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OWBN 2023
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This material is not official White Wolf
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One World by Night.
2023. Written by Paul R.(Gangrel Coordinator), Dennis Hamand (Sub Coord), Kevin
Wilhite(Sub Coord), Blair Boggs, Gary Brown, Robert Crosby, Steve Hondlik, and Peter
Van Splunder. Edits & Proofing done by Team Documents for One World by Night.
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Knights of Avalon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Lhiannan (Gangrel Coordinator Approval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mariners (Gangrel Coordinator Approval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Neo-Einherjar (Gangrel Coordinator Notify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Noiad (Majority Vote) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Taifa (Camarilla Coordinator Approval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Victorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Wah’Sheen (Camarilla Coordinator Approval) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
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Lifestyle in Modern Nights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Sect Politics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Merits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Flaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Combo Disciplines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
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Emails: [email protected] | [email protected]
Lore: Clan Gangrel 5 - Coord Approval
Rending - Coord Approval
Ahrimanes - 2⁄3 Majority Vote
Anda - 2⁄3 Majority Vote
City - Coord Approval Only if embraced outside the Sabbat or before 1870’s
Einherjar - Gangrel Coordinator Approval
Ghost Singers - Coord Approval
Greek Gangrel - Coord Approval
Lhiannan - 2⁄3 Majority Vote
Mariners - Coord Approval
Neo-Einherjar -Coord Notify
Noaid - 2⁄3 Majority Vote
Taifa - Camarilla Coord Approval
Wah’Sheen - Camarilla Coord Approval
Combination Disciplines
Alpha Glint - Camarilla & Gangrel Coord Approval for Non-Gangrel
Aura of Accursed Rage - Brujah and Gangrel Coord Notify
Bear’s Skin - Coord Approval
Ennoia’s Mastery - Coord Approval
Fenris’s Talons - Coord Approval
Ghost Song - Coord Notify for other Gangrel; Disallowed for Non-Gangrel
Itugen’s Embrace - Coord Approval
Loki’s Gift - Coord Approval
Extinct Animal Form - Coord Approval
Clan Friendship: Gangrel - Coord Approval
Gift of Proteus (1,2 & 4)- Disallowed for Non-Gangrel
Totemic Change - Coord Approval for Non-Gangrel
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Fire - A Fire is the most personal of the Gangrel meetings. A Fire indicates that
a Gangrel is present, has opened their lands for hospitality and are making
themselves known. It is not uncommon to see significant figures and extremely
old Kindred attending a Fire to once again retell their deeds and the Gangrel tales
of old. Fires can be as few as 2 and as many as hundreds. Fires attracting large
numbers tend to transform into Gathers, Things, and AllThings.
Gather - (Libellus Sanguinius 3: Wolves at the Door page 13): A Gather is the
basic form of Gangrel meeting. To call one, a Gangrel need only leave some
perceivable signs in nature that would indicate the calling of one. The affair is
rather straightforward. Each Gangrel introduces themselves to the others and
establishes a rank, based on merits from Rites of Status that are performed. These
Rites are typically very straightforward consisting of combat, boasting, or both. If
there are some particularly old or aggressive Gangrel present, the Rites may last
for quite some time. Once a hierarchy has been established, business can begin.
The Gather
discusses all manner of news: enemies, allies, herd migrations, Ravnos in the area,
threats, and any other news of any importance to the generally loner Gangrel.
Gathers are meant for local social events. But Gathers can also turn into Things if
enough Gangrel attend.
Thing - (MET Journal 5 page 23): The Norse have a tradition of calling a Thing to
discuss issues of law, diplomacy, trade, and feuding. A Thing can last as little as
one night or extend for as long as a week. Things are occasions of under-the-table
deal-making, alliance-shifting, arguing, and boasting. The Jarl of each hall in the
area attends, bringing an entourage - the bigger the entourage, the more powerful
the Jarl. This competition can often spark bigger arguments that can spiral into
blood feuds of legendary levels. As well as discussion, the Thing is often the
site of the holmgang and einvigi. The holmgang is a strict one-on-one duel with
limited weapons and no active Discipline use. The two involved parties stand
within weapon range, and the accused takes the first swing. Blows are traded until
one of them collapses, surrenders, or dies. The winner is the last one standing.
The einvigi is a more traditional duel in which the opponents are allowed to
use armor and weapons of any type. Combatants fight it out in a circle of their
comrades, who usually cheer them on and shove them back into the fight if they
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try to stray too far. Occasionally, there are rules - only three shields, bare hands,
no swords, etc. -but otherwise this type of duel is truly unlimited.
AllThing - (Wolves of the Sea page 53): A Scandinavian term for a large
gathering. An Allthing would be called for the same reasons as the local Things.
The Thing was meant to air grievances and to argue disputes. Judges would be
selected and after all arguments would be had, the judges would make a decision.
The decision of the judges would be binding and be upheld above all else, but
for much more serious or larger scaled issues. It was generally a means to settle
huge, sweeping disputes or potential feuds before a large war would break out.
are considered to be a call to the entire clan to show up.
The Winds - (Libellus Sanguinius 3: Wolves at the Door page 30): The Winds
refers to the immediate environs or habitat which a Gangrel finds themselves
in and means much more than simply the wind itself. The Winds includes prey,
predators, buildings, structures, kindred, and even more supernatural and unseen
things such as those hiding in Obfuscate, unmanifested supernaturals, and mystic
influences. The main idea and understanding of The Winds can be gleaned from
its associated Combination Power Read The Winds.
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Outlander - Another name for Gangrel or to describe the clan.
Clan Enemy
Clan Gangrel handles most strife locally and personally. It is very rare for an
individual to attract the ire of Clan Gangrel as a whole, this is reserved for the
most severe of offenses.
Clan Friendship
Whereas Clan Gangrel has enemies, they seem to make even fewer friends. Those
wishing to receive widespread attention and praise of Clan Gangrel must be cut from
a similar cloth and prove their worth. A friend of Clan Gangrel will be an individual
excellent in deeds and even better in keeping their word. It should be noted that
there is a level of rugged individuality and general contrariness amongst the Gangrel.
Reputation for them is only what they have personally heard of and so the Clan
Friendship merit for Clan Gangrel may be ignored by any Gangrel who do not recognize
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Embrace: The Embrace is as brutal as the Gangrel lifestyle. Unless the chosen
individual is already near expiring, the Gangrel hunts them and places them a
hair from death. The individual is then Embraced. For the first year of the new
Gangrel’s existence they are left on their own to survive or die. If the new Gangrel
is near one of the major Sects they normally find themselves quickly indoctrinated
into the local beliefs and practices of the predominant Sect present. Older Gangrel
will occasionally teach the younger Gangrel but only after the younger Gangrel
has proven themselves to be worth keeping around.
Animal Forms
The classic and most distinct power of the Gangrel is to turn into animals. The
forms a Gangrel can take are usually somewhat unique for the individual; however,
outsiders learning Protean take the form of a wolf or a bat, always.
The power “Shape of the Beast” is the 4th power of Protean and consists of two
different and distinct forms: The Fight Form and the Flight Form. The classic
examples are of a wolf for Fight Form and a bat for Flight Form. We will use these
as an example, but generally Gangrel can choose any predatory or scavenger
animal that makes sense. Normally a Fight form is not substantially bigger than
the user. Moreover, a Flight Form cannot be much smaller than a bat. It should
be noted that it does not need to be capable of flight. Finally, Protean is a rather
mutable Discipline, but mythical creatures
are not typically possible (for non-
Beast Traits
Mixed Blessings, Beast Traits, Feral and
One of the defining features of Clan Gangrel
is their flaw. It is a flaw in name mostly,
as Gangrel tend to wear their Traits as
marks of pride. Too many or too few can
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be shameful. The Gangrel Flaw gives Traits whenever she enters Rage Frenzy,
whether controlled or not, OR when fighting against the flight response to a
Rotschreck. While she caps out at 5 Negative Traits this does not stop her from
accruing more features and habits for Role-Play purposes.
See the Gangrel Clanbook Revised for examples and relative power level of Mixed
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Ennoia - Clanbook Gangrel page 11, Clanbook: Gangrel Revised page 12
According to legend, was a child of Lilith and Adam who was Embraced before the
biblical Great Flood, and came to be the fabled progenitor of the Gangrel clan.
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Known as The All-High, was the center of the Scandinavian Einherjar society.
The Sects
The Anarchs presented an opportunity to shake off a significant amount of the
stagnanting court behavior and to live a somewhat freer life. Many of Clan Gangrel
took this opportunity. As most Gangrel had a sufficiently hard time ever earning
real meaningful titles during the Time of Princes, many did not have much to lose
entering the revolt. In fact, the rough and hearty lot the Gangrel breed tended to
do quite well in the more thuggish and anarchistic society. A Gangrel of prowess
could much more easily dominate and run a gang than a court full of bureaucrats
and long-winded heraldry. The Gangrel as a pillar clan sprang from necessity and
never some deep-seated duty or loyalty. The Gangrel adapt to new situations
and are very good at it. With safety in numbers the Camarilla presented the
best option, but the Anarchs became an even better compromise for most. The
structure of the Clan was not unlike the Baronies that developed in the Free-State.
All in all, Clan Gangrel did and has done well in the Anarch movement.
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Lifestyle in Modern Nights
With more politics and courtly games of intrigue ever-squeezing Clan Gangrel, the
Anarch Gangrel’s numbers swell by the year. “Malcontentedness” runs rampant
among many younger Gangrel and even in some Elders. A tough Gangrel can
enjoy a meaningful lifestyle of moderate freedom as a member of a gang or even
as its leader. Many of the Camarilla Gangrel switching over illustrates exactly how
uncontent the Gangrel are in the Camarilla system.
The history of Clan Gangrel within the Camarilla is rather straightforward. The
Tremere crafting of Gargoyles from young Gangrel caused war that inevitably
ended with a treaty where Clan Gangrel became a pillar of the Camarilla and in
exchange the production of Gargoyles from Gangrel stopped. Others speculate
a rising ability of humanity to fend off Kindred advances and dwindling wilds
pushed the survival-minded Outlanders to stick to numbers. The decision was
divisive and many Gangrel still remained Independent. All in all, the Gangrel
have never been much for interest or talent in politicking. The nature of their
wanderings and wilderness lust made it quite clear that clan Gangrel was
nominally Camarilla, a deal of necessity rather than nicety. Gangrel Princes were
far and few between, but they did exist and certainly in rougher areas of the
world. Historically, Gangrel mainly held more physical positions such as Sheriff or
Scourge. Of particular note is Karsh, Metheusalah Gangrel. He is the uncontested
Warleader of the entire Camarilla.
The Anarch Revolt and the creation of the Sabbat caused many of the antitribu of
many clans to leave, but the Gangrel, many fed up with politics, were especially
eager for new choices. The Anarchs in particular with a more rugged society and
fresh somewhat more democratic slant appealed to many Gangrel. The songs of
the Sabbat sponsoring “true” freedom of elders was a siren call to many other
Animals. The Gangrel do remain a pillar clan, but nominal support for a system
they are less than enthusiastic to be in does cause some stagnation.
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the world, regardless of civilization, is still a brutal place. As much as they hate
to admit it, the Camarilla has its monsters and,in the end times, they are sorely
needed. A hearty Gangrel can still find good haven and enjoy relative wild
roamings for more physical jobs done in the service of local Princes. In these Final
Nights, however, it is a wonder how much longer the nominal support of Clan
Gangrel and its Elders will maintain “face”.
As long as there have been Gangrel, there have been those of the clan ndependent
from all others. The wanderlust and primal beastial behavior of the Gangrel can
require a life devoted to solitude and complete freedom from others and their
systems. For millennia Gangrel have found this largely free life to be to their liking
and few dissuade them. Most clans enjoy the life of cities and think little of the
deep woods where many Gangrel call home. Combined with the indisputably
robust and ferocious abilities of the Clan, few can challenge the life choices of
an Independent Gangrel. Some entire bloodlines have remained Independent all
their days such as the Noiad or the Anda. Others like the Lihannan or Ferals are
solely devoted to their own interests, none of which are served in what they would
consider a weak and servile
system. The idea of Gangrel
keeping to themselves and
focusing on nothing more than
the primal world and survival
has always and will always be
a strong theme of the Blood of
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cross. Even the fervent Sabbat Gangrel do not readily hunt their Independent
cousins without cause, though they show them no real kindness.
The Sabbat has always had the promise of “true” freedom on their lips. Words
that are honey to the ears of some Gangrel and irresistible to others. While some
Gangrel were caught up in the religious fervor, a fair few of the joining Gangrel
came for the bold stances and the staunch exaltation of the freedom so many
of the Clan crave. With the formation of the Sabbat came the formation of the
Gangrel antitribu. The Sabbat not only allowed the Gangrel to follow or act in a
more bestial manner, but in fact encouraged it. These exceedingly violent Gangrel
ended up forming a lot of the Sabbat stereotype for animalistic fury and their
crazed tenacity. Other less feral Gangrel came for the fervent religion promising
the return of Caine and the ways of old. As the Clan most entrenched in thepagan
ways, promises of freedom and a return to a simpler time, coupled with discontent
with the Camarilla, made it an easy choice for many to join. Unlike many other
clans, Gangrel on either side of the proverbial fence somewhat understand the
position of the other. This mutual interpretation is a far flung thing from outright
peace or civility.
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Clan Variants and Bloodlines
Note: There are as many Gangrel factions as there have been cultures. The Huns,
the Native Americans, Bikers, Celts, Burners, Hillbillies, Guttersnipes, Aztec,
Latino, Mayan, Santeria, Urban, Bayou, Anubi, and many many more.
Sobriquets: Cats
Founder: Muricia (>8th Generation)
An Ahrimane is artificially made from an existing Gangrel and therefore has
the Disciplines the Gangrel originally had in addition to Spiritus. For example,
a Country Gangrel turned Ahrimane would still have Animalism, Fortitude and
Protean. No Male Gangrel are known to have survived this ritual.
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Approval to be taught to non-Ahrimanes
As per V20 Dark Ages pages 254-256 with these MET conversions. The alternate
form presented in (Insert Source) is disallowed.
Speak with Spirits: Due to the nature of the Ahrimanes blood, they have an
unusually good acumen with some spirits. Upon obtaining this power of the
blood, the Ahrimane can telepathically talk to any animal spirits. It requires no
expenditure, but is limited to animals.
Aid from Spirits: The character touches an item, and then spends a point of blood
and makes a static social challenge retest occult, difficulty 8. The player receives a
number of bonus traits to be used with that item equal to the player’s level in the
Spiritus discipline. These bonus traits are expended when declared in a challenge,
but may be split up among multiple challenges. Unused bonus traits fade at the
end of the scene. The character may reactivate this power or use it on multiple
objects in the same scene, as long as she expends the blood for it.
Aspect of the Beast: The Ahrimane takes on the guise of animals to increase her
own abilities. The Ahrimane spends 2 blood while concentrating on an animal
in her mind. She then gains an aspect of the animal she has chosen. The Aspect
of the Beast lasts for the scene/hour. Please refer to V20 Dark Ages section for
examples of aspects.
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Engling Fury: The Ahrimane is part spirit, but still part beast. She can take
advantage of this nature to fortify herself. The Ahrimane can ambush, hunt and
then devour the spirit to regain Willpower. The spirit that is devoured is utterly
destroyed. The amount of Willpower is up to the Storyteller but it is suggested to
be between 1-3.
The Wild Beast: The Ahrimane has reached the pinnacle of predation and can
show such in this form. By taking one round and spending 2 blood, the Ahrimane
assumes the form of the Wild Beast. She gains Brawny x 3, Quick x 2, and
Resilient x 2. Claws and fangs of the Ahrimane elongate giving them each an extra
aggravated damage. The character is considered to have all senses heightened
and Eyes of the Beast and is up four traits in perception challenges relating to
scent, sight, and hearing. This horrifying beast form also confers the negatives of
Bestial x 3 and Feral x 3. The user can not initiate non-intimidation based Social
Challenges while in this form. This form can be assumed for a number of hours
equal to the user’s Willpower rating.
Another pseudo-bloodline of Gangrel, this one was the result of Gangrel-Antitribu
and a Native American Shamanic ritual. The result could not embrace but could
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perform the ritual on other Gangrel, forever converting them. The ritual was
only performed on women and resulted in the Ahrimane. Ahrimane were a very
reclusive and secretive “bloodline” nominally associated with the Sabbat before
they disappeared. They had a closeness to the spirit world as a result of the ritual
performed in their creation and some say they possessed a form of thaumaturgy,
while others claimed they possessed a unique discipline called Spiritus. Still
others in the quiet of a predawn fire whisper tales that they were once something
Muricia was like many other Gangrel, but the war she was tossed into by her sire
was more than she could stand. Upon arrival in the new world Muricia fled from
her pack and searched the native tribes for some means to break her blood bond to
her sire. She desired freedom from the war, from her sire, and from the life she had
been leading. Somewhere among the mystics of the natives she found her answer.
Some rituals she performed allowed her to break her bonds and something else.
She found herself strangely weaker corporeally, but much stronger of spirit. She
had become unlike any other before her, the first of the Ahrimane.
Understanding the secrets of the ritual and some say laying waste to the tribe that
aided her leaves Muricia the sole proprietor of her line. She would choose female
Gangrel who are all of like mind to join her in her new-found sisterhood. With a
mind bent toward freedom and the new power to take it, she petitioned for a loose
affiliation with the Sabbat. The Sabbat, like-minded in their own pursuits of power
and freedom, accepted.
The unlives of Ahrimanes depend on the individual. The only constants seem to
be at the very least a nominal claim of Sect as Sabbat, a strong desire for freedom
and a friendly if aloof association with the rest of their kin. Ahrimanes can deal
with problems from a rather unique angle given their natures and their particular
Discipline called Spiritus. As an extremely new bloodline, the Ahrimanes are still
very much in a period of building who and what they are in these troubled final
Embrace: Ahrimanes are peculiar in that none are Embraced. The lineage is only
ever continued through a ritual known only to the clan founder Muricia. To date,
Female Gangrel are the only ones to be made Ahrimanes. The aloof Muricia has
not commented on why this is the case. Dubious rumors abound of attempts at
creating male counterparts, but it is unknown whether the current dynamic is
due to a flaw in the ritual or an outright preference. At any rate, only females
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previously of clan Gangrel are Ahrimanes, without exception.
Sect Politics: Strictly speaking, the Ahrimanes are Sabbat. The Sabbat allows for
much more freedom than the Camarilla for the lifestyles Ahrimanes tend to lead.
Doubling in with Muricia having been Gangrel antitribu and the location of the
newly founded clan across the Southern United States, they are firmly Sabbat.
Sobriquets: Tartars
Founder: Dobrul the Brave (4th Gen
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A bloodline appearing on the steppes of Mongolia, the Anda understand their
close blood relationship with their parent clan, but take to a very different lifestyle.
Founded when a Methuseulah named Dobrul the Brave found himself impressed
with the tenacity of several Mongol warriors, the Anda became a new force and
source of influence to the people of the steppes to the north of China. While
Outlanders typically embrace that they are no longer a part of human society, the
Anda are much more entrenched in the culture of their people that they use as
a mobile territory and herd. That is to say, the cornerstone of the Anda were the
people of the steppes who they depended on for sustenance and candidates for
The Anda revered the Earth Mother Itugen whom they sought shelter in, away
from the sun. The ability to bond with the earth was a profound and integral ability
to the Anda both physically and spiritually. The Anda did not deny that they were
now apart from their old lives, but neither mourned nor lamented for their mortal
lives before the Embrace. To them, the embrace was a gift and an opportunity
to be something different and higher, an existence of spiritual significance. The
spirit nature of the Embrace can be found in their very unique use of Animalism
lending to new powers making life on the steppe more than possible. The steppes
of Mongolia are by no means a hospitable place for mortals, let alone the undead.
A vast open and coverless terrain does not lend itself to shelter from the sun. The
Anda, however, thrived in their own way. Considering themselves no less than
spiritual warriors, the Anda acted as supernatural defenders to the people who
they followed in their nomadic lifestyle. Most all Anda society was composed of
more-or-less equals. Indeed, Anda only deferred to other Anda as greater when
some such show of leadership or strength inspired such confidence. Even at that
stage, the Noker (the one submitting fealty) would expect the Noyan (chief) or
Khan (king) to be a continuous source of physical courage and strong leadership. It
should be noted that the only difference between the terms noyan and khan is
purely regional and not a larger hierarchy.
Despite the very loose hierarchy, Anda are typically unified in their mentalities
and general way of life. The Anda would enjoy a fairly large amount of success
in the progress of the Khans and the Golden Horde, making expansive conquests
east, west and south. Some Anda, due to their clan flaw, would even rove beyond
their herd deeper into European lands. On occasions, Anda could be found as
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very temporary members of coteries in their roaming. They enjoyed many of the
same lifestyles as Gangrel of the time, save for their ethnicity lending to terror
in mortals. The Mongols were akin to “boogeymen” for most of Eastern Europe.
Similar to their Norse cousins, the Anda would occasionally meet to discuss
movements and threats to their collective nomad encampments. These meetings
known as “kuriltai” were typically conducted under the New Moon which held
significance in their culture and beliefs. Unlike many bloodlines, the Anda were
open about their nature to their people. The people were reverent and cautiously
thankful for the presence of the Anda, though their presence did unnerve the
‘families’. Thankfully, most Anda worked in the secrecy of the night somewhat
easing this issue, not that it made life on the steppe any less lonesome. A similar
relationship can be seen with the Noiad detailed in this packet.
The Anda of the past were not to last as a prominent force. The same boons they
incurred from the expansion of the Mongols would be doubly returned in their fall..
Indeed, most Anda of the dark ages were systematically hunted down by the Wan
Kuei of China, their bitter enemies.
Embrace: Traditionally, the Anda were nearly exclusively chosen from among
the most powerful Mongol warriors. Until the expansion of the Golden Horde,
the Anda were indeed nearly 100% Mongol warriors, and mostly men. Their
expanding campaigns allowed for a more diverse population, but still only
choosing from more self-sufficient and nomadic people. Much like the Gangrel, the
Anda would carefully choose their Embraces. Upon selection, however, the Anda
would first discuss their choice with other local Anda to come to a consensus on if
the candidate was indeed worthy. Post-Embrace, the neonate would be left alone
and tested by the local Anda for around 1 year of time, the neonate would not
know they were being tested only that they needed to adapt to their new needs
and their new responsibilities as a higher spiritual force and defender of their
people. Upon 1 year, the final test would determine if the new Anda would indeed
be recognized by their fellows. The neonate would be taken to an incredibly barren
section of steppe to prove they could truly survive by bonding with the Itugen,
the Earth Mother. Prevented from leaving, moments before dawn the other
Anda would meld with the Earth and the new member would either pass into
“adulthood” or no longer be of consequence.
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Anda, like their parent clan, are truly survivors. The advantageous and flourishing
time of the Mongol conquests allowed for a more widespread pattern of Embrace.
As such, a limited amount of Anda live on and find their own ways to thrive. The
Anda of modern nights may no longer resemble the Mongol raiders of yore, but
many habits and lifestyles do not die easily. Anda even on modern embrace are
carefully chosen, though perhaps without discussing it with other locals (lending
purely to a lack thereof). The Mongol are still very much living the nomadic
lifestyle due to their inherent clan weakness and must still be self-sufficient
survivors. Many chosen for the Embrace still exhibit the qualities cherished by the
long dead khans such as physical prowess and a strong willful devotion toward
what the mortal would call their “family” or “tribe”.
Road of the Yasa: A morality path for vampires of the Steppes. Known as the
Barbarians for those from the west who know of the path.
Sect Politics
Many Anda of the ancient homeland never bothered to involve themselves in
politics outside their own kinsmen. Modern Anda are not much different and prefer
being Independent. Much like clan Gangrel, however, Anda could potentially be
found among the Camarilla and Sabbat. The Camarilla offers a place in which an
Anda’s chosen people could be potentially protected. Moreover, their willfulness
to lend their strength to a strong Nnoyan allows them to willfully balance
between being nomads and coterie members. In the Sabbat, however, the Anda’s
fierce loyalty toward their chosen people allows some to devote themselves
wholly to a pack. Overall the Anda would have no issue joining the Anarchs or
simply remaining Independent.
City Gangrel
(Gangrel Coordinator Approval if embraced outside
of America or before 1870. Also if outside the Sabbat
[requires Sect Coordinators Approvals and Gangrel
Coordinator Approval])
Gangrel Clanbook: Revised, page 50; Vampire
Storyteller’s Handbook to the Sabbat page 40;
Vampire the Masquerade 20th Ann. page 429
Sobriquets: Coyotes
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Founder: The most congruent and running theory is that the first Sabbat pack
of Gangrel performed some bloody ritae that kickstarted the bloodline, but none
have cared much to delve into it as little truly matters outside the Sabbat’s holy
war. Other running theories include, Einherjar, or even the fabled Greek bloodline.
These Gangrel tend to be almost exclusively Sabbat and number similarly to their
“Country” brethren within that Sect. Some claim that these Gangrel are descended
from the first Einherjar to reach the New World, some claim simply that they are
the descendents of the first Sabbat Gangrel packs, still others claim them to be
descended from the elusive Greek Gangrel. By and large City Gangrel don’t care
which legend is true. City Gangrel tend to have more unusual forms and Traits
than their cousins, including the more obvious urban adaptations.
Sect Politics
The City Gangrel are almost exclusively Sabbat with a few exceptions among the
Independents, Anarachs, or Camarilla.
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Country Gangrel-Antitribu
Vampire Storyteller’s Handbook to the Sabbat page 40; Vampire the Masquerade
20th Ann. page 429
Sobriquets: Hunters
Founder: Ennoia (3rd Gen; Country Gangrel are not
truly different in heritage from the main Clan’s body, but
are more a Sect distinction)
The history of the Country may be the simplest of any Gangrel variation. They are
simply members of the main body of Clan Gangrel who have joined the Sabbat in
their holy fervor. They are not unlike the traditional members of Clan Gangrel in
their aptitudes, but may be a bit different in their application. Mainly, the Country
Gangrel are less likely to avert glorified violence and enjoy their bestial nature
even more than their parentage.
Sect Politics
Though similar to the main body clan, they are truly antitribu and are very much
Sabbat. They are in fact wholesale Sabbat as a Country Gangrel in the Camarilla
is simply a member of Clan Gangrel, the main body standard. The “variation” of
Country is a distinction given solely by the Sabbat and is simply categorical.
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Cults of Veles
Player’s Guide to the Low Clans page 30
Sobriquets: Veela (Outsiders, if any know of them, would mistakenly refer to all
Veles worshippers as Veela)
Founder: Unknown. The ancient cult is older than memory serves and has no
specific founder, though most all cult members are Gangrel with a few select
Disciplines: The Disciplines innate to the cult member’s clan, most likely
Gangrel and thus Animalism, Fortitude and Protean
Clan Advantage: Standard clan advantage of the cult member’s clan, As per
Country Gangrel as per Laws of the Night page 51
Clan Weakness: Standard clan disadvantage of the cult member’s clan, As per
Country Gangrel as per Laws of the Night page 51
Many thousands of years ago, the Cult of Veles was formed. Given its nature and
general composition, the cult founder was most likely a very old Gangrel. The
cult’s god, Veles, is the Slavic god of magic, the underworld, oaths, trade, and
horned animals. More than anything else, however, Veles is the god of the hunt.
The Cult was like many other Pagan cults with one large thematic exception: The
Wild Hunt. Many Cainites of different walks know of and perform The Wild Hunt,
but to the Cult of Veles it is a central and integral theme. The Wild Hunt is the
most glorious event done by the Cult and once per year, the Cult would select a
predator symbolizing Veles and a prey to participate. The symbol of Veles was
most always a male priest who could take the form of a wolf or bear. The prey,
however, was strictly chosen through divination,foe or even friend alike was
possible. Divination was used as there could be no judgement other than the
divine to correctly choose the prey. Though the prey usually lost, if it could escape,
the same normal rules of The WIld Hunt applied. It usually would not result in a
Cainite’s final death, but on especially important or significant hunts it is possible
that the heart’s blood would make an excellent sacrifice. Culturally, males and
females enjoyed the same benefits in the priesthood; however, the females were
known as Veela and acted as a Slavic form of Valkyrie who performed the task of
choosing those Dead considered worthy.
Furthermore, unlike most cults, the Cult of Veles was able to spread far and wide
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under a Helenistic approach. Where they went, they absorbed the names of the
local gods and implemented their new cults to more or less the same god. Veles
can be found in traces of others, such as Baltic god Velenias, the Norse god Odin
and the Celtic Herne the Hunter. In fact, the Cult of Veles consider most Einherjar
as a lost outgrowth of their faith. Most Einherjar do not believe this, but are just
as comfortable aspagans and come to few overall disputes. Those outside Clan
Gangrel and Rivals: It should be noted that the land worship done in the name of
Veles attracts two things to the Cult of Veles: Tzimisce and the rival Cult of Perun.
It is no wonder that several Tzimisce so tirelessly tied to the land could take up
and champion the Cult of Veles. The Cult of Perun, however, is quite the opposite.
Mythologically, Perun is the god of thunderstorms and truth as well as the foe
and rival of Veles. Though the cults may have ancient contentions, the Dark Ages
find them both scrambling for the same kind of survival fromf Christianization
and putting them into little real conflict with each other. After all, both are devout
pagan cults and that in itself gives them some modicum of mutual respect and
Sect Politics
As an old pagan cult, the members are almost without a doubt Independents. The
Christianization afflicted them like so many other Gangrel variants, but had a
lesser detriment due to their regional location. The Slavic lands were not nearly as
easily changed from their old ways.
Disciples of Anubis
Cairo by Night page 143
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Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Protean
Clan Advantage: As per Country Gangrel
Clan Weakness: As per Country Gangrel
In millenia eternal, Egypt has known one great conflict. It is that of Set and those
who would oppose him, the Osirian League, led by none other than Osiris. In
these long forgotten days of conflict, a Gangrel known as Anpu was tasked with
protecting the Cult of Isis. Anpu and his progeny are known as the children of
Anubis and their holy mission is the same as their father, to stop Set and his evil
ilk. In time, the Cult of Isis was ill-fated and fell. Blaming himself, Anpu devised a
plan to break the Setite control of the pharaohs and to restrict the Bane Mummies
created by Set gaining the Spell of Life from the devastated Cult of Isis. He created
the Rite of the Sun-King and bided his time until a final component would present
itself. The spell, unfortunately, required constant maintenance from someone
beyond the Skinlands and that person was Hatshepsut, a decisive pharaoh queen.
With her receiving the Spell of Life, she began a millenia-lasting campaign of
oppressing the Setittes. Never since has such a long and sustaining blow been
dealt to the progeny of Set. Thus the children of Anubis, as they are called, defend
their lord and lady, Osiris and Hatshepsut. They maintain guard against the vile
influence and machinations ever present by the great serpent sorcerers.
Sect Politics
The devotion of the children of the Jackal is of singular purpose. They are a great
line of defense for the Cult of Isis (or what remains of it ) and staunch opponents of
Set and his progeny. Sect is Independent, but their mission transcends something
so nominal. In all thatthey do, they hold the line against Set.
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(Gangrel Coordinator Approval)
Ashen Thief page 81; MET Journal 5 page 21; Dark Ages: Europe page 149;
Wolves of the Sea page 41 & 51 (thou the entire book is especially useful); Dark
Ages: British Isles page 93; Guide to the Low Clans page 34
Note: It is HIGHLY recommended to read the entirety of Wolves of the Sea before
attempting to play or use Einherjar. They are of a very particular and ancient sort
with a very hardline opinion on most everything. They have a great deal of (viking)
honor, but none would really be considered nice or hospitable by any modern
standard. Furthermore, the Einherjar had a vast terminology specific to them. It
would greatly benefit anyone utilizing Einherjar to understand their words as well
as their ways.
Sobriquets: Vikings
Founder: Odin, The All-High (4th Gen) Embraced the First Einherjar, Canarl (5th
To understand the Einherjar one must most notably go to their creation story,
the story of Odin. Odin, the All-High, One-Eye who Sees All, Spear-Thruster,
Necromancer, Raven-Glutter, Lord of the Slain, All-Father.... A being of many
names and even more epics. It has been known since ancient times, the true
creation myth. In the void of nothing were the Aesir and Vanir created, born of
long forgotten giants. It was Odin who slayed Ymir and created Midgard thus of
his body. All hail to Odin, creator of the World and all seeing mystic. And so in his
all-seeing, it was known to Odin the days of the final nights, the storm and rage,
the battle of Ragnarok. So in his wisdom, he gained the title Necromancer, Lord
of the Slain, and Rune-Winner whereby he hung himself upon the branches of
Yggdrasil, impaled upon Gungnir. Nine days he hung to understand all. He then
ventured forth as a master of life and death to call to him those of great valor and
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tremendous honor for the coming battles at the end of all things.
Upon the fields, run red upon the ground did he travel, he and his Valkyries. He is
to find only those worthy to join him in his ways and to take up sword and shield
for all time until Ragnarok and the cleansing and rebirth of the world. It is here in
his wanders we find the near slain Canarl, Bastard and Outlaw. For so great was
his Rage and Berserk that Carnal was cast out by his kin. He among his fellows
and only his fellows did follow his Berserker heart and to this end he was felled
by the spae-craft as too many valorous do. Odin, All-High, did look upon the near
dead man surrounded by the bodies of his fellows and he spoke to him. Carnal,
marked of the Rune, could not die, but only just. From the tip of Gungnir did the
All-Father feed the worthy Carnal, of the blood of the All-High was Carnal given
the Blood Rite and thus he was blooded. Rise did Carnal, neither dead nor alive,
but both. So too did his fellows. Thus the Chosen Dead of Odin began and thus
remain this night, ever preparing for Ragnarok so they may engage in the ultimate
battle beside their Father.
Einherjar is a term describing the Dark Ages (and earlier) group of devoted Pagan
vampires who worshiped Odin and fully embraced the paragon ideals of the
Norse. The Einherjar were to themselves and their devout mortal followers, the
Chosen Dead of Odin. Blessed were they that they should be the ones to fight in
Ragnarok, the culmination of all the tireless battle of the Norse and the rebirth of
a perfect Midgard. Essentially this classifies the Einherjar whose sole purpose was
to preserve the Old Faith and Ways until they were needed in the Final Nights as a
Gehenna Cult. It is classified in the same manner, but the Einherjar not only do
not recognize the story of Caine and Abel, but consider the entire story unmanly
and unworthy of them. They are born of Odin, All-Father and All-High. A being
of incredible power and wisdom that had no cowardice and immense honor. The
European Cainites are fools and weaklings to believe they are born of a cowardly
kin-slayer who would practice Secret Murder.
The Einherjar were very, very different from their European cousins. Not only
did they reject the Cainite Heresy, but moreover, they rejected the idea of the
Silence. To the Pagan peoples of Scandinavia, the Einherjar were the Chosen
Dead and thus were to be endorsed and even worshiped. They were essentially
automatically heroes. With such respect, the Einherjar openly ruled their people
and were their guiding arm in all aspects of life. There was no filial responsibility
between Sire and Childer. To be chosen as an Einherjar was to be Einherjar, an
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equal in esteem for the coming end times.The great differences in their respective
cultures caused many issues and outright violence between the European and
Scandinavian vampires.
Although the Einherjar were quite potent, their peoples were ultimately like any
other. In time, the peoples of Scandinavia were christianized and this turned the
Einherjar society on its head. Their once loyal communities were suddenly and
violently opposed to their rule and even their existence. Things came to a head,
when the people of Sweden rebelled against the All-High himself and burned
his famed temple to the ground causing the All-High to disappear all together.
This blow was the death-knell many of the Einherjar realized, the death of their
Old Ways. Some fought tooth and claw, others tried to preserve what culture
they could, while others cared not and solely prepared for their ultimate goal,
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and serious disputes to head off wars that could leave the Einherjar too weak for
Ragnarok. It could be said that the Einherjar were a Gehenna Cult of sorts, that
posed more as an open and ancient religion that was treated ultimately as a Sect
unto itself and was commonly mistaken as a Gangrel bloodline.
Clan Gangrel made up the heavy bulk of all Einherjar, but this is more due to the
hardiness and common mindsets of Clan Gangrel. Other Clans could be found
among the Einherjar; the only real requirement for the Einherjar to accept a
member was their devotion to Viking Honor, battle, valor, glory, and the Old Ways
worshiping or working for the Aesir so that Ragnarok could be won.
It should be mentioned that two distinct roads were held by some of the Einherjar:
Via Einherjar and Via Aesirgard, the former akin to the Path of Honorable Accord
in regards to Einherjar culture and the latter similar to Via Caeli (Road of Heaven)
in respect to the Aesir. Each is detailed in Wolves of the Sea page 72 & 73
Sect Politics: The Einherjar were fiercely all their own. To call them Independent
or simply Einherjar is most appropriate. The Chosen Dead await and attend the
All-High, nothing more.
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Road of the Beast (entire book); Vampire the Dark Ages page 113
Note: It is HIGHLY recommended to read the entirety of Road of the Beast before
truly getting into playing a Feral. Common misconceptions about Via Bestiae
include they are completely animalistic and do not possess learning, planning,
higher thought or tools beyond their own claws and fangs. If this is what you
believe to be the essence of Via Bestiae then you are not ready to embrace real
roleplay with the concept of them. Remember above all else, the strong thrive and
the weak perish. But never forget that beasts of all sorts are cunning, wily, and
few ever survive to be fools. It should be further noted that Via Bestiae appears
in a very different light in the Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition books, but the
correct understanding of Via Bestiae comes from the original Dark Ages books,
especially the eponymous Road of the Beast.
Sobriquets: Ferals
Founder: Ennoia (3rd Gen; founder of Via Bestiae)
Caine, founder of Cainites, built the Second City and Ennoia was witness to it all.
Caine saw the benefit of civilization, easing the constraints of hunting and making
for an easier life for his children. Ennoia saw much else, she saw weakness and
distraction. Her brethren chose to master the decadence and distraction of the
Beast rather than mastering themselves and understanding the power of the
Beast. Like Caine before her, she wandered without a word into the wilds of the
ancient world to live as a wild thing to gain mastery of her Beast. Forty years
later she emerged with perfect control of her Beast. She gathered a great number
of her progeny to declare and teach what she had learned. A joyous surprise, her
progeny were eager for her message and her ways as they too had felt a part of
the “civilized” world of decadence.
Thus, Via Bestiae was born as the oldest road made of the road of Cainites. Via
Bestiae, or the Road of the Beast, is founded on principles that embrace the Beast
rather than ignore or willfully deny it. The Beast is a part of the very soul and
denial is not only wrong, but detrimental. Ferals are strict adherents to the road’s
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precepts which consist of concepts that are seemingly simple, but much more
complex in action. Simple does not always mean easy or straightforward.
Via Praedator - Known now as the Path of the Hunter, the supreme focus is the
essence of hunting and using the beast in conjunction with oneself to achieve
success in the hunt. One must be a predator and prey upon those weaker than
themselves; to do otherwise is to blaspheme.
Via Erronis - Known now as the Path of the Nomad, the supreme focus is the
anathema of civilization. One must do as Ennoia and avoid the trappings of
civilization and wander far and wide to master the beast. To do otherwise is folly.
Via Feritas - Known now as the Path of the Savage, the supreme focus is the
wrath and fury of the Beast. When one strikes, it should be as if they are a wild
thing and to the vicious extent the Beast can possibly go. To do less than commit
fully in this way is to reject the true essence of the Beast.
Via Venator Umbra - Known now as the Path of the Grey Hunter, it is the
supreme embracing of the changing hunting grounds of civilization. Man has
built civilization and it progresses astonishingly. It is not in the avoiding of the
trappings of civilization that brings mastery, but the embracing of this change and
truly understanding its futile meaning. The new jungle of humanity is fraught with
niceties and distractions of all sorts, but the purpose for the Beast is the same: to
survive and to feed. Tactics and strategies may have changed, but the goal of the
hunting blind remains unfettered and unchanged. The Beast is not only strong and
savage, but it is crafty. To be less than all these things is to fail your potential.
Sect Politics
True Ferals are Independent. Followers of the Path of the Feral Heart embody a
similar and commendable spirit, but are not true Ferals.
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Ghost Singers
(Gangrel Coordinator Approval)- OWbN Created Bloodline
Sobriquets: Singers
Requirements: Must be descended from a PC Bloodline-Ghost Singer
Special: The Ghost Singer Bloodline may teach their power of the Ghost Song to
other Gangrel as the Ghost Song Combination Discipline.
Animalism, Protean, Auspex
A newer addition to Clan Gangrel, the so-called Ghost Singer spawn from rather
contentious sources. It is said that the workings of Dark Magics and Romani blood
has caused this psychic mutation of sorts. The Ghost Singer is able to pick up and
understand traces of felled Gangrel, gaining their stories. The leftover psychic
residue can be of great use to the Clan as a whole. Clan Gangrel has always
cherished the telling of tales and boasting of deeds around their Fires. The loss
of an ancient or potent Gangrel to Final Death may render some tales to never be
told again. The Ghost Singers could in fact act as a new lineage of Loremasters,
recovering stories of Elders since lost to time and the sun. However, their origins
spark significant controversy.
Since time immemorial, the Gangrel have had feuds and the occasional outright
war with the Ravnos. In this day and age, dissent and hatred of them is not
much less. The possible “Dracian magics” running through the Ghost Singers
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causes some of Clan Gangrel to have disdain for their strippling cousins despite
their possible advantages. The distrust has made it rather difficult for the Ghost
Singers to rightly fit into their Clan, but Gangrel are nothing if not adaptable and
as such they endure and strive further. While doing what some consider a sacred
or needed duty, the Ghost Singers do what they can to earn their place among
Ennoia’s children.
Sect Politics: The Ghost Singers do not truly tend toward any particular Sect. Due
to their controversial nature, Childer tend to stick with their sires more tightly than
their parent Clan, keeping with whatever Sect their sire claims. Ultimately their
distinction from Clan Gangrel is an internal affair and few outside of the Gangrel
really know (or care) of their existence. Due to their nomadic nature, they would
most certainly have Independent leanings.
Greek Gangrel
(Gangrel Coordinator Approval)
Libellus Sanguinis 3: Wolves at the Door page 32
Sobriquets: Claudians (named so after the first commissioner of the Roman
aqueducts, Appia Claudius Caecus)
Founder: Unknown but Gangrel have always existed in cities since the first stone
was laid in Babylon. It is most likely not a single progenitor, but an evolution
of some broods of Gangrel sticking to cities for centuries and centuries and
expressing the adaptation of stealth over hardiness.
The Greek Gangrel seem to be somewhat of an eccentricity and are rather
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mysterious compared to even the more esoteric bloodlines. What little is known
of the Greek Gangrel comes mainly from outside impressions from time long
forgotten. In the days of the Roman empire and eventually in Constantinople, a
line of Gangrel existed somewhat isolated and alone, even from their own Clan
parentage. Unlike any other Gangrel line, the Greek Gangrel not only stayed within
cities, but seemingly abhorred to venture for long periods away from cities. Their
sobriquet is a good example. They were known to hide among the sewers and
aqueducts, much like Clan Nosferatu. They had similar leanings in learning
their environments and their herd within the city. Though cut off from the main
body of Clan Gangrel, the Greeks had no real animosity with their brethren. The
relationship was one of confusion and puzzling interest. Before they disappeared
from history, there was talk they would want to become friendlier with their
parent Clan, though they never did officially show up to any gathering of the
Gangrel. After the fall of Constantinople, the fate of the Greek Gangrel is largely a
complete mystery as they left no clues to where they had ultimately gone.
After all, it is better to remain unseen in human populations rather than simply
take the blows. Would it not suffice to reason that outrunning your opposition
would prove more effective than summoning the comparatively small animals
commonly found in urban environments?
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Sect Politics
The Greek Gangrel tended to keep to their own. Very akin to Nosferatu in their
habits and habitats, the Greekangrel would mainly put fellows of their bloodline
before other political loyalties to a degree slightly surprising for some Gangrel.
Ultimately, if any survive, they most likely prefer to keep their existence either
unknown or in complete anonymity.
Knights of Avalon
Player’s Guide to the Low Clans page 218
Sobriquets: Knights
Founder: Sir Godfrey du’ Auffay (founded the Order, not to be confused with siring
its members; unknown generation, but did command Sir Arthius Morgant {7th gen}
and must be of conceivably low generation, most likely 6th)
Disciplines: The Disciplines innate to the Order member’s clan, most likely
Gangrel and thus Animalism, Fortitude, and Protean
Clan Advantage: Standard Clan advantage of the Order member’s Clan, more
than likely the Gangrel mixed blessing. Moreover, the hatred for this portion of
the Curse of Caine has granted true Knights of Avalon training in controlling their
Frenzies and are up 1 Trait for any attempts to Frenzy whether self-induced or
brought about by some power.
Clan Weakness: Standard Clan disadvantage of the Order member’s Clan, more
than likely the Gangrel mixed blessing; however, the Knights of Avalon consider
beast features to be a true mark of sin and a besmirching of their honor, they are
likely to have no more than 1 or even 0 features at creation.
Sir Godfrey du’ Auffay’s embrace was like many others, but the childe found
himself feeling no sense of comfort or belonging. He did not take solace in
the wilderness, nor in holy orders, but he found one reprieve: the songs of the
troubadours. The valorous tales of knights brought him comfort, hope, and
strength in this new and terrible form. He did not wish to commune with his Beast,
nay he sought to remain ”pure” of its control and his Clan’s curse. He sought out
Mithras who enjoyed the proposal of an Order. Thus, Mithras aided Godfrey in
creating the Knights of Avalon and tasked them with slaying monsters and fiends
wherever they may be found. Though few, the Order had a main stronghold in
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Cornwall and were active in their assignments. Though the Order only ever had
Gangrel Knights, there was never any rule against other Clans joining. The original
Knights of Avalon were: Sir Arthius Morgant, Sir Percival of Ghent, Sighurd the
Saxon, and Sir Godfrey himself. The Order also had a Squire, a Nosferatu known
as Master Humphery who one day hoped to be honored enough to be a Knight.
Sect Politics
The Knights of Avalon as an Order were under Mithras. In the modern nights, they
are solidly Camarilla. No other course of action makes sense for a stout knight of
(2⁄3 Majority Approval)
References: Wolves of the Sea page 58; Vampire the Masquerade 20th
Anniversary Edition page 424: The Long Night page
97; Faith and Fire page 73; Dark Ages Vampire
(2002) page 77; Dark Ages Companion pg. 68: Dark
Ages British Isles (whole book is useful); Guide to the
Low Clans page 129; Libellus Sanguinis 3 – Wolves
at the Door page 7; Gangrel Clanbook (2000) page
Sobriquets: Druids
Founder: The Crone
New Founder: Magda, the Witch of Connacht
(Known to be 5th Generation, previously 4th)
Animalism, Ogham, Presence
Ogham is Coordinator Approval to be taught to non-Lhiannan
Clan Advantage: per Faith and Fire page 74: Mortals who follow the pagan ways
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constitute a Herd from which they may gain one Blood Trait per level of Ogham
she possesses. The Lhiannan must have access to her Herd, and each Trait gained
requires 15 minutes out of play. Because of their ties to the old ways, Lhiannan
begin play with one Trait each in Occult and Hearth Wisdom.
Clan Weakness: Due to the new ritual performed by Magda, the new Lhiannan
suffer a very different breaking of their spirit shard. Whenever a Lihannan
Embraces a new member it reduces the sires generation. For example, if an 8th
gen were to Embrace, the resulting children and sire would BOTH be 9th gen.
Magda may in fact have seen this as a boon for it not only discourages needless
Embrace, but discourages Diablerie within the Bloodline. Additionally, Lhiannan
are even more tied to their land than the Tzimisce. A Lhiannan who leaves her
territory becomes uncomfortable or even physically ill. They suffer a one-Trait
penalty on all challenges for each week that they remain outside her territory.
Once they return to her territory, her Traits return to normal within a few hours.
The Lihannan are as old as most can remember and have practiced the old faith of
the Druids just as long. In days long before the counting of days, we see a story
involving the mysterious figure known as The Crone, a Methuselah named Magda,
and a very large, very potent wild Spirit.
The Spirit, knowing the expansion of man
and the destruction of nature, was a terrible
and jealous thing. It wanted to live and live
and live. The Crone in her great power and
wisdom created a plan for both enriching the
Methuselah and aiding the Spirit. It bound
them together so that Magda and the Spirit
were as one. The Spirit would live on through
her and her children.
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wisdom prevailed. As all old things give way, druidic tradition did not stand up
as well against change as many other pagans. The largest of changes being the
arrival of Christianity and its spread across the Gallic lands. The Lhiannan at this
time had no reason to hide. They were marked by their Spirit nature and stood as
the central figures for the druid followers to give tribute to and to preserve them.
In the coming of Christianity and the Inquisition this marked nature turned into
their destruction. Among all Kindred, the easiest to spot were the Lhiannan and
their bond to their glades and groves restricted their mobility. All of this coupled
with a need for one’s own territory left the Lhiannan the least prepared to fight off
both mortals and supernaturals. The children of Magda dwindled to nothing until
the poor Witch was by herself.
Many a night Magda would call out to her kin to find no reply. Bitterly knowing
the score of things, she elected to never leave her glade and continue to preserve
what she could. The Witch of Connacht is among the most cunning and wily of
creatures. Despite the attempts of myriad Gangrel, Garou, Inquisition, Hunters, and
mortals, Magda was never once caught, defeated, or forced out of her glade. She
bade her time until she could strike back once more and restore her children. She
would eventually fall into blessed obscurity and then only legend...waiting for her
chance to renew.
Clan Gangrel Perspective: As the only Gangrel offshoot without Protean, clan
Gangrel has had some rather violent and unhappy opinions involving the Druids.
Some Gangrel did in fact spearhead the widespread extinction of the Lhiannan.
Many older Gangrel claim they are traitors to all of the Gangrel Clan in ancient
times, calling them cowards who fled a great battle. They say this is why they are
not blessed with the signature Protean. In more modern nights, it is yet to be seen
how the Clan would take them. Most believe they are extinct and no longer a
problem, and they are so long gone that most do not even know of their existence.
Embrace: The Lihannan of the Dark Ages only ever Embraced with purpose or
great need as it weakened their spirits within them. The Lihannan of modern
nights are no different. A candidate must be a good fit for the archaic and potent
ways of the Druid and above all a fervent pagan faith is necessary. As they are
weakened with each Embrace, the Lihannan take exceptional care when picking
children and do so only rarely.
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Lifestyle In Modern Nights
The time is now right for Magda to bring back her fervent druidic children. In the
rise of new age paganism and the widespread practice of religious tolerance, the
old faith is ripe for a strong return. Magda is potent and wise enough to use her
mistress’ ritual and once again bring forth the bonding of Spirit and Cainite. But
Magda is even wiser now and she knows the new needs for secrecy, even in a
more “accepting world”. She has chosen her Spirit wisely, giving her new children
an easier time blending in, though at the cost of a weaker brood. The Lihannan
of modern nights are much like their antiquarian counterparts. They strive for
bonding with the land and preserving their ancient ways. They are more secretive
than ever, never allowing outsiders to learn of their true nature. The new Lihannan
seek out the true believers of the pagan resurgence to add to their growing
following. The true rituals of the Lihannan require sacrifice greater than most are
willing to make, but some are always willing.
Sect Politics
Highly selective and secretive, the ways of the Druids do not find its way into any
major Sect. Magda has taught her new children well, and they are wary of most
outsiders. They are therefore, nearly exclusively independent. The only group the
Lhiannan might have some rapport with could be those of Lillith considering their
origin through the Crone and the possible respect for some of their more painful
(Gangrel Coordinator Approval)
Gangrel Clanbook: Revised page 51; World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides
page 34-36; Vampire the Masquerade 20th Ann. Edition page 435; Guide to the
Low Clans page 30 (Maharbaal the Phoenician)
Sobriquets: Dagons (if you have seen one you’d understand why)
Founder: No Distinct Founder can be claimed as the anomalous Bloodline seems
to surface and disappear mysteriously. A Mariner may sire and non-Mariner and
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One of the more mysterious Bloodlines, the Mariners are aquatic Gangrel. They are
as rare as they are strange. Their blood does not always produce similar progeny
and “normal” Gangrel can sometimes produce this off-shoot. One working yet
ambiguous theory is the ancient Maharbaal the Phoenician. As he amassed so
much treasure, he traveled extensively and Embraced just as much. It is said that
after he squirreled away his goods for a bout of Torpor, he Embraced a Childer at
every port known to man (and perhaps a few beyond that ) before disappearing in
a shipwreck. His mass oceanic Embracing spree may have not been responsible for
the Mariner line per se, but such conditions and virility could account for a large
portion of their numbers. The origins all in all, remain as cloudy as the murky
waters these alien folk tread.
Due to their extreme adaptations, these Gangrel have an even harder time fitting
into society than their land-dwelling cousins. This leads them at large to forgo
most any interaction with kine or kindred in favor of the solace of the waves. They
seem to have a reverence for their waters and do claim and protect their territory
from incursion. Some Mariners actually borderline on deifying the ocean and can
be quite fanatic about them. As their only possible anchor, the only time Mariners
will readily interact with those above the waves is to deal with invaders or to
prevent some sort of terrible ecological damage. It would seem humanitarian, but
the truth behind this seems more akin to survival. After all, a lack of proper prey
severely affects kindred no matter their locale.
Just as alien as the world they come from, each Mariner’s behavior and beliefs
are quite individualistic and can vary. The only factor tying them all together is
their love of the sea. They are typically of low generation and many years as they
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Embrace very, very rarely. A candidate may be chosen from someone who finds
beauty in all faces of the ocean such as a fisherman or a marine biologist, but only
after prolonged and careful observation.
Protean Variants: The Protean of the Mariners has mutated to better suit their
aquatic needs. This “version” of Protean can be taught, but rarely would a Mariner
do so. Already enough fish in the sea, so to speak.
Mariner Adaptations
Basic Protean - Dolphin’s Unsight
Dimmed Tides page 36
MET: This power replaces Eyes of the Beast and allows those who learn it to
replace vision for most tasks (except reading and discerning color or the like) while
underwater. The user effectively has Sonar. This sense is fully effective out to 100
meters and one Trait penalty for every 50 meters beyond that, this includes ranged
combat.) This power is useless on land.
It should be further noted that Mariner’s have Fight and Flight Forms equally
aquatic as their other Protean adaptations
Sect Politics: The Mariners are too tied to their isolated waters and care nothing at all
for politics. Although convenient deals could be struck, the Mariners are Independent
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without exception. Since most Cainites do not care a great deal about living underwater,
it is quite easy for most to give the Mariners the wide berth they desire. Both the Sabbat
and Camarilla, on the rare encounter, have offered them membership. All offers have been
(Gangrel Coordinator Notify)
Gangrel Revised (2000) page 91 ; Encyclopedia Vampirica page 39; children of the
Night page 79
NOTE: The Office of the Gangrel Coordinator recognizes Neo-Einherjar as those
joining the new age movement of the Einherjar and were never a part of the
original Norse Einherjar.
Sobriquets: Neo-Vikings
Founder: Brunhilde (6th Gen; Movement Founder)
Following the violence of World War 1, Brunhilde awakened from her slumber and
stumbled upon the Torpid body of her Grandsire, The All-High. She found
the Einherjar leader remained perfectly in torpor and only occasionally stirred
to consume large quantities of werewolf vitae. Keeping this to herself, she
immediately reformed the Valkyries and spread influence of her ancestral line all
across the North of Europe, including assassinating a Prime Minister. The Einherjar
do not play games or boast falsely, so her claim of doing so is proof enough. She
then became intrigued with the outside world, yearning to once again work toward
the goals of Einherjar to combat Ragnarok. She longed to once again choose the
worthy dead.
She easily found an intriguing answer in none other than the Anarch Free State.
The desires and malcontent of the freedom-minded Anarchs was not overlooked.
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The Einherjar way of life, of brutality but honor and fairness, appealed to many of
the Gangrel within the movement. Thus, Brunhilde tasked four of her own to go
sow the seeds that would become the Neo-Einherjar within California. The Neo-
Einherjar differs from their old namesake in a few ways. Unlike the Einherjar of
old, the Neo-Einherjar does not have the same luxuries of free fiefs or openly
ruling their people. What they lack in material possessions however, they double
in spirit. The harsh philosophy of freedom and valor ring strongly in a less than
happy Gangrel populace. The Neo-Einherjar fully embrace the ideal of equality
among their ranks and fight for their freedom in the ways they currently are able.
The Old Ways of traditional government are strikingly similar in some ways to the
Baronies of the Anarch Free States. The convening of Gangrel to air grievances
and settle disputes in their Fires resonates with the Things and even the Allthing.
Living the everyday unlife as an open Aesir fighter awaiting the end times may be
nigh extinct, but the deep-seated Gangrel lust for freedom and brutal glory is well
and eager for such teachings.
Sect Politics:
The Neo-Einherjar are exclusively working among the Anarch movement, centered
mainly in California. It would not be out of the question for an Independent to
willingly seek out and join the new movement, but the Neo-Einherjar are simply
focusing their recruitment efforts within the Anarch Free-State.
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(2⁄3 Majority Vote)
References: Player’s Guide to the Low Clans page 130;
Dark Ages: Europe page 151; VtM 20th Anniversary
Edition page 426
Sobriquets: Wanderers
Founder: Unknown Methuselah of Incredibly Ancient
Origin that migrated from Africa Northward
Animalism, Auspex, Protean
Clan Advantage: As a Gangrel offshoot, the Noiad have
the same mixed blessings as their parent clan. The Noiad
are much older than most scholars can say and have been entrenched into the
culture of the Sami as some of the first Cainite presence on the continent. As such,
the Noiad starts with 3 free dots of herd.
Clan Weakness: As a Gangrel offshoot, the Noiad have the same mixed blessings
as their parent clan. In fear of the machinations of their southern cousins, the
Noiad drove their kin north pushing the Sami to the brink and severely reducing
the supply of animals. Over many years, the Noiad have lost the ability to feed
effectively from animals and can only subsist on human and Cainite blood. In
addition, the incredible isolation and fierce refusal to incorporate any change
lends the Noiad to having zero modern skills or knowledge.
In days long forgotten, an ancient of Clan Gangrel wandered North and found
themselves among the Sami. In these long bygone days, the ancient founded a
Bloodline that would serve as spiritual advisors and protectors of the tribe. Thus
the Noiad were born. Of the tribe’s ancient origin even their eldest who remain are
unsure, though they claim to predate the idea of Caine. Since their inception they
have driven the Sami to self-sufficiency, enraptured in the pagan pantheon of the
Sami culture. In the thousands of years hence they have served and been
served by the Sami. Heading further north, the tribe is spurred on by the Noiad’s
interpretation of messages from the Sami god within the Northern Lights, or as
they call them Guovssahas.
In the many years serving their role, they have become completely dependent
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upon the tribesmen they mentor and guide. In the deep north, the land of the
midnight sun proves a substantial threat to the Noiad. Some 3 months of eternal
sun, the Sami watch over, feed and protect their patrons. It was only after the
pressing of the church and the white Christ that the Noiad saw something in the
Guovssahas and decided to move all their people even further north, away from
their life giving caribou herds. This decision kept this chosen isolated culture
intact, while other portions of the population continued life elsewhere. Due to
the extreme xenophobia and fanatic isolationism, these chosen Sami have not
adapted to modern times and maintain ancient practices, even where they fail
them. The Noiad have so far removed themselves from all other societies so well
and for so long that ghostly figures clad in many animal skins are unrecognizable
in comparison to their fellow kindred. They are mysterious and alien entities of
the least hospitable wastes on earth. As so few even know of the Bloodline’s
existence, it is a wonder if any truly survive. No other mystics have been able
to interpret the means behind the natural phenomenon of the Guovssahas and
perhaps they exist in the one place free of the terror Gehenna has in store. As far
as the Noiad are concerned, time marches on, the lights foretell the many portents
of gods, long dead to the world, and the tribe must survive as it always has ad
Due to their reclusive nature and complete isolation, the Noiad only Embrace
among the Sami people. Little is known of their practices, but it is inferred that a
neonate would be expected to survive similarly to Gangrel children. Candidates
of Embrace would be looked at especially for the valued skills of divination and
hearth wisdom. On the off-chance of an incidental Embrace, a Noiad disconnected
from the Sami and their kin should not be granted the advantage of the 3 dots of
herd as indicated in the clan advantage. As stated in most references, the Noiad
are largely difficult to play and require a great deal of care and understanding to
play effectively.
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Sect Politics
The Noiad are fiercely uninvolved with Cainite politics. Their entire existence and
unlives are a testament to this. It makes little sense for any member to gather
away from their tribesmen and their spiritually fueled Guovssahas, let alone join a
major Sect.
(Camarilla Coordinator Approval)
Libellus Sanguinis 3: Wolves at the Door, page 21; Veil of
the Night page. 132; Darkening Skies (V20) page 102
Sobriquets: Moors
Founder: Zayyat, the Sandstorm (5th gen, Taifa is a
movement that split from the Wah’ Sheen)
Movement Founder: Shabaqo (presumed 6th gen
considering Zayyat is 5th generation)
A very powerful ancient of the Clan Gangrel, a former Wah’ Sheen named
Shabaqo, was converted to the Islamic faith. So great was the event that a
movement sprang up around it and many others began to join. Generally centered
around Iberia and North Africa, the now dubbed Taifa Gangrel established their
own culture around and within the Moors and the Islamic peoples. Sticking to
some of their known roots, the Taifa chose their progeny among spiritual warriors
and still valued strength, though of somewhat different flavors than their cousins.
They kept more to themselves and no longer attended regular Gangrel meetings.
They instead had semi-annual conclaves to convene in more or less the same
manner, although with a much more spiritual focus. All in all, the largest enemy
of the Taifa would be the Shadow Reconquista, but unlike other Islamic Sects, the
Taifa did not directly oppose Christianity, though they considered them obviously
misguided. The Taifa tended to live primarily in cities and among their people, but
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curiously they would not feed upon Muslims if given other options. They were
more likely to prey upon the Jewish and Christian communities.
The Taifa used their religious convictions to combat the Beast rather than be in
tune with it as most of the Via Bestiae adherents worked toward. This difference
showcased the largest distinctions between the Taifa and most all their relatives’
Bloodlines. The only cousins they are close to geographically are the Wah’ Sheen,
but they are only close on a proximal level. The Taifa and Wah’ Sheen are very
much bitter enemies. Having split from the pagan Wah’ Sheen, they are seen as
rebels from their old fellows. In fact, the two have quite opposite philosophies.
Though the meetings between the city dwelling holy warriors and the wasteland
wanders are somewhat rare, each battle is incredibly vicious and very spectacular,
always to the Final Death. The main reason for this hatred beyond betrayal is the
jeopardization of the long tradition of the Wah’ Sheen with the Ashirra at large: to
remain wanderers and enjoy freedom at the price of non-affiliation.
Sect Politics
The Taifa are their own independent movement; however, the basis of Islam used
to combat the undead condition fits perfectly fine with the Camarilla. Moreover,
the Islamic faith holds true the story of Caine and Abel and the Taifa can,
Therefore, also be found in the Sabbat without much scrutiny. It really depends on
the individual, but many do remain Independent, preferring to solely pursue their
scholarly endeavors.
Victorian Age Vampire page 55
Sobriquets: Adventurers
Founder: Ennoia (3rd Gen, Victorian Gangrel is more or less the mind-set and
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practices of main body Clan Gangrel during the Victorian Age)
The Victorian Age had many advances in the arts and sciences. However, the
Victorian Age also advanced on nature itself, namely the loss of pristine hunting
blinds and wilderness. This was a less than happy affair for most Gangrel. The
so nicknamed Adventurers may stir thoughts of heroic and dashing globetrotters,
but in the Victorian sense this could not be further from the truth. The Victorian
Adventurer was a con man or a hustler who would prey on the weak and the
Gangrel style of living was not that far off. A Gangrel would not readily pass up
an easy mark to feed off of, but rarely out of cruelty, just simple necessity. The
largely nomadic Clan was now having to come to terms with the way the physical
environment was changing. It is in this time frame that regionality and other
factors changed the course of the Clan’s history.
The severe loss of nature, the addition of electric lights and the general
organization of man was quickly causing the darkened forest and unlit roads the
Dark Ages Gangrel thrived upon to vanish. Some reacted by making the city yet
another new hunting ground, while others fiercely defended great swaths of the
remaining wilderness, claiming as much Domain as they could physically patrol.
At this stage, many Princes and other leaders found themselves with issues of
Gangrel terrorizing the countryside and creating the last real images of monsters
in the woods for mankind. Many left the Gangrel to their own devices as their
vicious claims of Domain might make life hard for those in the city, but impossible
for whatever else tried to lurk in the shadows of the forest. With less wild places
to call home, some even settled into the more physical roles of the Camarilla such
as Scourge. Even in this age though, the primary motivation of all of Clan Gangrel
regardless of choice or region is survival and autonomy. Those two traits as
always are the supreme importance to the Clan.
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modern Gangrel and fit in just as well. Others never left the Victorian ways
and still stalk the wilds just outside of society in the vain hopes of thwarting
civilization that has grown too large to dominate while others remain steadfast in
their “adventurer” mentalities. Images of a big game hunter continuing to polish
their old elephant gun as they remain Scourge of a sizable Domain are called to
mind. In fact, to some Victorian Gangrel the image of Van Pelt in the movie Jumanji
(1995) could be the spitting image of a relic of the Victorian Age.
Sect Politics
As Clan Gangrel was then Camarilla and is still Camarilla , Victorian Gangrel
would almost always be Camarilla, but could possibly be found among the
Gangrel that are Independent or Anarch.
(Camarilla Coordinator Approval)
World of Darkness, 2nd Ed. page 93; Veil of Night, page 132
Sobriquets: Animals
Founder: Zayyat, the Sandstorm (5th Gen)
The Methuselah Zayyat, the Sandstorm, has done a great number of things since
ancient times in the Middle East. Spawning his lineage in the Arabian Peninsula,
Zayyat and his fellows made their unlives in more or less the “most Gangrel ‘’
of fashions. The Wah’ Sheen are the wanderers of the trackless desert wastes.
They are one of the most nomadic of all Gangrel variants, even rivaling the Anda
in this regard. Moreover, the Wah’ Sheen have little appreciation for permanent
settlements other than the passing fascination. Much like the Ferals, the Wah’
Sheen commune heavily with the Beast and have quite the opposite view of
groups like the Knights of Avalon. They consider each “gift” of the Gangrel Curse
to be yet another benefit for surviving one of the harshest environments on Earth.
More solitary than most, the average Wah’ Sheen prefers to spend months,
years, even decades without making social contact, other than laconic words with
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a passing desert animal. This preferred isolation leaves most of them to hide
nothing in body or speech. Most are generally naked, bearing their proud cursed
features, and gruff in conversation with no real patience for lies. If they are to be
clothed, they would wear traditional garb of the nomadic people they would
travel around or from their original breathing life. So invested in solitary lives
are they that the only time a Wah’Sheen will actively venture into a city is to test
themselves against other Cainites.
This being said, the Wah’ Sheen can be bartered with to make excellent guides
across the desert should a deal or intrest truly suit them. The Wah’ Sheen act very
much like Ferals and stalk the fringes of the desert people who still hold faiths
pre-dating Islam and as such are not Islamic in nature. The exception to all of this
is when crossing paths with Taifa Gangrel, their cousins they consider betrayers.
The Taifa split off from the Wah’ Sheen with the conversation of the ancient
Shabaqo becoming Islamic warrior scholars. Not only did this betray the long held
way of Wah’ Sheen life, but threatened the traditional role of the Wah’ Sheen as
those who hold no political ties or affiliations in exchange for the freedom to be
their bestial selves and freely wander the deserts.
Indeed, the Taifa became literate city dwellers of strong faith and political ties.
They abhorred their Beast and sought to control it through penitent study and
rigorous spiritual training. All things completely anathema to the Wah’ Sheen their
brothers became before their very eyes in such a short span of time. Any Wah’
Sheen coming into contact with Taifa Gangrel are sure to fight them until Final
Death. Each such death match is always bloody, visceral and a truly marvelous
sight to behold.
Sect Politics
The Wah’ Sheen have no political affiliation by both choice and treaty . In exchange
for being allowed to wander the desolate hinterlands of Arabia and the deserts, the
Wah’ Sheen remain non-affiliated with any political faction. Moreover, the only great
issue they take with any other Cainite is the hated Taifa who they consider betrayers.
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Clan Gangrel has a unique relationship with the Via Bestiae and all its many
variations and permutations. Said to be the first path developed and to have been
created by the Clan founder Ennoia, herself, Gangrel have always been its primary
practitioners. The Clan has historically also embraced the Via Humanitatis as well
as the pagan variations on Via Caeli. While the Road of Heaven followers have
dropped off and even Beast followers have dwindled, Humanity still runs strong. It
is not unheard of to see a Gangrel walking Kings, Sin, Cathari, Einherjar, Aesirgard,
Watchful Gods, Eightfold Wheel or even Lilith. Some Paths are almost exclusively
found within a given Sect, while others keep mostly to the Independents.
Einherjar, Aesirgard require Gangrel Coordinator Approval
Non-Gangrel on Hunter, Nomad, Savage, and Grey Hunter require Gangrel
Coordinator Notify.
Non-Sabbat Gangrel on Caine, Honorable Accord, or Orion require Gangrel
and Sabbat
Coordinator Approvals
Certain paths are further restricted for Camarilla characters (Character Bylaw
Clan: Gangrel (Gangrel Lore 5 is Gangrel Coord approval and requires 5 teachers)
Gangrel Lore 1: You know that the primary Gangrel Disciplines are Animalism,
Fortitude and Protean. You know that all Gangrel are cursed to reflect the natures of
their Beasts upon their bodies. You know that the Gangrel Clan is known for survival.
You understand that the vast majority of the Clan is independent of Vampire politics,
but those that make the choice to join are often driven beyond Clan Loyalty. You
know of the City Gangrel and Ferals.
Gangrel Lore 2: You have heard in passing of some of the legendary Gangrel. You
understand that the Gangrel were embraced for adaptability. You have knowledge
that many Gangrel, though not all, express variations in their forms. All are predatory
or scavengers; only the very rare express the forms of noble prey animals. Many
ancients arose in 2019 and traveled to the Lands in Ohio, an almost yearly gathering
to celebrate Gangrel Unity and a victory over the Rose of Many Thorns. You know of
the Einherjar, Neo-Einherjar, and Ghost Singers.
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Gangrel Lore 3: You know of the most common combo powers the Clan possesses.
You know that while Africa has been a home and refuge to the Clan, the foothold that
the Clan has is tenuous at best and nonexistent at worst. You know it is possible to
Meld into many substances through experience. You know of Gangrel whose forms
change on a nightly basis. You have heard tales of Shamanic power within the Clan.
You understand the vast number of Gangrel who operate within the Sects, and that
they are often more fanatical for their choice. You know of the Ahrimanes, Disciples of
Anubis, Greek Gangrel, and Mariners.
Gangrel Lore 4: You know of many of the rare combo powers and skills that the
Clan has developed throughout the ages. You know the tales, and the conflicting
variations, of the Clan’s enemies through the ages: Ravnos, Akunase, Tremere,
Tzimisce, and Kuei-jin. The knowledge that the Clan has frequently in the past been
used as caretakers of ancient Cainite relics. You understand that ancient Gangrel
and deep understanding of Protean, allows for mythical forms unique to the Elder.
You know that a driving force of many Gangrel Ancients is caretaking and preserving
that which might be lost. You know of the Anda, Cult of Veles, Knights of Avalon,
Lhiannan, and Noiad.
Gangrel Lore 5: You are able to recall the most ancient tales of the Clan, knowing
specifically what is truth, and also that the truth of the stories contradicts itself. You
are able to perform and know Ennoia’s Tale (Road of the Beast, page 77). You know of
the Taifa and Wah’sheen. You know the legends of the Bloodlines, and their offshoots:
Ahrimanes, Anda, City Gangrel, Cult of Veles, Disciples of Anubis, Einherjar, Ferals, Ghost
Singers, Greek Gangrel, Knights of Avalon, Lhiannan, Mariners, Neo-Einherjar, Noiad,
Taifa, and Wah’sheen. You know of a few Cainite Relics within the grasp of the clan.
(Gangrel Coordinator Approval)
Anarch’s Cookbook page 54-55
The vampire must declare her attempt to Rend when she makes her claw attack.
This attack is retested with Rending, not Brawl. If the player has no Rending
left she may not initiate a Rending Challenge. If Successful the target loses one
Blood Trait regardless of damage dealt unless all the damage from the attack
was negated with Armor. The loss of Blood from Rending only functions against
Note to Players: This ability can only be learned from a Gangrel that has Rending
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3 or higher SAGAMAN
Wolves of The Sea page 68
Clan Friendship: Gangrel
There is a level of rugged individuality and general contrariness amongst the
Gangrel. Reputation for them is only what they have personally heard of and so
the Clan Friendship merit for Clan Gangrel may be ignored by any Gangrel who do
not recognize it.
Hive Minded (1 to 2 point Merit ) - V20 Lore of the Clans page 86-87
For 1 point, the character can vary the special effects. The character may modify the
incidental effects of a form. Red Eyes might glow an eerie green instead of red. At
this level you may choose one additional animal, be it fight or flight form, to change
For 2 points, the character may achieve a minor variation on a form. For instance, a
player may determine the actual breed of wolf which her character may become. At
this level you can choose one different flight and one different fight form.
For 4 points the character may make a significant variation in one of the Protean
shapes, (as long as it is still a shape traditionally associated with Vampires), such
as becoming a black cat instead of a wolf. Among the forms traditionally ascribed to
Vampires were those of cats, crows, black dogs, wolves, toads and bats. At this level
you can choose three different forms total, at least one of which must be flight and
one fight.
Note: Can not be taught outside of the Clan
Lesser Mark of the Beast (4 point Merit ) - V20 Lore of the Clans page 87
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Shaman (2 point Merit ) - Shining Host page 109
Animal Forms
Any vampire that learns Beast Form can change into a wolf and a bat. But Gangrel
have a stronger connection to the wild. Like the berserkers of old who slaughtered
bears so they could become them, Gangrel are hunters in a way no other vampire
understands. They don’t meekly accept the wolf and the bat; they steal the forms
of other animals. They hunt them, kill them, eat them. They wear their skin, grind
the bones, mix it with blood, and force it all down their throats. Once they have
taken every part of the beast, the animal form is theirs.
When a player makes a Gangrel character and purchases the Protean power
Shape of the Beast, she should choose her animal forms. One of those forms
should be that of a large predator (such as a wolf), and the other should be that of
a smaller, flying or swimming predator (such as a bat or a fish). Once those forms
have been chosen, they are set for the character’s existence.
She will always change into that specific wolf, and that specific bat, with
individual markings and appearance. Note that non- Gangrel characters always
turn into a wolf and bat, unless they select the Totemic Change Merit.
Extinct Animal Form (2, 4, and 6 Trait Flaw) (Gangrel Coordinator Approval)
Whether it is because of some spiritual tie to your beast form, or the years that
you have spent in torpor, the animal form(s) that you are able to turn into with
Protean is now extinct. While Mask of 1000 Faces can change your appearance
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to a degree, the tracks left in your passage, as well as possible photos or camera
recordings can definitely lead to your downfall. If this flaw is taken at the two
point level, your flight form is an extinct animal of some kind, and at four, your
fight form is extinct, and at six Traits, both are extinct. Remember that regardless
of the form chosen beast forms cannot be larger than your normal human body.
Protean Variants Protean has many variations among Gangrel, from changing what
color Eyes of the Beast glow to what forms an individual Gangrel takes to (in very
rare cases) what they meld with to more significant variation such as those seen in
the Mariner. However, if being taught Protean out of Clan and or Bloodline variant (for
example: A Mariner teaching their Protean to anything other than their Bloodline) the
student will only gain the normal adaptation from Laws of the Night pgs 169-170.
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Combo Disciplines
Combination Discipline- Restrictions
Combo Name Approval Level Source
Alpha Glint ST Discretion Counsel of Primogen pg 104-105
Brujah Coord &
Aura of the Accursed Players Guide to the Low Clans, pg
Gangrel Coord
Rage 158-159.
Bear’s Skin Gangrel Coord MET Journal 5, pg 27.
Gangrel Coord
Ghost Song OWBN Specific
Gangrel Coord
for Gangrel Players Guide to the Low Clans, pg
Hatch the Viper
Setite Coord 161-162
for Setite
ST Discretion Archons and Templars, pg 143
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Combo Name Approval Level Source
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Combo Name Approval Level Source
Per bylaw all Tabletop costs for combination disciplines are half cost rounded
down if no MET cost is given.
MET conversions are suggested mechanics for powers that do not have MET write-
ups and supported by the Gangrel Coordinator Office.
Alpha Glint
(Animalism 4, Fortitude 3)
Counsel of Primogen, page 104
MET: Alpha Glint can only affect those creatures that have Beasts. The player
makes a contested Willpower Challenge with anyone acting aggressively towards
her, retested with Animal Ken. She adds half her Social Traits on this challenge
unless the aggressor is a Lupine. If the Gangrel is successful her opponent is
cowed and behaves respectfully toward her for the rest of the scene. If the
Gangrel attacks this effect is broken for the person she attacks.
Note: Suggested Mechanics for this is that it should be activated at the top of a
round and only works against those in their presence when the power is activated.
MET Cost: 10
Body Armory
(Protean 3, Vicissitude 3)
V20 Lore of the Clans, page 241
MET: This power costs 2 Blood per weapon. Though weapons with the Two-
Handed special costs 4 Blood per weapon. Each weapon takes two turns to create.
Weapons with theTwo-Handed special take three turns to create. Weapons
created from this combination discipline cause aggravated damage.
MET Cost: 9
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Blood Thorns
(Protean 2, Potence 2)
V20 Lore of the Clans, page 89
MET: This ability allows a Gangrel to fire a claw or barb at someone within 10
meters of the character. The Gangrel spends a Blood Point and makes a physical
challenge, retesting with firearms. Success inflicts three aggravated damage. It
takes three turns for a barb or claw to regrow. Any claw or barb fires turns to dust
ten minutes after being fired.
MET Cost: 6
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The Negative Feral Traits garnered from the use of this power are removed at
a ate of two Temporary Willpower per Feral rather than the one per Feral of
MET Cost: 7
Ennoia’s Mastery
(Animalism 1, Protean 3)
DA Road of the Beast, page 72
MET: No Conversion Needed.
MET Cost: 10 XP
Ghost Song
(Auspex 3, Protean 3)
OWBN Specific
The Ghost Singer is instinctively drawn to sites where Gangrel have fallen. Upon
arrival, the Ghost Singer may Earth Meld, remaining there for a full day during
which time the Singer absorbs some of the animus, the psychic residue of the
fallen. This results in vague, emotional, and indistinct dreams. The Singer may
expend the power of this emotional resonance whentelling a story before a group
of Gangrel to inspire them. This telling is augmented by ghostly images and
sounds which accompany the Singer’s chosen story.
System: When a Singer Melds with the site of a Gangrel’s death, which has not
been already absorbed by another Singer, they absorb some of the psychic residue
of the Gangrel’s death. As long as the Ghost Singer holds the power of a Song
she suffers as if she possessed the Nightmares flaw. A Ghost Singer may hold up
to half her Permanent Willpower Traits in “Songs”. A Singer may expend a song
she has absorbed when telling a story before a group of three or more Gangrel to
inspire them. This expenditure adds cosmetic effects to the tale in the form of
ghostly sensations, such as images drawn from the tale, smells, sounds, emotional
impressions, etc. Any Gangrel who listens to the story gains the benefit of one free
Inspiration magical retest on any challenge which may not be canceled and must
be used within the next 24 hours.
Ghost Song costs 8 Experience Points to learn.
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***Ghost Songs: Ghost Songs are not immediately available to absorb by
Bloodline: Ghost Singers. A 60 Day (Two Month) moratorium will be placed on a
fresh death as the emotional and psychic residue is still too strong.
Instantaneous Transformation
(Celerity 2, Protean 5)
Archons and Templars, page 143
MET: Static Physical Challenge of 8, spend
normal Blood amounts, shape change occurs at
the end of the turn the Blood is expended in.
MET Cost: 12
Itügen’s Embrace
(Animalism 1, Protean 3)
DA Wind from the East, page 71-72
MET: Spend an extra Blood to Earth Meld with
your (1) Ghoul, Childer, or anyone under Blood
Oath to you.
MET Cost: 5
↑ back to top
1 - Within Earshot General impression
2 - About a Mile Blurry details
3 - A couple of miles See details
4 - 50 miles See details, hear faintly
5 - 100 miles See and hear clearly
The player divides (the number of Traits + 1) between distance and details. For
example, if a player expended 3 Traits he could use three to get the range of a
couple miles and one to get a general impression (it is raining). He could instead
spend three to see details of things within earshot, like whether there is a Lupine
in that area. With the expenditure of a single Trait, the vampire gets a general
impression of the area within earshot. The vampire cannot see things that are
Obfuscated or hidden using this power. Gangrel often use this power while
interred in the earth.
MET Cost: 10
Sanguinary Expulsion
(Fortitude 2, Protean 3 or Thaumaturgy 3)
Archons and Templars, page 142
MET: The player makes a Physical Challenge against a static difficulty of 10. If
she fails, the Blood is consumed normally and all effects occur normally. If she
succeeds, the character is able to hold the Blood internally without absorbing it,
and may vomit it back up later. This prevents Blood Bonds, Vinculi, poisons, or
other abnormal properties of the Blood from affecting the character. While this
Blood is being held, no Blood may be spent until the tainted Blood is regurgitated;
if Blood is spent for any reason the power ends and the Blood is absorbed as
normal. When regurgitating an additional Blood Trait is purged and lost.
MET Cost: 7
Shared Strength
(Animalism 3, Protean 2)
DA Wind from the East, page 70-71
MET: Spend 1 Blood, which is fed to the mount, and spends a variable number of
Social Traits (up to 5) for the following effects:
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• Double the Mounts active movement speed over long distances
• Double the Mounts galloping speed (In action steps)
• Add 3 to the Mounts Physical attributes (up to a maximum of double its base
• Adhere the user to the Mount. They cannot be unmounted, but spectacular
attempts to unseat the rider may damage both the Rider and the Mount.
MET Cost: 6
Shattered Fog
(Auspex 1, Protean 5)
Players Guide to the Low Clans, page 166
MET: No Conversion Needed.
MET Cost: 17
(Fortitude 4, Protean 3)
V20 Lore of the Clans, page 90
MET: Spend 1 Willpower to gain “base” healthy health levels equal to their
Fortitude rating for a single turn. These “base” health levels only function against
aggravated damage.
MET Cost: 10
Spirit Tracking
(Animalism 2, Protean 2)
V20 Lore of the Clans, page 90
MET: Mental Challenge, Retest Survival. Replace successes with Mental Traits
Spent. Otherwise use as printed.
MET Cost: 6
↑ back to top
may be spent to increase the speed by 5, for a total maximum speed of 45 mph.
The player may spend a Willpower to stop or slow their travel without breaking
the effect.
MET Cost: 2
Torpid Hibernation
(Fortitude 3, Protean 3)
DA Players Guide to the Low Clans, page 167
MET: A vampire may enter torpor and reawaken at a time pre-determined by the
vampire. By spending a Willpower when activating: Earth, Tree, or Stone Meld the
vampire may determine when they rise, however, they will be delayed until dusk, if
it is during the day.
MET Cost: 10
(Animalism 4, Fortitude 2)
Wolves of the Sea, page 71-72
MET: A vampire voluntarily entering torpor may use this ability to conserve stores
of Blood for later use upon awakening. The vampire must make a base Static
Physical challenge against 10 Traits, retest Survival. For each Blood Trait that the
individual wishes to preserve beyond one, increase the Challenge Traits by one
and they can only hold up to the limit of her current Blood Pool as their Generation
dicates. The use of this power does not mean that the Blood cannot be stolen by
Thaumaturgy or attack while the vampire sleeps; it simply allows the vampire to
store Blood that would normally be consumed during torpor.
MET Cost: 9
Wolf’s Lament
(Animalism 1, Obfuscate 2)
DA Players Guide to the Low Clans, page 168
MET: As written except as follows: The Player makes a Static Social Challenge
difficulty 8, retested with Animal Ken, and then expends a number of Social Traits
for distance;
• 1 Trait for 5 Miles/8 Km
• 2 Traits for 10 Miles/16 Km
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• 3 Traits for 50 Miles/80 Km
• 4 Traits for 100 Miles/160 Km
• 5 Traits for 250 Miles/400 Km
MET Cost: 7
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Bill B. (1993) - Anarch Cookbook - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Ari M., Sarah R. and Janet T. (2002) - Archons and Templars - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf
Robert B., Bruce B., Richard E. D. and Wendy L. G. (2000) - Ashen Knight - Clarkston, GA: White
Wolf Publishing
Geoffery C. G. and Sarah R. (2000) - Ashen Thief - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Nigel F. (1992) - Awakening: Diablerie Mexico - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
James A. M. (1994) - Berlin by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Zach B., James M. and Joshua M. A. (2001) - Bitter Crusade - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Sean J., Clayton O., Ethan S. and Adam T. (1999) - World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides -
Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Sam C. and Andrew G. (1997) - The Book of Nod - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Mark R. H., Graeme D., Tom D., Don B. and S.P. Somtow (1993) - Book of the Damned - Stone
Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Sarah R., C.A. Suleiman and Janet T. (2003) - Caine’s Chosen: The Black Hand - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
C.A. Suleiman (2001) - Cairo by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Ken C. (1996) - Chicago Chronicles, Volume 3 - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Dierd’re B., Richard E. D., Greg F., Robert H., Jess H., Stephe H., Mark M., Clayton O., Sven S., Lucien
S., Cynthia S., Stewart W. and Fred Y. (1999) - Children of the Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White
Wolf Publishing
Gavin B., Trevor C. and James K. (2003) - Chaining the Beast - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf
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James and Ellen K. (2000) - Clanbook: Gangrel (Revised) - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Brad F. (1993) - Clanbook: Gangrel, 1st Edition - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Christopher W. (1997) - Clanbook: Ravnos, 1st Edition - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Kraig B., Christopher G., Ari M. and Cynthia S. (2003) - Counsel of Primogen - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Gavin B., Genevieve C., Chris H. and Adam T. (2003) - Dark Ages: British Isles - Stone
Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Philippe B., Joshua Mosqueira-Asheim and Lucien S. (2000) - Dark Ages: Constantinople by
Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Bjørn T. Bøe, Chris H., Oliver H., James M., Ari M., Lisa J. Steele and C.A. Suleiman (2002) -
Dark Ages: Europe - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Michael B., Richard E. D., James M. and Guy-Francis V. (2001) - Dark Ages: Iberia by Night -
Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Jason L., Michael B. Lee, Clayton O. (2000). - Libellus Sanguinis, 3: Wolves at the Door -
Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Zach B., Michael B., A. Goodwin, Jacob K., Ari M., Sarah R. and Janet T. (2003) - Dark Ages:
Guide to the Low Clans - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Michael B. (2002) - Dark Ages: Road of the Beast - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
C.A. Suleiman (2003) - Dark Ages: Road of Heaven - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf
Stephen M. DiPesa (2004) - Dark Ages: Road of Humanity - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf
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Myranda K. (2003) - Dark Ages: Road of Sin - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Heather G., Jim K. and Chris H. (2002) - Dark Ages: Storytellers Companion - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Chris H., James K., Michael L., Sarah R., Lucien S. and Adam T. (2001) - Dark Ages: Veil of
Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
James K. (2000) - Dark Ages: Wind from the East - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Geoffrey C. G., Jason L. and Roman A. R. (1999) - Dark Ages: Wolves of the Sea - Clarkston,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Bruce B., Michael B., Chris H., Steve K., James K., Joshua M. A. and Adam T. (2002) - Dark
Ages: Vampire - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Andrew B., Jackie C., Ken C., Richard D., Robert H., Michael L., Nicky R., Sion R. G., Etha S.,
Cynthia S., Fred Y. and Phil B. (1997) - Vampire: The Dark Ages Companion - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Nigel F. and Geoff McMartin (1993) - Dark Alliance: Vancouver - Stone Mountain, GA: White
Wolf Publishing
Jeff C. and Elizabeth F. (1993) - Dark Colony - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Harry L. Heckel IV (1995) - D.C. by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Bjørn T. B., Travis-Jason F., Christopher K. and Dean S. (2004) - Gehenna - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Daniel G. (1995) - Giovanni Chronicles 1: The Last Supper - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf
Richard E. D., Cynthia S. and Christopher H. (1996) - Giovanni Chronicles 2: Blood and Fire -
Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Christopher H. (1998) - Giovanni Chronicles 3: The Sun has Set - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf
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Justin A., Carl B., Noah D., John G., Geoffrey G., Michael M. and Astrid M. (2002) - Guide to the
Anarchs - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Richard E. D., Geoffrey C. G., Kenneth H., Clayton O. and Cynthia S. (1999) - Guide to the
Camarilla - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Justin A., Jason F., Joddie G., Will H., Ari M. and Voronica W. R. (2003) - Kindred of the Ebony
Kingdom - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Jason C.,Shane DeFreest, Cynthia S., Richard E. D. and Jess H. (1998) - Laws of Elysium -
Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Richard E. D., Jennifer A., Nicky R., Phil B., Geoffrey F., William S. H., Sam C., Ian L., Mike T.,
Frank B., Mark R. H. Graeme D., Tom D., Lisa S. and Stewart W. (1996) - Laws of the Night 1st
Edition - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Brian C., Chris H. and Adam T. (2002) - Victorian Age Vampire: London by Night - Stone
Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Chris B., Matthew H., Alan I. K., Edward M. and Duncan W. (2003) - Minds Eye Theatre: Faith
and Fire - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Carl, J., Heinig, J., Woodworth, P. (1999). - Mind’s Eye Theater - Laws Of the Night (Revised) -
Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Randi-Jo B., Jason C., Jason F. and Tim H. (2010) - Mind’s Eye Theater - Laws of the Night:
Anarch Guide - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Justin A., Bruce B., Clayton O., Ree S. (2000). - Mind’s Eye Theatre - Laws of the Night: Sabbat
Guide - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Charles B., Carl B., Richard E. D., Shane DeFreest, Jess H. and Lindsay W. (1999) - Mind’s Eye
Theatre: Journal 1 - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Bruce B., Richard E. D., Laura H., Jason L., Steve McDonald, James A. M. and Peter W. (2000)
- Mind’s Eye Theatre: Journal 5 - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
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Philippe R. B., Dean S. and Lucien S. (2002) - Mexico City by Night - Stone Mountain, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Dustin B. (1992) - Milwaukee by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Philippe B., Joshua Mosqueira-Asheim and Lucien S. (1997) - Montreal by Night - Clarkston,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Patricia A. R. (1994) - New Orleans by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Justin A. (2001) - New York by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Kraig B. and Steve K. (2002) - San Francisco by Night - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf
Angel McCoy, Matthew McFarland, Joshua Mosqueira-Asheim, Aaron R. and Lucien S. (2001) -
Sins of the Blood - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Jason C., Richard E. D., Laurah N. and David P. (1997) - The Long Night - Stone Mountain, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Lea C., Tom deMayo, Eric J. G. and Michael L. (1997) - Three Pillars - Clarkston, GA: White
Wolf Publishing
Brian C. and Nicky R. (1998) - Transylvania Chronicles 1: Dark Tides Rising - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Brian C. and Nicky R. (1998) - Transylvania Chronicles 2: Son of the Dragon - Clarkston, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Reid S. and Brendan M. (1999) - Transylvania Chronicles 3: Three Omens - Clarkston, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Brian C., Jackie C. and Nicky R. (2000) - Transylvania Chronicles 4: The Dragon Ascendant -
Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Dan B. and Anthony R. (2002) - Under the Black Cross - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
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Mark R. H., Graeme D., Tom D., Lisa S. and Stewart W. (1991) - Vampire the Masquerade: 1st
Edition - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Mark R. H., Graeme D., Tom D., Lisa S. and Stewart W. (1997) - Vampire the Masquerade: 2nd
Edition - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Justin A., Russell B., Matthew McFarland and Eddy W. (2011) - V20: Core Rulebook - CCP Hf.
Justin A., Alan A., Jason A., Sarah R. and Matthew S. (2014) - V20: Anarchs Unbound - CCP
Hf., Onyx Path Publishing
Justin A., C.A. Suleiman, Eddy W., Joseph C., Christopher K., Jeremy M. and Ben H. (2012) -
V20: Children of the Revolution - CCP Hf., Onyx Path Publishing
Giulia B., Tanya Cohan-Diaz, J Dymphna C., Steffie de Vaan Renee K., Anna K., David H. Jr,
Danielle L., Geoffrey McVey, Marianne P., Neall Raemonn P., Renee R., Lauren R., Monica S.
and Tristan J. T. (2015) - V20: The Dark Ages - CCP Hf., Onyx Path Publishing
Rowan C., Anna K., Danielle L., Matthew McFarland, Geoffrey McVey., Renne K., Renee R.,
Malcolm S., Brian V., Stew W. and Filamena Y. (2014) - V20: The Dark Ages: Darkening Skies -
CCP Hf., Onyx Path Publishing
Monica V. and Matt M. McElroy (2015) - V20: Dread Names, Red List - CCP Hf.
Alan A., Kevin C., Joshua D., Matt McElroy, Andrew P., Ree S., Rob W. and Christopher W.
(2015) - V20: Lore of the Clans - CCP Hf., Onyx Path Publishing
Andrew G., Daniel G., Mark R. H., Graeme D., Bill B., Ryk S., Teeuwyn, Robert H., Steve B., J.
Morrison, Frank F., Aaron V., Travis W., Josh T., Dustin B., Steve C., Sam C., William S. H., Lyndi H
and Stewart W. (1993) - Vampire Player’s Guide 2nd Edition - Stone Mountain, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Steven C. B. (1993) - Vampire Storyteller’s Handbook to the Sabbat - Stone Mountain, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Bill B., Phil B., Ken C., Richard E. D., Jennifer H., Kevin H., Ian L., Mark R. H., Kathleen R.,
Ethan S., Stephen W., Cynthia S. and Robert H. (1996) - Vampire: The Dark Ages - Clarkston,
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GA: White Wolf Publishing
Chris H., Jacob K., Matthew R. and Chris G. (2003) - The Ventrue Chronicle - Stone Mountain,
GA: White Wolf Publishing
Daniel G. and Robert H. (1992) - Who’s Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition -
Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing
Christopher H. and Rustin Q. (1996) - World of Darkness: Midnight Circus - Clarkston, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
Mark C., Ben C., Richard D., Graeme D., James E., Alex H., Angel McCoy, Deena McKinney,
James M., Lucien S. and Richard W. (1996) - A World of Darkness 2nd Edition - Clarkston, GA:
White Wolf Publishing
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