwor[ tr lre h:e(ti.L L) r L.rr;r: .rul irorr rhi,l tribrnrrr rhorel: sLrlr Although a1lt
rhat linked Funan ea(and we(
of Oc Eo, most c
the !c,o.d n1,,L.L \r, l,\ I:r rtr([ .]rLlricololi\Ls hrre rc\erled rlir rh,
.rrrL.tOr L. xr. larr r,1 rr,rrrcr:iLr sc:ics rirrrh lirke,l fartler
icttl..r.rt\ rn thr! ll rerrrif ifri r r.rsorl iPrrr ll2.l l!ll,
l91lJ) Sorr! ..1ir15 relh !e!rrnl ot O. E. lrrirtLirlsLhrr rh.
'luelirje l),,1 trri nll irk((l \jrh rh. 5.x.
\i1! rr5 5!1 tr.LLl lnln tlrc
\Ll r:,c1. tl,rtrr. ir l'111 rererleiL Lhc rrt:rn.c ol girdling walls, as
lnur,Iliois ii il,u. rnc brrL l.r Lmpess,,cly lrrsr:Lruiturcs.
\lr lrrrL 1,r' l;rc.LrLl rhrt thc bLrrl|ng r'l rlr rr; ior:Lrrcrcrl ol
lrrgr;l,rltr: srt on hrcl foLrrJrtior. mJ n,r,r,.,rif! r Lrri-l
s rL,: Ta Kev, which a
i1Lierstn,.h,,.. rr: r LurpLc 1hc dtl.rtor r'lL. \i; srl,i.it.J 1! trnd Oc Eo \vith
e\!r.,difi.\ ,liftliu t[.s ]n Lhc ilclcl rs x re\rLh oirhe a.rl!lti.\ ol 90 1(m to Angko
l.,,t.rs ti. ihl. r. ,r!srmbl( r \!r\ hlrc 5rnple .I rhe i te's rruL,.r L
rLrltLL,e l rrell rs e,iJorc loL Lhc [rr1 n.rnLLittrue.l f.rr:.,\ rr]il frorr
[200 km)
clelle,r [l Lrd,-s l!.+ ] \\i. l,r\. rL.r.l! 5..n thlt t1r. niill.frir
r!t) tl. ln.lir. \LLi--..frlfr,rl rr.,rti(ipr1.(l u i rfuJirg nct1r.,ii rhl.l,
rn.orDfrrred tlre lli.Lrr Ilrrrflrr l! Lhc \'.n rnd the Hm to dr..lsr [2nd-7th centur
Agenera view ofthe 0. Eo plain, ILnt oftle s,rill rrrelrirs lornil rL ()r ll,,.onilrn the fre(er.e.l :
wlh MounL Ba The n lhe Jeltr trrr|ng'trtc ll]n; \h lcrr:L [ror0tclt(1] l{onren nredllll,r|i
ba.kground.Ihe mound ol Go
(;yThi es in the.enlreollhe
on. mirteJ (r,trrr rlr.,i.lrf ni AirorrNr Prur (AD lli lirl) lriJ ri,e
p.lure, under exGVat on in 1999. dh., ir tlrr ft hi! iLr ( t.s$r Nllr.u!Alrclus IAD liil liall lher
(courlesy Dr Plerc Yve5 Mangu n) I I \t....
Thi: Lrnirgr rirhe ltomi. ir.L a.hl.lsr.rnpirc! rs Jcarorrtrrrcd bl
r : 11,! R.m. | ..ir! .\l.r! this ian,. roult. i ,(rc rlm. Ifuniin
ioirrrr: lnclirn rnsrred erellcr mLl t,r. Ir,l:llrt s.ri;.1 i, rlc
LJlfrri! ( !:irl h$ nrNn the efullest lrJirn nrl .il O. Lo
l,i o.;. tc, Lhc l.rt r.t 1rd etuh sec,),J irrrurlc5 AD rnrl i! i,rLiJ
fi, i,,r lporLrl,lc rh r,t! iLLth i. rlngs if.i r.i \ l.rlrr liJirn Nriting
r,,. r,r ll,r! u5 .l(\rn r! the litih . ertLr r' i,;1 i irg I prrrtl ol
,r_ifl,rLlrrf rrrl LL.,clr Lstins \e\e,il .erLt,r'i.(
I he L(\-il r.,rfu .i.r!r rn! inclL:strLes rtte'ted rt ( )r l. rr. r tl.nl
.i rt .rl1tre.l ,ti.l,r! ricl lorrlr.roclLrttirn terfriqrrs -l,,:
irrnrrti.tLLre ,+ !lis b,ruJ! lor .\rmpl. r'rs rnt.drreil lio,,, l,,rLlr
[]rLt clrf-.Lr\e(l , hr' .ru,:llrlrs riLh r lonr lo,rl rnreir! I h. .l.r) .rrlij
utl io slape prt. rct Ll,Lrelh cntrll rLth th,rre rLsed lrtrl r or
DrlLrnnL. lhehlihr !roi.Dr,lllsn)r irnr.gtin ferJ,rrlsnri! l
The Delelopment ol states
.i _: f[i*.
f, Part.llrePh ronr Da lemp e, south olAiSko. B0
Phnom Da lvar a sa.red hill
Lell: rhe er.avalio r !lAnskor B!E uncoveied a deeC
sequeice !vhi(h began in 0re lalc pr.h nor. .on
(courlesy Dr rlliram Stark) ^ge
,riter lf1. llrc rhrnn.L. rnrl rltjirlt.L! L. rl.( 1r.L1s. Yreld\ ire lji!,,
l-.e. nr. L,r lriJs .,tr.,tr crerl i,!,,1illr r lr,, lrsh hrer oi s,lt htd
r...1Lnt i! lfng u.r [,:1, but lrtr, \rite,. !r1.i..1 it rt lrDqll] should be. 1n addit
\\'e !rc tt)lJ thrt thc lri(liriorrl,is1,rn rttlre rrcr nrnil fumr,
referrtothc lourJim rL,,r nl.1,.d\n!\t\ rs [runrlulr, rr L,cL]a,r
l|,, !rrrrirl r i:r trli,.e; IIe srir:rntl tht rourLl uLl rrs
{r.....1.l b\ lLls,,,r. .L. t1rdints. .\r .o &rr Lo PrltioL ll!l(131, $.
unirlr trrrr hI. r.r[ir] Irlace r.r'rrds thr cnl ol Lh. llrsl i.f(lr\'.\ll
'1'tu IIi\r.r\ .i tl,. t trry l)r'trstr, rrhL,h rrr.crnfil!.1 ir rl,,: s{'\eft::
..rtLLrt FrrJ rl,,r1 thi hrhiler .it|. In.,,1 []lus !u\r ri! i,)f
Julhonrr o\., s.r,, illerJmt setrlentnLr This ;rrggest.
r !1.\. ollri.irt,.l:rd iLLthorLtt strrLtur.. 11 $rs rlso NLt lfnl
,-r !(,.1. i l.\ II1n, l'm hLLrrg, ot ol rhc r,., c::ir nrlrr of tlLrerr|
Anone linga, found ar a v a8e .[!r5r\ I li]\lft irtr.kc,1 rrd,onqurrcci Lhicls o| rl,,: rr.riflerr.f
nearAngkor Borei n Gmbod a l,ls r1.,,u],,. he rstilleti his rlrs rn.l rrrf,liri ir rlr.ir tli.e.
rcourresy Dr Mlriam starkl TIis!.,1 l'rn l'xn Lrrl orl\ r trricl []s,, urd rrr srLcreedeJ b]
, .,.ti,.Ifiilit.r\ pro\.nkro\f roll,. l.flrese rs fro SlLl mrn
t)r.. .r rl,r.nrd, thLs ler.ler rnclrrL.t,l \ r i (il .i!,q,Lest rg!Lnlt Ltr
t"I relerr lhe r]'lcst i.lLrLLnJ rt l'hnr I'h. r
in Su,Lr l'rflin(e r te.rfle brLilt in th.
;th .enr!r\ i)rei 1.Jen: ltlle, dre the Melong an.
inrtrLrrr olrhi,l L\ !till !elrtnel\ Lntrt: buildinss there
The Delelopment of slates
Litteremainsolthe nteland
! exlei.r de.oralion of the main
Above eftr Excavat ons adiacenrro
the maln shrineal Phlmai
uncovered brk[ foundat ons ofa
istempe,lound Lolhesouth of treSouthGroupai shanapura
.orporaies ex.ellent images ol the chenla period pa aces
!rrr.r,r!i lrlr L,r \r.r.,:l !n.lfn,r. \.r. Lrhnlc' lor clccorrrru, Aso G ed lylnBpaa.e',seenon
the temple513 ol the southe r
rl,l.l, lf, u,l,ri irrrrr.s (,1 cllLr prtr.c t,ullcluu: LomfL.tc rith th.l
l_l,iri ,:r 1rc,r loLu,cs. I-,:t r: no, Lr,r, r n nr,rr rlctril Lrt Left:Thetemple pre. nd5 ol
r it r li! ru( r,rnfur,.,,1s ,rl i! ,t irlnru fhr hrorL ,ri Lhc .rnLrrl shanapurawere sumunded by
dre erste,,, qrrr.,r, thc ouLcr rr11,.rn rrerre lei.Ls rn u r,.r. r.sorrj
Ji[r]cireJ l.\'.i.11,.n, bJils
Nurr!,:,Lrtrnr',lr bccn lrunc] nththe,ent,il!..,,r, Ilk.
Lr(oth.rtr. rt hrserr,rlfuL srrrLurl IhLthNrs rrseJ,r, I
plrLiom retheLi b1 .lllll nr srrps. Cr\.rl llrn; guariL rc;sr ro Mamallapuram,
lhc mrilrJirti n1,r,)1n,.1:,r1 Ll,r: Lcnplc ttrIe. tle jifinLrr!.i Clirese accr
\ hl.h Drcr,!res 1.1 br' 1.1 ,,,, r lth r rltr l.! ntrrr:s thr. k. .,\,, roi.r
rtrrrrlssu.r oi lshrrrpLr e t,.rs , cL rrtcJ LILrL rhc \rr( turic( ire
5rr $lrl,nr r Jo!bl. \illeJ errl,rs,,rc,nc.,slrur 2l,y 2 km. lhe
,,:r,:floi, rrs trrnrl rLrtside thr cirr ra t. this area. Origin
Vrn Li.r. l9slll ha. r,,rsiLl(:rrJ Ll,c tLtLlrrulir sy'tem oi
l.l,r,ru,ru Onc ottlr problerr,, s rhrL rl,. slL,r \i.o..!fr.(ilir houscd over 20,
nrn) ..rtfrl!s l,rllorrrs the cnil Lit Ishnd,rrlruL s trsr lnJeeri
t r r! r ..ilr. oi.lltrLre .r.L lea.fir! .11! if! rh. fcr rrJ rf the . h.sj, third day. At th
r\,,![nri!n 5tiL. (l)sh,ri lq6ir, rt,r,, ]L rr: lurkccl rf th! srerr .1d
.!ir.r, l,rli.l.\n !nJir rr\'ir ran VII It ls lro\.,cr .trite fer'Ll.te
thir sllnc nl ih. r.scrroir. ind th. r,r,ir1ril cr.r:trLr oilrhrnrpLrr
r{rc.ornnr.1..i JurinitIe irh rerirlrr\ Il,rsr r,rrc prhrl-.L by armed guard
Jeiirf..L rrrnr. lor supflring the morts ,ellii.n! oufdrtLorl in.l
LLrho 1r1u rLr L[u |r r]r rcrtr.g ri! c li.ldi This simple
lsho m c,juhs thc lxrg.\t rnd fron ldil\riil\. ,r rsnr\
nr.trr.!,tr 1ni,, trls p.rrccl hut serenl otho slr.\ rr\( !lso
Lcrexled i n,t.l.us 1]1 irnpr(sr\. bri,li s.r.t11ir['s A,np]1 Ro]!n
lrkm ortrrrst ol Tshrnrryro, hrr ereml)1. l|..,1d'r1.5 rhrrr
hrlih r rrlned sL.r!rrl!s som. ff \tri, I hxl e I eiiLr d l,,sJqLirr
Ihi iL.hae.l,r!i.rl r.rf.iirs o1 Tlah llorNat erc le,qc rrd lnpr*Lrr.
t hij site ..nrdref.ls I uijor tr r.lc roLLte, 1rler. rli. !,r l.\ s ol Lh.
Bansti5 ll:l6El.rilt\li ni rl,c J.(frrtion fitle Ih.li B.ri,,l
li,Lr s hr, ltcl her n, drt.. 1 r.ti, .lr l.r Lhfl tho"e oi Ishxrlf,f,l
"urh,:1lorr-.l.glii .\idor(. thit Lill lli|ttl lils
ficl iL ls or
srtI.sLrJ rh. situ i! r Diior i.flr.
Tr. ri(hitc.turrl \t1le rn.l lrirli.u rrt\ th..le(f,riLon on \rll
furlrrcs rncl cloo Lnrels re rl.l, sn!,.!5 ol inl,,,mrron rn i],r
The Developmenl of states
.l,l! rn..stor! \' li.r\ t1 :l!rN) hx5 r\hLLst 1.L! r,,r 1 :r.1 thc fu . hr
K rr,., t.rts..rntl rerrrl,:J l,or Lhcr t-.rf\idc jril!lt inLl) rhe \ot rl
nIn!.rl il,os. ar rh. na\li( ol Lrirflc\, ilreLr dL,rt.t, .rnll rtiett5.,:
rl,,: Lrrls.:1.r, sLn h es rl,. l)o!.Jiri.s ui r it tl.lJs rr rcr trrkr Lrit thc dynasty disap
rrLd,n.l,,,r!1. lx.oh l.tis 1:lr9l Althotgh the
i\1.\1 rlL.rtirjn li\.\., ,J\ 1,..n dirc,rcd Ln5r rr.rr.tifrr
(hL.tL fr.,rtloi th. rime( .l ,nl.rs n t!.ler rf r!.ifsli!ir r!!x)nri tfe Mekong exch
cllrrsrr .rr]1r,:,,(s Oie pIttrrl.lr rtrrl Ln,:rce.-,r1, ch rrs L,rscd ir:
rt ler\t fNrl ri lt! lliirrr rr Isl,u|rlnrrr, L5 tlie he(r L,,1]\!D A non
rfif,nritn! lir5.rji]tifn rlrtrd ro AD bli: rnl,,rnis Ii r,rt lh. jLleL!
ol ths ,lr.rst\ \.,r s.r1e,l l.r .r,r,,1,.,s ol ri elirc to,tl\ \\|r.h
orr olthe hsr [],,rs oi I rLrrn if rl,..rrlr t,th,entrrr' -l rus Llrrr
chenla: summary
\\ rtl, :,r ;n_l,,r I rirl, iririri 1:rd.,, Ll,. ar:, i,r,rrn, rl,. l..,rs
L, .[.\u].1,,:! r)ol li.iL ..,,L,rlll!,,r,rrl rtrf 11,. I). lr l. 1,, !,,d.