Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
Chapter Ii
means of the classroom and it is a significant part of syllabus content and learning
outcomes. In this review paper, the researcher define the term speaking, explain the
features of speaking, clarify the stages of teaching speaking skill, discuss the
strategies for improving speaking skill, and finally offered some useful suggestions
for teaching and learning speaking skill. The findings of this review paper indicated
environment for EFL learners to improve their English speaking ability effectively
and efficiently. Introduction Bueno, Madrid, and McLaren (2006) said that
speaking is one of the most difficult skills that EFL learners encounter. Despite this,
it has been forced into the background while EFL teachers have spent most of their
classroom time attempting to teach their learners how to write, read, and listen in
the second language. According to Efrizal (2012), speaking skill is more important
for people interaction where they speak everywhere and every day by English.
persons who come from several countries to be easier in making interaction and
Efrizal (2012) expressed that speaking involves speech or sentences with the aim
understand their purposes. According to Bailey and Savage (1994), the ability to
speak English language is equivalent with knowing that language. In spite of that,
speaking in English language has been regarded as the most challenging of the four
language skills. Brown (1994) stated that speaking is one of the most demanding
skill for EFL learners because of contractions, vowel reductions and elision.
1. Aspects of Speaking
by the teacher. Brown (2001: 268-269) proposes four aspects of speaking skills,
namely fluency, accuracy, pronunciation, and vocabulary. They become the main
requirements that must exist for the teacher to design the speaking activities for
his/her students. Therefore, a good speaking activity has to cover all these four
following aspects.
a) Fluency
quickly and confidently, with few hesitation or unnatural pauses, false start, word
searches, etc. (Noonan, 2003: 55). Speakers need to know where he/she has to pause
and stop his/her speaking in appropriate place. Furthermore, it can be said to speak
fluently if a speaker does not produce word per word at a time in his/her speaking.
b) Accuracy
Noonan (2003: 55) states that accuracy happens when students‟ speech
matches what people actually say when they use the target language. Specifically,
accuracy deals with the grammatical structures which cover some aspects like part
of speech, tense, phrase, sentence, etc. Thus in order to achieve the level of accuracy
the students are demanded to use the correct grammatical structures in their speech.
c) Pronunciation
pronunciation goals can focus on elements that enhance communication which will
d) Vocabulary
an ample site of vocabulary. In fact, some students have only limited vocabulary so
they meet some difficulties in speaking. Therefore, it is necessary for the English
teacher to put some effort in order to enrich the students‟ vocabulary. Noonan
The most useful vocabulary that every language learner needs whether they
use the language for listening, speaking, reading or writing or whether they use the
language in formal and informal situations is the most frequent 1000 word families
of English.
The teachers need to clearly distinguish the way they treat high frequency
3) Give attention to the high frequency words across the four strands of a
High frequency vocabulary should get attention through teaching and study
learners need to realize that they must be responsible for their own learning.
are many types of classroom speaking activities. Harmer (2001: 348-352) proposes
six classroom speaking activities. They are acting from script, communication
Playing scripts and acting out the dialogues are two kinds of acting scripts
that should be considered by the teacher in the teaching and learning process. In
playing scripts, it is important for the students to act out it as real acting. The role
stress, intonation, and speed. This means that the lines they speak will have real
meaning. By giving students practice in these things before they give their final
performances, the teacher ensures that acting out is both a learning and language
producing activity. In acting the dialogue, the students will be very helped if they
are given time to rehearse their dialogues before the performance. The students will
2) Communication games
games are made based on the principle of the information gap so that one student
has to talk to a partner in order to solve a puzzle, draw a picture, put a thing in the
right order, or find similarities and differences between pictures. Television and
radio games, imported into the classroom, often provide good fluency activities.
3) Discussion
Discussion is probably the most commonly used activity in the oral skills
class. Here, the students are allowed to express their real opinions. According to
Harmer (2001:272) discussion range is divided into several stages from highly
formal, whole-group staged events to informal small group interactions. The first is
the buzz groups that can be used for a whole range of discussion activities. The
second is instant comments which can train students to respond fluently and
stage of a lesson and nominating students to say the first thing that comes into their
head. The last is formal debates. Students prepare arguments in favor or against
various propositions. The debate will be started when those who are appointed as
the audience, pitch in as the debate progresses with their own thoughts on the
4) Prepared talks
Students make a presentation on a topic of their own choice. Such talks are
not designed for informal spontaneous conversations because they are prepared and
more „writing like‟. However, if possible students should speak from notes rather
5) Questionnaires
Questionnaires are very useful because they ensure that both questioner and
respondent have something to say to each other. Students can design questionnaires
on any topic that is appropriate. As they do so the teacher can act as a resource,
helping them in the design process. The results obtained from questionnaires can
then form the basis for written work, discussions, or prepared talks.
Simulation and role play can be used to encourage general oral fluency, or
to train students for specific situations. Students can act out simulation as them or
take on the role of completely different character and express thoughts and feelings
functions speaking performs in daily communication and the different purposes for
which the students need speaking skills. They are imitative, intensive, responsive,
parrot back a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. The purpose of imitation is not
for meaningful interaction but for focusing on some particular elements of language
responsive, short replies are the example of speaking performance which does not
extend into dialogues, for example standard greetings, simple requests and
comments etc.
with only one or two follow up questions (Brown, 2004: 141). Interactive speaking
oral production can be in the form of reports, summaries, and speeches. It can be
planned or impromptu.
B. Types of Speaking
engage in the most. This type of speech can involve everything from arguing about
But it's true that virtually any informative speech will benefit from good supporting
Nothing makes an argument more persuasive than a solid factual base. Use
the library's collections to get statistics, research, and other information to craft the
express themselves in spoken language. They are generally facing problems to use
the foreign language to express their thoughts effectively. They stop talking because
they face psychological obstacles or cannot find the suitable words and expressions.
knowledge of spoken English. This paper aims at establishing the need to focus on
the factors affecting on language learners’ English speaking skill. This review paper
traces out the body of research concerning the term speaking, the importance of
appropriate speaking instruction was found to be the learners’ priority and a field
in which they need more attention. This study can be useful to teachers and
that speaking is a highly complex and demanding process. The ability to speak well
is not naturally acquired except by practicing and learning through experience. This
study has been devoted to investigate whether there is any relationship between
researcher analyzed the score. To analyze the data of this study, the ‘correlation
analyses and ‘multiple- regression’ were run to measure the degree of relationship
among variables. The results revealed that there is a high and significant correlation
other words, reading and pronunciation can assess speaking scores. Furthermore,
5. Teaching Speaking
its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been undervalued and
requires that the goal of teaching speaking should improve students to use language
According to Brown and Yule (1983: 27) the objective of teaching speaking
is to enable the learners to express their feelings, opinions, and ideas in the target
challenging because they have limited opportunities to use the target language
outside the classroom (Noonan, 2003: 54). In relation to the teaching of speaking,
Noonan (2003: 54-56) proposes some principles for designing speaking teaching
The first principle for teaching speaking is being aware of the differences
between second language and foreign language learning contexts. In many schools
not the language of communication in the society. Therefore, teacher has to work
harder in teaching the students. The second principle for teaching speaking is giving
students practice with both fluency and accuracy. Fluency and accuracy are
make sure that his/her students get adequate practices to develop both their fluency
and accuracy. Teacher should not interrupt his/her students in the middle of their
speaking, even though it aims to correct the students speaking mistake. The students
could not develop their fluency if they often get interruption in their speaking. The
third principle is providing opportunities for students to talk by using group work
or pair work, and limiting teacher talk. The students are usually reluctant to speak
They think that they will take the responsibility alone if they make mistakes,
so they choose to keep silent in order to be safe. However, it will be different if they
do the speaking activities in group. They will have partners in group activities, so
they will be not alone if they make a mistake. Therefore, teacher should not start
the speaking activity by asking the students to have a single speaking performance
but he/she can start it in a group performance. Furthermore, the teacher has to
realize that the main role of a teacher in speaking activity is as feedback provider.
It means in speaking activities teacher should not dominate the classroom talk.
He/she has to encourage and provide more opportunities for the students to practice
speaking and give correction if he/she finds the students make mistakes.
The fourth principle is planning speaking tasks that involve negotiation for
meaning. Being able to understand and make ourselves understood are two crucial
points in communication that the speakers must take into account. These two points
to the speaking activity, the teacher is demanded to design the speaking task that
can cover the practice of negotiating meaning. It involves asking for clarification,
repetition, and explanation. Therefore, at the and of the lesson the students can have
the ability to clarify their understanding and confirm that someone has understood
about they have said during the communication in the target language. The fifth
communication for certain purposes to get something done such as the exchange of
telephoning for a taxi. The two types of oral production skill enable to put into role
2) Try to involve each student in every speaking activity; for this aim,
5) Ask eliciting questions such as “What do you mean? How did you reach
6) Provide written feedback like “Your presentation was really great. It was
a good job. I really appreciated your efforts in preparing the materials and efficient
are speaking. Correction should not distract student from his/her speech.
8) Involve speaking activities not only in the class but also out of the class;
9) Circulate around classroom to ensure that students are on the right track
and see whether they need your help while they work in groups or pair.
themselves in the target language and provide more opportunities to practice the
spoken language. Both Noonan and Kayi propose almost the same basic principles
in the teaching speaking. Both of them suggest the English language teachers to
give their students enough opportunity to speak and have speaking practice to
hold motivate the student to learn English. The students need their teacher’s
number of different roles during the speaking activities. The following are the
teachers‟ role when we are trying to get the learners to speak fluently:
What we can get from games? Wright said that it attracts students’ interest
Students would not stuffy, boring, sleepy and similar problems, because they are
asked to take part during the lesson. Their attention would be focused on the
materials being presented without being making any other Negative action and
In a similar extent, there are several advantages of using games in the classroom
speaking games bring real world context in to the classroom, and increase
usually involve friendly competition and they keep students interested in learning
the language; and games can help students to learn and hang on to new words more
7. Guessing Game
some kinds of information, such as: a word, a phrase, a title, and the location object.
The teacher can give clues and/ or the students can ask question using the
language of colures (“It is red or green”), animals (“Monkeys eat/ like this”), shapes
(“It’s a circle”), or other adjectives of shape and size (long, round, medium-sized,
b. Animal guessing
Clues can consist of colors (“It is yellow and black”), numbers (“There are
three in this room/ on the flashcard”- if they know the cards already or can see them
all), sizes and shapes (“It is round/ big/ very small”), numbers plus body parts (“It
has eight legs”), sizes and shapes plus body parts (“It has a long neck”), or
c. Actions guessing
You can give clues including numbers (“I have two of these”), sizes and
shapes (“An elephant has a long one of these”), clothes (“You put your scarf around
e.Numbers guessing
Clues include sentences using animals (“A spider has this many legs”),
classroom language (“There are this many boys in the class”), actions (“I clean my
teeth this many times a day”) or transport (“A train sometimes has this many
8. The Hypothesis
following Hypothesis such as: the null Hypothesis (Ho). In which the null
Hypothesis indicated that the use of guessing game in teaching speaking is not
effective. While, the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is” the use of guessing game in