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This thematic paper could not have been completed without their
thoughtfulness and assistance; I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one
of them. The first is to Associate Professor Sooksan Kantabutra, Ph.D., my advisor, for
his inspiration, suggestions, and comments throughout this study. I am also appreciative
of the recommendations my classmates (batch 24A) especially, Pi Duangthip provided
me throughout the Thematic paper period. Another thankful for me is Suki Jinda, that
place has always been my favorite restaurant after doing this paper. Without these
people and my favorite location, this paper would not have been done satisfactorily.
Thank you once again.

Thanat Piromchaikij







The purpose of this study was to investigate user satisfaction that could lead them in using
fitness services in Bangkok, Thailand, provided by factors affecting their decisions to use those fitness
services. Though every user has individual activity purposes, preferences, and life factors, it's critical to
choose the appropriate fitness services that fit your expectations. There are more than 2.2 million people
from the social media community were interested in exercise activities and 1.4 million people from that
community focus on exercise in the fitness center. Since in 2021, there is 81% of people will start to plan
for their health by exercising and 42% of that number are willing to spend more time on their health.
Nowadays, Fitness services keep expanding their branches and operating to respond to this need from
users in terms of moving and focusing more on health consciousness after the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the steady growth of health consciousness from the user and fitness industry, it is
beneficial to research the satisfaction level of the users of Fitness services in Bangkok, Thailand. The
study's research objectives are to understand the factors that influence users to choose Fitness services in
Bangkok, Thailand to suggest further improvement to the Fitness industry. Such analysis would benefit
various stakeholders of the Fitness industry. The researcher purposively sampled 60 users of membership
for Fitness services in Bangkok, Thailand. The research instrument was online questionnaires on the main
factors that have a significant role in users’ satisfaction. The relationship hypothesis between factors and
satisfaction was tested in this study, including service quality, product/equipment effectiveness,
accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and social influence. To reach the aforementioned objectives, this study
implements quantitative method research to see the satisfaction level of each factor to Fitness services in
Bangkok, Thailand.
According to the findings, it was found that the majority of the users of the Fitness services
would be both males and females since the number of respondents is too close to each other and between
26 – 35 years of age. Importantly, it is evident that Fitness services are required to find ways to maintain
their accessibility and product/equipment effectiveness for their users. As a result of the study, the
researcher determined several ideas that led to defining the actionable recommendations for improving
the satisfaction level of users of Fitness services in Bangkok, Thailand.

KEY WORDS: Fitness / Exercise / Gyms/ Satisfaction / Fitness marketing

42 pages


1.1 Problem Statement 2
1.2 Research objectives 3
2.1 Variable 4
2.1.1 Service Quality 4
2.1.2 Product/Equipment Effectiveness 5
2.1.3 Accessibility 5
2.1.4 Cost-effectiveness 5
2.1.5 Social Influence 6
2.1.6 Overall Customer Satisfaction 7
2.2 Conceptual framework 8
2.2.1 Service Quality (Driver, +) 8
2.2.2 Product/Equipment Effectiveness (Driver, +) 8
2.2.3 Accessibility (Driver, +) 9
2.2.4 Cost-effectiveness (Driver, +) 9
2.2.5 Social Influence (Driver, + or Barrier, -) 9
3.1 Developing Research Methods 10
3.2 Quantitative Method 11

CONTENTS (cont.)

3.2.1 Sampling Plan 11
3.2.2 The Questionnaire 11
3.2.3 Pilot Test 12
3.2.4 Reliability Analysis 12
4.1 Demographics and behavior of respondents 14
4.2 Descriptive Statistics 18
4.3 Regression Analysis 22
5.1 Discussion 25
5.1.1 Service Quality 25
5.1.2 Product/Equipment Effectiveness 26
5.1.3 Accessibility 26
5.1.4 Cost-effectiveness 27
5.1.5 Social Influence 27
5.2 Recommendation 28
6.1 Conclusion 31
6.2 Limitation 32
Appendix A: Questionnaire 36


Table Page
3.1 Reliability Statistics 13
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 18
4.2 Mean of overall satisfaction 18
4.3 Mean of Service Quality 19
4.4 Mean of Product/Equipment Effectiveness 20
4.5 Mean of Accessibility 20
4.6 Mean of Cost-effectiveness 21
4.7 Mean of Social Influence 22
4.8 Regression result 23


Figure Page
1.1 Physical exercise and sports behavior of the people in 2021 2
2.1 Conceptual framework 8
4.1 Screening question in Quantitative research 15
4.2 Screening question in Quantitative research 15
4.3 General question1 in Quantitative research 16
4.4 General question2 in Quantitative research 17
4.5 General question3 in Quantitative research 17
4.6 General question4 in Quantitative research 17
4.7 Conceptual framework linking to users’ satisfaction 23
5.1 Recommendation for increasing Users’ Satisfaction 28


Currently, Bangkok, Thailand, has a wide range of fitness services. Virtually

every corner of the street, when you're walking somewhere has fitness centers fully
operational. This shows how health concerns have increased among Thai people in
recent years. Therefore, each fitness service must perform a different approach strategy
to attract users and encourage them to join the service as frequently as possible. Whether
it be equipment, a location, a service, a membership program, or other services, every
fitness services have a distinctive personality and range of services.
The infrastructure for fitness services varies depending on its users’ target,
where they are positioned, or other factors like the service fee involved to the users.
Still, the overall objective for the user is always the same to enhance their overall health.
The researcher assumes that it should be the reason behind the decision to choose Fitness
services. So, the researcher is interested in finding out from the users’ perspective
concerning the factor that leads to their satisfaction with each fitness service, in addition
to the service quality, equipment, location, cost, and social influence, which is taken the
most into consideration to choose.
Due to the fact that consumers today have a wide range of choices on the
market, there are many brands of fitness services now in Bangkok, Thailand. The top
majority now according to the research (Mybest, 2022) would be these 3 brands, Jetts
Fitness with 35 branches, Fitness First with 34 branches, and Virgin Active with 8
branches. Also, many fitness services are expanding branches or a newcomer opening.
It leads to businesses must find a way or attract more customers away from their
competitors in this cloud market. According to new research of the market summary of
the Fitness industry in Thailand (Nalisa, 2021), one of these top 3 brands are having
more than 10,000 million baht of its value business even during the COVID-19
pandemic and also still seeking to expand its values and branches to reflect the trend of
exercise from consumers.

Figure 1.1 Physical exercise and sports behavior of the people in 2021

An online poll (พฤติกรรมการออกกาลังกาย – การกีฬาแห่งประเทศไทย, n.d.) conducted by

the Sports Authority of Thailand of 48.59 million users across all social media platforms
found that 2.2 million of the respondents were interested in sports or exercising.
Referring to the above information, it is mentioned that 63.4% of people turn to focus
on exercise in the fitness center and weight training is also in the second trend of public
popularity forecast. Therefore, from what the researcher has stated above, it is an
opportunity for Fitness industry that can expand its business to gain more revenue.

1.1 Problem Statement

These days, consumers have increasingly focused on health consciousness
since the pandemic of COVID-19 a few years ago. That led to the same way of the
number of fitness services in Thailand has been also growing respectively to reflect the
health consciousness trend among Thai people.
Referring to the HKTDC Research, 81% of the Thai consumers surveyed
planned to spend more or about the same frequency as they do now on health, and they

found that 42% of that number are willing to spend more for their health (HKTDC,
2021). It is also aligned with the introduction statement about people turning to focus
on exercise in the fitness center, and the number of it is more than 1.4 million.
Therefore, as the users have many brands or choices to choose from because
the fitness industry is also kept themselves growing to serve this trend, the findings of
the study will present fitness services insight as a recommendation to the fitness industry
to enhance the experience of fitness users and to make further improvements to increase
overall satisfaction that can draw users’ attention.

1.2 Research objectives

The researcher was conforming to the following objectives when
conducting this study in order for it to be effective;
- Understanding the satisfaction of fitness users in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Learn about Bangkok, Thailand's fitness industry's expectations from
users and requirements in order to better recommend solutions to the industry.
The researcher will explain and define the factors that could be considered
as a driver to lead consumers' satisfaction for using Fitness services in Bangkok,
Thailand, in the next chapter.


The researcher assumes that it is not only health that consumers seek from
using Fitness services, but that there must be additional variables that influence a Fitness
user's preference or decision to use that service. According to the research objectives,
the variables with definitions would further explain through the paragraph below.

2.1 Variable

2.1.1 Service Quality

According to the findings of the study, positive perceptions of service
quality are significantly and positively linked to higher levels of customer commitment.
Service quality is acknowledged as an essential component of an organization’s effort
to gain a competitive advantage (Wilson et al., 2016), with a proven impact on
organizational bottom-line financial performance and profitability (KyoonYoo & Ah
Park, 2007). From its realization in the early 80’s until today, the basis of the conceptual
foundation of service quality construct has relied upon the maximum fulfillment of
customer needs and the absolute matching of service quality with customers’
expectations (Gronroos, 1984, Parasuraman et al., 1985). Therefore, these are classified
as: tangibles (physical facilities and equipment); reliability (dependability and accuracy
in service provision); responsiveness (willingness to help customers); assurance (the
knowledge and courtesy of employees); and empathy (Flood, 1995, p. 227). As a result,
service quality might be defined as the customer's impression of how effectively a
fitness provider matches user expectations. Quality is determined by both the service's
fitness services provided and the expectations they contribute to establishing to meet
customer experiences.

2.1.2 Product/Equipment Effectiveness

A definition of the equipment is the fitness equipment that customers use
when they workout at the fitness services. Overall product/equipment effectiveness
measures an asset’s level of productivity. The researcher found that there is a
combination of three factors that tell how efficient an asset is, there are asset availability,
asset performance, and production quality. Each one can tell something different about
how an asset operates (Janahi et al., 2020). When equipment operates at its full capacity,
it means that every item it produces is without defect in terms of quality, it is producing
as fast as possible in terms of performance, and it experiences no unplanned downtime
in terms of availability. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a valuable metric for
measuring the effectiveness and utilization of equipment, which can reflect the customer
or user satisfaction to use the fitness services because if the equipment keeps running
well with no obstacles, users do not need to wait for long due to a lack of availability,
and users can gain 100% result from its equipment when using it.

2.1.3 Accessibility
Based on the researcher's definition, considering defined accessibility as the
potential for interactions with any fitness services mostly. Accessibility is the time it
takes a user to get to the fitness center from where they live or work (Jang & Choi,
2018). The availability and accessibility of exercise facilities heavily influence users in
physical activity. At the end of the day, users can only take part in activities that are
conveniently available to them. For people who live in isolated communities, the
facilities available may be limited or non-existent. (Wei, 2020). Without an accessible
nearby user in a reasonable period of time or locating it in a convenient location, most
users may lead to unwilling to use that fitness service. Therefore, the facilities around
Fitness Services are important to be one of factors that can influence users to use. For
example, public transportation will need to be accessible to reach the fitness services
easily, also, including having a parking lot.

2.1.4 Cost-effectiveness
Definition according to Kotler and Armstrong (2010) price is the amount of
money charged for a product or service or the sum of the values that customers exchange

for the benefits of having or using the product or service. Stanton, Michael, and Bruce
(1994) defined price as the amount of money or goods needed to acquire some
combination of other goods and their accompanying services. From this research study,
the researcher can assume that the equipment inside the fitness services is a product and
the staff inside their as a service for users to face. The marketing literature showed
researchers’ inclination toward price fairness in relation to customer satisfaction
(Kukar-Kinney, Xia and Monroe, 2007; Martin-Consuegra, Molina, and Esteban, 2007).
Since, price fairness is a critical problem that leads to satisfaction and the fair pricing
contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty as well. Perceived price is particularly
significant since the researcher observed that offering fair pricing to users, in addition
to building a long-term relationship, increased loyalty in terms of positive attitudes and
behaviors in the case of doing long-term business. In this case, the membership fee is
the monthly fee rate charged for customers to be enrolled in the fitness services. From
this study, the researcher could conclude that people evaluate the value of products and
services by comparing it with the amount of money they spend. The term "cost-
effectiveness" refers to the process of comparing a product's or service's effectiveness
to its costs. When it comes to product pricing and effective use, it is the critical
consideration for users, which the business must take into consideration the perspective
of the user. In terms of marketing, the link between cost-effectiveness and customer
satisfaction could also be seen as a result, when considering service quality.

2.1.5 Social Influence

Definition: In human social interaction, social influence is a powerful force.
In many social interactions, people change their thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, or conduct
to more closely match those of the people they contact with. Individuals are impacted
by others because they are persuaded by persuasive arguments (Myers, 1982). Also,
social influence looks at how behavior can be changed through pressures from others
within a social context, once this pressure is understood it can be in turn used to
influence participation in physical activity and exercise (Darlow & Xu, 2011).
Consumers integrate the information they receive in this manner and use these cognitive
structures to make sense of their surroundings. According to Foxall and Goldsmith,
1994, consumers apply this concept to reflect an integrated network of knowledge,

feelings, attitudes, and related thoughts and behaviors regarding a subject, a product
category, brand, store, or buying process. In this regard, the process of changing feelings
and behaviors that occurs unconsciously or indirectly when the majority influences the
minority is known as social influence
The researcher found research from Perform (2019) has further described
that it explained why individuals might become addicted to exercise either by the
chemical releases (Tanaka et al. 2009) and personal experiences (Spink et al. 2013) or
by the influence of others/leaders in an exercise group whose norms accept the
consequences of exercise addiction (Parastatidou et al. 2012). As a result, the user's
decision to use Fitness is influenced by others around them or the current social trends
that might persuade people to switch from one brand to another.

2.1.6 Overall Customer Satisfaction

Definition: Customer satisfaction is defined as an "evaluation of the
perceived discrepancy between prior expectations and the actual performance of the
product" (Tse and Wilton, 1988, Oliver 1999). Satisfaction of customers with the
products and services of a company is considered the most important factor leading
toward competitiveness and success (Hennig-Thurau and Klee, 1997). Satisfaction
serves to reinforce buyer loyalty and repeat the experience, whereas dissatisfaction
leaves a negative attitude towards the service and the customer/ member usually drops
out. Engel et al. (1995) defined satisfaction as ‘a post consumption evaluation that a
chosen alternative at least meets or exceeds expectations’ (p. 273). The opposite
response is dissatisfaction. This factor aims to understand the decision process behavior
after the consumption of the product/service. Customers evaluate the product/service
against their needs and expectations. The outcome is satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

2.2 Conceptual framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework

According to the present findings, the researcher has designed a Conceptual

framework to analyze this concept as the main theory to be developed for use in the
study's core objectives. The satisfaction of users has been recognized by the researcher
as a dependent variable. The independent variable will then be identified and further
explain in detail through the paragraph below.

2.2.1 Service Quality (Driver, +)

Understanding the factors that the service quality from this study indicates
that this factor would connect to the users' satisfaction since all businesses understands
that they must put in the effort to gain a competitive advantage. If the fitness services
respond effectively to users' expectations, this factor could be a driver of users'

2.2.2 Product/Equipment Effectiveness (Driver, +)

Product/Equipment effectiveness is the fact or state of having been affected
by or gained knowledge through direct participation which all has been accumulated in

users’ memory. By the way, the experience of each user could be both good or bad,
depending on what they have faced in the Fitness services. Anyway, in this study, in
terms of effectiveness, it is considered a driver for users to have more satisfaction with
Fitness services.

2.2.3 Accessibility (Driver, +)

One of the main considerations for users when deciding whether to visit a
fitness center is accessibility. This factor is a key driver since users may decide to visit
the fitness center if they feel it is convenient for them to do so, whether it is near to
where they are or takes low commute time. Furthermore, accessibility is a key factor,
followed by variety and customer interaction, because convenience can boost users’
satisfaction and willingness to revisit. Users could even experience more convenience
with the Fitness services as a result of the time or effort saved while going to the Fitness

2.2.4 Cost-effectiveness (Driver, +)

Regardless of the study that users consider and compare the products,
services, and costs that they must spend for, the opportunity to afford fitness
memberships from users in this research could be considered as a driver. Because users
have thus considered the cost before deciding to pay and then decided that paying for it
is acceptable for them.

2.2.5 Social Influence (Driver, + or Barrier, -)

Depending on the people or environment surrounding them, social influence
is an effective way for individuals to change their thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs. Users
may also utilize this approach to reflect on their purchasing decisions. Because it
basically depends on each person's experience and their ability to influence others in a
positive or negative way, the researcher considers this factor as both a driver and a
The methodology and how to get through this study is presented in next
chapter 3.


This chapter will go through the specifics of the current study's

methodological research framework.

3.1 Developing Research Methods

The research methods utilized were influenced by the study's objective,
which was to study the variables that influence users' preferences for and satisfaction
with a fitness service in Bangkok, Thailand. Additionally, it aims to determine whether
there are any variations in users' perceptions and which of the identified variables has
the most impact on the satisfaction of people among various demographic groups in the
community of fitness in Bangkok, Thailand.
As described earlier, the research’s principal objective and conceptual
framework foresee answering the following primary questions:
1. What are the factors that affect fitness users' satisfaction with choosing
fitness service in Bangkok, Thailand?
2. What are the factors that affect fitness users' decision will not choose that
fitness service in Bangkok, Thailand if they do not have that factor?
Additionally, the selected research methodology must be effective at
answering the study objectives and evaluating the research questions, such as
- Understanding the satisfaction of fitness users in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Learn about Bangkok, Thailand's fitness industry's expectations from
users and requirements in order to better recommend solutions to the industry.
In continuing to keep up with this, the researcher decided the study would
utilize quantitative methodology. This method depends exclusively on field research to
understand users' perspectives. The following paragraphs will provide great depth on
applying the research tools, data collection, and data processing methodologies

implementing SPSS Statistics software to draw correlations and regressions, factor

analysis comparing and contrasting the information gathered in quantitative data
enabled the researcher to conclude the finding.

3.2 Quantitative Method

The survey was used as the quantitative data collection method and based
on the research assumption on the five factors influencing the satisfaction level of the
users of Fitness Services in Bangkok, Thailand, the researcher developed a
questionnaire for further distribution via online channels and direct-to the users at fitness
center across difference of area in Bangkok, Thailand aiming for response collection
and to ensure that the respondents are from a different area, gender, and brand of the
fitness services. The questionnaire survey is divided into four main parts: screening
questions, general questions, specific questions, and demographic questions of the

3.2.1 Sampling Plan

The sample selected for answering this study consists of both females and
males who live in Bangkok, Thailand. The researcher selected the sample that has
experience using any fitness services whether in terms of users or employees inside the
fitness center in the area of Bangkok, Thailand, as a part of their health consciousness,
activity, or any factors behind them before answering the questions. This could screen
the sample (people) who is the direct target for this study. The preferred research
parameter would include 60 respondents as a user of fitness services in Bangkok,

3.2.2 The Questionnaire

There are Thai and English versions of the online survey provided. Both
versions, which are separated into eight sections, are equivalent to each other. The
questionnaire is divided into three main parts; screening questions including general
questions, factors research, and demographics of the respondents.

The first section contains screening questions and is designed to filter out
the responses which do not fit the sampling plan also includes general questions related
to knowing more about the experience of using the fitness center. Sections two to seven,
which combine responses based on each independent variable in the research
framework, are used to understand the level of the user's overall satisfaction. There were
four levels on the questionnaire's rating scale, starting with Strongly Agree, Agree,
Disagree, and Strongly Disagree, for the respondents to answer. Since this study wants
to understand the users' positive or negative responses and provide a recommendation
to the Fitness industry, the researcher decided to apply a 4-point rating scale because a
7-point scale would be too much and would cause the respondent to suffer. As a result,
the researcher discovered surveys and studies used a 4-point rating scale to be a
reference before making this decision.
Finally, the last section is to collect the respondents' demographic
information. As the researcher would like to understand the factor that influences users
to choose fitness, this research also aims to study and understand the factor to increase
customer satisfaction in choosing or making the decision that would benefit this industry
in the future.

3.2.3 Pilot Test

The online survey is available for respondents in both Thai and English. In
any case, the researcher provided this online survey to 5 people the target respondent
whether in Thai or English version and ended up taking their feedback to modify this
online survey before having to release it to the public. That is to ensure that all the
questions will effectively reach the point of this questionnaire and that respondents will
understand the question and answer it effectively.

3.2.4 Reliability Analysis

Due to the fact that the researcher had multiple sections that explain a scale
variable in a survey questionnaire. Because of this, it's necessary to show that each item
on a scale question is intercorrelated with others, or that the items are connected and
their values move together. Therefore, the below table is the reliability analysis of each

Table 3.1 Reliability Statistics

Reliability Statistics
Construct Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
Service Quality 0.87 5
Product Equipment Effectiveness 0.84 5
Cost Effectiveness 0.80 5
Social Influence 0.74 4
Overall Satisfaction 0.69 5
Accessibility 0.63 5

The Cronbach's Alpha result is shown as ranging from 0.63 to 0.87 for all
study variables. It displays that all questions are still considered valid even though some
variables are still up for debate. However, a connection between each item is still taken
into consideration.
In the next chapter, the researcher will go through the finding.


4.1 Demographics and behavior of respondents

For the quantitative method of this study, a total of 123 samples were
collected. There are 64 respondents were filtered in through the screening questions as
the researcher's target group of respondents.
The gender share of the respondents is as follows: 34 male (53.1%), and 30
female (46.9%), for the gender consideration, the researcher provided this question to
let the respondent consider their gender by themselves. For the age range, the two largest
groups are 26-35 and 36-45 years old, with 49 (76.6%) and 10 (15.6%) respondents,
respectively, while 5 respondents (7.9%) are younger than 25 years old and older than
46 years old.
Regarding income profile, the majority of the respondents have a monthly
income in the range of 25,001 – 40,000 baht – 17 respondents (26.6%), followed by the
next segment with an income range of 40,001 – 55,000 baht – 16 respondents (25%).
Lastly, there are 2 group ranges of income that have the same respondent, which is 8
persons in each range, they have an income below 25,000 baht and higher than 70,000
baht (12.5% each). Occupation profiles show that 50 respondents (78.1%) are
Employed for wages, 7 respondents (10.9%) are self-employed or freelance, and 7
persons (11%) have ‘other’ occupations.
Geographically, all of the respondents who passed the screening questions
is living in Bangkok, Thailand for more than 1 year already (64 people or 100%),
additional information from this, there are 51 persons – 79.7% that have experience
using the Fitness service in Bangkok, Thailand for more than 1 year, the remaining of
13 persons – 20.3% are having the experience below than 1 year.
According to the questionnaire design concerning Fitness service users in
Bangkok, Thailand, 68.8% of them—or 44 people—have used the Fitness service for
more than one brand. By comparison, 31.3% of them—or 20 people—have only

experienced one brand. The majority of respondents answer to the brand, the three
largest brands are Fitness First with 47 respondents (74.6%), Jetts Fitness with 24
(38.1%) respondents, and Virgin Active with 10 respondents (15.9%), and others would
the brand that located in Bangkok, Thailand as well.

Graph 1: Screening Question 1

Figure 4.1 Screening question in Quantitative research

93.5% or 115 people are the target respondent while 6.5% or 8 people is
living in other provinces, not in Bangkok, Thailand.

Graph 2: Screening Question 2

Figure 4.2 Screening question in Quantitative research


From the 115 respondent who passed the first of screening question, there
are 55.6% or 64 people only are the membership of Fitness center in Bangkok, Thailand
while 44.3% or 51 people does not a membership to any brand of Fitness center in
Bangkok, Thailand.
In order to better understand more and help the researcher to assume or
ensure that the respondents have appropriate experience and are able to respond to the
provided variable factors, the researcher develops four general questions for the online
questionnaire survey. Begin by questioning respondents concerning their personal
experiences in Bangkok, Thailand. Of the 115 respondents, 100% had lived for more
than a year. That leads to the following question concerning experiences in using fitness
services in Bangkok, 79.7%, or 51 people have experience using for a year or more than
1 year, and 20.3% of them, or 13 people have experienced less than 1 year. In addition,
44 respondents, or 68.6% of the overall, have used fitness services from more than one
brand in Bangkok, Thailand, compared to 20 people, or 31.3%, who have only one brand
experience. As the researcher previously stated that there are 3 brands majority were
selected from the respondents.

Graph 3: General Question 1

Figure 4.3 General question1 in Quantitative research


Graph 4: General Question 2

Figure 4.4 General question2 in Quantitative research

Graph 5: General Question 3

Figure 4.5 General question3 in Quantitative research

Graph 6: General Question 4

Figure 4.6 General question4 in Quantitative research


4.2 Descriptive Statistics

The researcher analyzed descriptive statistics, which is a type of data
analysis that helps in explaining or highlighting the factors (variables) point that
influence users in choosing a fitness center in Bangkok, Thailand. In order to determine
the variable that contributes to users' satisfaction, the researcher can identify the
provided variables from the table below.

Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Mean of Overall 64 2.60 4.00 3.3125 0.38193
Mean of Service 64 2.00 4.00 3.0750 0.58173
Mean of Product 64 1.60 4.00 3.0531 0.59441
Mean of 64 2.20 4.00 3.5438 0.45839
Mean of Cost 64 1.40 4.00 3.1344 0.56575
Mean of Social 64 1.25 4.00 3.0625 0.73057
Valid N (listwise) 64

The most significant variable for users when choosing a fitness center in
Bangkok, Thailand is “Accessibility”. The researcher will also demonstrate which
attribute in each variable has the most significance to that variable after the tables below;

Overall Satisfaction
Table 4.2 Mean of overall satisfaction
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I am satisfied with the 64 3.00 4.00 3.4219 0.49776
service quality of the staff at
the fitness center.
I am satisfied with the 64 2.00 4.00 3.3281 0.56497
equipment inside the fitness

Table 4.2 Mean of overall satisfaction (cont.)

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I am satisfied with my 64 2.00 4.00 3.5469 0.58905
current fitness center in
terms of ease of access and
attractiveness of location.
I am satisfied with the 64 2.00 4.00 2.8438 0.64780
membership fee of fitness
center in Bangkok, Thailand.
I am satisfied with my self- 64 2.00 4.00 3.4219 0.55791
image as a user of fitness
center in Bangkok, Thailand.

Variable 1: Service Quality

Table 4.3 Mean of Service Quality
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
The equipment and 64 2.00 4.00 3.2656 0.57022
facility inside the
fitness center are
I feel I can rely on 64 2.00 4.00 3.1563 0.69508
the staff inside the
fitness center in
terms of their
The staff at the 64 2.00 4.00 3.0625 0.73193
fitness center
willingness to help
The staff at the 64 2.00 4.00 2.9531 0.82481
fitness center
provides me the
knowledge of how to
use the equipment
and about health.
I can feel that the 64 2.00 4.00 2.9375 0.75330
staff inside the
fitness center always
looking for taking
care of users.

Variable 2: Product/Equipment Effectiveness

Table 4.4 Mean of Product/Equipment Effectiveness
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
There is a variety of 64 2.00 4.00 3.3906 0.60729
equipment in the
fitness center.
I never had a 64 1.00 4.00 2.5469 0.92461
problem using the
equipment in the
fitness center.
I feel that the 64 1.00 4.00 2.8750 0.86373
equipment at the
fitness center is
always available for
me to use.
I feel that the 64 1.00 4.00 3.2031 0.71669
equipment at the
fitness center is
I feel that the 64 2.00 4.00 3.2500 0.66667
equipment at the
fitness center has

Variable 3: Accessibility
Table 4.5 Mean of Accessibility
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I prefer to use the 64 2.00 4.00 3.6875 0.61399
fitness center that is
located near my
I prefer to use the 64 1.00 4.00 3.3594 0.86129
fitness center that is
located near my
My fitness center is 64 1.00 4.00 3.3438 0.91233
on my commuting

Table 4.5 Mean of Accessibility (cont.)

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I decide to go to the 64 2.00 4.00 3.6094 0.58056
fitness center
because of the
I choose to go to the 64 2.00 4.00 3.7188 0.57649
fitness center if the
commute there
doesn't take too long.

Variable 4: Cost-effectiveness
Table 4.6 Mean of Cost-effectiveness
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
A membership fee per 64 1.00 4.00 2.9531 0.78538
month in a fitness
center is appropriate.
Membership fee 64 1.00 4.00 3.0938 0.75000
considering the variety
of equipment is
Membership fees 64 1.00 4.00 3.0000 0.77664
considering the quality
of services are
Promotion campaigns 64 1.00 4.00 3.0156 0.88178
(contract, cash back,
points collection)
motivate to use that
fitness center.
If the price is reachable 64 2.00 4.00 3.6094 0.58056
for me, I prefer to
choose it as my priority

Variable 5: Social Influence

Table 4.7 Mean of Social Influence
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I will use that fitness 64 1.00 4.00 2.5938 1.03462
center if it is
recommended by a
member of my family.
I will use that fitness 64 1.00 4.00 3.2656 0.94688
center if it is
recommended by a
member of my friend.
Using the fitness center 64 1.00 4.00 3.1563 0.96311
in Bangkok, Thailand
helps others to
recognize me as a
Using or joining a 64 1.00 4.00 3.2344 0.95522
fitness center improves
my social status or self-

4.3 Regression Analysis

Based on the model utilized in this study, regression analysis shows the
relationship between each variable. Attributed to the reason that satisfaction is a
dependent variable, there are two other variables that significantly influence
Dependent Variable: Satisfaction
R Square: 0.549
Adjusted R Square: 0.510

Table 4.8 Regression result

# Independent Variable Beta T Sig

1 Mean of Product Effectiveness 0.358 2.844 0.006

2 Mean of Accessibility 0.189 2.050 0.045

The analysis indicates the Product/Equipment Effectiveness and

Accessibility have significant relationship with Overall Satisfaction.
Product/Equipment Effectiveness has a positive relationship with ‘0.358’ beta score.
Accessibility also has a positive relationship with the dependent variable with a beta of
‘.189’. The highest meaning of Product/Equipment Effectiveness topic is “There is a
variety of equipment in the fitness center.” with 3.39 mean score. The highest mean
score of Accessibility topic is “I choose to go to the fitness center if the commute there
doesn't take too long.” with 3.72 mean score.

Figure 4.7 Conceptual framework linking to users’ satisfaction


This is the result declared on the conceptual framework which is linked to

the dependent variable. The two factors that have a relationship with the dependent
variable, which is Overall Satisfaction are Product/Equipment Effectiveness and
Accessibility. Both of them are positive. Other factors, which are Service Quality, Cost
Effectiveness, and Social Influence, did not have a significant relationship to the
dependent factor.


In this chapter, the researcher will discuss each variable after collecting and
finding results from the previous chapter and then will the recommendation at the end
of this chapter.

5.1 Discussion

5.1.1 Service Quality

The overall alignment of service quality with customers' expectations and
maximum customer need fulfillment has been the conceptual foundation of the service
quality concept (Gronroos, 1984, Parasuraman et al., 1985). Therefore, the service
quality in this variable is also related to the equipment, facility, and staff inside the
fitness center.
The scheme discussed in the variable seeks to understand what is considered
and what tends to make users feel most attracted to stay at that fitness center in terms of
service quality. Since each person has a unique personality as well as the researcher
believes that each point of view person will have a different expectation of service
quality. This indicated the result of the descriptive analysis that the researcher
discovered, which is the highest mean score of this variable, indicating the service
quality of the facilities and equipment within the fitness center are already under in the
appropriate way for users. Fitness services have the lowest mean score of they don't feel
like they are receiving attention from the employees there. Also, the other four topics
regarding the service quality from staff have lower mean scores than equipment and
facility, which means that fitness services are now fulfilling expectations in terms of
equipment and facility better than the services from its staff.

5.1.2 Product/Equipment Effectiveness

As it was discussed in the literature review that the majority relation of this
variable would be the productivity of the product/equipment for users when they
workout at the fitness center. It is also the combination of availability, quality, and
equipment performance to tell the efficiency of the product/equipment (Janahi et al.,
Most users that participated in this study stated that there is a variety of
equipment in their fitness services that could consider as availability for them to use
even though some equipment might not readily available for them. However, there is
always alternative equipment available for them to use as well. Although users agreed
that the fitness services, they use offer a variety of equipment to choose from, the
analysis revealed that some users have also encountered issues with the fitness
equipment. This indicates that there could be a problem with the equipment being
insufficient at the moment or that the user may not have any prior experience using the
equipment, which is another possible problem. Therefore, it is clear from the presented
regression analysis that Product/Equipment Effectiveness is the most significant factor
that users would consider when deciding whether or not to be satisfied with the fitness

5.1.3 Accessibility
Accessibility is the third factor that influences satisfaction, according to the
research study. The two main concepts of accessibility are ease of access and location
attractiveness; however, accessibility also discusses the duration of time it takes a user
to go to the fitness center from their location of residence or workplace (Jang & Choi,
2018) in order to influence them to participate in the activity.
The quantitative results of the descriptive analysis revealed that, when
compared to the other four variables provided, accessibility is the most significant or
meaningful for users when choosing a fitness center in Bangkok, Thailand. The highest
factor accessibility mean score states that "I choose to go to the fitness center if the
commute there doesn't take too long," it makes it appear that users are concerned about
how long it will take to get there. If this is the case, users may consider doing something
else, another activity instead, or changing to another fitness center that is more

connected to their route, as indicated by the second-highest mean score, which states
that they prefer to use certain fitness centers nearby. Additionally, more than 70% of the
respondent is also used to choosing these top brands, which are Fitness First, Jetts
Fitness, and Virgin Active, as stated in the introduction, which identifies the top three
fitness center brands in Thailand in terms of the number of branches. The researcher
assumes that their decision to recognize that brand was impacted by the location's

5.1.4 Cost-effectiveness
According to the literature review, Stanton, Michael, and Bruce (1994)
defined price as the amount of money or goods needed to acquire some combination of
other goods and their accompanying services. This research, it is also combining the
product/equipment and service from the fitness center. Also, cost-effectiveness in terms
of price fairness has a positive relationship that also leads to users’ satisfaction.
The results of the study indicate that the majority of people are influenced
by price fairness, which they consider to be within their capabilities, as well as when
they compare the cost to the variety of equipment provided by fitness centers. Before
upgrading their facility or implementing any equipment investments that might increase
the membership charge, the fitness services in Bangkok, Thailand, are expected to be
able to carefully evaluate the suitable membership fee. Simply put, some users feel that
the cost may not be appropriate for them and the highest mean score is associated with
a reachable price, this factor could perform as a motivator for users rather than a barrier
for them to choose that fitness service.

5.1.5 Social Influence

With reference to the literature review, Individuals adjust their behaviors,
attitudes, and beliefs to more closely match the people they get experience with. People
have been affected by others because others can persuade them with strong arguments
(Myers, 1982). Foxall and Goldsmith (1994) also mention that consumers use this
concept to reflect an integrated network of information, feelings, and attitudes, and
connect to their decision in terms of the purchasing process or buying something.

The researcher relies on the assumption that users will share their
experiences, feelings, and interactions with other users and/or potential users who could
be interested in applying for that fitness service based on their attitude and behavior.
According to the analysis, friends have the greatest impact on fitness users, and family
recommendations had the lowest mean scores. This is because, as compared to being a
family activity, users are more likely to join with a friend or go independently while
using fitness centers.

5.2 Recommendation
The following are the main suggestions that could support fitness facilities
in Bangkok, Thailand in understanding customer satisfaction, developing a strategy for
users, attracting investment, and convincing users, as well as gathering and sharing
information with potential users to visit your facility. While another aspect of these
recommendations is frequently the one that would greatly improve user satisfaction and,
as a result, generate much more revenue and attract new users. The researcher would
describe each recommendation below paragraph.

Figure 5.1 Recommendation for increasing Users’ Satisfaction


1. Maintain and continue to expand the new branch which is easily

The recommendations, based on the findings, are that fitness services should
consider maintaining a branch that is easy to access to keep the performance in terms of
accessibility. This implies that if a branch is located next to a highway, an MRT or BTS
station, or another kind of public transportation, there won't be any traffic congestion.
Users are more likely to join that branch than others. Additionally, if a new branch of a
fitness center is planned, its location and ease of access will be crucial considerations
for users in Bangkok, Thailand, since it must not take too long for them to get there.
2. Improve the quality of equipment to make it available.
The effectiveness of the products or equipment is a barrier that users may
have in choosing whether to subscribe to that fitness service or not. Even though there
is a variety of equipment inside but if the quality is not up to standard, it is continuously
defective or inoperable for users to use, especially if there is not enough equipment for
all users. This means that their equipment must be in the good condition for users to use
and it must have enough equipment for all users in terms of availability. When the user
goes there, they must have at least some exercise activities for them to use, they
shouldn’t go there and keep standing without doing anything because the traffic
equipment is full. As a result of their unsatisfactory experience, it will become a barrier
for users. Therefore, fitness services should always maintain their equipment in good
standard and quality to use and need to ensure that all users still have some activity to
3. Keep affordable membership fees (Competitive price).
According to this recommendation, fitness services should focus on
maintaining a competitive price by maintaining a membership fee that is significant
compared to other brands on the market. However, the fitness services can compensate
for the cost of the competitive price with additional services like offering more activity
classes than the competitors, providing free parking, or offering a discount by
collaborating with other brands (such as brands of healthy foods, exercise clothing, etc.).
It would be another way that can let users feel that your membership fee is more
competitive than other fitness brands. Especially that it would be great if the Fitness

services have various options for the membership fee to make users can choose the most
reachable or suitable option for them.
4. Expand services from staff and fitness center facilities.
During peak hours if there is a higher number of users, the fitness services
are required to find a way to ensure all users still can get proper to the services, fitness
services can find a way to draw users away from the equipment by offering other
exercise classes like boxing, dance, or weight training. Also, have a facility for them to
sit and relax, or maybe just a water and coffee shop inside or around your fitness center.
this recommendation can also help to solve the availability of equipment if the Fitness
services expand more services and facilities. This will ensure that users are still satisfied
with using the fitness services.
5. Promote on social media and a group of influencers.
The significance of social media as a platform for the vast majority of the
public to discover more about fitness services, whether it's through reviews of the
facility, the equipment, or the service altogether. The fitness services can then use this
to get people to join them. For this factor, the researcher would like to draw attention to
the fact that influencer marketing is a strategy used by brands to advertise their products
through recommendations or comments made by online influencers and content
creators. These days, we can see that influencers are trying to make a friend from the
audience’s view because the influencers are trying to make themselves more sincere and
reachable. So, it would be the benefit of Fitness services to let them help to promote the
brand. Additionally, collaborating with influencers is a more effective approach to
connecting with potential users directly because the follower from the influencer will
be under the same interest and the influencer will understand how to put a user
comfortable and build their trust effectively from what they have provided to users.


6.1 Conclusion
The objective is to study how satisfied users are with Fitness Services in
Bangkok, Thailand, and to understand what users see as a significant or meaningful for
them to go to the fitness center so that the researcher can recommend a better idea or
improvement to the Fitness industry in Bangkok, Thailand. The researcher utilized a
quantitative method approach, collecting data through an online questionnaire by
screening only the users that have the experience.
According to the first objective, the regression analysis showed that users’
satisfaction has a positive relationship with Product/Equipment Effectiveness and
Accessibility through satisfaction. The result indicated the variety of equipment and
reachable price are having the most meaning for users. The second objective of this
research is to offer suggestions to the fitness industry operating in Bangkok, Thailand.
The researcher would provide the following practical recommendations for improving
the satisfaction of current users and potential users who frequently visit and find the
activity inside Bangkok, Thailand. The researcher would say that since now there is the
top brand that holds many users join the membership with them because of the variety
of equipment and/or accessibility from many branches which also aligned with the result
from the regression analysis that these two factors are having a sign of significant to
users’ satisfaction, therefore, other brands may be unable to do the same thing like them
right away but all of them are also can start to consider improving more in staff services
to your fitness center, maintain the facility look good, improve the quality of equipment
to make it availability, promote the fitness services through the range of 26 – 45 ages,
and do promote itself or promotion to make the membership fee competitive in the
The study's findings will contribute to those who are responsible for
supporting and encouraging users of the fitness industry or for increasing the number of

people in Bangkok, Thailand who participate in other activities that is beneficial for
their health like exercise. Fitness services will be properly represented, users'
expectations will be better understood, and there will be evidence to support additional
investment that invests to the right spot of users' expectations in the future.

6.2 Limitation
As the researcher was doing this research on the user of Fitness services in
Bangkok, Thailand. The researcher found 3 limitations as follows.
Firstly, the number of respondents is too small compared to the standard
number of users in of Fitness center in Bangkok, Thailand. This research required only
64 respondents to pass the screening part of the questions as target respondents. This
limitation comes from the limitation of time collecting, the researcher had to enlarge the
area to recruit more respondents during spreading the survey and including them in the
analysis. Therefore, these numbers maybe not much significant to represent the need of
all users concerning the Fitness center in Bangkok, Thailand.
Second, the experiences that each user had previous to doing the survey
would vary due to the membership fees at each fitness center. Since its service will vary
based on the brand positioning and service fee, this study did not let the respondent
focus especially on only one brand. So, it may not be capable of responding to or
representing some of the factors within the Fitness center.
Last but not least, limited access to Bangkok, Thailand's owner of a Fitness
center. Even though the purpose of this study is to have a better understanding of users’
expectations and to offer the owner suggestions but the researcher has not been able to
communicate with the owner to observe and understand their point of view. The findings
of this research may indicate what they already knew, but there may be some
justification for those improvements that the researcher could not find in this study.


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Appendix A: Questionnaire

Users’ Fitness Services in Bangkok, Thailand

Dear Users’ Fitness Services in Bangkok, Thailand
Currently, the researcher is a student at the College of Management,
Mahidol University under the international program. The study’s objective is to
understand user experiences and expectations better. Consequently, the researcher will
obtain valuable insights from this survey to improve Fitness services in Bangkok,
Thailand effectively in accordance with users’ feedback.
This survey would take you approximately 8 minutes to complete the
anonymous questionnaire. The researcher wants to thank you in advance for your kind
The responses are collected for further development purposes. The
researcher is concerned about personal securities according to Personal Data Protection
Act, PDPA). The question will be separated to be eight parts as below;

Quantitative Question
The survey consists of eight sections:
1. Section A: Respondents Profile
2. Section B: Overall Satisfaction
3. Section C: Service Quality
4. Section D: Product/Equipment Effectiveness
5. Section E: Accessibility
6. Section F: Cost-effectiveness
7. Section G: Social Influence
8. Section H: Demographic Information

Section A: Respondents Profile

1. Your living zone
Bangkok metropolitan area
Other (Leave, **Thank you for your time**)
2. Is Bangkok a recent place of your residency for more than one year?
3. Do you have a membership in any fitness services located in Bangkok, Thailand?
No (Leave, **Thank you for your time**)
4. Experience in using fitness services in Bangkok, Thailand.
Less than one year
One year or more
5. Have you ever used the fitness services of many brands?
Yes, I have experience using more than one.
No, only one brand experience.
6. Fitness center that I have used in Bangkok, Thailand (you can choose more than one
Fitness First
Jetts Fitness Thailand
Virgin Active
We Fitness
Fitness 7
FitWhey Gym
Smash Gym
Play Fitness
Other…. (Please specify_____)

Section B: Overall Satisfaction

The following questions are about factors that affect your decision to visit fitness
services in Bangkok, Thailand.
(Scale 1-4) (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree (3) Agree, and (4) Strongly Agree
Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Agree
disagree Agree
Satisfaction 1 2 3 4
I am satisfied with the service quality
of the staff at the fitness center.
I am satisfied with the equipment
inside the fitness center.
I am satisfied with my current fitness
3 center in terms of ease of access and
attractiveness of location.
I am satisfied with the membership
4 fee of the fitness center in Bangkok,
I am satisfied with my self-image as a
5 user of the fitness center in Bangkok,

Section C: Service Quality

Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Agree
disagree agree
Service Quality 1 2 3 4
I feel that the equipment and facility
1 inside the fitness center are
I feel I can rely on the staff inside the
2 fitness center in terms of their
I feel that the staff at the fitness center
3 willingness to help me.

The staff at the fitness center provides

4 me the knowledge of how to use the
equipment and about health.
I can feel that the staff inside the
5 fitness center always looking for
taking care of users.

Section D: Product/Equipment Effectiveness

Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Agree
disagree agree
Service Quality 1 2 3 4
I can feel that there is a variety of
1 equipment in the fitness center.

I never had a problem using the

2 equipment in the fitness center.

I feel that the equipment at the fitness

3 center is always available for me to
I feel that the equipment at the fitness
4 center is effective for using.

I feel that the equipment at the fitness

5 center has quality for users.

Section E: Accessibility
Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Agree
disagree agree
Service Quality 1 2 3 4
I prefer to use the fitness center that is
located near my house.
I prefer to use the fitness center that is
located near my workplace.
My fitness center is on my commuting
I decide to go to the fitness center
4 when I have time because of the
I choose to go to the fitness center for
5 exercise if the commute there does not
take too long.

Section F: Cost-effectiveness
Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Agree
disagree agree
Service Quality 1 2 3 4
I feel that a membership fee per
1 month in a fitness center is
appropriate for me.
Membership fee considering the
2 variety of equipment is appropriate.

Membership fees considering the

3 quality of services are appropriate.

Promotion campaigns (contract, cash

4 back, points collection) motivate to
use that fitness center.
If the price is reachable for me, I
5 prefer to choose it as my priority

Section G: Social Influence

Strongly Strongly
Question Disagree Agree
disagree agree
Service Quality 1 2 3 4
I will use that fitness center if it is
1 recommended by a member of my
I will use that fitness center if it is
2 recommended by a member of my
Using the fitness center in Bangkok,
3 Thailand helps others to recognize me
as a health-conscious person.
Using or joining a fitness center
4 improves my social status or self-

Section H: Demographic Information

1. Do you consider yourself a

2. Age
18 – 25 years
26 – 35 years
36 – 45 years
46 – 55 years
56 or higher
3. Income level
Below 25,000 Thai Baht
25,001 – 40,000 Thai Baht
40,001 – 55,000 Thai Baht
55,001 – 70,000 Thai Baht
More than 70,001 Thai Baht
4. Occupation
Employed for wages
Business owner
Government official
Other.… (please specify _____________)

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