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Definitive Guide To 5G-LANs 2022

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Guide to
MAY 2022

Enterprise Wireless Challenges 3
Wi-Fi/Cellular Comparisons 6
Enterprise Cellular Options 9
Introduction to CBRS Spectrum in the United States 10
Private 5G LAN Advantages 12
The Celona 5G LAN Solution 13
Going Edgeless with 5G LANs 15
5G LAN QoS with MicroSlicing 17
5G LAN Routing 18
5G LAN Security 21
5G LAN Device Ecosystem 22
5G LAN Use-Cases 22
5G LANs for Neutral Host Networking 24
Enterprise Purchase Criteria for 5G LANs 26


Executive Summary
Businesses are increasingly aware that they must carefully choose their enterprise wireless
technology wisely or risk of dealing with performance, reliability, and security issues. By
combining the simplicity of conventional wireless LANs with advanced LTE/5G cellular wireless
technology, Celona 5G LANs offer wireless coverage in the most challenging environments,
interference free connectivity, deterministic performance, and uninterrupted mobility for a new
generation of wireless networking use cases.

Developed as an IT-friendly overlay atop existing enterprise networks, Celona 5G LANs operate
just like traditional wireless LANs – as a fully integrated end to end platform that includes
indoor and outdoor small cell access points, mobile network services for 4G LTE and 5G cellular,
and a comprehensive cloud-based orchestration platform. The result is a flexible and easy
to use alternative to traditional private cellular solutions that are often cost prohibitive and
succumb to inherent deficiencies in being able to seamlessly integrate with enterprise networks
and policies.

This definitive guide to 5G LANs highlights common enterprise wireless challenges, reveals the
benefits of 5G LAN architectures for private cellular networks and provides relevant details into
the private spectrum options (such as CBRS in the United States) as well as an architecture
overview of Celona’s 5G LAN solution.

Enterprise Wireless Challenges

The use of wireless technologies allows for ease of deployment, mobility, and rapid scalability in
a variety of use-case environments and scenarios.

For decades, companies have relied on wireless technologies including microwave, satellite –
and specifically Wi-Fi, for wireless backhaul and access connectivity. While these technologies
have helped us radically transform our networks, they do have limitations that business-critical
applications will expose. Common examples include:

WIRELESS External Coverage Device Quality of Data Security Mobility Device

CHALLENGE Interference Deficiencies Capacity Service Onboarding

ENTEPRISE Unpredictable Weak signal Co-channel Inability Inability to Performance IT admins

IMPACT performance strength and interference to define define latency dependent on and/or end
and reliability dead spots between latency and and throughput client devices users have
issues prevent device radios and throughput service levels as they roam to manually
connectivity client devices service levels beyond QoS between configure
negatively beyond QoS prioritization wireless APs each device
impact prioritization


External interference
Several popular wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and LoRa take
advantage of unlicensed and unmanaged spectrum that is free to use and does not require
any type of licensing to use. Of course, the downside of unlicensed spectrum is that it can
succumb to reliability issues due to external interference. This is most commonly associated
with competing wireless networks and/or devices in the same vicinity competing for the
same frequencies.

Coverage deficiencies
Areas where propagating wireless signal strength is a challenge can negatively impact business
operations. Even with carefully prepared deployments including the use of wireless planning
tools, site-surveys and spectrum analysis, wireless signals can fail to propagate where needed.
Problems frequently relate to new, external interference that creates RF noise, preventing devices
from properly joining a network. In other situations, physical obstructions introduced into the
coverage environment prevent signals from penetrating critical areas of a building or campus.

Device capacity
In areas where large numbers of users and/or devices congregate, enterprise Wi-Fi networks
experience increasing co-channel interference between the connected devices and the wireless
access points in the area. This takes place because each device randomly tries to gain access
to the wireless medium to transmit packets. This causes each device to “backoff” and wait
their turn, and/or try to utilize a lower data rate during next round of transmission to improve
the chances of gaining access. This operational model can quickly create performance and
reliability issues in high density environments. A common workaround for this problem is to
simply add more wireless access points with specialized configuration. Although this technique
can work, it significantly increases both cost and wireless management complexity.

Quality of Service (QoS)

In a growing number of situations, the need for guaranteed throughput and latency levels for
mission-critical business applications is essential. Like corporate LANs and WANs that have
Quality of Service (QoS) parameters applied, many Wi-Fi networks rely on the same QoS
principles when identifying and prioritizing wireless traffic. Unfortunately, these queuing and
buffering mechanisms operate at a “best-effort” capacity with the inability to schedule dedicated
bandwidth or latency to client devices no matter how important the data is to the organization.


Data security
Most wireless technologies configured with best-practice enterprise security settings are secure
but can still be exploited. The ease at which a Wi-Fi access network or point-to-point link can be
improperly secured leads to situations where sensitive data can easily be lost or stolen. Many
Wi-Fi networks, if not all, still utilize pre-shared keys and open SSIDs to allow for IoT and/or guest
device connectivity – opening doors to additional risk factors for critical enterprise infrastructure.

In enterprise Wi-Fi networks, endpoints trigger roaming from one AP to another. This can become
a serious challenge for large scale implementations if the differences between wide ranging set of
Wi-Fi clients are not well understood in terms of their roaming capabilities. This makes it difficult
for administrators to deploy Wi-Fi APs with uniform coverage patterns to guarantee smooth
roams as the roaming trigger will be different from one device to the next. Thus, coverage dead
spots may form for some endpoints while providing sufficient coverage for others.

Other issues, such as over saturated AP’s or interference can also be detrimental to seamless
mobility. Both can cause situations where a device should roam to an AP with a higher signal
strength – but cannot make the switch due to too many devices being connected to the AP – or
when an obstruction or external signal interference gets in the way of roaming from one AP
to another.

Device onboarding
Given the number of wireless devices connecting to enterprise networks today, device
onboarding procedures can become a tremendous time sink if not properly handled.
Enterprise Wi-Fi solutions offer a few different device onboarding and connectivity options
such as pre-shared keys and 802.1x authentication, but each come with their challenges.

Inevitably, pre-shared keys will become completely insecure as the shared password is
leaked out and used by unauthorized users and devices. And while 802.1x mechanisms allow
for individual usernames and passwords to be used it is common for these credentials to be
mishandled, finding their way into the hands of unauthorized users. Finally, the complexity
required to setup 802.1x using external user databases, network policy servers and device
certificate servers can be tedious and quickly grow in complexity.


Wi-Fi/Cellular Comparisons

Most network administrators are familiar with the interworking of enterprise-grade Wi-Fi network
architectures, deployment strategies and management processes. Comparing Wi-Fi to private
cellular connectivity in the enterprise has proven to be an effective way to help potential Celona
customers familiarize themselves with similarities and differences between the two technologies.

If administrators understand and have first-hand knowledge with potential shortcomings of

their existing Wi-Fi infrastructure, they will better be able to understand how private 4G and 5G
cellular wireless connectivity can better operate in certain use-case scenarios.

As Wi-Fi standards evolve to deliver more deterministic operation, challenges noted above will
remain. For instance, Wi-Fi 6 makes use of cellular’s OFDMA methodology for providing access
to the wireless medium. However, to gain access to a specific channel, Wi-Fi 6 still requires the
use of CSMA-CD, a network protocol requiring devices to sense and listen to hear if a given
channel for transmission is busy or not. In other words, devices still must contend for access to
a wireless channel. Only after a device determines that a channel is “clear to send” can it use
OFDMA to transmit on that channel.

In contrast, LTE/5G cellular technology doesn’t have this limitation as access to the medium
and the channel is centrally scheduled by the network for all devices. This effectively eliminates
media contention, giving each devices dedicated access to the wireless spectrum – and
removes unpredictable performance in how different devices behave in different network
configurations and physical environments.

Useful comparisons of Wi-Fi to 5G LANs include:

Enterprise Wi-Fi 5G LAN

Unlicensed Spectrum used by Coordinated Spectrum Allocation between

Spectrum Multiple Technologies networks by SAS

30dBM EIRP indoors and 47dBm outdoors

20-36dBm EIRP indoors/outdoors
Layer 1 Better receiver sensitivity & H-ARQ
Limited data rate selection
More granular data rates

Central coordination by infrastructure

Distributed contention (CSMA even with OFDMA and scheduled transmissions
Statistical prioritization via WMM queues
Layer 2/3 Guaranteed SLAs with QoS traffic scheduler
(performance dependent on load (strict priority independent of load)
Co-Channel Interference is Blocking (limiting Full frequency reuse across network (higher user
frequency reuse and network capacity density and network capacity)

User and cert based credentials SIM (pSIM or eSIM) based credentials
Seperation of services via “SSIDs” Seperation of services via “slices”

Channel scanning and mobility decisions Mobility controlled by infrastructure with

Mobility initiated by devices precise timing

Voice Wi-Fi calling with limited roaming and QoS Neutral host service 3GPP VoLTE and roaming


Data transport scheduling

A major differentiator that sets a private cellular apart from Wi-Fi technology is how the network
schedules when a device can or cannot transmit data. Unlike Wi-Fi that requires user equipment
to listen and wait for an opportunity to transmit data, cellular is fundamentally different as
access is centrally scheduled by the network itself. The difference here is significant as network
administrators are now given full control to prioritize and configure dedicated throughput and
latency controls with strict service level agreements for device and application traffic.

For newer Wi-Fi 6 and 6E deployments, orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA)
does help by allowing for concurrent devices to transmit data simultaneously across the same
wireless channel, it still lacks the level of application performance guarantees that only cellular-
based wireless networks can offer.

Wireless spectrum
Wi-Fi operates on unlicensed spectrum in the 2.4, 5 and now 6GHz frequency ranges for
Wi-Fi 6E. For many enterprise IT departments, the spectrum becomes a mixed blessing.
While a large chunk of Wi-Fi spectrum can be freely used by anyone, this freedom makes
it prone to performance and reliability issues when external interference is introduced.
Alternatively, private LTE and 5G networks are designed to operate within private spectrum
options that deliver interference-free operation, such as the Citizens Broadband Radio Service
(CBRS) in the United States. While this band offers unlicensed spectrum that is free to use like
Wi-Fi, additional operational precautions have been put into place to effectively eliminate
the risk of interference. Note that many other countries, such as UK, Germany, France, have
allocated spectrum in a similar manner to the United States, with specific frequency ranges
differing from one country to the next.

Access point coverage and capacity

Because Wi-Fi operates in fully open and unlicensed spectrum, one way the Wi-Fi standard
attempts to eliminate external interference is by restricting the power and antenna gain
capabilities of an access point (AP). In ideal deployment settings, this limits the coverage area
of a single Wi-Fi AP with an omni-directional antenna to a maximum of 150 feet for indoor
deployments and 300 feet for outdoor or line-of-site (LoS) deployments.

A private 5G LAN, on the other hand, is allowed to legally operate at higher power and gain
levels compared to Wi-Fi. This is largely since private cellular spectrum options such as
CBRS help manage external interference and thus works in the background to ensure that
competing private LTE / 5G networks do not interfere with each other. This level of centralized
management and interference protection allows for coverage areas that eclipse Wi-Fi by 4-10
times. Currently, in the United States, the FCC has approved two classes of wireless access points
for private CBRS spectrum access: Category A with a maximum equivalent isotopically radiated
power (EIRP) of 30 dBm/10 MHz and Category B with a maximum EIRP of 47 dBm/10 MHz.


Device onboarding
Wi-Fi networks use the concept of a Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) to let Wi-Fi endpoints
find and or join the wireless LAN. SSID’s that are broadcasted across the operating wireless
channel are detected by the Wi-Fi endpoints seeking a network to join. Depending on the
type of access-control security policies used, the connecting user or device may need to enter
authentication credentials prior to being granted access to the network.

A private cellular network, on the other hand, uses a similar network identification approach
known as a cellular System Identifier (SID). An SID can be broadcasted across the private
spectrum and can be picked up by compatible cellular endpoints that are seeking to join.
In a private cellular network, the device identification and authentication information is tied to
a physical Subscriber Mobility Module (SIM) or an embedded SIM (eSIM) in digital form. The
information required by a cellular device to be onboarded and join the private cellular network
is more granular and thus administrators have more control over which users/devices can
communicate across the wireless infrastructure.

Data security
Wi-Fi networks can be deployed with varying levels of cyber security from an authentication
and data encryption perspective. In some cases, an SSID is configured to be “open” – meaning
that no authentication is required, and anyone can join. Stepping up one level, a pre-shared key
can be used as a simple access-control authentication method. The problem, however, is that
multiple devices can use and reuse the same key across an unlimited number of devices. This
lack of control over which users and devices can connect creates a situation where the business
is prone to unauthorized network access – risking privacy and security of the rest of the critical
application infrastructure.

Finally, enterprises commonly deploy their secure corporate networks using the IEEE 802.1x
standard that leverages the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) for authentication. EAP
uses a backend authentication server (typically tied to Microsoft Active Directory) that requires
each user/device to authenticate using individual username and password credentials.

Once a device has successfully authenticated, encryption can be used across the wireless
medium to protect data from being intercepted and read. It is important to note, however
that some Wi-Fi encryption methods available are secure than others. Thus, enterprise Wi-Fi
administrators must understand and configure encryption appropriately on a per-device basis.

Alternatively, a private cellular network requires that all devices authenticate and provide
encryption using the highest levels of device identification, authentication, and data encryption
available on enterprise wireless networks today. Because there is no way to incorrectly modify
or alter these security functions, it eliminates any risk of misconfiguration that is possible with
Wi-Fi. Additionally, because of the use of SIM-based authentication and strict access control
after a user/device is authenticated, private cellular networks align perfectly with zero trust
security architecture frameworks.


Enterprise Cellular Options

There are three primary cellular delivery options for enterprise users. Each one has different
price-points, privacy considerations and planning/deployment/management requirements.
Here is a brief breakdown of each option:

Private network slice on a public carrier network

Some public 5G carriers offer a logically segmented network slice that can be used to transport
enterprise customer data. This logically segmented slice of the public cellular service specifies
bandwidth and latency service level agreements (SLAs) to which the network must adhere. All
customer traffic is placed into this secure slice created for the entire enterprise client device mix,
protected from all other traffic flows on the public network. Although this option may be suitable
for use-cases that require far-reaching cellular access across large geographic areas, concerns
over data ownership and privacy, high operational costs, and a lack of granular controls for
individual app QoS or device performance are common.

MSP operating a private 5G LAN

(Local Area Network)
If available where a business requires wireless connectivity, an enterprise may opt to become
a customer of a managed service provider (MSP) that operates their own private 5G LAN.
Depending on the service offering(s) available, this option may provide increased levels
of control over throughput and latency for application-specific traffic. In most cases, the
operational expenditures of using a MSP-delivered 5G LAN will be lower than that of public
5G alternatives.

Privately deployed and managed 5G LAN

For businesses wanting full control, visibility, and complete data privacy in their RAN – like
how they currently manage their Wi-Fi LAN (WLAN), a privately deployed 5G LAN would be
the optimal choice. This gives enterprises the deployment flexibility, on-demand configuration
options and per-application QoS control on-demand. The trade-off for this architectural model
is an increase in capital expenditure and the need for IT resources that can properly design,
deploy and maintain 5G LAN network operations.


Introduction to CBRS Spectrum

in the United States

In the United States, privately deployed LTE and 5G networks can operate using the 3550-3700
MHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) frequency band. This is also commonly referred
to as “band 48”.

While similar spectrum management services are available in other countries (see figure below)
that attempt to replicate what CBRS offers, understand that frequencies, spectrum width,
channel availability and licensing may differ drastically. For the purposes of this document, our
focus will be on CBRS within the US.

US {n78 BW=150}

US {n41 BW=195}

UK {n77 BW=400}

Sweden {n78 BW=40}

South Korea {n79 BW=100}

Norway {n77 BW=400}

Netherlands {n78 BW=340}

Japan {n79 BW=100}

Japan {n79 BW=200}

Germany {n78 BW=100}

France {n90 BW=50}


Finland {n40 BW=20}

Brazil {n53 BW=5}

n90 {78 BW=194.0}

n79 {78 BW=600.0}

n78 {78 BW=500.0}

n77 {78 BW=900.0}

n53 {78 BW=11.5}

n48 {78 BW=150.0}

n41 {78 BW=195.0}

n40 {78 BW=100.0}

n39 {78 BW=40.0}

n38 {78 BW=50.0}

n34 {78 BW=15.0}

1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000 4100 4200 4300 4400 4500 4600 4700 4800 4800 5000


FIGURE: Regulated unlicensed nonpublic network spectrum allocation globally

The history of CBRS dates to 2015 when the FCC adopted new rules that allowed for a three-
tiered access and authorization system that was designed to allow for private and free access
to the band when not in use by higher-priority, federal uses or licensed priority access.

Tier-1, or incumbent access is reserved for federal purposes. Tier-2 access is referred to as a
Priority Access License (PAL). This tier requires a license issued and managed on a county-
by-county basis. Each license lasts 10 years before renewal is required. Finally, the General
Authorized Access (GAA) tier is the free-to-use tier in which most private 5G LANs operate. If the
higher tiers do not consume all available channels, any business can opt to reserve access to
those channels for their own private use.

The Spectrum Access System (SAS) is the central platform that manages CBRS channel use
by prioritizing channel access for higher tiers while also working to limit channel interference
between CBRS GAA users in the same geographic location.


SAS is a cloud-based management platform that is operated by several private technology

corporations including Google, Federated Wireless, Sony and CommScope. The SAS handles
all private-use registrations/de-registrations, spectrum inquiries and spectrum channel grants
on the FCC’s behalf. It also enforces the need to allow higher-priority users gain access to the
spectrum first. The following diagram shows the CBRS tiering structure and how all tiers are
centrally managed and monitored by way of the SAS:




Tier 2

Tier 3

| | | |
3550 3600 3650 3700

The relative ease at which CBRS channels can be accessed and used by any organization
at nearly any location in the US is a key reason why private 5G LANs are expected to have a
significant impact in the enterprise.


Private 5G LAN Advantages

Owning and operating a private 5G LAN comes with several advantages across a host of use-
case scenarios. These advantages include:

Speed of deployment – Celona 5G LANs can be installed and deployed in a manner

of hours as opposed to days or weeks using incumbent cellular equipment
providers. Because 5G LANs are designed as a turnkey system with all the requisite
components optimized as a single system, the 5G LAN deployment process
effectively mirrors traditional enterprise Wi-Fi LANs, using a framework very
familiar to IT staff.
Wider coverage area – Because 5G LAN access points can transmit signal and
antenna gains at higher levels compared to alternative technologies such as Wi-Fi,
for critical use cases we will discuss later in this paper, far fewer APs are required to
cover the same area next to the existing enterprise Wi-Fi network.
Deterministic connectivity – Apps that require real-time response from the network
infrastructure and associated data flows that require low packet loss / delay and
predictable bandwidth need a transport medium that can identify these flows
and prioritize them using strict service level objectives. Deterministic network
capabilities that offer this type of functionality are built-in to 5G LANs.
Data security – MSP-managed or in-house management of a private 5G LAN
gives enterprises complete control and visibility over the network that transports
sensitive business data. Given certain data privacy and compliance requirements
within an enterprise organization, this is a must-have. For others, it lessens the risk
of data loss or theft due to third-party ownership and control over the wireless
transport medium.
Granular quality of service (QoS) for critical apps – To get the utmost in granular
performance controls all the way down to the application and workload level, a
private 5G LAN is the best choice. Celona’s patented MicroSlicing™ technology
allows network administrators and managed service providers create per-
application slices that adhere to strict service level objectives for latency, packet
loss and throughput.
Simplified administration – The device onboarding process is far easier with a 5G
LAN since access control and authorization is built directly into cellular SIM cards,
deployed as physical SIMs and eSIMs. Thus, administrators can reduce the time
it takes to provision devices and onboard users. End users do not have to select
any specific SSIDs or worry about the network settings on the device they are
using device group and role based network access are managed centrally by the
network administrators and/or managed service providers.
Cost savings – Celona 5G LANs have been designed to be delivered at a cost that
rivals conventional private cellular networks, promising up to 6x cost savings.
If a private 5G LAN is part of an organization’s long-term network connectivity
strategy, building and operating one in-house will be the lower cost option. This is
evident when alternative solutions continue to price their offers using a per-user or
throughput-metered structure.


The Celona 5G LAN Solution

Celona’s integrated 5G LAN platform includes all the essential elements including access points,
LTE/5G core network edge hardware/software and cloud-based orchestration tools specifically
designed and developed for enterprise network use-cases. As opposed to traditional
solutions, a private 5G LAN allows for enterprises to have full control over company data with
a predictable long-term cost structure. The following diagram highlights each element within
Celona’s 5G LAN platform:

Celona RAN Celona Edge Celona


Radio Performance Radio Management Policy Management

Device Access Controls Devices Authentication Subscriber Management
LTE/5G QoS Controls Devices Traffic Controls Programmable API
Devices QoS Controls KPIs/Analytics



QoS Marking Traffic Application Group

VLAN IP assignment Controls Management Assignment

User Group


The components that make up a Celona RAN include enterprise-optimized Celona indoor/
outdoor access points (APs) that operate in private cellular spectrum, Celona Edge software as
the extension of the Celona platform integrated to existing enterprise network infrastructures,
the cloud-managed Celona Orchestrator and physical SIM or embedded SIM (eSIM) cards.
Access points are designed for zero touch deployments, are application-aware across the
wireless medium using Celona’s MicroSlicing technology and offer a reliable and interference-
free wireless experience.

The Celona Edge element of the overall Celona integrated platform is the private mobile core
and control plane for the software-defined RAN. All data as directed through the edge platform
– allowing for complete control and visibility of the data flows traversing the RAN and to allow
for the application of various network services.

The Celona Edge acts as the gateway connecting the LTE/5G cellular wireless to corporate
LAN resources. Support for NAT, static/dynamic routing and VLAN connectivity are possible
in its ability to integrate with existing IP domains and enterprise network traffic forwarding
requirements. Deployable either on-premises or within a public or private edge/cloud, the
Celona Edge performs the following data-plane functions:

• Cellular radio spectrum management and data plane services for Celona APs
• Application performance and telemetry metric data collection
• User/device access control and data security

Finally, the Celona Orchestrator is responsible for the centralized control of:

• Celona AP and Celona Edge auto-provisioning, ongoing management

• User equipment (UE) onboarding, offboarding, device grouping via
SIM provisioning
• Celona MicroSlicing policy creation and management for app QoS and
service levels
• Cellular wireless visibility and monitoring of real-time performance
against MicroSlicing policies


Going Edgeless with 5G LANs

One of the biggest questions on the minds of prospective Celona 5G LAN customers deals with
how cellular wireless resources can be integrated within an existing network infrastructure from
a physical and logical perspective.

Celona’s Edgeless Enterprise architecture provides flexible deployment options for enterprises
to easily deploy and operated 5G LAN control functions within a common mobile edge compute
environment. This allows for 5G LAN network services to be centralized and placed closer to vital
enterprise applications within the same compute environment already in place. You can see
Celona’s Edgeless architecture white paper for more details.

Below is an overview the Celona 5G LAN operation and how the integration process works:

Gateways/Routers CELONA RAN LAN/WAN

Celona Edge Celona

with Celona SIM Infrastructure

Translate WiFi and Plug-n-play Existing

Ethernet to private installation indoors on-premises IT/OT
cellular and outdoors infrastructure
Public / Private

Devices Devices with

Mobile and IoT Celona SIM Policy Edge Services Celona Device Services
AAA/NAC Compute DHCP/DNS Secure Orchestrator Management DHCP/DNS
and telemetry

Installation of private mobile Network/device operations

network services on-premises, in a and policy management
private data center or in the cloud

FIGURE ABOVE: Celona 5G LAN Overlay Deployment Model

Celona APs attach directly to any Layer 2/3 wired enterprise network using standard PoE from a
midspan or PoE switch. Standard AC adapters are also an option. Once activated for operation
on the desired network through Celona Orchestrator, Celona APs automatically “phone home”
for their configuration over encrypted tunnels to the Celona Edge, a full, cloud-native 4G/5G
software stack developed specifically for enterprise use.

The Celona Edge then assigns each Celona AP with the optimal spectrum allocation, channel
assignments and power levels required for ideal operation (e.g., as specified by the authorized
CBRS SAS in the United States).


All AP traffic then runs through the Celona Edge where vital enterprise network services such as
encryption, network address translation, static or dynamic routing and advanced, service level
and QoS enforcement are applied.

Once up and running, compatible cellular devices with the enterprise sanctioned physical SIM
or eSIM automatically connect to the Celona 5G LAN just like any cellular device. Information
contained within the SIM/eSIM is used for secure authentication. SIM provisioning across a 5G
LAN can be done through the Celona Orchestrator. This eliminates the need for configuring user
passwords or certificates on client devices. For non-SIM supported devices, CBRS gateways are
used to translate cellular signals to Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

For traffic optimization, Celona MicroSlicing technology is used to uniquely automate end to
end QoS enforcement of wireless traffic on a per application or device group basis. Within
the Celona Orchestrator, administrators simply specify the applications or devices requiring
strict QoS handling. Up to nine MicroSlicing policies can be configured to automatically
control latency, packet loss and throughput metrics on the cellular wireless medium – for any
application mix or device group. These MicroSlicing policies can then be converted to IP DSCP
QoS assignments to enable enforcement once the data leaves the Celona 5G LAN and traverses

4G/5G Intergration
the corporate network.

The following diagram shows the Celona 5G LAN components from an integration perspective:

Celona Edge, extension of the Celona

platform, remotely provisioned as the
mobile core with built-in redundancy
and service scaling

Integrated to enterprise QoS

Plug-n-play and access control policies
installation for with Celona Microslicing™
Celonas APs
within the existing
network, indoor
and outdoor

Celona Orchestrator,
the face of the
Automated SAS Celona Platform, to
registration enable operations
and dynamic RF and configuration
management User traffic tunneled
as virtual overlay,
integrated to existing

FIGURE ABOVE: Celona 4G/5G integration with existing enterprise infrastructure


5G LAN QoS with MicroSlicing

Quality of Service (QoS) is a generic term used to describe how networks can identify,
categorize, and apply priorities to data flows. Within a Celona 5G LAN, QoS policies can be
created for a mix of applications across different device groups using Celona’s patented
MicroSlicing technology.

There is no need to manually touch client devices for MicroSlicing policies to be applied, and
the policies can be changed in real-time as application and device mixes within a Celona 5G
LAN evolve over time.

A MicroSlicing policy is defined as a set of network functions within the Celona 5G LAN that form
an end-to-end logical policy fabric. A single policy can be configured to meet an application’s
network performance requirements with service level objectives on flow priority, packet delay
budget (aka. latency), packet error rate (PER) and bandwidth.

The control plane of a Celona 5G LAN continuously monitors and adjusts traffic transmissions
to meet such service level objectives. These processes and functions guarantee deterministic
performance of critical enterprise applications when on private cellular – in addition to ensuring
that QoS rules for higher-priority traffic over lower-priority flows are enforced in real-time.

Accordingly, within the Celona 5G LAN, in addition to simply prioritizing one traffic flow over the
other, each traffic flow is monitored for latency, error rate and throughput within the Celona
Orchestrator – on device group and application basis. Here is a quick summary of each:

Device groups – Administrators can group cellular wireless endpoints via their SIM
identities into specific groups and logically segment them by device type or use
case. In many scenarios, the type of device often dictates what apps/services are
being operated on a regular basis. This helps to coordinate which devices are
assigned which MicroSlicing policy.
Applications – Applications can be configured based on server IP / subnet mask and
start/end ports. Once defined, the application flows are identified by the Celona
platform in real-time as client devices connect. Once a combination of device
groups and application types are married to specific MicroSlicing policy, service
level objectives are enforced.

QoS policies can also be maintained when transporting data between the Celona network and
the corporate LAN. Each MicroSlicing policy within the Celona 5G LAN can be assigned with
dedicated DSCP markings to translate cellular wireless service level requirements to traditional
QoS enforcement on the enterprise network. QoS policy can then be created around these
DSCP tags on the wired network to provide preferential treatment to mission-critical application
flows using queuing, forwarding and discarding mechanisms such as traffic shaping or
traffic policing.

Celona’s platform has been designed with enterprise administrators in mind. From an IT
operations standpoint, Celona has taken great care to help enterprise network operations,
cybersecurity and service delivery teams feel comfortable configuring and monitoring a private
cellular wireless infrastructure. Taking cues from popular cloud-managed enterprise wired, SD-
WAN and Wi-Fi solutions, concepts found in Celona’s operational model will prove to be similar
and accessible by administrators from different parts of the IT organization.

For more detailed information on Celona MicroSlicing, please see our whitepaper on the topic:


5G LAN Routing

A Celona network can be integrated with the existing corporate LAN using one of two IP Domain
configuration modes:

Internal IP Domain (NAT)

The default IP domain option is set to Internal mode. This means that the Celona Edge platform
acts as a network address translation (NAT) gateway in a similar fashion that a traditional
router or layer 3 switch translates internal IP addresses to one or more external IP addresses. All
devices connected to the Celona 5G LAN receive their IP addresses through an internal DHCP
service and shares the same DNS settings as the Celona Edge.

Keep in mind, however, that in NAT mode, 5G LAN endpoints sitting behind the NAT gateway
will not be accessible from devices on the outside of the NAT gateway. If traffic must be initiated
from the corporate LAN into the RAN, you must use the External IP Domain mode. The following
diagram shows an example Celona RAN connecting to an Enterprise LAN while in Internal IP
Domain mode:


External IP Domain
With the External IP Domain, the network interface on the Celona Edge attaches itself to
multiple IP subnets that are already configured on the corporate LAN. In this configuration,
DHCP and DNS servers within the enterprise network are utilized to enable IP connectivity for
the client devices connected to a Celona network. Celona Edge simply acts as a translator
between cellular wireless and existing VLANs assigned to different device groups. This diagram
shows how Celona 5G LAN can forward existing IP domains to private cellular wireless:

Finally, for devices that do not natively support private cellular connectivity, mobile routers
need to be used to enable end to end connectivity. For these configurations, a Celona 5G LAN
external IP domain can be configured with supernetting to provide visibility to such endpoints
from the enterprise LAN.

To enable this unique capability, the Celona Edge maintains a list of IP subnets that map to the
ones used by the endpoints behind the mobile routers. In the following diagram, we highlight
how such endpoints can be made fully visible from devices residing on the Enterprise LAN. This
unique capability is instrumental in enabling remote control of video camera, mobile robotics
and other mission critical IoT infrastructure. In addition, endpoint management tools can then
be used to identify and track devices and apply device policies just like any other parts of
the network.


For more detailed information on Celona 5G LAN Routing, please see our whitepaper on the
topic: https://www.celona.io/resources/celona-5g-lan-routing-whitepaper.


5G LAN Security

5G LANs offer clear benefits over alternative wireless solutions. Data security is one area
where clear advantages can be seen. Unlike Wi-Fi security which has evolved over time,
which introduces the chance of insecure misconfigurations, only the latest and best security
mechanisms are built directly into the cellular wireless 4G LTE and 5G connectivity. Thus,
network administrators do not have to concern themselves with the thought of accidently
deploying a wireless network using inferior authentication and encryption mechanisms.

Reaching the level of authentication, authorization, and encryption that a private 5G LAN
provides highest levels of enterprise wireless security. The use and management of X.509 public
key certificates are not required as proof of endpoint identity as this process within the Celona
5G LAN is handled with the identification information contained within the SIM card assigned to
a specific device. There is no SSID or network name or network password for the end user or the
network administrator needs to provision – and the policies of when, where, how that specific
SIM card could be provided network access can be defined via software, in real-time, based on
logical policies.

User/device authentication and access control within a 5G LAN are designed to adhere to zero
trust philosophies and frameworks. Of course, device identification and authentication are two
key tenants of zero trust principles. With the use of physical or digital SIM cards that secure store
subscriber identities, devices without the proper SIM identification information will never be
able to join the 5G LAN.

Additionally, zero trust philosophies can be applied to administrative tasks. For example, the
latest secure privileged access technologies can be used for administrative authentication
purposes. This includes Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) which can be seamlessly
integrated across private 5G LANs for the purpose of centralizing and securing privileged
management access.

Celona also allows for Application Programming Interface (API) access for external control/
monitoring using third-party tools. Relevant security telemetry data can be collected for security
analysis purposes.

Finally, application flows can be placed into secure Celona MicroSlicing policies where each
device group and application mix per policy can be safely isolated from all other traffic
traversing the 5G LAN.

For additional details on how 5G LANs can help improve enterprise wireless security for a
new generation of critical applications and how it can positively contribute to the zero trust
strategies implemented within enterprises, please see our whitepaper on the topic:


5G LAN Device Ecosystem

Wireless networks utilizing the private cellular spectrum, like CBRS in the US, is growing
significantly now that most cellular wireless capable smartphones, laptops, tablets,
handhelds (and even robotics) natively support the spectrum. Additionally, according to a
recent SNS Telecom and IT report, by 2023, 90% of all smartphones shipped in the US will
have native CBRS band compatibility. For additional details, please see our detailed list of
private LTE/5G capable devices in the market.

For devices that do not support native CBRS bands – only Ethernet or Wi-Fi – there are
several options available including cellular-capable USB adapters, portable cellular
gateways and hotspots that connect one or more devices via Ethernet or Wi-Fi while using
private 5G for backhaul transport.

5G LAN Use-Cases
Several key technical reasons set a private 5G LAN apart from
alternative connectivity options, including:

• Improved coverage and signal range

• Predictable throughput and latency
• Reliable AP roaming/handoffs
• Less external wireless interference

Based on these technical advantages, use-cases can be found in the

following business verticals:

• Higher education
• Public safety, utilities, transportation hubs, oil & gas and mining
• Warehouses and logistics centers
• Manufacturing plants
• Hospitals and healthcare facilities
• Retail chains
• Sports/entertainment venues
• Hotels/hospitality
• Agriculture/farming



Industrial IoT Uninterrupted mobility

Mobile Robots Improved up time for process digitization
Automated guided
Manufacturing Capital cost reduction with fewer APs
Lower latency device connectivity
Computer vision
Deterministic wireless coverage
Video surveillance

Reliable in-vehicle connectivity

Vehicle connectivity
Nonstop mobility
Logistics Inventory scanners
Latency sensitive wireless remote control
Push-to-talk comms
Very large area coverage per radio

Backhaul for remote Reduce/eliminate additional cabling

Wi-Fi hotspots
Higher Education Simplified extension of campus network to community
Community access
Outdoor wireless backhaul enables temporary locations
Public safety

Seamless mobility
Clinical voice
Lower latency, higher quality voice calls
In-building cellular
Healthcare Improved cellular coverage
Wireless telemetry
Infrastructure-controlled mobility
On demand clinics
Outdoor wireless backhaul enables temporary locations

PoS systems
Reliable in-vehicle connectivity
Cellular coverage
Stadiums Nonstop mobility
On field systems
Latency sensitive wireless remote control
Video surveillance

Environmental controls Clean spectrum with CBRS

Outdoor wireless Reliable connectivity for service staff
Hospitality extension
Predictable performance for vital business apps
PoS systems
Fewer APs cover entire property
Video surveillance


5G LANs for Neutral

Host Networking

One of the most compelling and popular applications for a private cellular network is its
future use to also onboard “guest users” and improve in-building cellular signal coverage
for public MNO (Mobile Network Operator) subscribers.
Commonly referred to as neutral host networking (NHN), this modern approach distributes
public cellular MNO voice and data services via the use of a private LTE/5G wireless
infrastructure. The private cellular network can broadcast third-party carrier identity to
users that have access to such carrier’s network and deliver great value:
• Eliminate the use of expensive Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) across the
enterprise facility to improve indoor public cellular coverage,
• Prevent the need for expensive RF designs to extend public carrier licensed
spectrum to indoor locations, and
• Eliminate the need for reserving bandwidth from nearby base stations of public
carrier networks by simply offloading traffic flows to private cellular spectrum
(such as CBRS in the US).

The role of an NHN is to leverage existing enterprise network resources, including the
Celona 5G LAN infrastructure, to propagate public carrier signals. This architecture can
create enhanced signal strength or increased capacity in locations where signal strength
is poor – or at certain venues where it doesn’t make sense for each MNO to deploy and
manage a separately owned radio network. Public cellular carriers can also offload
capacity leveraging a private NHN in areas where networks are prone to user/bandwidth
congestion issues, providing added scalability.
Neutral host networking is a relatively new concept that, unlike traditional models, allows
multiple parties - both private and public - to securely share the same cellular wireless
network. Doing so provides wireless connectivity to a wide range of public carrier
subscribers with the goals of increasing public cellular network coverage and capacity
while dramatically reducing capital and operating expenses using a shared network
infrastructure approach.


DMZ MNO Network

App Infrastructure MNO EPC
Celona MOCN
Devices Celona APs Celona Edge Service


AND SECURITY Enterprise Private Cloud

Edge Services
Compute DHCP/DNS Celona Orchestrator





For users of the network, an NHN operates seamlessly with their MNO’s regular cellular
network and will be entirely transparent to them. Accessing the NHN requires no user
input and is independent of enterprise network authentication. It does not require any
action on user’s part to roam into and out of the network.

For a more in-depth look at Neutral Host, take a look at our whitepaper on the topic:


Enterprise Purchase Criteria

for 5G LANs

There are two phases that most enterprise IT decision makers will undertake within their 5G LAN
decision making process. The first is to vet whether private cellular is the right technology for
their use-cases and application performance requirements on enterprise wireless.

From this standpoint, following questions are common:

• Will 5G be more stable and reliable than alternative options?

• Can a 5G LAN solve my problems with highly mobile devices?
• Is a 5G LAN offer increased security for my needs?
• Do I have deterministic performance requirements for applications?
• Will I have full control over my data and traffic flows in the network?
• Will a private 5G LAN be cost-effective?

Once the decision has been made to invest in a 5G LAN platform, the next question
will likely be, why Celona?

1. Celona is unique in its ability to offer an accessible, end-to-end solution that

was built for enterprise environments and to be managed by administrators
with enterprise IT operations skillset. Taking advantage of cloud networking
principles that are now common across enterprise networks, it enables centralized
automation and orchestration of complex infrastructure configuration – enabling
deployment at scale and faster than any other solution in the market.
2. By taking advantage of Celona’s 5G LAN operating system (OS), enterprise
IT administrators can directly translate existing network configuration for IP
domains, endpoint VLANs, DHCP/DNS service, firewall policies and QoS rules to
cellular wireless infrastructure. By using well defined layer 2 and layer 3 network
configuration options, cellular clients can be truly made part of the enterprise
network instead of being treated as a separate island. As a result, enterprises can
maintain flexible data privacy and security rules and translate them directly to new
generation of mission critical applications that are supported by a Celona 5G LAN.
3. Last but not least, via the patented MicroSlicing technology, a Celona 5G LAN can
enforce QoS priority and service level objectives (bandwidth, latency, packet error
rate) on any application and device mix supported by cellular wireless connectivity.
Instead of manually configuring each device on the network in order to enforce
such granular performance requirements, administrators can update, create
and enforce MicroSlicing policies as use cases evolve within the enterprise. This
provides administrators the freedom to utilize the same network infrastructure
for many applications, across different generation of connected devices, and
across different sites within the same enterprise organization – significantly
improving the return-on-investment (RoI) recognized and reducing the total cost
of ownership (TCO).

Request a free trial
and custom product
demonstrations by visiting
us at celona.io/journey.

[email protected] | celona.io

© Copyright 2022 Celona Inc. | All rights reserved.

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