Learning Module GE Envi Sci - Module 3 - Mmo
Learning Module GE Envi Sci - Module 3 - Mmo
Learning Module GE Envi Sci - Module 3 - Mmo
GE Environmental
Module 3 – Environmental Problems and Issues
Instructor 1
Studying environment science is all about learning the way we should live and how we can develop
sustainable strategies to protect the environment. It helps every student to develop an understanding
of living and physical environment and how to resolve challenging environmental issues affecting
nature. In addition to studying the physical aspects of the environment, it also emphasizes the need
to conserve biodiversity and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and utilize resources in a responsible
way. The inclusion in the curriculum is a way to increase
public awareness about environmental issues, explore possible solutions, and to lay the foundations
for a fully informed and active participation of individual in the protection of environment and the
prudent and rational use of natural resources.
With natural resources such as air, water, oil, minerals are getting depleted rapidly, the
environmental studies course can help students understand the importance of these resources and
how we can improve the situation by taking appropriate actions in our regular lives to preserve these
To discuss how human activities result in environmental problems.
To describe the nature of environmental problems / issues, their causes, risks, and
1. In one word, describe the picture below. Discuss your answer.
2. What do you think are the causes of water pollution? Write your answers on the space
Water Pollution
Water Pollution – any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological properties of a
water body resulting in the impairment of its purity or quality.
Air Pollution - any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of the atmospheric
air, or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid substances that will or is likely to create or
to render the air resources of the country harmful, detrimental, or injurious to public health, safety or
welfare or which will adversely affect their utilization for domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural,
recreational, or other legitimate purposes.
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Lightning & certain bacteria • Irritation of the eyes, nose
Colorless in soil & water (nitrogen and throat
Plays a role in the cycle) • Aggravation of lung
formation of Automobile engines ailments (asthma,
photochemical smog Coal-burning power and bronchitis)
industrial plants
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) NO reaction with oxygen • Irritation of the eyes, nose
Reddish brown gas and throat
Plays a role in the • Aggravation of lung
formation of ailments (asthma,
photochemical smog bronchitis)
NOx: HNO3 (nitric acid), NO2 reaction with water • Irritation of the eyes, nose
NO3- (nitrate salts) vapor in the air and throat
Components of acid • Aggravation of lung
deposition ailments (asthma,
• Reduced resistance to
colds and pneumonia
• Irritation of the eyes, nose
and throat
VOCs: HCs 1/3 of global methane • Eye, nose and throat
(hydrocarbons), CH4 emissions come from irritation
(methane), benzene, & natural sources (plants, • Headaches, loss of
other liquids wetlands, termites) coordination, nausea
Emitted as gases from 2/3 from human sources • Damage to liver, kidney
certain solids or liquids (rice paddies, landfills, oil and central nervous
and natural gas wells, system
belching of cows) • Cancer
Household products, fuels
Global warming – refers to the increase in the earth’s mean temperature due to the so-called
enhanced greenhouse effect.
Figure 3. A Greenhouse
Climate Change – refers to noticeable changes in the global climate, attributed directly/indirectly to
human activities.
Increase in the global temperatures
Increase/decrease in rainfall
Increase in severity/frequency of tropical cyclones
Easy Things You Can Do to Save Endangered Species and stop species extinction
Learn about endangered species in your area
Visit a national wildlife refuge, park or other open space
Make your home wildlife friendly
Native plants provide food and shelter for native wildlife
Herbicides and pesticides may keep yards looking nice but they are in fact hazardous
pollutants that affect wildlife at many levels
Slow down when driving
Recycle and buy sustainable products
Never purchase products made from threatened or endangered species
The DENR identified five (5) major pressures of biodiversity in the Philippines (Figure 8).
b. Overexploitation
Illegal Wildlife Trading
c. Pollution
d. Climate Change
e. Invasive Alien Species
To deal with environmental problems we face we must understand their causes. According to a
significant number of environment and social scientists, the major causes of today’s environmental
problems are:
Population growth
Wasteful and unsustainable resource use
Omission of the harmful environmental and health costs of goods and services in the
Increasing isolation from nature
Competing environmental worldviews
1. What are the sources of air pollution and how this pollution affects the human health?
3. What are some effective ways to clean-up polluted water? Support your answer.
Can you discuss how human activities result in environmental problems?
Can you describe the nature of environmental problems / issues, their causes, risks, and
Synthesize journal articles (at least 5 articles - local) related to species extinction (by group).
Composition- 13
Organization- 5
Originality/Citation- 5
Grammar- 2
Miller, G. T., & Spoolman, S. (2011). Living in the environment: principles, connections, and
solutions. Nelson Education.
Doherty, T. S., Dickman, C. R., Nimmo, D. G., & Ritchie, E. G. (2015). Multiple threats, or
multiplying the threats? Interactions between invasive predators and other ecological
disturbances. Biological Conservation, 190, 60-68.