Introduction To Software Project Management
Introduction To Software Project Management
Introduction To Software Project Management
IT Project Management
Unit-1: Unit-2: Unit-3: Unit-4: Unit-5:
Introduction Project An Overview Software Activity
to Software Evaluation of Project Effort Planning
Project and Program Planning and Estimation
Management Management modern project
Software Quality
IT Project Management
Why is Software Project Management Important
What is a Project and Characteristics of projects
Software Projects versus Other Types of Project
Unit-1: Contract Management and Technical Project Management
Introduction to Activities Covered by Software Project Management
Software Plans, Methods and Methodologies
Some Ways of Categorizing Software Projects;
Setting Objectives
Project Success and Failure
What is Management
Management Control
Traditional versus Modern Project Management Practices
What is project?
Characteristics of Project ?
Problems ?
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
What is a Project
(Roles of client side’s Project Manager and supplier side’s Project Manager )
1. Feasibility Study
2. Plan
3. Project Execution
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
Activities Covered by Software Project Management;
1. The feasibility study - assesses whether a project is worth starting – that it
has a valid business case.
This involves gathering information about the proposed application's
requirements, which can be complex initially. Stakeholders may have clear
goals but may be uncertain about the means of achieving them.
The feasibility study, especially for large systems, is highlighted as a
project in itself with its own plan. It may also be part of a broader strategic
planning exercise, evaluating various potential software developments
within a program.
The study involves estimating developmental and operational costs and
determining the value of the anticipated benefits of the new system.
Additionally, organizations may assess a program consisting of multiple
Many software projects have two stages. First is an objective-driven project resulting in
recommendations. This might identify the need for a new software system. The next stage is a
project actually to create the software product.
This is useful where the technical work is being done by an external group and the user needs
are unclear at the outset. The external group can produce a preliminary design at a fixed fee. If
the design is acceptable the developers can then quote a price for the second, implementation,
stage based on an agreed requirement.
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
Importance of identifying stakeholders and their objectives to ensure that project
management aligns with their needs.
Internal to the project team
External to the project team but within the same organization
External to both the project team and the organization
Setting Objectives
Set the objectives of the project
Identify a project authority
Difference between Objectives and Sub-objectives and goals
Measures of effectiveness of objectives & goals
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
Setting Objectives:
Objectives focus on the desired outcomes of the project rather than the tasks within
it. One statement in a set of objectives might be ‘customers can order our products
online’ rather than ‘to build an e-commerce website’.
Stakeholders are those who actually own the project. They control the financing of
the project. They also set the objectives of the project. The objectives should define
what the project team must achieve for project success. Although different
stakeholders have different motivations, the project objectives identify the shared
intentions for the project.
There is often more than one way to meet an objective and the more possible routes
to success the better.
There may be several stakeholders, including users in different business areas, who might
have some claim to project ownership. In such a case, a project authority needs to be explicitly
identified with overall authority over the project. This authority is often a project steering
committee (or project board or project management board) with overall responsibility for
setting, monitoring and modifying objectives. The project manager runs the project on a day-
to-day basis, but regularly reports to the steering committee.
Any project plan must ensure that the business case is kept intact. For example:
Development costs are not allowed to rise to a level which threatens to exceed
the value of benefits;
Features of the system are not reduced to a level where the expected benefits
cannot be realized;
Delivery date is not delayed so that there is an unacceptable loss of benefits.
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
The Business Case:
Most projects need to have a justification or business case: the effort and expense of
pushing the project through must be seen to be worthwhile in terms of the benefits
that will eventually be felt.
A cost–benefit analysis will often be part of the project’s feasibility study. This will
itemize and quantify the project’s costs and benefits. The benefits will be affected by
the completion date: the sooner the project is completed, the sooner the benefits can
be experienced.
The quantification of benefits will often require the formulation of a business model
which explains how the new application can generate the claimed benefits.
A simple example of a business model is that a new web-based application might
allow customers from all over the world to order a firm’s products via the internet,
increasing sales and thus increasing revenue and profits
What is Management?
Activities of Project Manager
Stages or Processes of Project Management
Project initiation stage
Project Execution
Project Closing
Project attributes
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
What is Management (POSDMCIR):
Software management refers to the process of planning, coordinating, and controlling
activities related to the development, deployment, and maintenance of software
systems within an organization. It encompasses a range of activities that ensure the
effective and efficient creation, delivery, and ongoing support of software products.
Management involves the following activities:
planning – deciding what is to be done;
Much of the project manager’s time is spent on only three of the eight identified
activities, viz., Project planning, Monitoring, and Control.
Risk Management - activity includes risk identification, analysis, and abatement (risk
reduction) planning.
Miscellaneous Plans - includes making several other plans such as quality assurance plan,
At the start of a project, the project manager does not have complete knowledge about the
details of the project. As the project progresses through different development phases, the
manager’s information base gradually improves. The complexities of different project
activities become clear, some of the anticipated risks get resolved, and new risks appear. The
project parameters are re-estimated periodically incorporating new understanding and change
in project parameters. By taking these developments into account, the project manager can
plan subsequent activities more accurately with increasing levels of confidence. Figure 1.4
shows this aspect as iterations between monitoring and control, and the plan revision
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
Management Control;
Management, in general, involves setting objectives for a system and then monitoring
the performance of the system. A project plan is dynamic and will need constant
adjustment during the execution of the project.
Project management often focus considerable attention on project planning. While
this is to be expected, with nearly all projects much more time is spent actually doing
the project rather than planning it.
A good plan provides a foundation for a good project, but is nothing without
intelligent execution. The original plan will not be set in stone but will be modified to
take account of changing circumstances.
Key points in Management are
Focus on Project Planning
Time Spent doing the Project
Importance of Execution
Flexibility of the Plan
Read the exercises from text book for understanding about “project plan is dynamic
and will need constant adjustment during the execution of the Project”.
So, a good plan provides a foundation for a good project, but is nothing without
intelligent execution. The original plan will not be set in stone but will be modified to
take account of changing circumstances.
Unit 1: Introduction to Software Project Management (3 Hrs.)
Management Control – (Example of Management Control)
Assessing the 'estimated completion date' for data transfer in each branch is a critical aspect of
ensuring timely and successful project delivery.
One or two branches will fail to complete the transfer of details in time, then need to consider what
to do (Making decisions/plans).
Project manager would need to calculate carefully what the
impact would be in moving staff from particular branches. This is
modelling the consequences of a potential solution. Several
different proposals could be modelled in this way before one was
chosen for implementation.
Having implemented the decision, the situation needs to be kept
under review by collecting and processing further progress
Again sometimes transferring extra staff to do data inputting will
not have accelerated data transfer because of manual records are
incomplete and low priority in missing info by another dept.